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Let Us Save The Goddamn World!

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
The Restoration of Spiritual Satanism is the restoration of the human spirit, into the state of strength, respect, dignity and a state of love towards the world of the Spirit. The unholy powers of this world want to impede us and to create monkeys and slaves out of this, but we defy their will and we take on ourselves the historical task of reversing this tide of destruction of the human spirit.

To do this, power is needed. This is not only spiritual, but also financial and other forms. I have described in my previous topics and posts about it. And here I stand again to remind you about the most important mission that has been given to human beings to this day: The mission of the Joy of Satan.

All of us are partakers in this mission without exemptions. The moral cowards that shall not accept this mission, will have to answer to the Gods. But the rest of us, will dine with them instead.

But no more; We must return to the roots, hearts and souls of humanity and so we will.

Some live their life as if life is anything else but that: If life has any meaning, it's because it can continue- and because it has virtue in it worthwhile enough to make it continue. The virtue is the spirit, and the "can" of this continue, is the ability to prolong it.

Even a parent would look at their child, and if they loved it, they would be like "my precious daughter, you must have clothes, a house, a job, and your dignity above all". But in order for this to happen, you must feel it inside you and feel aligned with the living interests of another.

For this call to be understood in the context of the call of the Gods, one must recognize the value of the spiritual child that we have in our hands, and how we must secure it's existence in the future of the aeons.

So any of you who are not aligned with these living interests of this place, it's my job to protect the living community that will perpetuate it's existence in the infinite future, from the likes of you, until the day that you understand and your love overtakes your laziness and haughtiness. I love you too but you aren't seeing what I have saw.

I have been in this world for a very long time, again and again. I don't like the things I see. I want to see peace and spiritual consciousness take the world over again. I have seen humanity take circles and kill itself again and again, with great souls and men having to cycle around, until opportunities like this one we have today arise; and now they must be seized to stop these undeserving conditions that torment mankind.

We can now put a permanent seed for the spiritual future of humanity, together. The ground is fertile, it can be maintained, it can be done, it can grow until everyone can live in it's shade.

Since most people think all this is "figurative" and something "abstract" and not a life and death matter, how dangerous it is to have such a limited perception. I will therefore illustrate to you for once more what awaits those who are disconnected from the Truth of the Gods and how important it is, how much power it carries to transform humanity and how important it is to carry on Lucifer's knowledge into the future, through the Joy of Satan.

Below is the Temple of Baal in Palmyra. Boom has it went, same as boom will go all the cultures of the Gods, unless some people are really going to do their part.

Now that is an abandoned temple but don't you think that if anyone interested in Spirituality wasn't in there, they wouldn't be burned alive or be part of this debris. Because they would have been. Boom, nothing remained, and without the people around, humanity has finally embarked again on the ape level it was before. All in a few days.

This my fellow Sisters and Brothers in Satan, is not a bomb on a temple. It's a bomb in the foundation of the human soul. The same bomb they are trying to deliver in the souls of all the souls that want something greater, to ridicule them and take their hearts away. And I need you to be powerful, and to bring the power home, so we can ensure that whomever tries to bomb the human spirit to smithereens, is bombed by spiritual artillery instead until nothing remains...


Here is also an alternative, in which your people and your future generations can ponder the meaning of the stars, the beauty of the cosmos, the Gods, the higher sciences, free from fear and scorn by the lesser elements of this world. A place where every step you take, you are away from fear, superstition, from evil ignorance, always closer to the Divine Gods, by whom you were given life and whom you must too learn to reach:


I no longer want a world filled with pointless discord, spiritual ignorance, fear and damnation, that is forsaken by the Gods and the higher forces. My desire is to see humanity going upwards again in all levels, eventually giving itself the wings of the spirit again.

No more bombs on innocents on the behalf of Israel, no more pointless destruction. A newfound resurgence of the eternal awareness of the Gods, who will save us from the damnation of our wrongdoings. That's all I want.

Because I love all of you and I want a great future for our next generations, filled with spirituality, understanding, higher levels of consciousness, I have to tell it to you plainly:

Let's save the world together and let's do what we have to do. No more excuses. Let's use the power in our hands to do this, let's go the little extra mile and become Gods in the process of that, worthy beings that the Gods will rejoice in looking at. No excuses, no nonsense. Just power, action and glory, to restore the Gods and so that humanity shall never endure dark times again.

