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The Dedication Ritual: Path To Initiation

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
SunAndMoon said:
Looking at this overall I understand that there are lots of folks who dont take the concept of Priesthood seriously at all but I gotta say what the world is today is a very bleak picture and the kind of dedication your talking about is very much all consuming making this an even more bleak picture. Is there ever any chance for people in such a position to even live there lives or solve there problems? Even a few hours of spells a day is a challenge for most or feels outright impossible to them (seemingly there is almost always a problem or some attack or binding working against people and it gets only harder over time in the serious situations) and they arent even Clergy. Adding to this the constant fucking insanity of team toilet like wannabes and the like. In the state of all this how is man to get by.

Satan says: Responsibility to the Responsible.

Further, through this, we attain freedom, power, enlightenment.

By not adapting any responsibility in our lives, we become slaves, worthless, and diseased creatures filled with endless disgusting qualities. We become morbid, and we start resembling a figure that looks less and less like a human everyday.

Having it backwards, many people think that responsibility will enslave you, but the reality is, that a certain degree of responsibility actually brings you closer to all the desired things like freedom and so on.

The key thing in the ritual of Dedication to Father Satan is this: Affirmation to approve the responsibility of one's own soul.

No Rabbi kike jesus, no delusional shit, no lies - the lies are renounced, be these Islam or Xianity. We live in an era of lies, therefore, the first thing is to cleanse one's self from the lie.

Jewish tricks no longer work, one experiences the first awakening of self responsibility. One no longer believes in fairytales that one will be taken to any heaven, and one bites from the Tree of Knowledge.

The path of the Godhead is opened, in contrast to the path of those who are built for lies and slavery.

One initiates themselves in front of the Gods, to receive the knowledge of the Soul, the responsibility of existence, the power, freedom and capacity that comes with it, to receive enlightenment, and to see the Godhead for themselves.

Satan Lucifer represents two things: Satan represents the Truth, but also, like the symbolism of Shiva, the dark aspect of reality, the Yang. The unknown, the unsurpassable, the source of all things in the universe. That "Which is not" and that "Which is everything".

Lucifer on the other hand, represents illumination, the light of creation and the notion of enlightenment, to receive self awareness, to have a soul in the midst of the darkness of ignorance.

To say therefore, "Satan Lucifer", we encompass all of existence, seen and unseen, real and potential, now and forever.

From this, we are told to recognize and honor Satan Lucifer, nothing else. The activation of the sense of recognition, is actually the activation of the sense of seeing.

Recognition has to do with awareness - to finally come to our senses that something exists. After this is recognized, we are going to honor it, which means to come into blissful contact and acceptance of the supreme existence, but also show appreciation.

Honor also unavoidably is linked with accepting given grace, because when we recognize the existence of what is called "The Light" and "Para-Siva" or the creation, we can only be thankful that we exist. Father Satan asks for nothing else, and only by this, He guides us further into our personal and existential endeavour.

Satan/Lucifer recognizes no bargain. There is no term of selling anything. One merely tells the Gods, face to face, that one's inquiry is serious; and to be guided into one's endeavours in their existence. Existence itself, is endeavored to the lead to the Godhead as the Joy of Satan describes very vividly.

To take the conversation on this very important subject a bit further, the "World" is at this bleak condition as more and more human beings do not take responsibility about anything, and they have become freaks and monsters who do not care for one another but are just looking for.

We follow lies. Primary lies professed by the enemy in their "religious programs" have led people to the following states of decay:

1. A quick injection to feel good [Muh drugs, quick fuck and leave, abandonment of kids etc]

2. A fake solution to all problems, that generally doesn't work [Jeboo take the wheel!!!]

3. Are deathily afraid to assume responsibility, ranging from political office, to cleaning the street in front of their house [God will judge them, while we sit there not even criticizing]

4. They are that retarded, where they do not even want to take any responsibility for their own "soul", acting in reverse of what we do here. ["Jeboo will forgive no matter what!!]

They have "Jeboo" the wish granting machine instead, just ask for forgiveness goy and you are forgiven type of shit, completely unrealistic on the spiritual level. Unresolved issues piling up to the heavens, managed by nobody and none, then collapsing onto the head of society.

Then their soul ends in shit oblivion, which society pays indirectly because their dross soul manifests dross in the social circumstance.

5. Nobody wants to take the steps necessary to do something big or great. The civilization we live up until now, was built on the footsteps of more or less responsible and strong people. They shed blood, wars, wrote rights charters, and fought many wars so that humans today can have a better existence.

Now, every idiot sits down wanting to do nothing, get everywhere, and every cancerous ego out there is a "princess" and a "president" and a "boss" without having any of the related reality or responsibility, likely not even being so in VR.

Now people flee from basic shit like "Muh can't answer the lil kids on JoS forums bcz im too mighty for that shit", which in my view for people who are awakened like JoS people, is unacceptable.

6. Certain people are also too much down the spiral of delusion, that they are in love with lies and falsehood, like Cypher the traitor from the Matrix movie, whose favorite statement was "Ignorance Is Bliss", and because he accepted this foolish statement, he became a living cancer and the main antagonist to the Savior or "Truth", who was Neo in that movie.

