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Donald Trump Assassination Attempt

Apparently, within minutes of it happening, it was trending all over Twitter especially that it was a set-up, that it was staged. #staged and #theymissed

People are in 2024, the enemy has the rule, and they appoint the worst they can appoint.

I am not sure exactly why people wouldn't appreciate the lesser fool, granted there are only fools at the time being.

… but there are also millions of Christian’s that also think that Jesus intervened and saved trump.

Christians frame it always as they wanted, they need a "Trump Savior", so they will of course relate anything to that topic. Their whole mind revolves around being "saved". They pay no attention to the facts that Trump has not in anyway saved them. It's only that he is not as destructive as Joe Biden. But that's about it.

The jews are making the desicions with Bidens body as a front. But now he is too senile to even function properly, even just for camera. Now jews are wanting to abandon him but the decision is too late in the election cycle for a new viable candidate, plus Biden stubbornly insists on staying in the race.

Trump is now being seen like this 'rebel', or 'rockstar' figure. With his personality I think he will feed off the energy. This could lead to him becoming more radicalized in a sense, resulting in him pushing back on the jews even harder, whether consciously or unconsciously.

The country would have likely went in a very different direction had the bullet not missed. This was a very significant event.

Also remember, that during the 2016 election cycle, the occult and memes played a considerable part in the results and trajectories to where we are today.

Correct. Also, I am not promoting Trump here. But he is objectively better than a half dead, emasculated and senile drone, that almost started WW3 and did not even keep up basic appearances.

Any phenomenon around presidents, oftentimes extends past the president. Yes, during 2016-2020, the situation is that our side had more space. They therefore engaged purges and everything they could from the private sectors, like Youtube etc. And then they started the attack. Not because Trump was cool, but because he was willing to keep up certain rules over "America's integrity" even for the sake of appearances or not - that does not matter. What matters is the consequence.

I guess we will see in the near future what was the truth. I hope I am wrong and Trump does have awareness of reality. Either way I still prefer him given what the Democratic party is. He did do good stuff on economy and foreign policy, but now if he gets the second term, we have to see an acceleration of his work and a few steps taken away from the jews. He must learn something from this if the deep state did want him dead. If he still plays the obedient goy it will be sad...

Many things are projected against Trump or around him. He is clearly not "Anti-the jews". The Jews just consider him a problem because of the movement behind him and because he wants to uphold the absolute basic of American values. He has not satisfied them enough to the 100%, like a drone would. Therefore, that is reason enough to attempt to slay him.

Trump has been kissing jew ass since day 1. He developed the vax and did not do much against the demographic replacement or the antifa and BLM threats.
As a potential controlled opposition agent the assassin would have no problem with sparing him and killing a few people. You insult me with the characteristic which you ironically display so strongly with a shallow assessment and conveniently dismissing the fact that the media has had a big turnaround lately.

Yes, I have been called names and insults by the worst scum that were left out of arguments and could not fathom it. I hope I am wrong and the guy saves our asses, but I am disappointed that long time members have such reactions when their emotional dream is in danger.

Nobody waits to be saved by Trump or any Trump. People just understand that objectively, he was the better poison to pick and the least deadly one. The fact he is better than Biden is objective. Other than this, nobody takes it that far or thinks he is some sort of "Anti-Israel hero".

The situation is that even if one does not conform 100% to the jewish agenda, even by accident or because they uphold certain basic values, they are a better pick than others for the time being. But nobody worships them for that fact, or considers them a savior or anything. That is a projection that is not reflected in anything I have written or others have written.

Trump is not planning to save anyone to the extents people think; many people project things to him. At best, he wants to maintain semblance of logic and normalcy, instead of straight up starting WW3 for the kikes as his term proven. But they surround him also with infinite Zionists, so anything is to be expected.
According to some Instagram and Twitter activists, the shooter is an actual jew. If that's really the case, no wonder he missed the shot, I mean jews never were great warriors.
Capture d’écran 2024-07-16 135125.png
I believe I have written about the Illuminati Card game before. When it comes to works of art like this, sometimes artists are intuitive and they can see certain events in the high of their creativity. This game is not a coincidence, and albeit it was created as a game, this seems to be some sort of code from an insider to warn the masses of impeding dooms or methods of control that the actual Globalist/Jewish elite is always using. Planned pandemics, diseases, zombie viruses and so on.

