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For those who still don't get it: The Reality of China


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2017
There have been attempts at praising this form of rule here, to which I've always responded, and continue to respond that the people who do this are disconnected from reality and complete retards, but before I go on a tangent, here's what this is about.



Apparently, a genocidal movement has sparked in china, in which the young generations of chinese have sworn to not reproduce, and end their own race and kill their own nation. Which to anyone with even a modicum of intelligence, is not surprising. The only surprising thing here is how this has not begun sooner.

They are trying their hardest to censor this, but this goes beyond the internet and memes. This is something the chinese young feel deep within their soul. There is no hope, there is no joy, there is nothing but suffering and abuse, and they are now choosing to let it end with them, rather than perpetuate this torment onto other souls.

What you sometimes see, when someone wanting to die spiritually because they have suffered too much, is now happening nation-wide. This is more severe than you might think. This is only the tip of the iceberg.

When you crush a people's spirit through constant, vicious tyrannical abuse and domination, and the people lose faith and love for their leaders and their own nation, this is the expected outcome.

Now, the anime obsessed man-children with no real life experience or understanding of reality, who sit in a cozy room jacking off to anime girls, praising a regime that would viciously abuse and torture them if they lived there, will perhaps finally wake up to the reality of such style of rule. Probably not, there is no hope for such delusional and weak males.

China's days are numbered and with it collapse the arguments that defend this disgusting cesspool. They do not promote race mixing because they have already enslaved and domesticated the chinese people, there is no need to use race mixing to further weaken these people, they are already domesticated slaves, who are now choosing to end their own race.

It does not at all matter that they do not have jews in their government if they rule exactly as a jew would. This is the end result of the jewish-made red plague. A people so crushed and abused who begin to work towards their OWN genocide to be free of this tyranny and torment.

To praise the reds is one of the greatest crimes one can commit against their people and their nation, it is the highest treason. For you are aiding in spreading a plague that destroys entire nations and annihilates entire races. This goes beyond censorship, if you do this, you should be punished.

I have nothing else to say. Just that if you praise communism and commie regimes, in any capacity, in any way, you should ****. You are an embarrassment of a human being and a race traitor. And you will get what's coming to you.
I agree, and I understand, but torture to death and suicide absolutisms, that which come often from you, are laughable regardless of the intensity or necessary emphasis of this. You can abstain or put it in other more approachable form, for a proper reading.
There are freedom loving Chinese people in Western countries let China collapse I just hope those of us who are JOS over there can survive the collapse of such a system it usually doesn't end very well when I do the anti war rituals I also focus a little on China hoping for a government change maybe Taiwan will invade them if their power structure collapses and their government the nationals can take back control.
I have also been watching into through YouTube channels like business basics etc they do some good reporting on the trillions of dollars of debt china is in from poor management and as you say extortionate abuse of the people.
Another reminder that the Jews need to be stopped and destroyed completely with the RTRs. I've done the RTRs that were scheduled Today, Yesterday, Wednesday, Tuesday, and Monday.

I've seen a glimpse of this on a twitter post about this on April before my account there got banned, but all this over a damned "flu" the Jews have made. I never expected Jewish magecraft, specifically their thought-forms to have this much of an effect on the world. I know there was a post here that China is now recognizing the Jews as a threat, but is still loyal to the CCP. If the Chinese Gentiles can do their own (loose) sleuthing, maybe they can, without getting caught (Which is difficult for them to do), figure out that the Jews have planned this Scamdemic.

I have a disturbing question that has been in my head for this week, but I want to get it out of my chest: Have the Jews corrupted optimism? Exploiting it, I can understand, as they can use it to distract the NPCs, but is it possible for them to corrupt optimism, one of the most positive emotions on the planet?
NakedPluto said:
I agree, and I understand, but torture to death and suicide absolutisms, that which come often from you, are laughable regardless of the intensity or necessary emphasis of this. You can abstain or put it in other more approachable form, for a proper reading.

It reminds me of this quote:
“Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche

I hope I am not getting this out of context.

My take on this is that in some countries around the world, you can see communist parties taking nationalist stances in many regards. This can be confusing for many people and some may end up supporting these parties for not knowing or having anything better to support to fight against neoliberalism (or even capitalism, depending on how you want to frame it). I think we should have patience with people and approach them with as much emotional intelligence as possible.
Sadly, the narrative surrounding China has been blurred lately. The same people who I saw absolutely roasting China a year ago, are now the same people singing its praises. As I've said in previous posts, notions of an easily identifiable "left vs right" have gone out the window even further in recent times, and it's become a borderline worthless mytheme. For example, you get certain aspects of the right who are praising Putin, never mind the fact Putin has been doing little else other than kissing Xi Jinping's boots and acting absolutely submissive to him. You can't hate China while praising Jewtin, that's about as mentally hypocritical as the Bible itself, so I've seen more and more people simply just give in and praise China for proudly being a dystopian nightmare country.

Again regarding the death of the left vs right, China in and of itself, is a perfect example. The average American will associate their perception of Communism with any number of things, including absolutely cancerized radical feminism and corrupted LGBTQIwhatever nonsense, nevermind Communist China has astoundingly garbage women's and homosexual rights and routinely commits wide scale ethnic cleansings. Same goes for the idiots on the left. They praise Communism, well, there you go, move to China and see how free and progressive real world Communism is in action. Same exact thing went for the Soviet Union. No word of a lie, I saw someone on /pol/ once praise China and Russia for their wide scale censorship because it "kept libtarded western journalism out". It's funny how willing people are to shoot themselves in the foot so long as their perceived enemies suffer.

Regarding the people here, who praise idiots like Putin and Xi Jingping, you have to realize, these "leaders" who outwardly posteur themselves as "strong authoritarian governments" or whatever, aren't the answer you're looking for to replace weak leaders. People worship these insane crypto-jews because they believe in the idea the Sino-Russian alliance (which doesn't even truly exist) is propped up against Western NATO Jews. For all the surface level warmongering, there are people playing both sides. These conflicts only undermine the common man. The people at the top will always benefit from these situations.

