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Preparing For Next Schedule - What Is Happening in Israel You Said?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
In the upcoming days, the New Spiritual Warfare Schedule will be up. It will be a few days until then.

For those who want or have taken a complete break, if one hasn't been doing much, they ought continue as usual from now or within a couple of days.

For those who have been unceasing, congratulations. Momentum and energy management is important. One has to always do their best so they don't drain themselves out completely.

The schedule will be posted here and updated also in the "Ritual Schedule" section above the site, for easy access.

In short start stretching, because we are going on the field soon.



[Updated topic]

Just take a notice on what has been happening in Israel and around Israel, and you'll see.

This happened during a rest, the energies reverberated, they were helpless with their shit rituals this time, and now, we observe. All of humanity has been cursed to no end, now that humanity is fighting back, look what is going on?

They suddenly are dropping the "Co-Vid" whole thing down, because they are under crashing pressure. No deaths all of a sudden in Britain, goyim. It was all just a little flu goyim, nothing major!

Jews be like: It's ok if you don't vaccinate please don't let the Goyim Gods strike down Israel and obliterate this shit, built on genocide, Israeli Nation. We just planned a little genocide, economic collapse, and ruin of all freedoms, no big deal goy, take your syringe now. Oy vey goyim you don't want Green Passport? Oy vey, is it all going down the drain? Oy vey Israel is under siege now and we might enter full scale war where Israel may be exterminated? Holy shit rabbis where the fuck these bindings on the Demons are? Oy veyyyyyyyyy they don't work anymore my rabbi! Annuda Shoah!

Generally, all these crimes the enemy does, they do them on the pretext that they have been using their shit hebrew charged excrement language to escape these consequences with heavy sacrificial magick. Now, it doesn't seem to work that much. The enemy has for centuries, getting away with everything spiritually. Now, not that much anymore.

Of course now, it's to be expected, the jews are going to request help from Big Goy Slave America, but will this work given the planets of the US and everything else? They should gamble that one, and see. The US would be smart to not engage with Israel this time around. They may live to find out about this mistake, such as the war in Iraq or the situation with Iran.

Sort of like the Co-Vid and everything else. The US listened to jewish hype, fake news, and fake solutions to these extreme exaggerations. The world was literally almost crashed financially, mentally, psychologically. Was that smart to listen?

What punishments lay in bay by the forces in observation of this world, over this stupidity? A taste of what happened to Macron appears fitting here, maybe? These will be the least of the upcoming things for the great upset this race of jews has heaped upon this earth.

And as it appears, not even in Israel and at home they will be safe, as Demons don't seem exactly to understand borders and Nations, nor they are highly interested in what shitface in the US thinks they are doing the "Right thing". Retribution is arriving. Most Western governments, already pay the price...30, 40, 50, or upwards to 70 and 80% of disobedience to kosher based authority.

The smart people would already be packing up and changing sides with all of this going on...From the jewish side to the good side...Any smart leader should side with humanity now. It is not only the moral thing to do, but the positive and self saving thing to do.

They are on a losing streak there is no debating that. People were also angry about some of their advances such as the pandemic, but also, how can one not be happy to where these are leading the enemy?

At this pace, what is next for these abusers of humanity? I guess we'll find out as they clearly have no plan of stopping anything, nor they ever did. In fact, they will definitely accelerate everything, as they have been doing already.

This is only the beginning of what is coming at them. No ritual, no dead hebrew alphabet, and no veil is going to save them anymore, no reptilian, and no grey. In fact, they seem to have abandoned them completely and focusing their sites on the acceleration of other projects, since Jews can't even get an exaggerated pandemic going successfully.

What is going to be next for the enemy of humanity? We are here and we'll see. Maybe Billy has a plan to throw a virus? Engineered mosquitos? Hide the sun? They probably already feel it, the hebrew veil being lifted, themselves getting more and more powerless, drifting of power from their hands, and a threat in their core.