The author seems to have made it go out deliberately, in a covert way as to not be killed, as writing this out would have them slaughtered.
(You wanted to) grab a brush and put a little makeup
(You wanted to) hide the scars to fade away the shakeup
(You wanted to) why'd you leave the keys upon the table?
(You wanted to)
I've been mistaken by early news reports claiming he was struck by glass. I went to look at newer reports - his ear was indeed grazed by a bullet. I was wrong. Sorry for wasting your time.
You don't waste my time. I am always happy to talk to people who disagree with me. Because we both might know something that the other person doesn't know, and all that will happen is we will both become better.
As all of the news are showing, Donald Trump was recently attempted to become the target of an assassination attempt in his recent rally. Thankfully the secret services intercepted the attack and the shooter is dead.

From circulating information, the shooter in question was actually a member of the radical far left, Soros Funded, Anti-Fa or Anti-Fascist faction. Clearly, they want Trump out of the picture and maybe this was also a hired assassin to do this.

For years I have been reiterating, that Joe Biden is actually senile and he is too old to rule. The man needs to rest. He cannot form sentences and he is clearly physically incapable to lead. In regard to the effects of his leadership, you must visit your local grocery store. He is not a good president, under his presidency Europe was almost invaded, the Russians smelled weakness and the Ukraine situation began.

Further, due to his weakness, Israel has been feeling entitled to conduct their Messianic Genocide against the Palestinians, and the US is also rapidly becoming unlivable for the ordinary US citizen. All of these are extremely negative, and Joe Biden has to go.

The seat of the President of the United States cannot be a position of weakness, nor of a senile man. The international danger and the danger to global stability due to this, can be so great, that we are also risking WW3. I won't even mention here all the atrocities he did when it came to the "Co-Vid" crisis and all of this, acting as if the world would fall down because of the flu and related insanity.

As everyone knows the Joy of Satan is not a political organization. At the same rate since we are based on spirituality and sensibility, we have to consider that certain individuals are better than others when it comes to leading. Yes, the United States and the global peace was better under Trump. Everyone was afraid of Donald Trump, who in no particular way started any wars or crises.

It's not a coincidence that the "pandemic" situation arose in his presidency, as "simulated" earlier by the World Economic Forum, to create global instability during his presidency. He admitted he made some mistakes when it came to the vaccines, but overall, the situation was better under him.

At the current state of political affairs and too much Jewish Lobbying influence, there are not many choices for sane, younger or wiser presidents. Therefore currently, Trump is the best choice for the candidate given these possibilities. One cannot bet the Free World on a dead horse, and Joe Biden is a dead horse. I have commented before on Joe Biden's long government service and yes, he has been a career politician that has played many key roles in the United States. But his time is over and he can no longer do this task, let alone keep doing horrible mistake after another.

Further, if people think that killing a president in this way is going to solve anything, they are deluded. Trump during his term has showed that he actually means no evil to the people of the United States. He did not become "Hitler" (what the NPC drones believe that evil "Hitler was"). He was actually a peace keeping and firm president that did well for the US economy, the most integral part of life for the United States.

An excessive over-reach when it comes to slander, attempts to imprison, and lawfare and defamation has happened against Donald Trump. I do not have to be a supporter of him or his ideals to understand this is too far off. A few paid shills and loonies went into the Capitoleum and said he wanted an "insurgency". Meanwhile, as the left wing does x100 times worse things, they always are off the hook and off bail.

Joe Biden's son is allowed to exchange millions and billions with China, and there is no "collusion with the Chinese" on behalf of the "big guy" (Joe Biden), or Hillary is allowed to parade with Epstein or do endless other deplorable things, but lo and behold Trump supposedly is a felon because he had an illicit sexual affair with Stormie Daniels. I mean, give me a break...

Lastly there are some people who say this was staged, but that event being staged. I wanted to mention this too because there are also potential reports on that. From the video I see I do not believe this to be a stunt at all.

Granted the history of people who posed a problem to the Globalists, like JFK (Globalists are jews, we just call them like this because some people are weak to name that 85% of Globalists are simply greasy jews), I know that yes, they will kill any man, woman or child that opposes their agenda, only if they could. Regardless of this, it's clear that Joe Biden is 100% unfit to become a President. If he does, the United States will be committing suicide. I also want to say good job to the Secret Services for not allowing his life to be lost.

What is clear is that some people, and very evil people, want Donald J Trump dead, maimed or imprisoned. He rose defiant after the attack and you can see that this man can stand on his legs.

