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Sacred Relationship Of Teacher And Student

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
In the Ancient culture, we have a very important theme which is the relationship and bond between the teacher and the student.

Nowadays, given we are living without serious foundations of ethics and morals, and because the relationship of "teacher and student" has been devalued in the sense that it has in school, it has become unfortunately worn out and perverted.

Parents and children nowadays have made sure to mutually create a situation where teachers are disrespected, and teachers on the other hand don't always follow the rules to create a sense of mutual guidance and respect with those taught. In many schools, there is chaos.

If one is unlucky or has a few bad teachers, the bad impressions will work themselves into one's mind, and one's understanding of a teacher will be sullied for life.

Often-times I keep hearing the same modern nonsense which comes out of a perception that is not only very short in it's time, but also the most errant. People don't understand how wrong we are on basically almost everything today, yet people strongly insist on building a wrong society because insistence on the wrong things creates a sense of security.

We know for example about numerous broken "systems" in our society, but we don't look to fix them. The same goes for what is "personal" and within "ourselves". Therefore, problems remain.

So for those who want to still believe in the fallen "American" values [which aren't really American in anyway and are being shed by jewish deviancy], or want to have a character that is simply confused and doesn't know what to do, because one has falsely denied all messages of nature and the Gods as errant, and only wants to follow "themselves" in ignorance...

Then I want you to paraphrase this, take this out of context, and forget about any serious growth: "There are no mediators in Satanism", or whatever other statement you want to take out of context, and leave this message be, because I will no longer focus on these things and always try to bring them back in context. If you want an explanation here, one has to go into previous writings.

Now that we have satisfied the ugly beast of Western Egotism, the sickness of ego of the dumb, those who want to know nothing further and use ignorance as a shield behind a giant ego that is too obese to cross the gate to knowledge, and those who really don't want to make any development, but also consider a heavenly offense to be "taught" anything [despite of the fact the Ancient Culture clearly was based on teacher and student relationships], we might proceed.

For those who want to proceed and actually want to be taught, or, in fact, those who understand that teaching and being a "mediator" are completely unrelated, read further.

First and foremost, anyone who is more ahead of knowledge than another, and knows actual knowledge, can in theory teach them.

Before the advent of the mentality that those who never knew anything about a subject, are great teachers and "authorities", and before the asinine forces of delusion threw their nets on humans with Christianity, humans actually respected people who knew anything about something, and indeed were very happy to become apprentices, learners and in general salvage knowledge from where they could.

Certain school systems also focused on putting children of a higher level, to teach those of lesser level, a situation which increases the training in both, and also allows teachers on higher tiers to focus on better teaching those above. This reassures an unbeatable outcome in knowledge.

Yet, this also teaches one more thing: If your teacher, just a modest 10 years older than you, knows that much so that you feel small compared to them until you grow, one already understands that the 50 year older than you teacher who is a hundred times more efficient, can teach you. A sense of respect grows.

Additional rules that were borne out of mental health and natural observation, were that anyone who would dare to teach, to be successful at a subject, and have knowledge of it, and also, practical knowledge of a subject. Further, a teacher would have to be a multi-dimensional personality that doesn't just read you notes and expect you to remember them, but spark a flame of interest in you.

Students on the other hand didn't have to walk in the classroom angry with AK-47's and want to kill their teacher and classmates, were disallowed from shouting and pretending they are smart when they knew nothing, and were strongly emphasized to actually express themselves but in a very respectful manner.

Teaching children the modesties of being good listeners, respect, understanding, how to actually hold a conversation, and teaching a child as early as 6 to not disrespect the teacher, ensured a situation where actual learning could take place.

Actual learning also means that one starts to know something, instead of living in perpetual delusion. As learning sets in, one understands the nakedness of their own delusions, and only after a very long time where one is ordained and familiar with certain tasks, one can act in a way to improve on knowledge or judge it.

Present day bad handling of children, is shown in numerous pathologies that present themselves all over the world. One major one is disrespect. Another one is that children tend to behave like emotional animals, retaining emotional delusions even up until they are very old, treat knowledge with general disrespect, and consider everything is not worthy of recognition.

You legitimately have people in this world that play League of Legends 12 hours per day, and haven't flipped two pages in a book, but they will indeed come to comment on military valor, knowledge of nuclear weapons, or give girlfriend advice without having done any of this.

The above is called ignorance. By understanding one is a student in an area one has ignorance in, that is the first step to actually stop this ignorance from spreading. One suffers from this ignorance greatly, and a good teacher/mentor/source of information, is the cure.

Today, every flipped child knows everything, the parents at school won't take a word that everyone has given birth to Tesla, children are left alone without being taught to listen or to express properly [the causes of many problems arise out of this process, and many get damage from this, such as inability to communicate with others], the situation only worsens.

Eventually as the early 30's kick in for a human being, everything they got from before, starts "Crystallizing" in their mind, including habits of ignorance, poor communication, foolishness, emotional immaturity, and other problems which later on are brought and thrown on top of the world and other people in it.

That's bad. Meditators and people here aren't bound by time, because we have an open and active mind, so meditate to be in this category, and be open and do your best to stray from ignorance, and it will stray from you too. Yet look around and you will see what I mean in regards to "outsiders".

Overall the same hazardous situation is sometimes also observable in the forums, yet I do believe that if one reads line to line here [carefully reading is another lesson everyone must do to themselves], you will understand that the seriousness of these problems is actually rather severe, and not some empty "advice" as anyone would instantly think.

It has become a pain in the ass to indeed have to explain that one has to look upon their teachers with a semblance of respect. I am not saying to become a slave to them, but the "teacher" relationship is a sacred one. It forms on the cycle of generations, and the reason and purpose it exists is the perpetuation of society, knowledge, ethics and the existence of mankind in itself.

The deliberate breaking of this relationship and the cancerous elevation of the "ego" as the indicator of all, has created a black hole that consumes understanding in it, absorbing the light and the awareness, and bringing it all under eternal subjectivity.

In the Ancient Pantheons you also have Gods for different "categories", while in the Communist nonsense of the enemy, you have "One for all".

As you can understand, the worthless civilization of the Hebrew people's, where one person was only a witchdoctor and had no knowledge, and has went as far as to probably not even know how to build a hut, "one God" can satisfy all knowledge needs. One can know how to build a hut and sharpen an axe at the same time.

When you go into evolved and advanced civilizations like the Ancient Greek one, were eternity and actual evolution of species is understood, you need more beings with more expertise, which all draw from the "source of knowledge", yet they represent a different expression of it.

The very understanding here screams to human beings to evolve, and to not be arrogant because they know one craft, disregarding other crafts. This is in tune with advancing and eternal beings of "God", while the first Hebrew conception is the conception of a lazy worthless parasitic race, which constructs nothing and therefore division of knowledge and labor is a foreign trait to them.

For those who see the Gods as teachers, and those that give knowledge in the same way, you will not harbor as many delusions as others. Those who see the Gods as "equals" and listen to the "Western Advice" on this, you are headed on for delusions and paranoia, which are not my fault, since I am explaining the Truth and facts here and nothing else.

I do not know how many more idiots will simply tell me something that they are the friend of X Demon or that they look at "Satan as an equal", or like an "Elder brother". That brings me into a facepalm state that I wouldn't even like to elaborate upon.

