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Eternally grateful for Joy of Satan

Nov 6, 2022
[email protected]
I just wanted to express my deepest love for this community. Through every issue I have faced, Father Satan and the Gods have been there through me with it all. Joy of Satan has been a beacon of light and truth to open the doorway to be able to appreciate and realize that. Through every sleepless night, every worry, every struggle, I came here reading everyone's stories, posts, Sermons, to gain inspiration and comfort and strength. Knowing we aren't alone makes all the difference. We are a family, and we have each other's backs and we are here to support each other, and uplift one another through our strifes, and being a part of this has given me the courage to go on, and makes me want to do what I can to help as well.

Everyone here, the real members who make this place great. You all deserve all the love and blessings of Father Satan and the Gods. You go through every day helping people, answering questions, giving tips and advice, it's things like that, that make me appreciate this place even more. We aren't just some group, we are a family here. You look at other "groups" out there, on their miserable little forums pretending and faking their commitments and their connection to our Gods, all while blaspheming and supporting enemy nonsense. And then you come here, and you not only see the foundation of truth, and love, and strength seen here but you feel it in your soul. It's true light, true commitment, true dedication. True love and worship of Father Satan and the Gods. I am so thankful to Father Satan that he led me here back when he did. This place is the true home of spirituality of the Gods. There is no other.

We are all right here where we are meant to be, if you want to truly serve Father Satan and the Gods, this is the place to do it. If you want to really learn true knowledge this is the place. We don't sugar coat, we don't tweak things to our liking. The Gods don't cherry pick truth, they tell it like it is, and that is exactly what we do here. Our enemies will be sitting there scrambling every time we make a post, obsessing about what we do here, spewing hate and vile poisons about us, slandering us. Good! that only means that we are on the right track. If they Loved us then we would be in trouble! WE WANT the enemy of Father Satan and our Gods to tremble in fear of what we have set in motion. Our efforts are paying off, clear as day they can be seen. We keep growing and advancing together each and every one us us, filled with this light, this truth, this beautiful Satanic power, It is visible in each and every one of us, it shows in our actions.

Our HP deserves all of our love and respect as well, he has worked his ass off to keep our community on track towards true Satanic understanding and waking everyone up from a long slumber of enemy lies. HP Hooded Cobra has strengthened our bond as a family here, keeping us on the right path, helping direct us away from wrong ways of thinking. He has been a strong foundation for us to grow from. Maxine built this temple and he has added on to it and reinforced it, strengthening it with his love for this community in all that he does. We may have had infiltrators, trolls, and hateful people try to disrupt us, trying to pit us against each other and poison our perceptions but they all failed. They will come here trying to make a mockery of us, but in the end they just show us the laughing stocks that they are. After all, they are the losers who have nothing better to do that come here and spout off their jewery and lies. Joy of Satan is built by strong people, surviving by strong people, and will always be filled with strong people. No enemy can ever cause our downfall. we have the strength of our community and the eternal strength of the Gods on our side. Everyone that has tried to come here and bring us conflict has fallen flat on their asses and ran away with their tails between their legs.

Hail Father Satan, Hail the Gods, Hail Joy of Satan, Hail to HP Maxine, Hail to our HP Hooded Cobra and our Jos Guardians they are the glue keeping this place together, and to each and every one of us, and all of our contributions, keep doing all that you do! We are only going forward, expanding, and reaching new heights and we are doing it together and under Father Satan's Guidance with his blessings. Knowing this, We cannot and will not fail! Nothing and no one can stop us or our works here! Let us all gain comfort and strength from knowing we are making a difference here, each and every one of us!

This statement is bringing a lot of warmth in my heart.

The Joy of Satan is the best organization one can go to if they want to learn all things related to spirituality and the truth since from the Ancient times.

I may soon post my viewpoints too.

Hail Satan and I wish you the best in life, sister.
HAIL SATAN SISTER OATH!!!⚡⚡☠️⚡⚡️ That was beautiful! Thank you for sharing this sermon.🖤
The Joy of Satan has been a MAJOR help for me too.

