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Conclusions before the great storm - CHAPTER 18 – ADAPTING COMMUNICATION


Well-known member
Sep 21, 2017
Often we are met with extreme levels of stubbornness when stating facts and elements of common sense to a person. We think to ourselves “Is this individual blind or lacks the mental capacity?” The reality is there are many factors which could determine someone to not accept the facts that we put before them, factors ranging from intelligence, emotional ties, fear to the lack of integrity and personal interests which could have the person in question acting dumb, but in reality being perfectly aware of the facts.

While we may be perfectly right to feel mad for the decisions which many others take and affect us and our lives as well, we have to find alternative solutions to break through the walls in their minds rather than dwell on our ill feelings for them and do nothing. We take reality as it is and not as we would want it to be, although we strive to get there in time.

One should always first decide which are the ones that have the capacity to assimilate a message and then focus on them rather than waste enormous amounts of time on someone who is either unwilling or incapable to do so. To do this, they must know the people in question and how to operate on their minds. Some may understand the rational part better and quicker while others will dwell on the emotional realm.

There are lots of examples from the highest and most valuable subjects of discussions all the way to the simplest most basic interactions between humans and/or animals.

Too much pride will give a false sense of over-confidence and make one miss his target and wonder why. Why did that certain individual not see through the information which was laid before them? It was true wasn’t it?

The truth is if your dog pees on your carpet instead of the place you are training it to use, there is no use giving the dog an intellectual speech about education, behavior and the consideration it must have for the objects you pay for. The dog will only understand if you smack his butt with a newspaper or if you make a noise which the animal perceives as a “NO!” Same goes if you wish to have a conversation with a university professor and you use a street mannered language. You will lose the connection with him.

One must be wise enough to choose the best communication way with the one they have before them. You must determine who and what the person in front of you is? A doctor, a lawyer, a janitor, a businessman, a plumber, a drunk thug you wish to get away from, a child? In what manner are they talking and thinking, what do they like and what mood are they in?

If your son comes angry from school because he had a fight with a class mate or was mistreated by a teacher it’s best to first understand the situation and show some degree of empathy even if you may need to address a mistake he made, this in accordance to how the situation really is.

When I traveled abroad to Egypt and Turkey and went to a few bazaars to negotiate the price of a few products and souvenirs I was not talking in perfect academic English as they would first not really understand perfectly or be able to keep up and secondly by judging my degree of spoken English they could have determined how much I could have paid. So instead it was better to make them think I was not the best educated and wealthiest person. The way you talk can be equated with your levels of education and material status. So in such a situation is best you drop your pride and ego a little and focus on the pragmatic side of the situation.

Since there is endless class warfare in our societies talking in an elevated manner to a construction worker, janitor or car mechanic may create a certain distance between the two and one might lose the persuasion he may have. In the same way you may be in front of a businessman or computer IT guy and try to get a favor from him and if you talk in an inadequate matter for his type you may lose the connection you are trying to build.

You are late at night trying to find the subway station and you come by a black guy with baggy rapper like clothes. You don’t go up to him saying “excuse me sir, would you be kind enough to point me in the right direction so I could reach the nearest metro station?” Best just asking “sorry my man, but where’s the closest sub station? Thanks yo, I really appreciate!”

When I traveled to Egypt I saw many Westerners acting up with their big fake smiles, excessively talking, praising the locals’ culture and trying almost to virtue signal based on their behavior and many of the Arabs were shocked and slightly disgusted with all the explosion of positive energy some of the tourists were displaying. But the rest of us, being more human and understanding the locals overall energy and behavior were just there making simple conversation, asking the merchants about prices, offers and so on and telling a simple joke now and then. We were acting like simple men having a normal conversation which earned each other’s respect. The ones who are not fake and especially not leftists will almost always understand how to feel and perceive a person by instinct.

The same goes with clothing. When going somewhere or to someone you need to understand which clothes are most adequate for those circumstances. You don’t go to the opera or a job interview in shorts or at the back of the block with your fiends dressed up in smoking suits to drink beer and eat shawarma.

One must have enough wisdom and a perfectly balanced pride in order to understand the circumstances they dwell in and adapt in order to be more persuasive to others. This does not mean compromising your principles as you are in fact trying to make others see reason in yours.

I saw on a few videos on servers and sites that still permit such, so called white nationalists that were trying to push our message. While many of them might state their points of view in truthful and a verbally acceptable manner, some of them sometimes dress up similar to the National Socialists or some kind of medieval or present time military uniform. The point is there is no need to dress up like the times of the system or ideology you are trying to market, but just explain what you wish to explain. Acting like a clown and being outside of the present time’s boundaries will only make people reject you easier. Be mindful of such ways of displaying a message and note that the enemy is always trying to subvert and discredit people and turn their adversaries into clowns to discredit them. Sometimes they pay such actors from the beginning to act as a discrediting force. Dis propagandists to be more specific!

