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Quitting smoking, very sore lungs, important Book/ PDF


Jul 17, 2021
I have been smoking every day of my life for 30 years. Since Saturday the 11th, I have stopped this addiction, thanks to a great book that was recommended by an SS (alas, I don't remember who), THANK YOU you save my life.

I had a bad flu 3 weeks ago, and since then I always have a high fever, a terrible cough and I'm getting worse every day, despite the doctor's consultation every week, medication, antibiotics, etc.
I know I didn't want to say anything about this, I am ashamed of this addiction, and other things.

A few months ago, an SS linked the book EASY WAY TO STOP SMOKING to his message and I saved the link. Last week I felt I was being told to read it. Once translated by deepl Pro, I read it in 3 days last week and by Saturday I would FINALLY be free of this horrible poison.

I have formally asked Father Satan, in addition to the help of my Beloved Guardian Valefor, for the help of Lord Buer who deals with addictions. I am not allowed to go back to that damn tobacco and I will have to stick to it at all costs.

2 days ago I had an X-ray of my lungs. The doctor and I were expecting the worst, given the bad auscultations... it's very serious, the damage and the infection I have, but not desperate. He told me "you have a hell of a guardian angel", (yes it's a xtian doctor..), "your decision to stop comes at the last of the last moment but it's still possible, while many stop when it's unfortunately too late. On the other hand, if you fall back into smoking, your lungs will definitely be ruined and you with it."


And to say, THIS BOOK IS LITERALLY GENIUS. I never thought I'd ever quit that damn tobacco drug. BUT Yes.

Here is the link in English

Here is the translation of the book in French

I also ordered a paper version so that I always have it at hand. Because of course, well, it is a bit hard psychologically.

Brother, Sister, if you suffer from this horrible poison, read the book, it is JUST HUGE and free yourself before it is too late.
Ask for help from our wonderful Gods if you are determined to free yourself.

[I post it here because 2 days ago, I posted this same topic in the Health section and it was not validated :?: ]
sshivafr said:

Congrats on your success! Since you have newly quit, be aware that future impulses can be expected, but you can still defeat them. This is normal with all negative karma, and it will wane over time, especially if a freeing working is used.

In regards to your lungs, use the Lung 7 acupoint, which sends the body's energy to the lungs to help them heal and expel pathogens. I have used this point during colds and it would relax my lungs and drive out phlegm.

sshivafr said:
I have been smoking every day of my life for 30 years. Since Saturday the 11th, I have stopped this addiction, thanks to a great book that was recommended by an SS (alas, I don't remember who), THANK YOU you save my life.

I had a bad flu 3 weeks ago, and since then I always have a high fever, a terrible cough and I'm getting worse every day, despite the doctor's consultation every week, medication, antibiotics, etc.
I know I didn't want to say anything about this, I am ashamed of this addiction, and other things.

A few months ago, an SS linked the book EASY WAY TO STOP SMOKING to his message and I saved the link. Last week I felt I was being told to read it. Once translated by deepl Pro, I read it in 3 days last week and by Saturday I would FINALLY be free of this horrible poison.

I have formally asked Father Satan, in addition to the help of my Beloved Guardian Valefor, for the help of Lord Buer who deals with addictions. I am not allowed to go back to that damn tobacco and I will have to stick to it at all costs.

2 days ago I had an X-ray of my lungs. The doctor and I were expecting the worst, given the bad auscultations... it's very serious, the damage and the infection I have, but not desperate. He told me "you have a hell of a guardian angel", (yes it's a xtian doctor..), "your decision to stop comes at the last of the last moment but it's still possible, while many stop when it's unfortunately too late. On the other hand, if you fall back into smoking, your lungs will definitely be ruined and you with it."


And to say, THIS BOOK IS LITERALLY GENIUS. I never thought I'd ever quit that damn tobacco drug. BUT Yes.

Here is the link in English

Here is the translation of the book in French

I also ordered a paper version so that I always have it at hand. Because of course, well, it is a bit hard psychologically.

Brother, Sister, if you suffer from this horrible poison, read the book, it is JUST HUGE and free yourself before it is too late.
Ask for help from our wonderful Gods if you are determined to free yourself.

[I post it here because 2 days ago, I posted this same topic in the Health section and it was not validated :?: ]

Thank you very much! :)
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=424964 time=1676556884 user_id=21286]

In regards to your lungs, use the Lung 7 acupoint, which sends the body's energy to the lungs to help them heal and expel pathogens. I have used this point during colds and it would relax my lungs and drive out phlegm.


Thank you very much Blitzkreig, I will use this point because I still really have pain and my lungs are indeed filled with mucus.
Congratulations on your success in quitting smoking! I'm very happy for you!

