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Spiritual Satanism FAQ

Rational Satanist

Active member
May 13, 2021
In this post, I will answer common questions that haven't been covered in my Beginner's Guide.

I have arranged them in numerical order, so if you want to quickly find the answer to a specific question, use the search function in your browser and type the question's number followed by a dot (for example 10.)

  1. If Satan and Satanism aren't what the enemies say, why call them by these names?
  2. The JoS site says ... but I've read a different thing somewhere else. Which is true?
  3. Why are there contradictions in the JoS site?
  4. What does xian/xianity mean?
  5. How does Satanism differ than Christianity?
  6. Can you do a supernatural trick or ask a Demon to do a supernatural trick to convince me that Satanism is true?
  7. Can I follow Spiritual Satanism without meditating?
  8. Why does Spiritual Satanism take more effort and practice and is more complex than other religions?
  9. Can I reverse the dedication ritual?
  10. If Jesus is fictitional, why do we renounce him in the dedication ritual?
  11. How do I pray in Satanism?
  12. Am i a jew?
  13. I did my dedication ritual but I forgot/misspelled something/didn't draw enough blood/didn't burn the paper completely. Do I need to do it again?
  14. What is the number associated with each rune?
  15. Is this some sort of cult?
  16. How do you know Satan isn't deceiving you?
  17. Are rich celebrities Satanists?
  18. If Satanism isn't evil, why is the site written in red and black and why do you use evil-looking symbols?
  19. How do I deprogram myself from Christianity?
  20. How do I meet other Satanists?
  21. How do I find a mentor?
  22. How long does it take to open my astral senses?
  23. Can I use Wiccan magick? Will it work?
  24. Why are there powerful witches or astrally open people who don't meditate or empower their souls?
  25. Are you guys nazis?
  26. Can I use the magick/meditation techniques in the site without becoming a Spiritual Satanist?
  27. My parents found that I'm a Satanist. What should I do?
  28. Did Satan create the universe?
  29. Who created Satan?
  30. Is Satan all-powerful?
  31. Does the Christian god exist?
  32. The website says that when I summon a Demon I'm supposed to offer something in return. What should I offer?
  33. What is the "ritual" mentioned in the Incubus/Succubus page on JoS?
  34. If Christianity is jewish, what about the "synagogue of Satan" part in Revelation or the anti-Christian parts of the Talmud?
  35. What happens when you complete the Magnum Opus?
  36. Can I vibrate mantras in my mind?
  37. How can I practice Spiritual Satanism without my parents finding out?

1. If Satan and Satanism aren't what the enemies say, why call them by these names?

Allow me to ask you in return: If the website or forum didn't mention the word Satan or Satanism, what is the possibility that you would find it? I can safely assume that you found it because you searched for "Satan" or "Satanism" or any related things, or heard about others that Satanism isn't as bad as people think. See: If the site completely avoided these words it would be obscure. How many people have heard of Enki? I guess only Sumerian mythology buffs or Academics. Most normal people have no idea who he is.

There are other reasons too. If we avoided these names they would be used only as psychological propaganda tools by Christians and psychopaths who commit atrocities in Satan's name. By reclaiming them we are diminish the power these negatively-charged words have to be used by Satan's enemies. They make it harder for a Christian pastor to blame "Satan" for whatever happens in the world or call somebody he doesn't agree with a "Satanist". We are also stopping these psychopaths who offend Satan by doing things he abhors. There have been plenty of people here who had the wrong idea about Satan and after reading the JoS site they learned the truth and turned back from those horrible enemy lies.

Another reason: If we avoided these names, we would only attract politically correct hippies, New Agers and Wiccans. These people are most unsuitable for Satanism, and the name "Satanism" makes a strong point that we oppose and fight against the enemy lies, we are not just hippies who love everyone.

If you avoid Christian programming in your mind by avoiding the names Satan it makes it worse, and that programming will creep up somewhere else and cause you scary experiences. The only way to remove it is to change your perception of the names Satan and Satanism and associating them with positive things. In this way, the Christian programming will be completely nullified.

2. The JoS site says ... but I've read a different thing somewhere else. Which is true?

Most of the information from other sources is corrupted. The JoS is more accurate because it came under the direction of Satan and the Demons themselves combined with research from books.

3. Why are there contradictions in the JoS site?

Because some parts are outdated and they contradict the information found on newer parts. It's easy to see which part is older by the year mentioned at the bottom of the page.

4.What does xian/xianity mean?

Christian/Christianity, like Xmas=Christmas. Jesus is fictitious, so "X".

5. How does Satanism differ than Christianity?

This isn't a serious question for someone who has actually studied what Spiritual Satanism is. But there are people (usually atheists) who still ask that question somehow.

Spiritual Satanism and Christianity are literal opposites:

  • Christianity is about blind faith. Satanism is about practice and knowledge.
  • Christianity forbids anything of the "Occult". Christians have no idea what chakras, energy work mantras, planetary squares and magick are, they only blindly pray or study their bible. Satanism is about developing and using your occult powers. Satanists use all of the things I mentioned.
  • Christianity is heavily laden with guilt and fear and forever repenting and feeling sorry. Satanism fully accepts you as you are and doesn't tell you you are sinful just for being born.
  • In Christianity if you are not a Christian you will be tortured forever after death. In Satanism there's no such concept. You die, you go to Duat and then get reincarnated. Eternal torture is such a horrible thing and makes you think what kind of benevolent god would condone this, or what kind of psychopathic human would invent that concept.
  • In Christianity, salvation is being released from the Original sin. In Satanism, there's nothing you need to be "saved" because you're not in danger of anything. You work to reach spiritual and physical perfection and immortality, completing the Magnum Opus.
  • Christian morality is slave morality. Turning the other cheek, resisting not evil, feeling sorry, groveling like a slave, following the herd and being a sheep. Satanism follows the Ancient Pagan master morality: being strong, powerful, not taking shit from anyone, working to reach perfection, thinking for yourself and judging for yourself.

6. Can you do a supernatural trick or ask a Demon to do a supernatural trick to convince me that Satanism is true?

Another popular Atheist question. Short answer: No.