Dahaarkan is right, in that there can't really be any quarter given to tolerating these systems. You can't be a Satanist/Pagan, praising things like Communism or Xianity for tertiary aspects of their systems. This has genuinely been something I've been noticing in recent times, too many idiots who are listening to Xian preachers just because they speak from a conservative viewpoint or whatever. Newsflash, Xianity is not pro-family, there's literal scripture in there that's anti-family. Nobody can really afford to piecemeal support these systems or regimes, and the reason I even bring Xianity up in this context is because for all of China's supposed Atheism they've left the Cathoshit church run rampant in recent times within their own borders. And the mindset of a Communist pleb is one perfectly ready to adopt Xianity. Look what happened in Russia. Though I'm less of the tone to beg for people's violent demise, I still agree in essence that as time goes on there can be no quarter given to the enemy's systems, regardless of whether or not they show one or two aspects out of thousands that one could consider not as blasphemous as everything else. Give Communist/Abrahamic types an inch, they will take a mile. We call them cancers, because they behave like it.
Dahaarkan said:


I'm surprised you let these parts go through Cobra- :lol:

"This goes beyond censorship, if you do this, you should be tortured to death."

That's advocating violence

"I have nothing else to say. Just that if you praise communism and commie regimes, in any capacity, in any way, you should kill yourself immediately. You are an embarrassment of a human being and a race traitor. And you will get what's coming to you."

Right, because Darakkaharan needs to be charged with involuntary manslaughter and cause a legal mess for JoS.

You think a jewish judge would ever give JoS a fair trial if some jew decided to actually kill themselves to bring you down? Ha, think again.

If you guys wanna devolve into a terr 0rist spurge group like O9A became, then don't worry you're on the right path. If you don't, keep your boi on a tight leash.
I completely agree with you! And I fully and completely understand! Where you're coming from and what you're talking about. It is sad that we have to live in a world where people can't wake up and see what is going on around them especially since those have been brought up Christian and have been brought up under fear and told that everything is okay when it's not! Especially when we're dealing with Communism and Jews! Ridiculous rules for people to live by in the second and third world countries! And we have enough going on in our country as it is! Living here in the United States where Christian stagnant Minds have been trying to take over the Constitution with their frame of mind and the way they think! Trying to introduce that communistic bullshit into our country as well! And I can pretty much see the danger and the effects that is bringing on to the Chinese! And what it has done to the Russians as well! 🤔😢 it is not comforting to see this or to hear about it on the news! What people are having to go through in those countries when they could at least try to do something? I know that in our country we have the guts to get up and fight for what is right! Even though we have to deal with another brick wall every time we turn around! There is always a way around things and there's always a way laugh out loud to work through the problem and break it down! 🖤 I am just blessed and thankful in Satan's name that I am where I'm at! Moving in the United States! And to my self and who and what I am and make my own choices! As a free spirit and a human being. And I am with you when it comes to these situations! And that at least we are not alone! We know who we are and we know whose side we are on! HAIL SATAN!!!⚡💀 fighting to protect our race and fighting for what is right! Fighting for our ancestors and fighting for our freedom! And the fight for knowledge and truth is priceless!🖤 HAIL SATAN!!! HAIL the JOS!!💯🔥
NakedPluto said:
I agree, and I understand, but torture to death and suicide absolutisms, that which come often from you, are laughable regardless of the intensity or necessary emphasis of this. You can abstain or put it in other more approachable form, for a proper reading.

It's not "funny". Daharakahan could get fucked by this emotional outburst. I can see it clearly, it's what I'd do if I were them. The "straw that broke the camels back" probably isn't too far away if he keeps this rhetoric up.
NakedPluto said:
I agree, and I understand, but torture to death and suicide absolutisms, that which come often from you, are laughable regardless of the intensity or necessary emphasis of this. You can abstain or put it in other more approachable form, for a proper reading.

Pluto, please understand that some of us live in less fortunate countries and we have seen and been experiencing enough death and torture and suicide that it has gotten common for us.
Dahaarkan is right. Why shouldn't such people have such a fate eventually? I think that this is pretty readable because it conveys the exact emotions that we will all convey when for example, muslim fucks come and try to beat and kill your sister, mother or wife for not putting a scarf on their head. Which is precisely what recently happened in Iran or Iraq i think.
But those countries have been plagued with communism and Islam and they have been under chinas thumb ( especially Iran ) that the ppl cant do shit no matter how many riots they do. Its because their spirit has been systematically broken through generations of slavery and dictatorship.
I agree with what you've said. The fact that you mentioned /pol/ and other idiots with similar ideas exposes them as right wing communists. In fact, many people of today who are part of Neo-Nazi groups are inflenced at least at 10% by Communism and other Jewish shit. It is impossible to count how many Neo-Nazis and Neo-Fascists claims to hate Communism but praises the CCP. In the end, both the regular /pol/ and /leftypol/ are not that different.

We should also not forget that these /pol/ users are anti-social and would've been jailed in Concentration Camps if we were in a National Socialist society, as they were among the targets of SS with Jews, gypsies, pedophiles, Jehovah's Witnesses and Communists.

How can they really call themselves "Nationalsocialists" if they hate "3D" women, embrace Incel/MGTOW ideas, promotes (((Bodybuilding))) over actual sports and useful excercises, have no respect for animals and nature, wants Pedophilia to be legal, prefer videogames over some healthy books, opposes eugenics, praise Autism and other mental illnesses, loves Jews when they wear a cross, support racial suprematism and the invasion of non-white territories, cannot distinguish between Fascism and Nazism, have South Park-like degenerate humor and want to impose the same religious organization that did everything in their power to oppose the Third Reich?
NakedPluto said:
I agree, and I understand, but torture to death and suicide absolutisms, that which come often from you, are laughable regardless of the intensity or necessary emphasis of this. You can abstain or put it in other more approachable form, for a proper reading.
That was literally two lines at the end of his entire post and did not affect me in the slightest in reading and understanding. (Even if they were placed at the beginning of the post, they still wouldn't have affected me)

After all, is it not true that as we reach our own goal in this world, people who support communism will have to change their beliefs, or they will just be in the enemy's side? I believe this is not laughable at all, and it's extremely serious. Perhaps you haven't understood the seriousness of this.

