Kamiha Kamiwo Tsukaimasu said:Hi Everyone,
I recently joined this forum and wanted to introduce myself; since I have not found a dedicated space for this purpose, since this topic is named "Who are you?", I am telling who I am right here.
I am a mixed-blood French from my father and korean from my mother; I was born and "grown up" in France, so I am culturally French. There is nothing korean in myself: I cannot even speak the language and I abhor the korean "culture".
I had been atheistic from age 0 to 32; at home, there was no religion.
I had been saved from all those prohibitions listed in the holy hook and from those Sunday duties; I had not been saved from all those prohibitions and those stupid duties originating from the korean way to educate children! There was still spirituality at home: get good grades, go to University, get a good boring job at an MNC, so that you can buy a car and a home; ignore the rest!
First of all, welcome and thanks for relating your story.
It is not uncommon for mixed people to truly feel like their "legacy" is distanced from one side of their family. That is why, in most cases, one who is a bit mixed, oftentimes might have to "choose" between which path they might have to pick intellectually, while other people might experience a synthesis between the two perceptions in their life.
Much of what you describe here, is a very basic Asiatic culture, not exclusive to Korea, and it's meant to [sometimes at the expense of the emotional nature of children] to create a firm society. This works for some people, but does not work for some people who are exceptions to this rule.
As many Asians friends or SS have told to me many times, this oftentimes tend to consume people emotionally and force them to comply lest they become outcasts, or generally be seen as brutally unsuccessful all their life. But this doesn't mean that is truly the case, it just means that one has not been able to follow up with this very specific social system.
Kamiha Kamiwo Tsukaimasu said:I was always wondering, whereas children education is synonymous with raising children and growing up, why my education was the exact opposite, and why I had to accept it!
I was forbidden to go out with friends, I was forbidden to have a girlfriend, I was forbidden to say I loved my aunt, I was forbidden to say that the town she was living in is great, I was forbidden anything!
I wanted to drive car, my mother did not want me to. I wanted to have a girlfriend, my mother did not want me to. I wanted to study away from home, my mother did not want me to. I wanted to do anything, my mother did not want me to.
I rebelled for the first time at age 20, which is not acceptable in the Korean culture, which eventually led to my parents definitely banning me from the family at age 28.
I felt lost at that time; it took me over a year to recover from the shock of being banned and to start finding myself. I can proudly look back at age 42 at all the work I have achieved on myself; I can also say that it will take many more years to completely recover from that downbringing.
That is brutal and oftentimes, discouraging people from emotional expression is very bad. Hopefully, you can change this with time and since now your life is yours, try to escape from this. Other people might enjoy this severe organization, but this is not for all people, and unavoidably some people with very strong individuality, want to escape.
Kamiha Kamiwo Tsukaimasu said:I thought I would find the answer to my problems in christianity. I thought that due to the fact I had not been baptized, the naked nailed carpenter could not even be aware of my existence; I became pentecostal at age 32 upon 2 years researching.
Unfortunately, many people have this falsified belief. Coming from oppressive backgrounds, most people here know, that Christianity not only doesn't set you free or help you, but will make what is remaining of one's life look like more of a nightmare than ever before.
Christianity has maximum toxicity in it, control freak norms, infinite insanity, and an unending amount of contradictions and falsehoods, enough to drive the saner people into fully insane in just a very short time. A lot of people desperately run to Christianity, but then they get destroyed more than even before.
It comes out as a wrong conclusion to literally everyone that thinks that "Christianity" would help them. The question is how long one is willing to stay in the disappointing things like the Pentacostal church, which are not really far different from what you experienced in severity from what you went through in your personal life. In many cases, this can be way worst.
Kamiha Kamiwo Tsukaimasu said:I left the church less than 6 months after I had joined: when one reads the holy hook like I did, it becomes obvious that there is a clear mismatch between the scriptures and the preaches, that are not even being put in practice! Even the church systems as we know them are not in the holy book: it never came in question to build churches and found such organizations; even the holy book writes again the common church practices such as baptism, tithing or offerings!
The contradictions and lies of Christianity are never ending and numerous. One page you flip and they write against wealth and money and how sinful it is, then next page they boast their "great temples" and other things. One page is against fornication, and the next page is about how Lot prostituted his own daughters for prostitutes and how good this was "in the eyes of the lord".