I can only wish him good luck and I find it sick and deplorable that the world has come down to this, to shoot people down for these topics. The Globalist and Jewish rule has went too far. They want to kill everyone. Blessed be those who defiantly rise against them, not fearing the death from the globalist worthless mafia. Fuck all of them. May their souls perish in tartarus.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

UPDATE 1: Jewish outlook on the topic of Trump's Assassination.
I fully support Donald Trump :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love:

On the other hand, I have concerns about the wife of the Vice President if Donald Trump becomes President, since the wife of the future Vice President of the United States is a gypsy.

Most likely, Jews will try to organize a conspiracy against the Donald Trump through the gypsy wife of the future Vice President of America.
Also, the snipers who KILLED the shooters, took *42* seconds to shoot him... HMMMMM:unsure::unsure:...
That's what I found suspicious Is there's videos of people yelling to the police that they saw a man with a gun and they did nothing until after shots were fired I think trump needs to have all the secret service and the police that were working that Day investigated, how did anyone get that close to him with a rifle in such a obvious spot I'm willing to bet one or more of the secret services are possibly mossad agents unfortunately I don't believe this will be the first attempt on trumps life before the elections get here, and I think the jews want a civil war to kick off in America and if trump would have died I believe that's exactly what would have eventually happened because maga is losing there shit i watched a video of guy on YouTube named Canadian prepper he said that after the shooting, ammo online was being bought up in record numbers according to what he said it almost crashed the markets. If they can't crash America using wars, etc. Then there probably thinking the only way to crash America is if America crashes itself, and a civil war would do just that, I don't believe this incident was staged but i definitely believe they let it happen.. may the Gods look after trump, if this was a inside job or staged then wow what a extremely desperate move they just pulled, they tried to jfk another president i don't know what to believe anymore when it comes to this assassination attempt but I would not be surprised at all if it was an inside job never underestimate the k*kes I'm sure there will be more attempts like this on trumps life, and what really irritates is seeing all these comments from these mentally ill morons online wishing the shooter would have been successful, some people are so stupid it Makes them dangerous,... dangerously stupid, the vile lizard spawn successfully collapsed Rome, the greeks. Etc. They have been unsuccessful so far in trying to collapse this beautiful country. Now who the hell knows what they'll pull next one thing I do know is that they are extremely desperate, I always have the sense of false hope that maybe just maybe these k*kes will realize they are done for In the long run and they will just stop there bullshit, but no they are incapable of stopping there bullshit may father Satan's punishment on them be brutal and they perish forever...
According to some Instagram and Twitter activists, the shooter is an actual jew. If that's really the case, no wonder he missed the shot, I mean jews never were great warriors.
View attachment 3189
I KNEW it cause the shooter looks like a dam jew, the ears are what gave it away for me, leave it to a retarded inbred k*ke to try and pull something like this off
As all of the news are showing, Donald Trump was recently attempted to become the target of an assassination attempt in his recent rally. Thankfully the secret services intercepted the attack and the shooter is dead.

From circulating information, the shooter in question was actually a member of the radical far left, Soros Funded, Anti-Fa or Anti-Fascist faction. Clearly, they want Trump out of the picture and maybe this was also a hired assassin to do this.

For years I have been reiterating, that Joe Biden is actually senile and he is too old to rule. The man needs to rest. He cannot form sentences and he is clearly physically incapable to lead. In regard to the effects of his leadership, you must visit your local grocery store. He is not a good president, under his presidency Europe was almost invaded, the Russians smelled weakness and the Ukraine situation began.

Further, due to his weakness, Israel has been feeling entitled to conduct their Messianic Genocide against the Palestinians, and the US is also rapidly becoming unlivable for the ordinary US citizen. All of these are extremely negative, and Joe Biden has to go.

The seat of the President of the United States cannot be a position of weakness, nor of a senile man. The international danger and the danger to global stability due to this, can be so great, that we are also risking WW3. I won't even mention here all the atrocities he did when it came to the "Co-Vid" crisis and all of this, acting as if the world would fall down because of the flu and related insanity.

As everyone knows the Joy of Satan is not a political organization. At the same rate since we are based on spirituality and sensibility, we have to consider that certain individuals are better than others when it comes to leading. Yes, the United States and the global peace was better under Trump. Everyone was afraid of Donald Trump, who in no particular way started any wars or crises.

It's not a coincidence that the "pandemic" situation arose in his presidency, as "simulated" earlier by the World Economic Forum, to create global instability during his presidency. He admitted he made some mistakes when it came to the vaccines, but overall, the situation was better under him.

