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Joy Of Satan - Ritual Schedule March 6 to March 17 [SECOND RITUAL UP]

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist: RITUAL For Spiritual Satanists

Vibrate in a series the following Runes x10 times teach.

Berkano x10, Ansuz x10, Dagaz x10, Sowilo x10

Then, Chant AUM 1 time and then vibrate the following word 20 times:


Chant AUM one time after this, and affirm ONCE:

Heavenly Father Satan & Beelzebul, Bless us all in the Joy of Satan.
Heavenly Mother Astarte & Sun of Life Azazel, Bless us all in the Joy of Satan.

Then Vibrate 10 times: SA-TA-NA-MA, then chant AUM once and Affirm 3 times:

“Blessed are we - all of us Spiritual Satanists, are learning and growing in a blessed environment of Truth and Divinity.

Blessed is the Joy of Satan, Blessed is the Priesthood, Blessed are the Members, Blessed are the Ministers, Blessed are all those dedicated to Father Satan by Blood and members of the Joy of Satan!

Blessed are all our Dedicated and Loyal Members, now and permanently .”

Then chant AUM once, and close the Ritual.


AJOHA = A as in Almond, JO as in JOy, HA as in HAilstorm.

KRA as in =CRO-w.
NA as in = NA-rcosis.
KA as in KA-Li.
BEE as the word BEE in English.
PURUSTHA as in PU from PUsh, RU as in RU-de, STHA as in Steady, but with a strong H after the T.
YAJA as in YA-smin and JU-stice.
SVA as in SVEN.
HE as in HE-y.



Blessings For Employment, Financial Safety & Protection RITUAL For Spiritual Satanists

Fehu x10, Sowilo x10, Odthal x10, Ansuz x10

Chant AUM 3 times, then vibrate the following words 4 times:





Chant AUM one time after this, and affirm ONCE:

Lord Beelzebul, Lord Amon Ra, Lord Raum, take care of our lots. Lord Gods under Satan and Beelzebul, help hear our prayer. We pray to you in homage and respect, hear us Great Lords.

Then AUM again, and then affirm 3 times:

“All Spiritual Satanists, dedicated to Father Satan by blood, are always, financially safe, have their needs accommodated for, are prosperous and safeguarded from any and all threats to their livelihood and income.

All Spiritual Satanists dedicated to Father Satan by blood, always find easily and effortlessly matching employment and resources for their life, well-being and progress.

The Gods who are our supporters, may our Gods bless us all with safety, well-being, prosperity and abundance. I pray that all my brothers and sisters, dedicated to Father Satan by their blood like myself, are now and permanently blessed.”

Chant AUM once more after you are done with the affirmation for 3 times.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666


SA-VA = SA as in SA-rdine, VA is just a VA like in the word VA-sectomy.

PRATA as in PRADA, but with a T.

SA as in SA-tan.

AYATE as in AYA-TE with the TE as in TE-chnology.

ET-AM as in ET-ernal and AM-on from the word AMON.

PAR-DU as in PAR-agraph and DU-ke.

PA-VO as in PA-ragraph and VO-ltaire.

DI as in DI-stance, NU as in Nu-clear, MA as in MA-ster.


Ritual Schedule Original Post, March 6th.

Greetings to everyone in our Spiritual Satanic Family,

Due to the favors of the planets we will be doing certain Rituals. It's been a while since our latest Ritual for Lord Andras, which was most impressive and certainly did bless everyone with endless positive and bolstered energy.

A point to make here is to treat the Rituals with respect and with awareness of how these contribute to your long journey as a soul. The Gods are opening up to us so that we will receive from them and advance ourselves, and there is nothing more important than this relation.

Participation in these shows willingness, openness, and opens up your mind and soul to what in other ways would have remained dormant. We will repeat some of the already done Rituals. Shortly after, two more Rituals will be released.

Then, after this, another Demon Ritual will follow. But we are now on this schedule.

Soon it will be the Satanic New Year, and we are preparing for this to enter the New Year with developments and strongly.

This Schedule will be focused primarily on delivering blessings to everyone. As a result, there are two new Rituals there, so that everyone in the community can benefit. We want everyone to be safe, powerful, and able to proceed in life with a support backing everyone up.

Below you will see that in some spaces some Rituals will be coming. These are scheduled for release within 48 hours.*

The FRTR is a given as per usual.

https://evilgoy.com/ - Here all the Rituals can be found.

