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Attack on titan is completely jewish


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2017
So having been one of the retards who ignored the glaring red flags in this disgusting psychopathic fantasy, now that the hype has died down I'd like to just point out just how disgusting and jewed up this series is.

AoT is the first and only manga I've ever read and it doesn't exactly make me want to read anymore of this stuff. I appreciated it's anti-war and anti-propaganda message initially, but as the series concludes with the main characters massacring most of the world while playing both side and pretending to be against each other, in order to decieve the entire world and preserve their enthostate of israel, I just can't really see anything positive here no matter how much I try to ignore the red flags.


Yes, because it is beyond obvious that the racial group this vile atrocity of a story is centered around are jews. The paralels between this fictional race and jews are impossible to ignore unless you really are completely delusional. They are completely unique and sepparated from every other race and are hated, despised and persecuted by the entire world for horrific war crimes and massacres that are essentially most of their history summed up.

And this race is eventually rounded up in concentration camps, and most of this racial group resides in an ethnostate in madagascar (I cannot make this shit up).


Their entire culture is centered around cannibalism, and the now-iconic and aptly named titan aberrations, the name I suppose by total coincidence is shared with entities that opposed the gods. They are also all bound to the "founding titan", which similarly to how a jew is only considered a true jew if they have a jewish mother, this founding entity is a woman who has total control over the rest of this race as a hivemind entity. The power to become the hivemind is passed on by of course, ritual blood sacrifice and cannibalism.

And as multiple members celebrate this disgusting pile of dogshit as a nationalist treasure, I'd like to share some of the wonderful imagery with those of you fortunate enough not to have read this garbage.


Above is an iconic scene where three infants are forced to eat the corpse of their own mother, in order to inherit the jewish gene that controls the hivemind. I posted only the link instead of the image because it is extremely graphic and one of the most vile scenes I've ever seen. Click the link if you wish to view it.


This is one of the many, many scenes where a person is cannibalized by a titan, this imagery is present throughout the entire story. Many of these titans have completely jewish and inhuman features, which I suppose is completely just a coincidence again.



Then you have the main character, worshipped by edgelords for being a literal psychopath and war criminal, with the iconic jesus hairstyle and black jewish coat. He also becomes some sort of god martyr and is killed by one of his friends, an obvious paralel to the judas tale. Again, I cannot make this shit up. And of course, he has a mixed relationship with an asian because of course he does. His story concludes with his asian girlfriend making out with his decapitated head, because of course.


I will make this very clear: there is no issue with enjoying dark and violent media. But please refrain from promoting this excrement as being a celebration of the white race or white culture. There are no parallels to the white race here.

White culture is not about mixed relationships with asian women, cannibalism, mass murders, hiveminds and deceiving the entire world by playing both sides while massacring most of the planet.
*shudders* I never finished the anime series. It made me feel like death trying to get through it.
There's just so much insane shit and hopelessness in it that I don't get how people like the damn thing enough to watch it over and over again. No wonder my ex-high school friends were fucked up, they were obsessed with the series and had Levi and Eren Yeager posters on their walls.

But yeah, go figure.
Dahaarkan said:
So having been one of the retards who ignored the glaring red flags in this disgusting psychopathic fantasy, now that the hype has died down I'd like to just point out just how disgusting and jewed up this series is.

AoT is the first and only manga I've ever read and it doesn't exactly make me want to read anymore of this stuff. I appreciated it's anti-war and anti-propaganda message initially, but as the series concludes with the main characters massacring most of the world while playing both side and pretending to be against each other, in order to decieve the entire world and preserve their enthostate of israel, I just can't really see anything positive here no matter how much I try to ignore the red flags.


Yes, because it is beyond obvious that the racial group this vile atrocity of a story is centered around are jews. The paralels between this fictional race and jews are impossible to ignore unless you really are completely delusional. They are completely unique and sepparated from every other race and are hated, despised and persecuted by the entire world for horrific war crimes and massacres that are essentially most of their history summed up.

And this race is eventually rounded up in concentration camps, and most of this racial group resides in an ethnostate in madagascar (I cannot make this shit up).


Their entire culture is centered around cannibalism, and the now-iconic and aptly named titan aberrations, the name I suppose by total coincidence is shared with entities that opposed the gods. They are also all bound to the "founding titan", which similarly to how a jew is only considered a true jew if they have a jewish mother, this founding entity is a woman who has total control over the rest of this race as a hivemind entity. The power to become the hivemind is passed on by of course, ritual blood sacrifice and cannibalism.