Society and the jewtrix always promotes that humanity must remain asleep.

The above is called degeneracy. As one can see, the path upwards and higher, towards enlightenment, is what we walk, and is diametrically opposed to the paths related above, all of which lead with certainty into first personal decay and then social decay.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
A thought I had about much of the points you made is that this is partially due to the neglect of Jupiter and also running away from Saturn. If people don't have any religion and creed worth following, they just go towards drug abuse, excess of all kinds and unrealistic fantasy. Even before the mass immigration atrocity onto Europe, like in the 1970s, tons of kids were simply smoking up and injecting in city centers, you can see this with things like Christiane F. Now this type of hedonism has evaporated a little but large segments of the youth now cherish the idea of lopping their genitals off or inviting foreigners to come ruin their societies instead because Tiktok told them to, or only playing video games all day. We also have an overabundance of manchildren who fear age, wisdom or responsibility.

On the other hand, if they have a shit religion like reptile filth and jeboo and take this seriously with its retard-tier 'restrictions' such as 'abstain from pork and go to heaven', then this just causes a level of corruption that manifests in all kinds of putrid degeneration, even at the most basic level. People don't understand how islamic countries invite countless curses onto themselves, as does any xian pigfarm.
SunAndMoon said:
Looking at this overall I understand that there are lots of folks who dont take the concept of Priesthood seriously at all but I gotta say what the world is today is a very bleak picture and the kind of dedication your talking about is very much all consuming making this an even more bleak picture. Is there ever any chance for people in such a position to even live there lives or solve there problems? Even a few hours of spells a day is a challenge for most or feels outright impossible to them (seemingly there is almost always a problem or some attack or binding working against people and it gets only harder over time in the serious situations) and they arent even Clergy. Adding to this the constant fucking insanity of team toilet like wannabes and the like. In the state of all this how is man to get by.

These situations don't create themselves overnight. It is easy to get dismayed by what you think you are responsible for, but in reality you slowly build up to these heights.

As you advance, you will deal with less general crap, but also you should set aside for hammering specific problems, both internal and external, in your life until they disappear. There is always a spiritual solution to anything that you may need, so do ask.

I think a bigger obstacle to people is that they may simply not care, or they really want to do something else. I am not talking about basic discipline, but rather life outlook. To begin one's journey of becoming a leader, they have to be willing to reach this point.

We are talking about positions like Priesthood, but this discussion of responsibility goes beyond positions at the top of the mountain. Any system requires varying degrees of leadership, management, and ability. Everyone has to develop themselves here at some point, or risk neutering their advancement.

I was just reading an older post within Satan's Library, which mentions how the SS of our past had to basically play a survival game their whole life just to preserve the knowledge which we have now. Then, an army sweeps through your village and torches it, and so you start from scratch. The point is that we should be willing to make major sacrifices, as none of these are actual threats to your life or anything serious, but just sacrifices of free time.

Thanks a lot HP for posting this!

I haven't yet dedicated and it means a lot for me to see that my questions which I haven't even asked here on the forums or on a private message are answered.

This truly is not a *coincidence* as the jews may like to say, as I was thinking for at least 2 days about doing the dedication ritual and evolve with the God's entirely, and, after that 2 days of me asking myself those questions and continuously talking to the Gods, kapow, your topic came.