Let us save the fucking world!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
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The Restoration of Spiritual Satanism is the restoration of the human spirit, into the state of strength, respect, dignity and a state of love towards the world of the Spirit. The unholy powers of this world want to impede us and to create monkeys and slaves out of this, but we defy their will and we take on ourselves the historical task of reversing this tide of destruction of the human spirit.

To do this, power is needed. This is not only spiritual, but also financial and other forms. I have described in my previous topics and posts about it. And here I stand again to remind you about the most important mission that has been given to human beings to this day: The mission of the Joy of Satan.

All of us are partakers in this mission without exemptions. The moral cowards that shall not accept this mission, will have to answer to the Gods. But the rest of us, will dine with them instead.

But no more; We must return to the roots, hearts and souls of humanity and so we will.

Some live their life as if life is anything else but that: If life has any meaning, it's because it can continue- and because it has virtue in it worthwhile enough to make it continue. The virtue is the spirit, and the "can" of this continue, is the ability to prolong it.

Even a parent would look at their child, and if they loved it, they would be like "my precious daughter, you must have clothes, a house, a job, and your dignity above all". But in order for this to happen, you must feel it inside you and feel aligned with the living interests of another.

For this call to be understood in the context of the call of the Gods, one must recognize the value of the spiritual child that we have in our hands, and how we must secure it's existence in the future of the aeons.

So any of you who are not aligned with these living interests of this place, it's my job to protect the living community that will perpetuate it's existence in the infinite future, from the likes of you, until the day that you understand and your love overtakes your laziness and haughtiness. I love you too but you aren't seeing what I have saw.

I have been in this world for a very long time, again and again. I don't like the things I see. I want to see peace and spiritual consciousness take the world over again. I have seen humanity take circles and kill itself again and again, with great souls and men having to cycle around, until opportunities like this one we have today arise; and now they must be seized to stop these undeserving conditions that torment mankind.

We can now put a permanent seed for the spiritual future of humanity, together. The ground is fertile, it can be maintained, it can be done, it can grow until everyone can live in it's shade.

Since most people think all this is "figurative" and something "abstract" and not a life and death matter, how dangerous it is to have such a limited perception. I will therefore illustrate to you for once more what awaits those who are disconnected from the Truth of the Gods and how important it is, how much power it carries to transform humanity and how important it is to carry on Lucifer's knowledge into the future, through the Joy of Satan.

Below is the Temple of Baal in Palmyra. Boom has it went, same as boom will go all the cultures of the Gods, unless some people are really going to do their part.

Now that is an abandoned temple but don't you think that if anyone interested in Spirituality wasn't in there, they wouldn't be burned alive or be part of this debris. Because they would have been. Boom, nothing remained, and without the people around, humanity has finally embarked again on the ape level it was before. All in a few days.

This my fellow Sisters and Brothers in Satan, is not a bomb on a temple. It's a bomb in the foundation of the human soul. The same bomb they are trying to deliver in the souls of all the souls that want something greater, to ridicule them and take their hearts away. And I need you to be powerful, and to bring the power home, so we can ensure that whomever tries to bomb the human spirit to smithereens, is bombed by spiritual artillery instead until nothing remains...


Here is also an alternative, in which your people and your future generations can ponder the meaning of the stars, the beauty of the cosmos, the Gods, the higher sciences, free from fear and scorn by the lesser elements of this world. A place where every step you take, you are away from fear, superstition, from evil ignorance, always closer to the Divine Gods, by whom you were given life and whom you must too learn to reach:

View attachment 1182

I no longer want a world filled with pointless discord, spiritual ignorance, fear and damnation, that is forsaken by the Gods and the higher forces. My desire is to see humanity going upwards again in all levels, eventually giving itself the wings of the spirit again.

No more bombs on innocents on the behalf of Israel, no more pointless destruction. A newfound resurgence of the eternal awareness of the Gods, who will save us from the damnation of our wrongdoings. That's all I want.