Also, commenting on an informative post and trying to find one bad thing (according to your standards, as this is an siubjective thing), instead of contributing with more information on the topic at hand is pointless, and it will most likely sidetrack the answers from the original topic. I've always hated seeing this in posts. If you are so bothered by Dahaarkan's way of expressing himself, either send him a private message (and avoid loitering an informative post) or don't comment at all. You literally added nothing to this post, other than a negative remark which wasn't needed.


I also want to say that for all my life, I only met two people who supported communism (and did so hardcore). Both of them was when I was very young.

One of them I had met online (eh..) and I wanted to do a meditation with energy on him from up close to show him how real meditation was (eh eh... Don't do the stupid shit I did :roll: ).

Anyway, I had told that "person" (he was a Gentile, I'm sure) that I liked drawing and when we met, he started telling me that art had no meaning and he couldn't understand why I did it... I told him that a piece of artwork could even incite wars or peace, could inspire people etc etc, and he just couldn't understand it.
Then, when the time came that I was about to do that energy work on him, he suddenly said that he doesn't want me to (although he had agreed online) because he didn't want me to "change his beliefs".
In other words, if there was the slightest chance he would feel something, he didn't want me to do it and change his beliefs. The truth was never his concern, of course.

The other guy I knew was always telling me how human emotions are just chemical reactions and that we don't really "feel" but everything is just material. After some years he got involved with the Greek communist party and I lost touch with him. After maaany years I came across his mother and found out that he and his current girlfriend (they're living together) are sooo busy with work and the communist party that they go to his mother to eat because they don't have time to cook...

I know my experiences with communists are not many, but I think there must be something very wrong with these people inside their heads. In the end, it's never just a political opinion. It's a way of living and thinking as a whole, and it's very, very wrong.
I thought the jews wanted to turn the Chinese into the first "grays" of Earth but this is equally bad. Now I get what our RTRs are for.
We should not worry much about the Chinese, but we should worry about Europe and the U.S., which have given all the global market to China and sold businesses and property to the Chinese.

I don't think the Chinese government has completely espoused the Jewish ideal of communism in the sense that the Chinese people are slaves of the Jews. It would be a problem for the Chinese if they deprived themselves of spirituality.

Chinese social credit is a good thing, it is pure meritocracy but also a way to rule justly. With social credit you can discipline people to behave properly, for example I read that the Chinese put more points on people who visit relatives at least 2-3 times a year etc. I don't remember exactly....instead of treating relatives as strangers and hating and envying them. But there must be certainty that this system is not falsified.

The reaction of some Chinese in such news is childish and silly. Surely the Chinese government needs to improve in something but it is certainly better than having Christians or Jews in the government.
NakedPluto said:
I agree, and I understand, but torture to death and suicide absolutisms, that which come often from you, are laughable regardless of the intensity or necessary emphasis of this. You can abstain or put it in other more approachable form, for a proper reading.

I understand why Dahaarkan uses this incendiary style. There is too much vaunting of owning nothing over the years, spiting money, praising the Nepturanian loonybin, advocating jerking off to anime or playing video games endlessly instead of going outside or making connections and from some, even getting angry at the idea of donations. You can do very little without money and collective wealth. This attitude of 'own nothing and prepare for the end' leads some into finding China desirable. Which is kind of like saying 'if I'm homeless, at least prison is an option'. This needs harsh language.

This is also in my estimation the consequence of a society where every higher octave has been under attack for decades. During the Pluto in Leo transit that brought out the worst of the Red Guards, certain elements of society like the spiritual people and those involved with beauty, the intellectuals, those advocating responsibility and reserve, the proper role of incarceration, inheritances and properties of all kinds came under total assault. Obedience and flattery to build Mao's kingdom on earth was forged with rivers of blood, one had to praise a mango to survive. The family itself was torn apart via the fanaticism of the child. Then we have the 'One Child' policy. This is beyond contempt and it occurred in the 1990s. Not even the 1960s, the 1990s.

These sectors of society in an occult sense ARE the reason one 'goes on'.

Now this is all breeding a total disaster and this is not just a spiritual precept. The property market collapse that is coming from decades of shady investment practices like those of Ever cle@r will not only sink their country but put us in a vulnerable position, along with the collapse of Pakistan, Nigeria and other countries caught in the trap. Lunatics in the West will once more open our borders and their genitals in response to the latter as well.
NakedPluto said:
I agree, and I understand, but torture to death and suicide absolutisms, that which come often from you, are laughable regardless of the intensity or necessary emphasis of this. You can abstain or put it in other more approachable form, for a proper reading.

You're right. These kinds of topics make my blood boil and it tends to spill into my writing, I'll try to refrain from such comments in the future.
It's only normal for people to react like this in such a retarded system, look another video where the Chinese youthis tired of the compulsive and hard education system and break down into a hikikomori life style:
Generally because there is a posting privillege of being allowed to post without any checking it's a good idea to use this wisely as explained in the rules of the forum.

Do not do recurring violations please.

On the subject at hand in regards to China, most people simply have not the faintest idea. The major "Communist" brat in the United States and Europe has really never suffered a single day compared to what these people are going through on a whole lifetime basis.

Even if a person is poor, they have not suffered being carried out over nothing in a military camp for rehabilitation if they question anyone and so on.

It is also shocking to see that "The Last Generation" is being sparked in China, while at the same time, "The Last Generation" is also playing here simply because people have become too soft, careless and entitled, unable to exist in life.

The first however, became that from living an utterly depressing life of a Communism socially created regime. The latter, because they simply have simply let go for nonsensical reasons, that were again based on mentalities that have been summed up in the modern 'Leftist' movement which is essentially a form of proto-communism.

Apparently Communism and Social Communism, all breed out the same final end. The youth ends up wanting to kill itself somehow to stop it's misery.

Of all the problems one could imagine for any society, these are the biggest. It is literally crazy if one thinks about it.
VerSus said:
China painting it's mountains green to fool people that the mountains are "Green" with natural greenery.

:shock: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Cvc7VymDa4c
GoyVeyII said:
NakedPluto said:
I agree, and I understand, but torture to death and suicide absolutisms, that which come often from you, are laughable regardless of the intensity or necessary emphasis of this. You can abstain or put it in other more approachable form, for a proper reading.