While I can fathom how such stupidity has emerged itself, and what kind of delusional happy deceitful audacity it brings to a foolish person, I cannot stand by this and call it a "serious" or respectable way of looking at anything.

These people do them, however, others do others.

The cure for the above state is to actually start "participating" with people such as this community or trying to evolve, only to see where the mountain of knowledge goes. This will force someone out of ignorance. Another way for one to know the importance of a "teacher", is to be confronted with actual and real problems, that need actual solving, and to see how a "teacher" that knows can solve them, versus a retard that only has an idea of themselves.

This also shows the low level of respect and sacredness of someone's awareness, and how simply the "bro" mentality has carried over into a humanity that is becoming increasingly unable to understand it's role and it's level inside creation. This shows a clear incapability for one to pick "teacher" and so on. This shows further a problem in a decision making process, as the student also chooses the teacher.

As I don't belong in that category and I never could see the matter in this way, I cannot comment further on it.

My function that I serve here among others is to tell you the facts and not give you nonsense, so that you can step on these facts and actually move on forward, rapidly and strongly in your evolution.

And I tell you from direct experience, those who treat the relationships between the Gods and themselves as teacher to student, and even respect the hierarchies of the forum, or at least treat others with respect and follow a healthy individual path that takes this consideration, can go far.

Those who do not, often-times get nowhere. The proof of going nowhere versus going somewhere, is too overwhelming to ever be denied. I could never recommend the path to nonsense.

The Gods are our teachers, we must never forget this. Friends, supporters, and so on, is a whole other topic. The topic here gave some fundamentals for learning, we are not that much on the subject of emotional ties here, but on the aspect of how to grow in a good path.

Lastly, for the Gods to build upon and teach us, we have to teach ourselves, and learn ourselves, because the Gods offer not only guidance for basic levels, but the knowledge one can receive is the most important and holy thing in the world.

It comes in parts, and that's because one is a student: A student grows step by step, grade by grade, until one reaches the eternal light of knowledge and understanding.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
What a beautiful post Brother.
I wholeheartedly agree with everything you said.

The generation of zoomers is literally doomed, the kids from 2001 and forward grew up with touchscreen tablets and phones, many have no idea how to even access the control panel in windows, they have zero skills and all they do is replicate one another and the trash idols that they worship(rappers, celebrities and the like). It's a terrible situation, and it's only getting worse, many teachers are literally burned out, kids can't hold their focus for more than 20 seconds before they have to infinitely scroll instagram for the latest shit. It's a shitshow, but it gives awakened people like me more opportunities in this attention driven economy.
Even here, this frustration happens endlessly. An excellent sermon.

Instead of a teacher, we now have social media imprinting vicarious experiences of mostly victimhood onto people and in a sense, acting as a 'teacher' who teaches failure, even if this has never happened to someone.

So someone comes here, for example, as it is, with their mind totally made up because they saw women horribly rejecting men or otherwise being bitches (the way these women act is also a symptom of the egotism you speak of, obviously it's a major part of reality at this point) and armed with endless studies from long-schnozz university based on current trends the jew created about how it's over and it's hopeless, and then they project it onto Spiritual Satanists here, despite the fact any functioning member has the tools to overcome any of this easily. And I mean EASILY, this can be taught, if they could get past their atheistic tendencies.

This level of being primed by social media to worship failure and resentment yet being strangely egoistic and pushy when it comes to this place keeps fuelling a lot of arguments here. It also prevents a lot of people here from meaningfully advancing in the outside world.

Another thing I see violating the teacher-student relationship is people demeaning Gods who are not listed as High Ranking based on some complex about certain loudmouthed members dickwaving their supposed GDs as 'more special'. I've seen this a few times on Ask Satan. The Gods are NOT Pokémon. Even the Gods on the 'More Gods' section like Fructissiere are so celestial, infinitely advanced and wonderful in every way imaginable that a human cannot fathom it. They've been with humanity for aeons. Give them the utmost respect!
Aquarius said:
What a beautiful post Brother.
I wholeheartedly agree with everything you said.

The generation of zoomers is literally doomed, the kids from 2001 and forward grew up with touchscreen tablets and phones, many have no idea how to even access the control panel in windows, they have zero skills and all they do is replicate one another and the trash idols that they worship(rappers, celebrities and the like). It's a terrible situation, and it's only getting worse, many teachers are literally burned out, kids can't hold their focus for more than 20 seconds before they have to infinitely scroll instagram for the latest shit. It's a shitshow, but it gives awakened people like me more opportunities in this attention driven economy.

Not all zoomers are like that. Since elementary school, I hated using social media and always felt that I stood out from the rest. My classmates used words that were related to snapchat, for example, and I didn't know what they meant XD
MiniMe3388 said:
Aquarius said:
What a beautiful post Brother.
I wholeheartedly agree with everything you said.

The generation of zoomers is literally doomed, the kids from 2001 and forward grew up with touchscreen tablets and phones, many have no idea how to even access the control panel in windows, they have zero skills and all they do is replicate one another and the trash idols that they worship(rappers, celebrities and the like). It's a terrible situation, and it's only getting worse, many teachers are literally burned out, kids can't hold their focus for more than 20 seconds before they have to infinitely scroll instagram for the latest shit. It's a shitshow, but it gives awakened people like me more opportunities in this attention driven economy.

Not all zoomers are like that. Since elementary school, I hated using social media and always felt that I stood out from the rest. My classmates used words that were related to snapchat, for example, and I didn't know what they meant XD
Well that is why you are here. We are not like the others too in many different ways.
Only reading the word eternity, sparks my heart and throat to glimpse for a second, the ultimate extasy of existence that I can comprehend.

This is so beautifully written and perfectly true. This world is blessed
beyond understanding by Joy of Satan.

Thank you for this. this is truly the best way to look at this situation, Very well said as always Hp.

It wasn't very long ago I stopped and realized that we have to open ourselves up to this understanding in order to be truly taught. And to truly learn. And that means putting aside ego and also the pride of feeling we already know this or that. I kept on saying I want to be taught, but I wasn't fully allowing Father Satan and the God's lessons to sink in because I was still a little stubborn in my approach. But once I allowed myself to be more open to learning, truly, things really started coming together.

The person who is always right and never listens to their teachers, can't be taught. They'll never learn because they've made up in their minds they are their only teacher, but by doing so they are disregarding the fact we need each other to learn and grow. One person alone can't learn everything by themselves, otherwise we wouldn't even need parents or teachers at all.

It's a humbling experience to accept the role of a student. This is why it's so hard for some people to do so, because some people feel the need to be in control constantly. They are afraid to admit they don't know something. Or they feel they don't need a teacher because a teacher tests them of their knowledge and some people are afraid of failure not understanding this is how we learn. We aren't always perfect, we all learn at our own pace. Teachers aren't scape goats for your ignorance, or inability to allow yourself to be taught. But society has made them as such because society has an issue with accountability. Which stems from enemy bullshit programs.

By understanding you don't know everything, and accepting this fact, and knowing that it's ok, because there's always room to learn, you can truly start understanding things. You can't go on to teach Someone else anything of value if you yourself haven't allowed yourself to be taught the lessons first. Otherwise you're just spouting off empty words.