Very good!!! 👏

Hail Satan
Awesome sermon. I think you meant to say Yin instead of Yang though, what you described after Shiva was feminine. Unless I am misinterpreting Yin/Yang.
LAUGH OUT LOUD!!! People need to wake up!... and for those of you who joined this website? What is your intention?... are you serious about learning anything? Or are you just on here looking to get attention? Like some strange kid in the middle of a fucking school bus! Looking for a fight or looking for somebody to call you superman? Laugh out loud! People need to wake the fucking hell up! And pay attention to what's going on here! This is fucking serious shit! If you are a member of this website and wish to learn and get somewhere? Stop dragging your heels and wake up! And start taking action! Satan wants people that are real and true and dedicated! He wants people that are interested in learning of the truth! And people who want education and to be like one of the Gods! There is a such thing as higher human intelligence! And then we go beyond to what you call God intelligence! Yes! If you want to learn anything you need to take a good look at yourself! This is more than just a fucking wake up call! It is a fucking slap in the face! Like somebody had dumped a bucket of ice cold water on you while you lay there and sleep! If you want this to be like boot camp? You're going to get it whether you want it or not! If you want to make this into something more interesting? It is entirely up to you! If you just want to sit there and twiddle your thumbs like an idiot trying to figure out what to do? Sitting in your closet trying to decide where you want to pull that big disgusting booger out of your nose for not aimlessly doing nothing but twiddling your thumbs! Is not going to get you anywhere! People worrying about the stupidest shit and making a big fuss over stupid things! Wearing their selves out over nothing which is pathetic! When you should focus your time and your energy! Doing things that are more constructive! And more useful! And have some consideration for yourself! And be thankful and blessed for who and what you are and what you have and make something of it! And here we are in the middle of the month of December a very sacred time for father Satan and his gods and demons! This is the month where we should think about Satan and be thankful! And blessed for all that we are and for who and what we are in Satan's name! Yule!! 🎄🎁🙏.. is a very sacred time and it is Satan's month and it is his sacred time! Something that we should consider! People should sit down and do a prayer and a dedication !? Think of the things that you want to do to improve yourself! Set aside some goals and some time! Sit down and write a prayer showing Satan how much you love him and how much you appreciate him! Write a prayer and dedicate your time! Showing him how true and dedicated you really are! Letting him know that you love him and that you are willing to learn as much as you can and go as far as you want!? Simply by pushing yourself and showing your gratitude and how much you love him! And how much you were willing to learn and how far are you willing to push yourself? Yes I have days where I don't want to get up and go to work! And I have my days and I have my moments where I feel like shit! And if you keep putting yourself enough miserable mess pretty soon you're going to be shit! And I have that time and that moment where I sit and think! Is it worthy for me to put myself in a low level? When we have been through enough disgusting shit throughout our life and throughout the centuries on this planet being treated like crap! With enemies throwing all kinds of negative lies and bullshit are Direction telling us how to live and how to eat and how to sleep making us feel guilty all of the time when there's no reason for it! And giving us the impression that we should feel sorry for something or for somebody? For no reason having to watch our back all the time just because we do something or say something right or wrong when we should take our own responsibilities in our own hands instead of letting the enemy have control of us! Which direction do you want to go? Allow yourself to think and make your own decisions on where you want to go? Are you really serious about learning about satan? And are you really dedicated? And how far do you want to go! And for those of you who are on here and have been on here for a while? You guys are doing an awesome job and you are strong! Keep up the good work!🔥🦚 it's people like you that have the gratitude! Going by example and doing the best you can! And for some of these people on here that are brand new and just barely started! Yes it's going to be a struggle on the way up! But if any of you were ever in sports! Try it out for cheerleader or gymnastics it is no more different! When it comes to conditioning your mind and body and soul and showing your interest in it by putting forth the effort and the time! Making yourself into an athlete instead of a piece of shit it's one thing to daydream and think about it yes it may seem easier said than done but I guarantee that when you get up and start making an improvement on yourself picking up the books and the pencils and studying and reading you will notice the difference there's always going to be a struggle along the way and that is what makes an athlete strong! Getting out there in the middle of the gym even if you feel awkward! You overcome your fears and you become stronger and stronger and your body and your brain becomes more and more conditioned and you're so becomes stronger and stronger and you develop! A self-esteem and a better attitude and you have confidence! And pretty soon you are out there playing ball just like every other football player! And you are on a team and it's up to you to become a good player and it's up to your team to become better players and to be a good team and a good strong healthy team! And it doesn't matter where the you're a gymnast you get out there and you push yourself and practice your routines! And you become better and better at all of your elements that you are working on you overcome fear you lose weight! And suddenly you feel more attractive knowing that you can do anything and get anywhere! Nothing is going to stop you and get in your way! And it doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman or a teenager at any age! If you push yourself you can get anywhere and that also includes the world of business! School and among other things! Everything is a goal and yet everything is a challenge and in order to get somewhere you've got to just get up off your butt and do it! You're not going to get anywhere feeling sorry for yourself and doing nothing! Nothing is not going to improve nothing! And feeling sorry for yourself is not going to make you into a better person! Sitting in a world of misery is not going to improve shit! Is when you get up off your lazy ass! And get some guts! Showing the gratitude or getting a piece of mind! Just to get up and do something and show the effort and the interest in yourself that you care and that you want to get somewhere and do something! Even if in your mind everything sucks? Keep in mind that that is a state of mind! And it's all in your own head laugh out loud this stupid fear and bullshit or whatever it is that is keeping you from being who and what you are and what you truly want to be! And what you could become! Becoming that of a god! And having God intelligence instead of being another fucking mundane wishing and dreaming and living in a world of your own created by the enemy! When you know that all you have to do is look into yourself! And get out there and face the world and do the best you can and overcome that awkwardness and that fear Breaking Down the Walls of stupidity! And find your own self-confidence because you know you've got it in yourself and you know that you can! And you can be the best that you can be! And that goes for everything and anything you show an interest in! If you dare and if you are willing to take that step! And yes things are going to be a pain in the butt! But that's because you make it that way! People always make things harder than what they seem! Laugh out loud just get out there already and live and learn and just do the best you can people! I am on here to learn and I am on here to go as far as I can! And as far as I want to go! At least I have my choices! And I choose to be a high priestess! And I want to be of God intelligence and I want to be one with the godhead as well! And I am willing to push myself be on the limit and Beyond the maximum! Just to be one with the godhead and be a part of the Magnum opus! And if I can show that gratitude and that interest? You should be able to as well and I know you have it in you! There is no room for laziness! And there's no room for more excuses! Just pick up your toys already and clean up your room! Pick up your pencils and your books and let people know that you've got a brain and that you know how to use it! You have a beautiful body and you have intelligence laugh out loud use it before you lose it! Especially if you want to get back in a shape mentally and physically and spiritually! It's entirely up to you!? You can either sync or swim! What kind of a warrior are you? Are you a man or are you a mouse! Are you a woman? Or are you a little girl? It doesn't matter how old we are! You know very well you can be whatever you want to be when you put your mind to it! And when you put it into action! That is where you're going to find your Victory and all things and everything!
Brother HP HoodedCobra666 Thank you!!! We NEED to push ourselves people!!! And I know you have it in you! And that you can do this! 🙏🔥 just be the best that you can be and just keep going! In the Name of Satan! HAIL SATAN!!⚡
Brother HP HoodedCobra666 Thank you!!! We NEED to push ourselves people!!! And I know you have it in you! And that you can do this! 🙏🔥 just be the best that you can be and just keep going! In the Name of Satan! HAIL SATAN!!⚡️ that was an awesome sermon!!!⚡