It's not "funny". Daharakahan could get fucked by this emotional outburst. I can see it clearly, it's what I'd do if I were them. The "straw that broke the camels back" probably isn't too far away if he keeps this rhetoric up.

It is essentially only funny as more than this what? 2 words hurt you directly? Snowflakes like you could "get fucked", yes.

It is only about the forum rules and refining our communication. For those who do not understand it is a long shot to say such things by generalization to our stupid gentiles, etc. The generalization if not understood can lead to misunderstandings and so on. Statements like these can inflame and create polarizing thoughts which in the end do not aid in understanding, judgement. It is a question of fairness regarding communication, not the subject itself.

Karnonnos said:
NakedPluto said:
I agree, and I understand, but torture to death and suicide absolutisms, that which come often from you, are laughable regardless of the intensity or necessary emphasis of this. You can abstain or put it in other more approachable form, for a proper reading.

I understand why Dahaarkan uses this incendiary style. There is too much vaunting of owning nothing over the years, spiting money, praising the Nepturanian loonybin, advocating jerking off to anime or playing video games endlessly instead of going outside or making connections and from some, even getting angry at the idea of donations. You can do very little without money and collective wealth. This attitude of 'own nothing and prepare for the end' leads some into finding China desirable. Which is kind of like saying 'if I'm homeless, at least prison is an option'. This needs harsh language.

Those people are insane, and they deserve their own undoing and natural reaction of life, which comes very hard and hits like a train. More than this to say, pales in comparison. I believe nature and life has extraordinary means of balance and cause and effect. In short time individually and collectively, consequences come.

Yagami Light said:
NakedPluto said:
I agree, and I understand, but torture to death and suicide absolutisms, that which come often from you, are laughable regardless of the intensity or necessary emphasis of this. You can abstain or put it in other more approachable form, for a proper reading.
That was literally two lines at the end of his entire post and did not affect me in the slightest in reading and understanding. (Even if they were placed at the beginning of the post, they still wouldn't have affected me)

After all, is it not true that as we reach our own goal in this world, people who support communism will have to change their beliefs, or they will just be in the enemy's side? I believe this is not laughable at all, and it's extremely serious. Perhaps you haven't understood the seriousness of this.

Also, commenting on an informative post and trying to find one bad thing (according to your standards, as this is an siubjective thing), instead of contributing with more information on the topic at hand is pointless, and it will most likely sidetrack the answers from the original topic. I've always hated seeing this in posts. If you are so bothered by Dahaarkan's way of expressing himself, either send him a private message (and avoid loitering an informative post) or don't comment at all. You literally added nothing to this post, other than a negative remark which wasn't needed.

I have not tried to find anything, especially a bad thing. Thank you for your comment.

CaspianTheDreamer said:
NakedPluto said:
I agree, and I understand, but torture to death and suicide absolutisms, that which come often from you, are laughable regardless of the intensity or necessary emphasis of this. You can abstain or put it in other more approachable form, for a proper reading.

Pluto, please understand that some of us live in less fortunate countries and we have seen and been experiencing enough death and torture and suicide that it has gotten common for us.
Dahaarkan is right. Why shouldn't such people have such a fate eventually? I think that this is pretty readable because it conveys the exact emotions that we will all convey when for example, muslim fucks come and try to beat and kill your sister, mother or wife for not putting a scarf on their head. Which is precisely what recently happened in Iran or Iraq i think.
But those countries have been plagued with communism and Islam and they have been under chinas thumb ( especially Iran ) that the ppl cant do shit no matter how many riots they do. Its because their spirit has been systematically broken through generations of slavery and dictatorship.

As I stated I understand. Saying that however on JoS public forum watched by grandmas, spies, jews etc. is not wise and does not help with anything. That's all, what's the hurt by this? Essentially nothing, but two lines of a remark.

Dahaarkan said:
NakedPluto said:
I agree, and I understand, but torture to death and suicide absolutisms, that which come often from you, are laughable regardless of the intensity or necessary emphasis of this. You can abstain or put it in other more approachable form, for a proper reading.

You're right. These kinds of topics make my blood boil and it tends to spill into my writing, I'll try to refrain from such comments in the future.

Try to transform it, not necessarily refrain. Sometimes it is necessary to emphasize, but needs only more thought and refining on it.
Elas Qilar said:
NakedPluto said:
I agree, and I understand, but torture to death and suicide absolutisms, that which come often from you, are laughable regardless of the intensity or necessary emphasis of this. You can abstain or put it in other more approachable form, for a proper reading.

It reminds me of this quote:
“Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche

I hope I am not getting this out of context.

My take on this is that in some countries around the world, you can see communist parties taking nationalist stances in many regards. This can be confusing for many people and some may end up supporting these parties for not knowing or having anything better to support to fight against neoliberalism (or even capitalism, depending on how you want to frame it). I think we should have patience with people and approach them with as much emotional intelligence as possible.

That quote is telling of the dynamics of nature, and that ultimately, the question is that of overcoming and control, otherwise you immerse yourself in polarizing behaviors, just as a reaction of nature.
NakedPluto said:
GoyVeyII said:
NakedPluto said:
I agree, and I understand, but torture to death and suicide absolutisms, that which come often from you, are laughable regardless of the intensity or necessary emphasis of this. You can abstain or put it in other more approachable form, for a proper reading.

It's not "funny". Daharakahan could get fucked by this emotional outburst. I can see it clearly, it's what I'd do if I were them. The "straw that broke the camels back" probably isn't too far away if he keeps this rhetoric up.

It is essentially only funny as more than this what? 2 words hurt you directly? Snowflakes like you could "get fucked", yes.

It is only about the forum rules and refining our communication. For those who do not understand it is a long shot to say such things by generalization to our stupid gentiles, etc. The generalization if not understood can lead to misunderstandings and so on. Statements like these can inflame and create polarizing thoughts which in the end do not aid in understanding, judgement. It is a question of fairness regarding communication, not the subject itself.