Even the oldest of teachers with the most experience are still learning. The absence of learning just means death of opportunity. It doesn't mean you are all powerful and the most intelligent person, because you think you've reached a certain point, and now you don't need to learn anymore. It just means you've let ego take hold and now you are unwilling to continue learning.

Thank you for the lessons that you teach us here in these forums as well, I want you to know how important your sermons are. Your knowledge hasn't been wasted here, it's helped open up the eyes and minds of many people who truly want to learn. I'm one of those people! Much love and respect to you HP!

Hail Satan!!
What you state here is all facts and very important for humanity to understand, as without people being open to receive knowledge and grow from being taught, one is essentially at risk of becoming a vegetable and no different then how the enemy is enslaved.

Ignorance of knowledge just destroys people. A lack of knowledge is like a disease past a certain point. It breeds all sorts of awful, horrible conditions.

All my life I've respected knowledge and teachers deeply, as my thirst for knowledge has just led me to always be grasping at more of it and moving forward in study, either from those teaching it or teaching myself.

I had a long period in my life where I was unable to work or do much of anything but have time that was a void.

So I did the important thing, and would just learn as much as I could about practically anything I got my hands on, along with focusing on my spiritual advancement.

Many people in life would benefit from opening their minds to more knowledge in many of its forms and humanity has been seriously skull fucked by the enemy so that many remain ignorant. It's very sad and I can't wait to watch this gradually change.

People need to value knowledge and intelligence more and understand even as one grows to high levels of knowledge. We essentially only comprehend only a sliver, a fragment of what is out there at this source.

Knowledge is truly Beautiful and the Gods really want us to use our brains 🧠.

We will get to where we need to be. However this is a long rocky road for human ignorance to be banished from our world.

There's alot of times I'll encounter someone with nothing going on upstairs in their head and it is like I'm talking to a person afflicted with a disease.

It's the disease of ignorance and they don't know how to overcome it and remain trapped. Some overcome it, others not so much.

I just can't wait until it's not so widespread and more of a small scale problem then like how its currently much of the world.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I do not know how many more idiots will simply tell me something that they are the friend of X Demon or that they look at "Satan as an equal", or like an "Elder brother". That brings me into a facepalm state that I wouldn't even like to elaborate upon.


I do not pertain to these categories specifically, but I already had wrong expectations of the gods that cause facepalming. Students can test teacher's patience sometimes. Worst than that is decaying wisdom.
Aquarius said:
What a beautiful post Brother.
I wholeheartedly agree with everything you said.

The generation of zoomers is literally doomed, the kids from 2001 and forward grew up with touchscreen tablets and phones, many have no idea how to even access the control panel in windows, they have zero skills and all they do is replicate one another and the trash idols that they worship(rappers, celebrities and the like). It's a terrible situation, and it's only getting worse, many teachers are literally burned out, kids can't hold their focus for more than 20 seconds before they have to infinitely scroll instagram for the latest shit. It's a shitshow, but it gives awakened people like me more opportunities in this attention driven economy.

I wouldn't say they are literally doomed. After all, the generation before your generation likely said the same things about all of us. But yet here we are part of Jos, teaching and learning the truth. It will be a group effort of people who are willing to teach gen Z and those who are being born right now, this knowledge, in a way that will help them understand. it's our duty to make sure the youth can be led in the right direction.

Likely there are several gen Z here with us now and seeing discouraging words like "they are doomed" is sending them the wrong message.

You may as well be saying "sucks to be you" or that we're just going to give up on them. And there's no Hope for their future. I know this isn't what you said
but it can be translated wrongly as such. My response to your comment here isn't an attack, It just got me thinking and I wanted to touch on this topic. So I hope you don't mind me sharing my opinions on the matter.

It's just I've heard many people say if gen z is our future we're in trouble, laughing about it. Well news flash They are the future. This is why people like us should be willing to teach them, and have patience and understanding towards them in knowing they grew up in these difficult times.

Just because they've had to deal absent parents, being raised on technology, and failed education systems, doesn't mean they can't be taught. I've been around plenty of the younger generation because I oftentimes have babysat for friends. And the children do have an addiction to technology and shorter attention spans than I did growing up, but they still understand. They still learn. You just have to be creative with them and willing to adapt to different ways of teaching.

There is still plenty of hope for them because they have us. And as long as they have us and the good examples we set for them to follow, they will be just fine. We can't teach the ones who don't want to learn, but there are still many kids out there who do still want to learn. Don't give up hope for them! They need us more than ever.
I haven't had many teachers, but the love that I had for the good ones is truly special and unique. I owe them alot for their care and guidance and patience, I couldn't see myself investing in me the way they did if I were in their shoes. Very grateful to have had them, they opened up a world for me, especially one in particular. She was not just a teacher but a student. She was even willing to take a chance to learn with me and learn from me, in part because I was so willing to learn from her, and didn't act like I had all the answers.

There were also people who, whether they knew it or not, were teaching me something, but the lesson didn't sink in until years later. I'm glad to have had them, as well. Even the little things, done with good intentions, can make waves that travel far and wide in the timeline of one's life.

I never really knew how to see the gods. I'm sure alot of this comes from not really having a relationship with them(I never felt worthy of it so I didn't try, besides the things we do as a community here, and I don't have astral senses anyway). Traditional praying feels awkward and pointless, and there is nothing valuable I can say to them.

But doing some of the god/goddesses' rituals that we've had recently and feeling some of what I felt, made me realize that the qualities they embody are what I need to become. And I know that I'm worlds apart from being anything like them. But in those moments, doing those rituals, that gap didn't seem so insurmountable, it almost felt like it was a real possibility and within reach, and that I can cross that chasm, and cultivate a better part of me.

I hope one day I will be worthy of being a teacher myself and help others grow. Thanks for being our teacher, HPHC.
MiniMe3388 said:
Aquarius said:
What a beautiful post Brother.
I wholeheartedly agree with everything you said.

The generation of zoomers is literally doomed, the kids from 2001 and forward grew up with touchscreen tablets and phones, many have no idea how to even access the control panel in windows, they have zero skills and all they do is replicate one another and the trash idols that they worship(rappers, celebrities and the like). It's a terrible situation, and it's only getting worse, many teachers are literally burned out, kids can't hold their focus for more than 20 seconds before they have to infinitely scroll instagram for the latest shit. It's a shitshow, but it gives awakened people like me more opportunities in this attention driven economy.

Not all zoomers are like that. Since elementary school, I hated using social media and always felt that I stood out from the rest. My classmates used words that were related to snapchat, for example, and I didn't know what they meant XD
same here, anyone that says "bruh", I make fun of them and they always get pissed lol. They really hate getting called out for their monkey talk.
Big Dipper said:
MiniMe3388 said:
Aquarius said:
What a beautiful post Brother.
I wholeheartedly agree with everything you said.

The generation of zoomers is literally doomed, the kids from 2001 and forward grew up with touchscreen tablets and phones, many have no idea how to even access the control panel in windows, they have zero skills and all they do is replicate one another and the trash idols that they worship(rappers, celebrities and the like). It's a terrible situation, and it's only getting worse, many teachers are literally burned out, kids can't hold their focus for more than 20 seconds before they have to infinitely scroll instagram for the latest shit. It's a shitshow, but it gives awakened people like me more opportunities in this attention driven economy.

