HPS Lydia
High Priestess
- Joined
- Sep 20, 2017
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[Not everyone is meant to be a parent, and this is fine. Throughout history there have been people who did not have children, and yet the White population still grew, as many families had 5 or more children.
It is in the destiny of most people to have children. This is not something to be uncomfortable with, it’s just how humanity is. It’s natural. This post is for those who probably will have a family, or want a family, or are afraid of having children. If you are certain you won’t or should not have children, this post is not directed at you, so don’t think I’m trying to make everyone have babies.]
Woman are being told outright lies about having children. They are told it’s only a burden, all sorts of bad things will happen, the woman will stop being a person after having a child, and other lies all designed to convince women to not have children. It doesn’t help that a lot of men slack off on their duties, which puts more negative connotations on parenthood for women.
First of all, ignore TV programming. Get rid of the thoughts of how all the work is on the mother while the fathers are supposed to be “goof-ball dads” and never exert any authority to the children. Most men are capable of being a parent and managing all the responsibilities that are required.
Both parents are supposed to guide the children through life. Both parents are to help their children become the best they can be. Men, if you have children, stop wasting your life playing video games and binge-watching netflix while drinking yourself into a stupor or smoking weed. Life can be so much better than that.
Watching your children grow and develop talents and skills is one of the greatest joys you can experience. Far greater than playing video games (men) or shopping for more clothes than you need (women).
Many people (men and women) are programmed by the enemy to believe that once a woman gets married and has kids, she loses all value as a woman. This could not be further from the truth. When you have a child, your value increases dramatically. You are now responsible for guiding the next generation, and shaping the world. Your children will add to your personal value, because you are now more than just one person: you are also a part of each person you create, adding to your base value of being just one person.
The better you raise you child (which would be a credit to you), the better the world will become. This is a fact. One of the reasons the world is in a bad shape now, is because so many people were raised wrong. They were not raised with values or proper ethics, they were not raised with healthy love and healthy attention from their parents, they were not raised to know how to socialize and how to deal with varying situations in social settings, they were not raised to know the value of their work and effort, they were not raised to know how to manage most situations in life.
One of the greatest joys you will ever have is in seeing your child grow and become a capable and talented human, with unlimited potential. This is a joy that makes all the pain and suffering you ever experienced, worth it.
Let’s discuss another lie. Women are programmed that once you have a child, you will become fat. Well, nearly everyone gains weight if they stop exercising and as they age. What are men’s excuse, they don’t get pregnant, yet they gain weight too. As long as you exercise and eat right, you’ll be fine. And besides, there are more important things in life than worrying about a few extra pounds. There are women who have had many babies and are still slender. One way to ensure this, is to exercise with your family. This will also help your kids burn off excess energy so they are not hyper.
Which leads to another lie: that kids are unmanageable and out of control. Well, this is true, if you let them in front of the tv all day eating garbage food. Food coloring in candy and cakes cause hyperactivity, and watching tv all day makes the brain scattered, especially as children’s cartoons have way too many bright moving colors. This is unnatural for the brain.
You can tell the difference between kids who watch too many cartoons, and kids who are enrolled in activities and have limited tv. There is a difference. Cut the tv and have your kids be more physically active to burn off energy (this is extremely beneficial for their health anyway), and have them learn hobbies.
Another lie that men and women are brainwashed about: women have permanently loose vaginas after having a child. There are women who believe their men will lose interest in them sexually after they have a baby. This might be true for those who don’t exercise. There are kegal exercises, even basic pilates and kundalini yoga strengthens and tightens everything again, so there is no need to worry about that. The body is designed to heal.
About the actual labor: yes, it will be painful and be scary and you might think you’ll die. But all good things come at a price. Everything that is worth it, came with a cost. And after the birth, hormones will ease the pain and make you feel wonderful. Having a cute little baby who loves you unconditionally will also make you feel wonderful.