It is a blessing to be here. I am both proud and honored to be a member of this website! 🙏 needless to say it has been my wings to fly. And I have learned a lot myself!🙂 I enjoy reading the content! And the latest news of what is going on. It has helped me in many ways on my path. And has opened up many doors. And there is always something to learn on here! Every day I discover something! You learn something everyday! Not only about yourself but also about the things that is going on around you and to be aware of your enemies and what is going on! And to be prepared for the next life our future world and our kingdom with Father Satan and his gods and demons. The Joy of Satan has depth and there is more detail when it comes to the information that I read and see on here compared to all of the garbage I see on Facebook which has nothing at all in common! It is not easy to find a group of people that you can get along with where you can get real information pictures and videos that makes sense keeping you updated in your mind with facts and things that we need to know recognizing our own map of the future! Learning more and more about ourselves and Who We Are and who are real God is! ✨️ and HIS history! And the fact that it makes sense! And you can feel that he is real! And you know the difference! When you fill his presence father Satan has done many things for me! And it's nice to know! And to hear the stories of other people! How the joy of Satan has helped them on their path! And the things that people learn on here everyday! Is endless there are always possibilities and new possibilities that come up every day with the information that we learn and receive on here! It Thrills me to hear about some of the stories and the adventures that people have been through learning about Satan and his gods and demons learning about the truth of who and what they are and about yourself having something to share is priceless! Who you are in your own experiences! Is beyond priceless! It is everything to a spiritual satanist! Whether you are a beginner or Advanced on whatever level! It doesn't matter what you're good at and what you specialize in even those that you are having struggles with learning and trying to figure things out Satan and his gods and demons are always there to help you! Morning noon and night throughout the week 24/7! He recognizes Who We Are! He knows that we are serious and that we don't play games! And he takes his time working with those that show their dedication! And it's nice to sit down and hear about other people and their Adventures and the things that they have learned and things that they have been through in their past and what they have become now! It is not only helpful and beneficial to me but is also helpful in beneficial to other people as well! I've learned a lot from individuals on here! And it has helped me out in many ways! Just reading the content and figuring things out! It is very rare that I have a question! The only problem is with me is that I haven't paid any donations yet! And still I am lucky to be able to get on here and learn something! I will figure out a way to donate ! Because the joy of Satan is worth it! Especially hearing about other people and individuals on here their experiences and the things that they learn everyday! Thank you for sharing this! It was beautiful!❤️ Hail Satan Sister OATH!!!⚡☠️⚡
I just read another post giving praise to the JoS, and then saw this one :)

It is so true that we have the support to face all our problems, and guidance and tips on workings etc to do to make things better. All of us here are truly blessed.
Dragonheart666 said:
HAIL SATAN SISTER OATH!!!⚡⚡☠️⚡⚡️ That was beautiful! Thank you for sharing this sermon.🖤

Thank you. :D

Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=429929 time=1678605924 user_id=57]
I just read another post giving praise to the JoS, and then saw this one :)

It is so true that we have the support to face all our problems, and guidance and tips on workings etc to do to make things better. All of us here are truly blessed.

Yes we most definitely are. I love all of you guys and am thankful to be here. If it wasn't for Jos and Father Satan and the Gods there is no telling what would have happened to me, I don't believe I would have ever made it this far, in fact I am sure of it. I made my share of mistakes but things never were as bad as they could have been if it wasn't for me being under Father Satan's protection. I had times when I did stray from this path when I was still too young to understand what was good for me, I did some dumb things, but thankfully I matured and realized my errors and came right back. Jos gave me a stable foundation to return to and it became the entire stabilizing anchor to help me grow and mature and start getting my life on the right track. I had some intense things happen over the past few years during the already trying times of the "pandemic" due to it's personal nature I can't disclose too much, but I went through a few heavy losses and some hard times but Father Satan and my Guardian helped me through it all