Not all zoomers are like that. Since elementary school, I hated using social media and always felt that I stood out from the rest. My classmates used words that were related to snapchat, for example, and I didn't know what they meant XD
same here, anyone that says "bruh", I make fun of them and they always get pissed lol. They really hate getting called out for their monkey talk.

No need to like create enemies with this. Chances are very high if you are an SS that you are way ahead of most people in a way that it can make you be very critical with them, but one has to understand that not everyone else might be similarly awake or developed.

So one will have to take this with a friendlier approach if possible, but not allow themselves to be swamped into the gutter and be taken down by these people.

I have found many zoomers to be extremely intelligent. However, Zoomers are also in this situation where they are not being guided properly and they are under barrage and siege from technologically centered mindwashing, way more than let's say than many previous generations. But there are a lot of excellent people in this generation too like all others.

Zoomers are also being constantly and habitually mindwashed that they won't have to toil and labor for attainments, which is a very bad plague that the enemy has created circa the late 90's, including also bolstering the idea that one is "something" while being literally nothing, to disallow young children and young people from becoming SOMETHING, instead of a consumer dumb passive number in a consumer list.

BTW, I have to also say, that previous generations weren't really different in that regard of following idols and being in their overwhelming majority "sheep". Most people always were deceived by these tools the enemy is using, irrespective of generation.

It's now kind of getting worse, but I am also seeing an inverse motion where those that awaken, are very strong compared to those who don't. Many people in their early 20's or Gen Z can become unrelenting in their pursuit of understanding, for example.

As the situation goes worse, so do the "Black sheep" of each generation become stronger too.

It's kind of how the universe works on that one, to avert disasters. I have seen many great examples of people ranging in all ages, even as early as 13 and 14, being very smart and promising. So one shouldn't lose hope just because the majority sucks.
I am glad to have been molded by past mentors who may be stern but at the same time were legit professionals in their fields of teaching, a few weren't sten but insanely ingenious like one science teacher from Japan in grade 6. Had the new generation of stupidity back in 2014 and up got to them then I wouldn't be thought of as some mega-mind like one of the other mega-minds in my university. My past STEM studies in aerospace engineering are what saved me here, this time everything was based more on technology and managing it.

Not saying I liked sternness, it never sat with me but it had to be accepted like how kids needed to eat their veggies even if they tasted like crap, but there has to be a factor that they have every right to be if they are legit good in the subject they teach. I had this strict philosophy subject teacher back in the first semester of college where she had rigid rules in her class times even if they were online. Kids kept violating rules like sending concerns in places she said shouldn't be done and yes she finally displayed rage thanks to that, but reasonably got us to know the importance of not breaking rules when we are going to be working. She shed light on the attention span of the kids.

Her other side though is when I was really piss poor in philosophy back then, she was able to detect it since I sucked at terminology till I decided to face the book for once, comment after comment on every fail perfected me. My track record came with technical difficulties of going missing in class due to a hacked account and a stupid IT department, she understood this and lmao, gave me a chance when she and I got to the school IT to get this whole situation to light with my evidence. I retook my missing activities and learned that she's just doing the best she can to get us to learn the damn subject. Poor her, she didn't need to go through all this even when others call her off in Filipino language as 'madamot'(stingy/selfish in english) when she's ALREADY critiquing us on wtf is wrong with our stuff.

Her flaws, she isn't quite knowledgeable with face cam rules, and every class is a total close of her face which does not look comfortable with the rest of my class. What she said about students nowadays still resonates with me, it's not like I'm a massively judgemental person in my own way towards myself and others on a global scale.

Kids these days have become complete softies, there's sometimes me who gets too pissed to the point he'd cause some pretty violent events. You'd be surprised that college even has adults who act like elementary bullies that if you meet them yourself, TRULY NEED THE GAS TREATMENT.
Big Dipper said:
MiniMe3388 said:
Aquarius said:
What a beautiful post Brother.
I wholeheartedly agree with everything you said.

The generation of zoomers is literally doomed, the kids from 2001 and forward grew up with touchscreen tablets and phones, many have no idea how to even access the control panel in windows, they have zero skills and all they do is replicate one another and the trash idols that they worship(rappers, celebrities and the like). It's a terrible situation, and it's only getting worse, many teachers are literally burned out, kids can't hold their focus for more than 20 seconds before they have to infinitely scroll instagram for the latest shit. It's a shitshow, but it gives awakened people like me more opportunities in this attention driven economy.

Not all zoomers are like that. Since elementary school, I hated using social media and always felt that I stood out from the rest. My classmates used words that were related to snapchat, for example, and I didn't know what they meant XD
same here, anyone that says "bruh", I make fun of them and they always get pissed lol. They really hate getting called out for their monkey talk.

I don't find anything intrinsically wrong with using the modern slang that's evolves, that's just how language evolves.

Unless you want to claim you never used any of the slang your generation evolved, it seems an arbitrary line that only the slang up until your birth and teenage years is fine, but everything that comes next is bad.
Since I feel that I have somewhat inspired this post, I will add two words from myself.

If this particular accusation is against me - I am not a person who does not respect teachers. I have also heard from a person close to me that I am a person who can actually recognize that someone is smarter than me and listen humbly.

I have always been a person who seeks out mentors. And I have several such figures to whom I even listen with devout reverence (HP, you're also on that list, of course). But to humble me in this way :) it has always taken outstanding individuals. I've always had my mentors and they've always been tall individuals, even when I look at it from today's perspective.

I'm also a person who knows what he doesn't understand and I don't elevate myself above everyone else. I think I have a really good sense of the line where my knowledge ends.

In fact, from the time I was a teenager, I heard really often people tell me that talking to me is as if I were older than my age. I attracted people, and also a ton of great girls (the last one I mentioned just melted my heart, I even sometimes considered if she was a kind of a gift to show me how crazy I am, there were some really pagan manifestations about this girl and her beauty was insane, tbh, I think that half a year earlier I met one of the Gods (I know it may sound cocky, but I can expand on the topic in some private conversation with you HP if you'd be interested, that's the story I actually wanted to share with you, it includes near death experience, but for privacy reasons I cannot elaborate more here, that was such a crazy, deep experience, and He asked me "What do you need? " and I said that "I love women's beauty" (while almost died 10 minutes ago :lol: ), and half a year later the sweetheart appeared, who never swore once, except once, quoting me.) because I have some attractive behavior and appearance. The problem was always in a closer relationship. People were not rejected by my stupidity, they actually were drawn to me really often by my first impression, but soon almost everyone was rejected by my avidity, because I could not deal with closer bound. A few bad mechanisms that could be fixed in really a moment if there happened to be someone around me who would really understand early enough what was going on inside me.