Because I love all of you and I want a great future for our next generations, filled with spirituality, understanding, higher levels of consciousness, I have to tell it to you plainly:

Let's save the world together and let's do what we have to do. No more excuses. Let's use the power in our hands to do this, let's go the little extra mile and become Gods in the process of that, worthy beings that the Gods will rejoice in looking at. No excuses, no nonsense. Just power, action and glory, to restore the Gods and so that humanity shall never endure dark times again.

Let us save the fucking world!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 6666
Thank you High Priest Hooded Cobra

Once again you have inspired us to do better to shake us up and make us see the reality of this world our rightful world that truly belongs to us, our beloved Creator Father God Satan, I’m dedicating my whole life to this mission all I really want to do is focus on this path and fight the good fight for all of us, for humanity for and our Gods, it is all of our mission, yes we need to do this for our future generations, for the survival of our beautiful planet 🌍 that the Reptilian scums with the reptile 🦎 cohen gene Jews who have taken from us our planet like a thief and lying filth! We are going to take our world back and destroy all our enemies starting with the kikes all the way to the reptiles and grey robots

All Praises All Honour and All Glory to Father Satan ❤️
And The Gods and Goddesses ❤️
Hail Hitler ❤️
Hail to HPS Maxine ❤️
Hail to HP Hooded Cobra 6666 ❤️
On Sunday I thought about my dedication tto father Satan and that ritual was also to the Gods.i thought about how I must focus on them and how anyone apart from them can't be given attention. It's was like a call to remember. On Monday when I woke up my heart was questioned with what I want and I instantly said I want to be the light of the world, this light from the Gods. It was like a memory I had in my soul coming to play and I felt like I wanted this from childhood. It made me want to be more than mundane needs though I knew those too would come along with putting effort in the real mission.
This sermon is a reawakening of our call, my call. This got to my spirit and I like what HP w rote down. Its all easier now to be like the Gods to bring down their power. We know how , we must put in effort. I did Astarte's ritual for some weeks and she made me understand that movement is important. That without movement, beauty won't come to realization. It's all about our dedication, actual working of what it takes.
Thank you HP
Let's save the world together and let's do what we have to do. No more excuses.
Thank You HPHC 666,

I am working towards this, each client I get is a small win, looking for a brick a mortar place right now instead of paying 30% commission to the building owner I'll have my own building.

In the future I envision a Temple of Thoth, Temple of Hermes, Non-Secular Health organization, that will protect us healers by allowing us to practice legally in the private domain.

It's late for me now but I am going to stay up a little later to make some more songs and to do some more online work.
The Restoration of Spiritual Satanism is the restoration of the human spirit, into the state of strength, respect, dignity and a state of love towards the world of the Spirit. The unholy powers of this world want to impede us and to create monkeys and slaves out of this, but we defy their will and we take on ourselves the historical task of reversing this tide of destruction of the human spirit.

To do this, power is needed. This is not only spiritual, but also financial and other forms. I have described in my previous topics and posts about it. And here I stand again to remind you about the most important mission that has been given to human beings to this day: The mission of the Joy of Satan.

All of us are partakers in this mission without exemptions. The moral cowards that shall not accept this mission, will have to answer to the Gods. But the rest of us, will dine with them instead.

But no more; We must return to the roots, hearts and souls of humanity and so we will.

Some live their life as if life is anything else but that: If life has any meaning, it's because it can continue- and because it has virtue in it worthwhile enough to make it continue. The virtue is the spirit, and the "can" of this continue, is the ability to prolong it.

Even a parent would look at their child, and if they loved it, they would be like "my precious daughter, you must have clothes, a house, a job, and your dignity above all". But in order for this to happen, you must feel it inside you and feel aligned with the living interests of another.

For this call to be understood in the context of the call of the Gods, one must recognize the value of the spiritual child that we have in our hands, and how we must secure it's existence in the future of the aeons.

So any of you who are not aligned with these living interests of this place, it's my job to protect the living community that will perpetuate it's existence in the infinite future, from the likes of you, until the day that you understand and your love overtakes your laziness and haughtiness. I love you too but you aren't seeing what I have saw.

