Maxis Orientis
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- May 9, 2023
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There is a lot of mystery, controversy and even lies surrounding the Philippine president known in history as Ferdinand Marcos Sr. Mainstream media points him as being an evil dictator, but upon further delving into his biography, he could have - very well been the hope that the Philippines needed.
Today, while the Philippine economy has gotten better due to the large existence of OFWs and their contribution to the Philippine economy, Marcos was a patriot who had legitimate attempts to advance Philippine society, things that modern-day Filipinos who think require working overseas.
Marcos gets all the blame for supposedly pocketing millions or billions of dollars in both domestic and foreign wealth and loans, but do realize that this is simply...."normal" for Philippine elite. I've spoke to many Filipinos who served in the armed forces of that nation, to hear the stories of Filipino generals and officers pocketing money.
Remember what Jews do (as well as those who follow Jewish examples), they'll accuse Gentiles (ESPECIALLY powerful ones) of doing shit they themselves do. Nobody's perfect, and I'm not doubting that Marcos (or even Hitler for this matter) made dumb mistakes, but what Jews love to do is over-exaggerate and over-inflate those "mistakes" into sob stories for the gullible to eat.
If this wasn't so, not sure why the military and law enforcement of the Philippines is an absolute joke, and why its population is only wealthy due to OFW sacrifice.
The Marcos Administration achieved more in its 20-30 some year existence, pretty much than any other Philippine regime, making me suspect that Marcos was indeed, a Satanist since he did what Satanists normally do (advance and help progress society) and got absolutely hated by it and overthrown by communists and Christians, in the bullshit known as the "People Power Revolution".
In a parallel to Hitler's safe evacuation to Argentina by the will of the Gods, Marcos was saved from the animalistic Catholic rebels.
I personally know many Filipinos who have lived under the Marcos regime and put it this way - it was only "bad" if you were an andropod, communist, Islamist or an extreme Catholic fucktard. Both of these were proven to me by personal accounts, and truly - "good" vs. "bad" depended heavily on if the person was a patriot or a communist. Most of the people who told me bad things about Marcos again, were again, Catholic extremists.
Marcos regime builds infrastructure
Unlike other Filipinos, who did absolutely nothing but usurp wealth the Jewish way, Marcos had allotted whatever he could to build infrastructure and construction projects to help Philippine civilization. This included hospitals, bridges, highways, even several cultural centers - such as the Cultural Center of the Philippines, the Philippine International Convention Center and even tried to build performing arts theaters, sadly the latter didn't succeed.
Among other grand projects that the Marcos administration had planned were hydroelectric, geothermal power plans, promotion of diesel engine manufacturing and even a nuclear power plant. All of the following are technological hallmarks operated by every advanced nation.
Considering the massive corruption in the Philippines, especially with pocketing of funds, Filipinos should definitely see this as a milestone. The pocketing is something Filipinos will outright admit, one where even police officers can simply be paid off.
San Juanico Bridge, connecting Leyte and Samar, one of the projects of the Marcos regime
Philippine Heart Center, Quezon City
Unfinished Bataan nuclear power plant
Marcos had little tolerance for communists and Islamists
China supported the communist New People's Army and still does, and Marcos had little tolerance for them. He wasted no time arresting communist leaders like Barnabe Buscayno or going after Islamists. Marcos was perhaps the biggest hater against communists.
What I've noticed is that these pogroms against communism are often painted as "massacres" or "mass murders", no different than the way that proponents of far-leftist groups in the Western world claim "racism/Nazism" whenever getting arrested by police officers.
In addition, we must also remember, that during World War II - there were groups like the Ustase of Croatia, a Jewish paramilitary claiming to be part of Hitler's army, infiltration tactics.
Within the scope of Marcos and the Philippines, there were many fake armies, who indeed - went around murdering people and claiming to act according to the "orders of Marcos", ranging from generals, officers, rogue officers, businessmen and etc. One group that has received extreme notoriety, is the Ilaga, an ultra-fundamentalist rural Catholic insurgent group that practices rape, looting, banditry, murder (like every good Christian warlord)........and even CANNIBALISM!