With regard to the topics in which I was floating with anger - I was indeed very often right in them. Only I had absolutely no sense that even when I heard discouragement in the other person's voice, it was because I was conveying something too radically, for example. It's something along the lines of - someone responds with a negative emotion, and you just take it personally and press your point with redoubled force. Rinse and repeat.
Also, having to deal with lot of relationships, actually being in some kind of one always since 12 year old, I think I think it could easily deepen my anger issues, as I was not taught to deal with my emotions (even if I was, that's just young!), so there was a lot of quite a deep emotional pain since early age.
Also if I offended anyone by replying to Wildfire, disrupting the hierarchy by writing that it was my message that resonated with him, while five or six people including HP wrote to him, I did not want to diminish importance of your words, I just happened to come across a man whom I understood well. It proves in your favor that it was me who understood it, not you, as it means you did not deal with such destructive patterns of behavior. I just went through the process. Sorry if my tone felt too bold.
666Adam said:
Also if I offended anyone by replying to Wildfire, disrupting the hierarchy by writing that it was my message that resonated with him, while five or six people including HP wrote to him, I did not want to diminish importance of your words, I just happened to come across a man whom I understood well. It proves in your favor that it was me who understood it, not you, as it means you did not deal with such destructive patterns of behavior. I just went through the process. Sorry if my tone felt too bold.

It is because we question why you have a kike name. Look back at the threat where young faith replied to you on that one.
Wildfire said:
666Adam said:
Also if I offended anyone by replying to Wildfire, disrupting the hierarchy by writing that it was my message that resonated with him, while five or six people including HP wrote to him, I did not want to diminish importance of your words, I just happened to come across a man whom I understood well. It proves in your favor that it was me who understood it, not you, as it means you did not deal with such destructive patterns of behavior. I just went through the process. Sorry if my tone felt too bold.

It is because we question why you have a kike name. Look back at the threat where young faith replied to you on that one.

Do you think I would choose a kike name if I was one and tried to infiltrate you?
666Adam said:
Also if I offended anyone by replying to Wildfire, disrupting the hierarchy by writing that it was my message that resonated with him, while five or six people including HP wrote to him, I did not want to diminish importance of your words, I just happened to come across a man whom I understood well. It proves in your favor that it was me who understood it, not you, as it means you did not deal with such destructive patterns of behavior. I just went through the process. Sorry if my tone felt too bold.

HP helped too, he said that I needed to not be too strict with myself. By the way, Adam, I just need to point the gun at your head just in case. So what if you helped me remember something? Forgot to say that some of your answers are moot. If you want this to be a free pass to let me allow you to hurt my brethren then you need to fucking stop.

If ever you want to tell people in the future to stop hating the kike then know this, there are some people who can go to criminal lengths that they cannot be reasoned with in this world. Not even a crap ton of spells can get them to wake up from their shitty behavior and even admit to loving to destroying life around them so they're going to need to go six feet under.

Those are the fucking kikes in this world and the criminal underlings that chose to side with them, traitors that decided to give up their sense of humanity for bullshit like instant wealth if they commit degenerate acts for them.

If you're trying to sneak a stab at him just to boast that you're better then you still need to wash your eyes. You know how sharp we are in detecting traitors here. Or maybe, you just made a slight mistake.
666Adam said:
Wildfire said:
666Adam said:
Also if I offended anyone by replying to Wildfire, disrupting the hierarchy by writing that it was my message that resonated with him, while five or six people including HP wrote to him, I did not want to diminish importance of your words, I just happened to come across a man whom I understood well. It proves in your favor that it was me who understood it, not you, as it means you did not deal with such destructive patterns of behavior. I just went through the process. Sorry if my tone felt too bold.

It is because we question why you have a kike name. Look back at the threat where young faith replied to you on that one.

Do you think I would choose a kike name if I was one and tried to infiltrate you?

Relax, sometimes, the radars just go off. Up to now everything's fine so don't worry. It's just mostly reactionary.

Even the word Adam is another stolen word from Adimu, as the jews have nothing. Even the so called "Hebrew Names" are only just from the Middle East.

Agh dangit, sorry HP. Yeah, I still need to stop being on edge.
Wildfire said:

Agh dangit, sorry HP. Yeah, I still need to stop being on edge.

Lol a we bit of calling and questioning folk is okay brother :lol:
I mean, I know, my story is not respectful, so I do not expect greeting me with cheers. What can I do. My head was just fed with fucked up ideas of life.

What you see is not a passive pacifist. I know not all my answers are perfect, as I do not feel in perfect balance now, so do not expect them to be otherwordly harmonous.

You just deal with someone who suffered a lot, and had enough of fucking fighting the whole world, because it didn't work out too well.
Wildfire said:

Agh dangit, sorry HP. Yeah, I still need to stop being on edge.

I also know you probably don't want to identify with someone who comes up with a story like that, knowing almost nothing about me.

I just wrote it exactly because it is like this, to show where I got to with the attitude.

Give me time, let me express myself.
MiniMe3388 said:
Aquarius said:
What a beautiful post Brother.
I wholeheartedly agree with everything you said.

The generation of zoomers is literally doomed, the kids from 2001 and forward grew up with touchscreen tablets and phones, many have no idea how to even access the control panel in windows, they have zero skills and all they do is replicate one another and the trash idols that they worship(rappers, celebrities and the like). It's a terrible situation, and it's only getting worse, many teachers are literally burned out, kids can't hold their focus for more than 20 seconds before they have to infinitely scroll instagram for the latest shit. It's a shitshow, but it gives awakened people like me more opportunities in this attention driven economy.

Not all zoomers are like that. Since elementary school, I hated using social media and always felt that I stood out from the rest. My classmates used words that were related to snapchat, for example, and I didn't know what they meant XD
I am exempting you then. Lol, but seriously, I'm also a zoomer. When i speak of these generations I'm not referring to any SS unless i specifically state it.
SapphireDragon said:
Aquarius said:
What a beautiful post Brother.
I wholeheartedly agree with everything you said.

The generation of zoomers is literally doomed, the kids from 2001 and forward grew up with touchscreen tablets and phones, many have no idea how to even access the control panel in windows, they have zero skills and all they do is replicate one another and the trash idols that they worship(rappers, celebrities and the like). It's a terrible situation, and it's only getting worse, many teachers are literally burned out, kids can't hold their focus for more than 20 seconds before they have to infinitely scroll instagram for the latest shit. It's a shitshow, but it gives awakened people like me more opportunities in this attention driven economy.

I wouldn't say they are literally doomed. After all, the generation before your generation likely said the same things about all of us. But yet here we are part of Jos, teaching and learning the truth. It will be a group effort of people who are willing to teach gen Z and those who are being born right now, this knowledge, in a way that will help them understand. it's our duty to make sure the youth can be led in the right direction.

Likely there are several gen Z here with us now and seeing discouraging words like "they are doomed" is sending them the wrong message.

You may as well be saying "sucks to be you" or that we're just going to give up on them. And there's no Hope for their future. I know this isn't what you said
but it can be translated wrongly as such. My response to your comment here isn't an attack, It just got me thinking and I wanted to touch on this topic. So I hope you don't mind me sharing my opinions on the matter.

It's just I've heard many people say if gen z is our future we're in trouble, laughing about it. Well news flash They are the future. This is why people like us should be willing to teach them, and have patience and understanding towards them in knowing they grew up in these difficult times.

Just because they've had to deal absent parents, being raised on technology, and failed education systems, doesn't mean they can't be taught. I've been around plenty of the younger generation because I oftentimes have babysat for friends. And the children do have an addiction to technology and shorter attention spans than I did growing up, but they still understand. They still learn. You just have to be creative with them and willing to adapt to different ways of teaching.