This is why when the singer Kanye West was trying to warn people about Jews, he appeared in Alex Jones’ show dressed up all in black with a bag on his head and sun glasses on that bag. It was a total circus in its entirety. It makes it very hard for one to defend someone like him.

The enemy does the same with Satanism and Satanists. Most of the public ones are Jews ore deluded, crazy, sick gentiles acting like the biggest fools and in the most repulsive possible manner.

As seem in all those examples one must adapt communication in order to get the message through. There are enemies or adversaries which you can solve your problems with by either ways of diplomacy and negotiation or by brute force and punishment. Each individual comes to this world with certain natural predispositions and then his character is further affected by external factors such as education and various life experiences. By this principles we use both words and understanding, but also institutions such as courts, police and the army.

Leftism is just the adaptation the Christian set of moral values. They both affect our collective thinking and behavior with the religious component being the oldest one. Often in various confrontations and disputes where diplomacy fails we tend to let the normal angry reactions make our points. Often have I heard phrases and expressions like “you are better than them”, “do not stoop to their level”, “do not descend to their mind”. In many such cases this is wrong as you need to lower communication to someone’s level in order to be understood. Not getting bated into something that can get you in legal trouble is another story, but when there are no other choices one must survive and protect his interests and the well-being of his loved ones instead of turning the other cheek. Such repeated actions will give ill willed characters more courage and will in time create a culture of favoritism towards the lawless and immoral.

There are circumstances when you need to descend to the animal level to make the animal understand and situations when you need to raise your level. When a dog attacks your child you don’t go to the dog and start explaining to him that its behavior is not proper and that it needs to rethink its life.

Often we think that people with such mentalities (pacifist in all the cases) are simply mentally challenged and cannot see the way nature works. In reality we get into another issue which is the issue of demoralization. People are not allowed by the system to defend themselves and they are scared. Very few will admit this, but due to their pride being hurt they will pretend they believe in something else. So they either lie about their beliefs and try to ignore what they don’t believe they can change or they are indeed below the line of mental retardation.

Pride is in many cases the most dominant trait one has and hurting this trait can be more painful than physical injury. In our present days the enemy took care of the legal system as well as of the moral values of our lives so that if you get attacked, bullied or psychologically harassed and fight back in any way there are numerous ways you can get into even deeper trouble so the vast majority of people act like everything is ok, but are subconsciously demoralized.

Take the situation of a guy that picks on someone in any manner without any reason this guy being a bigger man with a very endomorph constitution. In short a bigger than the average man bullying a normal or smaller guy. At one point the victim will have enough. If the big guy does not take a step back after diplomatic conversation, the victim will need to resort to physical confrontation. In most cases such situations are not solved by diplomatic ways as if the guy wants to attack you be sure that “please stop bothering me” will definitely not make him rethink his actions. A bigger guy does not need to use that much force against a smaller guy, but the smaller guy is faced with the choice to either hit pretty hard in order to get rid of him or simply walk away in shame with his face down. The principle of equal force is the most damaging, demented set of rules you can submit normal people to. What is one confronted with such circumstances supposed to do? Immobilize the aggressor so he does not move? Wait until he strikes first? Do those advocating for such ideas even believe what they say?

In the above situations the bigger guy will always have the advantage as he can harass you in many ways without breaking any laws or rules while most of the ways you can make your point that enough is enough are either illegal or invite all sorts of other worse consequences.

Even being the best fighter on the streets gets you so far when the one you fought against knows where you stay, where your car is parked, when your wife or child get off to work or school, so the discussion will inevitably extend to the realms of community and legal system.

This is something we will have to change in time and how we will go about doing this will also depend on our skills of communication, persuasion and negotiation.

Remember that all we know and have learned so far is the direct consequence of communication. Whenever you wish to teach someone something whether it is society or your son or daughter you need to first ask yourself how you are going to get through to them.

Communication and information flow like fluids in nature. They find a way to get to their targets based on gravity and the laws of physics. One must decide how those analogies apply on his targets and where are the soft spots.

Writing in my opinion outranks verbal communication in many situations as during verbal communication it is difficult to keep a track of all the ideas, links and correlations between them without being interrupted, while by writing, the reader has no choice but to either continue reading or close the book. Both have advantages and disadvantages, but it’s best to have a debate on a subject after you have read about it and not before.
One must remember to also filter the information that is coming towards him. Many brag about how many books they read per year, but if we were to debate the quality of the information they assimilate we may not even want to look at them.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
