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The Poems, Logos and Mind


Well-known member
Mar 25, 2020

I always wondered, long before I became SS, why Allah sends books, make testaments/covenants, why he claims his books are unimitable and why Meccan pagans claimed Muhammed was a "poet".

Then, except this undivine literature, I also saw that poetry was an important part of our ancient religions. From ascendant masters of India to Greece and Scandinavia, and maybe, although being out of my knowledge, in other cultures as well.

I will share my research on this divine matter with you. And as a disclaimer, everything written in here should be taken with a grain of salt. All of this is from modern sources which has summaries about original books, and not the original books themselves.

I have taken bunch of notes while making this research and thinking on the matter, so, I guess, it will be a long post, yet I hope it will worth all the struggle of reading.


Before my research on this or any other people's research on this, this correlation, the metaphor behind words and the divine meaning of them was known to the Neoplatonists. They dedicated their lives to solve these mysteries that people before them brought to existence.

They especially believed that the "naming" was an important aspect of the language. Naming should be important, since it is about "understanding". If you say "circle", you get an image in your mind. If you vibrate a mantra that is connected to an aspect of universe, the word uttered gives itself to the existence.

Proclus (a Neoplatonist philosopher) also believed that the function of language is that it is a mediator between the world of senses and the higher world of ultimate reality. Maybe, this perspective has been inspired by the "World of Ideas" of Plato's himself.

Proclus puts this model when it comes to the the layers of reality and universe:

  • The One (Akasha)

  • Logos (Word, Order)

  • Nous (The Mind)

As an additional information that I will talk in the next paragraphs, it is also a Hermetic knowledge, not solely a model of Proclus.

But I can say, The Mind is the consciousness, a conscious creator/human being which is necessary to further the creation as it was said by High Priest Hoodedcobra666 in his sermons. Demiurge the Creator was also the Nous, The Mind. A thing that perceives and sees the order in the existence. A faculty to define and associate.

Aside from other aspects of reality or divine concepts, I will proceed my article with the Logos.

By naming, we define and shape the order, give it a form, affirm it. Logos both means word and order, but also divine reason, we still use it when we say, for example, "a discipline-logy" or simply "logic".

As far as scientific disciplines goes, it is naturally reasonable. By reasoning, using the tool of The Mind, we understand Logos. Logos is logical and maybe even could be said the code of existence. But there is also another tool of our souls, the Intuition. Some texts should be read by this, as it is the exposer of the logos behind some higher realities.

Here we get into the poems or some divine texts...


Proclus, when it comes to the story-telling, categorizes it to the few parts, based on the poet's spiritual experience level:

  • Mimetic

It is a type of literature, based on the appearance of things, not its truthful core. It imitates, and is based on resemblance. Emanating from lower reality. Basically a fantasy, a product of the imagination and the imitation.

  • Noetic

This directly comes from wisdom. A fusion of the known and the knower. To me, like a philosopher, a mind that sees through things. This poetry is about the essence of the things. A level that exposes the reality through mind, or maybe through divine mania or inspiration, yet founds the teachings upon the logic.

Maybe, somehow educational, and could be understood by even mere logic to an extend.

  • Hieratic

This is a highly divine form, inspirational, full of allegories. I do not think it is solely understood by the intuitions, yet, more intuition and higher level of soul you have, more understanding you would get.

One of the greatest poets, Homer's senses are transcendental in this sense. He has been told to be blind, because the truth he was exposed to, was seen by the Third Eye, not by the physical body's eyes. Inspired by the divine mania. His soul's level is higher and his existence is not only in the lower levels and the material plane. This is what differs a hieratic poet from a mimetic poet. The knowledge the readers can expose themselves, or the value within the lines.


Note about the tiers of poetic categories above: I shuffled and only picked some of these categories to present them in this article, but for a better understanding of Proclus's view, one should make their own research. I only write what I understand, not what Proclus word for word tells.

For a better understanding, I can give another example. Both the words "Veda" and "Wisdom" shares a common root, and this root is "To See". Also, Ancient Greek word "Nous" (Divine Mind) and Egyptian "Nw" (To See) seems related.

This is the knowledge an initiate would learn.