At the current state of political affairs and too much Jewish Lobbying influence, there are not many choices for sane, younger or wiser presidents. Therefore currently, Trump is the best choice for the candidate given these possibilities. One cannot bet the Free World on a dead horse, and Joe Biden is a dead horse. I have commented before on Joe Biden's long government service and yes, he has been a career politician that has played many key roles in the United States. But his time is over and he can no longer do this task, let alone keep doing horrible mistake after another.

Further, if people think that killing a president in this way is going to solve anything, they are deluded. Trump during his term has showed that he actually means no evil to the people of the United States. He did not become "Hitler" (what the NPC drones believe that evil "Hitler was"). He was actually a peace keeping and firm president that did well for the US economy, the most integral part of life for the United States.

An excessive over-reach when it comes to slander, attempts to imprison, and lawfare and defamation has happened against Donald Trump. I do not have to be a supporter of him or his ideals to understand this is too far off. A few paid shills and loonies went into the Capitoleum and said he wanted an "insurgency". Meanwhile, as the left wing does x100 times worse things, they always are off the hook and off bail.

Joe Biden's son is allowed to exchange millions and billions with China, and there is no "collusion with the Chinese" on behalf of the "big guy" (Joe Biden), or Hillary is allowed to parade with Epstein or do endless other deplorable things, but lo and behold Trump supposedly is a felon because he had an illicit sexual affair with Stormie Daniels. I mean, give me a break...

Lastly there are some people who say this was staged, but that event being staged. I wanted to mention this too because there are also potential reports on that. From the video I see I do not believe this to be a stunt at all.

Granted the history of people who posed a problem to the Globalists, like JFK (Globalists are jews, we just call them like this because some people are weak to name that 85% of Globalists are simply greasy jews), I know that yes, they will kill any man, woman or child that opposes their agenda, only if they could. Regardless of this, it's clear that Joe Biden is 100% unfit to become a President. If he does, the United States will be committing suicide. I also want to say good job to the Secret Services for not allowing his life to be lost.

What is clear is that some people, and very evil people, want Donald J Trump dead, maimed or imprisoned. He rose defiant after the attack and you can see that this man can stand on his legs.

I can only wish him good luck and I find it sick and deplorable that the world has come down to this, to shoot people down for these topics. The Globalist and Jewish rule has went too far. They want to kill everyone. Blessed be those who defiantly rise against them, not fearing the death from the globalist worthless mafia. Fuck all of them. May their souls perish in tartarus.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

UPDATE 1: Jewish outlook on the topic of Trump's Assassination.
HP, they will pay for any single drop of blood they sipped from any innocent for figther for mankind freedom,ANY SINGLE CELL! The fury of our Beloved Father Satan can hit them with just rage, can our gods stomp them meanwhile they beg for their life! Can the humanity see what scum they are! They will pay sooner or later HP Hoodedcobra...and exist only a way: RTR,RTR,RTR...show the power of JOS to these monsters! All Hail Satan All Hail to our gods!
Will there perhaps be a RTR schedule in response to this? I know they're planned around specific power dates but watching this play out has me VERY motivated to do some spiritual warfare. If not, what rituals would be best?
As all of the news are showing, Donald Trump was recently attempted to become the target of an assassination attempt in his recent rally. Thankfully the secret services intercepted the attack and the shooter is dead.

From circulating information, the shooter in question was actually a member of the radical far left, Soros Funded, Anti-Fa or Anti-Fascist faction. Clearly, they want Trump out of the picture and maybe this was also a hired assassin to do this.

For years I have been reiterating, that Joe Biden is actually senile and he is too old to rule. The man needs to rest. He cannot form sentences and he is clearly physically incapable to lead. In regard to the effects of his leadership, you must visit your local grocery store. He is not a good president, under his presidency Europe was almost invaded, the Russians smelled weakness and the Ukraine situation began.

Further, due to his weakness, Israel has been feeling entitled to conduct their Messianic Genocide against the Palestinians, and the US is also rapidly becoming unlivable for the ordinary US citizen. All of these are extremely negative, and Joe Biden has to go.

The seat of the President of the United States cannot be a position of weakness, nor of a senile man. The international danger and the danger to global stability due to this, can be so great, that we are also risking WW3. I won't even mention here all the atrocities he did when it came to the "Co-Vid" crisis and all of this, acting as if the world would fall down because of the flu and related insanity.