There is still plenty of hope for them because they have us. And as long as they have us and the good examples we set for them to follow, they will be just fine. We can't teach the ones who don't want to learn, but there are still many kids out there who do still want to learn. Don't give up hope for them! They need us more than ever.
I am not referring to SS zoomers.
And as much as I want to be positive about it, zoomers literally grew up with porn addiction, technology addiction, junk food addiction, many don't do sport, most think it's appropriate to listen to trash music with the volume all the way up on the street. Most of them are plain idiots.
Thanks. For the response it is as celestial as you.

I require a teacher will listen more. For i am human.
Its just when i see paranormal/phenomena i do its just as im alongside every bounty on earth as furthermore to futureproof into the 22nd century.

Anyway my latest major astral profection was as story states just a dream within a dream. Thanks hphc for the reqiuem.
As the story follows i passed from a heart attack within dream state i was taken to a few doors within a room with curious non human on lookers (?reptillian) one human who also passed offered to fix my broken tooth its was raggedrigidandstill broken i chomped at his halfhearted denistry broke it off like the original. Then said these beigns (that where eyeballing me off since it started) at the five gates u r not human. The two beigns got scanned not human then i was also scanned. All three escorted off by demons. Then i stood flying through the sun through thearth astrally as i have passed to the underside of a dereulict pyramid then teleporrted beyond the moon and into a new room i was gifted a small lumininesiount alarm clock welcome home go to school as if im back in undergrad where the sun never sleeps and i see lillith walking away and im pretending to b asleep as that teachers puts the fear in me to strive to be alive.

As we all know a soul enters the sun then back to earth for rebirth? Require a portal then sum. SUN term of enderment to a true friend. If this gets posted fuck im amazed.
chacoone said:
Thanks. For the response it is as celestial as you.

I require a teacher will listen more. For i am human.
Its just when i see paranormal/phenomena i do its just as im alongside every bounty on earth as furthermore to futureproof into the 22nd century.

Anyway my latest major astral profection was as story states just a dream within a dream. Thanks hphc for the reqiuem.
As the story follows i passed from a heart attack within dream state i was taken to a few doors within a room with curious non human on lookers (?reptillian) one human who also passed offered to fix my broken tooth its was raggedrigidandstill broken i chomped at his halfhearted denistry broke it off like the original. Then said these beigns (that where eyeballing me off since it started) at the five gates u r not human. The two beigns got scanned not human then i was also scanned. All three escorted off by demons. Then i stood flying through the sun through thearth astrally as i have passed to the underside of a dereulict pyramid then teleporrted beyond the moon and into a new room i was gifted a small lumininesiount alarm clock welcome home go to school as if im back in undergrad where the sun never sleeps and i see lillith walking away and im pretending to b asleep as that teachers puts the fear in me to strive to be alive.

As we all know a soul enters the sun then back to earth for rebirth? Require a portal then sum. SUN term of enderment to a true friend. If this gets posted fuck im amazed.

Your post sounds a bit ungrounded... Are you sure you are alright?
666Adam said:
Wildfire said:

Agh dangit, sorry HP. Yeah, I still need to stop being on edge.

I also know you probably don't want to identify with someone who comes up with a story like that, knowing almost nothing about me.

I just wrote it exactly because it is like this, to show where I got to with the attitude.

Give me time, let me express myself.

Alright, alright bro.