Poetry, in this sense, is highly divine, considering our spiritual eyes could be open to it, can absorb it and utilize from the exposure of the poet to the higher realities. Not only Neoplatonists, but Plato's himself as well, says about Homer that he is a "divine poet" and speaks by divine inspiration, possessed by the Muses. This is why even today Academics talk about Homer and his works, and there are thousands of essays about him.

Etymologically, "Poem" comes from the Ancient Greek word "Poema", which means "to make", "to complete", and "a thing that is created." We see again the shaping power of the words in here. Also, Greeks named the playwriting as "Mythopoesis", "making a myth".

If poems make a myth, then this means it hides the logos behind itself. Then, we see this in the rune Ansuz. The rune of Odin/Father Satan.

The rune of word and order.


The rune Ansuz's connection to all of this:

Ansuz literally means "God". It is about breath, transmission of mental aspects, divine inspiration, naming, reasoning, language, casting, chanting, speech, poetry and the other very mental aspects in life.

Talking about God, I have to place a particular focus on the Mind. It will be short but certainly would show the power of it.

Latin word Numen, indicates a divine will, divine mind, a thing that everything obeys, since it pervades everything. As aforementioned, this logos should exist in everything that exists, which brings about the mind's power over the subjects and objects in the life. Opening a space for us to contemplate, impact, or to cast/to apply that affect/essence upon us.

Numen, again, is also about the order and honoring the order. Same as Logos.

Language, as a divine gift to us, also has to get honored to me, and Lord Hermes should be thanked for his one of the greatest gifts to mankind. Language's function is not only about the visible. Yes, it makes us able to name things, to adjust the language as things develop, and thus makes us access to the Mind. As I said earlier, if you name something that you saw earlier, it will bring an image in your mind.

But the only function of language is not solely that. It also makes us access to the invisible spheres. We can also contemplate upon invisible things, the things we do not see. Like a philosopher. But eventually, even if our physical eyes cannot see, it would make available this access to the Mind. And this is what's able to really internalize the Order, or to create and adjust the Order.

Etymologically as well, Numen means "nod of the head". Affirming and acknowledging. Willing. The mind has endless power.

The higher importance of language is beyond the daily aspects of it. For example, Brahma means in Sanskrit "the sacred word", "pious utterance". And he is the god of creation. The word hides in itself the order, the order of the creation and the existence. Goddess Vac in same sense, in Vedic texts, is the divine word of creation.

In the same way, the words must be understood in their correct forms. Our mythologies have all hidden knowledge, behind the words and all the action, and the symbolism. Each reveals one another.


As far as our dear Lord Hermes is concerned, he has an utmost importance in this where The One (Akasha), Mind (Consciousness), and the Logos (Word, Order) is concerned.

In Egyptian mythology, he was communicating (affirming) the Solar God Ra's will, performing the task of being a mouth and heart, which seemed to me like Heart Chakra and Solar Chakra.

Also, he is the patron god of poets. The ones who hide divine knowledge into the stories. He, in some sources of our ancient mythologies, believed to have created the world with his divine words.

In Hermeticism, Hermes Trismegistus was "Nous", son of God, Divine Mind, and has been noted for its role in binding together the hierarchy of existence and many spheres. Mind sees the order.

Furthermore, since Thurisaz "penetrates" and also makes one gain wisdom, it might be related to the mind's or soul's function of reaching upwards and peeping into the higher realms. Even if it is not, still it stands as a good analogy.

As far as Logos and Lord Hermes's relation, in Hermeticism, Logos is told to be son of Nous. Mind has creative power as well. Nous also attributes names to the nameless One God (Akasha), giving noetic roots to the everything that exists. Logos is the holy word in here which comes from Divine Mind (Nous). There are similar, mythological metaphors about this in Egyptian mythology. As far as I see, the names may vary in here but the core is being the same or slightly different.

As mythologies can change, like for example, a god could be attributed new traits or his/her parents are changed, different stories take place and things like that happens due to the new metaphoric narration styles. Do not be confused much about this if you decide to research the corresponding mythological Gods to Hermetic allegories. I would not comment much about this as I have not much knowledge either on mythologies or the truth behind them, but certainly you can search and find the same systems in Egyptian mythology. I can assure that.

From Shabaka Stone:

“There took shape in the heart, there took shape on the tongue the form of Atum. For the very great one is Ptah, who gave [life] to all the gods and their kas through this heart and through this tongue,” and “For every word of the god came about through what the heart devised and the tongue commanded.”