Karnonnos said:
NakedPluto said:
I agree, and I understand, but torture to death and suicide absolutisms, that which come often from you, are laughable regardless of the intensity or necessary emphasis of this. You can abstain or put it in other more approachable form, for a proper reading.

I understand why Dahaarkan uses this incendiary style. There is too much vaunting of owning nothing over the years, spiting money, praising the Nepturanian loonybin, advocating jerking off to anime or playing video games endlessly instead of going outside or making connections and from some, even getting angry at the idea of donations. You can do very little without money and collective wealth. This attitude of 'own nothing and prepare for the end' leads some into finding China desirable. Which is kind of like saying 'if I'm homeless, at least prison is an option'. This needs harsh language.

Those people are insane, and they deserve their own undoing and natural reaction of life, which comes very hard and hits like a train. More than this to say, pales in comparison. I believe nature and life has extraordinary means of balance and cause and effect. In short time individually and collectively, consequences come.

Yagami Light said:
NakedPluto said:
I agree, and I understand, but torture to death and suicide absolutisms, that which come often from you, are laughable regardless of the intensity or necessary emphasis of this. You can abstain or put it in other more approachable form, for a proper reading.
That was literally two lines at the end of his entire post and did not affect me in the slightest in reading and understanding. (Even if they were placed at the beginning of the post, they still wouldn't have affected me)

After all, is it not true that as we reach our own goal in this world, people who support communism will have to change their beliefs, or they will just be in the enemy's side? I believe this is not laughable at all, and it's extremely serious. Perhaps you haven't understood the seriousness of this.

Also, commenting on an informative post and trying to find one bad thing (according to your standards, as this is an siubjective thing), instead of contributing with more information on the topic at hand is pointless, and it will most likely sidetrack the answers from the original topic. I've always hated seeing this in posts. If you are so bothered by Dahaarkan's way of expressing himself, either send him a private message (and avoid loitering an informative post) or don't comment at all. You literally added nothing to this post, other than a negative remark which wasn't needed.

I have not tried to find anything, especially a bad thing. Thank you for your comment.

CaspianTheDreamer said:
NakedPluto said:
I agree, and I understand, but torture to death and suicide absolutisms, that which come often from you, are laughable regardless of the intensity or necessary emphasis of this. You can abstain or put it in other more approachable form, for a proper reading.

Pluto, please understand that some of us live in less fortunate countries and we have seen and been experiencing enough death and torture and suicide that it has gotten common for us.
Dahaarkan is right. Why shouldn't such people have such a fate eventually? I think that this is pretty readable because it conveys the exact emotions that we will all convey when for example, muslim fucks come and try to beat and kill your sister, mother or wife for not putting a scarf on their head. Which is precisely what recently happened in Iran or Iraq i think.
But those countries have been plagued with communism and Islam and they have been under chinas thumb ( especially Iran ) that the ppl cant do shit no matter how many riots they do. Its because their spirit has been systematically broken through generations of slavery and dictatorship.

As I stated I understand. Saying that however on JoS public forum watched by grandmas, spies, jews etc. is not wise and does not help with anything. That's all, what's the hurt by this? Essentially nothing, but two lines of a remark.

Dahaarkan said:
NakedPluto said:
I agree, and I understand, but torture to death and suicide absolutisms, that which come often from you, are laughable regardless of the intensity or necessary emphasis of this. You can abstain or put it in other more approachable form, for a proper reading.

You're right. These kinds of topics make my blood boil and it tends to spill into my writing, I'll try to refrain from such comments in the future.

Try to transform it, not necessarily refrain. Sometimes it is necessary to emphasize, but needs only more thought and refining on it.

Fine, fine, fine, FINE. Don't come crying to me when what I said HAPPENS EXACTLY AS I PREDICTED.

Darhraarrrakan is a person who fundamentally enjoys causing pain and suffering, I can empathize with that a little bit. It's fun to see someone deserving squeal like a little piggy only to attract even more predators and general hardships. His post doesn't offend me, but it was inappropriate according to JoS's actual and ideal narrative. In his psychic vampirism posts his behavior was exposed to be a cruel narcissistic person who's willing to cause hardship out of jealousy and frustration, even when it's less efficient than working on myself to fix the problem.

He's a pathetic person who can only be a "tough guy" online. In reality, he can't even be a psychopath right. Shame.
DisillusionedCitizen said:
Another reminder that the Jews need to be stopped and destroyed completely with the RTRs. I've done the RTRs that were scheduled Today, Yesterday, Wednesday, Tuesday, and Monday.

I've seen a glimpse of this on a twitter post about this on April before my account there got banned, but all this over a damned "flu" the Jews have made. I never expected Jewish magecraft, specifically their thought-forms to have this much of an effect on the world. I know there was a post here that China is now recognizing the Jews as a threat, but is still loyal to the CCP. If the Chinese Gentiles can do their own (loose) sleuthing, maybe they can, without getting caught (Which is difficult for them to do), figure out that the Jews have planned this Scamdemic.

I have a disturbing question that has been in my head for this week, but I want to get it out of my chest: Have the Jews corrupted optimism? Exploiting it, I can understand, as they can use it to distract the NPCs, but is it possible for them to corrupt optimism, one of the most positive emotions on the planet?

Does it matter that much if the CCP isn't run by jews if they are exactly like jews. If they use jewish methods of governance, and reduce their people to domesticated cattle the way jews would.

Does it matter if they aren't jews if they are running a jew's wet dream of a government...this is what I don't understand when people start arguing china is some kind of rogue nation going against the jews.

Christians and muslims will also tell you they are against the jews but in the end they serve jewish interests whether they are aware of it or not. I'm really at my wits end with red sympathizers.
Sunny said:
We should not worry much about the Chinese, but we should worry about Europe and the U.S., which have given all the global market to China and sold businesses and property to the Chinese.

I don't think the Chinese government has completely espoused the Jewish ideal of communism in the sense that the Chinese people are slaves of the Jews. It would be a problem for the Chinese if they deprived themselves of spirituality.

Chinese social credit is a good thing, it is pure meritocracy but also a way to rule justly. With social credit you can discipline people to behave properly, for example I read that the Chinese put more points on people who visit relatives at least 2-3 times a year etc. I don't remember exactly....instead of treating relatives as strangers and hating and envying them. But there must be certainty that this system is not falsified.

