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Future SS

Dec 29, 2022
I’ve been SS for 10 years I had a girl and then about 4 months later I became SS now I just recently had a boy a few years ago while I was actively SS. Probably trivial but I just wanted to share. You guys are like family to me. I don’t really have any friends I don’t really find anyone fun or interesting anymore but I don’t mind. Also any tips on how I can raise my boy and girl in the world.
I’ve been SS for 10 years I had a girl and then about 4 months later I became SS now I just recently had a boy a few years ago while I was actively SS. Probably trivial but I just wanted to share. You guys are like family to me. I don’t really have any friends I don’t really find anyone fun or interesting anymore but I don’t mind. Also any tips on how I can raise my boy and girl in the world.
If I had a child, I would make sure to first raise him according to the ethical virtues promoted by Satanism, it is important to raise your child by teaching him ethical principles, which are these:
Having a good father who truly teaches you what the true values of the universe are is essential. Who believes in you and explains to you the value of perseverance and personal hard work that pays off independently of our individual starting point. This is truly essential.

I would have liked to have parents who taught me in these aspects from an early age, so that I could have the opportunity to unlock my potential. Instead my parents, in addition to being violent psychopaths, taught me things that oscillate between nothing and a disgusting way of seeing life typical of Christians (whose only higher ideal is licking Christ's feet) and violent madmen.

I maintain with all my strength, because of these experiences, that the most correct way to be a parent is to truly love your child. If you have even the slightest awareness of how Father Satan carries out his role as Father of Satanists, you will know how he cares for them, is understanding, loving, does not tire of them, does not impose, but guides you towards the right path, being firm and realistic about not accepting the negative doctrines of this world, and gives you the opportunity to grow with your own strength without taking his protection to extremes, but leaving you free to live your life.

This is one of the many pieces of advice that can be given to you and I have only done my part regarding my experiences too.
Regarding the first part of your message. It's the same thing I feel. Joy of Satan is my home and its members my brothers and sisters. I am truly proud of such a family.
I’ve been SS for 10 years I had a girl and then about 4 months later I became SS now I just recently had a boy a few years ago while I was actively SS. Probably trivial but I just wanted to share. You guys are like family to me. I don’t really have any friends I don’t really find anyone fun or interesting anymore but I don’t mind. Also any tips on how I can raise my boy and girl in the world.
Give them the right knowledge for each stage of their lives.
Guide them by not living life for them; this is a mistake that parents often make.

Show them the right habits, their brains will adjust in a way to healthy and balanced habits.
I’ve been SS for 10 years I had a girl and then about 4 months later I became SS now I just recently had a boy a few years ago while I was actively SS. Probably trivial but I just wanted to share. You guys are like family to me. I don’t really have any friends I don’t really find anyone fun or interesting anymore but I don’t mind. Also any tips on how I can raise my boy and girl in the world.
First of all, my confratulation for having kids, they found gold growing with a SS mother! Had I this possibility I would have had a much better life.
I have no kids, so I am of no help in practical terms.
What I noticed is that, in families, organizations, companies, etc. the boss is always of influence on his/her family members, partners or workers, because the boss' will and energies will somehow guide people below his/her authority, in his/her values. I think same goes for SS family, as long as you are a strong SS and you are in control of your kids, you will lead them towards a Satanic life unconsciously. I would pay attention to not letting the media and masses of NPC to become their "idols" to interfere. By being their reference and their "boss" until they grow up, your power and your aura will lead them to unconsciously think "Satanic" and their energies will be better, only because you take care of them.
I noticed this with flowers, when I take care of them (I should do this more often...) they bloom better and stand up rich of positive energies. I unconsciously channeled into them my will of seeing them grow healthy, and they are sort of under my responsibility, so they stay stronger than an average flower alone.

I am also quite alone and I dislike most of people around, not because I hate them, but because spending time with them to talk about nothingness is a loss of time,
I think the only true friends we could have are around here.
Don't give them a phone or tv until eighteen. You may give them a only call phone, later.

It's better if they don't know about these.
Don't give them a phone or tv until eighteen. You may give them a only call phone, later.

It's better if they don't know about these.
I absolutely agree with your advice. Children completely fry their brains with these electronic devices. Furthermore, in my opinion, this excess of stimuli does not allow them to focus on the truly important things in their growth.
Dacă aş avea un copil, m-aş asigura să-l cresc mai întâi în conformitate cu virtuţile etice promovate de satanism, este important să-ţi creşti copilul învăţându-l principiile etice, care sunt următoarele:
A avea un tată bun care să te învețe cu adevărat care sunt adevăratele valori ale universului este esențial. Cine crede în tine și îți explică valoarea perseverenței și a muncii personale care se răsplătește independent de punctul nostru de plecare individual. Acest lucru este cu adevărat esențial.

Mi-ar fi plăcut să am părinți care m-au învățat în aceste aspecte de la o vârstă fragedă, astfel încât să pot avea ocazia să-mi deblochez potențialul. În schimb, părinţii mei, pe lângă faptul că erau psihopaţi violenţi, m-au învăţat lucruri care oscilează între nimic şi un mod dezgustător de a vedea viaţa tipică creştinilor (al căror ideal superior este să lingă picioarele lui Hristos) şi nebunii violenţi.

Susțin cu toată puterea mea, din cauza acestor experiențe, că modul cel mai corect de a fi părinte este să-ți iubești cu adevărat copilul. Dacă aveți chiar și cea mai mică conștientizare a modului în care Tatăl Satan își îndeplinește rolul de Tată al Sataniștilor, veți ști cum îi pasă de ei, este înțelegere, iubire, nu obosește de ei, nu impune, ci vă ghidează spre calea cea dreaptă, fiind ferm și realist în a nu accepta doctrinele negative ale acestei lumi și vă oferă posibilitatea de a crește cu propria putere, fără a lua protecția lui la extreme, dar lăsându-vă liber să trăiască viața ta.

Acesta este unul dintre multele sfaturi care vă pot fi date și am făcut doar partea mea în ceea ce privește experiențele mele.
În prima parte a mesajului. Este același lucru pe care îl simt. Bucuria lui Satan este casa mea şi a membrilor ei, fraţii şi surorile mele. Sunt cu adevărat mândru de o astfel de familie.
Same my story childhood and same (mother him) story My baby " His father never recognize my son " and I grow up with my mother (grandma his ) I am strong woman and I never give up because I know realise more evenimently happy face applaused hands and he hugs me or kisses sweet(up tooths my boy).
Don't give them a phone or tv until eighteen. You may give them a only call phone, later.

It's better if they don't know about these.

This is perhaps too suppressing. Would they have no phone even in high school? When everyone around them would have phone, computer and everything in elementary school? They will "know" about these even if you don't tell them. Most kids learns about porn, and swearing words, and all that BS from their friends, and not from their parents. Just because one kid of the group have learnt this from their parents.

Maybe if you home school your child, but socializing is insanely important for a human, and they should socialize at a young age too.

There are also a lot of games and videos that will only teach very good things to your child. I would say that they should not touch any of this until like 5th grade in elementary school, but not until 18. But even than they should only use it moderately with their best interest in mind.
Just raise your children in the best way you can. Also, do not forget about your own well being as it is crucial for the well being of your own children. This is not a rocket science. Since you dedicated to Father Satan, it shows you were accepted by Him, and you were accepted by Him, because you have a good character. 🙂
Congrats and Bless! I wish you the best Sister, give them their best lives they would ever have!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