I have been in this world for a very long time, again and again. I don't like the things I see. I want to see peace and spiritual consciousness take the world over again. I have seen humanity take circles and kill itself again and again, with great souls and men having to cycle around, until opportunities like this one we have today arise; and now they must be seized to stop these undeserving conditions that torment mankind.

We can now put a permanent seed for the spiritual future of humanity, together. The ground is fertile, it can be maintained, it can be done, it can grow until everyone can live in it's shade.

Since most people think all this is "figurative" and something "abstract" and not a life and death matter, how dangerous it is to have such a limited perception. I will therefore illustrate to you for once more what awaits those who are disconnected from the Truth of the Gods and how important it is, how much power it carries to transform humanity and how important it is to carry on Lucifer's knowledge into the future, through the Joy of Satan.

Below is the Temple of Baal in Palmyra. Boom has it went, same as boom will go all the cultures of the Gods, unless some people are really going to do their part.

Now that is an abandoned temple but don't you think that if anyone interested in Spirituality wasn't in there, they wouldn't be burned alive or be part of this debris. Because they would have been. Boom, nothing remained, and without the people around, humanity has finally embarked again on the ape level it was before. All in a few days.

This my fellow Sisters and Brothers in Satan, is not a bomb on a temple. It's a bomb in the foundation of the human soul. The same bomb they are trying to deliver in the souls of all the souls that want something greater, to ridicule them and take their hearts away. And I need you to be powerful, and to bring the power home, so we can ensure that whomever tries to bomb the human spirit to smithereens, is bombed by spiritual artillery instead until nothing remains...


Here is also an alternative, in which your people and your future generations can ponder the meaning of the stars, the beauty of the cosmos, the Gods, the higher sciences, free from fear and scorn by the lesser elements of this world. A place where every step you take, you are away from fear, superstition, from evil ignorance, always closer to the Divine Gods, by whom you were given life and whom you must too learn to reach:

View attachment 1182

I no longer want a world filled with pointless discord, spiritual ignorance, fear and damnation, that is forsaken by the Gods and the higher forces. My desire is to see humanity going upwards again in all levels, eventually giving itself the wings of the spirit again.

No more bombs on innocents on the behalf of Israel, no more pointless destruction. A newfound resurgence of the eternal awareness of the Gods, who will save us from the damnation of our wrongdoings. That's all I want.

Because I love all of you and I want a great future for our next generations, filled with spirituality, understanding, higher levels of consciousness, I have to tell it to you plainly:

Let's save the world together and let's do what we have to do. No more excuses. Let's use the power in our hands to do this, let's go the little extra mile and become Gods in the process of that, worthy beings that the Gods will rejoice in looking at. No excuses, no nonsense. Just power, action and glory, to restore the Gods and so that humanity shall never endure dark times again.

Let us save the fucking world!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 6666

Hear ! Hear !

I've always been on about saving the world, RTRs are bombing them and now we need some of us to take positions of power in the world to take it to better places. I've always been on this, even if I got a little too crazy in some parts of my spiritual journey, I know now that I should not let all that stop me because It got me to learn a side of me that I use to make the enemy and their devoted followers who aid them in their crimes wish they were never born. There will be kasamaan to pay for those reptil-tards.

I got hell-divers 2 vibes reading this sermon(YES, YOU CAN SHOOT COMMUNIST ROBOTS IN THAT GAME WHICH GOT ME INTO IT).
I want to save the world, but I don't know exactly how to do it.
View attachment 1185
We do Reverse Torah Rituals RTR this is to bring their spiritual workings on the gentiles down and obsolete their spells, but you have to have at least 6 months of meditations to get yourself ready for the rituals, financially you can help as well, in the donations section cryptocurrency bitcoin is the only method, this is how we help Father Satan and our Gods
Below is the Temple of Baal in Palmyra. Boom has it went, same as boom will go all the cultures of the Gods, unless some people are really going to do their part.
I would like to see how the enemy likes it if their Jerusalem cube went boom.

And by the way, thanks for the sermon. Needed it after a couple of rough weeks.
I would like to see how the enemy likes it if their Jerusalem cube went boom.

