Greetings to all of our Satanic Family,
I hope everyone is having a considerably good time with advancement, growth and progress. The Ritual here is to be done for 10 consecutive days.
Now in regards to the Ritual here, this continues upon the path already set on the previous Gods. The priorities of the Rituals are not in accordance to rank or power, but certain Demons will be prioritized.
Abrasax is a very wonderful God. The origins of Abrasax are very much "debated", but it is clear that Abrasax has origins in Egypt. In regards to his Name and symbolism, the symbolism is exceptionally deep and alchemical. The same goes for the Name of Abrasax which adds up in Greek Gematria to 365, or the days of the Solar Year.
Indirectly, Abrasax is related to the Solar Square [Now Sun Leo is in the 0th Degree, entering the 1st]. Through this Ritual, you will bless yourself and others.
In the Joy of Satan there is a lot work that I need to do and further fulfill in order to make this a complete system of development based on 'religion'.
A lot of things in the JoS arose out of lack of information. Albeit it is perfect compared to everything, there is a lot of wealth of information that can enrich it further.
The task happens progressively. Unfortunately is the case only because the enemy has massacred and destroyed much of the information about the old Gods.
Abrasax has been closely connected to the "Gnostic Sects". These "Gnostic Sects" range from total Jews who have nothing to do with Abrasax or anything, but are just part of Judaism, all the way down to complete and unequivocal enemies of the Jews who literally worshipped Father Satan as the Kundalini Serpent, the Savior from ignorance, and the Giver of Wisdom the Serpent.
"Historians", as they have been heavily influenced by the categorization of Christianity, just threw all of these groups "together" but also grossly mistranslated their ideas, which mostly stem from late Platonism. Lacking information because much of the info about these sects has been re-written or purged from history because of "heresy" is also another huge obstacle in knowing more about the origins of these occult fellowships.
It should be obvious, that with the enemy and so on, confusion has ensued.
Therefore, I have constructed this Ritual so people see for themselves. One does not have to love or adore Abrasax [many of us do love him dearly], but you can definitely partake in getting to know him. For the basic levels, these Rituals are good to form a relation with a God. More advanced people might have other, far more indepth experiences.
Everyone will benefit without exception.
For reasons of blasphemy, Abrasax ended up from a symbol of the Solar power and the 365 days of the year, or the "Great Archon of the Year" into yet another "lowly demon" by the enemy.
Abrasax is a supreme power. For this reason, the enemy has done everything to appropriate him and enforce their own paradigm in regards to Abrasax [as they do with anything else...].
I have to tell you this: Anything that comes from jewish sources in the Joy of Satan, the few things that "do" remain, will be updated and wiped out. No blasphemy towards any of the our Gods will be tolerated.
On doing research about Abrasax, I have read so many grotesque lies and confusing misinformation, that the situation really goes on to show how much damage the enemy has done to Gentile culture. It can be really hard to cite anything.
Jews must start to be completely removed from our thought process in the sense that they should never be able to dictate to us anything about our Gods or our culture. They have stolen enough, and damaged enough. Christians and Muslims on top of this have made the situation even worse continuing on jewish lies, to where humanity literally cannot advance because of them.
Disconnecting people from the Gods, or all important spiritual notions, has been the work of the enemy. They have turned "religion" into a program of slave creation and nothing else.
Lastly, I will not be limited by the claims of the jews, christians, or other retards like muslims. We will say the Truth and that is all there is to it. The "Convictions" of these spoiled brats are irrelevant.
While this post is dedicated to Lord Abrasax, I wanted to answer also about some other matters.
As you might have seen, lately, there has been a collective attack on our sites. The good news are that basically almost all sites have been steadily up and largely unaffected. We are growing at an unprecedented rate, but also we have a steady rise in views of all our JoS Network sites.
The enemy is aware of the above. We are not where we were 10 years ago. As another SS said, the moment we were trending on twitter, "something" decided to DDOS our sites. The first downtime was about this, the second, because we moved once again to avoid further issues. No matter what, do not worry when you see any site down, it will be restored.
Everyone can understand that our work is never ending here. One should also understand why our work is so important: We are the only place where we are restoring all of the original thought and system of spiritual ascent where the enemy is excluded.
A centuries old battle is coming at a breaking point of accumulation here. The enemy knows this, and it would be good if everyone here knew this too, and others will know too in the future in ever increasing numbers. For those who are already Spiritual Satanists, if you know, then you know.
We must stay strong and resolute and bring an end to this while pleasantly bringing ourselves back into the proper path of enlightenment and advancement, both for ourselves and humanity.