Even if we did convince you that this is true, it wouldn't be certain that you would work on your soul after that. See, Satanism isn't a religion in which we do some miracle for you so you can sit on your butt and have blind faith and do nothing after that when you are "convinced". It isn't a lazy religion like Christianity. But, those people who are suitable for Satanism will work to get the "proof" themselves and not lazily ask for it. Those who do nothing but ask proof from others will have the exact same lazy mindset when they are "convinced".

This is also disrespectful to Demons, who are such busy beings and have no time to do stupid things to convince someone.

7. Can I follow Spiritual Satanism without meditating?

If you are asking this question, you might have the wrong idea about Satanism. What do you think Spiritual Satanism is about? Do you think it is a religion like Christianity?

Spiritual Satanism is about transforming and empowering your soul with Satan's guidance. The main way to do that is power meditations. If you don't meditate, you won't advance far and you won't accomplish the main purpose of Spiritual Satanism.

8. Why does Spiritual Satanism take more effort and practice and is more complex than other religions?

Great accomplishments always take study, effort and work. Always. Other lazy religions like Christianity will not help you advance your soul at all. Just having blind faith doesn't help advance in anything. You will still stay an enslaved sheep.

9. Can I reverse the dedication ritual?

No. The dedication is a permanent thing. If you want to leave Satanism, it is really simple: just stop practicing it. Satan will leave you alone if you leave him alone.

Yes, I know the site says that some people did a reverse ritual and Satan left them. But there's not any "reverse ritual" anyone can tell you how to do. These people made up their own ritual.

10. If Jesus is fictitional, why do we renounce him in the dedication ritual?

Because the "Jesus" character still has a psychological hold on people's minds. Most people living in Western countries have been programmed with Christianity and the "Jesus" character since their birth and renouncing it is good for releasing the influence it has in your mind.

11. How do I pray in Satanism?

"Prayer" in Satanism can mean any of these things:

  • Communication with Satan
    You can use rituals or meditating on his sigil while sending him a "message" mentally. Advanced people communicate telepathically and don't need any of these.
  • Manifesting something in reality
    Magickal workings help on that. You can also summon a Demon if it is something more complex.
  • Spiritually helping a person who is sick or needs help
    The way we do that is send energy to them.

12. Am i a jew?

If you have to ask about it, there's 99,99% probability that you aren't. Many people when they learn about jews they are worried that themselves might be one. You should not worry, a jew would likely use jewish psychology and not think about the jew part at all. Jews have very little self-awareness or self-criticism. That's why they are often hypocrites, they blame their enemies of the same things they themselves do.. A larger nose doesn't necessarily mean that you are a jew.

13. I did my dedication ritual but I forgot/misspelled something/didn't draw enough blood/didn't burn the paper completely. Do I need to do it again?

It's very rare for any Satanist to do the ritual perfectly. Almost everyone has something like this happen when they do the ritual. You should not worry. You did the ritual, and you had the intention to do it. Congratulations! You're now an official SS. Move along, forget the ritual and start learning and empowering yourself.

14. What is the number associated with each rune?

It is the same as the order in which it is listed on the Runes page. Fehu is #1, Üruz is #2 e.t.c.

15. Is this some sort of cult?

It is laughable that anyone would think this. You don't have to meet with anyone, you can practice in your home, nobody asks you for any money, there's no closed membership here like in other groups, to become a member all you have to do is create an anonymous account here (if you even try to post your personal information here the moderators will delete it for your safety), you are free to leave any time you wish and nobody will force you or coerce you (it's impossible for anyone to do it because all you have to do is log off this site and never visit again and stop practicing SS things) and the "leader" never asks to be acknowledged or even more, "worshipped" (even when people thanked her she always replied "Don't thank me, thank Satan. I'm just an ordinary human"). You have to be a complete drumbass to still think this is some sort of cult after knowing all this!

16. How do you know Satan isn't deceiving you?

Because he is the one who brings all that spiritual knowledge so we can use it and dispel deception. A person who has raised his kundalini has "opened his mind" and can see the truth about things so he can be no longer deceived. The foundation of Satanism is raising this Kundalini and transforming our souls spiritually. Satan isn't afraid of this knowledge because he has nothing to hide. Unlike some other "religions" that require blind faith and forbid anything "occult" by scaring people away from it...

17. Are rich celebrities Satanists?

No, they only use Satanic symbols sometimes for shock value. If they were real Satanists, do you think the enemy who controls everything and pushes Christianity everywhere would allow them to become rich? Has any of these people ever talked about or promoted Spiritual Satanism in a positive way and clarified that Satanism isn't bad?

18. If Satanism isn't evil, why is the site written in red and black and why do you use evil-looking symbols?

Because these colors and symbols are not "evil". The enemy propaganda and lies about them is what is really evil. A person who doesn't live in a Christian country and hasn't heard of Christianity will never think any of them are "evil".

If you really think these are evil then you need to deprogram yourself from Christianity. Which brings us to the next question:

19. How do I deprogram myself from Christianity?

A member has written an excellent post about this.

20. How do I meet other Satanists?

It's not advised to meet others over the internet because you don't know who are meeting. There are many infiltrators, ADL agents and Fed shills lurking here. Trusted members will not just meet with someone new because they could be a shill or infiltrator too (I'm not saying they surely are). There are people who have met with others, these are usually experienced and trusted Satanists who have communicating for over a year via emails and then they decided to meet physically. That's how it usually happens.

21. How do I find a mentor?

This has the same problems as with the previous question. Plus there are really not any mentors. Read and study by yourself, start practicing and if you have any questions ask them in these forums.

22. How long does it take to open my astral senses?

There's no set time. People start with different levels of astral openness based on the experience in their past lives. Some may be born astrally open, others may take years and another person may need only 3 days.

23. Can I use Wiccan magick? Will it work?

Wiccan magick is much inferior. All they do is recite or chant some crappy poem, sprinkle some incense and dance around thinking is a powerful spell. It's totally cringeworthy.

