I previously started writing this out as a response to this question from the Ask Satan forum,
First off here are the initial responses I gave:
I would like to elaborate on this further because i feel it's an important topic that should be made.
Extensive worrying about your appearance to the point of wanting to alter it in any way, because you feel your nose, your hair, your face, etc looks jewish is an enemy attack. They want you to destroy yourself, they want you to worry over small details because those add up and cause anxiety and stress. It will lead you down a path of second guessing yourself and in return this causes emotional ruin, paranoia and unhealthy habits.
If you were a Jew you would not be worrying about things like this. The guides we have on how to identify a jew are simply there for reference, to help guide us in learning and identifying certain jewish features. There are several gentiles who have these features as well because the jews literally stole everything from us. The more they race mixed with us the more of our traits they stole. Curly hair for example, real curly and wavy hair is a gentile trait and can be seen from nearly every gentile race, and our Gods as well! The coarser texture of hair is from race mixing, and the more likely one is to be a jew they will show the coarse kinky curly kind of hair. That being said, there are gentiles with hair like this as well because they have race mixed too.
Going overboard and worrying about your appearance will just cause you too much unnecessary pain. The more advanced you become you will be able to identify jews. But right now there is no need to worry yourself to death over it. Chances are you aren't one and have no need to worry or be paranoid.
Now on to matters of changing your appearance, You can change certain aspects about yourself through maintaining a good and healthy weight and diet, and through meditation, Venus squares, Solar Plexus workings and advancement, but the things outside of your control should not bring you shame. Many of us are far from perfect, it has to do with enemy curses and race mixing. But we can and will grow out of this. Things will start to go back to normal the more we heal our world from enemy influence. Our perception of our selves and beauty standards have been drastically altered to fit the jewish agenda. They make up impossible standards to cause further suffering of unrealistic body goals.
Beauty and appearance has been heavily altered by social media and unnatural celebrities who are often times jewish. Standards like having an ultra tiny waist, large breasts, huge lips, huge ass. or for men Large muscles and impossible to get body types without the use of steroids, drugs, plastic surgery. none of these are true to what our bodies should be. Modern culture shames and glorifies the wrong things because the enemy has poisoned it to throw us further off balance. Modern standards are a double edged sword of plastic size zero duck lip girls, or super big beefy steroid bros, or being terribly obese and being told that "it's ok fat is beautiful". There are so many plus size models out there now days, They preach things like acceptance but yet they make women and men feel it's ok to be massively obese and unhealthy, Putting them into a false sense of security where they never try to do better for themselves then when they see miss size zero over there they still feel deeply ashamed inside because they can't wear clothes like that, while miss size zero is over there starving wishing she could eat more but if she does she will have to throw it up again to maintain her unnatural physique. It's a terribly unbalanced and unhealthy system for everyone involved. WE NEED BALANCE! a healthy balance should be maintained both inside and out to achieve true beauty. Everything has been thrown off balance because the jew doesn't want us to achieve our true potential, but through spiritual Satanism we can and will return once again to the root of our beauty and find that balance.
here are some great examples of what true beauty standards should looks like:
These have lasted through the ages and serve as the proper guide for us because these are real obtainable standards, we were made in the image of the Gods and Goddesses therefore our gentile beauty comes from them! We can be healthy and beautiful. Through meditation and advancement we also start to become very aware of our health and wanting to better it too. There are many posts on here in our health and well being forums about staying healthy by several of our members, and you can always ask further questions in regards to diet and exercise tips if you don't find the answers in those posts.
Also just to shed some light on comparison, here are some depictions of fake beauty set by the jews and those that promote this kind of garbage. They need all that plastic to hide their ugly noses! and they fool young girls into thinking to be beautiful they need giant hotdog lips and a huge ass.