And as multiple members celebrate this disgusting pile of dogshit as a nationalist treasure, I'd like to share some of the wonderful imagery with those of you fortunate enough not to have read this garbage.


Above is an iconic scene where three infants are forced to eat the corpse of their own mother, in order to inherit the jewish gene that controls the hivemind. I posted only the link instead of the image because it is extremely graphic and one of the most vile scenes I've ever seen. Click the link if you wish to view it.


This is one of the many, many scenes where a person is cannibalized by a titan, this imagery is present throughout the entire story. Many of these titans have completely jewish and inhuman features, which I suppose is completely just a coincidence again.



Then you have the main character, worshipped by edgelords for being a literal psychopath and war criminal, with the iconic jesus hairstyle and black jewish coat. He also becomes some sort of god martyr and is killed by one of his friends, an obvious paralel to the judas tale. Again, I cannot make this shit up. And of course, he has a mixed relationship with an asian because of course he does. His story concludes with his asian girlfriend making out with his decapitated head, because of course.


I will make this very clear: there is no issue with enjoying dark and violent media. But please refrain from promoting this excrement as being a celebration of the white race or white culture. There are no parallels to the white race here.

White culture is not about mixed relationships with asian women, cannibalism, mass murders, hiveminds and deceiving the entire world by playing both sides while massacring most of the planet.

I dunno if Attack on Titan can be really classified as Jewish for the reasons you listed. Sure, the gore may be a unpleasant, but I think what other SSs, such as Jack, liked about it are the messages, which while not entirely Satanic, can be classified as "Gnostic".

Among the things that I didn't liked is the fact that the protagonists seems to be an allegory of Jews being "oppressed" to the point of having a similar backstory. Hell, they even bear Jewish names such as "Levi".

If there is another thing that I really didn't like is how they portrayed Satan as "the responsible for this timeline" in the usual blasphemous enemy way.

I dunno if I will finish the series, as I've not even started the 4th season.
Zionist insanity
Nordic kindness:
(just for the lolz, take either series with a grain of salt)

I've come to dislike the series as well because the fandom is super cringe and doesn't learn anything, Isayama has a bunch of confused values left and right and they just pretend that makes it some deep shit, like disliking some race is Le bad whether it is White or joo - "sAyAMa Is axuLLy cOndEmniNg diScreMiNaTioN anD raDicaLiSM" - Dear AoT fans... did you get the part the main character Eren WON by ethnically cleansing most of the planet and his "egalitarian" "nakama" that "opposed" him got exactly what Eren planned - that of being CringeVengers fake saviors of the world they fucked. And they all lived peacefully ever-after in his ethno-nationalist holyland...

Other points of them not being a representation of the "White plight", is that they are not the only "White looking" people of this world, but they exist mixed into every other Nation they conquered, like Jews - they are a race that can exist mixed into whatever. You have other people who are obviously White and blonde in there who aren't Eldians, like Yelena and Nicolo. Also "they have German names" is a silly argument by some people since a whole ton of Jews also have German names, aka the main zionist klan of Ashkenazi Jews.

Not only this anime is not hated in Israel or by Jews in general, but also it obviously plays on the victim complex of the Jews. "The whole world hates our little racial country for no reason whatsoever -other than we are lunatic racial supremacists with nuclear power but you can't blame us it is in our nature- we have the right to nuke everyone who is a threat in our imagination." Another one is it plays the "totally innocent goofy Jew" self-inserted Jewish stereotype while defending militarism for themselves as Le good (they overthrow and even torture the non-Zionist/pacifist faction for a more radical military fetish faction) - the ones who did this are to be considered either "lovely" and "funny" (Zoe) or "badass" (Levi) - while militarism for everyone else is Le bad and "Hitler-like".
I never liked it much outside of some entertainment value and I saw the ending coming a mile off due to the weirdness between Eren and Mikasa. I knew there would yet again be some kind of incestuous 'relief' and titillation like that panel of the head which seems to be inspired by the ((john the baptist)) mythology. Personally I never really saw much parallel with anything IRL other than some loose world war one allegory. The Ymir stuff was really gross and an exception, the usual slander against vikings where they create some cannibal rape-slave.