And it fucking pisses me off to know how lazy people have become in this world! And it's fucking aggravating! The fact that people refuse to go get a job and fucking work! Either that they have a job and they decide to quit? Living on some kind of a fucking income the rest of their life when they're not even old enough to even fucking use a cane or sit in a wheelchair! Especially if you have a functioning mind! To begin with and if you can fucking walk and talk? Then obviously you are capable of working! And you are capable of thinking? So question is why do people want to be lazy? And sit all day long like a potted petunia!?... a lot of you may not know me! And I don't care at this point!
And yes I may be fairly new on here! And yes a lot of you may think that my posts and everything I share on here is unlegible and hard to read or understand or follow? Sometimes I just get carried away with what I have to get out of my head! And not even take the time to separate sentences and make paragraphs! Because when it comes out of me I can't get it to stop I just keep going going until I get it all out!
I enjoy reading the posts on here and what people have to say and what people share! It is very interesting to me to read somebody's opinions on how they think and feel about something? Sharing a bit of knowledge and information on what they know! Which makes this group so unique! And why I enjoy being on this website!
And the fact that it makes me feel uncomfortable being me! And just simply being who and what I am and enjoying myself! Knowing that I am on the right path and I found the right website! Feeling like I'm at home! And that I can sit down and enjoy myself and read! And learn as much as I want to my heart's content! But I also enjoy hearing the compliments and the comments of other people! Every time Brother HP HoodedCobra666 shares a sermon or a post! On something! Whether to be if any importance at all to a lot of you or not! I happen to find a lot of his sermons very interesting and very intriguing! And he empowers me and gives me strength and something to think about! And I feel good after being on here . Yes!! And taking the time to read what he has to say and what he wants us to know! And hearing others share their lessons and their knowledge on what they know and how they take the time to teach others on here! Like Lydia and Brother Soaring Eagle, and some of you others aren't here who have been on here for a while! And those who are an expertise at something! That take the time to volunteer knowledge and share wisdom! About astral projection! Yoga and meditation and how to do a spiritual cleanse, and teaching you of astrology step by step! And allowing you to look things up on your own . And being independent about it! Opening up your own mind and your own Horizons taking that step forward and pushing yourself to see how far you can go! Just the same as these people who are teaching us! And I give my thanks and my gratitude to these people! For taking the time to help us and for their patients! These people are wonderful! And they show their gratitude to Father Satan and they have proved themselves worthy more and more every day and they put themselves out there and they pour their knowledge on people who are looking to learn and get somewhere and to take the time to learn on their own and do things right! They also know that they have had their struggles as well throughout the years and overcome many mistakes in order to become who and what they are! And we are expected to go through the same thing in order to learn we're going to stumble and fall and make mistakes too along the way and that is what makes a person into a strong warrior! And someday a god!🦚
And for once and for all! People need to understand!... that the minute they let go of their fears and take a hold of the rod of knowledge! And the power of Lucifer when they sit down and meditate their mind opens up! You're giving yourself willingly to Father Satan and his gods and demons communicating directly with satan! Allowing yourself to open up your mind and to heal and to Break Down The Walls of ignorance and stupidity! Finding the ability to look into yourself and having that gratitude to get up and make yourself into the better person! And the person you want to be and wish to be! Is within you and you need to realize that! Everybody has got that power and that knowledge and all they have to do is look into themselves! And allow themselves to be teachable and learn! And overcome your mistakes along the way by overcoming fear and stupidity! If you are willing to turn your mind around and give it a try? You will be surprised how far you can go and how much you will learn and the fact that you will keep growing and learning more and more because once you get going you're not going to want to stop! Because when she get on the right path of learning you're going to want to keep going and going! And you're going to want to push yourself to be the best that you can be! And that is what Satan wants and that is what he is looking for and that is what he is expecting of us!
It is a hell of a lot better than living in a daydream world! And it's a hell of a lot better than sitting on your butt and feeling sorry for yourself! Wishing you can be somebody or something? When all you have to do is get up and think about it and try! Whatever it is that you're having a struggle with! There are many people on here that you can talk to if you want help!? And take the time to take a look at yourself! And realize how valuable you are and how powerful you can be when you allow yourself the chance to get somewhere! And to find that gratitude and dedicate yourself your time and your energy to Father Satan and show him that you care and that you're interested in him and that you want to learn! And to never give up! No matter how difficult things get! Yes we are going to be challenged day in and day out with the world and the Matrix and all the crap the enemy throws out there! And we need to look through well that crap and realize that is just fucking bullshit! And that you are smart enough to know the difference between what is right and what is wrong and what makes sense and what don't! That you can see through all of that crap and recognize the truth among all of the lies! The enemy throws out there to confuse us! That you can find your answers out there still that all you have to do is look into yourself and sit down and meditate! If you're smart enough to recognize what the truth is among all of the nonsense! And make the most of it pointing out what makes sense and just sit down and question yourself even if you have that moment to sit down and pray to Satan and ask him to help you! That he will guide you and direct you! If you will allow him to and if you will lie yourself a chance! You can get as far as you want to! And you will have your answers and you will have your work cut out for you! And I guarantee you that you will be at a much higher level of intelligence! We have a lot of smart people on this website who take the time to teach and to show their gratitude and their interest! And I'm sure there's many of you out there who want to be just like them? Sharing your knowledge and the things that you know that will help others on their path!
And to take the time to help those in need who need the help! And to encourage others to move forward and to keep going! And to encourage people and tell them that you can do it and that you've got it! You've got this and all you have to do is look into yourself! And to teach others to be the same! We are on here to help one another and we are on here to learn for ourselves as well!... and yes it is the month of december! Were people are shopping and running around in circles trying to figure out what to buy for their friends and their family! But then again people need to stop and realize that this is also a very sacred month! It is a time to relax but is also a time to think about father Satan. And show him how much you love him and how much you appreciate him! Counting your blessings and thinking about your dedication to him! And taking the time to live and learn and enjoy everything and anything on your path and on your way to becoming a better person! The people should take the time to consider! Whether or not they want to be of higher intelligence or not? And taking the time to do things right? Or not even bother at all!? People need to question themselves and they need to be serious! And show that they are serious!☕🍎 you can either be somebody of intelligence or you can be somebody of the opposite! It is entirely up to you at least you have the choice and you have the freedom to make that choice! And then there are those of you who know your goals and are doing everything you can to reach your goals chasing after your dreams! Living each and every life making your dreams come true more and more every day by showing your power of mind and dedication!. Doing whatever we can in our mind and soul! To improve ourselves each and every day! And it doesn't matter how difficult and crazy things get! I don't care what the excuses! Just get out there and smile and do the best you can! Because if you are on Satan side? You will do this! And I know you've got this!🔥 Enjoy the Pleasures and get busy,, !! HAIL SATAN!!! Happy Yule!!!
I did the dedication ritual despite the fear. I had a lot of fear programmed into my mind. The stealth of Satan scared me, pronouncing the name of Satan scared me...It was around 8 p.m. with the lights on in my bedroom and my family talking downstairs, I used those conditions to endure fear.. However, little by little all that was erased from my mind. Today Satan is the being I love the most in this world.
Dragonheart666 said:
And it fucking pisses me...
Less pathos, and better come to Ukraine, where you will be denied a job because there is no suitable infrastructure for you. They want to send you from an intellectual to work literally with pigs. I lost my job when the war started and now I am told by officials that there is no work for me, I can't even get an allowance. Here's the thing.

