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Conclusions before the great storm - CHAPTER 17 – FAMILY AND CHILDREN


Well-known member
Sep 21, 2017
The title says it all. Family is the construct which truly keeps the world spinning. This is why the enemy vehemently attacks the family in the Western world, because without it society would collapse.

All areas in life such as behavior, civic understanding, knowledge about society and so on are points which we all confront in our lives, but how well children understand them is also a major point in a family’s interaction with them. It is the school’s role in children’s knowledge, but in terms of education family is the major player. The way children assimilates all areas of education also depends on their parents’ will, patience and love shown towards them.

Today we are confronted with many problems in those areas given the enemy is a hard to remove parasite from our society. A body needs antibiotics for such strong and stubborn pathogens.

Having a family and children is discouraged on all existing fronts by the ones who wish to eradicate our race. Television, entertainment, movies, social media influencers and all areas where the Jew has influence is obsessively pushing messages and ideas such as children constitute a major discomfort for adults, births are more painful than the inquisition methods, having children is damaging for the environment, unless they are not white and so on. Unfortunately many lazy gentiles who fail in life cling to such excuses to continue their meaningless, degenerate lives even though, deep inside they themselves don’t believe what they claim to believe.

How a person treats and understands the concept of family reflects in their behavior in society and even what ideologies they support and politics they may vote. Again, how someone understands and treats the concept of family correlates further with the rest of life’s major aspects.

One major problem that we are facing from a demographical point of view is the unwillingness of the white woman to have children. They are indoctrinated by the system that career is the first thing they should put forward. This is not to say that women should not have the opportunities to work and pursue any professional path they are skilled at, but without woman’s most important role in nature, which is procreation, any race will simply decline and loose the society they have built along the history. The focus on career extends way too much in their minds to the point they waste so much of their youth, that by the time they wish to have children, if they even do so, they start facing fertility problems due to age.

In this liberal oriented world in which we dwell, there are other distractions which make them willingly waste their youth such as travelling, partying and pursuing all sorts of activities which they have been thought to think would not be possible anymore if they had babies.

It takes a bit of courage and maturity to jump from the stage of teenager to the next level of being an adult. Just as a man makes the jump from living inside his family financial support to having his own job, buying an apartment, having a wife instead of clubbing all day, getting his driver’s license, getting a car, so does a woman start on the most important role that nature can bestow on a human: giving birth and insuring the survival of her species and race.

While men as husbands and fathers have lots of responsibilities, there is not one greater than the one of giving birth. A normal society should hold this role in the highest possible honor, encourage it and offer as much support and praise as possible to the women who keep our history continuing. It is probably the role I have the most respect for in all of our society.

From the past history of wars, famines, totalitarianism and economic disasters, the enemy has evolved his offensive methods all the way to psychological warfare combined with the previous methods.
For this purpose the enemy has introduced feminism, frustration and gender conflicts in our society, to make us hate each other and decline our birthrates. You will never see the same levels of fear, despise and rejection towards the notion family and children in women of Arab, black, Asian, Jewish or South American origin as you see in Europe or North America.

In regards to the enemy’s plots and conspiracies there are many environments, both in real life and online where men discuss them. Although is man’s role to take action against such internal and external aggressions upon his land, women must at least be aware of those problems as well in order to support their men. Sure there are still men supporting the enemy rather than their own countries and race, but you seldom if ever see a woman discussing such topics. Awareness about those problems is not a problem anymore as it used to be let’s say until 2020, but rather the willingness to acknowledge and act against them
This is not to say that women should publicly scream on the streets for the removal of the Jew, although some did this against the white man, but at least not stand with the enemy against their men, while men are trying to fight for them. It is difficult to try and have faith in the future when someone close to you may advocate for all the destructive doctrines of the enemy. Or worse, imagine the Ukrainian soldiers going in a war against Russia, while many of their women mate with Arabs or blacks all for the sick fetish of the Jew. Surely in the schizophrenic mind of the enemy, Ukrainians and Russians had nothing better to do than genocide each other. They had no families, no jobs, no taxes, invoices or interest in banks to pay, their only purpose was to spill each other’s guts for Jewish geo-politics. For the unaware reader, besides the major influence of the enemy in private and public institutions in both countries both president Zelensky and president Putin have Jewish blood, with Zelensky being a full Jew and Putin, being Jewish from his mother’s side. No need to even mention their entourages.