Another lie: You can raise a child on your own. This is heavily pushed in the media, a “strong single mother who does everything on her own and kicks ass plus also looks really energetic and fit and also her hair is always perfectly styled”. The reality is, having a child is a 2-person job. You are both required to raise it, or else the child will be at a disadvantage.
If there are problems between you and the father of your child, try to work through them. If the father took off, you can look for another man, perhaps a single father, and raise your children together. If this is not an option for you for whatever reason, you can establish another network, such as friends and family you can rely on. This is what all our ancestors did. There are many single parents out there who would be better off as a full family. Life is easier when you have a strong family unit where everyone helps out, and everyone supports each other.
Men need to understand this and step up in responsibilities. Every couple laughs about how the man had to shave his wife’s legs near the end of her pregnancy because she couldn’t reach over her belly. Your woman is giving you a baby, giving you the continuance of your bloodline, so step up. Learn to help with doing the laundry and cooking, because she will need help especially in her final months. The less you help, the more work is on her, which is the very reason a lot of women are hesitant to have children. The thought of doing something impossible all by herself won’t make her want to have a baby.
But if you prove to her that you will help, that will ease her mind. Women need to have reassurance when it comes to having a child. Reassure her that you will do your part and take care of her. Yes it will be more work on you, but if you want a family, extra work will pay off. It is part of basic instinct: if it seems impossible to have a baby, she won’t be convinced to have one. But if you make it easier for her, then she will be far more willing to have a baby. Anxiety is not conducive to creating a family; joy is.
Couples who have more money can hire help, and couples with family can have help from relatives, but not everybody is in that beneficial situation. If a woman feels like she’s alone, the thought of having a baby can be intimidating. But if she feels supported, then she can focus on having a family.
There are definitely other valid concerns regarding having a child: money, because food is expensive. And safety, what with all the violence, drugs, and “certain cultures” in the world. A lot of people are afraid if they have a child, see it go to school, and then get killed or raped or be given drugs. These situations happen far too frequently. But for those of here in the JoS with our Gods, you can do aura of protection on your child, you can do money workings and ask for help in dire situations.
Our ancestors had families despite of wars, plagues, and famine. The opportunity to allow life to grow, compared to immediately preventing any life from forming. Our ancestors did everything knowing they were continuing their bloodline, continuing humanity. If it weren’t for them, you would not be here. So why deny your potential future descendants of the opportunity to be born?
Now, regarding the time sacrificed to raise children. Yes, it is a lot of time, and you will have to do without some things in order to provide more for your children. But your own mother did that for you, are you happy to be alive? Do you wish she didn’t give to you? So now you give to your children. It’s a cycle of life, the continuing of generations. It is why we are all connected.
And if you do it right, if you give to your children and raise them the best you can, they will in turn help you when you get older. You will be able to rely on them to help you and provide companionship. Because they will become your friends with unconditional love. Who wouldn’t want that? They will always be in your life, even if they move away you can still visit and talk on the phone. This is a comfort.
Something important to mention: for most of us, our parents made mistakes. For the most part, this wasn’t really their fault, it was just because they didn’t know any better. But we do know better. Not only do we have spiritual knowledge, and the knowledge to study the natal charts and transits of our children, but we learn from the mistakes of our parents.
Spend time contemplating their mistakes and how you can do better. What will you avoid when raising your own children, and what will you encourage? Instead of sitting in front of the tv, turn it off and really think of all the mistakes your parents made, and how you can do better. Write it down if this helps you work through your thoughts better.
Our parents had their own karma and dirty souls/chakras, which caused more problems in their parenting style. So, everyone here has the knowledge to clean your soul and chakras, clean your aura, purify yourself, empower your chakras, and meditate to gain wisdom. Our Gods will guide you further if you are willing, to prepare yourself better for when you will have children.
And when you have children, you can learn basic astrology (more info on this will be out soon) to know your children’s needs, talents, skills, and problem areas. You can help them will all of this, you can help your child become the best they can be. It’s exciting and rewarding to help others become better.
