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Lucifer the Rebel and The Outlaw

NakedPluto [JG]

Head of Activism
Aug 13, 2019
Antireligioso said:
I thought that the spiritual Satanists had a superior intelligence, but you also get caught up in the slave masses, so I'm talking about modern humans, not brave Egyptian or Greek Spartan warriors. that they were the ancients and with the hell they went to do 8-17 in the factory.... A little free spirit?? What a zombie you are becoming, really! The universe and nature don't care about anything hard, training and work, only the penis is hard to reproduce in nature... Animals in the wild don't do anything. they are extremely strong without doing anything... The universe leaves everyone free to do what they want, only humans, especially whites, always demand programmed lives and continuous duties.

The Universe certainly is not free, and no one is actually free of our domains of existence. To state the obvious, an animal if it does not kill another animal to eat, if it's not strong and skilled enough, won't survive, won't reproduce and will die. One species will have to truly survive and evolve in time to adapt, to become a predator, to develop certain power, strength. Animals also suffer a lot of the material pain, as you, do have a medicine to take even if your belly seems a little sickly and need to go to the bathroom. The blueprint of each being is of course with certain qualities and abilities, but these too, have been fashioned in time, or with purpose in and by limitations and not by freedom.

All the Universe does care is exactly, hard work, hardcore imprints of the valences of suffering and reward so that the shape of the living keeps progressing and evolving. The basic form of existence, is by labour, to survive, by expansion and insertion, by receiving and transformation. Each of any animal, insect and form of life here is in tune to the Universe requirements to be living, because they are living presently, and that is of a structure created by "hard work" and intensity depth. The word structure defines also implied limitations, and limitations are how you exist and the world exist. Your DNA is a certain structure and with perfect given limitations, so that you are not born an apple or become a giraffe after a walk.

No human is free in that sense, as freedom that you equate in this is freedom of thought, that you think you require feeling, with the impulse of "rebellion", yet that satisfaction is only of surface level, therefore not important, and not powerful enough to crave the depth for any actual change of "limitation".

Lucifer when being named as the Rebel, it is exactly about overcoming our internal behaviour of this reign of existence, because we belong to the Earth and the material element as much as we belong to the higher domains, if we do exactly as stated: Rebel and over-ride your own imprints of lower existence. One is the cumulation of fate, environment, ancestors, and of personal faulty choice in little regard for any real overcoming influence. Lucifer is the Rebel as he became the Apex of nature fruits, and instead of listening to the authority of nature, which tells you that you need 5 million years to develop a more pronounced imagination or ability and also die repeatedly at the hand of the collective fate, he inserted his own authority, and gifted this to us, which is the light he brings, referring exactly by the ability of humans to meditate, advance and engineeringly transform their souls.

One, after listening to Lucifer, and working on their soul, reprogramming the imprints of the nature, of fear, of sight, of behaviour, of consciousness, rebelling against the Fate of the Mortals, one only then is starting to become free, and one reaches freedom above death and any limitations. Sadhguru also attached to the name of Shiva, the title of "The Outlaw", exactly because of these reasons, either directly or by perfect insight into the nature of our work here. One essentially is an outlaw by spiritual appliance, since these preside and can influence the laws of the material Universe, in a way. One example of this is the Magnum Opus, by which you outlaw the material limitations of age and death.

The Serpent brain or primal brain refers to this as well, and how The Serpent, as well, must be tamed, or better said, for us to have ultimate control over all that we are and also be a friend to this part of ourselves by higher authority.

What Joy of Satan teaches, is exactly this, overcoming limitations, which these are by nature and fate, one is tending to be free. To rebel against ignorance, against sickness and to gather knowledge, sight and action towards divinity.

Fundamentally we have to know the truth, that we are not free yet, and that freedom exists, and there is a way to achieve this. As all came here from a womb of a mother, animals as well, we have to respect the nature of existence here, which is wholly based on structure and necessary limitation. If one gets to know the limitations, one will know how to lift one limitation so that another one may come.