Men talk and do activism about the enemy and what our role should be in standing against this global ruse, but on a psychological perspective we do not have the same sense of persuasion in talking to women about their roles and this is not because of feminism as there are many normal women out there. It’s just the simple natural fact that a woman resonates way better with another in discussing topics such as femininity, family, fertility, children and nurturing. They know both the rational and emotional aspects of those areas, so the best way to appeal to women about those issues is for other women to show them the path to true and pure femininity. I’ve seen this on a few, rare occasions and it has a tremendous effect. I have a lot of respect for the women who get involved in this and do their part. In a world filled with feminism and rejection of femininity, all normal minded men are very much attracted to feminine women and respect them enormously. Entourage always plays a major role in all of this for both genders as the few will subconsciously want to please the many. I have seen that women who have children in earlier stages are the ones who have friends in the same situations while the ones that have friends who are mostly oriented towards entertainment, parties or travelling will most of the time comply to the group rule.

On the other side, man’s problem which impedes the development of the family construct is his brainwashing to act cool, like a thug or bully because that is what sells on TV and the entertainment industry while many on the other side believe behaving like an effeminate sissy is what education means. The only thuggish attitude which is morally acceptable is orienting this attitude to the two categories above to get rid of them which in a normal society should not even constitute a problem. A man should not be afraid that if they smash the face of a noisy douchebag which picks on him on the street for no reason, he will end up at the police station, because of “you need to use equal force” bullshit reasons. Well what equal force did the aggressor use against him when he was just minding his own business? Our whole legal system has been rewired to take rights away from normal people and give special privileges to thugs, criminals and almost all immoral categories of people. Those are the levels of dementia and schizophrenia the enemy operates on. Many times those are not even part of the greater conspiracy, but simply their grotesque nature.
Such acts and wrong examples can twist the minds of children and make them behave like this.

The best way to have a strong focus on family in the hearts of people is to take control of the institutions or organizations which promote the opposite. State institutions cannot do all the work although they have their share of effort if there is a will. Giving benefits to mothers only solves part of the problem. You need to take control of the entertainment industry which promotes this repulsion against having relationships and children so you can make it the new set of social validation rules to have a family and as many children as possible. So instead of being judged based on what you wear, how much you earn, what kind of car do you have, what places you visited and what latest accessories one has, you would be judged based on your marriage status, how many children and how well educated they are. Then come the latter as secondary criteria.

The ones who are aware and acknowledge the issues we are facing surrounding this topic will do their best to take action in this regard without it being the main focus in regards to social validation. Most of the so called white nationalists desire to have a family as big as they can. It is also something that brings us an enormous sense of accomplishment and joy. Lacking this brings the opposite, a strong feeling that something is missing and that we are not really adults without the joy of children. Sure children mean responsibilities, but the rewards they bring are way bigger than the fear of responsibility. The worst feeling for a normal human who still has natural instincts and is not brainwashed by the enemy is not having the opportunity of having his own family or having a partner that denies them this chance.

Many still take for granted what they have inherited in their lives and this is the legacy and history of many generations before them who did what was natural, procreated and worked to advance society or keep it alive during trying times. The fact that we still have a majority white Europe where things are at least peaceful and we can have our life with goods and bads is a legacy of previous efforts that have materialized and gave us this comfort similar to the phone or car that you buy instead of still waiting for it to get invented. We need to keep building up on what we already have and not reduce it back to formula as the Jew wants.