"Bagong Lipunan" - New Society Advocates Self-Strengthening
Just like the Bakunawa image, online sadly all I could find was slander against this party, and required some harder research. This movement encouraged Filipinos to engage in "self-realization" to help advance and progress, and I can say this is very similar to China's own Self-Strengthening Movement during the late Qing era. Although Filipinos and pro-Marcos folks may not want to admit it, but the Bagong Lipunan has national socialism and Satanism written all over it! Perhaps they intentionally didn't call it national socialism, due to the backlash socialism in general gets for being associated with the Soviet Union and China, thanks to the Jews hijacking socialism and attempting to re-define it from the Bolshevik or Maoist perspective.
Under the New Society, the Marcos regime had little tolerance for andropods, every able-bodied Filipino citizen had a role, and was to have a role, he and created youth groups very similar to Hitler Youth.
From CNN Life Philippines (ironically),
"Established in April 1975, the KB sought to involve Filipino citizens between 15 and 18 years of age in community affairs at the barangay level."
The barangay is an indigenous Filipino word for the smallest unit of political administration, so I'd say something similar to a block or a township. Marcos sought to make these people part of the building process of the Philippine nation. don't build a castle without a foundation. Building a nation should NEVER rely on vague bullshit like "I want to help the whole country". Naturally, you start at the smallest unit - your community, then your town/neighborhood, then your city, your state/province/principality and coalesces into a cooperative unit known as a country/state, doesn't matter whether it's a republic or an empire.
It's a lot more simple of a concept than the Jews want people to believe.
Marcos regime creates advanced plans for Philippine military
Ask yourself this, when was the last you ever heard Philippine military leaders, developing anything advanced such rocket which would have heavily-benefited the Philippines in the face of a threat such as Red China?
Right, never...or at least ever since the disappearance of the Marcos Sr. regime. As a matter fact, the only thing "closest" to creating/inventing in the Filipino military today is creating cheap knock-offs of American weaponry. Often-not, in the post-Marcos Sr. era, the only time you'll ever hear about the Filipino military is how much of an outright joke it is - the "naval submarines" consisting of dilapidated buses in flooded monsoons, in spite of the full potentials.
I stated this in the intro, I know many people who served in the Philippine military or groups resembling our ROTC in the U.S. You can simply pay or fuck your way to the top. Illicit firearms trade, scandals, subpar equipment, shit-training - those are simply "normal" within the Philippine military today. This is the type of corruption that nonsense that Marcos was attempting to tackle.
The Marcos regime engaged in a projects, known as the Sta. Barbara Project to try creating missiles for the Filipino military, known as the "Bongbong missiles".
Can people simply imagine how prominent of a player the Philippines would have been in the Southeast Asian geopolitical scape had the Sta. Barbara projects continued? I'm obviously no fan of choosing between Western Jews (U.S.) or Eastern Jews (China/Soviet Union) but the Philippines could have well-formed an alliance with Japan, South Korea and Indonesia (some of the more better militaries) against the Chinese threat.
Marcos regime overthrown in a Catholic-funded "People Power Revolution"
Marcos met the same unfortunate fate as Hitler, or in the case of spiritual Asian leaders - Yuan Shikai of China, or the whole of the Japanese Empire herself.
You don't need whistleblower websites to tell you this, the so-called "People Power Revolution" was funded by the Catholic church and the communist to overthrow Marcos, those who partook/supported this Jewish abomination of a revolution will proudly admit it and espouse the failed rabbi's name.
Corazon Aquino, a possible Filipino Jewess, was the puppet chosen to carry out this task, and if you read her bio, you'll quickly find out that she was responsible for releasing high-profile communist insurgents, resulting in the shithole situation you have today in the northern parts of the country. It's not a uncommon occurrence to have Filipino police and soldiers getting ambushed by powerful Chinese-funded communist insurgents.
Jaime Sin, a Chinese-Filipino traitor archbishop, was also another tool. Aquino acted sort of like the "political puppet on strings", while Sin was like the "high priest" of the PPR, in service to the Catholics, communists and Jews obviously.
Marcos embraced ancient Philippine tradition
The Marcos regime, of all modern governments in the Philippines is pretty much the first to have popularized the Maharlika name - which in Ancient Tagalog, means along the lines of "free" or "independent", from Old Sansksrit Maharddhika (महर्द्धिक). As a matter of fact, many spiritually-awakened Filipinos favor renaming the country in general to Maharlika.