By the way, what kind of practice can you do to get a job magically? I think about it all the time, but I can't focus on one thing for this case yet.

Although, I believe that the path will soon find me itself or I will find it. Sorry for the bad English
Hypatia666 said:
I did the dedication ritual despite the fear. I had a lot of fear programmed into my mind. The stealth of Satan scared me, pronouncing the name of Satan scared me...It was around 8 p.m. with the lights on in my bedroom and my family talking downstairs, I used those conditions to endure fear.. However, little by little all that was erased from my mind. Today Satan is the being I love the most in this world.
And my greatest fear is that I am not suited to Satan either in my age or in my mindset. But I have nowhere else to go, I must continue to follow the Path I once chose.
Hypatia666 said:
I did the dedication ritual despite the fear. I had a lot of fear programmed into my mind. The stealth of Satan scared me, pronouncing the name of Satan scared me...It was around 8 p.m. with the lights on in my bedroom and my family talking downstairs, I used those conditions to endure fear.. However, little by little all that was erased from my mind. Today Satan is the being I love the most in this world.

For me was the same way. I was crying and terrified, not because of Satan per se, but because I was afraid what would happen if I didn't get the chance to do the dedication the next day. So I did the dedication as if it was my last day on Earth. I was scared, crying, and just overwhelmed with emotions. But as time went on, I felt much better in making the right decision to dedicate to Satan.
GoldenxChild1 said:
Awesome sermon. I think you meant to say Yin instead of Yang though, what you described after Shiva was feminine. Unless I am misinterpreting Yin/Yang.

If I am misinformed can someone clear this up?

The unknown, the unsurpassable, the source of all things in the universe. That "Which is not" and that "Which is everything". - These are all feminine and Yin yes?

The following explanation of Lucifer being of Light and Self awareness, is masculine and Yang.
Every time I read HPHC's sermons the more I'm reminded that meekness and complacency are not a part of Satanism in any way whatsoever. Constant self improvement is really all there is in this path and it is not just for the sake of ourselves but the greater collective.

