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I read one book on the grail 4 months ago and here I am.....


New member
Feb 3, 2025
Well met, all.

This is an introduction, a musing, and an invitation for feedback. As the title suggests, about 4 months ago I turned thirty, and for some unknown reason I was thrown immediately into a very harsh psychological torment that persists to this day. I was tormented by why we (our race, and my particular celtic lineage) are so harshly targeted, and why history (especially the middle and dark ages) made absolutely no sense and didn't seem real, and more than anything I was overcome by a deep sense of spiritual dissatisfaction with my predominantly christian upbringing. Thankfully, Julius Evola helped me out by getting me started on the path, and now here I am! That is the introduction out of the way, and I hope you all know i'm excited to talk with you.

After getting J-pilled I started lifting every day, reading as much as I can, and I quit all porn, weed, video games, sugary foods, all that slop. Now I am primarily working on the beginning stages of learning how to practice all of this. My CHIEF priority is doing what's necessary to establish a real connection with my Daimon, and then I want to work on that "great work" I am sure many of you are probably engaged in.

I am currently trying to work my way through the JoS site, Im looking for practices specifically connected to that Daimonic connection or the "guide" as some like to call it. My questions to anyone with the whimsy to answer...

1) is anyone familiar with Frater Acher? I read his holy daimon book, and while I really enjoyed his musings on the greek and egyptian sources of daimonic communion, I of course found myself completely uninterested in any references to jewish practitioners. I am trying to find practices that will be useful and this book seemed a good place to start, but I am also wary about placing myself in any kind of relation to YHWH other than one of revulsion. Which leads to my second question...

2) What is up with Saturn, really? Seems that many believe Saturn to be the personal God of the Yehudim, and the same being as YHWH. But my assumption would be that Saturn, like most Gods, is probably devoid of good and evil, and is probably just as willing to assist us as he seems to be willing to assist the jewish practitioners. Am i wrong to assume this?

To close out my introduction I just want to wish all of you well on your own paths, if I ever come to possess any expertise of my own in this field I will attempt to be as helpful as some members of this group already have been to me.
1) I'm not. I would advise doing each of the Gods Rituals to get to know and connect with them, every once in a while: https://josrituals.org
Not right now as we are getting started on a Ritual Schedule and it's time to power up before a new God ritual is posted:

2) Pagans celebrated Saturn:

About why your life suddenly became harsh when you turned 30:
Thank you for all these great links. The posts about Saturn were especially useful to me, honestly.

I discussed the Saturn return when I did my first natal reading at 30. I had just brought an engagement and three year relationship to a close due to to her being a different race, and I think this whole return had to make me face that and other things. I am here though, trying to grow and change. I know much of the distress I describe is Saturn confronting me with my many faults. As I mentioned above, when I realized the gravity of my own spiritual situation (essentially having given up and committed myself solely to my vocation after years of spiritual frustration) and the gravity of humanity's current path, it really sobered me up. I lost the taste for all the dopamine hits. I was spiraling out of control before all this happened, and as much as I experienced psychological distress, I am wondering now if it is what will save me. If thats the case, then Saturn's wake-up call is welcome, much as it hurts.

I just finished all your links to your questions, going to look through some of these beginner QAs that could help me. I also just realized the JoS site has a whole list of rituals starting right from beginner step one. I'm relieved and thankful.

Much appreciated and nice to meet you Egon.
Thank you for all these great links. The posts about Saturn were especially useful to me, honestly.

I discussed the Saturn return when I did my first natal reading at 30. I had just brought an engagement and three year relationship to a close due to to her being a different race, and I think this whole return had to make me face that and other things. I am here though, trying to grow and change. I know much of the distress I describe is Saturn confronting me with my many faults. As I mentioned above, when I realized the gravity of my own spiritual situation (essentially having given up and committed myself solely to my vocation after years of spiritual frustration) and the gravity of humanity's current path, it really sobered me up. I lost the taste for all the dopamine hits. I was spiraling out of control before all this happened, and as much as I experienced psychological distress, I am wondering now if it is what will save me. If thats the case, then Saturn's wake-up call is welcome, much as it hurts.

I just finished all your links to your questions, going to look through some of these beginner QAs that could help me. I also just realized the JoS site has a whole list of rituals starting right from beginner step one. I'm relieved and thankful.

Much appreciated and nice to meet you Egon.
It's great you've come here, but it seems you've come here, so:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