24. Why are there powerful witches or astrally open people who don't meditate or empower their souls?

Because they have been empowering their souls in their past lives. Nobody can't have power without work, either in this life or on previous lives. There are also some Traditional Witches who pass their powers to their children via heredity. These are called Hereditary Witches. If you are a spiritually powerful woman and you have a child, your child will be more spiritually powerful than usual.

25. Are you guys nazis?

The correct term is National Socialists. "Nazi" is a word invented by a German jew to make fun of National Socialists. I can see that the way you ask this question shows that you have some misunderstandings based on jewish propaganda regarding what National Socialism is. There are some websites linked here which you could read about it.

26. Can I use the magick/meditation techniques in the site without becoming a Spiritual Satanist?

You can do some low-level stuff. But remember: This knowledge came from Satan. You won't advance very far if you are not under Satan's protection and guidance as Satan's enemies really hate people who become spiritually powerful and so they attack them.

Asking this question shows you may still believe some enemy lies about Satan and Satanism. You need to read the JoS site and also Exposing Christianity to de-program yourself from enemy lies. There's nothing bad or evil about Spiritual Satanism.

27. My parents found that I'm a Satanist. What should I do?
Do everything to get them off you. Lie to them that you "de-converted" and become a Christian again.

28. Did Satan create the universe?

No, Satan isn't that old and that powerful to create the entire universe. No being is.

29. Who created Satan?

His parents had sex and he was born like humans are.

30. Is Satan all-powerful?

No. No being is all-powerful. Don't get me wrong, Satan is insanely powerful compared to a human being. But his power has limits.

31. Does the Christian god exist?

Yes and no. It doesn't exist as an omni-present all-powerful being who created the universe. It is just a collective of malevolent enemy extraterrestrials like Reptilians and Greys. Many people who channel the "christian god" invoke nasty alien beings.

32. The website says that when I summon a Demon I'm supposed to offer something in return. What should I offer?

The question is answered literally on the exact same Summoning page that mentions you should offer a Demon something, yet people keep asking this question over and over again. If you are asking this question you need to read the rest of that page and not just stop on the summoning part. Hint: the answer is on the third paragraph from the end in that same page.

33. What is the "ritual" mentioned in the Incubus/Succubus page on JoS?

When the word "ritual" is mentioned without clarifying its type, it always refers to the Standard Ritual

34. If Christianity is jewish, what about the "synagogue of Satan" part in Revelation or the anti-Christian parts of the Talmud?

The "synagogue of Satan" part is completely taken out of context. Even the Wikipedia page debunks it:

Wikipedia said:
It is widely accepted as referring to a specific group of unbelieving Jews who opposed Jesus. The verse has often been used to justify hatred against all Jews or particular subsets of modern Jews, which academic scholars generally view as ignorant of the biblical context and the fact that Jesus and the suspected author of Revelation were Jews.

The Jews who wrote the Talmud much didn't like Christianity much. Not because Christianity is "gentile" somehow, but because there were actual dumb jews in middle ages who converted to christianity. Christianity is supposed to be a religion of slavery for the "goyim" and not for the jews themselves, so the jews wanted to protect themselves from converting to that slave religion.

You have to be a level 10000 Drumbfluck to think that an offshoot of Judaism whose holy books were written by jews, whose main events happened in Israel, whose history is full of jewish popes and in our modern day is the biggest supporter and funder of Israel, which has mass-murdered Pagan/Gentile people and destroyed ancient libraries, which teaches you to be a slave and turn the other cheek, which tells you that you are a sinner for being born a "goy" and you need to repent otherwise the Big Jew will torture you forever in a lake of fire and which tries to scare you away from acquiring occult knowledge, becoming spiritually powerful and using black magick against the jews is somehow anti-semitic and a threat to the jews.

35. What happens when you complete the Magnum Opus?

You will become physically and spiritually immortal and reverse aging. There are some people who say that you'll die and be reincarnated as a Demon on Duat but this is total misinformation. Your perfection will be on earth and you will not die.

36. Can I vibrate mantras in my mind?

Yes. Mental vibration is more effective if your mind is more developed, so if you are new it's better to vibrate mantras verbally.

37. How can I practice Spiritual Satanism without my parents finding out?

Never leave any physical objects related to Spiritual Satanism like journals. Do everything in your mind and your astral temple. You can practice power meditation when your parents are asleep, or wake up before them. Power meditation is easy to hide as you can pretend you are sleeping or thinking.

If your parents check your computer or your phone use the Incognito Mode on your Chrome browser (other browsers have that too but they call it something else like "private mode" or "InPrivate") to visit the JoS site and the forums (this mode doesn't leave any history or cookies in your browser so your parents can't see that you have visited them). Also delete any Satanic documents you have downloaded on your phone or computer after you read them.
Great FAQ! I’d just like to point out:

Rational Satanist said:
25. Are you guys nazis?

The correct term is National Socialists. "Nazi" is a word invented by a German jew to make fun of National Socialists. I can see that the way you ask this question shows that you have some misunderstandings based on jewish propaganda regarding what National Socialism is. There are some websites linked here which you could read about it.
This JoS sermon explains how “Nazi” is a positive term and originates from the Sumerian Goddess Nanshe (pronounced as “Nazi”):
Academic Scholar said:
Great FAQ! I’d just like to point out:

Rational Satanist said:
This JoS sermon explains how “Nazi” is a positive term and originates from the Sumerian Goddess Nanshe (pronounced as “Nazi”):

I don't know. Is there any evidence that Hitler or any NSDAP member used the word "Nazi" to refer to himself or the party? Because there's this on the other hand:

The term “Nazi” was actually created by the Communist-Marxist enemies of the National Socialists (the NSDAP). It was/is a pejorative connotation; a belittling insult and a slur. The Germans, not Hitler, nor any other high ranking party officials ever referred to themselves as “Nazis”! They called themselves ‘National Socialists’ and nothing more.
Those who can read German and have studied any of the original documents and speeches, should know this already, but most do not. Yet the world and countless generations continue to echo this epithet as if it was as certain as the sun rising. This should give some insight into the mind manipulating power of media and propaganda. It should then, also give a clear indication of who is actually in control of the worlds media and propaganda – the Communist-Marxist enemies!