The reaction of some Chinese in such news is childish and silly. Surely the Chinese government needs to improve in something but it is certainly better than having Christians or Jews in the government.

Explain to me in which ways the chinese govt operates differently to any kike. They are trying to financially enslave entire nations and have reduced their own people to cattle. If you disobey them it is not enough that you be punished but they punish your children and grandchildren as well.

You are not allowed to have a voice and anything can be taken from you at any time even your life for whatever reason they decide. You are reduced to cattle completely at their mercy. The moment the CCP becomes aware of spirituality and it's potential threat to them it will become illegal to even meditate.

I am not doing RTRs to free our people from kike influence just so we can be enslaved by CCP instead.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Generally because there is a posting privillege of being allowed to post without any checking it's a good idea to use this wisely as explained in the rules of the forum.

Do not do recurring violations please.

On the subject at hand in regards to China, most people simply have not the faintest idea. The major "Communist" brat in the United States and Europe has really never suffered a single day compared to what these people are going through on a whole lifetime basis.

Even if a person is poor, they have not suffered being carried out over nothing in a military camp for rehabilitation if they question anyone and so on.

It is also shocking to see that "The Last Generation" is being sparked in China, while at the same time, "The Last Generation" is also playing here simply because people have become too soft, careless and entitled, unable to exist in life.

The first however, became that from living an utterly depressing life of a Communism socially created regime. The latter, because they simply have simply let go for nonsensical reasons, that were again based on mentalities that have been summed up in the modern 'Leftist' movement which is essentially a form of proto-communism.

Apparently Communism and Social Communism, all breed out the same final end. The youth ends up wanting to kill itself somehow to stop it's misery.

Of all the problems one could imagine for any society, these are the biggest. It is literally crazy if one thinks about it.

It's shocking if you compare it to the west, it's actually far worse than what's happening to our youth if you think about it.

You have lots of kids destroying their own race with mixing and such, yet they are doing this unknowingly, and it's a completely different thing when this is a product of ignorance and stupidity, and when this is a deliberate, conscious decision to attempt to end one's own race it is a far darker situation.

It's hard to fathom how much suffering is required for a people to consciously begin this process of self-genocide of their own choosing. I believe the crimes of the CCP we know of are only the tip of the iceberg, they have a tight control on the flow of information after all.

I believe we will be seeing horrors not much less severe than pedo islands and such as this collapses and is exposed in full in the future. The reds have always orchestrated the most inhuman and horrific crimes and I do not believe china to be the exception.
what is the Nepturanian loonybin?

Karnonnos said:
NakedPluto said:
I agree, and I understand, but torture to death and suicide absolutisms, that which come often from you, are laughable regardless of the intensity or necessary emphasis of this. You can abstain or put it in other more approachable form, for a proper reading.

I understand why Dahaarkan uses this incendiary style. There is too much vaunting of owning nothing over the years, spiting money, praising the Nepturanian loonybin, advocating jerking off to anime or playing video games endlessly instead of going outside or making connections and from some, even getting angry at the idea of donations. You can do very little without money and collective wealth. This attitude of 'own nothing and prepare for the end' leads some into finding China desirable. Which is kind of like saying 'if I'm homeless, at least prison is an option'. This needs harsh language.

This is also in my estimation the consequence of a society where every higher octave has been under attack for decades. During the Pluto in Leo transit that brought out the worst of the Red Guards, certain elements of society like the spiritual people and those involved with beauty, the intellectuals, those advocating responsibility and reserve, the proper role of incarceration, inheritances and properties of all kinds came under total assault. Obedience and flattery to build Mao's kingdom on earth was forged with rivers of blood, one had to praise a mango to survive. The family itself was torn apart via the fanaticism of the child. Then we have the 'One Child' policy. This is beyond contempt and it occurred in the 1990s. Not even the 1960s, the 1990s.

These sectors of society in an occult sense ARE the reason one 'goes on'.

Now this is all breeding a total disaster and this is not just a spiritual precept. The property market collapse that is coming from decades of shady investment practices like those of Ever cle@r will not only sink their country but put us in a vulnerable position, along with the collapse of Pakistan, Nigeria and other countries caught in the trap. Lunatics in the West will once more open our borders and their genitals in response to the latter as well.
Dahaarkan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I think sadly a lot of people are also too numb to sympathize with it. Atrocities and attacks on human dignity in China have been common knowledge for a long time, but who actually pays it much mind? I never see protests or any activism for human rights for Chinese. Everyone has known for a long time about them Chinese sweatshops, but people didn't really care or try to do anything that I'm aware of, and most were perfectly content with exploiting them for the low prices and all.

China hasn't truly been China since the revolution. The people have been spiritually displaced from their land, and all the pseudo nationalist crap is just make believe. Their national identity is nothing more than bar codes. They have no dignity. And anyone who has a problem with me saying that, need I say more than two words...? They don't have dignity, and the way I see it - this all began in revolution, and it will only end by revolution. To win freedom, you have to risk it all, including the comfort. You have to forsake the promise of tomorrow as a slave, for the chance that years from now your children will be free.

1.5+ billion souls don't have to forfeit their future, their race, their history. They can fight if they organize. Their government routinely shows how much they fear them. That's likely part of why they try so hard to break their spirits in the first place.

These people need revenge and justice, not suicide. They need to fight for the precious shining Jades of tomorrow. I hope they find their courage.
I had a friend go to china he told me he could sense the desperation an sadness,let's just say my friend hated communists more after the trip
what were the concentration camps really like? Work houses/ rehabilitation centers for jews?

Nimrod33 said:
I agree with what you've said. The fact that you mentioned /pol/ and other idiots with similar ideas exposes them as right wing communists. In fact, many people of today who are part of Neo-Nazi groups are inflenced at least at 10% by Communism and other Jewish shit. It is impossible to count how many Neo-Nazis and Neo-Fascists claims to hate Communism but praises the CCP. In the end, both the regular /pol/ and /leftypol/ are not that different.

We should also not forget that these /pol/ users are anti-social and would've been jailed in Concentration Camps if we were in a National Socialist society, as they were among the targets of SS with Jews, gypsies, pedophiles, Jehovah's Witnesses and Communists.

