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Strengthen the future of africa prt.1


New member
Feb 25, 2021
Greetings my fellow brothers and sisters


Above is the current plague and disease facing Africa, as our overall goal would is to be able create a striving environment for black people... this is one of the biggest issues. Religious falsehood that runs throughout Africa that has nothing to do with the betterment of its people.


In the image above is what the ideal number of countries that should be allowed on the mainland, greater unification will allow for easier development and allow us to push out religious influence in great numbers. Now the second issue as of now is alot of division and in-fighting due to religion and the strive for resources by outside influences.


Now I have read how Singapore and the UAE have gone from 3rd world to first world in under 60 years. Both cases 2 underlying elements were clear.
1) Gaining control over the countries minerals and resources
2) Re-educating good habits onto its people.

In the case of Singapore in the early developments as its written in the book (Third to First world) the biggest issue onset they faced was people would make a mess of the new cities and act badly because even though a new better environment was built they still were stuck on past bad habits so they created rules and laws to help people. This isn't like the structure of military crackdown but more showing people that there's a better way and you'll find it better to live that way.

As for the UAE Kuwait is the smallest region in the UAE yet it has the strongest currency in the world... to give reference $3 US dollars = 1KWD due to it being the primary seller of all UAE oil.
Yet that strength of that is barely mentioned. So one can imagine the growth and success that would await Africa.
Greetings my fellow brothers and sisters

View attachment 4815
Above is the current plague and disease facing Africa, as our overall goal would is to be able create a striving environment for black people... this is one of the biggest issues. Religious falsehood that runs throughout Africa that has nothing to do with the betterment of its people.

View attachment 4816
In the image above is what the ideal number of countries that should be allowed on the mainland, greater unification will allow for easier development and allow us to push out religious influence in great numbers. Now the second issue as of now is alot of division and in-fighting due to religion and the strive for resources by outside influences.

View attachment 4817
Now I have read how Singapore and the UAE have gone from 3rd world to first world in under 60 years. Both cases 2 underlying elements were clear.
1) Gaining control over the countries minerals and resources
2) Re-educating good habits onto its people.

In the case of Singapore in the early developments as its written in the book (Third to First world) the biggest issue onset they faced was people would make a mess of the new cities and act badly because even though a new better environment was built they still were stuck on past bad habits so they created rules and laws to help people. This isn't like the structure of military crackdown but more showing people that there's a better way and you'll find it better to live that way.

As for the UAE Kuwait is the smallest region in the UAE yet it has the strongest currency in the world... to give reference $3 US dollars = 1KWD due to it being the primary seller of all UAE oil.
Yet that strength of that is barely mentioned. So one can imagine the growth and success that would await Africa.
Greetings Bro, I'm happy you could analysed this...Thanks.
Please permit me to outline Some of the Causes of, Why Africa isn't Growing Fast. Below we have:

1. Poor Governance
3. Elections are been Fraud, their Constitutions are only written on Papers, no practical Actions are taken.
4. The essence of the Separation of Powers in the three wings( Executive, Judiciary and the Legislative)of the state; 90% of African States do not respected this... No Check and balances.
5. Greed.
6. Tribalism, Nepotism blabla.
Greetings Bro, I'm happy you could analysed this...Thanks.
Please permit me to outline Some of the Causes of, Why Africa isn't Growing Fast. Below we have:

1. Poor Governance
3. Elections are been Fraud, their Constitutions are only written on Papers, no practical Actions are taken.
4. The essence of the Separation of Powers in the three wings( Executive, Judiciary and the Legislative)of the state; 90% of African States do not respected this... No Check and balances.
5. Greed.
6. Tribalism, Nepotism blabla.
Are you from Africa ? Or have you ever lived or visited ?

Just want to understand where your point of view is coming from before I respond.
Are you from Africa ? Or have you ever lived or visited ?