And there are just as many negative standards for men too, like the body builders who are super roided up, people like "the Liver king" who were taking steroids to look beefy and lying about it trying to promote a miracle drug supplement and diet to fool young men into thinking they could obtain such an unnatural physique. If you don't know about the Liver king controversy I would look it up and read up about it, that's a topic in it's own.
these false standards are not a reflection of who we really are. as you can plainly see WE are BEAUTIFUL as we are. Every race, every racial feature unique to our own respective races should be celebrated. Leave the jews to their phony plastic unnatural ways. Be yourself! Own your natural features, the jews have stolen so much from us it's about damn time we claim back what is ours. The solution to this problem of unhealthy modern beauty standards is to not get caught up in them, ignore them and Celebrate true beauty, both inner and outer beauty are important to quality of life. Take care of yourself and don't worry yourself over false standards. We will always be beautiful inside and out because we are the creation of Father Satan. We were made in his image! He is perfection and the more we embrace his ways, the ways of the Gods and Goddesses and follow their example, we will heal and move past this and find our true balance. Gentile beauty is radiance, strength, wisdom, and an embodiment of the breath of life Father Satan poured into us and our souls.
May every one of us reach our goals and learn to love ourselves and embrace the magnificence of our race!
Many thanks to Lady Astarte for her help and inspiration to make this post,
I dedicate this to her and all her beauty!
Hail Father Satan and the Gods and Goddesses of hell!!
AskSatanOperator said:This is a bit of a silly question but should I straighten my hair? I am white but I have curly hair, but I am afraid I will regret it because it can damage the hair very much and the transition back to natural hair is horrible.
I don't want to look like a Jew, even though I know there are no Jews in my family.
First off here are the initial responses I gave:
SapphireDragon said:You don't have to straighten your hair because it's curly. There's a lot of gentiles with curly hair. It's not inherently only a jewish trait. jews have a kinky curly type hair from race mixing constantly with people of African decent. But curly locks are still a gentile trait. You don't have to change anything about yourself because you think it makes you look like a jew. Curly hair is beautiful, there are even some of our Gods who have wavy or curly hair. You should accept your own gentile beauty without fear.
If you ever do decide to do anything to change your appearance, do it because you truly want to, not because you're ashamed of your looks and want to alter them. You really don't have to change anything about yourself. You are fine as you are.
I have straightened my wavy hair in the past because I just wanted to try something new, I used a protective spray and then I used lots of oil and conditioner after to keep it silky. It still caused some damage to my ends and I do still regret it a little, if not done correctly it can cause damage. So always keep this in mind.
SapphireDragon said:SapphireDragon said:You really don't have to change anything about yourself. You are fine as you are.
Also I'd like to clarify that this was kind of a broad statement that can be taken out of context. My meaning here is, obsession over if this thing or that thing looks jewish about yourself is going to leave you to ruin and worry. People should want to change the things about themselves that can be improved upon like weight loss, taking care of their appearance, maintaining good hygiene, working on solar plexus so that you can look glowing youthful and attractive if you know you need help in that way. But don't change yourself if there's nothing wrong in the first place. Enjoy your gentile beauty and accept who you are without fears and worries. Only change the things about yourself that will lead you to better quality of life and happiness.
I wish you all the best
Hail Satan!
I would like to elaborate on this further because i feel it's an important topic that should be made.
Extensive worrying about your appearance to the point of wanting to alter it in any way, because you feel your nose, your hair, your face, etc looks jewish is an enemy attack. They want you to destroy yourself, they want you to worry over small details because those add up and cause anxiety and stress. It will lead you down a path of second guessing yourself and in return this causes emotional ruin, paranoia and unhealthy habits.
If you were a Jew you would not be worrying about things like this. The guides we have on how to identify a jew are simply there for reference, to help guide us in learning and identifying certain jewish features. There are several gentiles who have these features as well because the jews literally stole everything from us. The more they race mixed with us the more of our traits they stole. Curly hair for example, real curly and wavy hair is a gentile trait and can be seen from nearly every gentile race, and our Gods as well! The coarser texture of hair is from race mixing, and the more likely one is to be a jew they will show the coarse kinky curly kind of hair. That being said, there are gentiles with hair like this as well because they have race mixed too.
