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So Israel Went Boom Again

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
As I sit here and I just question why we still collectively still pretend that the jews are entirely innocent, I am asking myself how collectively a bunch of liars we have become as a world.

The fact that Israel gets these "attacks", is just a consequence of the decisions and warmorgering tendencies of this "folk" of the jewish people. Whether these were made by them on themselves we don't know - 9/11 style, it always begs the question why we still are pretending they have no clue what is even going on and just random crazy people want to do these things to them.

Clearly we don't endorse violence but it makes for an interesting tea sipping morning to just open the news and see that. Not sure if the mass media will tell us 6 trillion jews perished in the attack, but yes, it's still interesting to sip some tea when you see things like that.

Also, the Demons and the Gods will not take Israel's offenses lightly. It has been fun and all for the jewish people to con the planet for very long but the consequences of these actions are unavoidable.

As Israel trembles from the attacks they should likely be looking at themselves and thinking if they have done anything to all human beings to warrant this hateful treatment, which they likely won't even accept due to unapologetic psychopathy on a collective level.

Israel isn't known to provide much sympathy to other people and Nations either, living as hosts and in a hateful approach towards any and all other "Nations", the "Goyim". Meanwhile, the "Goyim" has to always rush in solidarity to Israel or even do wars for it like the wars of Iran, Iraq, or mass wars of exterminations against innocents to protect the "people of the Bible".

The bible itself being a forgery, it makes you wonder why these people even matter in the first place; I guess, because things about them being parasites must be lies - yet coincidentally they have found themselves controlling all the "Goyim Nations" wealth via numerous proxies, another practice that will soon cease.

As they control all of this and more, people who say it happens are "haters", because they just know it. The same people also know that these attacks towards Israel aren't just because of one mad arab that was running around, but rather the consequences of decades of war of extermination against the local people's whom they have racially eradicated like the Palestinians.

Overall, the cumulative work that has been done and the Gods do not allow injustice. It's a bad recipe to live in injustice for so long. People also pretend that giving Israel no sympathy is the same as "hating" it, in the usual situation where it must evade all consequences that apply to all other people's and Nations.

This double standard should make us wonder, do this reckless and warmongering "people" truly deserve all these exclusions and preferential treatment?

In our view they do not.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
As things are not going so well for them there that's why they're depopulating Ukraine. So they can move in there next.
I would not believe a word that comes out of Israel from the masters of deception -
we can only guess what is going on and what the plan is, but my guess would be these
s /bags are up to their normal tricks to further their sick agenda.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Whether these were made by them on themselves we don't know - 9/11 style

It wouldn't surprise me if this was the case. When I first seen this trending last night I had suspicions it might've just been a desperate attempt to start a world war 3

Now not even a day later, surprise surprise, guess what's trending? World War 3
"Oy vey!! Our strange rituals where we abuse and slaughter goats and chickens are no longer working. How come this be? We have done this thousands of years.
This is very big sad. Feel sorry for us goyim. It's good and very bible"

I bet they feel and sound this entitled to good fortune after thousands of years of having their crimes against humanity go unpunished. It's like listening to a child who's been spoiled rotten hearing the word "No" for the first time in their life. We truly cannot feel sorry for them bearing the consequences of their actions. It's silly
I dedicate this song to the fall of Israel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pG8TyIEAqps

BURN BABY BURN!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


I know this is a tad late for this post but it might have more info in it that might be o f use- i also didn't see any artcles posted in the thread so i thought it might help.
At least they are really feeling our rtrs! :D

Hail Father Satan
It's even sad and disgusting seeing media say "Israel is in war, is under attack" as soon as someone throws rockets at them, but they never say nothing about pissrael constantly attacking Palestine.

