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Have Blind Faith in Yourself

Alexandros Iowno [JG]

Head of Activism
Aug 13, 2019
Invictvs said:
NakedPluto [JG said:
" post_id=481091 time=1704394504 user_id=21004]
Simple trance. They will need to prove themselves if they want to know more and are able in this regard. Proving one self is the constant in creating one self, a testament of existence.

Dear brothers, you do know that for someone to dedicate themselves they need to be absolutely sure, right? And that some people need more proof than others, and will only be satisfied if they open their chakras and astral senses and contact the Gods astrally, right?

How then are you just expecting them to take such a big step and do the dedication ritual (which is the most important commitment of a lifetime and cannot be undone) on blind faith alone?

Of course, before they dedicate themselves one must to whatever they have to to verify this for themselves, even if it involves feeling their energy and their chakras or awakening their astral senses or doing rituals to feel Satan's energy.

Satanism isn't a blind-faith based religion and doesn't expect to blindly do the dedication.

Opening the chakras, knowledge which came from Gods used as a means to prove the Gods? Wrong perspective!

Blind faith is not about the Gods, is not about the dedication, is not about any means for proving anything outside of you, but it is a default internal state of existing, which is to have faith in life as a whole and you as an actor in it.

This has been destroyed and never created in the first place for some majority of people. The state of the Spiritual Satanist is one that is forever anchored in complete faith that: One can get to know, one can get to resolve, one can be successful, life can be made beautiful, one can create, one can process this life.

This "blind faith" is completely required to be found within! And all is a process of consciousness that you do to with your own - to your own: being.

This is what made you destroys walls of lies and fear and come to Satan. This is what an outsider is to do, and by which the means of getting to know the Gods, chakras, spirituality and the reality is based off from. A higher quality of human revelation!

That's why you are a SS and a random human ISN'T! Because of blind faith in your own existence, which must happen for continuous advancement. Blind is because it is beyond your recognition as a direct form and value, as when it becomes as real as the material fabrics is, you become a God.

To attribute this outside of you, this means one must reach and touch with their consciousness the concept of this, such as our Gods are here for us. Blind faith is not a mental game, yet is the identity of your own lifeforce having touched the revelation that you are part of a cosmic familly and more than this. Blind faith is now the certainty that you exist.

To dedicate is a test of existence. To open the chakras is a test of existence, by which the conditions are only imposed by your own consciousness.

Now about opening the chakras being a big revelation, as a beginner it is to the extent that then it is not. Opening the chakras is not proof, it is cause and effect, being satisfied is not a measure of advancement, desiring proof is not always to be satisfied, as the laws of the Universe says so.

The source of all things in this existence is building your being and actually doing so. This is the initiator, the door and the playground of existence. This requires you to be out of your comfort zone, out of your self imposed limitation - having 'BLIND FAITH" in one self that you can somehow DO IT and BE. This is where the never ending light comes in existence- Infinity can be real now. You can reach beyond your mortal state!

Outsiders must therefore have some faith inherent to ask questions, to get to know , to achieve and become like you all did, and some of you deny it. Stop denying your own vector of force as a being, you are faith incarnate because you exist. Deny all the corruption around the subject of faith and belief done by our enemies.

Blind faith in your own being is by accepting the process of life, not denying it, it is not the enemy corruption of don't search, don't think, do not evolve, it is the opposite and it is a force that propels you and keeps you in motion as a human being. We have to make a difference here and use properly all our tools.

To an outsider this is a step into unknown and a small initiation. To the intermediate magician this is a tool and need for establishing existence even more, and to the advanced is the step towards illumination - Blind faith is to have the guts to admit and touch the Infinity that is beyond you in all ways, this requires for you to identify with existence.
Thank you for sharing this wisdom.
I'll reply pretending to be a skeptical newbie (who has read the JoS site) so that you can see it better.

NakedPluto [JG said:
" post_id=481174 time=1704478984 user_id=21004]
Opening the chakras, knowledge which came from Gods used as a means to prove the Gods? Wrong perspective!

(Pretending to be a skeptic who is new to SS) Why? The JoS site says that Satanism is about questioning everything and no blind faith is required. I want to see that the Gods are real, I can't just do the dedication where I pledge myself to Satan without even knowing that he's real! I need to test this for myself.

NakedPluto [JG said:
" post_id=481174 time=1704478984 user_id=21004]
This "blind faith" is completely required to be found within! And all is a process of consciousness that you do to with your own - to your own: being.

This is what made you destroys walls of lies and fear and come to Satan. This is what an outsider is to do, and by which the means of getting to know the Gods, chakras, spirituality and the reality is based off from. A higher quality of human revelation!