And by the way, thanks for the sermon. Needed it after a couple of rough weeks.
*New Jerusalem cube ship
The Restoration of Spiritual Satanism is the restoration of the human spirit, into the state of strength, respect, dignity and a state of love towards the world of the Spirit. The unholy powers of this world want to impede us and to create monkeys and slaves out of this, but we defy their will and we take on ourselves the historical task of reversing this tide of destruction of the human spirit.

To do this, power is needed. This is not only spiritual, but also financial and other forms. I have described in my previous topics and posts about it. And here I stand again to remind you about the most important mission that has been given to human beings to this day: The mission of the Joy of Satan.

All of us are partakers in this mission without exemptions. The moral cowards that shall not accept this mission, will have to answer to the Gods. But the rest of us, will dine with them instead.

But no more; We must return to the roots, hearts and souls of humanity and so we will.

Some live their life as if life is anything else but that: If life has any meaning, it's because it can continue- and because it has virtue in it worthwhile enough to make it continue. The virtue is the spirit, and the "can" of this continue, is the ability to prolong it.

Even a parent would look at their child, and if they loved it, they would be like "my precious daughter, you must have clothes, a house, a job, and your dignity above all". But in order for this to happen, you must feel it inside you and feel aligned with the living interests of another.

For this call to be understood in the context of the call of the Gods, one must recognize the value of the spiritual child that we have in our hands, and how we must secure it's existence in the future of the aeons.

So any of you who are not aligned with these living interests of this place, it's my job to protect the living community that will perpetuate it's existence in the infinite future, from the likes of you, until the day that you understand and your love overtakes your laziness and haughtiness. I love you too but you aren't seeing what I have saw.

I have been in this world for a very long time, again and again. I don't like the things I see. I want to see peace and spiritual consciousness take the world over again. I have seen humanity take circles and kill itself again and again, with great souls and men having to cycle around, until opportunities like this one we have today arise; and now they must be seized to stop these undeserving conditions that torment mankind.

We can now put a permanent seed for the spiritual future of humanity, together. The ground is fertile, it can be maintained, it can be done, it can grow until everyone can live in it's shade.

Since most people think all this is "figurative" and something "abstract" and not a life and death matter, how dangerous it is to have such a limited perception. I will therefore illustrate to you for once more what awaits those who are disconnected from the Truth of the Gods and how important it is, how much power it carries to transform humanity and how important it is to carry on Lucifer's knowledge into the future, through the Joy of Satan.

Below is the Temple of Baal in Palmyra. Boom has it went, same as boom will go all the cultures of the Gods, unless some people are really going to do their part.

Now that is an abandoned temple but don't you think that if anyone interested in Spirituality wasn't in there, they wouldn't be burned alive or be part of this debris. Because they would have been. Boom, nothing remained, and without the people around, humanity has finally embarked again on the ape level it was before. All in a few days.

This my fellow Sisters and Brothers in Satan, is not a bomb on a temple. It's a bomb in the foundation of the human soul. The same bomb they are trying to deliver in the souls of all the souls that want something greater, to ridicule them and take their hearts away. And I need you to be powerful, and to bring the power home, so we can ensure that whomever tries to bomb the human spirit to smithereens, is bombed by spiritual artillery instead until nothing remains...


Here is also an alternative, in which your people and your future generations can ponder the meaning of the stars, the beauty of the cosmos, the Gods, the higher sciences, free from fear and scorn by the lesser elements of this world. A place where every step you take, you are away from fear, superstition, from evil ignorance, always closer to the Divine Gods, by whom you were given life and whom you must too learn to reach:

View attachment 1182

I no longer want a world filled with pointless discord, spiritual ignorance, fear and damnation, that is forsaken by the Gods and the higher forces. My desire is to see humanity going upwards again in all levels, eventually giving itself the wings of the spirit again.

No more bombs on innocents on the behalf of Israel, no more pointless destruction. A newfound resurgence of the eternal awareness of the Gods, who will save us from the damnation of our wrongdoings. That's all I want.

Because I love all of you and I want a great future for our next generations, filled with spirituality, understanding, higher levels of consciousness, I have to tell it to you plainly:

Let's save the world together and let's do what we have to do. No more excuses. Let's use the power in our hands to do this, let's go the little extra mile and become Gods in the process of that, worthy beings that the Gods will rejoice in looking at. No excuses, no nonsense. Just power, action and glory, to restore the Gods and so that humanity shall never endure dark times again.

