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Saturn and Uranus, Authority and rebellion


New member
Sep 20, 2017
The Equator
Recently I was shown a natal chart, while in a trance, that was going through mutual Saturn to Uranus negative aspects. Just going off of gut instinct alone I feel as this person is an SS and could use some help.

This is one of the most difficult transits someone can have throughout their life, and it is something pretty much anyone has to go through. They are slow moving planets and around your mid 40's most people go through a midlife crisis which is very often a Saturn opposite Saturn, a and Uranus opposite Uranus transit. It can absolutely ruin someone and cause problems with group interactions, excessive authority which results in rebellion, or being part of a group that is rebelling against an authority.

In 1933, Hitler took over Germany while his Saturn was in opposition to itself, and Uranus also in opposition(to less than 0 degrees) to itself which is not exactly the same as the mutual Uranus to Saturn aspects, but it can be. Himmler on the other hand encountered his death at the hands of the allies with a mutual Saturn to Uranus opposition. The karma associated with this can be beyond your control and difficult to manage regardless of how grounded, balanced, or centered you feel. This is because Saturn over rules governmental structures and you as one person can never go against the whole group and expect to win. Uranus as a source of rebellion, eccentricity, strangeness, and group connections can cause a conspiracy against you.

Because Saturn rules hierarchy, and not just of one sort either, since there are many different hierarchies superimposed on each other, these need to be understood within their scope. Cruelty can command respect, but only within a military ranks since you are dealing with a seriously grave matter, that of life and death, and any sort of weakness shown by an individual can result in the death of a comrade. Kindness within civilized society can cause respect in the same way. Even the individual with no home, money, and decent clothing can give value through laughter. I've met homeless people who have a great sense of humor even though their life circumstances were unfavorable to them.

This aspect can make someone feel like a pressure cooker, and is most often described as an immovable object meeting an irresistible force. Because it is one of the most stressful aspects someone can feel it can make or break someone, as shown above with Hitler and Himmler as an example. It can also cause a breakthrough in some way in a positive sense with much effort and radical change. Just remember to do your daily yoga, mantra, workout, and breathing exercises if you are going through this transit. It is serious and demands attention and time to overcome.
They are slow moving planets and around your mid 40's most people go through a midlife crisis which is very often a Saturn opposite Saturn, a and Uranus opposite Uranus transit.
There's one additional transit that causes the mid-life crisis: transiting Neptune squaring natal Neptune. Which makes it even more interesting.

It's generally the Neptune and Uranus transits to themselves, but Saturn does happen for some as well. It all happens around age 42 (give or take a few years).

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