There is a movie called “The believer” with Ryan Gosling in which he plays the role of a neo nazi. Although the movie is meant to serve as Jewish propaganda there is a moment when Gosling’s character gives a short speech on how the Jews see society. He states as follows: “Look, the Jews clearly control the media and the banks. Investment banks, not the commercial ones, but the point is,... they carry out in those realms the exact same principles they display in sexuality. They undermine traditional life and they deracinate society. Deracinate. Tear out the roots. A real people... derives its genius from the land, from the sun, from the sea, from the soil. This is how they know themselves. But Jews don't even have soil. - There's Israel. - Yeah. Those aren't Jews.- Of course they're Jews. - Notice the lsraelis. lt's a fundamentally secular society. They no longer need Judaism because they have soil. The real Jew is a wanderer. He's a nomad. He's got no roots and no attachments... so he universalizes everything. He can't hammer a nail or plough a field. All he can do is buy and sell and invest capital, manipulate markets... and it's, like, all mental. He takes the life of a people rooted in soil and turns it into a cosmopolitan culture,... based on books and numbers and ideas. You know, this is his strength. Take the greatest Jewish minds: Marx, Freud, Einstein. What have they given us? Communism, infantile sexuality and the atom bomb. In the three centuries it's taken these people to emerge from the ghettos of Europe,... they've ripped us out of a world of order and reason, thrown us into class warfare,... irrational urges, relativity,... into a world where the very existence of matter and meaning is in question! Why?! 'cause it's the deepest impulse of a Jewish soul to pull at the very fabric of life...
till there's nothing left but a thread. They want nothing but nothingness. Nothingness without end.”

This is a very accurate description on how the enemy’s mind works. Notice at the beginning of the quote Gosling’s character, Danny, makes a correlation between sexuality and the rest of their behavior implying that all aspects of thought and instinct are linked and that they use the same perversions in the rest of their activities. This is why you would call someone without a backbone a “whore”.

To put the above into comparison with our beliefs, I will quote High Priest Hooded Cobra again in regards to natural understanding. In a writing about the Pythagorean Verses he states: “In Ancient Greek, the word ΔΙΑΚΕΙΝΤΑΙ means that both regulation has been instated, and
also, that one is commanded in this regulation, but also simultaneously we have the implied notion that these laws are encompassing everything at all times, therefore, one has to banish the illusion that one is above said regulations, such as natural laws; we exist in these and we ought make peace with these, because these laws are precisely put there to help us empower and discover.”

This is in direct contrast with the so called “relativity” madness of the enemy. In order to have order and harmony, humans must live by certain rules which are nothing more or less than the rules and laws of nature. All science is based on it.
Relativity is applied only in deciding one’s objective and then he goes on to implement it using those exact rules.

In regards to raising children, one must raise them with carefulness and balance. They must push ideas of ambitions to make them want to grow and develop, but also do it with love and understanding while providing at home a sense of peace and security. Our children will always encounter hardships in their lives so home must be seen as a refuge and safe zone until they are mature enough to take on the world.
Parents must take an active role in their education and development, but also allow them the pleasures and joys or life. And above all else parents must keep in mind that children will mimic their behavior. Satanists must also take into account their knowledge about mind and spirituality. Children will feel and perceive one’s emotions and the energy one emanates in his own house, so one must be mindful of the atmosphere they maintain in the house and the thoughts and feelings they direct towards their children. For example parents who have a decent amount of trust and an overall positive mindset towards their children will make them have a greater chance to succeed in various aspects of life. Parents who overwhelm their children with too much care or worry about them being independent will induce feelings of weariness, doubt and being incapable to solve problems into their minds.

The key as always is balance and a focused mind.

Same goes for one’s partner or spouse. The relationship must be kept in all ways of balance and the two must show understanding to each other, given both have a common sense and an overall understanding of natural laws.

One must spend time with their partner, help them, show them love in both emotional and sexual ways, but also allow them their own pleasures and recreations and give them their own time and space to do their activities.

Your partner must not be forced to do any repetitive activities they despise based on the fact that they are emotionally attached to you. Taking someone for granted and having this mentality that they will do a specific unpleasant activity with you because they love you and wouldn’t dare say “no” is a major mistake which may lead in time to the diminishing of the love they bear for you.