Btw, I can't find proper copies of the Mahabharata, some of them look mixed up and twisted to dull out some spiritual contexts. I heard that Halo got inspired by Hindu scripture which is a big plus in making me find out. Do you mind if you can pass me your copy of that epic? Thanks.
It's sad because in this day and age students need a teacher and Guru that will set them straight and give them something to think about and to help them out with things that are important and necessary and to be there as a guardian and a friend as well! Children need that kind of influence! It makes learning something more inviting... opens up their mind more and encourages them to continue on and to keep going not only with what is going on with their lives as individuals how to deal with friends and how to deal with enemies and what to expect and teaching the kid how to be strong and looking for his inner strength and learning how to be his or her own hero! Teachers nowadays don't even know how to be teachers and parents don't even know how to be parents laugh out loud we've got too many idiots out there that are self-centered and don't even give a shit about themselves much less their own children! And most teachers are just into it for the money and to play the part being a bossy brat and all of that instead of being sensible and considerate of others that just because there's some big ass growing up that they have to be a big shot and be some kind of a fucking bully to the children which makes children behave even worse! Children don't even know who to go to these days they don't even know who to trust laugh out loud and it's no wonder a little kids end up on drugs and end up on the street and you see it over and over again! With these stupid Christian families and how they throw their fucking rules all over the place being their children down with a guilt trip instead of letting their own children make their choices and let them enjoy life children don't even have time to be children anymore children laugh out loud used to have freedom and a sense of character they would look up on a hero for support and love they used to be able to get that from their families at home or from a big brother or a sister who happens to care and would bend over backwards to make sure their little siblings got home safely and help them with their homework and to be a teacher and a friend and a guardian! Older teenagers don't even have that role anymore they would sooner go out and do drugs and get into trouble instead! People used to take the time to listen to people and show consideration especially the small children who need the guidance and it needs someone to work with them and teach them and train them of things of value and worth teaching the kids things that they're going to need throughout their lifetime giving them since value and a sense of character a guru brings out the best in children and gives them something to consider and think about along with learning martial arts or school work or whatever it is! And nowadays all you see is hatred and violence in every color and in every shape and size these days and instead of people helping people it's nothing but jealousy people looking to play with power looking to have control of one another and being a bad example by not taking the responsibility for their own actions and taking the time to learn to get along with others and being of a better character! Back in the days a teacher was highly respected and took the time to get to know their students especially if there was one or two in the classroom that needed the extra attention with their homework especially if the child was hyperactive or had some kind of a problem to be able to take the child and to be able to work with that child one on one and to make them feel important and to make them feel loved and appreciated taking the time to work with them helping them with their education and giving them value and morals to think about and they grew up strong and confident and knew that they can do things they grew up independent and self-reliant they were taught to learn and figure things out on their own along with learning how to get along with people children like that grew up with success and knew that they can get a job and work anywhere! And they were a lot healthier and happier back in the days! And nowadays you look at children and the things that they do it makes you wonder? People don't even want to take the time to be a hero they don't even want to take the time to be the better person let alone a hero! People nowadays don't have a sense of Worth or value anymore! It's sad and it's fucked up! With the enemy has done to this world and what people now have to go through having to pay the price dearly trying to figure out where they belong and what they can do with themselves? And don't even know where to start? Because they have so many problems and don't know what to do and don't even know who to go to? Or who to trust let alone believe! People are lost these days in the wrong mind and in the world of chaos like a bunch of fucking mindless zombies that don't even know what to do people who don't even want to listen and learn let alone pay attention to what is going on around them or their own lives or themselves! And don't even want to take the time to take care of their own families and their own children they don't even want to work they want to stay home and sit on their butt and collect insurance from the government? And even at that! Sitting around and becoming lazy ass slobs! With nothing it's better to do other than to live like drug addicts alcoholics and fucking slobs! And these are which children are exposed to! Idiot people that don't even know how to be a human being much less that of any form of intelligence! And then again we're living in a world that doesn't want intelligence! It's like people just want to go backwards instead of forwards! And they don't even care whether they live or die and whatever the hell happens to them! They don't want to take responsibility anymore for anything not even for their own actions! Especially when it comes to working with children! I feel sorry for today's children and what they have to go through and if these children had any idea? What it was like back in the days learning and having fun and getting to know their teacher and their classmates and that sacred Bond and relationship between teacher and student! It was a beautiful thing and it's something that we really really need in this world in this day and age right now!. Desperately!! And people need to learn to heal themselves! As well
Children nowadays look up to villains and drug dealers and pimps and prostitutes as a fucking hero! Instead of Heroes and people that are decent! Little kids used to look up to their own parents and admire them! And teachers used to take the time to work with students! And teaching children how to bring out their own inner hero! Teachers used to take the time to look into things and to get to know the child individually each and every one of them in the classroom and would recognize the one that needed the extra help with his or her homework and would be the hero and the friend and would take the time to talk to the child help them with their homework! Plus getting the chance to be able to sit down and laugh and smile and have fun! Teachers don't even know what that is all about! These days they look at the whole idea like it's something sexual! They have dirty and perverted the whole idea of being a teacher and taking the responsibility of working with children considering the fact that schools and governments don't even take the time to look into things when a problem occurs especially when we get some fucking sex offender that gets into the program just to work with children for their own perverted ideas and for their own Amusement giving children the wrong idea and adding to the problems instead of making things better! As if those things aren't bad enough in this fucked up world and in this fucking country where children need to be educated and taught the most! Not just education but self-worth moral values and beyond! And it goes beyond that even! Especially when it comes to these stupid ass religions and how Christianity is being Amplified and emphasize! Because of the commercials on TV and all of the crap on the news people getting all riled up over fucking churches in Jesus Christ idiot fucking politicians that are fucking Christian up the ass taking over the constitution! And wreaking havoc with the public just because somebody is different and chooses to be his or her own self and what children are exposed to every day more and more! Children want someone that they can fucking talk to and relate to they not only want a nice teacher and a dedicated teacher who will spend the time with them and help them. They need decent parents who know how to be fucking parents! Instead of some dumb self-centered young young couple who only care about themselves and what they want and don't even take the time to even consider their own children and their self and their well-being what is appropriate and what is it and how to be a parent and how to take the time to be a parent analyzing things and getting to know their own shit and how to take care of it and what to do about it! So wrapped up into themselves and their own selfish needs that they don't even consider even looking into their own children and their problems and what they can do to help them! And children go through enough as it is! Dealing with enemies at school Church programs leading them the wrong direction and everything children have a bad enough as it is and parents don't even realize it and a lot of them don't even care or even give a shit let alone want to! Because they're too busy feeding into their own problems hiding and harboring in their own misery instead of taking responsibility and showing appreciation! And taking the time to grow up getting their shit together and taking the responsibility of being a parent! Solving the problems of their children together by getting to know their kids interacting with them and playing with them and learning how to be a parent and learning how to show patience and learning how to be the hero that children are looking for in their parents or in their teacher! Kids don't even know how to look into themselves laugh out loud they're afraid to because of fucking fear or because of what they were told at school! Being able to look into yourself and discover your own hero is a part of it as well and that is something that a good teacher would work on with their children individually as they get to know them communicating with them and working with them on all levels not only getting to know the kid mentally but Also spiritually and emotionally allowing the kid to think and make his or her own decisions but in the same time learning how to handle other people and how to cope with their problems and what to do about it especially is they get older being introduced to dating sex and sexuality relationships jobs and business money and finance and everything children ask questions about and are curious about and want to learn about especially as they get older and hit their teen years and teenagers are the most vulnerable of all! They're the ones that need moral support they're the ones that need the type of Guru that will get them to stop and think about their actions and their behavior and how to handle stress and other problems that come up! Taking responsibility for their own actions and owning up to their mistakes and teaching children how to be adults about it instead of spoiled breast self-centered idiots! Kids are getting worse and worse every day with the crap they see on TV and what they're exposed to on social media everything and anything the enemy throws out there introducing kids to crazy shit that doesn't make sense Nickelodeon putting out all different kinds of violent cartoons and programs that are about as Jewish of the ass as you can get! Instead of studying and doing their homework and learning how to listen to their teachers and learning how to respect their parents! Children nowadays don't even show an ounce of respect to their parents let alone their teachers they don't even want to take the time to think and do things right they don't even want to take responsibility for their own actions anymore they just want to go dump it out on somebody else and use somebody as a goddamn scapegoat instead! This world is not only lacking intelligence and moral support laugh out loud the spirituality is the key right there that people don't seem to understand it's like they totally completely skipped out on that along with raising children or growing up along the way being introduced to fear and drugs and stupidity peer pressure being talked into something or allowing somebody to do their thinking for them instead of being taught to stand on their own two feet and that is okay to protect yourself and be yourself and that there's nothing wrong with that! Having a good teacher it teaches children how to think! How to bring out their best and putting their best self forward not only teaching you your ABCs and your Scholastic's in school but to teach you how to get along with other people in the business world and to prepare you and to set you up for your future and teaching you how to be strong and to not be afraid and to take a hold of your mind and your body your spirit along with everything you've been taught or being taught in school and applying it to your daily life we're children are actually thinking like young adults taking care of their chores even taking care of their parents and their younger siblings showing respect for the neighbors next door people in their neighborhood and being helpful and considerate earning money by mowing lawns cleaning house for an old woman! The value of job and working earning money and winning and earning respect of people around the world when they go out and travel as a businessman getting to know people in the business world! Children don't even have a clue these days and the things that they are lacking let alone understand or appreciate children nowadays don't even have any idea the things that people were taught back in the days back in the '70s and the '80s and even beyond that when her parents were younger the moral values they had! Back in the 50s and the '60s were parents respected their parents and children were taught to respect their parents and to respect themselves and to put themselves forward and to tell them that it's okay to make mistakes that it's learning process and to Learn To Love Yourself and to learn to appreciate your mistakes and what you're learning teaching you to forge ahead overcoming your problems along the way and discovering gifts and talents and abilities you thought you never had as a kid laugh out loud children! Have no idea the biggest percent of them out there what it's like! To be valued and loved and respected by a good teacher or a decent parent! And what it's like for a student in this day and age to have confidence and a high self-esteem knowing that he or she can learn anything when it comes down to it and have a job anywhere and know that they can and actually succeed in doing so and have the happiness that they want and need! Children nowadays are like a bunch of mindless zombies they think that they can do whatever they want and get away with it they have no respect for their elders they don't even have respect for their neighbors they've been taught all kinds of stupid things instead of things Valor and appreciation! Back in the days children were taught responsibility and they learn something and they discovered their own hero within themselves as they learn to take hold discovering their strength and ability knowing that they can be a hero and knowing that they can be somebody setting a side goals and making plans on what they want to be when they grow up! You don't see children talking about stuff like that anymore all they want to do is be drug dealers and pimps these days anymore they want to go out and beat the shit out of each other and end up in jail and have a criminal record instead! You sold them over here about good news on the news all you hear about is war or somebody getting raped or beaten all you hear is negativity on the news nothing good and nothing positive anymore! And it's because the enemy doesn't want to Spotlight on some good kid who won a trophy playing soccer or volleyball you used to hear about the good things of people.
And now all you hear is nothing but negativity and bullshit and lies and more bullshit and more negativity pumped out there by the enemy more and more every day until it becomes the new normal! A good person nowadays goes unnoticed and don't even get the credit or the respect that they deserve people nowadays don't even treat each other with respect as it is let alone appreciation! A good teacher Guru! Gives children value and appreciation and brings out the best in you! And children would go out their way to learn as much as they can and showing good character to their classmates and bringing out the best in other kids and other students in their classroom they would come home with a smile on their face until their parents about the things they were taught in class and what they have learned and actually had friends that were decent and had value and a sense of worth where kids can learn things from one another and bring out the best of themselves where they knew that they can learn and conquer any problem and be a hero and a good example to others! These were the people that grew up with success and have the job and made the money! And knew that they have accomplish something! They had friends people were proud of them a lot of people looked up to these people and had consideration for them and appreciation and these people made you feel appreciated and wanted as well! It was a Rippling effect! A good teacher brings that out in a student!? The energy rippled out across the classroom because this child wanted to go out of his way or her way to treat his friends that way as well! Making everyone feel wanted and appreciated even the handicap kid as well! A good teacher will even make the handicap person feel like that he is worthwhile and given them the confidence that they're looking for and want and need taking the time to work with that individual the child grew mentally physically and spiritually confident because he or she knew that he could do something in spite of his or her disabilities! Good teachers brought out the best along with discipline and moral support! Give you a sense of worth and took the time to help you overcome your problems your fears and your disabilities and teaching you how to overcome! Whatever obstacle got in your way a good teacher made you feel like you could do it they would Build You Up and they inspired you! Making you feel appreciated and you wanted to go out and share that with your family and friends! You felt so good about yourself! That you can take on any problem or any task like it was nothing! When it come to sports Scholastics in the classroom or anything! Not to mention the fact children with sit down and do their homework without a problem and learn how to figure things out eventually! And their parents taught highly of them and kids even taught highly of each other and their favorite teacher! And graduated with high marks and the confidence and the smile on their face to go with to show the world who and what they are and what they've become! Being the better person and bringing out the better person in each other! Is the thing that people need to do especially little kids these days who don't even have a fucking clue all thanks to the fucking enemy! And what people have to go through these days! Trying to build themselves up when they don't even have a clue and often they fell because they don't even know who to go to or who to trust not even themselves! And that is the most fucked up thing about this world as it is! Is the fact that kids don't even care they don't want to take the time and learn things they don't even want to be independent and yet they do? They're confused don't even know which end to go or which direction? And yet they look up on Batman and Spider-Man as a hero! Instead of their parents! Or their coach or their teacher because there are no teachers out there that are interested in being a good teacher let alone moral support or a hero of some kind! Little kids nowadays they're in a world of their own or playing video games doing drugs! Wandering the streets getting into trouble instead of being at home doing their chores and doing their homework and learning how to be adults! And yet you get a lot of these idiots out there who think they're growing up and think that they can do what they want to and don't even have respect for rules or other people's rights!. By learning how to think and learning how to think the right way! And learning how to be positive and looking for the positive and that sense of knowing! Has been replaced with fear and stupidity and violence! These kids are living in a world with no support at all no one to go to and nobody to trust! They don't even trust themselves much less a stranger. If people had any idea what little children go through! It is definitely a far cry for help! And what children are going to be facing in the future! Having to figure this crap out the older they get and how much harder is going to get for them especially if they've been on drugs or had some kind of an addiction without a guru or a friend they are fucking lost and children are lost as it is in this world don't even know where to go to or what to do with themselves even let alone looking for somebody that they can learn from and somebody that they can trust without being sexually abused or something if not worse
Wildfire said:
666Adam said:
Wildfire said:
Agh dangit, sorry HP. Yeah, I still need to stop being on edge.