Uses of the Ritual:
1. Can be used to banish negative entities
2. Can be used to bless yourself and other Satanists
3. Can be used as preliminary Ritual or thanksgiving to Abrasax
4. For those more advanced, it can be used as an invocation.
5. To increase understanding
Below is the Ritual for Abrasax:
Link to the Ritual:
Duration: 10 days.
Fehu x10– Sowilo x10– Kenaz x10, then say ONCE
Abrasax, Great King, Blessed is your Name and of Divine ordinance,
Your Name is the Firmament of the world,
We are your blessed friends and followers,
May you see us in a friendly manner and lift us in your timeless glory.
Algiz x10– Tyr x10– Sowilo x10, then say ONCE
The people whom you guard rejoice in your protection,
you are extolled by all of us, our Great Archon
You have protected the followers of Satan for generations,
Because you have uttered for our lot: “Blessed is the lot of all Spiritual Satanists and their cup of life always full generation after generation.”
O Holy Abrasax, you lead the way out of the prison of ignorance!
Dagaz x10 – Eihwaz x10 – Sowilo x10, then say ONCE
You are the Great Archon of the 365 days,
Satan Lucifer has given you the keys of the world,
In your hands are the 365 keys of the universe.
You are a sun that shines in all directions.
Again [same as above] Dagaz x10 – Eihwaz x10 – Sowilo x10, then say ONCE
We give litanies to you,
We Spiritual Satanists pay homage to you
We are among the receivers of your greatest blessings.
Then vibrate x20 times “SATANAS AENAOS” and then “ABRASAX” x20 times,
and say x3 after you are done vibrating:
May you take care of our Spiritual Satanist family in times of need,
Great is your power, your kingship and your control.
When your name is uttered, ABRASAX, Great God,
the enemies of the Truth flee in terror.
Unclean spirits, hostile entities that are our enemies cannot withstand your might,
You obliterate ignorance and run it over with the divine Chariot of the Glowing Sun.
We are liberated by you, Holy ABRASAX.
Final Step:
After you are done with this, you can meditate on Abrasax's Sigil in the Joy of Satan, or the one below. Let yourself be immersed and to receive energy from the Abrasax.
It's important to meditate on yourself after the Ritual calmly for a few minutes.
I hope everyone is having a considerably good time with advancement, growth and progress. The Ritual here is to be done for 10 consecutive days.
Now in regards to the Ritual here, this continues upon the path already set on the previous Gods. The priorities of the Rituals are not in accordance to rank or power, but certain Demons will be prioritized.
Abrasax is a very wonderful God. The origins of Abrasax are very much "debated", but it is clear that Abrasax has origins in Egypt. In regards to his Name and symbolism, the symbolism is exceptionally deep and alchemical. The same goes for the Name of Abrasax which adds up in Greek Gematria to 365, or the days of the Solar Year.
Indirectly, Abrasax is related to the Solar Square [Now Sun Leo is in the 0th Degree, entering the 1st]. Through this Ritual, you will bless yourself and others.
In the Joy of Satan there is a lot work that I need to do and further fulfill in order to make this a complete system of development based on 'religion'.
A lot of things in the JoS arose out of lack of information. Albeit it is perfect compared to everything, there is a lot of wealth of information that can enrich it further.
The task happens progressively. Unfortunately is the case only because the enemy has massacred and destroyed much of the information about the old Gods.
Abrasax has been closely connected to the "Gnostic Sects". These "Gnostic Sects" range from total Jews who have nothing to do with Abrasax or anything, but are just part of Judaism, all the way down to complete and unequivocal enemies of the Jews who literally worshipped Father Satan as the Kundalini Serpent, the Savior from ignorance, and the Giver of Wisdom the Serpent.
"Historians", as they have been heavily influenced by the categorization of Christianity, just threw all of these groups "together" but also grossly mistranslated their ideas, which mostly stem from late Platonism. Lacking information because much of the info about these sects has been re-written or purged from history because of "heresy" is also another huge obstacle in knowing more about the origins of these occult fellowships.
It should be obvious, that with the enemy and so on, confusion has ensued.
Therefore, I have constructed this Ritual so people see for themselves. One does not have to love or adore Abrasax [many of us do love him dearly], but you can definitely partake in getting to know him. For the basic levels, these Rituals are good to form a relation with a God. More advanced people might have other, far more indepth experiences.
Everyone will benefit without exception.
For reasons of blasphemy, Abrasax ended up from a symbol of the Solar power and the 365 days of the year, or the "Great Archon of the Year" into yet another "lowly demon" by the enemy.