Show mutual understanding, make this a task and a measure of maturity and achievement and if your partner is a Spiritual Satanist and you are not, at least give them the time to work for this endeavor.
It is difficult enough that they fight for you and the rest on the world, but taking their time away and depriving them of their progress will build up some negativity between the two.
So in short be brave, mature, balanced and keep in mind that building your own family will get you in an area where you feel an enormous sense of joy, accomplishment, power and prestige. You will also know that all that work for your career and material wellbeing has a greater purpose than just your own safety and satisfaction and that you are now able to share them with your loved ones, them being the ones who will have your back if you treat them well.

Your possessions will pass to the next generations instead of dying childless and leaving it all to the state and therefore you will play your solid part in the continuation of our people’s history. This is the biggest and most solid part of your legacy!

Take a moment to picture yourself with a family of your own if you are not there yet and see what feeling that gives you.
Thank you. I really needed to hear this.

I guess I've been too invested in myself and what I want, that I forgot to look at the bigger picture. I thank you for making me realize this with this wonderful post! :)
Lightning-Wings said:
Thank you. I really needed to hear this.

I guess I've been too invested in myself and what I want, that I forgot to look at the bigger picture. I thank you for making me realize this with this wonderful post! :)

Glad to be of use :)
Just remember about ballance. You should still invest in yourself, but as you said focus on the big picture ;)
phi3.14infinity said:
Thanks for your info ..How do I contact or message forum members here?

At the moment there isn't a chat functionality, but we can reply to comments. You can use the quote sign in the upper right side of a comment or you can make a post yourself and ask a question or talk about a specific topic.
EasternFireLion666 said:
phi3.14infinity said:
Thanks for your info ..How do I contact or message forum members here?

At the moment there isn't a chat functionality, but we can reply to comments. You can use the quote sign in the upper right side of a comment or you can make a post yourself and ask a question or talk about a specific topic.

Is there any gods that I can pray so that i can restore lost years??is there any meditation or affirmation for such thing?
EasternFireLion666 said:
Lightning-Wings said:
Thank you. I really needed to hear this.

I guess I've been too invested in myself and what I want, that I forgot to look at the bigger picture. I thank you for making me realize this with this wonderful post! :)

Glad to be of use :)
Just remember about ballance. You should still invest in yourself, but as you said focus on the big picture ;)

Thank you brother!! :)
phi3.14infinity said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
phi3.14infinity said:
Thanks for your info ..How do I contact or message forum members here?

At the moment there isn't a chat functionality, but we can reply to comments. You can use the quote sign in the upper right side of a comment or you can make a post yourself and ask a question or talk about a specific topic.

Is there any gods that I can pray so that i can restore lost years??is there any meditation or affirmation for such thing?

What do you mean by restoring lost years more specifically?
Well said!🥂🩷 This world needs to be aware. And we should be proud of
Having a home and family. People need to get there priorities straight, and think about this, and start building up there values., and take action.
This is Both BEAUTIFUL AND WONDERFUL advice! Thank you for sharing this article. ❤️ Hail Satan!!
Wotanwarrior said:
In the event that one does not have children, you can always do a will and donate your fortune to a good cause or your community to prevent state from staying with your money.

I forgot to mention that under no circumstances am I promoting not having children, just to have a plan B in case you don't make it.

The only thing I am against is dating or ending up marrying a wrong one that you don't love just because of the "it's my duty to have kids and you have to do it at all costs" that some people promote.
The title says it all. Family is the construct which truly keeps the world spinning. This is why the enemy vehemently attacks the family in the Western world, because without it society would collapse.

All areas in life such as behavior, civic understanding, knowledge about society and so on are points which we all confront in our lives, but how well children understand them is also a major point in a family’s interaction with them. It is the school’s role in children’s knowledge, but in terms of education family is the major player. The way children assimilates all areas of education also depends on their parents’ will, patience and love shown towards them.

Today we are confronted with many problems in those areas given the enemy is a hard to remove parasite from our society. A body needs antibiotics for such strong and stubborn pathogens.