All is well, but you never addressed the fact that the dedication isn't about yourself, but about promising to honor an external being as your god. How can I honor an external being when I don't even know that he exists? Plus, what you wrote above seems just a lot of words to dodge the actual point. Keep it to the point: why should I blindly pledge to myself to a being before verifying for myself that he is real?

NakedPluto [JG said:
" post_id=481174 time=1704478984 user_id=21004]
To dedicate is a test of existence.

No, it's about pledging yourself to an external being that you don't know whether he exists or not. That's the definition of blind faith. There are other ways to test yourself that don't require blind faith in a being, I trust that you know that.

NakedPluto [JG said:
" post_id=481174 time=1704478984 user_id=21004]
Outsiders must therefore have some faith inherent to ask questions, to get to know , to achieve and become like you all did, and some of you deny it. Stop denying your own vector of force as a being, you are faith incarnate because you exist. Deny all the corruption around the subject of faith and belief done by our enemies.

Again, that's more dodging to avoid the fact that the dedication requires yourself to blindly pledge your allegiance to a being.

(back to my normal self) I could go on and on but you get the point. An outsider views this post of yours as dodging the fact that the dedication needs you to pledge yourself to a being, as stated in its prayer. That's why you should do it when you're completely sure about it and have no doubts about Satan. Plus, HP Maxine never advocated for people doing the dedication ASAP. When I was in the Yahoo groups more than a decade ago, there were people who were non-dedicated Satanists for two years and HP Maxine and the others never had any problem with them, nor did they force them to dedicate themselves.
NakedPluto [JG said:
" post_id=481174 time=1704478984 user_id=21004]
Opening the chakras, knowledge which came from Gods used as a means to prove the Gods? Wrong perspective!

(Pretending to be a newbie outsider again) All I have your word that it came from the Gods. I am not sure that the Gods are real, so I don't accept blindly your proposition that it came from the Gods. It could be that Maxine made them up or adapted them from other sources and just saying that they came from the Gods. Actually she didn't even say that they came from the Gods, she only mentioned specific meditations that came from the Gods (like the Merkaba), not most others. (End pretending)

I can do this all day long, I hope you see how outsiders view your post. Those who aren't sure that the Gods exist don't believe that they came from the Gods, obviously.
Invictvs said:
I'll reply pretending to be a skeptical newbie (who has read the JoS site) so that you can see it better.

NakedPluto [JG said:
" post_id=481174 time=1704478984 user_id=21004]
Opening the chakras, knowledge which came from Gods used as a means to prove the Gods? Wrong perspective!

(Pretending to be a skeptic who is new to SS) Why? The JoS site says that Satanism is about questioning everything and no blind faith is required. I want to see that the Gods are real, I can't just do the dedication where I pledge myself to Satan without even knowing that he's real! I need to test this for myself.

Based on what is one questioning something? On the apparent faith that something is to be known, solved or challenged? Or on the doubt of it? Because this polarity exists either way. This is an internal conviction that something is to be done or completed in one self. Faith here is the meaning that you can verify it, yes.

Invictvs said:
NakedPluto [JG said:
" post_id=481174 time=1704478984 user_id=21004]
This "blind faith" is completely required to be found within! And all is a process of consciousness that you do to with your own - to your own: being.

This is what made you destroys walls of lies and fear and come to Satan. This is what an outsider is to do, and by which the means of getting to know the Gods, chakras, spirituality and the reality is based off from. A higher quality of human revelation!

All is well, but you never addressed the fact that the dedication isn't about yourself, but about promising to honor an external being as your god. How can I honor an external being when I don't even know that he exists? Plus, what you wrote above seems just a lot of words to dodge the actual point. Keep it to the point: why should I blindly pledge to myself to a being before verifying for myself that he is real?

The fact that the knowledge was presented to you that the Gods are real among if there is also your subconscious belonging is what makes you decide if a door is to be opened or not. The dedication is not a proof of anything but your willingness on the path to know the Gods, and it is a very serious one.

The dedication is about you reaching and becoming more than you are now. It is as much as an internal event as an external one between real beings which has a quality of real bonding. The bonding here is exactly what you perceive of it to the extent that it becomes in the path, the actual relationship and advancement of one self, becoming close to Satan and the Gods.

No one told you to not verify anything, but exactly the opposite. The mechanic here is that you do all of this based either way, conscious or not, on a faith, on a potential resolve.

Invictvs said:
NakedPluto [JG said:
" post_id=481174 time=1704478984 user_id=21004]
To dedicate is a test of existence.

No, it's about pledging yourself to an external being that you don't know whether he exists or not. That's the definition of blind faith. There are other ways to test yourself that don't require blind faith in a being, I trust that you know that.