As everyone knows the Joy of Satan is not a political organization. At the same rate since we are based on spirituality and sensibility, we have to consider that certain individuals are better than others when it comes to leading. Yes, the United States and the global peace was better under Trump. Everyone was afraid of Donald Trump, who in no particular way started any wars or crises.

It's not a coincidence that the "pandemic" situation arose in his presidency, as "simulated" earlier by the World Economic Forum, to create global instability during his presidency. He admitted he made some mistakes when it came to the vaccines, but overall, the situation was better under him.

At the current state of political affairs and too much Jewish Lobbying influence, there are not many choices for sane, younger or wiser presidents. Therefore currently, Trump is the best choice for the candidate given these possibilities. One cannot bet the Free World on a dead horse, and Joe Biden is a dead horse. I have commented before on Joe Biden's long government service and yes, he has been a career politician that has played many key roles in the United States. But his time is over and he can no longer do this task, let alone keep doing horrible mistake after another.

Further, if people think that killing a president in this way is going to solve anything, they are deluded. Trump during his term has showed that he actually means no evil to the people of the United States. He did not become "Hitler" (what the NPC drones believe that evil "Hitler was"). He was actually a peace keeping and firm president that did well for the US economy, the most integral part of life for the United States.

An excessive over-reach when it comes to slander, attempts to imprison, and lawfare and defamation has happened against Donald Trump. I do not have to be a supporter of him or his ideals to understand this is too far off. A few paid shills and loonies went into the Capitoleum and said he wanted an "insurgency". Meanwhile, as the left wing does x100 times worse things, they always are off the hook and off bail.

Joe Biden's son is allowed to exchange millions and billions with China, and there is no "collusion with the Chinese" on behalf of the "big guy" (Joe Biden), or Hillary is allowed to parade with Epstein or do endless other deplorable things, but lo and behold Trump supposedly is a felon because he had an illicit sexual affair with Stormie Daniels. I mean, give me a break...

Lastly there are some people who say this was staged, but that event being staged. I wanted to mention this too because there are also potential reports on that. From the video I see I do not believe this to be a stunt at all.

Granted the history of people who posed a problem to the Globalists, like JFK (Globalists are jews, we just call them like this because some people are weak to name that 85% of Globalists are simply greasy jews), I know that yes, they will kill any man, woman or child that opposes their agenda, only if they could. Regardless of this, it's clear that Joe Biden is 100% unfit to become a President. If he does, the United States will be committing suicide. I also want to say good job to the Secret Services for not allowing his life to be lost.

What is clear is that some people, and very evil people, want Donald J Trump dead, maimed or imprisoned. He rose defiant after the attack and you can see that this man can stand on his legs.

I can only wish him good luck and I find it sick and deplorable that the world has come down to this, to shoot people down for these topics. The Globalist and Jewish rule has went too far. They want to kill everyone. Blessed be those who defiantly rise against them, not fearing the death from the globalist worthless mafia. Fuck all of them. May their souls perish in tartarus.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

UPDATE 1: Jewish outlook on the topic of Trump's Assassination.
watching the debate right now Mike pompeo just said "We treated Israel like the friend we deserved." Or something along those lines, so Trump supports Israel...
People are in 2024, the enemy has the rule, and they appoint the worst they can appoint.

I am not sure exactly why people wouldn't appreciate the lesser fool, granted there are only fools at the time being.
I don't follow politics very closely at all, really, but when speaking after it, Biden didn't seem to muddle any words; rather, seeming quite capable of speaking relatively clearly...

According to some Instagram and Twitter activists, the shooter is an actual jew. If that's really the case, no wonder he missed the shot, I mean jews never were great warriors.
View attachment 3189
I was waiting for that... I was actually expecting it...
I don't follow politics very closely at all, really, but when speaking after it, Biden didn't seem to muddle any words; rather, seeming quite capable of speaking relatively clearly...
He has mumbled on numerous occasions, mixed people and places up in an unacceptable manner from a person in his position, stumbled and fell on airplane stairs, and fell off a bicycle coming to a standstill (he had shoe strap pedals and failed to use them properly).

In other words, he is not leadership material.
He has mumbled on numerous occasions, mixed people and places up in an unacceptable manner from a person in his position, stumbled and fell on airplane stairs, and fell off a bicycle coming to a standstill (he had shoe strap pedals and failed to use them properly).