Whatever I or you (brothers/sisters) might face in life remember that nothing is impossible. That word and its over-use is almost a weapon these days... People have done things we cannot fathom through sheer grit, faith in themselves and willpower.

With these sentiments in mind I won't compare myself to others anymore, not even for a second. There are some in the world who are far worse off while some are better off. This is irrelevant to us. The fact that we have this information and opportunity puts us in a far greater position for a better life in the long term (earthly and otherwise) than every single non-Satanist, even when it might feel like we're hitting our heads against a wall. Moments like that are just tests really. Some take more time than others but each one of them builds our character based on our actions and reactions. Procrastination and being in inertia only give reason to seek distractions and excuses. We mustn't hesitate and instead always be proactive in our life.

Again, it's not solely about what we gain or accomplish but rather the lessons we learn through our unrelenting determination and adaptability.

Thank you HP for the great posts as always!

Stay strong fellow Satanic warriors.

Hail Satan!!
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=406299 time=1671058074 user_id=21286]
SunAndMoon said:
Looking at this overall I understand that there are lots of folks who dont take the concept of Priesthood seriously at all but I gotta say what the world is today is a very bleak picture and the kind of dedication your talking about is very much all consuming making this an even more bleak picture. Is there ever any chance for people in such a position to even live there lives or solve there problems? Even a few hours of spells a day is a challenge for most or feels outright impossible to them (seemingly there is almost always a problem or some attack or binding working against people and it gets only harder over time in the serious situations) and they arent even Clergy. Adding to this the constant fucking insanity of team toilet like wannabes and the like. In the state of all this how is man to get by.

These situations don't create themselves overnight. It is easy to get dismayed by what you think you are responsible for, but in reality you slowly build up to these heights.

As you advance, you will deal with less general crap, but also you should set aside for hammering specific problems, both internal and external, in your life until they disappear. There is always a spiritual solution to anything that you may need, so do ask.

I think a bigger obstacle to people is that they may simply not care, or they really want to do something else. I am not talking about basic discipline, but rather life outlook. To begin one's journey of becoming a leader, they have to be willing to reach this point.

We are talking about positions like Priesthood, but this discussion of responsibility goes beyond positions at the top of the mountain. Any system requires varying degrees of leadership, management, and ability. Everyone has to develop themselves here at some point, or risk neutering their advancement.

I was just reading an older post within Satan's Library, which mentions how the SS of our past had to basically play a survival game their whole life just to preserve the knowledge which we have now. Then, an army sweeps through your village and torches it, and so you start from scratch. The point is that we should be willing to make major sacrifices, as none of these are actual threats to your life or anything serious, but just sacrifices of free time.

There are lots of folks that didnt even come here to be leaders but just to find the Gods and self improve. Improvement is so important to various people for various reasons. There are so many people that are more than happy to hammer away at the internal and external problems in life much like in the 8? Of pentacles tarot card tediously working away at the task of self improvement for no other reason. But its important to acknowledge that the witch hunts are still on and its just as unjustified as it ever was.
Hypatia666 said:
I did the dedication ritual despite the fear. I had a lot of fear programmed into my mind. The stealth of Satan scared me, pronouncing the name of Satan scared me...It was around 8 p.m. with the lights on in my bedroom and my family talking downstairs, I used those conditions to endure fear.. However, little by little all that was erased from my mind. Today Satan is the being I love the most in this world.

Thank you for sharing this useful story with us.

At first, I was afraid of Satan too.... based on my xian-related backgrounds experience that I had before I came into the JoS path... but now... I can say that Satan is like the best Father in the world, teaching me useful stuff and accompanying me when I have hard times.

Of course I remember to thank him every day and every night when applicable by doing the RTRs and evolving.

It is a joy for me to find myself now in a situation where I partially, of course, escaped the concepts that I had when I was in xianity or fake Satanic cults such as the TST or when I heard some books about the jewish variant of Illuminati and more pages of fake xian information.

I am totally glad and eternally happy to be on this path.

Hail Satan
A colleague of mine actually said here the other day "That which I do not know, is good for me, Ignorance is bliss". She was dead serious. The ignorance and intellectual laziness of certain people is repulsive. Even though the Truth is right in front of their faces, they still turn the other cheek in order to avoid responsibility. Yet, some people still acknowledges what is up, and still turning the other cheek. Again, it is repulsive.

A strong sermon! Thank you.
Several posts here touch me to the core, many of them written by you brother, often I feel that those words come to me direct from Father Satan through you HP HoodedCobra.

This sermon is beautiful and it is a new call for all of us here to take up the responsibility that has been entrusted to us, it's not late and there's a lot stuff left to do.

Thank you brother, the strength of the father feels tangible through your work.