One of the reasons why smoking is so addictive is because it triggers the release of dopamine in the brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is associated with pleasure and reward. When you smoke, nicotine binds to receptors in the brain, which causes the release of dopamine. This creates a pleasurable sensation and reinforces the behavior of smoking.

However, when you quit smoking, the levels of dopamine in your brain will decrease, and you may experience withdrawal symptoms, such as cravings, irritability, and mood swings. The good news is that your brain will begin to heal, and the dopamine receptors will start to return to their normal levels over time.

By staying consistent with your decision and replacing the habit of smoking with a new one, such as exercise or other hobby, this can help boost the levels of dopamine in your brain in a healthier way. When you engage in activities that you enjoy, your brain releases dopamine, which reinforces the behavior and can make it easier to stick to your new habit.

Keep up the good work, you're doing a great job!
Congratulations Brother I've very happy for you, I smoked for a while and I know how hard it is, you got this, after awhile it will be nothing but a distant memory and a lesson learned.
BlackOnyx8 said:
Congratulations on your success in quitting smoking! I'm very happy for you!

One of the reasons why smoking is so addictive is because it triggers the release of dopamine in the brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is associated with pleasure and reward. When you smoke, nicotine binds to receptors in the brain, which causes the release of dopamine. This creates a pleasurable sensation and reinforces the behavior of smoking.

However, when you quit smoking, the levels of dopamine in your brain will decrease, and you may experience withdrawal symptoms, such as cravings, irritability, and mood swings. The good news is that your brain will begin to heal, and the dopamine receptors will start to return to their normal levels over time.

By staying consistent with your decision and replacing the habit of smoking with a new one, such as exercise or other hobby, this can help boost the levels of dopamine in your brain in a healthier way. When you engage in activities that you enjoy, your brain releases dopamine, which reinforces the behavior and can make it easier to stick to your new habit.

Keep up the good work, you're doing a great job!

Thank you all for your kind messages of encouragement.

My friend, How ashamed I was after all these years, as a woman, to continue smoking.
How I thought of the holes in my aura, the 5th chakra ruined even though it is essential for communicating with the Gods, my health which was constantly deteriorating, the money wasted for NOTHING, the ignoble smell of tobacco on my clothes, etc.
How ashamed I was.

But really the book is GREAT. I'm doing well overall on a psychological level (compared to the physical level, still a high fever for weeks, hospitalization will be considered).

Brothers, Sisters,
Read this book on the free link, or order it from the author because it deserves it, ask for the blessing of the Healing Gods, make this oath to yourself and cure yourself of this odious drug.

Congrats and I've no doubt that you will push through the withdrawal phase. I'm inspired by your courage to share this for everyones benefit. I was also pretty ashamed to admit to being an addict, way worse than you because even after quitting tobacco the nightmare continued for years with copious amounts of weed. Now after having lost track of how long it has been since quitting, the damage and bad effects are still present but much less so and coming back from beyond the brink of almost complete destruction is possible. The doctors don't know as much as they think they do. I was told that I probably won't walk again and now I'm running, skateboarding and doing physical work. They also gave me other bleak prognosis that I simply refused to accept. Never be discouraged, prove them wrong, always strive to push the limits of what's perceived as doable. After all we have the best support system possible.
sshivafr said:
I have been smoking every day of my life for 30 years. Since Saturday the 11th, I have stopped this addiction, thanks to a great book that was recommended by an SS (alas, I don't remember who), THANK YOU you save my life.

I had a bad flu 3 weeks ago, and since then I always have a high fever, a terrible cough and I'm getting worse every day, despite the doctor's consultation every week, medication, antibiotics, etc.
I know I didn't want to say anything about this, I am ashamed of this addiction, and other things.

A few months ago, an SS linked the book EASY WAY TO STOP SMOKING to his message and I saved the link. Last week I felt I was being told to read it. Once translated by deepl Pro, I read it in 3 days last week and by Saturday I would FINALLY be free of this horrible poison.

I have formally asked Father Satan, in addition to the help of my Beloved Guardian Valefor, for the help of Lord Buer who deals with addictions. I am not allowed to go back to that damn tobacco and I will have to stick to it at all costs.

2 days ago I had an X-ray of my lungs. The doctor and I were expecting the worst, given the bad auscultations... it's very serious, the damage and the infection I have, but not desperate. He told me "you have a hell of a guardian angel", (yes it's a xtian doctor..), "your decision to stop comes at the last of the last moment but it's still possible, while many stop when it's unfortunately too late. On the other hand, if you fall back into smoking, your lungs will definitely be ruined and you with it."


And to say, THIS BOOK IS LITERALLY GENIUS. I never thought I'd ever quit that damn tobacco drug. BUT Yes.