How can they really call themselves "Nationalsocialists" if they hate "3D" women, embrace Incel/MGTOW ideas, promotes (((Bodybuilding))) over actual sports and useful excercises, have no respect for animals and nature, wants Pedophilia to be legal, prefer videogames over some healthy books, opposes eugenics, praise Autism and other mental illnesses, loves Jews when they wear a cross, support racial suprematism and the invasion of non-white territories, cannot distinguish between Fascism and Nazism, have South Park-like degenerate humor and want to impose the same religious organization that did everything in their power to oppose the Third Reich?
Both the Russian and Chinese leaders are crypto jews?

quote=Arcadia post_id=388689 time=1663381830 user_id=2320]
Sadly, the narrative surrounding China has been blurred lately. The same people who I saw absolutely roasting China a year ago, are now the same people singing its praises. As I've said in previous posts, notions of an easily identifiable "left vs right" have gone out the window even further in recent times, and it's become a borderline worthless mytheme. For example, you get certain aspects of the right who are praising Putin, never mind the fact Putin has been doing little else other than kissing Xi Jinping's boots and acting absolutely submissive to him. You can't hate China while praising Jewtin, that's about as mentally hypocritical as the Bible itself, so I've seen more and more people simply just give in and praise China for proudly being a dystopian nightmare country.

Again regarding the death of the left vs right, China in and of itself, is a perfect example. The average American will associate their perception of Communism with any number of things, including absolutely cancerized radical feminism and corrupted LGBTQIwhatever nonsense, nevermind Communist China has astoundingly garbage women's and homosexual rights and routinely commits wide scale ethnic cleansings. Same goes for the idiots on the left. They praise Communism, well, there you go, move to China and see how free and progressive real world Communism is in action. Same exact thing went for the Soviet Union. No word of a lie, I saw someone on /pol/ once praise China and Russia for their wide scale censorship because it "kept libtarded western journalism out". It's funny how willing people are to shoot themselves in the foot so long as their perceived enemies suffer.

Regarding the people here, who praise idiots like Putin and Xi Jingping, you have to realize, these "leaders" who outwardly posteur themselves as "strong authoritarian governments" or whatever, aren't the answer you're looking for to replace weak leaders. People worship these insane crypto-jews because they believe in the idea the Sino-Russian alliance (which doesn't even truly exist) is propped up against Western NATO Jews. For all the surface level warmongering, there are people playing both sides. These conflicts only undermine the common man. The people at the top will always benefit from these situations.

Dahaarkan is right, in that there can't really be any quarter given to tolerating these systems. You can't be a Satanist/Pagan, praising things like Communism or Xianity for tertiary aspects of their systems. This has genuinely been something I've been noticing in recent times, too many idiots who are listening to Xian preachers just because they speak from a conservative viewpoint or whatever. Newsflash, Xianity is not pro-family, there's literal scripture in there that's anti-family. Nobody can really afford to piecemeal support these systems or regimes, and the reason I even bring Xianity up in this context is because for all of China's supposed Atheism they've left the Cathoshit church run rampant in recent times within their own borders. And the mindset of a Communist pleb is one perfectly ready to adopt Xianity. Look what happened in Russia. Though I'm less of the tone to beg for people's violent demise, I still agree in essence that as time goes on there can be no quarter given to the enemy's systems, regardless of whether or not they show one or two aspects out of thousands that one could consider not as blasphemous as everything else. Give Communist/Abrahamic types an inch, they will take a mile. We call them cancers, because they behave like it.
Where are their lauded Shaolin Buddhists? Ugh, I hate dog-eaters. :evil:
I agree with your sentiment first we must re-educate our people then we must purge our enemy or be purged and then we must show the better way of doing things to stop this ugly monster from raising its head ever again
Well this is why I am so thankful that my country didn't vote for a yellowtard named leni, but I am still mad that this world run by kikes needs us to pick two types of evils all the time. We need legit Hitler-like rulers back, this time for every country.
GoyVeyII said:
Fine, fine, fine, FINE. Don't come crying to me when what I said HAPPENS EXACTLY AS I PREDICTED.

Darhraarrrakan is a person who fundamentally enjoys causing pain and suffering, I can empathize with that a little bit. It's fun to see someone deserving squeal like a little piggy only to attract even more predators and general hardships. His post doesn't offend me, but it was inappropriate according to JoS's actual and ideal narrative. In his psychic vampirism posts his behavior was exposed to be a cruel narcissistic person who's willing to cause hardship out of jealousy and frustration, even when it's less efficient than working on myself to fix the problem.

He's a pathetic person who can only be a "tough guy" online. In reality, he can't even be a psychopath right. Shame.

Ahh yes, the doomsday prediction special. I was wondering when the next one would drop.

I have never been "exposed" for anything. In the conversations you've mentioned, I'm the one who came forward and explained my own motivations and the core of my being with full transparency as to give context to the topic at hand.

Wanting to see vicious people who abuse, exploit and enslave innocent gentiles punished does not make me a psychopath in the slightest. Having emotional reactions to watching gentiles being brutalized, abused and enslaved does not make me a psychopath. Defending the people who abuse innocents, and acting like those who wish to see justice in the world are in the wrong, is the true psychopathy here.

The above comments came from an emotional place and I should have known better. But I don't feel bad for being emotional and having emotional outbursts about innocent people being abused, and I will not apologize for this.

The real reason you are here bitching about me personally again is because you are an anime obsessed red sympathizer who has been simping for china before multiple times.

It doesn't matter which username you come here under it's obvious to anybody with a brain who this is, and it's not at all surprising you feel personally attacked and offended by my comments regarding red sympathizers because you are one. And literally everything I said above applies to you even though I did not mention your name.

You still don't get it. You've lost. You have no influence. You are a joke. Nobody takes you seriously no matter what username you choose to switch to. And you cannot destroy me, because you are so inferior to the point where all you can do is laughable bitching posts like the above to try to harm me in some way.