Why would you accept the non existence in this pledge you do? This question is exactly the test one must confront themselves. Yes, but also pledging to Satan is a pledge to one self as well as the correct existence, and this becomes apparent in the path.

Satanism isn't xianity, and the existence of Gods can be verified and this is done by study, inquiry, self reflection, processes of life and so on. In any way you resolve and riddle this path, the inherent need of having internal faith is real and cannot be denied as you are not a robot.
Invictvs said:
NakedPluto [JG said:
" post_id=481174 time=1704478984 user_id=21004]
Opening the chakras, knowledge which came from Gods used as a means to prove the Gods? Wrong perspective!

(Pretending to be a newbie outsider again) All I have your word that it came from the Gods. I am not sure that the Gods are real, so I don't accept blindly your proposition that it came from the Gods. It could be that Maxine made them up or adapted them from other sources and just saying that they came from the Gods. Actually she didn't even say that they came from the Gods, she only mentioned specific meditations that came from the Gods (like the Merkaba), not most others. (End pretending)

I can do this all day long, I hope you see how outsiders view your post. Those who aren't sure that the Gods exist don't believe that they came from the Gods, obviously.

And that's why there are stupid and smart people, poor and rich people, able and unable people, and we all are not equal. All that you say is true, it could.

When are we going to evidently want only the truth and not endless confusion and doubt? When one is acting towards acknowledging the truth, and this is by all aspects of life and of your being, as stated previously, a process. The difference here is that those who get to know this as real are those who didn't quit and self perpetuated themselves in the treasury of the Gods.

It is the opposite of nihilism what we are talking about here and promoting the fact that there is hope and one must use this hope, faith and confidence.
These days I've been having thoughts about the need to live life and society and have confidence and then these sermons of HP.Cobra and this post of yours came out.
And you, unbelievers that are reading, continue to doubt the gods?
Glory to the gods, glory to the Joy of Satan, glory to Janus, the god of transitions.

Just remember not to fall into delusion and madness.

I now return to life.
NakedPluto [JG said:
" post_id=481368 time=1704557812 user_id=21004]
Invictvs said:
NakedPluto [JG said:
" post_id=481174 time=1704478984 user_id=21004]
Opening the chakras, knowledge which came from Gods used as a means to prove the Gods? Wrong perspective!

(Pretending to be a newbie outsider again) All I have your word that it came from the Gods. I am not sure that the Gods are real, so I don't accept blindly your proposition that it came from the Gods. It could be that Maxine made them up or adapted them from other sources and just saying that they came from the Gods. Actually she didn't even say that they came from the Gods, she only mentioned specific meditations that came from the Gods (like the Merkaba), not most others. (End pretending)

I can do this all day long, I hope you see how outsiders view your post. Those who aren't sure that the Gods exist don't believe that they came from the Gods, obviously.

And that's why there are stupid and smart people, poor and rich people, able and unable people, and we all are not equal. All that you say is true, it could.

When are we going to evidently want only the truth and not endless confusion and doubt? When one is acting towards acknowledging the truth, and this is by all aspects of life and of your being, as stated previously, a process. The difference here is that those who get to know this as real are those who didn't quit and self perpetuated themselves in the treasury of the Gods.

It is the opposite of nihilism what we are talking about here and promoting the fact that there is hope and one must use this hope, faith and confidence.
Brother I’ve been trying to mail you but it says on your email that it wasn’t sent successfully. Let me know if you received it.
That's Daemon
(Pretending to be a newbie outsider again) All I have your word that it came from the Gods. I am not sure that the Gods are real, so I don't accept blindly your proposition that it came from the Gods. It could be that Maxine made them up or adapted them from other sources and just saying that they came from the Gods. Actually she didn't even say that they came from the Gods, she only mentioned specific meditations that came from the Gods (like the Merkaba), not most others. (End pretending)

I can do this all day long, I hope you see how outsiders view your post. Those who aren't sure that the Gods exist don't believe that they came from the Gods, obviously.
You're not looking for something outside of yourself.
Everything is connected in the grand universal scheme, the true "ONE".
If you study and try to understand Satanism without looking for elgories and perception of micro and macro patterns, your mind will remain poor and in doubt.

If you decide to go to a Buddhist temple in a few days, you'll realize that nothing is off. This interpretation is the most skeptical and pure I've had, it's not related to low-level things like matter.
It's the understanding that spirituality and what exists is already in you, there's no need to try to understand something you already know. That's why you've been told to have blind faith in yourself, to experience and suffer the good consequences of what you've ignored and remains unchanged.
a person who feels deeply has already understood everything.
Explanations are just minimalism

I recommend reading the Emerald Tablet and observing the planets

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