The instinct to rebel is hardwired into all, yet collective brainwashing made these impulses go towards completely nonsense dealings, rebelling against any random perceived authority, rebelling against anything else but towards ourselves, to say, let's change and improve ourselves. To have a warrior blood and spirit and take life as the meaningful experience that she is, and shape it to our purpose and higher reason, becoming more than sophisticated animals.
NakedPluto said:

Thank you for writing this, as it is good for everyone to have this within their perception of reality.

With Satan to have themes of both Saturn and Aquarius, this shows to me that he can analyze the limitations of reality and show how to perfectly advance past them.

As you say, there are false ways in which we employ both limitations and rebellion. These acts need to be developed together for the best outcome.

Antireligioso has been burnt out by negative perceptions of Saturn to the point where he is trying to throw the entirety of this energy out of his worldview, rather than understanding better ways to apply it.
In addition, Satan's sign is Aquarius which, along with Uranus, is a sign of SATURN.

This Aquarian imprint in Aryans is the reason why white people as a whole exhibit the traits of straight laced and rebel, strict and perverse, mad scientist and traditionalist, clinical and passionate, cool and corny, controlled and disordered, slave-driver and workaholic, that other races notice strongly and like to 'comment' on. Lower-tier or high-but-extremely-cursed white people tend to exhibit a really degraded or just not present form of these, tending towards communism, technological enslavement, low level emanations of shocking others (i.e. attention seeking, race mixing, drugs like meth), convenience and self-dissolution. Or they just exhibit the extremes of all of this.

That is partially because of the 'higher they fall...' principle. Obviously on this basis there are a lot of similarities with Asians, but also distinct differences. Antireligioso's argument makes no sense though when you see a Japanese salaryman working himself to death or a Chinese worker throwing themselves off an Apple factory balcony... where's the rebel rebel, back to nature shit there?

Any higher caste of any race will exhibit these traits as that is just the inevitability of a higher-tier mind that has to deal with endless stimuli and the input of others. The planet of Satan is Venus, which concerns others and matters of value, but also discrimination based on asserting that value. This Venusian imprint is also strong in the race. As far as black people are concerned, there is more of an earthy, emotionally practical and sensuous dimension to their Venusian tendencies connected to the body itself, like Taurus.

Aristocratic warriors in Sparta had endless responsibilities and during wartime the Agoge was regimented, micromanaged and BRUTAL. The Ancient Greeks viewed the responsibilities of the elite as the most intensive, the most laborious and back breaking work of them all. Slaves in their plays are often represented as feckless, child-like, lazy and simple - the OPPOSITE of what all resentment logic after xianity teaches, and largely the opposite of what jews have modelled our 'one percenters' (decadent, lacking in true knowledge) and industrial child slaves (worked to death, rendered adult) into via curses and other means to create a fertile ground for that resentment.

Beyond the fact animals actually do work extremely hard to survive, the actual average of Sparta was a helot whose responsibilities were functionally closer to those of the animals you describe so fondly... so don't go into fairyland. Athens had 300,000 inhabitants and only 20,000 men of the demos who had served in the Athenian military could participate in the democracy.
Karnonnos said:
In addition, Satan's sign is Aquarius which, along with Uranus, is a sign of SATURN.

Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=469201 time=1698274628 user_id=21286]
NakedPluto said:

Thank you for writing this, as it is good for everyone to have this within their perception of reality.

With Satan to have themes of both Saturn and Aquarius, this shows to me that he can analyze the limitations of reality and show how to perfectly advance past them.

The name of "Saturn" is revealing enough as is. "Sat" being the element of truth and "Urn" which denotes a vessel and also can mean a thread in Sanskrit. The interpretations being wholly benefic as well, as one who respects and correctly addresses Saturn, one will fullfil the vessel of life with water, thus this being in completion by the Aquarius water bearer. Water takes the shape of any structure, and one should ponder, how is my life looking and how is this water taking form upon my life? Deeper spiritual meaning should take place here as well. We have to adress our structures, our foundations, limits and paths so that proper flow of life can take place.