Raising the next generation better than how you were raised, will ensure the world will get better.
By raising a child, you have an incredible power: the power to shape the world.
It is in the destiny of most people to have children. This is not something to be uncomfortable with, it’s just how humanity is. It’s natural. This post is for those who probably will have a family, or want a family, or are afraid of having children. If you are certain you won’t or should not have children, this post is not directed at you, so don’t think I’m trying to make everyone have babies.]
Woman are being told outright lies about having children. They are told it’s only a burden, all sorts of bad things will happen, the woman will stop being a person after having a child, and other lies all designed to convince women to not have children. It doesn’t help that a lot of men slack off on their duties, which puts more negative connotations on parenthood for women.
First of all, ignore TV programming. Get rid of the thoughts of how all the work is on the mother while the fathers are supposed to be “goof-ball dads” and never exert any authority to the children. Most men are capable of being a parent and managing all the responsibilities that are required.
Both parents are supposed to guide the children through life. Both parents are to help their children become the best they can be. Men, if you have children, stop wasting your life playing video games and binge-watching netflix while drinking yourself into a stupor or smoking weed. Life can be so much better than that.
Watching your children grow and develop talents and skills is one of the greatest joys you can experience. Far greater than playing video games (men) or shopping for more clothes than you need (women).
Many people (men and women) are programmed by the enemy to believe that once a woman gets married and has kids, she loses all value as a woman. This could not be further from the truth. When you have a child, your value increases dramatically. You are now responsible for guiding the next generation, and shaping the world. Your children will add to your personal value, because you are now more than just one person: you are also a part of each person you create, adding to your base value of being just one person.
The better you raise you child (which would be a credit to you), the better the world will become. This is a fact. One of the reasons the world is in a bad shape now, is because so many people were raised wrong. They were not raised with values or proper ethics, they were not raised with healthy love and healthy attention from their parents, they were not raised to know how to socialize and how to deal with varying situations in social settings, they were not raised to know the value of their work and effort, they were not raised to know how to manage most situations in life.
One of the greatest joys you will ever have is in seeing your child grow and become a capable and talented human, with unlimited potential. This is a joy that makes all the pain and suffering you ever experienced, worth it.
Let’s discuss another lie. Women are programmed that once you have a child, you will become fat. Well, nearly everyone gains weight if they stop exercising and as they age. What are men’s excuse, they don’t get pregnant, yet they gain weight too. As long as you exercise and eat right, you’ll be fine. And besides, there are more important things in life than worrying about a few extra pounds. There are women who have had many babies and are still slender. One way to ensure this, is to exercise with your family. This will also help your kids burn off excess energy so they are not hyper.
Which leads to another lie: that kids are unmanageable and out of control. Well, this is true, if you let them in front of the tv all day eating garbage food. Food coloring in candy and cakes cause hyperactivity, and watching tv all day makes the brain scattered, especially as children’s cartoons have way too many bright moving colors. This is unnatural for the brain.
You can tell the difference between kids who watch too many cartoons, and kids who are enrolled in activities and have limited tv. There is a difference. Cut the tv and have your kids be more physically active to burn off energy (this is extremely beneficial for their health anyway), and have them learn hobbies.
Another lie that men and women are brainwashed about: women have permanently loose vaginas after having a child. There are women who believe their men will lose interest in them sexually after they have a baby. This might be true for those who don’t exercise. There are kegal exercises, even basic pilates and kundalini yoga strengthens and tightens everything again, so there is no need to worry about that. The body is designed to heal.
About the actual labor: yes, it will be painful and be scary and you might think you’ll die. But all good things come at a price. Everything that is worth it, came with a cost. And after the birth, hormones will ease the pain and make you feel wonderful. Having a cute little baby who loves you unconditionally will also make you feel wonderful.
Another lie: You can raise a child on your own. This is heavily pushed in the media, a “strong single mother who does everything on her own and kicks ass plus also looks really energetic and fit and also her hair is always perfectly styled”. The reality is, having a child is a 2-person job. You are both required to raise it, or else the child will be at a disadvantage.