Even when I was going through a period of severe stress and personal anguish, Where I wasn't being my best and I was about ready to give up. He and the Gods helped see me through it. I can't take back lost time but I can certainly progress now and advance myself to my full potential. It's crazy finally being an actual adult now, I used to think it was scary because this is uncharted territory, but I am not afraid anymore. It really isn't so bad. I am so grateful to be going through these changes in life fully dedicated to this path and seeing it through. What better way to become an adult and experience my adulthood than through the ways of Father Satan and the Gods. I can only go upwards from here and I am excited about what the future has in store for me. I may have lost some people that were close to me in my life, but they did build me up to being who I am now, and even though I don't have them to turn to when I need advice on "adulting" I have you guys, and Father Satan and the Gods to give me the right examples.

Again I say, Much love to you! and to everyone here.
Thank you for such a warm and inspiring post, Sapphire!!
Wonderful post SapphireDragon!
Joy Of Satan is truly populated by amazing people!

Hail Satan!
Thanks for this post of appreciation. I love my JOS family and it's true we have the most spiritually enlightened organization. We are extremely blessed with what we have, and I love seeing how we evolve with time.
Hail Satan! We are loved by Satan and the Gods!
We have the most amazing founders and clergy a person could ask for! We are on the path to divinity!
Wonderful post!
Very good post! ;)

Hail Satan!
Azazel has been there for me, even before joining this community. I still am combing through the jos website and all the other information on this board and in the library.

I will agree with one thing here: Kikes suck ass!

I know that I am definitely not a kike, so no worries about that. :D If I was, I would have already killed myself.
HelterSkelter said:
Azazel has been there for me, even before joining this community. I still am combing through the jos website and all the other information on this board and in the library.

Honestly, I don't know how you guys find these forums without finding the JoS website first, and even after you read the posts in the forums you don't click in the link to the JoS in the front page of the forums. It's all a mystery to me. What do you do, search for "Satanic forums" in some search engine other than Google and expect us to be the same as the mainstream fake Satanists or what?

I hope now that you are reading through the JoS you have learned some things, like Satan and Azazel not being the same (Azazel is still an important Satanic/Pagan God found in pre-jewish cultures and one of the 4 Crowned Princes of Hell) or that we have nothing to do with most other groups/organizations that call themselves Satanists, and in truth the JoS doesn't even recognize those who are based on the Christian mythology and jewish kabbalah and believe the Judeo-Christian propaganda about Satan as Satanists at all.
I can say the same thing too, had I not seen this place at all or even given up on walking this road, I wouldn't have made it this far to realize that I can choose to be in control of my destiny no matter how tragic it is(fucked up natal chart context). I would have kept believing that nothing ever good can ever happen to my life.

I have crossed such a long way.
Wildfire said:
I can say the same thing too, had I not seen this place at all or even given up on walking this road, I wouldn't have made it this far to realize that I can choose to be in control of my destiny no matter how tragic it is(fucked up natal chart context). I would have kept believing that nothing ever good can ever happen to my life.

I have walked such a long journey and am forever thankful for it.

I’m so happy reading this. I am so proud of myself being part of this family and for every brother and sister for being such serious, smart and strong humans. This world belongs to us, as enemy always was depending from us we own them too. Nothing can stop us. It is in our decision what to do with all this as we need to.

Hail Father Satan!!!
Excellent post SaphireDragon. Yes really grateful to Satan and the gods and JOS community. Learned so much here. My 'conspiracies' field and worldview was complete with Maxine Dietrich's sermon on the evil duality between Communism and Christianity. I also was able to learn more about Africa's pre Abrahamic gods and the cancer of Xtianity and Pisslam ruining Africa.
Hail Satan!
"Brother of Light, I bless you. You need not wony, for
Divine Providence loves you and appreciates your co￾operation. You have been serving the Light for thousands of
years. You are free to Dissolve your individuality any time
you want, but I believe we would all regard this as a great
loss to the future, for not one of those present has been
incarnated on earth as often as you.