An idea introduced by Eddie Llarde, Marcos openly supported the re-naming of the Philippines to Maharlika. You'll actually find this name Maharlika in many Filipino occultic orders. I'm not sure if they're following legitimate Satanism or fake Jewish Satanism - the type of shit that ends up getting exposed on the screens of the whistleblower community, much research, meditating and God/Demon-seeking should be done to validate the legitimacy of these Maharlika cults.
Philippine situation today
From what I've seen, Filipinos today are generally blessed with material wealth. Due to economic ties with OFWs, many Filipinos have found themselves getting out of poverty.
In terms of the race situation itself, so even outside of the Philippines (OFWs in the U.S. specifically), Looking through many charts of households incomes according to ethnicity, Filipinos have rank the 2nd or 3rd wealthiest along with Indians and Taiwanese!
Via this wealth, families in the Philippines who receive these remittances, as well as those who back-migrate with their knew found skills and capital.
Filipinos should consider this an achievement.
However a weakness I notice among the Filipino people is the lack of the "warrior nationalism". Too much of this "let's run to America/West" rhetoric. Filipinos also need to start focusing more on recovering their ancient pre-Catholic roots, and start lobbying for the Philippine government to bring back their native script.
On a spiritual-level though, Filipinos are severely oppressed, with the extremity of Roman Catholicism and Western Hollywood worship permeating every facet of Philippine society and life, this an area that spiritual Filipinos need to tackle. The entire "turn the other cheek" energy is what will allow China to swallow the Philippines.
I don't doubt we have Satanists in Philippine elite, but that country is one of those where fellow SS and Pagans have to fake a Catholic identity in the public to prevent getting overthrown in another "PPR".
All I see people in the Philippines posting on social media is Hollywood bullshit, and buying loads of skin-whitening cream to fake a White identity, I find this very problematic. I remember the days when Disney's High School Musical came out, Filipinos would slavishly worship these Disney stars, yet did I ever heard a single mention of the Philippines in Disney Channel, returning that favor? NOPE. That's what the Hollywood Jews think of their goy slaves!
As HPHC stated in one of his sermons - material wealth needs to be translated to SPIRITUAL WEALTH!
Seriously though....with the Red BEast China rising, no....not the good Red, the Red of the Dragon, but the Red of the Hammer and Sickle, the security, safety and well-being of Southeast Asia is dire!

Today, while the Philippine economy has gotten better due to the large existence of OFWs and their contribution to the Philippine economy, Marcos was a patriot who had legitimate attempts to advance Philippine society, things that modern-day Filipinos who think require working overseas.
Marcos gets all the blame for supposedly pocketing millions or billions of dollars in both domestic and foreign wealth and loans, but do realize that this is simply...."normal" for Philippine elite. I've spoke to many Filipinos who served in the armed forces of that nation, to hear the stories of Filipino generals and officers pocketing money.
Remember what Jews do (as well as those who follow Jewish examples), they'll accuse Gentiles (ESPECIALLY powerful ones) of doing shit they themselves do. Nobody's perfect, and I'm not doubting that Marcos (or even Hitler for this matter) made dumb mistakes, but what Jews love to do is over-exaggerate and over-inflate those "mistakes" into sob stories for the gullible to eat.
If this wasn't so, not sure why the military and law enforcement of the Philippines is an absolute joke, and why its population is only wealthy due to OFW sacrifice.
The Marcos Administration achieved more in its 20-30 some year existence, pretty much than any other Philippine regime, making me suspect that Marcos was indeed, a Satanist since he did what Satanists normally do (advance and help progress society) and got absolutely hated by it and overthrown by communists and Christians, in the bullshit known as the "People Power Revolution".
In a parallel to Hitler's safe evacuation to Argentina by the will of the Gods, Marcos was saved from the animalistic Catholic rebels.
I personally know many Filipinos who have lived under the Marcos regime and put it this way - it was only "bad" if you were an andropod, communist, Islamist or an extreme Catholic fucktard. Both of these were proven to me by personal accounts, and truly - "good" vs. "bad" depended heavily on if the person was a patriot or a communist. Most of the people who told me bad things about Marcos again, were again, Catholic extremists.