Satan fullfils our vessels with the water of truth, a fountain, and also the Urn that is symbol of the ashes of the deceased, this gives emphasis to our life's purpose and circular, dual nature. We are both the receivers and givers in life and this should be respected as well.

Another interesting view is also the Saturn being the "Threads of Truth", which Saturn always is honest in showing you the threads of life as they are to you, bad or good. The thread of the past, present and the future, is always is an intricate ornament upon each one of us, and as reality is always honest and truthful, cause and effect, so Saturn is a mirror of our threads of life. One taking care of these threads that geometrically shape our existence, one gets access to the essence of truth.

Sat-Ur-N can also be seen, as the key in itself. Ur, being the cosmic seed and the symbol of freedom, one by correctly addressing Saturn, will find freedom within and will address also the "N" which stands about endings, ultimately having access to more than "the end", or the closing, the limitation.

The Satans Holy Grail sigil is related to this as well.

Uranus can be as well studied in the context with the above.
The instinct and point of "Rebellion" holds it's true meaning in "Rebellion" against the natural forces incumbent in what we refer to as the "negative side" or the "inner war", where all of us must rebel against the lesser internal version of ourselves to finally ascend to the higher version. The lower self exists in a state of constant rebellion, due to blindness, against the highest laws.

The "Rebellion" must be brought to an end by "Rebelling" towards the negative and the lesser, so that we will eventually see the light of the Truth. Whomever is unwilling to "Rebel" in this case, will be left locked in the lowest states of existence, blinded by the ignorance of the untruthful laws, that have been set there to blind the unenlightened beings.

Lucifer tells us to move further from the lesser solely animalistic nature, to "rebel" and move to the higher domains. Without His message, existence would be for naught.

We must therefore take this way, the higher path.

Wonderful post.
I absolutely agree with NakedPluto. Even within the fake bible story , Lucifer gives the gift of consciousness to Eve (the power to discern right from wrong.) The Jewish God literally had a version of humanity where they envisioned Humans as mindless cattle and this is what the Jews and the Christians want to return to which is insane. Lucifer on the other hand rejected this view and wanted humans to become wise, powerful and exceptional and was even pushing them to gain immortality. There were two trees in the garden as i recall. One was the Good and Evil tree. And One was the Life and Death tree.

When one gains knowledge which the Jewish God wanted to hide ,they may eventually use that knowledge to become immortal which the Jewish God fears.

Lucifer represents Freedom. Freedom from Slavery of the Karmic and Samsaric constraints that Humans in this day and age have. He represents Knowledge and Strength. Every Ancient Pagan Civilization represents what Lucifer represents in the Bible.
Excellent skill in turning a troll's provocative post into a useful and informative post in its own right.

Good job and thank you.
Awesome! :D POINT ON!! Thank you for sharing this article ❤️ YOU ARE RIGHT ON!!! This explains a lot! And it makes sense! And this is the advice I have been looking for on all levels! In order to be like the ancients and those before us! We've got to accept the lesson in the choices we make even within the mistakes that we make in order to live and grow and learn. And this has a heavy but a very wonderful impact! And for many good reasons. And this hits home to me! Looking at people throughout the centuries! The repeated mistakes that people make. And how people have struggles getting over their obstacles letting go of attachments! People need to respect these things! In order to move on and become that of higher intelligence
A beautiful post. You wrap it in simple terms that hint at much deeper things. Thank you.