I also know you probably don't want to identify with someone who comes up with a story like that, knowing almost nothing about me.

I just wrote it exactly because it is like this, to show where I got to with the attitude.

Give me time, let me express myself.

Alright, alright bro.

Btw, I can't find proper copies of the Mahabharata, some of them look mixed up and twisted to dull out some spiritual contexts. I heard that Halo got inspired by Hindu scripture which is a big plus in making me find out. Do you mind if you can pass me your copy of that epic? Thanks.

I am reading non-English version, so it probably will not be of much use, also I have it in a form of a physical book, anyways.

About twisted meaning - good point, in future I will probably check out other versions too.

As for the message - any character who deserves it, has a bloody punishment paid out, and there are no bleeding-heart fragments where anyone would cry about justice being served.

But there is also a lot of emphasis on things like that the main characters "won people over with friendly speech" and a lot of descriptions of this kind of situation - general politeness and high respect (it's actually interesting to see how morally higher is the society described in there than that in which we live today), which just reevaluated my approach.

I also checked the names of the people mentioned in the acknowledgments on the first page and saw nothing suspicious (to be 100% honest, there is a guy named Greg Stein? But as far as I can remember, HP wrote once that a surname like this does not have to be indicative of origin and is a valid German surname).

I'm about halfway through, and if any new findings come up, I'll keep you posted.
Wildfire said:
666Adam said:
Wildfire said:
Agh dangit, sorry HP. Yeah, I still need to stop being on edge.

I also know you probably don't want to identify with someone who comes up with a story like that, knowing almost nothing about me.

I just wrote it exactly because it is like this, to show where I got to with the attitude.

Give me time, let me express myself.

Alright, alright bro.

Btw, I can't find proper copies of the Mahabharata, some of them look mixed up and twisted to dull out some spiritual contexts. I heard that Halo got inspired by Hindu scripture which is a big plus in making me find out. Do you mind if you can pass me your copy of that epic? Thanks.
I bought a set of volumes of the unabridged mahabharata and tried reading it. Some parts of it are very bizarre and bible-like, and it's difficult for me to understand. I think you have to have grown up in indian culture to have the necessary context and lexicon to make sense of it.

I don't know if the abridged versions are any better. What do you guys think?

Never heard of halo being inspired by hindu scripture. It has biblical themes, for sure. I always liked the theological window dressing, very unique and under-utilized in the sci fi genre.
existentialcrisis said:
Wildfire said:
666Adam said:
I also know you probably don't want to identify with someone who comes up with a story like that, knowing almost nothing about me.

I just wrote it exactly because it is like this, to show where I got to with the attitude.

Give me time, let me express myself.

Alright, alright bro.

Btw, I can't find proper copies of the Mahabharata, some of them look mixed up and twisted to dull out some spiritual contexts. I heard that Halo got inspired by Hindu scripture which is a big plus in making me find out. Do you mind if you can pass me your copy of that epic? Thanks.
I bought a set of volumes of the unabridged mahabharata and tried reading it. Some parts of it are very bizarre and bible-like, and it's difficult for me to understand. I think you have to have grown up in indian culture to have the necessary context and lexicon to make sense of it.

I don't know if the abridged versions are any better. What do you guys think?

Never heard of halo being inspired by hindu scripture. It has biblical themes, for sure. I always liked the theological window dressing, very unique and under-utilized in the sci fi genre.

Yep, but if my memory serves me right, the old forums had people talking about Halo's inspirational ties to mythology and I can't remember what exactly. I could be hallucinating when I just said that.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