Let us save the fucking world!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 6666
Magnificent sermon (y)

Spiritual Satanist must reach the highest level of spiritual development 👁️

By transforming yourself internally, you transform the outside world around you 🌎
Let's save the world together and let's do what we have to do. No more excuses. Let's use the power in our hands to do this, let's go the little extra mile and become Gods in the process of that, worthy beings that the Gods will rejoice in looking at. No excuses, no nonsense. Just power, action and glory, to restore the Gods and so that humanity shall never endure dark times again.

Let us save the fucking world!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 6666

Hail Satan!
Let's make the World aware of the Power of the Gods and Their Teachings!!!
The Temple of Baal in Palmyra was a beautiful fusion. An intersection, a point of east-meets-west, Mesopotamia meets Greece. Sadly, the location had already withstood one atrocity, long before the so-called ISIL came and tried to destroy what was left. Emperor Theodosius' persecution of the Pagans was as such even the Temples in the east were not safe, and he sent his Praetorian Prefect to close it down and persecute those within.

Make no mistake. Jew, Christian, Muslim, their great persecution continues today. Don't think for a second they'll ever let you live in peace. Even in the supposedly freedom loving America, Christians are working hard to take away your rights and push you back into the dark.


We're not only fighting for our right to hold and practice our faith, but out very survival instead. Give an Abrahamic an inch, they will take a mile. But do not despair. The time of the enemy is but for a season, and in time, the karmic price for this sins against the children of the Gods will be paid in full.
I agree with you HP, I think we are way past the point of good night tale, and philosophical thoughts that do not a have a material engine in order to manifest. Keep up the spiritual war and your personal astral evolution everyone. We will win in the end, but of course it recquires action and commitment.
Thank you for this beautiful sermon, High Priest.

Any help, no matter how big or small, has an impact. You should not underestimate yourself, but only do what you can do in this regard. Don't forget that Father Satan and the Gods are our guides on this path.

It is only by improving the world, that you will improve yourself. It is only by improving yourself, that you will improve the world – for infinity can only flow again back into infinity.Azazel's Virtue, World Improvement
I no longer want a world filled with pointless discord, spiritual ignorance, fear and damnation, that is forsaken by the Gods and the higher forces. My desire is to see humanity going upwards again in all levels, eventually giving itself the wings of the spirit again.
This is one of the main concerns I have, it sickens me seeing people going downwards.
The Restoration of Spiritual Satanism is the restoration of the human spirit, into the state of strength, respect, dignity and a state of love towards the world of the Spirit. The unholy powers of this world want to impede us and to create monkeys and slaves out of this, but we defy their will and we take on ourselves the historical task of reversing this tide of destruction of the human spirit.

To do this, power is needed. This is not only spiritual, but also financial and other forms. I have described in my previous topics and posts about it. And here I stand again to remind you about the most important mission that has been given to human beings to this day: The mission of the Joy of Satan.

All of us are partakers in this mission without exemptions. The moral cowards that shall not accept this mission, will have to answer to the Gods. But the rest of us, will dine with them instead.

But no more; We must return to the roots, hearts and souls of humanity and so we will.

Some live their life as if life is anything else but that: If life has any meaning, it's because it can continue- and because it has virtue in it worthwhile enough to make it continue. The virtue is the spirit, and the "can" of this continue, is the ability to prolong it.

Even a parent would look at their child, and if they loved it, they would be like "my precious daughter, you must have clothes, a house, a job, and your dignity above all". But in order for this to happen, you must feel it inside you and feel aligned with the living interests of another.

For this call to be understood in the context of the call of the Gods, one must recognize the value of the spiritual child that we have in our hands, and how we must secure it's existence in the future of the aeons.

So any of you who are not aligned with these living interests of this place, it's my job to protect the living community that will perpetuate it's existence in the infinite future, from the likes of you, until the day that you understand and your love overtakes your laziness and haughtiness. I love you too but you aren't seeing what I have saw.