Hail Father Satan
"Not this misfortune but it is good fortune to bear this worthily"

Marcus Aurelius

Adversity leads to growth you can meet it fight it and progress forward or you can run from it and remain at the level you are i want to go up so i do my best to fight it and while i might call out for help to my gods at times i do feel them watch but they dont help why because i must do it on my own they may even help you if they think you deserve it but I always try to say no i must do it on my own i must suffer sting and pain and work of my burdens if im ever to progress forward.
NakedPluto said:
Antireligioso said:
I thought that the spiritual Satanists had a superior intelligence, but you also get caught up in the slave masses, so I'm talking about modern humans, not brave Egyptian or Greek Spartan warriors. that they were the ancients and with the hell they went to do 8-17 in the factory.... A little free spirit?? What a zombie you are becoming, really! The universe and nature don't care about anything hard, training and work, only the penis is hard to reproduce in nature... Animals in the wild don't do anything. they are extremely strong without doing anything... The universe leaves everyone free to do what they want, only humans, especially whites, always demand programmed lives and continuous duties.

The Universe certainly is not free, and no one is actually free of our domains of existence. To state the obvious, an animal if it does not kill another animal to eat, if it's not strong and skilled enough, won't survive, won't reproduce and will die. One species will have to truly survive and evolve in time to adapt, to become a predator, to develop certain power, strength. Animals also suffer a lot of the material pain, as you, do have a medicine to take even if your belly seems a little sickly and need to go to the bathroom. The blueprint of each being is of course with certain qualities and abilities, but these too, have been fashioned in time, or with purpose in and by limitations and not by freedom.

All the Universe does care is exactly, hard work, hardcore imprints of the valences of suffering and reward so that the shape of the living keeps progressing and evolving. The basic form of existence, is by labour, to survive, by expansion and insertion, by receiving and transformation. Each of any animal, insect and form of life here is in tune to the Universe requirements to be living, because they are living presently, and that is of a structure created by "hard work" and intensity depth. The word structure defines also implied limitations, and limitations are how you exist and the world exist. Your DNA is a certain structure and with perfect given limitations, so that you are not born an apple or become a giraffe after a walk.

No human is free in that sense, as freedom that you equate in this is freedom of thought, that you think you require feeling, with the impulse of "rebellion", yet that satisfaction is only of surface level, therefore not important, and not powerful enough to crave the depth for any actual change of "limitation".

Lucifer when being named as the Rebel, it is exactly about overcoming our internal behaviour of this reign of existence, because we belong to the Earth and the material element as much as we belong to the higher domains, if we do exactly as stated: Rebel and over-ride your own imprints of lower existence. One is the cumulation of fate, environment, ancestors, and of personal faulty choice in little regard for any real overcoming influence. Lucifer is the Rebel as he became the Apex of nature fruits, and instead of listening to the authority of nature, which tells you that you need 5 million years to develop a more pronounced imagination or ability and also die repeatedly at the hand of the collective fate, he inserted his own authority, and gifted this to us, which is the light he brings, referring exactly by the ability of humans to meditate, advance and engineeringly transform their souls.

One, after listening to Lucifer, and working on their soul, reprogramming the imprints of the nature, of fear, of sight, of behaviour, of consciousness, rebelling against the Fate of the Mortals, one only then is starting to become free, and one reaches freedom above death and any limitations. Sadhguru also attached to the name of Shiva, the title of "The Outlaw", exactly because of these reasons, either directly or by perfect insight into the nature of our work here. One essentially is an outlaw by spiritual appliance, since these preside and can influence the laws of the material Universe, in a way. One example of this is the Magnum Opus, by which you outlaw the material limitations of age and death.

The Serpent brain or primal brain refers to this as well, and how The Serpent, as well, must be tamed, or better said, for us to have ultimate control over all that we are and also be a friend to this part of ourselves by higher authority.

What Joy of Satan teaches, is exactly this, overcoming limitations, which these are by nature and fate, one is tending to be free. To rebel against ignorance, against sickness and to gather knowledge, sight and action towards divinity.