Here is the link in English

Here is the translation of the book in French

I also ordered a paper version so that I always have it at hand. Because of course, well, it is a bit hard psychologically.

Brother, Sister, if you suffer from this horrible poison, read the book, it is JUST HUGE and free yourself before it is too late.
Ask for help from our wonderful Gods if you are determined to free yourself.

[I post it here because 2 days ago, I posted this same topic in the Health section and it was not validated :?: ]

You can do this Sister. Stay strong and unwavering in your decision.

I myself used to vape heavily for years. Mechanical mods and the whole nine yards. I stopped 9 to 10 months ago and just put them down.

I used to smoke cigars habitually and electronic cigarettes were a crutch for the longest time.

Definitely stay away from electronic cigarettes. Reason I mention this is ex smokers sometimes end up vapers, and try to get ex smokers on board for electronic cigarettes.

Given your condition and the severity of the issue as it's been for decades, decline all who suggest that as an option for you and stay cold turkey.
These people are unfortunately persuasive adn can be an annoyance.

Use Acupressure to increase lung function would be good to do daily.

You got this. Congratulations!
sshivafr said:
I have been smoking every day of my life for 30 years. Since Saturday the 11th, I have stopped this addiction, thanks to a great book that was recommended by an SS (alas, I don't remember who), THANK YOU you save my life.

I just wanted to say this, I ve smoked my lungs out for the past few years, and not a few were my attempts to quit, all of them unsuccesful.
I ve finished reading the book last night. The author is brilliant to say the least. Anyway, after last night, I haven t touched a ciggarette, and I will continue to do so.

Congratulations :)
Stick to your plan, you can do this.
Wishing you a happy healthy long life :D

Hail Satan!
Nova666 said:
I just wanted to say this, I ve smoked my lungs out for the past few years, and not a few were my attempts to quit, all of them unsuccesful.
I ve finished reading the book last night. The author is brilliant to say the least. Anyway, after last night, I haven t touched a ciggarette, and I will continue to do so.


This is wonderful, I am so happy for you!!! :D

We have to get rid of this poison.
Soon 15 days without tobacco, and surprisingly, quite easily.

As for Father Satan, I only regret having known this book SO LATE!!
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=424964 time=1676556884 user_id=21286]
sshivafr said:

Congrats on your success! Since you have newly quit, be aware that future impulses can be expected, but you can still defeat them. This is normal with all negative karma, and it will wane over time, especially if a freeing working is used.

In regards to your lungs, use the Lung 7 acupoint, which sends the body's energy to the lungs to help them heal and expel pathogens. I have used this point during colds and it would relax my lungs and drive out phlegm.


How to use it? Do I have to continuously press it? And if so, for how long?

My mother has some lung issues from time to time after covid-19 pneumonia, but I think this could help her, cuz the doctor said it is primarily an excessive phlegm issue and low oxygen intake[I have to keep an eye on her oxygen levels from time to time with an oximeter].

And is this safe to use for a person who does not meditate? She has arthritis, hypothyroidism has well, so I don't know if it is safe for her[drawing body's energy].

Thank you :)
Nikois666 said:

Press continuously with medium pressure. It starts working immediately, noticed by those who are perceptive, but the larger changes come from holding it longer. For example, at 5 minutes you may feel changes in the breathing or lungs, at 10 you may feel the lungs clear, or phlegm getting pushed around, etc.

This point is a yang point and helps circulate energy around the body. In that sense, it is safe, but care should be taken regardless. It is best to see a professional TCM doctor over delicate cases. She will need to work on diet and exercise for major changes, regardless, but acupoints will help with symptom management.

It is not the fact that she does not meditate which is an issue, but due to her lower vitality, and the fact that she can have compounding problems is what requires caution and precision.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=427455 time=1677539851 user_id=21286]
Nikois666 said:

Press continuously with medium pressure. It starts working immediately, noticed by those who are perceptive, but the larger changes come from holding it longer. For example, at 5 minutes you may feel changes in the breathing or lungs, at 10 you may feel the lungs clear, or phlegm getting pushed around, etc.

This point is a yang point and helps circulate energy around the body. In that sense, it is safe, but care should be taken regardless. It is best to see a professional TCM doctor over delicate cases. She will need to work on diet and exercise for major changes, regardless, but acupoints will help with symptom management.

It is not the fact that she does not meditate which is an issue, but due to her lower vitality, and the fact that she can have compounding problems is what requires caution and precision.
Thank you very much for this valuable information. I will proceed with caution, and try to find a good TCM doctor.

But are all TCM doctors okay? Are there any jews in this profession?