Conscious God Ptah creating the existence through words.

Everything comes into being in his heart and by his tongue.

In Egypt, as well as Gods, Pharaoh was believed to be able to create through his speech or by giving orders. He was uniter of Lower and Upper Egypt, mediator between heavens and earth. As far as Pharaoh's role, some say something else is meant, not just the king of Egypt. It might be true, yet, as I do not know the metaphors in here, I will not theorize much but only give some information.

There are some relations within the Hermeticism as for Pharaoh. Teachers bringing their pupils into the light of Nous. In Ancient Greece, this was Erastes as master and Eromenos as the pupil. In contrast to popular belief, these two words are derived from Hermes, not Eros. These do not indicate anything sexual.

Lastly, returning back to the original question, Jews said their words are unimitable, because the word was about the order. They thought they had the eternal victory, or maybe attempted to magically amplify their JWO, by putting such expressions in their books. But in reality, their words are just low quality imitations of our holiest words and orders. Nothing more. I know the answer now.


There are many records about the importance of the Word, Order and Mind. Yet, I believe this much shall be enough. It was surprising to me to see these connections, directly under the light of Lord Hermes. I hope it will help you as well.

Hail Thoth! We hail you from bottom of our hearts for your holy gifts!

Stay blessed.


"The cosmos as well may be described as a myth, for bodies and things are manifest in it, but souls and minds lie hidden."

Great post and keep studying on all of these subjects, congratulations.
Do you mean to say that nous represents the principles upon which the creation of the material universe by the Akasha was based?

the surprising thing is that there is no reason for these principles apart from the intrinsic nature of the Akasha. This is why mathematics is the most irrational and the most intuitive of disciplines.

True knowledge is intuitive. That is why the irrationalist philosophy of the 19th century is the one that is the closest to the true pagan philosophy . I mean the philosophy of Schopenhauer and Nietzche.
Do you mean to say that nous represents the principles upon which the creation of the material universe by the Akasha was based?

the surprising thing is that there is no reason for these principles apart from the intrinsic nature of the Akasha. This is why mathematics is the most irrational and the most intuitive of disciplines.

True knowledge is intuitive. That is why the irrationalist philosophy of the 19th century is the one that is the closest to the true pagan philosophy . I mean the philosophy of Schopenhauer and Nietzche.

No, it is Logos. Nous is the Mind, which can perceive, the subject. Logos is the system/object which Mind sees and eventually can impact. If Logos is the codes in the computer, Nous in here is the person who knows the coding or can learn it. At least this is what I understand.

Yes, the sign Aquarius is related to revelations and makes Mercury (planet of mind) exalted in itself. Aquarius is both rational and spiritual, so it is not totally the one way or another.
But I can say, The Mind is the consciousness, a conscious creator/human being which is necessary to further the creation as it was said by High Priest Hoodedcobra666 in his sermons. Demiurge the Creator was also the Nous, The Mind. A thing that perceives and sees the order in the existence. A faculty to define and associate.
So what is "Demiurge the Creator"?
So what is "Demiurge the Creator"?

As far as I know, Demiurge is the fashioner of the existence in Gnosticism and Neoplatonism. I did not make a detailed research on this yet. But it seemed to me the personification of the Nous/Divine Mind, this is why I mentioned.

Demiurge literally means "craftsman" in Ancient Greek, and later on gained new meanings such as "producer" with its usage in the philosophical/occult texts for personification purposes.

Thank you for sharing, and this is a great introduction and presentation for those who may not yet understand the significance or importance of Logos or Mercury.

I believe the key point, as you said, is recognizing the power of the mind to "map" the universe and therefore give better control over it. We see this directly in how simply chanting a mantra gives you access to that energy/tool, even if you are not familiar with the concept in its entirety. Yet because you are able to name and focus upon it, you can still access it to a certain degree.

From astrology, we can see the natural signs of Mercury and draw lessons from these, like the order of Virgo, or the transmissions of Gemini, or the full realization of Aquarius. We can see the relation of Gemini with poems, for example, and how such poems or other masterfully crafted messages can enlighten the lower spiritual orders. From my own reflections, transmission is not just about the transmission between spiritual orders, but also between them. As everyone has their own specialties, we need to figure out how to synthesize and efficiently communicate between them, without requiring the recipient to first complete a full college course.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