But what is also next, and after that, for retribution? It seems this will be a far bigger sight to behold?

Just some news in case people aren't aware of what is going on:

Hamas hits central Israel with unprecedented rocket fire


As Israelis and Palestinians Battle, Rockets and Airstrikes Intensify


Israel, Hamas Prepare for Wider Conflict as Fighting Intensifies


33-year-old man killed in Lod amid violent riots across Israel

I'm all in!

I've been "stretching" in anticipation already.

Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
In the upcoming days, the New Spiritual Warfare Schedule will be up. It will be a few days until then.

For those who want or have taken a complete break, if one hasn't been doing much, they ought continue as usual from now or within a couple of days.

For those who have been unceasing, congratulations. Momentum and energy management is important. One has to always do their best so they don't drain themselves out completely.

The schedule will be posted here and updated also in the "Ritual Schedule" section above the site, for easy access.

In short start stretching, because we are going on the field soon.


I did do less than I usually do but I don't really easily get burned out. This is due to a couple placements that it even said on JOS give me the ability to regenerate energy well.
Went down from 5-8hrs for spirituality a day to 2-3 hrs. But I am ready, bring it! I also caught up on stuff in real life a bit, feels good.
I received so many blessings during the time of reprieve. So many blessings that I am extremely thankful for from our benevolent Almighty Gods and Goddesses. It is time to return to war invigorated with a joyous and prosperous heart and mind.

Let us all show our gratitude with immense destruction against Lord Satan's enemies. I go back to the RtR's with a sharpened blade and a smile on my face. Lets hit them harder than ever.
Haha, I was thinking, a plan of attack, but no info about what's going on right now between the Mohammedans and Israel. :D

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

That type of energy has been trying to manifest on Israel and the Jews for a long time (almost as long as they existed) simply cause of what they do and the laws of nature Karma that creates. It is only through artificial means one can escape the laws of nature and Karma for a bit (not likely forever even if they kept doing this stuff till infinity) and actually turn it into doing better than everyone else living against nature. The Jews figured this out for awhile. They have been able to direct it out to their enemies. This is the reason they always feel the need to atone for and do ritual sacrifices to forgive their "sins" as well as of course the Kol Nidre thing and the scape goat type rituals etc. There probably is more to this and other things they do as well for it. But anyways without their psychic power and Magick they cannot deflect it anymore so it will get worse and worse as time goes on for them. That is as long as we keep this up so let's not stop till they are done gone for good.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Holy shit rabbis where the fuck these bindings on the Demons are? Oy veyyyyyyyyy they don't work anymore my rabbi! Annuda Shoah!

Ahh brother, you have no clue how happy this line has made me. Perfect motivation to do the F-RTR now.

Can't wait for the next schedule.

Hail Satan.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Tinseltown comes crashing down on the Jew. Israel won’t even exist by the end of this decade, probably sooner.

I had to look up just what the hell Tinseltown means :lol: But I get it now, their whole game is just smoke and mirrors. Well said, brother.

I have seen the news today about the bombing of Pissrael and you wouldn't believe the kind of reverence the TV lady tried to imbue her speech with. It was only holy city muah...holy people...and bad hamas terrorists. And yet she said the jews' rockets killed a couple of palestinian children. These people today are so deluded that they can't see the fokin discrepancy: holy people / kill children :evil: :evil: :evil:
I was a bit surprised to see that this was getting some Media coverage from networks like BBC and Fox News. But then I had a thought "The RTRs are working", not surprised anymore :lol:

The Judenpress totally forgot that 'Jews are not white' and 'Palestinians don't matter'. Only the rapefugee mudslims matter.

