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Images that describe xianity honestly


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
Let's resurrect (pun not intended) a good, old thread. The previous thread was started by Forum Contributor.


Well, I'd like to know how "jesus" managed to punch its way out of its mum's unbroken, virginous hymen...







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Haha I love this :lol: amazing

p.s. but I have to admit that I dont get the one with the prisoner and "lawyer" in it.
Here's a better one -

Egon said:
Picture filename "behold-the-path-560x547.jpg" is 404; reuploaded -
DiscipleOfSatan said:
Picture filename "90-12-01-2.jpg" is 404; if I remember correctly, then this is the picture (and this one is the best-quality/highest resolution I could find) -
I thought this one would have been on here already.
Dahaarkan said:
just gonna leave these here again

GoodPoland_Kaplica_Czaszek_01.jpg re-uploaded as an image search sample -

Egon said:

Funnily enough there is a lizard that looks just like this when threatened and does indeed spray venom
Dahaarkan said:
just gonna leave these here again




anddd I feel like im gonna throw up now, fucking disgusting. Fake or not perfect example of what christianity is built upon. LITERALLY.
This is the kind of stuff that pretty much makes me understand Diocletian's decisions and that somebody starts to implement them again... fuck if we only had a large enough island in the middle of the ocean for all those loonies and their (((holly leaders))) may all of them rot in their own filth.
Ravenheart666 said:
Ramier108666 said:
Egon said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Crocodile Dundee: Here is a pope, a very dangerous if you get to close. Let's prod it with a stick eh?

(Prods with stick, Pope goes into defense mode.)

Crocodile Dundee: Ay it's angry!!

Dude.. :lol: :lol: :lol: . Gold !



"When Jesus died on the cross along with him died the hopes dreams and potentials and eventually lives of billions of others on this planet"




which is what jewsus wanted, and not being able to do anything about it to make them better people - and that's how jewsus wanted it!



This reminds me of a tiny bit of a story I was told by a "leader" at the church I attended. A small group of Children "had faith" that they could cross a dangerous river because they needed to get to the other side of it, and they died. This led to some people losing faith. The moral of the story is to not be stupid.

Yep. So much for "faith" in a "god" who "can" "do all things". The bibles say you have to have Child-like faith. Then with this probably-fake anecdote (I was merely told it; there was zero proof, reference or anything), those Children having Child-like faith were wrong entirely for being stupid...

"We can seek solace in the belief that these idio-- god-fearing, brave individuals are now in the protective arms of their lord and saviour, sitting at his right hand. The important thing to remember is not that they were foolish; the important thing to remember is that they are now in everlasting paradise. Cry not for your loved ones whom you have lost, for they are not lost; cry not for your loved ones whom you shall never see again; for you shall see them again one day... after many years of sadness and regret; remember that they are found in his loving embrace (herp-derp)."

I should start a sarcastic group - BOc - Bending Over for christ, or BOfc (the "Ofc" being "of course"). For idiots - both christian and not - doing stupid things which benefits no-one, except for the jew. Then people would be like, "Oh, of course" or "Oh, Bofc he would do that"...
In lollage to this post I just made, on the same page as a post I referred to is a related question.


My reply to that mother would be "You could always pray about it. Derp.".
FancyMancy said:
In lollage to this post I just made, on the same page as a post I referred to is a related question.


My reply to that mother would be "You could always pray about it. Derp.".

My reply would be "Pray all you want . It must feel good for you cucking to a criminal, huh?"
xlnt said:
Oh, thanks for posting that. You reminded me about one I wanted to post about this current the dope.





I know I replied against the Star before, but it was the paper I saw in a shop and it's a bit funny, so...











John 3:16
For god so loved the World that he gave you the virtually-impossible task of earning a place in heaven by making you have free will then demanding that you be as politically-correct as possible by doing as he wishes; for god did not come into the World to condemn the World, but to make you jump through hoops defying your own uniqueness, individuality and originality... for him.
Logically-Revised Edition.


Herp-derp. It's not as if "god" could have told anyone.
From my post here.
From "religious fruitcake"




"As a christian, I love you as we are commanded to do so by jewsus, so I love you - except if you are gay, bi or trans". I so wish I had have realised that XX-chromosome point! Also - jewsus can't be XXX chromosome, because that would be lustful (even though "lust for god" is supposed to happen...), so it is mediumcore, you might say - semicore... no comment. - as opposed to softcore or hardcore. Herp. Supposedly looking a bit androgynous -

Galatians 3:28
There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

Welp, christians should be absolutely loving the trans stuff, then!
Being anti-christian does not have to include by default pro-degeneracy and pro-pedophilia. There should be no support for pedophile organizations which brainwash young children with permanent mental insanity, permanent sterilization and removal of any ability to ever procreate any time in their lives, and permanent extreme and gruesom physical damage against their bodies. All when as young children, they are unable to understand any of these things.

The entire Pride organization, and all smaller organizations working to promote these, are globalist jew weapons designed to extinct all humans and to subvert all civilization into a worthless weakened state where nothing is preventing communist jews from taking full ownership and control of the world. All of these people publicly state their goal to destroy the entire structure of the "nuclear family." Strong and healthy families are the foundation of strong and healthy civilizations. Look at Black Americans and see how the jew enforcing the destruction of their nuclear family structure has deeply injured their societies.

Plus direct extinction of all humans by as directly as possible removing the ability for the next generation to have any ability to procreate. By either directly removing all genitals and gonad organs, or by using drugs to kill the gonad organs and create permanent inability to produce eggs or sperm.

Even the most extreme anti-human genocidal christians could not have designed a better weapon for the extinction of humanity than the jew Pride organization and all that comes with it. If 100% of all globalist jew run multibillionaire corporations are spending trillions of dollars promoting something, that is a hint that it is not a good thing.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Even the most extreme anti-human genocidal christians could not have designed a better weapon for the extinction of humanity than the jew Pride organization and all that comes with it. If 100% of all globalist jew run multibillionaire corporations are spending trillions of dollars promoting something, that is a hint that it is not a good thing.

Warning, puke triggers below.




...and in a tree stump...
...and in a dog's arse...

Homer Meets "god"


...and in tortillas!...
...and in dreams...
...and in cartoons...

and... and... and...

...but never in actuality!

As known, christians don't read the bibles, and preachers/ministers lie. I wonder how fundamentalist this Tiff is, and how miffed-off Tiff would get when corrected. (Joke definitely intended.)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