The term ‘Nazi’ (along with ‘Nazism’) is little more than a political epithet invented by Konrad Heiden during the 1920’s, as a means of disparaging the NSDAP and the political and financial ideals of National Socialism in general. Heiden was a member of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) and conveniently, also an influential Jewish journalist for both the Frankfurter Zeitung and the Vossische Zeitung German newspapers. Heiden’s SDP was renowned for its internal conflict created by its elements of Marxist members and progressively during the 1920’s and early 1930’s, ultimately lost the majority of its seats in the Reichstag to the National Socialists. By 1933, of the 647 seats in the Reichstag, the NSDAP held 288, the SDP held only 120 and the Communist Party, a mere 81 seats.

The slang term Nazi is a variation of the nickname Sozi (short for Sozialisten), which, at the time, was used in reference to members of Heidens’ SDP. “Nazi” was a political pun, based upon the Austro-Bavarian slang word for “simpleton” or “country bumpkin” and derived from the fairly common name, Ignatz (German form of Ignatius), colloquially meaning, a foolish, clumsy or awkward person. It would be the equivalent of calling someone “nutsy.”
So, if for no other reason than it being an insult, it should be easily understood why the term was regarded as derogatory by the National Socialists and why they would never use it to describe themselves as such.
One should also see why it would be made popular by the Communist-Marxist agitating propagandists and understood how it was seized upon by various other political opponents and subversive political movements – both within Germany and abroad – including the political leaders of the western powers, who clearly had been infiltrated by the same Communist-Marxist elements as well. [also see here]
Rational Satanist said:
Academic Scholar said:
Great FAQ! I’d just like to point out:

Rational Satanist said:
This JoS sermon explains how “Nazi” is a positive term and originates from the Sumerian Goddess Nanshe (pronounced as “Nazi”):

I don't know. Is there any evidence that Hitler or any NSDAP member used the word "Nazi" to refer to himself or the party? Because there's this on the other hand:

The term “Nazi” was actually created by the Communist-Marxist enemies of the National Socialists (the NSDAP). It was/is a pejorative connotation; a belittling insult and a slur. The Germans, not Hitler, nor any other high ranking party officials ever referred to themselves as “Nazis”! They called themselves ‘National Socialists’ and nothing more.
Those who can read German and have studied any of the original documents and speeches, should know this already, but most do not. Yet the world and countless generations continue to echo this epithet as if it was as certain as the sun rising. This should give some insight into the mind manipulating power of media and propaganda. It should then, also give a clear indication of who is actually in control of the worlds media and propaganda – the Communist-Marxist enemies!

The term ‘Nazi’ (along with ‘Nazism’) is little more than a political epithet invented by Konrad Heiden during the 1920’s, as a means of disparaging the NSDAP and the political and financial ideals of National Socialism in general. Heiden was a member of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) and conveniently, also an influential Jewish journalist for both the Frankfurter Zeitung and the Vossische Zeitung German newspapers. Heiden’s SDP was renowned for its internal conflict created by its elements of Marxist members and progressively during the 1920’s and early 1930’s, ultimately lost the majority of its seats in the Reichstag to the National Socialists. By 1933, of the 647 seats in the Reichstag, the NSDAP held 288, the SDP held only 120 and the Communist Party, a mere 81 seats.

The slang term Nazi is a variation of the nickname Sozi (short for Sozialisten), which, at the time, was used in reference to members of Heidens’ SDP. “Nazi” was a political pun, based upon the Austro-Bavarian slang word for “simpleton” or “country bumpkin” and derived from the fairly common name, Ignatz (German form of Ignatius), colloquially meaning, a foolish, clumsy or awkward person. It would be the equivalent of calling someone “nutsy.”
So, if for no other reason than it being an insult, it should be easily understood why the term was regarded as derogatory by the National Socialists and why they would never use it to describe themselves as such.
One should also see why it would be made popular by the Communist-Marxist agitating propagandists and understood how it was seized upon by various other political opponents and subversive political movements – both within Germany and abroad – including the political leaders of the western powers, who clearly had been infiltrated by the same Communist-Marxist elements as well. [also see here]
Did you read the sermon?
mercury_wisdom said:
Did you read the sermon?

Yes. His main argument is this:

HP Hoodedcobra said:
The term "Nazi" is not invented by a jew in anyway. It was used by the Nazis on their own, as the initials of the party name.

I don't see the sermon mentioning a Hitler speech or a original NS document in German (not a jewish english translation) using the word Nazi to refer to the party. If it was used all the time as he says he could reply and post the original German documents he has read that show the NSDAP used it first and all the time as he says. You have to excuse me if I don't automatically believe something someone said just because he said it, even if he is a High Priest.

For now, what the Nordic Resistance Movement's website (and the previous article I linked) says makes more sense to me:

“Nazis” didn’t call themselves Nazis
The German National Socialists never called themselves Nazis. They always referred to themselves as National Socialists, in order to emphasise the two components that made up their political designation and, therefore, their ideology. One exception was the pamphlet Der Nazi-Sozi, written by Josef Goebbels in 1926. Der Nazi-Sozi was an attempt by Goebbels to weaponize the term “Nazi” by embracing it. However, this wasn’t something he pursued further, and the tactic wasn’t adopted by the Party or its supporters.
Hi, I like your posts very much. I would like to add this to my signature, if possible, with credits provided.
Rational Satanist said:
1. If Satan and Satanism aren't what the enemies say, why call them by these names?

Allow me to ask you in return: If the website or forum didn't mention the word Satan or Satanism, what is the possibility that you would find it? I can safely assume that you found it because you searched for "Satan" or "Satanism" or any related things, or heard about others that Satanism isn't as bad as people think. See: If the site completely avoided these words it would be obscure. How many people have heard of Enki? I guess only Sumerian mythology buffs or Academics. Most normal people have no idea who he is.

There are other reasons too. If we avoided these names they would be used only as psychological propaganda tools by Christians and psychopaths who commit atrocities in Satan's name. By reclaiming them we are diminish the power these negatively-charged words have to be used by Satan's enemies. They make it harder for a Christian pastor to blame "Satan" for whatever happens in the world or call somebody he doesn't agree with a "Satanist". We are also stopping these psychopaths who offend Satan by doing things he abhors. There have been plenty of people here who had the wrong idea about Satan and after reading the JoS site they learned the truth and turned back from those horrible enemy lies.