This is nothing to be suprised of, media are overrun by jews afterall so this surely will be their chance, once again, to push their narrative and agenda.
But our works are manifesting regardless of what they could try to orchestrate, and their ugly puppet show will fall upon themselves in flame.
I have heard that Israel knew these attacks were coming, and let it happen as an excuse to seek support to attack Iran.
People have been forced to accept the Jews like it or not. Especially throughout the centuries being beaten down and forced to accept some Jewish god that doesn't exist it all goes along with it. Right there along with the lies and the deception of these Jews while they fucking destroy palaces temples! And beautiful and Powerful empires. Destroying and killing of innocent people and Families! Just because they can and along with it spreading diseases all over the place along with their lies and their bullshit! How people were gradually forced into the spider web of religion created by Jews and forced to love and accept Jews. People knew back in the days that they were the enemy! And having to accept the torture and the torment when it was not even necessary to begin with just to accept these evil creepy people! And having to develop a tolerance for them and the Jews laugh out loud play the role of Innocence while they fucking pull tricks out of their sleeves? Killing off innocent babies and children! With their rituals that go along with their mental illness and what they call a religion. I never like to pathetic pieces of shit! And it's sad that people in this world had to accept them! Instead of standing up for themselves and fighting them off! They got brainwashed and sidetrack fell on their knees and accepted the yamaka kosher eating idiots! I never liked these people never have never will! I have never tolerating any of these idiots as long as they lived! I've read about their destruction and their hatred they have up on the human race through that so-called Bible that they have made and created trying to convince people that they are the chosen when they are nothing but a fucking hoax and a sad joke! But people were dumb enough to fall for it. And people are paying a dearly! And throughout the centuries we have cleaned up a lot of messes because of these stupid Jews and the hatred they dish out on us... along with the religion and the lies and the torture and the torment and all of the many wars that they create just because they can. And it doesn't even matter whether it's about power or money it's about trying to collect as many slaves as they can and turning people inside out and turning people by the millions against themselves and against each other with every form of bullshit they can come up with and they have succeeded in many levels throughout the years and in many ways and sending out many brain waves of lies and mental illness through religion forcing people into believing that this so-called Jesus Christ exists with pictures and documents and how many billions of people still believe in that shit to this very day! People still haven't woke up yet and people still are not aware of these Jews and the destruction that they have brought on they are stupid enough to believe the stupid Jew and played that stupid game of blaming the innocent person or blaming themselves? Going along with the government and the so-called Elite? The royal families of Europe who claim to be the chosen people and why they have the money? And why they can play Both Sides and have fun at taking advantage of the poor people and the little people and the innocent! What we are still dealing with to this very day! And how much these Jews of advanced taken over the world with modern technology creating mass destruction with fancy guns nuclear bombs and many other ways to control the minds of people. I have been aware of their shit from the very beginning according to that so-called filthy bible! And taking a look at the Egyptian pyramids and the ruins throughout the Middle East and what they have done throughout Europe and what they have done around the world! Practicing genocide on people all over and coming up with all different kinds of viruses and shit to scare people into submission as they sit there with the wicked grin on their face is plotting another plan to make people sick or to drop another bomb somewhere! I never had any appreciation for these stupid Jews or these stupid christians! And how they suck up to one another and how they play their role of love and hate towards each other fooling people all over like us thinking that they're an enemy one minute when obviously they are a friend and they work together in perfect unison considering what they have done to this world and what they have planned on doing to us from the beginning and how all of that has become a reality more and more of these problems unfold because of their hatred towards us! And what we are about to face in the near future because of these idiots and the hatred that they have for us and this world and what they have planned for us to put up with and deal with in the next future? And we sit here and Ponder and wonder in our fucking chairs watching TV thinking that everything is okay when it's not when there are a lot of people out there such as ourselves that are concerned and want to know if there is a way out of this and wondering what to do? And I'm sure that Satan is aware of us who and what we are and what we're thinking everyday? Thinking of all the things that we can do to save ourselves and the chance and the opportunity to be one with the Gods! That we do have our work cut out for us! And that we're not just sitting on our butts watching tv! That we have better things to do! I have never had respect for the Jews laugh out loud and I never had any consideration for them! No they are not cool people laugh out loud and no they are not the good people! And I've known that for many years! Paying attention and taking a good look at my ancestors and what they have been through during the second World War and the confusion that goes on in my own family? Wondering if they're Jews or if they're related to jews? When obviously they're not! I know that there have been some people that have married Jews and gradually become a part of the fold through the family name! And I know the Jews have taken a lot of innocent European names and jewified them! And ruined a lot of good names and did it on purpose! Making it so that people are confused about their name and having to go as far as look it up and doing research on it? Just to find out if it's Jewish or not! A lot of people in my family hate and despise Jews and with every good reason! And I grew up hating them bitterly! And it said that we've got so many of them this world that are rich and famous and so many of them that are in the world of science and modern technology! Giving people the impression that there's some kind of a hero when they're not! And taking a good look at what this world is about to face and what we are dealing with right now because of these filthy yamica wearing a kosher eating pieces of shit! And the games they play for amusement and how proud they are of themselves! And how stupid a lot of people have been throughout the centuries as to fucking believe them and fall for their fucking bullshit games! And how many fucking people believe and that stupid bible! Did this very day
Not to mention the fact that Jews know that they were being exposed not only that the Catholic church is being exposed! Churches are beginning to crumble because people are aware of the hypocrisy and the games that they have played upon us people throughout the centuries! And because a lot of people are speaking up about the torture and the torment that family and innocent family members went through! People around the world that have been tormented and put the shame because of the Catholic church or just because they believe in something or happened to know something! Children speaking up and talking about rape issues! And the fact that women are doing everything they can to turn things around for themselves fighting for the rights and fighting for respect! Churches are being exposed people are being called out for all different kinds of crime that involves the Catholic church and the jews! The Jews are also being exposed for not only their hatred they have for us but also! Being recognized for their dirty work that they have pulled in Nazi Germany during the second World War people are speaking up all over and talking about it! Not so many American people are aware of it but a lot of European people are coming out and talking about it! About what really happened during the second World War and talking about what really happened in concentration camps! That people are coming out and expressing their anger and exposing some of the things that these Jews have done throughout the years! And it's pretty obvious and it's loud and clear with these Jews and their Hollywood movies and how much they hate people! With all the violins and the graphic bloody images they put in these movies and it doesn't matter what kind of movie It is! They hate her that they have for women and children and how they're always being discriminated and made to look like some useless animal! Making people afraid of living and doing their own thinking and their own reasoning and how they're putting forth the effort to make things more difficult for people especially with social media! And other things like that the Jews are being called out on! Considering Mark Zuckerberg and the shit that he pulls with social media! And now they want people to pay for FaceTime and to pay for videos so that people can't afford doing family videos on the holidays! Making it so that people can't even meet with each other on Facebook and everything and anything that Mark Zuckerberg owns he's going to make it so that people have to pay for their profile and whatever picture they post or share! Not to mention the fact all these fucking money scams! All these crooked apps that people get into trouble with! Jews are obviously being exposed left and right everyday! People are finding out about them more and more and how cricket and Two-Face they are and people are discovering how they truly are through their reptilian ways! When it comes down to the business world and money! The things that people recall and recognize! Jews destroying our past and erasing our DNA and everything else that means the world to us that is important to us! Jews don't care about our past they don't care about our future! That they won't stop at anything until they destroy the human race! People are now are awakened to that and now they're beginning to see how evil the Jew really is
For the time being, I'm not willing to draw any real conclusion on the how and why. Timing was, it taking place on Simchat Torah is already suspicious. Israeli settlers in Gaza have been growing more emboldened lately, and worldwide sentiment against them, even on the western left moreso than the right, for blatant colonization, was making Israel increasingly unpopular. There's a huge chance that this is controlled opposition so they can simply just have justification for finally blowing the shit out of Palestine and colonizing the rest at long last, as they have been doing for decades now.