Isayama has a lot of perverse and egalitarian tendencies. Like a lot of recent Japanese authors he seems to think the world begins and ends with having a wife, I always find these apocalypse waifu endings popularized by how people interpreted the ending of Evangelion to be nauseating. It's very cheapening and "muh dik". Back when I read a lot of manga, Shadow Star pissed me off the most with this, the author of it does it with every series he starts because he runs out of ideas :lol:

Honestly when manga is written in a way that stops resembling real people and becomes wish fulfillment for a certain audience (namely young boys who are isolated and need self-insert storylines) all the fun is taken out for me. That's why I stick to older stuff for the most part.

But to be honest, there is even some older manga that is sort of like this. I appeciate a lot of Tezuka's other works but Jungle Emperor is a good example. A lion who teaches every animal in the jungle to be vegan and civilized... :roll: sometimes you can smell the toxic residue of buddhism...
I figured it was similar to Star Wars in that both sides are jewish so it doesn't matter which side you support because it's still team jew.

In Star Wars, the Empire loses in the end too, but the Empire was obviously jewish destroying planets and enslaving star systems while banning religion like commies (they were painted as Nazis though, scapegoating). Meanwhile, the "rebels" are Marxist scum who let a literal reptilian whose name is a hebrew letter be one of their spiritual leaders.
I think Tezuka is an overrated degenerate from the get go and he is the godfather of (all the things cringe in) anime. That is why the actual good manga genre back then called Gekiga was an anti-Tazuka movement, based on values of stoicism and overcoming of hardship (like this one Gekiga I read here). Not that I don't like modern stuff either.

Karnonnos said:
But to be honest, there is even some older manga that is sort of like this. I appeciate a lot of Tezuka's other works... :roll: sometimes you can smell the toxic residue of buddhism...
Egon said:
Zionist insanity
Nordic kindness:
(just for the lolz, take either series with a grain of salt)

I've come to dislike the series as well because the fandom is super cringe and doesn't learn anything, Isayama has a bunch of confused values left and right and they just pretend that makes it some deep shit, like disliking some race is Le bad whether it is White or joo - "sAyAMa Is axuLLy cOndEmniNg diScreMiNaTioN anD raDicaLiSM" - Dear AoT fans... did you get the part the main character Eren WON by ethnically cleansing most of the planet and his "egalitarian" "nakama" that "opposed" him got exactly what Eren planned - that of being CringeVengers fake saviors of the world they fucked. And they all lived peacefully ever-after in his ethno-nationalist holyland...

Other points of them not being a representation of the "White plight", is that they are not the only "White looking" people of this world, but they exist mixed into every other Nation they conquered, like Jews - they are a race that can exist mixed into whatever. You have other people who are obviously White and blonde in there who aren't Eldians, like Yelena and Nicolo. Also "they have German names" is a silly argument by some people since a whole ton of Jews also have German names, aka the main zionist klan of Ashkenazi Jews.

Not only this anime is not hated in Israel or by Jews in general, but also it obviously plays on the victim complex of the Jews. "The whole world hates our little racial country for no reason whatsoever -other than we are lunatic racial supremacists with nuclear power but you can't blame us it is in our nature- we have the right to nuke everyone who is a threat in our imagination." Another one is it plays the "totally innocent goofy Jew" self-inserted Jewish stereotype while defending militarism for themselves as Le good (they overthrow and even torture the non-Zionist/pacifist faction for a more radical military fetish faction) - the ones who did this are to be considered either "lovely" and "funny" (Zoe) or "badass" (Levi) - while militarism for everyone else is Le bad and "Hitler-like".

One has to squint really hard to come up with excuses to try to hide the near endless list of parallels between the fictional eldian race and jews and judaism in general. Even on the religious level this fictional race worships the wall and considers it holy in the same way jews revere their wall.

Either Maxine or HC have shown the past a rabbi threatening that jews would nuke and destroy the entire world if israel was cornered, and this perfectly syncs with rabbi eren destroying the entire world when the other races grow tired of the endless crimes and atrocities committed by them and threaten to destroy them.

The similarities between the titans and the judaic golem are also impossible to avoid. And the fact that these golems all come out of their holy wall to protect israel 2.0 is beyond revealing.

Then there is the final few scenes, where rabbi jewsus eren explains why he slaughtered millions of innocent people, and it's reasoning is that it simply wanted to, and can't even explain or come up with an excuse. Which is another unavoidable parallel to jewish nature that if one has the capacity to harm or destroy something they MUST harm an destroy, as they are simply naturally inclined to do so and cannot even explain it themselves.