Fundamentally we have to know the truth, that we are not free yet, and that freedom exists, and there is a way to achieve this. As all came here from a womb of a mother, animals as well, we have to respect the nature of existence here, which is wholly based on structure and necessary limitation. If one gets to know the limitations, one will know how to lift one limitation so that another one may come.

The instinct to rebel is hardwired into all, yet collective brainwashing made these impulses go towards completely nonsense dealings, rebelling against any random perceived authority, rebelling against anything else but towards ourselves, to say, let's change and improve ourselves. To have a warrior blood and spirit and take life as the meaningful experience that she is, and shape it to our purpose and higher reason, becoming more than sophisticated animals.

Thank you for the piece of wisdom :)
Brother, your topics always inspire me in very creative ways. This was also very good and nice to read, I needed this alot because recently similar ideas was hovering around with urge for rectification and here your topic is right on the time. Thank you! :)
HP Cobra's sermons vibes here :mrgreen:
Thanks for share it.
Really appreciated.
Great post :)

Hail Satan!
I appreciate all of your comments brothers and sisters.

Ramses said:
"Not this misfortune but it is good fortune to bear this worthily"

Marcus Aurelius

Adversity leads to growth you can meet it fight it and progress forward or you can run from it and remain at the level you are i want to go up so i do my best to fight it and while i might call out for help to my gods at times i do feel them watch but they dont help why because i must do it on my own they may even help you if they think you deserve it but I always try to say no i must do it on my own i must suffer sting and pain and work of my burdens if im ever to progress forward.

Using perspective is necessary, what can appear as something bad or against, most of the times is a necessary lesson to have. But our impression about it, is what's giving in to the negatives. The quote is perfect about this.

Vira_ said:
Excellent skill in turning a troll's provocative post into a useful and informative post in its own right.

Good job and thank you.

I found it really funny, given how reality is exactly opposite, but misunderstandings happen.

General Yeager said:
I absolutely agree with NakedPluto. Even within the fake bible story , Lucifer gives the gift of consciousness to Eve (the power to discern right from wrong.) The Jewish God literally had a version of humanity where they envisioned Humans as mindless cattle and this is what the Jews and the Christians want to return to which is insane. Lucifer on the other hand rejected this view and wanted humans to become wise, powerful and exceptional and was even pushing them to gain immortality. There were two trees in the garden as i recall. One was the Good and Evil tree. And One was the Life and Death tree.

When one gains knowledge which the Jewish God wanted to hide ,they may eventually use that knowledge to become immortal which the Jewish God fears.

Lucifer represents Freedom. Freedom from Slavery of the Karmic and Samsaric constraints that Humans in this day and age have. He represents Knowledge and Strength. Every Ancient Pagan Civilization represents what Lucifer represents in the Bible.

Now they continue this insanity and agenda with the AI (they try to make it so) and the "modern" living globalization. If you can be as much stupid, ignorant and weak, but just enough to be a slave, you are the perfect goyim.
The only problem I have with the response given to, antireligioso, who has been attributed as a potential troll in the Italian forums section though he is willing to entertain our Worldview, unfortunately it seems you use the word "perfect".

--Perfect --

I have a friend who I routinely email with. And he mentioned, stop I hate that word perfect. Perfect implies you ceased developing it's over you mastered it all. I posses perfect knowledge on Geology thus the theory of Geology is completed.

Wouldn't a superior 300IQ word be: (as my friend iterated) -- Betterment?

If Satan is perfect he stops developing. I can understand having a limit to knowledge or perfecting something but there is always a betterment, at some point you improve. Betterment implies there is something to do more so. If the Universe is infinite, unlimited, never-ending, and always expanding further out. Eventually at some point something new is observed.

If the Universe is a quantum-principle and observable in different perspective. It stands to reason the "Theory" of everything implies betterment. There is no "perfect", but a gradual never-ending improvement. It just begs the question how much your willing or what your willing to do to improve this "betterment".

