No wonder this guy is a good shot. Placed 4 shots thought it was 3.
US Air National Guardsman with EXPERT Marksmanship badge. Probably for sidearm a practiced Berreta M9 or P320 user doubt he has access to a P320 but never know.(Good pistol FYI P320; breaks in at about 1,000 shots makes the spring recoil better).
I agree he should have used a taser or something but "Who is to say this wouldn't repeat itself?"
What IF taking this person out prevents another incident. What IF worst what if multiple shots are done and it hits other people. You never know people cry and whine and kvetch about this poor "baby" as one retard pointed out. And you never know the future if this is just another incident of the foster care system.
WHAT-IF? WHAT-IF this negroid created a worse incident!
Another wankster mentality "Oy vey goyim, goyshkopf yourself with gangstah". Gentiles "Jews what are you doing?". Jews "Nuthin just "reading" the Torah.
Wanksters is as wanksters are.