Just want to understand where your point of view is coming from before I respond.
I'm from Central Africa Republic, Cameroon. My point of view is based on Witness... In terms of Political Analysis and Geopolitics and Strategic Studies, I have gathered knowledge on the Strength and Weaknesses of States especially on the Africa Continent ... The Land of Africa is Blessed but we have bad Leaders who are Greedy, Wicked and so on.
I don't express myself based on emotions,or i speak to please anyone. I speak with a lot of Conviction and Valid Observations.
I'm from Central Africa Republic, Cameroon. My point of view is based on Witness... In terms of Political Analysis and Geopolitics and Strategic Studies, I have gathered knowledge on the Strength and Weaknesses of States especially on the Africa Continent ... The Land of Africa is Blessed but we have bad Leaders who are Greedy, Wicked and so on.
I don't express myself based on emotions,or i speak to please anyone. I speak with a lot of Conviction and Valid Observations.

No issue in your mannar of speaking or speech but as you can understand this becomes a better conversation when it's someone's who's actually from Africa as there's a better understanding with the continent.

To respond to your point's
1. POOR GOVERNING - 100% the reality but more so lazy governance. Which is not just evident but clearly being used for personal gain. Nothing that punishes government members for bad behaviour. I've always heard " they'll never fire you in government if you don't seriously piss someone off" which goes to show that recently the culture of working at government wasn't to help the society but have a job that's secured regardless of how you perform. Which is horrific because not only do we get people who aren't interested in developing the country but also people who will do anything to keep that job even remaine silent against crimes.

2. CORRUPT - There's corruption everywhere and progress still happens at a decent rate the issue here is corruption that has no desire in progress its one thing to do the job but take more money for yourself... and saying you'll do the job take the money and the job never gets done. The issue again here lack of consequences and the court process is far too long to find someone guilty due to a lack on transparency and poor auditing. Someone shouldn't be able to walk away with a bad excuse as " I don't know where the rest of the money went" in most similar cases around the world it's " undisclosed fee's & charges" or something to try and justify their embezzlement. Not pure idiocy.

3. FAURD VOTING - This has been the case of the strongest parties once in power placing thier people in other powerful positions just to cover their asses when shit hits the fan and to ensure they can always gain power and seats again.
What should occur is , the dismemberment of political parties and only allow candidates to run, and when they candidates wins they must request people in office. Those people must then be interviewed for the position to ensure they are able-bodied and sound of mind, intellectual people with relevant experience in the field or position then those people must receive a backing from seat members who themselves earned the seat nor through association with a party but through proven contributions to the betterment of the economy, allowing the earning of a parliament seat be something of award for great accomplishments.
Every God in their title has earned that title, not given due to simply being the son or daughter of someone but through through true dedication to Satan. That should be the inspiration.

4. GREED - I somewhat disagree here to a point, even in the eyes of Greedy person progress will lead to more opportunities for greater income.. they would also not allow unqualified people to have a share of their money, so I have never believed it to be Greediness but just a convince of capital gain.

5. TRIBALISM & NEPOTISM - To a degree yes, I always say as long as someone it vetted and qualified there should be not issue. Its important to respect the power tribal leaders have as they pay a greater attention to their people but they are as corrupt as politicians which is the issue. There's many countries outside Africa that respect old fashioned leadership of Kings and Queens and royals yet there's still a government at play that works well with these groups to ensure prosperity. In realms outside traditional leadership and cultural values it is a problem.

Overall we can take inspiration and ideas from satanism we would become a global power within a short amount of years, everyone earning would earn more and benefit greatly only our enemies and criminals would not benefit and cause the biggest issues as they only thrive in the chaos.

Hail Satan
The only way we can do that is to become active in politics with our hidden agenda... such as the Jews and Arabs have a hidden new world order.... we as spiritual satanists have ours too... and we must try all our possible best to be in places of power to make significant changes... hail Satan!!!!
The only way we can do that is to become active in politics with our hidden agenda... such as the Jews and Arabs have a hidden new world order.... we as spiritual satanists have ours too... and we must try all our possible best to be in places of power to make significant changes... hail Satan!!!!
Very true but to actively pursue one's own agenda one must have the economic power and control to not fall into traps or to be pressured from others.

The key is to head into politics unofficially (without registering to the limitations of government bodies) and achieve more results for the people then their own governments do. Showing the ability to apply great change as citizens, and challenging the results or governments.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