Having a family and children is discouraged on all existing fronts by the ones who wish to eradicate our race. Television, entertainment, movies, social media influencers and all areas where the Jew has influence is obsessively pushing messages and ideas such as children constitute a major discomfort for adults, births are more painful than the inquisition methods, having children is damaging for the environment, unless they are not white and so on. Unfortunately many lazy gentiles who fail in life cling to such excuses to continue their meaningless, degenerate lives even though, deep inside they themselves don’t believe what they claim to believe.

How a person treats and understands the concept of family reflects in their behavior in society and even what ideologies they support and politics they may vote. Again, how someone understands and treats the concept of family correlates further with the rest of life’s major aspects.

One major problem that we are facing from a demographical point of view is the unwillingness of the white woman to have children. They are indoctrinated by the system that career is the first thing they should put forward. This is not to say that women should not have the opportunities to work and pursue any professional path they are skilled at, but without woman’s most important role in nature, which is procreation, any race will simply decline and loose the society they have built along the history. The focus on career extends way too much in their minds to the point they waste so much of their youth, that by the time they wish to have children, if they even do so, they start facing fertility problems due to age.

In this liberal oriented world in which we dwell, there are other distractions which make them willingly waste their youth such as travelling, partying and pursuing all sorts of activities which they have been thought to think would not be possible anymore if they had babies.

It takes a bit of courage and maturity to jump from the stage of teenager to the next level of being an adult. Just as a man makes the jump from living inside his family financial support to having his own job, buying an apartment, having a wife instead of clubbing all day, getting his driver’s license, getting a car, so does a woman start on the most important role that nature can bestow on a human: giving birth and insuring the survival of her species and race.

While men as husbands and fathers have lots of responsibilities, there is not one greater than the one of giving birth. A normal society should hold this role in the highest possible honor, encourage it and offer as much support and praise as possible to the women who keep our history continuing. It is probably the role I have the most respect for in all of our society.

From the past history of wars, famines, totalitarianism and economic disasters, the enemy has evolved his offensive methods all the way to psychological warfare combined with the previous methods.
For this purpose the enemy has introduced feminism, frustration and gender conflicts in our society, to make us hate each other and decline our birthrates. You will never see the same levels of fear, despise and rejection towards the notion family and children in women of Arab, black, Asian, Jewish or South American origin as you see in Europe or North America.

In regards to the enemy’s plots and conspiracies there are many environments, both in real life and online where men discuss them. Although is man’s role to take action against such internal and external aggressions upon his land, women must at least be aware of those problems as well in order to support their men. Sure there are still men supporting the enemy rather than their own countries and race, but you seldom if ever see a woman discussing such topics. Awareness about those problems is not a problem anymore as it used to be let’s say until 2020, but rather the willingness to acknowledge and act against them
This is not to say that women should publicly scream on the streets for the removal of the Jew, although some did this against the white man, but at least not stand with the enemy against their men, while men are trying to fight for them. It is difficult to try and have faith in the future when someone close to you may advocate for all the destructive doctrines of the enemy. Or worse, imagine the Ukrainian soldiers going in a war against Russia, while many of their women mate with Arabs or blacks all for the sick fetish of the Jew. Surely in the schizophrenic mind of the enemy, Ukrainians and Russians had nothing better to do than genocide each other. They had no families, no jobs, no taxes, invoices or interest in banks to pay, their only purpose was to spill each other’s guts for Jewish geo-politics. For the unaware reader, besides the major influence of the enemy in private and public institutions in both countries both president Zelensky and president Putin have Jewish blood, with Zelensky being a full Jew and Putin, being Jewish from his mother’s side. No need to even mention their entourages.

Men talk and do activism about the enemy and what our role should be in standing against this global ruse, but on a psychological perspective we do not have the same sense of persuasion in talking to women about their roles and this is not because of feminism as there are many normal women out there. It’s just the simple natural fact that a woman resonates way better with another in discussing topics such as femininity, family, fertility, children and nurturing. They know both the rational and emotional aspects of those areas, so the best way to appeal to women about those issues is for other women to show them the path to true and pure femininity. I’ve seen this on a few, rare occasions and it has a tremendous effect. I have a lot of respect for the women who get involved in this and do their part. In a world filled with feminism and rejection of femininity, all normal minded men are very much attracted to feminine women and respect them enormously. Entourage always plays a major role in all of this for both genders as the few will subconsciously want to please the many. I have seen that women who have children in earlier stages are the ones who have friends in the same situations while the ones that have friends who are mostly oriented towards entertainment, parties or travelling will most of the time comply to the group rule.