On the other hand, Palestinian military groups with the support of another outside force like Iran trying their hand at vengeance after all these years wouldn't precisely surprise me either. Sooner or later, there was always going to be conflict against Israel. Whether it's legitimate conflict happening now or not, will obviously remain to be seen.

If it is the lattermost case, it'd certainly be a sign of the times, and indicative of Israel's spiritual weakening considering this attack happened on the effective last day of their High Holidays.
The sole purpose of those attacks is to provide justification for Israel's future and past actions. The resistance from Palestine's side is neither organic nor does it originates from its people, they are funded Muslim terrorists and they are raping Israeli women on live so Palestine no longer will receive the support from other nations and sympathy from other Gentiles. Israel is not harmed by the ''attacks'' at all. They are just sacrificing a few pioneers for a greater purpose. They need to be victims in the eyes of the average people. I wish Muslims and Israel would destroy each other but unfortunately they are not even fighting.
As a side note, do not sell your lands to Jews. This should be like #1 rule :roll: Even having to say this out loud is embarrassing. The previous generations of Palestinians are responsible for failing to do that.

English invaders, Christian Arabs, Muslim Palestinians founded Israel together.
As an organization, I know we can't applaud this openly. Optics matter.

But personally, any jew suffering any kind of inconvenience, "wrong" (as if it's possible to wrong a jew), discrimination, abuse or anything more intense and thus, delicious, warms my heart.

I don't at all spend all my time hating the enemy, so it's more of a force that motivates me but damn do I love to hate the enemy.