Ready for the next schedule :)
Heck, they attack us hard rn because THEY ARE FUCKED! Muhahaha! I can not wait for the next schedule now! >:D

I haven’t noticed any attacks since Sunday, but this is not holding me back! >:D
FRTR + Tetra Kamehamehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

- christard religion blasted to oblivion
- covid prank dissipates like morning mist
- Billy the kid brought to court for crimes against humanity and sentenced multiple life times
- full UFO disclosure
- government officials all over the world thrown under the bus by their masters
- Zuck the droid brought to court for treason and sentenced multiple life times
- shitbook crumbles
- twitter lawsuit bankrupts the company
- WallStreet gang thrown in prison for crimes against humanity
- Quantitative easing (QE) scam revealed and perpetrators sentenced multiple life times
- gold standard returns
- aliens do exist scientists claim ending SETI hoax
- the GODS appear
- normies go crazy their little brains overloaded by the magnitude of the events
- jeboos are banished from the known universe
- garbage people soon follow
- humans achieve immortality
- humanity takes its rightful place amongst the stars

This is how I see the next decade or so :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
I love seeing such a direct manifestation of our rituals :) makes doing the RTRs more fun!
I had a feeling there would be a new schedule.
Hail Satan!!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I quote from your second link:

As the conflict expanded and the airstrikes began, it quickly became deadly.

In Beit Hanoun, northern Gaza, the Masri family was grieving for two young boys who were killed on Monday evening. Ibrahim, 11, and Marwan, 7, had been playing outside their home when a missile struck, according to their uncle, Bashir al-Masri, 25.

For Mr. Masri, the attack showed that Israel had no concern for civilian life.

“They target buildings with children, they target ambulances, they target schools,” he said by telephone. “And all the world, beginning with America, says that people in Gaza are terrorists. But we are not terrorists. We just want to live in peace.”

OyVey the nytimes says this :lol: :lol: :lol:

And also

“God knows how we live in Gaza — and the No. 1 reason is the Israeli siege,” said Mr. Masri, who is one of the roughly 50 percent of Gazans without work. “They want to kill us. But they cannot.

Talk about being incapable, being armed like no country, building even a fokin wall and still you can't kill a bunch of barbarians :lol: :lol: :lol:

The Iron Dome, an Israeli antimissile defense system, successfully intercepted about 90 percent of rockets headed for populated areas, according to military officials.

You have a shitload of defense systems in place, Zucky boy is creating next level AI and you can't stop a bunch of barbarian rockets....whaaat ? :lol: :lol: :lol:

The military wing of Hamas, known as the Qassam Brigades, issued a statement after the strike on the building warning Israel that if it kept hitting civilian houses, “We will turn Ashkelon into hell.”

What, those barbarians do not know you are za holy moly guacamole za chosen mofos and they just go and kill you, how dare they? :lol: :lol: :lol:

And then trying to present the jews as innocents:

She added: “All the world says that the Jews make trouble. But what have I done wrong? I didn’t do anything, and they still send us bombs.”

So they are actually admitting what we have been saying all along? So, there is no conspiracy and the whole world really hates them :lol: :lol: :lol:

All I can say is that media is committing logic suicide at this moment, only brainwashed people can believe their bs at this point :D

What about za covid...those people do not wear masks outside muh vacccine I do not understand where is za pandemic
:?: :?: :?: :!: :!: :!: :lol: :lol: :lol:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

May pissreal burn down in flames!! I hope those rockets hammer them hard! I was watching what happened and saw the first ones towards Jerusalem were intercepted. They need some big shit!!! I'm ready for that new schedule as any!
NinRick said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Holy shit rabbis where the fuck these bindings on the Demons are? Oy veyyyyyyyyy they don't work anymore my rabbi! Annuda Shoah!

Ahh brother, you have no clue how happy this line has made me. Perfect motivation to do the F-RTR now.

Me as well. Those disgusting creatures could never hope to prevail over Gods. The day of reckoning is here. Lights out levi!
Definitely ready for the next schedule!

I'm very happy to hear of these developments. That we are winning and the awakening going on.
This is wonderful news, and these are wonderful developments to see. Exceptionally satisfying to see the jew get destroyed and face just retribution for their unspeakable crimes committed against gentile kind since their inception.