I have been in this world for a very long time, again and again. I don't like the things I see. I want to see peace and spiritual consciousness take the world over again. I have seen humanity take circles and kill itself again and again, with great souls and men having to cycle around, until opportunities like this one we have today arise; and now they must be seized to stop these undeserving conditions that torment mankind.

We can now put a permanent seed for the spiritual future of humanity, together. The ground is fertile, it can be maintained, it can be done, it can grow until everyone can live in it's shade.

Since most people think all this is "figurative" and something "abstract" and not a life and death matter, how dangerous it is to have such a limited perception. I will therefore illustrate to you for once more what awaits those who are disconnected from the Truth of the Gods and how important it is, how much power it carries to transform humanity and how important it is to carry on Lucifer's knowledge into the future, through the Joy of Satan.

Below is the Temple of Baal in Palmyra. Boom has it went, same as boom will go all the cultures of the Gods, unless some people are really going to do their part.

Now that is an abandoned temple but don't you think that if anyone interested in Spirituality wasn't in there, they wouldn't be burned alive or be part of this debris. Because they would have been. Boom, nothing remained, and without the people around, humanity has finally embarked again on the ape level it was before. All in a few days.

This my fellow Sisters and Brothers in Satan, is not a bomb on a temple. It's a bomb in the foundation of the human soul. The same bomb they are trying to deliver in the souls of all the souls that want something greater, to ridicule them and take their hearts away. And I need you to be powerful, and to bring the power home, so we can ensure that whomever tries to bomb the human spirit to smithereens, is bombed by spiritual artillery instead until nothing remains...


Here is also an alternative, in which your people and your future generations can ponder the meaning of the stars, the beauty of the cosmos, the Gods, the higher sciences, free from fear and scorn by the lesser elements of this world. A place where every step you take, you are away from fear, superstition, from evil ignorance, always closer to the Divine Gods, by whom you were given life and whom you must too learn to reach:

View attachment 1182

I no longer want a world filled with pointless discord, spiritual ignorance, fear and damnation, that is forsaken by the Gods and the higher forces. My desire is to see humanity going upwards again in all levels, eventually giving itself the wings of the spirit again.

No more bombs on innocents on the behalf of Israel, no more pointless destruction. A newfound resurgence of the eternal awareness of the Gods, who will save us from the damnation of our wrongdoings. That's all I want.

Because I love all of you and I want a great future for our next generations, filled with spirituality, understanding, higher levels of consciousness, I have to tell it to you plainly:

Let's save the world together and let's do what we have to do. No more excuses. Let's use the power in our hands to do this, let's go the little extra mile and become Gods in the process of that, worthy beings that the Gods will rejoice in looking at. No excuses, no nonsense. Just power, action and glory, to restore the Gods and so that humanity shall never endure dark times again.

Let us save the fucking world!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 6666
"The seed is sacred".
May Satan Bless Israel and the Abrahamic, Isaac, Jacob Jews,,, with his presence, power, and influence, and Devour them with his Fire. Burn them up completely. Consume their wealth with his Dark Black Fire. As Israel sowed treachery , death, murder, pain, suffering, loss,, onto others,, so Israel shall now Reap what they sowed, Hell fire and Damnation. Hail Shaytan burn them.
Alright. So besides meditating and doing rtrs what else do we do to help this spirit seed? You are motivating but I keep feeling that something is missing or is it just me?

Hail Father Satan
Personally, I think I will get a job, so in addition to being able to maintain some of my activities, I will also be able to contribute financially to Joy of Satan.

For the time being I won't have a big job, but at least it's something.

In the future I plan to reach better positions, at least in the aspect of life I have chosen for myself. But for now I'm still working on it.

What we can do is to build a life of our own and become relevant in this world.
We have all the tools for this, I don't think there is any excuse.
This is a powerful wake up call to action!

We must all take action no matter how small it may seem. Doubt is our enemy! I've been noticing that my aura feels stronger and more powerful when I visualize and believe that it is after meditating; yet if I visualize it in a minimalist sort-of way (the most modest and rational), it seems as though my workings are less fruitful. I did this thinking it would be more refined and better. Big mistake! In my past I tended to conflate these ideas with perfectionism.