May every jew with zero exceptions whatsoever finally suffer the incredible levels of punitive justice it deserves.
Brilliant HPHC as always my bro.

Having a back and forth with these folk on social media. Glasgow celtic support Palestine which automatic makes my team (Rangers) support Pissreal. Always annoys me this. You would think kiling each other for wearing green or blue/protestant/catholic isnt enough, they want to pick a side in this. Now Celtic fans are typical left wing communist filth. Rangers fans have blinkers on here.

Give me a few things i can throw to my own support to teach them its the same old Chosen ones, they just cant see it.

Respect as per my man.
Is this all the work of our rituals?
How should we respond to this news? Do I have to be happy or do I think it's the best decision?
Is this all the work of our rituals?
How should we respond to this news? Do I have to be happy or do I think it's the best decision?
Hopefully this will be the beginning of the end of that alien occupied territory.
chickens coming home to roost!

As insane jewish supremacist leader literally says to Palestinians either you get the fuck off your own lands and let all you build be destroyed, or die as we gonna flatten the Gaza strip:

Israel faces unprecedented refusal to military service:

So kikes being hated all around their neighborhood and be like "aw hell no I ain't doing no push ups for it".
Possible a chance that Bibi let the attack happen to declare war and force more people into recruiting.

Pammy said:
they are funded Muslim terrorists and they are raping Israeli women on live

Is that so? I've only seen from it is them "parading" the body of a dead IDF woman, like they did with male bodies too - then people getting offended and drawing conclusions. Anyway I wouldn't be surprised if israel started claiming that was so even if they didn't.

Anyway there seem to be too much support from the local population - reasonably so - for it to be just the action of a few secluded terrorists. Them taking captives and possibly going overboard with the violence is nothing but understandable after the brave IDF nerds capturing even Palestinian children and making them face trial, torture and possibly even rape.

The catch is however that israel could have known it would happen and possibly let that one slip on purpose so it could justify an all out war against the Palestinian people. Let's hope it backfires on them.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Whether these were made by them on themselves we don't know - 9/11 style, it always begs the question why we still are pretending they have no clue what is even going on...
Today my cat have put a dead rat in front of my door :)

Also, it might have been good to take a look at that day's natal chart. Maybe we would learn something from it. For example that maybe it is just a show that somebody said above. That would be a shame, so lets just not think that.
Palestinians are Gentiles, human beings first and foremost.
Most of us here were Muslims or Christians before and many of our friends and family still are.
Wouldn't you help them if they were attacked by these crazy alien Jews? It's the same with the Palestinians.

We have to support them and always press on the Enemy when it is in a weak position,
without doing too much mental gymnastics about politics and so on.

Also, all Jews are the same (Jews are born by Jewish females and raised)
they are not playing games with us and we should always fight them tenfold.
Unless someone wants this Planet to end up as another asteroid belt in Space or like Cyberpunk 2077.
Don't forget their end-Goal-plans.


This is awesome. :D :lol: :twisted: :twisted:

hail Father Satan
These goyims have increased the Demonic presence in our world, and OY, we now receive what we minimally deserve back by these glimpses of theological justice, OY OY. It must be the end times, messiah needs to come, must be stuck in traffic. OY VEY. Let's make some Kabbalistic shit again and try to turn this in our favour. OY, VEY? IT DOESN'T WORK ANYMORE?????
Ancient Africa said:
Lets make it worse for them!!!

I want to completely obliterate them.

Please make a group rtr event strength in numbers





You are right. We should be doing something. I dont know about you guys, but i already have. As isreal gets hit rn, the enemy will be praying and working harder. They are desperate, lot of people with intense emotions right now. More people will be working in their spiritual works so we should be upping ours, erasing each imprint they sew and making them eat it while taking advantage of cursing our enemies. With these rituals, I've been focusing on isreal walking into darkness to get consumed by wolves. We can utilize this magick to let both of our enemies fight and destroy each other since they have wished this upon us to begin with! It will be one less enemy at the end of the day for us. I've committed to a purpose, I've committed to a goal. With my heart I follow. Domonion is obtained by those who are the Gods children truly.

Hail satan.
Personal Growth said:
As things are not going so well for them there that's why they're depopulating Ukraine. So they can move in there next.

Yes, its total true. The project "heaven jerusalim" is known and they write about him directly without hiding any facts. They built the largest synagogue in Europe in the city of Dnepr (formerly Dnepropetrovsk): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Rose_Synagogue_(Dnipro).