Going overboard and worrying about your appearance will just cause you too much unnecessary pain. The more advanced you become you will be able to identify jews. But right now there is no need to worry yourself to death over it. Chances are you aren't one and have no need to worry or be paranoid.
Now on to matters of changing your appearance, You can change certain aspects about yourself through maintaining a good and healthy weight and diet, and through meditation, Venus squares, Solar Plexus workings and advancement, but the things outside of your control should not bring you shame. Many of us are far from perfect, it has to do with enemy curses and race mixing. But we can and will grow out of this. Things will start to go back to normal the more we heal our world from enemy influence. Our perception of our selves and beauty standards have been drastically altered to fit the jewish agenda. They make up impossible standards to cause further suffering of unrealistic body goals.
Beauty and appearance has been heavily altered by social media and unnatural celebrities who are often times jewish. Standards like having an ultra tiny waist, large breasts, huge lips, huge ass. or for men Large muscles and impossible to get body types without the use of steroids, drugs, plastic surgery. none of these are true to what our bodies should be. Modern culture shames and glorifies the wrong things because the enemy has poisoned it to throw us further off balance. Modern standards are a double edged sword of plastic size zero duck lip girls, or super big beefy steroid bros, or being terribly obese and being told that "it's ok fat is beautiful". There are so many plus size models out there now days, They preach things like acceptance but yet they make women and men feel it's ok to be massively obese and unhealthy, Putting them into a false sense of security where they never try to do better for themselves then when they see miss size zero over there they still feel deeply ashamed inside because they can't wear clothes like that, while miss size zero is over there starving wishing she could eat more but if she does she will have to throw it up again to maintain her unnatural physique. It's a terribly unbalanced and unhealthy system for everyone involved. WE NEED BALANCE! a healthy balance should be maintained both inside and out to achieve true beauty. Everything has been thrown off balance because the jew doesn't want us to achieve our true potential, but through spiritual Satanism we can and will return once again to the root of our beauty and find that balance.
here are some great examples of what true beauty standards should looks like:

These have lasted through the ages and serve as the proper guide for us because these are real obtainable standards, we were made in the image of the Gods and Goddesses therefore our gentile beauty comes from them! We can be healthy and beautiful. Through meditation and advancement we also start to become very aware of our health and wanting to better it too. There are many posts on here in our health and well being forums about staying healthy by several of our members, and you can always ask further questions in regards to diet and exercise tips if you don't find the answers in those posts.
Also just to shed some light on comparison, here are some depictions of fake beauty set by the jews and those that promote this kind of garbage. They need all that plastic to hide their ugly noses! and they fool young girls into thinking to be beautiful they need giant hotdog lips and a huge ass.

And there are just as many negative standards for men too, like the body builders who are super roided up, people like "the Liver king" who were taking steroids to look beefy and lying about it trying to promote a miracle drug supplement and diet to fool young men into thinking they could obtain such an unnatural physique. If you don't know about the Liver king controversy I would look it up and read up about it, that's a topic in it's own.

these false standards are not a reflection of who we really are. as you can plainly see WE are BEAUTIFUL as we are. Every race, every racial feature unique to our own respective races should be celebrated. Leave the jews to their phony plastic unnatural ways. Be yourself! Own your natural features, the jews have stolen so much from us it's about damn time we claim back what is ours. The solution to this problem of unhealthy modern beauty standards is to not get caught up in them, ignore them and Celebrate true beauty, both inner and outer beauty are important to quality of life. Take care of yourself and don't worry yourself over false standards. We will always be beautiful inside and out because we are the creation of Father Satan. We were made in his image! He is perfection and the more we embrace his ways, the ways of the Gods and Goddesses and follow their example, we will heal and move past this and find our true balance. Gentile beauty is radiance, strength, wisdom, and an embodiment of the breath of life Father Satan poured into us and our souls.
May every one of us reach our goals and learn to love ourselves and embrace the magnificence of our race!
Many thanks to Lady Astarte for her help and inspiration to make this post,
I dedicate this to her and all her beauty!
Hail Father Satan and the Gods and Goddesses of hell!!