Marcos regime builds infrastructure
Unlike other Filipinos, who did absolutely nothing but usurp wealth the Jewish way, Marcos had allotted whatever he could to build infrastructure and construction projects to help Philippine civilization. This included hospitals, bridges, highways, even several cultural centers - such as the Cultural Center of the Philippines, the Philippine International Convention Center and even tried to build performing arts theaters, sadly the latter didn't succeed.
Among other grand projects that the Marcos administration had planned were hydroelectric, geothermal power plans, promotion of diesel engine manufacturing and even a nuclear power plant. All of the following are technological hallmarks operated by every advanced nation.
Considering the massive corruption in the Philippines, especially with pocketing of funds, Filipinos should definitely see this as a milestone. The pocketing is something Filipinos will outright admit, one where even police officers can simply be paid off.

San Juanico Bridge, connecting Leyte and Samar, one of the projects of the Marcos regime

Philippine Heart Center, Quezon City

Unfinished Bataan nuclear power plant
Marcos had little tolerance for communists and Islamists
China supported the communist New People's Army and still does, and Marcos had little tolerance for them. He wasted no time arresting communist leaders like Barnabe Buscayno or going after Islamists. Marcos was perhaps the biggest hater against communists.
What I've noticed is that these pogroms against communism are often painted as "massacres" or "mass murders", no different than the way that proponents of far-leftist groups in the Western world claim "racism/Nazism" whenever getting arrested by police officers.
In addition, we must also remember, that during World War II - there were groups like the Ustase of Croatia, a Jewish paramilitary claiming to be part of Hitler's army, infiltration tactics.
Within the scope of Marcos and the Philippines, there were many fake armies, who indeed - went around murdering people and claiming to act according to the "orders of Marcos", ranging from generals, officers, rogue officers, businessmen and etc. One group that has received extreme notoriety, is the Ilaga, an ultra-fundamentalist rural Catholic insurgent group that practices rape, looting, banditry, murder (like every good Christian warlord)........and even CANNIBALISM!
"Bagong Lipunan" - New Society Advocates Self-Strengthening
Just like the Bakunawa image, online sadly all I could find was slander against this party, and required some harder research. This movement encouraged Filipinos to engage in "self-realization" to help advance and progress, and I can say this is very similar to China's own Self-Strengthening Movement during the late Qing era. Although Filipinos and pro-Marcos folks may not want to admit it, but the Bagong Lipunan has national socialism and Satanism written all over it! Perhaps they intentionally didn't call it national socialism, due to the backlash socialism in general gets for being associated with the Soviet Union and China, thanks to the Jews hijacking socialism and attempting to re-define it from the Bolshevik or Maoist perspective.
Under the New Society, the Marcos regime had little tolerance for andropods, every able-bodied Filipino citizen had a role, and was to have a role, he and created youth groups very similar to Hitler Youth.
From CNN Life Philippines (ironically),
"Established in April 1975, the KB sought to involve Filipino citizens between 15 and 18 years of age in community affairs at the barangay level."
The barangay is an indigenous Filipino word for the smallest unit of political administration, so I'd say something similar to a block or a township. Marcos sought to make these people part of the building process of the Philippine nation. don't build a castle without a foundation. Building a nation should NEVER rely on vague bullshit like "I want to help the whole country". Naturally, you start at the smallest unit - your community, then your town/neighborhood, then your city, your state/province/principality and coalesces into a cooperative unit known as a country/state, doesn't matter whether it's a republic or an empire.
It's a lot more simple of a concept than the Jews want people to believe.
Marcos regime creates advanced plans for Philippine military

Ask yourself this, when was the last you ever heard Philippine military leaders, developing anything advanced such rocket which would have heavily-benefited the Philippines in the face of a threat such as Red China?
Right, never...or at least ever since the disappearance of the Marcos Sr. regime. As a matter fact, the only thing "closest" to creating/inventing in the Filipino military today is creating cheap knock-offs of American weaponry. Often-not, in the post-Marcos Sr. era, the only time you'll ever hear about the Filipino military is how much of an outright joke it is - the "naval submarines" consisting of dilapidated buses in flooded monsoons, in spite of the full potentials.
I stated this in the intro, I know many people who served in the Philippine military or groups resembling our ROTC in the U.S. You can simply pay or fuck your way to the top. Illicit firearms trade, scandals, subpar equipment, shit-training - those are simply "normal" within the Philippine military today. This is the type of corruption that nonsense that Marcos was attempting to tackle.