More of this: http://surl.li/bmpes

What about extermination of Ukrainians and replacement of lands with Jews, then one of the goals of the war in Ukraine, clearly voiced by the Jew Putin, is “denazification”, due to the fact that in Ukraine there are indeed a lot of young people who hold right-wing views and western Ukraine had its own SS division during the 3rd Reich: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/14th_Waffen_Grenadier_Division_of_the_SS_(1st_Galician)

Of course, those for whom they are preparing this land do not need such a number of right-wing youth in the country. According to some reports, more than 5 million people have already left Ukraine; approximate losses in the war are estimated at another 300+ thousand, but this is not yet fully known.
https://youtu.be/cdmDMhZrKUU . This guy is exposing Israel as creating Hamas and this terror attack.
Such a cohencidence all of this happens on the anniversary of the Yom kiker war I think they purposely let in some of the militants to attack yes the militants may have killed hundreds or injured thousands but Israel is just going to use this justify them totally genociding the rest of the Palestinians even my roommate after looking at the news is starting to see how serious things are getting he canee conclusion that through this putin is going to tell Israel to stand down and tell the United States if your going to allow Israel to take over Palestine then we're going to take over Ukraine then China will say the same about Taiwan. Fully starting ww3.,snd honestly it makes perfect sense no doubt
There definitely escalating there agenda at full max speed right now
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
As I sit here and I just question why we still collectively still pretend that the jews are entirely innocent, I am asking myself how collectively a bunch of liars we have become as a world.

The fact that Israel gets these "attacks", is just a consequence of the decisions and warmorgering tendencies of this "folk" of the jewish people. Whether these were made by them on themselves we don't know - 9/11 style, it always begs the question why we still are pretending they have no clue what is even going on and just random crazy people want to do these things to them.

Clearly we don't endorse violence but it makes for an interesting tea sipping morning to just open the news and see that. Not sure if the mass media will tell us 6 trillion jews perished in the attack, but yes, it's still interesting to sip some tea when you see things like that.

Also, the Demons and the Gods will not take Israel's offenses lightly. It has been fun and all for the jewish people to con the planet for very long but the consequences of these actions are unavoidable.

As Israel trembles from the attacks they should likely be looking at themselves and thinking if they have done anything to all human beings to warrant this hateful treatment, which they likely won't even accept due to unapologetic psychopathy on a collective level.

Israel isn't known to provide much sympathy to other people and Nations either, living as hosts and in a hateful approach towards any and all other "Nations", the "Goyim". Meanwhile, the "Goyim" has to always rush in solidarity to Israel or even do wars for it like the wars of Iran, Iraq, or mass wars of exterminations against innocents to protect the "people of the Bible".

The bible itself being a forgery, it makes you wonder why these people even matter in the first place; I guess, because things about them being parasites must be lies - yet coincidentally they have found themselves controlling all the "Goyim Nations" wealth via numerous proxies, another practice that will soon cease.

As they control all of this and more, people who say it happens are "haters", because they just know it. The same people also know that these attacks towards Israel aren't just because of one mad arab that was running around, but rather the consequences of decades of war of extermination against the local people's whom they have racially eradicated like the Palestinians.

Overall, the cumulative work that has been done and the Gods do not allow injustice. It's a bad recipe to live in injustice for so long. People also pretend that giving Israel no sympathy is the same as "hating" it, in the usual situation where it must evade all consequences that apply to all other people's and Nations.

This double standard should make us wonder, do this reckless and warmongering "people" truly deserve all these exclusions and preferential treatment?

In our view they do not.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

just the law of return working, in fact the penury (((their))) hasn't even started yet, this is just a rehearsal. I wonder when a "progrom" will occur worldwide and how we will physically get rid of these people. I guess they will pile up in the current state of Israel, and the returning Arabs, who hate them, will take charge of putting an end to them.
Pammy said:
The sole purpose of those attacks is to provide justification for Israel's future and past actions. The resistance from Palestine's side is neither organic nor does it originates from its people, they are funded Muslim terrorists and they are raping Israeli women on live so Palestine no longer will receive the support from other nations and sympathy from other Gentiles. Israel is not harmed by the ''attacks'' at all. They are just sacrificing a few pioneers for a greater purpose. They need to be victims in the eyes of the average people. I wish Muslims and Israel would destroy each other but unfortunately they are not even fighting.
Welp, since I need to get this off my chest, I'm going to say something below:

I think I am on the other side of the coin here.
I don't understand why people are celebrating this "attack"? Because jews are nearby and they think they are going to be affected by this at all? They think the jews are going to be defeated by some random terrorists when they are so powerful they own banks, tech giants, puppets in every government, etc?
Lul, This attack was funded and planned by jews. To kill us AND their own. But it's going to be more Gentiles of course. It's just blood for shithovah disguised as "war". Only jew deaths will be covered by the news. YOM KRAPPUR.
Any footage I have seen has been general civilians being taken hostage, women ripped from their boyfriends, children and families, screaming please don't kill me while they are taken to fuck knows where and have fuck knows what done to them.
Just like what the Russians are doing to the Ukranians.
Sure, these people are all fucking cancer Muslims but they don't deserve to die to jew funded terrorists. The civilians are being killed and replaced by Muslim terrorists. Even if they succeed in their goal they will not stop with pissrael and they will not stop with jews.
I get everyone is excited by this "jewish retribution", but is this really what we're seeing here? I, personally, don't think so.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Clearly we don't endorse violence but it makes for an interesting tea sipping morning to just open the news and see that. Not sure if the mass media will tell us 6 trillion jews perished in the attack, but yes, it's still interesting to sip some tea when you see things like that.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Dear High Priest
I have the luxury of feeling lost in what I feel.
My first feeling on seeing the attack on Israel was to "have a cup of tea".
But soon, the many iniquities and injustices (such as the rape of young Jewish women) forbid me to feel contentment.
I so HATE iniquity of any kind.
It's in my very nature, injustice literally makes me sick.

I always thought that seeing the enemy falter would fill me with joy. But it doesn't. Because it's not the Netanyahu, Soros and consort who are suffering, but little people.
So yes, I know that these little people don't necessarily have any consideration for the goyim.
But... all these iniquities prevent me from rejoicing.
What's more, war takes everything with it, the good and the bad, civilians and soldiers alike.
I'm not sure I want "destruction to create" anymore.
I wonder a lot about these notions of : Justice/iniquities; violence and war.
How do the Gods think about iniquity?
How do They deal with injustice and the need for violence?
How do we strike a balance between inherent human pity and Christian pity?
I'm having trouble finding my place.

I'm interested in reading your opinions and developments. (Others Brothers and Sisters too)
Shadowcat said:
Meanwhile Biden their favorite shabbos bitch is like "the USA stands with isreal!" Speak for yourself I say....

I heard on one of the mainstream television channel(kike) that the current minister president of Hungary(rat oRbán vIktor) said exactly the same thing that "Hungary stands with iSrael".

But otherwise I've heard it countless times that Hungary stands by iSrael, not only in this current circus, but also stands by iSrael in everything else, for example, in this kosher and muslim slaughter. But these were only two examples.
Pammy said:
The sole purpose of those attacks is to provide justification for Israel's future and past actions. The resistance from Palestine's side is neither organic nor does it originates from its people, they are funded Muslim terrorists and they are raping Israeli women on live so Palestine no longer will receive the support from other nations and sympathy from other Gentiles. Israel is not harmed by the ''attacks'' at all. They are just sacrificing a few pioneers for a greater purpose. They need to be victims in the eyes of the average people. I wish Muslims and Israel would destroy each other but unfortunately they are not even fighting.

Same here, I never trusted the Hamas or Hezbollah to begin with, nothing more but controlled opposition, let alone being terrorist groups, this is just a tale of two Hebrew programs fighting each other to see who can sacrifice more blood to their scum of a "God".

Because somehow, someway, Israel - a country with trillionaire AI tech that they've been operating since the late 20th century to defeat the Arab armies, can't defeat a couple a militants.......right. Reminds me of how the Twin Towers, which were literally built to withstand plane crashes, and saved NYC from flooding, somehow someway....just pancaked and were reduced to literal dust when hit by planes. :roll:

This shit just gets old......

The Palestinian group that does RTRs, meditates with Satan and Baal Zebul, and bankrupts these lizards to restore Gentile wealth is a group I will surely support, even if they have to show a Christian or Muslim face in the public, that's understandable.

I'm starting to notice that many family members of mine, who are normally praising of Pissrael are starting to criticize them for their land-grabbing campaigns in the West Bank, acknowledge that this is what causes shit like this to happen to begin with (assuming this wasn't a false flag), a good sign people are finally waking up.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