Christianity is a religion for the severely retarded and hypocritical human beings, and it attracts these types. Anyone who is not like this, will not want to accept "Christianity" and will strongly want to leave it or ignore it.
Kamiha Kamiwo Tsukaimasu said:I belong to the minority of people, who has really read the holy hook: the great majority of christians does not even make the effort to read it, so they believe the preaches of their so-called shepherd based on verses taken out of context, and they remain afraid of losing their salvation if they leave the church.
I had the courage to do this, but I still continued to believe in the naked nailed carpenter: by myself, at my home, without any church or any so-called brother-in-torah-law.
Many Christian denominations claim that if you leave their church, you will go to eternal hellfire. The reason you kept believing in the Caprenter story is because of primarily fear. You don't need to believe in an individual to attain your own salvation.
Kamiha Kamiwo Tsukaimasu said:I woke up at age 38, when I was travelling to Thailand: for anyone travelling there with clear eyes, it becomes obvious that the heaven-or-hell-after-only-one-life-on-Earth does not make sense at all, and that reincarnation is much closer to the reality.
Very true. One of my first questions as a child, after having read about 15 or more religions and their texts in my very early years, was "So what, are all these other people going to burn eternally for not believing in Jeboo"? Clearly, that is not the case.
There is no eternal hellfire.
Kamiha Kamiwo Tsukaimasu said:Only those troublemakers, namely the christian missionaries coming to Thailand, remain blind; their coming had even been prophesized in the psalms 114 of their holy hook: they got eyes but they don't see (nose on the smartphone when walking), they got ears but they don't hear (headphones in the ears while walking), they got a mouth but they don't speak (they do not make the effort to learn Thai, so they push away people standing on their ways instead of apologizing), they have feet but they don't walk (walking 3 meters on foot is too much of an effort for those coke and burger-fed pigs).
Truly, some of the most retarded, egoistic, and evil people one will encounter in their life, is the church goers and the preachers. The amount of evil and blindness these people carry, is something that can be shocking to any person that thinks for themselves.
Kamiha Kamiwo Tsukaimasu said:The one who helped me wake up was none less than the naked nailed carpenter himself: when I requested his help a year earlier, as I was in Vietnam, he glanced through his absence! In fact, he was at the swimming pool taking swimming classes, since he cannot swim, hence the reason why he walks over water...
The Jesus hoax has many exaggerated claims which are not really substantiated by anything. It also forbids any spirituality and so on, causing mental breakdown to human beings who have logic or the will to advance in their life.
Kamiha Kamiwo Tsukaimasu said:I have become a proud Apostate at age 38! Until then, my life could have been summed up in just jumping from korean prohibitions to nazarene ones! I woke up fully broke and lacking self-confidence, having built nothing in my life!
It sounds a lot like these two systems you followed were equally compulsive, in a way.
Kamiha Kamiwo Tsukaimasu said:I can say only one thing: christians are the most ignorant people on Earth! This is no wonder: their holy hook promotes ignorance! Worse: since the nazarene claimed there would be only one way to heaven, namely his, the christians have the sad tendency to believe, there would be only one way to do things. And a christian often believes the only way to do things is his!
Christians are the stupidest people of earth, maybe secondary or equal to Muslims. They have the most exaggerated egos and they have all the plagues, let alone they are the biggest materialists and the most nonspiritual people of all. I have met many Atheists who are many times more spirited and spiritually inclined than Christians.
Kamiha Kamiwo Tsukaimasu said:As a software developer, haven't you faced any idiot asking you "why did you code it this way and not that way" ? As a musician, haven't you faced any ignorant telling you "this is not the way to play Beethoven" ? Or when baking a cake your way, someone telling you that you cannot bake a cake just because you don't do it his way? What else is to expect when the holy hook is to be summed up in "I am the only way; ignore the rest!"...
Spiritual Satanism is what you read in the website, we know we are the central path, but we are the accumulation of the knowledge of many paths, and the root of these paths we call Spiritual Satanism.
Kamiha Kamiwo Tsukaimasu said:I also believe, most christians deserve to die! As I would have deserved it as well... I am just taking them at their own hohly words: the nazarene said "Don't judge others, and you will not be judged". Fact is: christians are also the most judgmental people on Earth, thus all sinning again their own master. And what are the wages of sin according to their holy hook? Death!