On the other side, man’s problem which impedes the development of the family construct is his brainwashing to act cool, like a thug or bully because that is what sells on TV and the entertainment industry while many on the other side believe behaving like an effeminate sissy is what education means. The only thuggish attitude which is morally acceptable is orienting this attitude to the two categories above to get rid of them which in a normal society should not even constitute a problem. A man should not be afraid that if they smash the face of a noisy douchebag which picks on him on the street for no reason, he will end up at the police station, because of “you need to use equal force” bullshit reasons. Well what equal force did the aggressor use against him when he was just minding his own business? Our whole legal system has been rewired to take rights away from normal people and give special privileges to thugs, criminals and almost all immoral categories of people. Those are the levels of dementia and schizophrenia the enemy operates on. Many times those are not even part of the greater conspiracy, but simply their grotesque nature.
Such acts and wrong examples can twist the minds of children and make them behave like this.

The best way to have a strong focus on family in the hearts of people is to take control of the institutions or organizations which promote the opposite. State institutions cannot do all the work although they have their share of effort if there is a will. Giving benefits to mothers only solves part of the problem. You need to take control of the entertainment industry which promotes this repulsion against having relationships and children so you can make it the new set of social validation rules to have a family and as many children as possible. So instead of being judged based on what you wear, how much you earn, what kind of car do you have, what places you visited and what latest accessories one has, you would be judged based on your marriage status, how many children and how well educated they are. Then come the latter as secondary criteria.

The ones who are aware and acknowledge the issues we are facing surrounding this topic will do their best to take action in this regard without it being the main focus in regards to social validation. Most of the so called white nationalists desire to have a family as big as they can. It is also something that brings us an enormous sense of accomplishment and joy. Lacking this brings the opposite, a strong feeling that something is missing and that we are not really adults without the joy of children. Sure children mean responsibilities, but the rewards they bring are way bigger than the fear of responsibility. The worst feeling for a normal human who still has natural instincts and is not brainwashed by the enemy is not having the opportunity of having his own family or having a partner that denies them this chance.

Many still take for granted what they have inherited in their lives and this is the legacy and history of many generations before them who did what was natural, procreated and worked to advance society or keep it alive during trying times. The fact that we still have a majority white Europe where things are at least peaceful and we can have our life with goods and bads is a legacy of previous efforts that have materialized and gave us this comfort similar to the phone or car that you buy instead of still waiting for it to get invented. We need to keep building up on what we already have and not reduce it back to formula as the Jew wants.

There is a movie called “The believer” with Ryan Gosling in which he plays the role of a neo nazi. Although the movie is meant to serve as Jewish propaganda there is a moment when Gosling’s character gives a short speech on how the Jews see society. He states as follows: “Look, the Jews clearly control the media and the banks. Investment banks, not the commercial ones, but the point is,... they carry out in those realms the exact same principles they display in sexuality. They undermine traditional life and they deracinate society. Deracinate. Tear out the roots. A real people... derives its genius from the land, from the sun, from the sea, from the soil. This is how they know themselves. But Jews don't even have soil. - There's Israel. - Yeah. Those aren't Jews.- Of course they're Jews. - Notice the lsraelis. lt's a fundamentally secular society. They no longer need Judaism because they have soil. The real Jew is a wanderer. He's a nomad. He's got no roots and no attachments... so he universalizes everything. He can't hammer a nail or plough a field. All he can do is buy and sell and invest capital, manipulate markets... and it's, like, all mental. He takes the life of a people rooted in soil and turns it into a cosmopolitan culture,... based on books and numbers and ideas. You know, this is his strength. Take the greatest Jewish minds: Marx, Freud, Einstein. What have they given us? Communism, infantile sexuality and the atom bomb. In the three centuries it's taken these people to emerge from the ghettos of Europe,... they've ripped us out of a world of order and reason, thrown us into class warfare,... irrational urges, relativity,... into a world where the very existence of matter and meaning is in question! Why?! 'cause it's the deepest impulse of a Jewish soul to pull at the very fabric of life...
till there's nothing left but a thread. They want nothing but nothingness. Nothingness without end.”