I'm not sorry for being emotional about gentiles being abused. I'm not sorry for wanting justice. I'm not sorry that I hurt your pathetic feelings. I'm not sorry that I destroyed whatever influence you might have had over these people. I'm not sorry that I mocked and insulted you for being a red sympathizer.

I am not sorry, and never will be. You're just here bitching because you feel threatened and personally insulted because I'm talking shit about china and you're a simp for china. Because deep down you know what you are and so do I. So you must continue to try to paint me as some kind of deranged psychopath lest people become aware also.

You have lost.
Dahaarkan said:
DisillusionedCitizen said:
Another reminder that the Jews need to be stopped and destroyed completely with the RTRs. I've done the RTRs that were scheduled Today, Yesterday, Wednesday, Tuesday, and Monday.

I've seen a glimpse of this on a twitter post about this on April before my account there got banned, but all this over a damned "flu" the Jews have made. I never expected Jewish magecraft, specifically their thought-forms to have this much of an effect on the world. I know there was a post here that China is now recognizing the Jews as a threat, but is still loyal to the CCP. If the Chinese Gentiles can do their own (loose) sleuthing, maybe they can, without getting caught (Which is difficult for them to do), figure out that the Jews have planned this Scamdemic.

I have a disturbing question that has been in my head for this week, but I want to get it out of my chest: Have the Jews corrupted optimism? Exploiting it, I can understand, as they can use it to distract the NPCs, but is it possible for them to corrupt optimism, one of the most positive emotions on the planet?

Does it matter that much if the CCP isn't run by jews if they are exactly like jews. If they use jewish methods of governance, and reduce their people to domesticated cattle the way jews would.

Does it matter if they aren't jews if they are running a jew's wet dream of a government...this is what I don't understand when people start arguing china is some kind of rogue nation going against the jews.

Christians and muslims will also tell you they are against the jews but in the end they serve jewish interests whether they are aware of it or not. I'm really at my wits end with red sympathizers.

I just mentioned there was a post in regards to antisemitism in China. I think you misread my post. I know that Communism, Christianity and Islam are all the same Jewish shit, but I should've rephrased that more differently; if the Chinese citizens who aren't part of the CCP could figure out that Communism (and, to the point, the CCP) is part of a Jewish agenda on their own, then there's a chance, however very slim it may be the, Chinese who don't contemplate suicide, if there are any Chinese left, could think accordingly to overthrow the CCP.
Dahaarkan said:
Sunny said:
We should not worry much about the Chinese, but we should worry about Europe and the U.S., which have given all the global market to China and sold businesses and property to the Chinese.

I don't think the Chinese government has completely espoused the Jewish ideal of communism in the sense that the Chinese people are slaves of the Jews. It would be a problem for the Chinese if they deprived themselves of spirituality.

Chinese social credit is a good thing, it is pure meritocracy but also a way to rule justly. With social credit you can discipline people to behave properly, for example I read that the Chinese put more points on people who visit relatives at least 2-3 times a year etc. I don't remember exactly....instead of treating relatives as strangers and hating and envying them. But there must be certainty that this system is not falsified.

The reaction of some Chinese in such news is childish and silly. Surely the Chinese government needs to improve in something but it is certainly better than having Christians or Jews in the government.

Explain to me in which ways the chinese govt operates differently to any kike. They are trying to financially enslave entire nations and have reduced their own people to cattle. If you disobey them it is not enough that you be punished but they punish your children and grandchildren as well.

You are not allowed to have a voice and anything can be taken from you at any time even your life for whatever reason they decide. You are reduced to cattle completely at their mercy. The moment the CCP becomes aware of spirituality and it's potential threat to them it will become illegal to even meditate.

I am not doing RTRs to free our people from kike influence just so we can be enslaved by CCP instead.

I don't know, I am not informed about the Chinese government and China. I thought that since there are no powerful Jews in China like in the West like Soros, Rothschild, Billi etc., and there seems to be no racial mixing; I thought China is more enlightened than the West.
Sunny said:
I don't know, I am not informed about the Chinese government and China. I thought that since there are no powerful Jews in China like in the West like Soros, Rothschild, Billi etc., and there seems to be no racial mixing; I thought China is more enlightened than the West.

These beliefs are promoted from red simps who are constantly trying to cover up the reality that goes on in china.

Race mixing is promoted in the west for a reason and that is to weaken and divide the white race so that we may then be enslaved and domesticated. There is a reason this is not promoted in china and that is simply because it's no longer required to further weaken or divide the chinese people they are already defeated and enslaved completely.

You don't have jews in the chinese government but as I have said, this doesn't matter if the "gentiles" who are there rule exactly the way jews would.

This is what is baffling about red simps who claim to be against the jews but then will defend gentiles who are exactly like jews to their dying breath. Red simps will jump you desperately trying to silence you when you start mentioning these obvious things.

China is the final product of jewish poisons and the jewish-created red plague. A defeated, enslaved and domesticated people who are completely at the mercy of their masters and have no hope and no freedoms. This must be abolished entirely.

Because you don't have jews in it does not make it any less jewish in execution. The lack of jews in their government is completely irrelevant if they themselves are EXACTLY like the jews and have destroyed their people and soon their nation from within.
Today's great reset news, perhaps related to this topic:


"Asked in a CBS 60 Minutes interview broadcast on Sunday whether U.S. forces would defend the democratically governed island claimed by China, he replied: 'Yes, if in fact, there was an unprecedented attack.'

This could result in a direct and actual World War 3 in 2022. It is very important that we do the new ritual agenda.

Asked to clarify if he meant that unlike in Ukraine, U.S. forces - American men and women - would defend Taiwan in the event of a Chinese invasion, Biden replied: 'Yes.' "

This could result in a direct and actual World War 3 in 2022. It is very important that we do the new anti-great reset ritual schedule.
DisillusionedCitizen said:
Chinese who don't contemplate suicide, if there are any Chinese left, could think accordingly to overthrow the CCP.
Personally I find this very unlikely. The Tiananmen Square Massacre has shown that the government doesn't hesitate to exterminate any Chinese citizen who dares to protest it in a physical manner.

Many Chinese people haven't ever heard of this event due to censorship but most people fear the regime because they know they can be taken to a concentration camp if they merely make an internet post criticizing the government.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