Salve Satán!
Bluelake666 🙏🔥 It is a pleasure to be here. And an honor to meet you. My CandiceLee1313 profile was hacked and I also had a hard time trying to get a new password.. so I created a whole new account. Unfortunately I don't remember creating the Charletta account, I believe that was someone else.?
I am happy to be back. And I WILL STAY AND REMAIN on this path. ❤️ And is there anything? I can help you with?
Dragonheart666 said:
Bluelake666 🙏🔥 It is a pleasure to be here. And an honor to meet you. My CandiceLee1313 profile was hacked and I also had a hard time trying to get a new password.. so I created a whole new account. Unfortunately I don't remember creating the Charletta account, I believe that was someone else.?
I am happy to be back. And I WILL STAY AND REMAIN on this path. ❤️ And is there anything? I can help you with?

But your password has been sent to you, were you not able to login?
Brother HP HoodedCobra666 ❤️ I got the password that was sent to me. And I am using it. And Thank you ! For sending that. Hail Satan! And I am also able to long on to my old account too. 🙏🔥❤️ Thank you!
Kavya Shukra said:
Hypatia666 said:
I did the dedication ritual despite the fear. I had a lot of fear programmed into my mind. The stealth of Satan scared me, pronouncing the name of Satan scared me...It was around 8 p.m. with the lights on in my bedroom and my family talking downstairs, I used those conditions to endure fear.. However, little by little all that was erased from my mind. Today Satan is the being I love the most in this world.

For me was the same way. I was crying and terrified, not because of Satan per se, but because I was afraid what would happen if I didn't get the chance to do the dedication the next day. So I did the dedication as if it was my last day on Earth. I was scared, crying, and just overwhelmed with emotions. But as time went on, I felt much better in making the right decision to dedicate to Satan.

I'm glad you did and that you're here. :)
BlueLake666 said:
Hypatia666 said:
I did the dedication ritual despite the fear. I had a lot of fear programmed into my mind. The stealth of Satan scared me, pronouncing the name of Satan scared me...It was around 8 p.m. with the lights on in my bedroom and my family talking downstairs, I used those conditions to endure fear.. However, little by little all that was erased from my mind. Today Satan is the being I love the most in this world.

Thank you for sharing this useful story with us.

At first, I was afraid of Satan too.... based on my xian-related backgrounds experience that I had before I came into the JoS path... but now... I can say that Satan is like the best Father in the world, teaching me useful stuff and accompanying me when I have hard times.

Of course I remember to thank him every day and every night when applicable by doing the RTRs and evolving.

It is a joy for me to find myself now in a situation where I partially, of course, escaped the concepts that I had when I was in xianity or fake Satanic cults such as the TST or when I heard some books about the jewish variant of Illuminati and more pages of fake xian information.

I am totally glad and eternally happy to be on this path.

Hail Satan

Thanks for sharing. I'm happy that you're here. Hail Satan!
Bes said:
Hypatia666 said:
I did the dedication ritual despite the fear. I had a lot of fear programmed into my mind. The stealth of Satan scared me, pronouncing the name of Satan scared me...It was around 8 p.m. with the lights on in my bedroom and my family talking downstairs, I used those conditions to endure fear.. However, little by little all that was erased from my mind. Today Satan is the being I love the most in this world.
And my greatest fear is that I am not suited to Satan either in my age or in my mindset. But I have nowhere else to go, I must continue to follow the Path I once chose.

I know how that feels, but here is a chance to show what we can become. This place is my ithaca.
Hypatia666 said:
Bes said:
Hypatia666 said:
I did the dedication ritual despite the fear. I had a lot of fear programmed into my mind. The stealth of Satan scared me, pronouncing the name of Satan scared me...It was around 8 p.m. with the lights on in my bedroom and my family talking downstairs, I used those conditions to endure fear.. However, little by little all that was erased from my mind. Today Satan is the being I love the most in this world.
And my greatest fear is that I am not suited to Satan either in my age or in my mindset. But I have nowhere else to go, I must continue to follow the Path I once chose.

I know how that feels, but here is a chance to show what we can become. This place is my ithaca.

After being a pentacostal christian for most of my mortal life, now I feel like the same. I was afraid but now I am not, armed with knowledge.
I do ok with all this until I get to words like "jeboo" and "Muh" and they have no meaning to me. Any glossary to cover jeboo, could not find it online.
I did find Muh however...... Urban Dictionary: Muh Alternate spelling of "my" used to indicate an uneducated slack jawed or whiny voice. Used to mock something that someone/people you disagree with constantly go on about.
Much JOS research was done with word origins on the sames of the gods etc. I try to apply that to all words of importance. I was reading another post about "Clergy" so looked it up in my word origin dictionary.
Here is a rough OCR from the dictionary. I am not sure if we want clergy in JOS
Clerk and its relatives cleric and clergy owe their existence ultimately to a Biblical reference, in Deuteronomy xviii 2, to the Levites, members of an Israelite tribe whose men were assistants to the Temple priests: “Therefore shall they have no inheri- tance among their brethren: the Lord is their inheritance." Greek for ‘inheritance’ is Héras, and so il came about that matters relating to the Christian ministry were denoted in late Greek by the derived adjective kiérikés. This passed into ecclesiastical Latin as clérics, which was originally borrowed into late Old Eng- lish as cleric or clere, later reinforced by Old French elere to give modern English clerk. Its present-day bureaurocratic connotations, which emerged in the 16th century, go back to an earlier time when members of the clergy were virtually the only people who could read or write. However, religious associations have of course been preserved in cleric [17], from ecclesiastical Latin cléricus, and clergy [13], a blend of Old French clergie (a derivative of clerc) and clerge (from the ecclesiiasii- cal Latin derivative cléricdtus). The compound clergy- man is 16th century. »cleric, clergy
I did some common law study for the last several years, and learned alot about word usage how to write declarations and affidavits and other kinds of contracts, with correct wording and words. So I am applying that to the dedication prayer. I am going to write my own dedication and revocation statement. I can share when its done if anyone is interested. I was never a christian in my life, so part of the current dedication does not apply to me, but I do have revocations for each of these I will put together. Revoking all spiritual contracts with the media, the banks, all churches, sports, government, and baptism, etc there are many contracts we have inadvertently signed our names to that need to be rescinded.
More soon........... Thanks for JOS, grateful to have found you.