So why perfect?

Isn't perfect a sign of imperfect entities such as us Humans trying to grok the Gods and try and look past the wall to at least peer into their realities.

In simplest terms isn't it "Human" of us to label the Gods in one way when they themselves would tell us "A for effort but D and F on trying to perceive us in such ways, a Humanizing way".

Unfortunately I kinda get the feeling for many of us besides those lucky few who've delved and interacted with entities. We continue to fall short of them and fall into many errors that placate to some degree of "What is a God or Goddess and why do we not understand them?"

We have mediocre words for them based on a array of historical oversight and the oversight of a number of advanced or advancing members. But it implies and this isn't to be disrespectful but implies "reasonable evidence" or even "beyond reasonable evidence".

Thus again Perfect to whom or what is such factor to us to them or them to us? If anything it seems our limited existence promotes a degree of ignorance.

So wouldn't the 300IQ word be -- Betterment? Not perfect/perfection?
This article is a piece of gold :).

Thank you for publishing it brother @NakedPluto
For example, Does a chimpanzee work? You're delirious! Animals in the wild do the bare minimum to survive, they don't have work timers.... Has the universe ever asked white people to work hard? Don't be ridiculous! It's all in the sick heads of humans! In addition, nature is extreme freedom, for example falcons fly up to 300 km/h (cool for their souls) so they flutter free to find food, eat, flutter freely, find water, drink... they break free and have sex at full speed in their fertile periods....... They don't do anything else. Anything but crazy whites. You're wrong, human brothers!! And what spectacular life do birds have, what are you talking about????? Watch two cartoons which is better! Watch Dragonball Z and turn on your brain, because we have to live because we don't have mental powers and spaceships!! We are not all for work, we are different!! And meditate on how much freedom an eagle and a falcon have, they never work
Gear88 said:
If Satan is perfect he stops developing.


Thus again Perfect to whom or what is such factor to us to them or them to us? If anything it seems our limited existence promotes a degree of ignorance.

So wouldn't the 300IQ word be -- Betterment? Not perfect/perfection?

Perfect as a word and in this context is necessary to show an incompressible level of "highest" and "most excellent" and also at the same time it can have the meaning of "most distant" in Sanskrit, as this is by understanding the word in spiritual lenses. Understanding the "most distant" you understand a necessary appliance of "depth" in all matters regarding perfection, and that goes to show the foundations and limitations. Something perfect comes with an underlying understanding that this is far away from us, reaching to the conclusions that we also can come to reach that, ie. "better" ourselves, but betterment is a word of lower understanding in rapport to the word perfecting ourselves, in spiritual context.

Perfect in your human mind should be the epitome of what you can reach or extend your mind upon these ideas, as factually and practically perfection should be out of the bounds of time and present understanding. A lot of things are "perfect" as they are, because that's why they exist, and the Universe exists as a material geometry. All is perfect in certain functions of time or has come by the source, from a birthed sphere of perfection, or union.
Gear88 said:
The only problem I have with the response given to, antireligioso, who has been attributed as a potential troll in the Italian forums section though he is willing to entertain our Worldview, unfortunately it seems you use the word "perfect".

--Perfect --

I have a friend who I routinely email with. And he mentioned, stop I hate that word perfect. Perfect implies you ceased developing it's over you mastered it all. I posses perfect knowledge on Geology thus the theory of Geology is completed.

Wouldn't a superior 300IQ word be: (as my friend iterated) -- Betterment?

If Satan is perfect he stops developing. I can understand having a limit to knowledge or perfecting something but there is always a betterment, at some point you improve. Betterment implies there is something to do more so. If the Universe is infinite, unlimited, never-ending, and always expanding further out. Eventually at some point something new is observed.

If the Universe is a quantum-principle and observable in different perspective. It stands to reason the "Theory" of everything implies betterment. There is no "perfect", but a gradual never-ending improvement. It just begs the question how much your willing or what your willing to do to improve this "betterment".