We have to eliminate this mentality in ourselves and believe that we are advancing more than what we may actually be. We have to manifest our new reality with the utmost confidence in ourselves, the creations of our Gods. It may sound insane but that's the only way to truly advance IMO - resolute confidence in the hard work that we achieve on a daily basis.

Thanks for the empowering sermon HPHC! Also, thank you all for your amazing contributions to this beautiful and sacred place!
May Satan Bless Israel and the Abrahamic, Isaac, Jacob Jews,,, with his presence, power, and influence, and Devour them with his Fire. Burn them up completely. Consume their wealth with his Dark Black Fire. As Israel sowed treachery , death, murder, pain, suffering, loss,, onto others,, so Israel shall now Reap what they sowed, Hell fire and Damnation. Hail Shaytan burn them.
Black fire? Blessing and cursing? These concepts relate to Luciferianism which is rotten and heavily corrupted with kabbalist magic. Satan's fire is represented by the solar plexus chakra; the grail (hence his sigil). It is golden - the colour of truth, prosperity, lifeforce and purity. It is the central point and powerhouse of the soul. His light destroys our enemy, not the darkness that contains that light (i.e space and prima materia). Because they are impure, his purity destroys them. Our RTRs also destroy the foundations of their spirit and the source of what created them which is not Satan.

Also, the word 'Shaytan' is not correct.
A shaitan or shaytan (Arabic: شَيْطَان, romanized: shayṭān; pl.: شَيَاطِين shayāṭīn; Hebrew: (CENSORED); lit. the Abrahamic definition of 'devil', 'demon', or 'satan') is an evil spirit in Islam, inciting humans and jinn to sin by whispering (وَسْوَسَة, waswasa) in their hearts (قَلْب qalb).

Do not blaspheme our original creator with these toxic words please. Educate yourself by studying the JoS website.

To get a better understanding of his true name read here: https://satanama666.wordpress.com/2014/04/05/satan-means-truth-in-sanskrit/

Never source or reference any information outside of the JoS. You are inviting curses onto yourself from our Gods and from our God's enemy if you even dabble in this kind of garbage. It will turn you into a corrupt and vile thing, hence why it so dangerous and warned against on these forums. It will also make it much harder to purify your soul and advance yourself spiritually.
Fighting will never cease until these disgusting rats and their cohorts are removed from our societies so we can move forward to be a planet once more of true freedom and greatness. We have our respective roles and should aspire to be more depending on each of us. We of the black race all stand with our white brethren Apt fight tyranny and injustice against all Gentiles of this world from Jews and racial traitors. Hail Satan and the Gods of Duat.
Black fire? Blessing and cursing? These concepts relate to Luciferianism which is rotten and heavily corrupted with kabbalist magic. Satan's fire is represented by the solar plexus chakra; the grail (hence his sigil). It is golden - the colour of truth, prosperity, lifeforce and purity. It is the central point and powerhouse of the soul. His light destroys our enemy, not the darkness that contains that light (i.e space and prima materia). Because they are impure, his purity destroys them. Our RTRs also destroy the foundations of their spirit and the source of what created them which is not Satan.

Also, the word 'Shaytan' is not correct.
A shaitan or shaytan (Arabic: شَيْطَان, romanized: shayṭān; pl.: شَيَاطِين shayāṭīn; Hebrew: (CENSORED); lit. the Abrahamic definition of 'devil', 'demon', or 'satan') is an evil spirit in Islam, inciting humans and jinn to sin by whispering (وَسْوَسَة, waswasa) in their hearts (قَلْب qalb).

Do not blaspheme our original creator with these toxic words please. Educate yourself by studying the JoS website.

To get a better understanding of his true name read here: https://satanama666.wordpress.com/2014/04/05/satan-means-truth-in-sanskrit/

Never source or reference any information outside of the JoS. You are inviting curses onto yourself from our Gods and from our God's enemy if you even dabble in this kind of garbage. It will turn you into a corrupt and vile thing, hence why it so dangerous and warned against on these forums. It will also make it much harder to purify your soul and advance yourself spiritually.
I use the word bless, because if I use the word curse,, then the internet authorities will ban me from sites like Twitter and Facebook. I did not know Shaytan was wrong. Apologies.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