More coming soon.
The Raven said:
I did some common law study for the last several years, and learned alot about word usage how to write declarations and affidavits and other kinds of contracts, with correct wording and words. So I am applying that to the dedication prayer. I am going to write my own dedication and revocation statement. I can share when its done if anyone is interested. I was never a christian in my life, so part of the current dedication does not apply to me, but I do have revocations for each of these I will put together. Revoking all spiritual contracts with the media, the banks, all churches, sports, government, and baptism, etc there are many contracts we have inadvertently signed our names to that need to be rescinded.
More soon........... Thanks for JOS, grateful to have found you.
There is no need to change anything about the ritual. It is fine as is.

The prayer already contains a part where you renounce every past allegiance, no matter the source of them. Even if you have not been Christian during this incarnation, Christianity as a whole exists and the ritual has meaning towards renouncing it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SunAndMoon said:
Satan Lucifer represents two things: Satan represents the Truth, but also, like the symbolism of Shiva, the dark aspect of reality, the Yang. The unknown, the unsurpassable, the source of all things in the universe. That "Which is not" and that "Which is everything".

Lucifer on the other hand, represents illumination, the light of creation and the notion of enlightenment, to receive self awareness, to have a soul in the midst of the darkness of ignorance.

To say therefore, "Satan Lucifer", we encompass all of existence, seen and unseen, real and potential, now and forever.

How exactly should we practice in order to touch the "Dark" aspect of Satan in this context? I mean that the aspect of Light and Lucifer is practiced through power meditations, saturating the soul with the light and radiance of the chakras, the astral body, and so on.
This is a very good post HP!!!!!

I am glad that I see it everyday that like air that is breathed those posts feel my lungs teoretically speaking and I fell more enlightened and ready for action than, ever.

I am glad that everyone here is having a happy time being a Spiritual Satanist and I can say from my entire being and from all the air that I breathe that the things you say and do are to be appreciated for all infinity and to the road long down below that our great Gentile Founders have their power again.

I feel very saddened that the world today has the totally unbeneficial effects of jewish programs felt on their body and skin.

Before I found the RTRs I have never been so joyful, healthy, ecstatic, and even melancholic for the times in which the Gentiles and the Nations were known to be the Power and not like now where there is race mixing and even destruction occuring now because of refugees and jews that are there.

A sure thing is that I sometimes feel that I found my penny in the sewer, like in the movie IT or IT 2, but reality is that I need to find even more knowledge from you, HP Cobra Sama!!!

For the love of the Gods and the Aryan Knights please help the JoS, people who are here as translators or such to bring the oxygen that is from the intelectuallity of the translation works and also that is helpful in the world.

Personally, I feel that without the RTRs and the JoS help I wouldn't have been ever in my lige that personally and every second eternally accomplished and also I wouldn't ever have been th very fresh air breathing individual that I am right now.

Bravo JoS for teaching and bringing oxygen into my life and for helping my fanily to live eternally like the Gods or on the Gods way.

Hail JoS
Hail HP Hooded Cobra da best of them all
Henu the Great said:
The Raven said:
I did some common law study for the last several years, and learned alot about word usage how to write declarations and affidavits and other kinds of contracts, with correct wording and words. So I am applying that to the dedication prayer. I am going to write my own dedication and revocation statement. I can share when its done if anyone is interested. I was never a christian in my life, so part of the current dedication does not apply to me, but I do have revocations for each of these I will put together. Revoking all spiritual contracts with the media, the banks, all churches, sports, government, and baptism, etc there are many contracts we have inadvertently signed our names to that need to be rescinded.
More soon........... Thanks for JOS, grateful to have found you.
There is no need to change anything about the ritual. It is fine as is.

The prayer already contains a part where you renounce every past allegiance, no matter the source of them. Even if you have not been Christian during this incarnation, Christianity as a whole exists and the ritual has meaning towards renouncing it.
Thank You......
After looking it over a whole lot and considering thoroughly what you said, I get it now. So I will leave the dedication as it is. Thanks for the nudge. :) Yes renouncing all that Christianity's lies has produced in the world. Even though I was not in the religion, it is all around and I must renounce it and all its rotten fruits, to choose my allegiance. And thus I have chosen. Once one sees the bigger picture, the choice is very clear.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