Another reason: If we avoided these names, we would only attract politically correct hippies, New Agers and Wiccans. These people are most unsuitable for Satanism, and the name "Satanism" makes a strong point that we oppose and fight against the enemy lies, we are not just hippies who love everyone.

If you avoid Christian programming in your mind by avoiding the names Satan it makes it worse, and that programming will creep up somewhere else and cause you scary experiences. The only way to remove it is to change your perception of the names Satan and Satanism and associating them with positive things. In this way, the Christian programming will be completely nullified.

You mist a very important part that Satans name has been around since ancient times, that in one of the worlds oldest language Satan means TRUTH.

Part of the reason we use the name Satan is because of what you mentioned.

The other reason is because it is actually his name.( i.e SATANAMA being Satans full name)

Rational Satanist said:
10. If Jesus is fictitional, why do we renounce him in the dedication ritual?

Because the "Jesus" character still has a psychological hold on people's minds. Most people living in Western countries have been programmed with Christianity and the "Jesus" character since their birth and renouncing it is good for releasing the influence it has in your mind.

Again, this is only one part of it, Jewsus is not entirely fictional but is part of the jewish thoughtform zeitgeist.

Rational Satanist said:
14. What is the number associated with each rune?

It is the same as the order in which it is listed on the Runes page. Fehu is #1, Üruz is #2 e.t.c.

This was a really low effort response, honestly I'm surprised that you put such a lazy response. The number associated with each rune is the number in which they corrolate to. It is not just a form of labelling but ties into the vibrations you are supposed to do with each of the rune.

For instance, for rune RAIDHO(#5) you should only do vibrations in repititions of 5(5, 10, 15, 20, 25, etc.) as this ties into the rune energetically.

Rational Satanist said:
23. Can I use Wiccan magick? Will it work?

Wiccan magick is much inferior. All they do is recite or chant some crappy poem, sprinkle some incense and dance around thinking is a powerful spell. It's totally cringeworthy.

You call Wiccan magick "inferior" when in reality it's not magick. The three basic steps of witchcraft(i.e magick) are raising energy, programming energy, and direction energy. Which Wiccan philosophies do not adhere to.

They only focus on the "directing" part which, if anything happens, the energy is drawn from the soul which depletes people. And also, the energy has no programming so it very well may come to hurt you.

Basically, "Wiccan" magick is something that should never be done as it's a corruption of true spirituality and only serves to hurt you. Even if your "working" somehow works you've used your soul as a power source as you didn't raise energy and your "working" is unlikely do to manifest in the way you want as you didn't program that energy.

All and all there's a lot of things wrong with it, let's not even talk about how much wiccans love to fucking use circles of binding in their "rituals" which are disrespectful to Satan and his Demons.

Rational Satanist said:
26. Can I use the magick/meditation techniques in the site without becoming a Spiritual Satanist?

You can do some low-level stuff. But remember: This knowledge came from Satan. You won't advance very far if you are not under Satan's protection and guidance as Satan's enemies really hate people who become spiritually powerful and so they attack them.

Asking this question shows you may still believe some enemy lies about Satan and Satanism. You need to read the JoS site and also Exposing Christianity to de-program yourself from enemy lies. There's nothing bad or evil about Spiritual Satanism.

No you can't do "low level stuff". One shouldn't meditate before dedicating their souls to Satan. The only thing meditation will do is alert enemy beings to your presense and if you are on your own, you will be crushed by them. There's a reason why under "The Devils Keys" it says to never read this unless you are already dedicated.

The same is true for Meditation. One shouldn't meditate without dedicating first or else they risk really really bad shit happening to them.

Rational Satanist said:
36. Can I vibrate mantras in my mind?

Yes. Mental vibration is more effective if your mind is more developed, so if you are new it's better to vibrate mantras verbally.

Where did you hear that it's okay to do mental vibration with mantras? You do understand that the whole reason mantras, runes, etc work is due to the throat chakra right?

As Thoth said, "Life is in the Breath". When you speak or vibrate something it activates the throat chakra which can allow one to literally "speak things into existence". On the JoS site it even encourages people that if they can't be loud that they can wisper it or be silent as actually saying it out loud is neccesary.

What are you talking about with mental vibration?
Correction on what I said.

It does not say on the JoS site for us to wisper if we can't do full vibrations. However, there have been many members who have said as such on the forums. And it's due to that reason I mentioned with the throat chakra.

The vibration part is actually neccesary. Saying a rune in your mind 100x isn't going to do shit. The throat chakra is stimulated when we speak and as such is one of the reasons Thoth said "Life is in the Breath"
Artisan said:
This was a really low effort response, honestly I'm surprised that you put such a lazy response. The number associated with each rune is the number in which they corrolate to. It is not just a form of labelling but ties into the vibrations you are supposed to do with each of the rune.

For instance, for rune RAIDHO(#5) you should only do vibrations in repititions of 5(5, 10, 15, 20, 25, etc.) as this ties into the rune energetically.

The people asking this question ask it because they read in the JoS site this part:

Repeat for the specific number of times corresponding to the rune you are using.

vibrating the runes is to be done repeatedly and should be for the number of times as is the number of the rune, or can be multiples of this number.

And they just don't know what the number of each rune is. That's all my reply is about: answering this direct question. The rest you mentioned is irrelevant to what these people are asking. I like to keep my replies concise instead of mentioning irrelevant stuff like some people (*cough* Gear88 *cough*) do. So it's not a lazy response at all. These people who are asking this question don't want to learn more about what the number signifies, they just want to know what the number associated with each rune is.

I also think this answers most of your other remarks that "I didn't mention X". I didn't mention these things because they are not directly related to what people are asking (maybe except the Satan meaning truth, which I could mention. Maybe in the updated version of my FAQ I will add that part).

