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Failure and Satanism

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Failure and Satanism Post by HoodedCobra666[/B] » Mon Nov 20, 2017 6:41 am An amount of people, thanks to enemy propaganda, come to Satanism after life has 'defeated' them, looking for a genie to fix all their problems, a quick buck, or a quick fix after a life that has went downhill. Others come for power, others come normally, others even come for fun. However, reasons matter.

The genie is supposed to act in accordance to the lies the jews said about this genie. As a result, with all other jewish lies, people are shocked when they find out this is not the case and that guess what, jews lied again.

People searching for a genie, actually find their primordial God and they are faced with a choice. This path is a path upward. To either improve, or never improve and suffer as a result. Satan as a symbolic parable is this force of nature, the force that symbolically also represents the defiance of someone's fate. And this requires power, resilience, and faith in what one has to do.

Over the years people have come to me with many failures. As always, everyone blames someone else for their failures. Unfortunately people are also under the false impression that all their failures have to do with some sort of system, the enemy, other people, things they do not know. This may be partially true and in most cases, people are only in themselves responsible. In "Themselves" has a part in itself that one doesn't know, such as karma, or negativity.

Many people take the knowledge of Satan, this huge power and this huge toolkit, and do nothing with it. This is literally the first aid that Satan gives to the people who have been beaten by life. The power and the abilities of meditation to apply on yourself. Many people disregard this and keep trying to walk with broken limbs. Ultimately killing themselves as a result.

Certainly so life is not an easy feat, and there are many delusions and issues one has to face until they grow the maturity and perception to be able to advance properly.

Many people also incessantly whine about the jews. Jews this, jews that. Half of the blame is for the jews, the other half of the blame is on everyone who knows something and doesn't act to correct anything. The jews build upon the laziness, ignorance, and fear of their victims.

You cannot really accuse a pest that it finds you open and defenseless and kills you. Even if you're 'right' in your accusation, this means nothing whats-over and does not affect the result of your weakness, which is demise.

Cries of woe, complaints, tears of lazy people who never lift a finger, and all the nine yards, have nothing to do with Satanism. One might as well join Judaism instead, or Christianity. These are the religions that take as a face that some fat jew is controlling your whole life, therefore, anything that happens to you, is the result of powers beyond you or something.

Satanism is the exact contrary of this belief. We recognize there are powers which may cause us issue, but we strive for their correction.

Your personal life or personal failures or shortcomings do not define what Satanism is, nor are they necessarily tied into Satanism, unless this is somehow tied directly. Satanism has only solved problems for me, never created one problem. And life is full of problems regardless. These do not end. Having problems or facing issues doesn't make someone a failure. As Plato has stated, we must always remember that everyone is fighting their own personal battle.

Satanism is a system to develop YOU. Many of the so called "Satanists" say it's all about the "Self", but they pay zero attention to spiritual self improvement, or self-overcoming. They are just slobs on a downward spiral towards nothingness. Which is exactly what the jews intend for the children of their enemy Gods to suffer from.

If you fall and you hit yourself in the floor because you lack balance or because you walk weird, it's not the job of your doctor or your medical toolkit to carry you around. Unless of course you want to be tied into a chair or somewhere like a dog, so you can be 'safe' from failure and falling down, which is basically slavery. Freedom brings opportunity in failure, and in success. Failure is a polar part of life, happens all the time, in all levels of existence, no man is without failures, and it shows you what you can do to become better.

Many people take their failures and their personal issues and try to turn this in a Satanic matter, which is dead false. For example they don't have something, oh it must be this. Or they fail at something, it must be that. All this energy into making a 'safety logic' for failure can be put in solutions instead.

I have heard many people justify their failures on somehow related to Satanism in some way. Instead of treating Satanism as something sanctified and proper, and trying to listen to the higher powers, they try to shrink them in their little safety zone, where these don't fit. Of course, this is one of the surest way to banish the advancing powers out of your life, as you strictly seek to maintain your little failed existence over the price of 'knowing it all'. Not allowing any advancement to come into your life...Only ignorance to spread.

Another thing that needs to end is hate of success. Certainly, we don't see success as many other people on the world do. Which is fine. But many people get carried away and start to hate general concepts, to their detriment.

The jews have knowledge, are you going to hate knowledge now?
They breathe air, are you going to hate air now?
If some jews are healthy, do you want to hate your health and invite disease on yourself?
And they have a lot of money, are you going to hate money now?

While these statements all stem from the same mistake, the last statement I'm sure few people would be so quick to accept or consider accepting the last statement. Why? Because you are programmed to do so by the jews and the powers that be. While the first statements are obviously outrageous, one can be stupid enough to believe, and let others also brainwash them, that the latter statement is somehow "ethical".

Those who promote these 'poverty virtues', slyly so under the guise of 'ethical debate' or being a good goyim, sorry I meant "Satanist", are only promoting you to have no offspring, be unhealthy, be cursed, be impoverished, and go without - which is exactly what the jews want for Satan's Children to happen to them- but all of these go against Satan's Will for his followers.

These characters are just cursing you from the jewish Deuteronomy, with all the curses, and they themselves are cursed. They are just spreading the jewish mind virus without even understanding it. This must be stopped right now, permanently. This foolery must end.

As a final note, even those who have 'failed', have to help others succeed, or at least become neutral. They must in no way prevent them. If one fails at something this doesn't mean someone else can't do it. And you are not to decide this, only nature and the Gods are. So what we can do about this is give people what they need to do in order to succeed.

Poisoning other Satanists will have someone to be treated like a Rabbi in the Fourth Reich, who has been publicly reciting the Torah in the faces of the SS of the time. If this is beyond you, then you need much Satan-ization in your life, and to open your mind and soul to Satan more, or keep negativity to where it justifiably belongs - within yourself as you have bred it in yourself.

We rise and fall as a collective, and those who do not understand this are missing out.

It's either all of us, or nobody. And every Satanist has to start living with this responsibility on the back of his mind. We have to think seriously for our future as a people.

Failure is not part of Satanism. Those who disregard this fact are no better than his enemies, who wish always for the failure of Satan and his Children.

Success is, and has always been in Satan's adobe. The faster people understand this the faster people will reap the eternal benefits and our blessings.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