Satan’s reach is inescapable and the blazing wrathful flames of his retribution uncompromising.

We are ready to destroy in his name any vestige of the enemy on any and all levels. There is no escape for any of them.

Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This is only the beginning of what is coming at them. No ritual, no dead hebrew alphabet, and no veil is going to save them anymore, no reptilian, and no grey. In fact, they seem to have abandoned them completely and focusing their sites on the acceleration of other projects, since Jews can't even get an exaggerated pandemic going successfully.

Interesting, could you elaborate further on this? Maybe a future post. Why do you believe they have been abandoned, like permanently? Also what other projects lol is this anything to worry about. Like if jews failed here on earth, will they eventually send an upgraded version of them that look more like us to do the same thing again.

I know its probably a waste of time thinking all this, but like why would they stop if there's always some kind of chance of invading a planet.
"Israel will get what she deserves" - Satan
Does someone have that speech Hitler gave about the Palestinian people?
There is a lot of yids praying in Israel against the Pali's right now.

Man that’s the best news ever, I’ve been waiting for the day when Pissrael gets attacked. I hope they get blown off the map and the US STAYS OUT OF IT. I just want to live in a decent society that isn’t influenced by anything jewish. Seems like those past war schedules are finally paying off :D . Well I’ll continue to be on the lookout for the new schedule since I have been doing that recently.
I'm so ready to obliterate them! I even read on pisslam to grow so much untapped hatred on their sickening program. I am sickened by what they've been doing in India, and I've been already sending them energies and building anger for them to put against another. I will help them accelerate their war and hopefully they take the vatican with them!
Without India I would be nowhere without Mantras or Sanskrit or Yantras or anything that I love and they want to erase! I invoke Shakti daily. I imagine Kali destroying those scum. I don't even like calling them scum, because scum has it's benefits on some level. I'm so ready to obliterate their so called spirits. The hate is going to be well transmuted to power for their part of my rituals. Your post got me pumped! Hail Satan eternally!
hello, jos community, I've been researching different magicians and watching a variety of black magicians, anyway, I saw this video by a transgender male and I believe he did a curse on me, how do I protect myself from youtuber vidian, he's tryna make me gay, voices saying "its ok to experiment". I'm pure Texas rodeo, and have sex with female strippers. I'm not gay, so any advice to help? I'm a Latino, a machismo man, impossible to be gay.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Can't wait when the curtain falls for them and they are forced to see that they have no magic of their own and the only reason that they have gotten where they have is because of those damn lizzies and enemy nordics that have given them a free ride and us being put under a spell by the aforementioned fucks that they have only been able to keep up because of the equivalent of being told to sit down and just keep pressing the pretty button until the boss gets back. Now the computer is shorting out, the boss is not coming back and all they know how to do is to keep pressing the useless button.

They have been hard wired to think that we have no point without them and they are coming face to face with the reality that they have no point without us. And now that their overlords are dead and gone, they have no point at all.
Seeing how kikes are getting defeated by our attacks fires me up! I will fight against those filthy beings as far as in me lies!
Saw this earlier. Normally I wouldn't browse Twitter, but a friend sent this to me. I don't really care for The Onion's satire or whatever usually, but this made me laugh.

What made me laugh even harder is the absolute shitshow in the comments. Definitely one of the most concentrated Jewish freakouts I've ever seen online. Really, I invite anyone to go look and laugh their asses off, it's comedy gold.

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Tinseltown comes crashing down on the Jew. Israel won’t even exist by the end of this decade, probably sooner.

Seek & Destroy, am I right?!
They've been trying to demolish some mosque to build their garbage "third temple" to tie in with their torah crap, but they're so useless they can't even manage to do that in their own state.
Jews, you are criminals and liars, you must answer for all the crimes you have done and continue to do.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