Christians are the most hypocritical people. Everything they say to "not" do, they do constantly in reverse psychology. They say "Do not murder", but they have been the first and most intolerant murderers in history as a mob, like Muslims. All of these people are on a level which is psychologically immature to a dangerous level, and Christianity justifies their mental illnesses even more, making them constantly worse.
What is the worst of it, is that they have all been duped into a total lie.
Kamiha Kamiwo Tsukaimasu said:I also used to believe that the extensive use of "I" and "my" would be bad, showing a lack of humility. But in the meanwhile, I have understood the importance of using "I".
I did the best thing in my life leaving christianity for good!
The individual has a place in the whole. The mentality that Christianity preaches, a false "leave yourself behind", causes the human individual self to recoil and die, causing severe reactions and it's a very unnatural way to live life. Therefore, Christians spend eternally stuck into their "I". Most Christians are only about their little self and nothing else.
You did good to leave Christianity, no matter where you might end up to.
Kamiha Kamiwo Tsukaimasu said:I moved to Thailand at age 41, as the borders opened again amidst covid-19. I studied a little about buddhism. One interesting aspect is about enlightenment: buddhists compare it with climbing a mountain. And they believe there can be many ways to reach the top of the mountain, unlike the christian only-one-narrow-way... But from what I observe here in Thailand and before in Cambodia as well, buddhism also has its fair share of rotten fruits! I don't want to get into further detail, since I did not study buddhism like I studied christianity, and since I don't have any resentment toward buddhists as I have toward christians.
The same underlying psychology that Christians have is also existing in many Buddhists, which have corrupted and deviated from their own teachings of accepting others.
Kamiha Kamiwo Tsukaimasu said:I accidentally discovered the lov***i.com website and about Enki. Upon reading some interesting articles and hearing some videos from her, I started to research about C*** B***t.
The woman who "owned" this site, stole and copy pasted massively from the Joy of Satan. For the rest of her theft, she copied basically sigils and everything the JoS had, and tried to copy the rest. Because everyone could easily see that she copied all of this from the Joy of Satan, most people ended up like yourself in the Joy of Satan.
She even copied I and everything the JoS does with Rituals and so on, which is in itself frankly pathetic, but fitting when one is poor in spirit like people who do these things are. It's hard to mention something that she hasn't stolen, because she stole everything, and then tried to sell things too.
What is even stupider, is that she tried to sell the already free information from JoS, which invites the wrath of the Gods very directly, since this knowledge is intended to be free for mankind to advance in the JoS and not behind a wall that people cannot reach.
Among her dumbest beliefs is that "Anu", which is a generic form for the word "heaven" in the Sumerian Epics, is actually an enemy of "Enki and Enlil" [Satan and Beelzebul] and that these forces are at "war". This came from some nonsense and lack of knowledge of occult allegories, but this was too stolen from our previous Yahoo Groups.
After she was kicked out, she made a plagiaristic failed copy of JoS, which made most people shocked into how evident the theft was in the first years. Then, she added more delusional nonsense garbage that served nobody nowhere, and big rants, to try to write some content.
Conveniently, she removed important segments of the teachings of the JoS from "her" teachings, and just blamed "Anu", which is the name of the Sumerian Allegory for the Planet Uranus, as the "cause of all evils" - removing all mentions of jews or any other "worldly" elements.
That "site", in contrast to JoS which is around from 2002, is very recent. Her website has a fake mention of 2009, but it didn't even exist until mid 2012, as easily seen from the Internet Archive. I write the above as reference so you understand what kind of theft she has done.
You are free to draw your own conclusions from there on, but I just had to inform you of the history of this.
Kamiha Kamiwo Tsukaimasu said:I have this healthy habit to question everything. And this is exactly how I found this present forum: her website and her name is mentioned in one of the topics, it was not difficult for Google to find this forum. Then, I discovered your websites Joy of Satan, Death of Communism and co., and started to read them.
I decided to register, first to read, then to ask questions.
I always question everything, so I hope I will not offend people with my questions.
I have this healthy habit to question everything; it is precisely that healthy habit that helped me get out of the hoax.
I thank you very much for your kind attention.
You will not offend us. Many people here would be more than willing to answer you and help you out. Most people here are polite and we are very tolerant, if we are respected. The only ones we cannot tolerate is the Christians and Muslims who come to enforce their "Creed" on us.
Make sure to read all our websites and our materials, to take what you can from us. Good luck in your research.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666