The Marcos regime engaged in a projects, known as the Sta. Barbara Project to try creating missiles for the Filipino military, known as the "Bongbong missiles".
Can people simply imagine how prominent of a player the Philippines would have been in the Southeast Asian geopolitical scape had the Sta. Barbara projects continued? I'm obviously no fan of choosing between Western Jews (U.S.) or Eastern Jews (China/Soviet Union) but the Philippines could have well-formed an alliance with Japan, South Korea and Indonesia (some of the more better militaries) against the Chinese threat.
Marcos regime overthrown in a Catholic-funded "People Power Revolution"
Marcos met the same unfortunate fate as Hitler, or in the case of spiritual Asian leaders - Yuan Shikai of China, or the whole of the Japanese Empire herself.
You don't need whistleblower websites to tell you this, the so-called "People Power Revolution" was funded by the Catholic church and the communist to overthrow Marcos, those who partook/supported this Jewish abomination of a revolution will proudly admit it and espouse the failed rabbi's name.
Corazon Aquino, a possible Filipino Jewess, was the puppet chosen to carry out this task, and if you read her bio, you'll quickly find out that she was responsible for releasing high-profile communist insurgents, resulting in the shithole situation you have today in the northern parts of the country. It's not a uncommon occurrence to have Filipino police and soldiers getting ambushed by powerful Chinese-funded communist insurgents.
Jaime Sin, a Chinese-Filipino traitor archbishop, was also another tool. Aquino acted sort of like the "political puppet on strings", while Sin was like the "high priest" of the PPR, in service to the Catholics, communists and Jews obviously.
Marcos embraced ancient Philippine tradition
The Marcos regime, of all modern governments in the Philippines is pretty much the first to have popularized the Maharlika name - which in Ancient Tagalog, means along the lines of "free" or "independent", from Old Sansksrit Maharddhika (महर्द्धिक). As a matter of fact, many spiritually-awakened Filipinos favor renaming the country in general to Maharlika.
An idea introduced by Eddie Llarde, Marcos openly supported the re-naming of the Philippines to Maharlika. You'll actually find this name Maharlika in many Filipino occultic orders. I'm not sure if they're following legitimate Satanism or fake Jewish Satanism - the type of shit that ends up getting exposed on the screens of the whistleblower community, much research, meditating and God/Demon-seeking should be done to validate the legitimacy of these Maharlika cults.
Philippine situation today
From what I've seen, Filipinos today are generally blessed with material wealth. Due to economic ties with OFWs, many Filipinos have found themselves getting out of poverty.
In terms of the race situation itself, so even outside of the Philippines (OFWs in the U.S. specifically), Looking through many charts of households incomes according to ethnicity, Filipinos have rank the 2nd or 3rd wealthiest along with Indians and Taiwanese!
Via this wealth, families in the Philippines who receive these remittances, as well as those who back-migrate with their knew found skills and capital.
Filipinos should consider this an achievement.
However a weakness I notice among the Filipino people is the lack of the "warrior nationalism". Too much of this "let's run to America/West" rhetoric. Filipinos also need to start focusing more on recovering their ancient pre-Catholic roots, and start lobbying for the Philippine government to bring back their native script.
On a spiritual-level though, Filipinos are severely oppressed, with the extremity of Roman Catholicism and Western Hollywood worship permeating every facet of Philippine society and life, this an area that spiritual Filipinos need to tackle. The entire "turn the other cheek" energy is what will allow China to swallow the Philippines.
I don't doubt we have Satanists in Philippine elite, but that country is one of those where fellow SS and Pagans have to fake a Catholic identity in the public to prevent getting overthrown in another "PPR".
All I see people in the Philippines posting on social media is Hollywood bullshit, and buying loads of skin-whitening cream to fake a White identity, I find this very problematic. I remember the days when Disney's High School Musical came out, Filipinos would slavishly worship these Disney stars, yet did I ever heard a single mention of the Philippines in Disney Channel, returning that favor? NOPE. That's what the Hollywood Jews think of their goy slaves!
As HPHC stated in one of his sermons - material wealth needs to be translated to SPIRITUAL WEALTH!
Seriously though....with the Red BEast China rising, no....not the good Red, the Red of the Dragon, but the Red of the Hammer and Sickle, the security, safety and well-being of Southeast Asia is dire!