Ritual List and Dates:

6. Beelzebul's Ritual, Serpent is Free, Wealth & Prosperity for Spiritual Satanists Ritual
7. Beelzebul's Ritual, Serpent is Free, Wealth & Prosperity for Spiritual Satanists Ritual
8. Beelzebul's Ritual, Serpent is Free, Wealth & Prosperity for Spiritual Satanists Ritual
9. Beelzebul's Ritual, Serpent is Free, Wealth & Prosperity for Spiritual Satanists Ritual
10. Astarte's Ritual, Serpent Empowered, Wealth & Prosperity for Spiritual Satanists Ritual
11. Astarte's Ritual, Serpent Empowered, Blessings for Employment Progress and Wealth Ritual
12. Astarte's Ritual, Serpent Empowered, Blessings for Employment Progress and Wealth Ritual
13. Astarte's Ritual, Serpent Empowered, Blessings for Employment Progress and Wealth Ritual
14. Azazel's Ritual, Serpent Ascended, Blessings for Employment Progress and Wealth Ritual
15. Azazel's Ritual, Serpent Ascended, Blessings for Employment, Progress and Wealth Ritual, Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist: RITUAL For Spiritual Satanists
16. Azazel's Ritual, Serpent Ascended, Blessings for Employment, Progress and Wealth Ritual, Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist: RITUAL For Spiritual Satanists
17. Azazel's Ritual, Serpent Ascended, Blessings for Employment, Progress and Wealth Ritual, Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist: RITUAL For Spiritual Satanists

Links to the Rituals:

Beelzebul's Ritual: https://satanslibrary.org/Demons/Baalzebul_Power_Ritual.html
Astarte's Ritual: https://satanslibrary.org/Demons/Astarte_Power_Ritual.html
Azazel's Ritual: https://satanslibrary.org/Demons/Azazel_Power_Ritual.html
Serpent is Free: https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/Reverse324Ritual.html
Serpent Empowered: https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/E712.html
Serpent Ascended: https://satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/Reverse314Ritual.html
Wealth & Prosperity for Spiritual Satanists Ritual: https://satanslibrary.org/ProsperityRitualRunes.html
Blessing for Employment, Progress and Financial Safety Ritual: https://satanslibrary.org/Blessings_Financial_Safety_Ritual.html
Community Blessing For Every Spiritual Satanist: https://satanslibrary.org/Community_Blessing_Ritual.html
here we go again
starts tomorrow, right?
It's interesting how the last several times I've been able to feel that a schedule is coming a day before. Literally crossed my mind this morning. Could also be because of the obvious times of the years like the spring equinox being around the corner. One of my favorite times of the year. Finally the sun being out more. :D

Looking forward to doing these. Only Doing the F-RTRs tonight but will for sure partake in these tomorrow.

Hail Satan!
If it says in "Serpent is Free" and "Serpent Ascended" Rituals that I have to do vibrate paragraph of words 9 times, that means I have to vibrate some line first time, then return to beginning of this line and vibrate second time (then 7 times) or each word 9 times, like in the Final Ritual?
Finally! :D

Hail Satan!
Hail Satan and the Powers of Hell! Hail Beelzebul! Hail Astarte! Hail Azazel! Hail SS warriors of Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I hope to be able to pull it.out tomowrrow, I have a bad case of gastro-enteritis today. Can I do less reps in order to be able to do the rituals?

Hi. I am new here.

What is this may I ask?

I don't mean to seem rude, I came here for more knowledge. I am already a satanist- I just am confused as heck with what you all do here is all.

Why would Andras need your help? Why does any of them, the demons, need your help when they are capable of fighting a spiritual war without any of you?

Also, the Antichrist has not revealed himself yet. He is supposed to live amongst as as one of us and he is supposed to be the son of Azazel. Are you saying Adolf Hitler is Pan? If so, then he is Mephistopheles who is the son of Azazel, Azazel being the true Lucifer and not this Enki individual you speak of here.