And what do you think about Holistic doctors?
Nikois666 said:
Thank you very much for this valuable information. I will proceed with caution, and try to find a good TCM doctor.

But are all TCM doctors okay? Are there any jews in this profession?

And what do you think about Holistic doctors?

Any holistic approach to medicine is better than the western approach, however not all holistic doctors have the same skill in treatment. We also have to consider the patient's ability to comprehend and do their part, which I believe is easy with the TCM philosophy.

Professional TCM doctors usually have to undergo training at a school, so any licensed ones should be good. Yes, there are Jews in all professions, but I would not worry too much about this.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=427631 time=1677625470 user_id=21286]
Nikois666 said:
Thank you very much for this valuable information. I will proceed with caution, and try to find a good TCM doctor.

But are all TCM doctors okay? Are there any jews in this profession?

And what do you think about Holistic doctors?

Any holistic approach to medicine is better than the western approach, however not all holistic doctors have the same skill in treatment. We also have to consider the patient's ability to comprehend and do their part, which I believe is easy with the TCM philosophy.

Professional TCM doctors usually have to undergo training at a school, so any licensed ones should be good. Yes, there are Jews in all professions, but I would not worry too much about this.

I see, thank you for the help :)
sshivafr said:
This is wonderful, I am so happy for you!!! :D

We have to get rid of this poison.
Soon 15 days without tobacco, and surprisingly, quite easily.

As for Father Satan, I only regret having known this book SO LATE!!
Thank you :D

I barely have a week, and it s indeed pretty easy. I don't feel any need for tobacco, nicotine, or simply smoke in my lungs.

The only annoying thing I ve saw so far is that the habit kicks in ocassionally.
Like I was doing something all these years accompanied by a cig and when I do said thing now, am forgetting for a moment that I quit :p like an instinct by now, a robotic reaction to take a cig, and it's not like I even feel something about it.
It's purely the habit of doing the said action of smoking at the same with drinking a glass of juice(as an example).

Eventually I won't feel it anymore, but the brainwashing was indeed strong.

The book as I said worked wonders! Who actually struggles with quitting should give it a read, and read it seriously with the intent of following the content.
Nova666 said:
Thank you :D

I barely have a week, and it s indeed pretty easy. I don't feel any need for tobacco, nicotine, or simply smoke in my lungs.

The only annoying thing I ve saw so far is that the habit kicks in ocassionally.
Like I was doing something all these years accompanied by a cig and when I do said thing now, am forgetting for a moment that I quit :p like an instinct by now, a robotic reaction to take a cig, and it's not like I even feel something about it.
It's purely the habit of doing the said action of smoking at the same with drinking a glass of juice(as an example).

Eventually I won't feel it anymore, but the brainwashing was indeed strong.

The book as I said worked wonders! Who actually struggles with quitting should give it a read, and read it seriously with the intent of following the content.

Yes, I can see what you are talking about! I was also reaching for an invisible cigarette pack! But as time goes by, these reflexes fade away! :D

And the author of the book tells us not to worry about it and to rejoice thinking: "It's wonderful, I'm free!"

3 weeks very soon and I already feel much better lung wise!

1 month I have definitely quit smoking! I am happy with this! :D :D

And I already feel much better! And I have not gained any extra weight !

I don't suffer from nicotine withdrawal and my mood remains pretty much stable.
I don't cough at all anymore but I still have pain in my lungs so I started a healing work with Ur ( + sowilo) this Tuesday Esbat in Virgo.

The book IS SO GOOD. Anyone who wants to be free of this disgusting poison should read this book!

I even ordered Allen Carr's book on alcohol for my husband which was really awful. And guess what?! He quit drinking!!!
Much less arguing and stress from that other horrible poison!

I will be ordering the book on sugar soon as I think I have a slight addiction to this other poison.

Allen Carr's books address all addictions (not an exhaustive list at all!)
Easy way to stop smoking
Easy way to quit smoking without willpower
Quit drinking without willpower
The easy way to control alcohol
The easy way for women to lose weight
Good sugar, bad sugar
Henu the Great said:
Magnificent. I hope that all is well over there.

Hi Henu, I haven't taken up smoking again - 7 months this month - and I don't feel any cravings, despite a hard day-to-day life in terms of lack of time, work and family atmosphere.

The book has been decisive, but the help of Lord Buer has been even more so, because really, I've made no effort at all: quitting smoking using the method in the book doesn't require any willpower. The help of one of our beloved God has made these feelings definitive.
Glory to Buer!

It's been 2 years to the day since I quit smoking!

Thanks to Allen Carr's great book, but above all thanks to Father Satan and Lord Buer for keeping me away from cravings and relapse!
Congratulations my dear Sister!!! I am so happy to hear this!!!! :love:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