Artisan said:
No you can't do "low level stuff". One shouldn't meditate before dedicating their souls to Satan. The only thing meditation will do is alert enemy beings to your presense and if you are on your own, you will be crushed by them. There's a reason why under "The Devils Keys" it says to never read this unless you are already dedicated.

The same is true for Meditation. One shouldn't meditate without dedicating first or else they risk really really bad shit happening to them.

Yes, you can. Please remember that the dedication is a permanent thing and that you have to be 100% sure you want to do it. How would you try SS out before you dedicate yourself if you aren't allowed to do low level stuff that doesn't attract enemy attention like void meditation or asking Satan? This doesn't make sense. Low level stuff doesn't attract the enemy. As HP Maxine said in JoS, the enemy is attracted when you advance far into the occult without Satan's protection. Not when you're doing low level stuff.

I've mentioned the things that are safe to do without the dedication ritual before:

Rational Satanist said:
Sarjam05 said:
Can one carry out the standard ritual to Satan without being dedicated?

Yes. A rule of thumb: everything involving Satan himself (standard rituals, thanksgiving rituals, meditating on Satan's energy or his sigil e.t.c.), white magick workings/rituals (protection, banishing, freeing the soul, cleaning karma e.t.c.), cleaning your aura and chakras and void meditation are 100% safe to do even if you are not dedicated.

Artisan said:
You call Wiccan magick "inferior" when in reality it's not magick. The three basic steps of witchcraft(i.e magick) are raising energy, programming energy, and direction energy. Which Wiccan philosophies do not adhere to.

It's not something you "adhere" to, it's a characteristic of all magick. All magick does that to some degree, even wiccan ones. What's the difference with Wiccans is they do it unconsciously and that's why their magick is inferior.

Artisan said:
Where did you hear that it's okay to do mental vibration with mantras?

HP Cobra and every long-time member besides you (Henu the Great). Ask them.

Artisan said:
You do understand that the whole reason mantras, runes, etc work is due to the throat chakra right?

The throat chakra affects mental vibrations as well. Where did you get that the throat chakra affects only physical speech?

Artisan said:
The vibration part is actually neccesary. Saying a rune in your mind 100x isn't going to do shit. The throat chakra is stimulated when we speak and as such is one of the reasons Thoth said "Life is in the Breath"

Again, you can stimulate the throat chakra mentally. It doesn't need physical speech to do that. The "Life is in the Breath" saying by Thoth is not related at all to mantras or vibrations. It only has to do with breathing exercises and the raising of prana through them.

You don't "say" a rune in your mind during mental vibration. You vibrate it with intention, much like verbal vibration is different than normal speech. I have done it myself and have noticed effects similar to verbal vibration. Try it yourself.

I remember myself years ago writing a similar reply to yours to someone in Yahoo groups that "mental vibration doesn't work". The then-HP Majewson replied to me and he told me to try it out for myself. I tried it, and my mind was blown with how effective is. Of course my mind wasn't as trained before so I didn't felt it as strongly as verbal vibration. But I did feel it.
Artisan said:
Correction on what I said.

It does not say on the JoS site for us to wisper if we can't do full vibrations. However, there have been many members who have said as such on the forums. And it's due to that reason I mentioned with the throat chakra.

The vibration part is actually neccesary. Saying a rune in your mind 100x isn't going to do shit. The throat chakra is stimulated when we speak and as such is one of the reasons Thoth said "Life is in the Breath"
Here is a good post detailing about the vibrations: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=293784#p293784
I forgot to comment on this:

Artisan said:
"The Devils Keys" it says to never read this unless you are already dedicated.

The same is true for Meditation. One shouldn't meditate without dedicating first or else they risk really really bad shit happening to them.

The Enochian keys are completely different than low level power meditation. The enochian keys directly blaspheme enemy beings, that's why you shouldn't do them if you are not dedicated.

The same is not true for low level stuff like void meditation. You can see they are completely different things. If HP Maxine wanted to warn about doing all kinds of meditation in general before being dedicated, she would post it on the meditation page, and not just warn about the Enochian keys.

There are 2 problems with your reply here:

  • It encourages blind faith
  • It trivializes the Dedication Ritual.

As it's been said, in SS you're not supposed to have blind faith in anything, but you're supposed to try out and see it for yourself. How, then, would a person who wants to communicate with Satan or open his astral senses or experience his chakras before dedicating himself should proceed? Should he do the dedication ritual in blind faith which essentially makes it invalid because he doesn't mean every word of it as he doesn't believe that Satan is real yet?

What you would answer to a person who tells you he/she wants to experience the reality of SS for him/herself before commiting himself/herself? "Just do the ritual so you can be protected. It's okay if you don't mean every word of it". Lol. Seriously? What about the part in JoS which says that this is a permanent and serious lifetime commitment and you should do it only if you are sure? The Dedication ritual isn't a trivial thing that you should do it just to see if it works or just to get protected. It's a serious thing. Therefore, it follows that before doing such a serious thing you need to make yourself sure that you want to practice SS for the rest of your life. What other way to do that than doing low-level meditation stuff?

Please note that I'm not talking about people who want to steal Satan's knowledge and use it without honoring him. I have wrote against this sort of thing in the past. I'm referring to sincere people who want to "try it before they buy it". There have been many people who have asked this sort of thing in the groups/forums before.
Rational Satanist said:
Artisan said:
Where did you hear that it's okay to do mental vibration with mantras?

HP Cobra and every long-time member besides you (Henu the Great). Ask them.
I remember myself years ago writing a similar reply to yours to someone in Yahoo groups that "mental vibration doesn't work". The then-HP Majewson replied to me and he told me to try it out for myself. I tried it, and my mind was blown with how effective is. Of course my mind wasn't as trained before so I didn't felt it as strongly as verbal vibration. But I did feel it.

I'm so glad people are finally writing that mental vibrations do work. When I was new, I did them all the time and had effects, then people on the yahoo groups kept saying they don't work so I stopped mentioning it. Some other members were actually trying to argue with me about it insisting that I was wrong. I even did a full Venus square using only mental, and had the effects I wanted, not to a large degree of course but it helped me to do vibrations louder after.
Critiquing a post and effort made by a SS with the hope of helping and structuring some common beginner interests, by saying that it is lazy is very unproductive, given you right of the bat disposed on a supposition of superiority and dismissal the contents while giving semantics and depths to things that aren't supposed to be all-encompassing, as it is a beginners initiation...