So why perfect?

Isn't perfect a sign of imperfect entities such as us Humans trying to grok the Gods and try and look past the wall to at least peer into their realities.

In simplest terms isn't it "Human" of us to label the Gods in one way when they themselves would tell us "A for effort but D and F on trying to perceive us in such ways, a Humanizing way".

Unfortunately I kinda get the feeling for many of us besides those lucky few who've delved and interacted with entities. We continue to fall short of them and fall into many errors that placate to some degree of "What is a God or Goddess and why do we not understand them?"

We have mediocre words for them based on a array of historical oversight and the oversight of a number of advanced or advancing members. But it implies and this isn't to be disrespectful but implies "reasonable evidence" or even "beyond reasonable evidence".

Thus again Perfect to whom or what is such factor to us to them or them to us? If anything it seems our limited existence promotes a degree of ignorance.

So wouldn't the 300IQ word be -- Betterment? Not perfect/perfection?

Satan is perfect.
But the reason it is perfect is not because it is not evolving.
It is perfect because it is forever evolving.
The perfect in terms of existence or reality is that which is always evolving.
If it stopped evolving it would no longer be eternal.

People are limited, so their minds think that what is perfect is what is no longer evolving.
They do not understand reality, they just try to impose their own ideas on things. This ultimately leads to failure.

It's not a matter of fighting against reality for anyone, but of understanding it for everyone. We have to get closer to it. Step by step.
Okay understandable mistake from me. I took the word "perfect" in my context i.e. Human and context of dictionary understanding.

Without delving into the version of other alphabets such as Sanskrit. Nor spiritual connotation.

I like Lightningsnake's response a extraordinary level of incomprehensible continuity. Whereby the entity or entities are so unfathomably extremely grossly developed. That there is an "ad infinitum" of continuous development.

Would it be fair to state. Perfect in a advanced World is simply a masterful display of capability that ever increases exponentially the greater the strata is reached time over time by said entities? fair enough?


I understand it thank you NakedPluto and Lighteningsnake. It seems like there needs to be a complete overhaul of our definitions of words. Reminds me of the other day doing a search on JoS mainsite and running into Spiritual Codewords for example Purification = cleansing the soul for a working similar to Virginity and Immaculate.

I'll copy and paste both replies to my friend and he'll enjoy the redefinition of perfect. It'll certainly intrigue him.
Gear88 said:
Okay understandable mistake from me. I took the word "perfect" in my context i.e. Human and context of dictionary understanding.

Without delving into the version of other alphabets such as Sanskrit. Nor spiritual connotation.

I like Lightningsnake's response a extraordinary level of incomprehensible continuity. Whereby the entity or entities are so unfathomably extremely grossly developed. That there is an "ad infinitum" of continuous development.

Would it be fair to state. Perfect in a advanced World is simply a masterful display of capability that ever increases exponentially the greater the strata is reached time over time by said entities? fair enough?


I understand it thank you NakedPluto and Lighteningsnake. It seems like there needs to be a complete overhaul of our definitions of words. Reminds me of the other day doing a search on JoS mainsite and running into Spiritual Codewords for example Purification = cleansing the soul for a working similar to Virginity and Immaculate.

I'll copy and paste both replies to my friend and he'll enjoy the redefinition of perfect. It'll certainly intrigue him.

I'm glad if it helped.

"Would it be fair to state. Perfect in a advanced World is simply a masterful display of capability that ever increases exponentially the greater the strata is reached time over time by said entities? fair enough?"

Yes, that's broadly the point.
NakedPluto said:
The instinct to rebel is hardwired into all, yet collective brainwashing made these impulses go towards completely nonsense dealings, rebelling against any random perceived authority, rebelling against anything else but towards ourselves, to say, let's change and improve ourselves.

Bingo, that's the point and the way of being Rebel, that's I have waited for. Good article.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