If there are problems between you and the father of your child, try to work through them. If the father took off, you can look for another man, perhaps a single father, and raise your children together. If this is not an option for you for whatever reason, you can establish another network, such as friends and family you can rely on. This is what all our ancestors did. There are many single parents out there who would be better off as a full family. Life is easier when you have a strong family unit where everyone helps out, and everyone supports each other.
Men need to understand this and step up in responsibilities. Every couple laughs about how the man had to shave his wife’s legs near the end of her pregnancy because she couldn’t reach over her belly. Your woman is giving you a baby, giving you the continuance of your bloodline, so step up. Learn to help with doing the laundry and cooking, because she will need help especially in her final months. The less you help, the more work is on her, which is the very reason a lot of women are hesitant to have children. The thought of doing something impossible all by herself won’t make her want to have a baby.
But if you prove to her that you will help, that will ease her mind. Women need to have reassurance when it comes to having a child. Reassure her that you will do your part and take care of her. Yes it will be more work on you, but if you want a family, extra work will pay off. It is part of basic instinct: if it seems impossible to have a baby, she won’t be convinced to have one. But if you make it easier for her, then she will be far more willing to have a baby. Anxiety is not conducive to creating a family; joy is.
Couples who have more money can hire help, and couples with family can have help from relatives, but not everybody is in that beneficial situation. If a woman feels like she’s alone, the thought of having a baby can be intimidating. But if she feels supported, then she can focus on having a family.
There are definitely other valid concerns regarding having a child: money, because food is expensive. And safety, what with all the violence, drugs, and “certain cultures” in the world. A lot of people are afraid if they have a child, see it go to school, and then get killed or raped or be given drugs. These situations happen far too frequently. But for those of here in the JoS with our Gods, you can do aura of protection on your child, you can do money workings and ask for help in dire situations.
Our ancestors had families despite of wars, plagues, and famine. The opportunity to allow life to grow, compared to immediately preventing any life from forming. Our ancestors did everything knowing they were continuing their bloodline, continuing humanity. If it weren’t for them, you would not be here. So why deny your potential future descendants of the opportunity to be born?
Now, regarding the time sacrificed to raise children. Yes, it is a lot of time, and you will have to do without some things in order to provide more for your children. But your own mother did that for you, are you happy to be alive? Do you wish she didn’t give to you? So now you give to your children. It’s a cycle of life, the continuing of generations. It is why we are all connected.
And if you do it right, if you give to your children and raise them the best you can, they will in turn help you when you get older. You will be able to rely on them to help you and provide companionship. Because they will become your friends with unconditional love. Who wouldn’t want that? They will always be in your life, even if they move away you can still visit and talk on the phone. This is a comfort.
Something important to mention: for most of us, our parents made mistakes. For the most part, this wasn’t really their fault, it was just because they didn’t know any better. But we do know better. Not only do we have spiritual knowledge, and the knowledge to study the natal charts and transits of our children, but we learn from the mistakes of our parents.
Spend time contemplating their mistakes and how you can do better. What will you avoid when raising your own children, and what will you encourage? Instead of sitting in front of the tv, turn it off and really think of all the mistakes your parents made, and how you can do better. Write it down if this helps you work through your thoughts better.
Our parents had their own karma and dirty souls/chakras, which caused more problems in their parenting style. So, everyone here has the knowledge to clean your soul and chakras, clean your aura, purify yourself, empower your chakras, and meditate to gain wisdom. Our Gods will guide you further if you are willing, to prepare yourself better for when you will have children.
And when you have children, you can learn basic astrology (more info on this will be out soon) to know your children’s needs, talents, skills, and problem areas. You can help them will all of this, you can help your child become the best they can be. It’s exciting and rewarding to help others become better.
Raising the next generation better than how you were raised, will ensure the world will get better.
By raising a child, you have an incredible power: the power to shape the world.