One should always make an effort of study and practice, I wouldn't ever be here if I would've meditated year's before I found JoS. Because I meditated I found it as I advanced on my own pace to have the glimpse and opportunity to do it to the highest level. There are all kinds of people here, those who dabbled or even proficient meditators or those who are completely new.

The dedication has a lot of parts, the physical is just one. The spiritual belonging, the truths adhered, the soul composition, everything must be resonating and magnetized to what is a SS, and all of those come to fruition by practice. The dedication is a daily deed, the ritual being only an opener of this alchemy working and soul discovery. Worrying about the enemy in such intimacy and important act is of no place in the birth of the SS, the important degree of protection is assured.

If someone found this site and is interested, and wants to practice before discovering the depth of the teachings, all is alright and natural. Even pagans have the Gods protection, don't worry about potential SS souls, as every soul there is, is known by the Gods.

About mental vibrations, no one has been in a real life situation in need of blessing or cursing in public? Influencing people? One can vibrate in mind and see for themselves. I used to loop Satanama in my mind when I was younger and I would lucid dream hours on ends. Of course there is hierarchy and priorities in this, debating on the spiritual capacities of individuals is pointless.
Lydia said:
Rational Satanist said:
Artisan said:
Where did you hear that it's okay to do mental vibration with mantras?



I've recently had some doubts about mind vibrations.
Just for further confirmation.

If for example I do a 40 day work with a mantra, and one day for several reasons I can not vibrate verbally but I have to do it whispered or mentally, so the work still counts?

Another question. Is it more efficient for you to vibrate whispered or low-toned poorly, or to vibrate mentally well and focused?
Also, fearmongering of meditation and the enemy's actions is a low response to all of what SS is. No need for fear, mental illnesses preaching, and chaotic rants of how hard it is. It is not. Things are simple and the enemy is counteracted by simple practices and simple controlling aspects, and most importantly by experience and walking this path.

There are a lot of ways that you can be attacked and worked on by the enemy, yet there are also n ways to counteract and also overcome and evolve out of it. One can notice that the automation of curses of the enemy is in stages. Beginners have psychological and confusion attacks. This is easily dealt with in time. Higher people have more in-depth attacks or even different types of harassment. These are also dealt with accordingly.

All of this warfare must not be confused with a barrier to the advancement or an egotistical approach- a highly dangerous path. Given you are here or will be, shows the error in the enemy attacks and our superiority in all aspects, given we pursue it further and better every day.

In our life, we encounter all kinds of obstacles but also very beautiful situations. You encounter anger, hate and see suffering. Spirituality is a path of the same qualities and duality, if there's bliss there's also suffering. Fear stems from uncertainty, and fearmongering creates uncertainty.

The outsiders who read our forums shouldn't be dissuaded by fear of "what ifs" or other literal enemy tactics. The enemy uses fear and darkness against us. We show the opposite and invite them over, as this path is full of streaming light, our highest aim is immortality and the enemy is an exercise of destruction that we overcome.

The above if sedimented is itself a fruit of mental protection and tuning of the spiritual in adversity to the enemy tryouts, and it is a seed for the beginners to work with upwards. The mental aspect is important for beginners. One has to have an aim and a good structure to pursue this aim. Fear destroys the structure and the aim is then unreachable. Given the fear is believed, suddenly the mind is opened to the real enemy attacks, which sediment bad seeds.
NakedPluto said:

I really love to read your posts, they make me happy!
Lydia said:
I'm so glad people are finally writing that mental vibrations do work. When I was new, I did them all the time and had effects, then people on the yahoo groups kept saying they don't work so I stopped mentioning it. Some other members were actually trying to argue with me about it insisting that I was wrong. I even did a full Venus square using only mental, and had the effects I wanted, not to a large degree of course but it helped me to do vibrations louder after.

It also makes sense that mental vibrations work.
When we do the vibrations, our bodies start vibrating as well, and thus out souls also vibrate, in the 4th as well.

Where your attention goes, energy follows. So just by focusing the vibration on your soul, this makes you soul vibrate as well.

At least this is how I think.
Rational Satanist said:
Artisan said:
This was a really low effort response, honestly I'm surprised that you put such a lazy response. The number associated with each rune is the number in which they corrolate to. It is not just a form of labelling but ties into the vibrations you are supposed to do with each of the rune.

For instance, for rune RAIDHO(#5) you should only do vibrations in repititions of 5(5, 10, 15, 20, 25, etc.) as this ties into the rune energetically.

The people asking this question ask it because they read in the JoS site this part:

Repeat for the specific number of times corresponding to the rune you are using.

vibrating the runes is to be done repeatedly and should be for the number of times as is the number of the rune, or can be multiples of this number.

And they just don't know what the number of each rune is. That's all my reply is about: answering this direct question. The rest you mentioned is irrelevant to what these people are asking. I like to keep my replies concise instead of mentioning irrelevant stuff like some people (*cough* Gear88 *cough*) do. So it's not a lazy response at all. These people who are asking this question don't want to learn more about what the number signifies, they just want to know what the number associated with each rune is.

I also think this answers most of your other remarks that "I didn't mention X". I didn't mention these things because they are not directly related to what people are asking (maybe except the Satan meaning truth, which I could mention. Maybe in the updated version of my FAQ I will add that part).

Artisan said:
No you can't do "low level stuff". One shouldn't meditate before dedicating their souls to Satan. The only thing meditation will do is alert enemy beings to your presense and if you are on your own, you will be crushed by them. There's a reason why under "The Devils Keys" it says to never read this unless you are already dedicated.

The same is true for Meditation. One shouldn't meditate without dedicating first or else they risk really really bad shit happening to them.

Yes, you can. Please remember that the dedication is a permanent thing and that you have to be 100% sure you want to do it. How would you try SS out before you dedicate yourself if you aren't allowed to do low level stuff that doesn't attract enemy attention like void meditation or asking Satan? This doesn't make sense. Low level stuff doesn't attract the enemy. As HP Maxine said in JoS, the enemy is attracted when you advance far into the occult without Satan's protection. Not when you're doing low level stuff.