Please clarify. I am confused... 😕 😕 😕
Alright! :D This is great, looking forward to it! Thanks for putting this together for us, I've been waiting patiently for more group rituals. I know how busy you've been. Thank you HP for always being here for us, and putting together rituals that we can all participate in. It really brings the community together and makes a difference. Hail Satan!
Awesome, I'm ready for this! Hail Satan!! I'll start these now.
Ah good i got the feeling that something was coming on soon im keen to see what new content is coming both from the donation content and from these upcoming rituals i hope it has to do with the middle east since the jews have kind of been pissing everyone off lately (bombing them) and so i think it would be a good idea to incite some heavy retaliation there at this time and for once the jews are being condemned for their deplorable actions by the USA for a change so hopefully no USA big daddy coming to save them.
This new schedule lines up with my spring break! I'm shooting for three reps a day, minimum. Can't wait to get started.
Well I've already started the Schedule :D just performed Beelzebul's Ritual for the very first time. I feel like i messed up some of the runic vibrations but I gave it my best, next will be the Wealth and Prosperity Ritual.

I would love to do all of the rituals involved, but sadly work is currently in the way and it's hard to know if I'll be having early days best times I could do all of these is on my day offs or the weekends but I will try and do as many as I can

Honestly this is amazing, thank you for the schedule HP Cobra :D

May the Father Satan and the Gods bless all members of the Joy of Satan Ministries

Onward and blessings to us all!

Hail Satan!
A few days ago some were lamenting on the media that prejudice is now put on israeli people after they openly declared they wanted to erase that Palestinian city.
At the least the spell has broken for those "discriminators" - who were officials, finally. The mass will understand too.
Bean123 said:
If it says in "Serpent is Free" and "Serpent Ascended" Rituals that I have to do vibrate paragraph of words 9 times, that means I have to vibrate some line first time, then return to beginning of this line and vibrate second time (then 7 times) or each word 9 times, like in the Final Ritual?

Vibrate the whole paragraph that’s 1 time, vibrate again the whole paragraph for the second time that’s 2 round, and continue up until you reach the 9th round and the proceed to the affirmations.
Aum “ affirmation” Aum that's one round. You do the stated rounds
HelterSkelter said:
Hi. I am new here.

What is this may I ask?

I don't mean to seem rude, I came here for more knowledge. I am already a satanist- I just am confused as heck with what you all do here is all.

Why would Andras need your help? Why does any of them, the demons, need your help when they are capable of fighting a spiritual war without any of you?

Also, the Antichrist has not revealed himself yet. He is supposed to live amongst as as one of us and he is supposed to be the son of Azazel. Are you saying Adolf Hitler is Pan? If so, then he is Mephistopheles who is the son of Azazel, Azazel being the true Lucifer and not this Enki individual you speak of here.

Please clarify. I am confused... 😕 😕 😕

I suggest you take time to read the joy of Satan website: www.joyofsatan.org
Its amazing how most of us are reporting the same thing. I just felt it that something was coming a day before😃

Hail Satan
YES!!! Thank you Hp will do them all like i do everyday!

It definitely is opening my soul somthing like this happened this morning.
I have two questions regarding the rituals.

In the Ritual for Protection, Wealth and Prosperity, it is written to vibrate the runes either 10, 40, 60 or 80 etc times.
But Anzus is written to be vibrated only 10 times. Is this a typo?

In all Power Rituals of our Gods, when we vibrate towards the end whichever word of power (eg "SATANAS" 10 times or "VALEREFON" x20 times etc), do we vibrate this in our aura or in the Sigil?
I would highly recommend doing a fast, either intermittently, or a prolonged water fast with electrolytes if possible. The benefits are numerous, but above all they will empower your rituals exponentially. One hour or charging up feels like two, and two feels like four.

The enemy does fasts on their unholy days for this very reason. We *need* to do the same, but caution should be exercised. Start off with intermittent fasting around 16-20 hours before working your ways up to 24-48 hours water fasts. Most doctors would agree that you can do a water fast for 1-2 days without salts, mainly sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium, so long as you don't have a nutritional deficiency.

I wish I would have mentioned this so much sooner since I had started fasting years quite some time back when an old HP had shared some information on it. I had completely forgotten about it until just this past years when I decided to do a 2 day fast and felt the energy like I did when I tried it the first time for 5 days straight with only water. I hadn't thoroughly done my research at that time and just accepted the sources that HP Dan given. I had started to cramp up so I stopped, and now I would not go more than 2 days without the aforementioned salts. I did feel amazing power and the patience to do breathing exercises and mantra for long periods of time.

Try doing your own research as well. I don't want to be responsible for any issues someone might have for not doing this correctly. Eric berg has a few videos on his youtube channel and there is plenty that can be researched online.

I'm nailing these before work of a morning.
Thanks again.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