In other words, he is not leadership material.
… but there are also millions of Christian’s that also think that Jesus intervened and saved trump.
Some says it's the (((angels)))... some says it's thanks to (((god))) ... i Say it's thanks to SATAN And the ancient GODS!
Occult Satanic Forces Intervened and Temporarily Bestowed to Mr Trump, the Capability of Dodging the Lethal Incoming Threats, in order to Preserve his own Physical integrity, which For the Time Being is Desirable, from a Satanic Perspective,Of course...Trump DEAD, would have potentially ended up into starting a Civil war or Worse...

also, as Many Has already Rightfully pointed out in this thread, Trump is still the "lesser poisonous" choice, when compared to other (((alternatives))) such as biden ,Of course <
He has done more to try to help America than any other president in the last 30-40 years. He is the only president in the last few decades where during his presidency, there were no new wars started anywhere in the world. Then with Biden, there were 3 major wars started that each have the potential to become WWIII.

He also had the greatest economy since WWII. He did major work to bring factories back to America and create American jobs, after previous presidents signed agreements to send all of these manufacturing jobs to China, South Korea, and Mexico. Trump brought many of these jobs back to America. By doing things like if this company wants to build cars in China, there is going to be such an expensive tariff fee put on each one, that it would be cheaper for them to bring the manufacturing back home.

He was making better deals with China to reduce the trade deficit between China and America. Meaning that if China sells us 100 times more things than what we sell to them, overall, all of the money is being removed from America and sent to China. Trump made all kinds of deals where this trade deficit was reduced, and if they wanted to make a deal to sell us things, they would be required to buy a lot of things from us. America is one of the world's largest producers of corn and soy beans, and China was being forced to buy these from us and pay for these, where China became the largest buyer where most of these were sold to.

He also had us completely self sufficient with oil and gas production, we were making all of it ourselves, and even selling extra oil to other countries. Not supporting Russia or Saudi Arabia by buying any oil from their. Our warehouses and storage were completely filled up with barrels of oil, and gas prices were the cheapest they've been in more than 10-15 years.

He also is the only person to try to secure the border. Criminal jews in Congress and Senate blocked this from happening, but he tried as much as he could to get this done. The wall was not completed, but he made things like the Remain in Mexico law where if criminal aliens (the legal term is "criminal alien" so I use this term) came across the border, instead of just being set free into America and told to come back 3 years later for a court date which is what the Catch and Release policy does, they would instead be put back into Mexico and told wait there for the court date. Also the violent dangerous criminals who should be deported, these other countries were refusing to take them back because they don't want to deal with violent evil people either. Trump made these countries accept back the deported violent criminals by saying "We give you millions of dollars of funding to your country every year, and if you won't take back your criminals, then we won't give you this money." And they happily agreed to take back the violent criminals.

He cut taxes not just for rich people, but he cut taxes down for all people at all income levels. And the actual tax revenue being generated was the highest of any time in history. Because owners of companies were able to afford to hire more workers, many new companies were created, and the overall growth of the economy and creation of jobs was the highest it's ever been. There were more people working than ever before, and all paying taxes. The richest people also were all paying more taxes, because in one part, their companies were so successful that they were making more income. And also with a lower tax rate, more rich people were actually paying their taxes instead of hiding their money in Switzerland or Panama.

I don't care about israel. If there is a battle between jews who want us dead, and muslims who would happily chop our heads off in one second for being Satanists, I don't like either of them. Both sides are evil. It is not my highest priority to care about what happens on the other side of the world between two different groups who would both equally chop our heads off. My priority is my People, and the ability for American citizens to live happy, successful, prosperous, and safe lives, and have a prosperous and safe environment to raise healthy and successful Families. And for the prosperity of American people, Trump is the best president we have had for the last several decades. I'm not on the side of the deep state globalist jews who have spent every moment of every day for the last 9 years lying about him and trying to destroy him in every possible way, just because he has committed the crime of working to help and uphold American civilization and prosperity for American citizens, instead of doing what the globalist jews wanted him to do and working to collapse and erase our civilization.
I mentioned in 2024 Paris thread that Trump is still sort of forced to kiss the asses of the jews.

I don't think that he would honestly support the mass murdering of Palestinian children, or that he would love and cherish Israel in fact.
This must be only a sort of acting towards Israel. See his face in the other video when that psychopath filth gave that framed photo of a jewish child who is allegedly a hostage...
I just can't believe that he is a total stupid idiot who do not see what's happening and also I can't believe that he would be an evil psychopath who is with the jews in real...

He really did a lot for the US. It's also true that how they were attacking him constantly and wanted to remove him.
And now this assassination attempt against him... Totally obvious.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