Abrasax is a supreme power. For this reason, the enemy has done everything to appropriate him and enforce their own paradigm in regards to Abrasax [as they do with anything else...].
I have to tell you this: Anything that comes from jewish sources in the Joy of Satan, the few things that "do" remain, will be updated and wiped out. No blasphemy towards any of the our Gods will be tolerated.
On doing research about Abrasax, I have read so many grotesque lies and confusing misinformation, that the situation really goes on to show how much damage the enemy has done to Gentile culture. It can be really hard to cite anything.
Jews must start to be completely removed from our thought process in the sense that they should never be able to dictate to us anything about our Gods or our culture. They have stolen enough, and damaged enough. Christians and Muslims on top of this have made the situation even worse continuing on jewish lies, to where humanity literally cannot advance because of them.
Disconnecting people from the Gods, or all important spiritual notions, has been the work of the enemy. They have turned "religion" into a program of slave creation and nothing else.
Lastly, I will not be limited by the claims of the jews, christians, or other retards like muslims. We will say the Truth and that is all there is to it. The "Convictions" of these spoiled brats are irrelevant.
While this post is dedicated to Lord Abrasax, I wanted to answer also about some other matters.
As you might have seen, lately, there has been a collective attack on our sites. The good news are that basically almost all sites have been steadily up and largely unaffected. We are growing at an unprecedented rate, but also we have a steady rise in views of all our JoS Network sites.
The enemy is aware of the above. We are not where we were 10 years ago. As another SS said, the moment we were trending on twitter, "something" decided to DDOS our sites. The first downtime was about this, the second, because we moved once again to avoid further issues. No matter what, do not worry when you see any site down, it will be restored.
Everyone can understand that our work is never ending here. One should also understand why our work is so important: We are the only place where we are restoring all of the original thought and system of spiritual ascent where the enemy is excluded.
A centuries old battle is coming at a breaking point of accumulation here. The enemy knows this, and it would be good if everyone here knew this too, and others will know too in the future in ever increasing numbers. For those who are already Spiritual Satanists, if you know, then you know.
We must stay strong and resolute and bring an end to this while pleasantly bringing ourselves back into the proper path of enlightenment and advancement, both for ourselves and humanity.
Uses of the Ritual:
1. Can be used to banish negative entities
2. Can be used to bless yourself and other Satanists
3. Can be used as preliminary Ritual or thanksgiving to Abrasax
4. For those more advanced, it can be used as an invocation.
5. To increase understanding
Below is the Ritual for Abrasax:
Link to the Ritual:
Duration: 10 days.
Fehu x10– Sowilo x10– Kenaz x10, then say ONCE
Abrasax, Great King, Blessed is your Name and of Divine ordinance,
Your Name is the Firmament of the world,
We are your blessed friends and followers,
May you see us in a friendly manner and lift us in your timeless glory.
Algiz x10– Tyr x10– Sowilo x10, then say ONCE
The people whom you guard rejoice in your protection,
you are extolled by all of us, our Great Archon
You have protected the followers of Satan for generations,
Because you have uttered for our lot: “Blessed is the lot of all Spiritual Satanists and their cup of life always full generation after generation.”
O Holy Abrasax, you lead the way out of the prison of ignorance!
Dagaz x10 – Eihwaz x10 – Sowilo x10, then say ONCE
You are the Great Archon of the 365 days,
Satan Lucifer has given you the keys of the world,
In your hands are the 365 keys of the universe.
You are a sun that shines in all directions.
Again [same as above] Dagaz x10 – Eihwaz x10 – Sowilo x10, then say ONCE
We give litanies to you,
We Spiritual Satanists pay homage to you
We are among the receivers of your greatest blessings.
Then vibrate x20 times “SATANAS AENAOS” and then “ABRASAX” x20 times,
and say x3 after you are done vibrating:
May you take care of our Spiritual Satanist family in times of need,
Great is your power, your kingship and your control.
When your name is uttered, ABRASAX, Great God,
the enemies of the Truth flee in terror.
Unclean spirits, hostile entities that are our enemies cannot withstand your might,
You obliterate ignorance and run it over with the divine Chariot of the Glowing Sun.
We are liberated by you, Holy ABRASAX.
Final Step:
After you are done with this, you can meditate on Abrasax's Sigil in the Joy of Satan, or the one below. Let yourself be immersed and to receive energy from the Abrasax.
It's important to meditate on yourself after the Ritual calmly for a few minutes.