This is a very accurate description on how the enemy’s mind works. Notice at the beginning of the quote Gosling’s character, Danny, makes a correlation between sexuality and the rest of their behavior implying that all aspects of thought and instinct are linked and that they use the same perversions in the rest of their activities. This is why you would call someone without a backbone a “whore”.

To put the above into comparison with our beliefs, I will quote High Priest Hooded Cobra again in regards to natural understanding. In a writing about the Pythagorean Verses he states: “In Ancient Greek, the word ΔΙΑΚΕΙΝΤΑΙ means that both regulation has been instated, and
also, that one is commanded in this regulation, but also simultaneously we have the implied notion that these laws are encompassing everything at all times, therefore, one has to banish the illusion that one is above said regulations, such as natural laws; we exist in these and we ought make peace with these, because these laws are precisely put there to help us empower and discover.”

This is in direct contrast with the so called “relativity” madness of the enemy. In order to have order and harmony, humans must live by certain rules which are nothing more or less than the rules and laws of nature. All science is based on it.
Relativity is applied only in deciding one’s objective and then he goes on to implement it using those exact rules.

In regards to raising children, one must raise them with carefulness and balance. They must push ideas of ambitions to make them want to grow and develop, but also do it with love and understanding while providing at home a sense of peace and security. Our children will always encounter hardships in their lives so home must be seen as a refuge and safe zone until they are mature enough to take on the world.
Parents must take an active role in their education and development, but also allow them the pleasures and joys or life. And above all else parents must keep in mind that children will mimic their behavior. Satanists must also take into account their knowledge about mind and spirituality. Children will feel and perceive one’s emotions and the energy one emanates in his own house, so one must be mindful of the atmosphere they maintain in the house and the thoughts and feelings they direct towards their children. For example parents who have a decent amount of trust and an overall positive mindset towards their children will make them have a greater chance to succeed in various aspects of life. Parents who overwhelm their children with too much care or worry about them being independent will induce feelings of weariness, doubt and being incapable to solve problems into their minds.

The key as always is balance and a focused mind.

Same goes for one’s partner or spouse. The relationship must be kept in all ways of balance and the two must show understanding to each other, given both have a common sense and an overall understanding of natural laws.

One must spend time with their partner, help them, show them love in both emotional and sexual ways, but also allow them their own pleasures and recreations and give them their own time and space to do their activities.

Your partner must not be forced to do any repetitive activities they despise based on the fact that they are emotionally attached to you. Taking someone for granted and having this mentality that they will do a specific unpleasant activity with you because they love you and wouldn’t dare say “no” is a major mistake which may lead in time to the diminishing of the love they bear for you.

Show mutual understanding, make this a task and a measure of maturity and achievement and if your partner is a Spiritual Satanist and you are not, at least give them the time to work for this endeavor.
It is difficult enough that they fight for you and the rest on the world, but taking their time away and depriving them of their progress will build up some negativity between the two.
So in short be brave, mature, balanced and keep in mind that building your own family will get you in an area where you feel an enormous sense of joy, accomplishment, power and prestige. You will also know that all that work for your career and material wellbeing has a greater purpose than just your own safety and satisfaction and that you are now able to share them with your loved ones, them being the ones who will have your back if you treat them well.

Your possessions will pass to the next generations instead of dying childless and leaving it all to the state and therefore you will play your solid part in the continuation of our people’s history. This is the biggest and most solid part of your legacy!

Take a moment to picture yourself with a family of your own if you are not there yet and see what feeling that gives you.
Thanks a lot for taking your time to write on such an important topic.
Honestly, this topic of family gave me confusion. Its true that a family is important, but for me, the question was always of balance.
How can one maintain balance between career, spiritual path( mediations) and raising a family especially with a non SS.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