I've mentioned the things that are safe to do without the dedication ritual before:

Rational Satanist said:
Sarjam05 said:
Can one carry out the standard ritual to Satan without being dedicated?

Yes. A rule of thumb: everything involving Satan himself (standard rituals, thanksgiving rituals, meditating on Satan's energy or his sigil e.t.c.), white magick workings/rituals (protection, banishing, freeing the soul, cleaning karma e.t.c.), cleaning your aura and chakras and void meditation are 100% safe to do even if you are not dedicated.

Artisan said:
You call Wiccan magick "inferior" when in reality it's not magick. The three basic steps of witchcraft(i.e magick) are raising energy, programming energy, and direction energy. Which Wiccan philosophies do not adhere to.

It's not something you "adhere" to, it's a characteristic of all magick. All magick does that to some degree, even wiccan ones. What's the difference with Wiccans is they do it unconsciously and that's why their magick is inferior.

Artisan said:
Where did you hear that it's okay to do mental vibration with mantras?

HP Cobra and every long-time member besides you (Henu the Great). Ask them.

Artisan said:
You do understand that the whole reason mantras, runes, etc work is due to the throat chakra right?

The throat chakra affects mental vibrations as well. Where did you get that the throat chakra affects only physical speech?

Artisan said:
The vibration part is actually neccesary. Saying a rune in your mind 100x isn't going to do shit. The throat chakra is stimulated when we speak and as such is one of the reasons Thoth said "Life is in the Breath"

Again, you can stimulate the throat chakra mentally. It doesn't need physical speech to do that. The "Life is in the Breath" saying by Thoth is not related at all to mantras or vibrations. It only has to do with breathing exercises and the raising of prana through them.

You don't "say" a rune in your mind during mental vibration. You vibrate it with intention, much like verbal vibration is different than normal speech. I have done it myself and have noticed effects similar to verbal vibration. Try it yourself.

I remember myself years ago writing a similar reply to yours to someone in Yahoo groups that "mental vibration doesn't work". The then-HP Majewson replied to me and he told me to try it out for myself. I tried it, and my mind was blown with how effective is. Of course my mind wasn't as trained before so I didn't felt it as strongly as verbal vibration. But I did feel it.

Rational Satanist said:
I forgot to comment on this:

Artisan said:
"The Devils Keys" it says to never read this unless you are already dedicated.

The same is true for Meditation. One shouldn't meditate without dedicating first or else they risk really really bad shit happening to them.

The Enochian keys are completely different than low level power meditation. The enochian keys directly blaspheme enemy beings, that's why you shouldn't do them if you are not dedicated.

The same is not true for low level stuff like void meditation. You can see they are completely different things. If HP Maxine wanted to warn about doing all kinds of meditation in general before being dedicated, she would post it on the meditation page, and not just warn about the Enochian keys.

There are 2 problems with your reply here:

  • It encourages blind faith
  • It trivializes the Dedication Ritual.

As it's been said, in SS you're not supposed to have blind faith in anything, but you're supposed to try out and see it for yourself. How, then, would a person who wants to communicate with Satan or open his astral senses or experience his chakras before dedicating himself should proceed? Should he do the dedication ritual in blind faith which essentially makes it invalid because he doesn't mean every word of it as he doesn't believe that Satan is real yet?

What you would answer to a person who tells you he/she wants to experience the reality of SS for him/herself before commiting himself/herself? "Just do the ritual so you can be protected. It's okay if you don't mean every word of it". Lol. Seriously? What about the part in JoS which says that this is a permanent and serious lifetime commitment and you should do it only if you are sure? The Dedication ritual isn't a trivial thing that you should do it just to see if it works or just to get protected. It's a serious thing. Therefore, it follows that before doing such a serious thing you need to make yourself sure that you want to practice SS for the rest of your life. What other way to do that than doing low-level meditation stuff?

Please note that I'm not talking about people who want to steal Satan's knowledge and use it without honoring him. I have wrote against this sort of thing in the past. I'm referring to sincere people who want to "try it before they buy it". There have been many people who have asked this sort of thing in the groups/forums before.

Thank you for correcting me about a lot of things. Just yesterday I commented on how I should re-read the joyofsatan site and this is a perfect wake-up to that exactly that, clearly I am ignorant on a lot of things.

In the future I will be sure to open my soul more before trying to "correct" someone about something. Of course I could make excuses and say I did this because x, y, z but that's not beneficial at all.

I was wrong in my post to you while thinking I was right, I will do better in the future. Thank you once more, for correcting me and for your time. I really do appreciate you taking time to explain every single point in depth because that's what I needed.
Rational Satanist said:
..Runic Numbers...

To give you a concise response since you obviously don't read my messages and understand the message. IF you did read my posts you would realize my mindset.

Runes can be used at the number or multiples of the number Algs 15, 30, 45 etc.etc. i.e. multiples of 15.

HP.Maxine mentioned a number of years back Rune should be vibrated minimum 22-23-24 below this number they don't gain as much power as past this number. So Algs x2 30 vibrations is actually much better than the base 15 since it goes past 22-23-24.

As for non-runic numbers ironically enough this thread is the same as another recently. The number of runes is just a base or numerological concept or a Runic Formula system.

Sheer fact is you can use any number for example Sowilo + Algs + Bjarken x88 or x111 or x216. You don't have to use the Runic Number you can use any number you want. As long as it's 22-23-24 when the Runes become more powerful but even below it's fine. It's probably a situation of a being of higher power or a God using the runes at lower than 22-23-24 due to having so much power.

Rune Number/Rune with Multiples of that number/or Runes with any number such as 36, 40, 80, 88, 90, 108, 111, 144, 216, 333 etc.etc.
SatanIsRealAndAGod said:
This may be a dumb question but,
im 14 can i still be apart of the SS or is there a certain age?
No age restrictions.

You might want to change your email from your profile to one that you do not use on any other platform or service since it can easily be linked to your real identity, especially when you use part of your name in the address.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