What does dissolved mean?
SapphireDragon said:
Dragonheart666 said:
HAIL SATAN SISTER OATH!!!⚡⚡☠️⚡⚡️ That was beautiful! Thank you for sharing this sermon.🖤

Thank you. :D

Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=429929 time=1678605924 user_id=57]
I just read another post giving praise to the JoS, and then saw this one :)

It is so true that we have the support to face all our problems, and guidance and tips on workings etc to do to make things better. All of us here are truly blessed.

Yes we most definitely are. I love all of you guys and am thankful to be here. If it wasn't for Jos and Father Satan and the Gods there is no telling what would have happened to me, I don't believe I would have ever made it this far, in fact I am sure of it. I made my share of mistakes but things never were as bad as they could have been if it wasn't for me being under Father Satan's protection. I had times when I did stray from this path when I was still too young to understand what was good for me, I did some dumb things, but thankfully I matured and realized my errors and came right back. Jos gave me a stable foundation to return to and it became the entire stabilizing anchor to help me grow and mature and start getting my life on the right track. I had some intense things happen over the past few years during the already trying times of the "pandemic" due to it's personal nature I can't disclose too much, but I went through a few heavy losses and some hard times but Father Satan and my Guardian helped me through it all

Even when I was going through a period of severe stress and personal anguish, Where I wasn't being my best and I was about ready to give up. He and the Gods helped see me through it. I can't take back lost time but I can certainly progress now and advance myself to my full potential. It's crazy finally being an actual adult now, I used to think it was scary because this is uncharted territory, but I am not afraid anymore. It really isn't so bad. I am so grateful to be going through these changes in life fully dedicated to this path and seeing it through. What better way to become an adult and experience my adulthood than through the ways of Father Satan and the Gods. I can only go upwards from here and I am excited about what the future has in store for me. I may have lost some people that were close to me in my life, but they did build me up to being who I am now, and even though I don't have them to turn to when I need advice on "adulting" I have you guys, and Father Satan and the Gods to give me the right examples.

Again I say, Much love to you! and to everyone here.

Superb to read :D
Much Love to my Spiritual Satanic Family. SapphireDragon, What a beautiful sermon. I can reflect on it so much.
I can't count the days where I was just literally in the dumps, But Father Satan gave me the power and the vision to continue on. Or as you mentioned our High Priest putting a message on this forum that gave me the strength to pull up my bootstraps and drive on.

HAIL Victory!
So good to read this!

I am also very grateful, recently I was given a great help from Satan which literally saved a precious life... I managed to manifest my will and wish very quickly and it could not have happened without divine help.

I really wish good health, good luck and power to all of our comrades and even if there are many hardships and many bad things happening in the world, in my country, in my life too, I will never ever give up.

Hail Satan forever!
Hail Joy of Satan!
Be blessed you all! <3
It was through Joy of Satan I first learned what meditation and yoga was, and the way it was/is presented really hooked me on that. The main website (I actually even prefer the original logo) really had a way of making me interested in everything about yoga, chi, the astral etc. It really all makes sense quite fast even by reading the front page text, at least for someone with intelligence, which HPS Maxine has a lot of.
I would not had practiced neither yoga asanas or meditations without the Joy of Satan, so I am grateful for both it's existence and also for my own application of it's knowledge. I feel I can do better though, meditate more often etc. So should also the whole world, and it's my inner hope it one day will. Through inner peace we achieve outer peace.
Adding to what I previously wrote; here is what I meant with original logo:

That is to me at least a more powerful and vibrant version, yet also more simplistic and straight forward, a bit "gritty" and also more serious in a way. The newer version has it's upsides being more "clean" and polished, but unfortunately to the expense of lacking the other qualities I mentioned. That's just my opinion on the design though. I think it was perfect the way it was originally designed by HPS Maxine.
I enjoyed so much reading your post. So heart warming and inspiring. As i take in more knowledge and wisdom and grow closer to father Satan and the gods of hell I feel such a inner happiness for life and peace of mind. My love for father Satan grows every day. HAIL FATHER SATAN and all the gods of hell.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