This manga is just a rabbi's wet dream. One filled to the brim with endless scenes of people screaming in agony as they are horrifically slaughtered by judaic mythical golems. Violence and tragedy has a place in a quality narrative, as it can be a vehicle for motivate, traumatize and change characters as a story develops.

But in the case of this series, extreme violence and torture is repeated so much, often for no real narrative reason, that one must begin to question if the person drawing this simply has a fetish for people being tortured and cannibalized.

This is a story about a psychopathic rabbi who nukes the entire world to preserve israel. That is all, there is nothing else to it.
Nimrod33 said:
I dunno if Attack on Titan can be really classified as Jewish for the reasons you listed. Sure, the gore may be a unpleasant, but I think what other SSs, such as Jack, liked about it are the messages, which while not entirely Satanic, can be classified as "Gnostic".

Among the things that I didn't liked is the fact that the protagonists seems to be an allegory of Jews being "oppressed" to the point of having a similar backstory. Hell, they even bear Jewish names such as "Levi".

If there is another thing that I really didn't like is how they portrayed Satan as "the responsible for this timeline" in the usual blasphemous enemy way.

I dunno if I will finish the series, as I've not even started the 4th season.

I did not list the gore as a reason for it being jewish. I listed a few of the many, many parallels to judaism and jewish history/culture as reason for this filth being jewish.

Other SS enjoy it because they ignore the many, many jewish parallels I've talked about. But on some level one must know they are only deluding themselves, this manga is completely jewish and rotten to the core.

Also, many will claim they find the series redeemable because of the "messages". Which messages are those, if I may ask?




Bow to your rabbi messiah goyim...genocide is evil unless it's us doing it to preserve israel!...
Dahaarkan said:
Nimrod33 said:
I dunno if Attack on Titan can be really classified as Jewish for the reasons you listed. Sure, the gore may be a unpleasant, but I think what other SSs, such as Jack, liked about it are the messages, which while not entirely Satanic, can be classified as "Gnostic".

Among the things that I didn't liked is the fact that the protagonists seems to be an allegory of Jews being "oppressed" to the point of having a similar backstory. Hell, they even bear Jewish names such as "Levi".

If there is another thing that I really didn't like is how they portrayed Satan as "the responsible for this timeline" in the usual blasphemous enemy way.

I dunno if I will finish the series, as I've not even started the 4th season.

I did not list the gore as a reason for it being jewish. I listed a few of the many, many parallels to judaism and jewish history/culture as reason for this filth being jewish.

Other SS enjoy it because they ignore the many, many jewish parallels I've talked about. But on some level one must know they are only deluding themselves, this manga is completely jewish and rotten to the core.

Also, many will claim they find the series redeemable because of the "messages". Which messages are those, if I may ask?

I've reread what you wrote with more attention, along with your latest post, and I have to admit that you are right, Attack of Titan is definitely one of the many Jewish subversion present in the Japanese culture, along with the Fate series and anything that has to do with battle robots (all rooted in Jewish Kabbalah).

The "messages" anyway, like you and Egon listed, were from political perspective the fact that somehow the creator deceived its fans into thinking that he is condemning any form of racism. AoT also gained some followers because it deceived the early Alt-Righters into thinking that it somehow "condemns" immigration.

For "spiritual" perspective, as I've said before, Gnosticism. However, rethinking it now, the only Gnosticism it can be associated is Xian Gnosticism, or that at least if you only watched the first season and you had a vision that the "Titans were the Archons" of that religion. Regardless, Judeo-Xian propaganda, both the regular and the New Age one.

In the end, like jrvan said, this is nothing more than something like Stalinists vs Trotskyists, which can be found both in Star Wars and any Avengers related media. "Whoever wins, we lose!" I guess I better watch/read something that is actually redpilled.

I dunno if the author is a crypto-Jew, but he may definitely be either a Freemason or a gentile influenced by Theosophy, which in both cases would make him a slave of Jewish Kabbalah, like most of the "esoteric" authors of the modern West. And he definitely isn't the only person in Japan, as it as fact that during the US occupation, the military brought Judeo-Masonry there and it is also a fact that one of the founders of the Theosophical Society was a Japanese man. Which explains why media such as Fullmetal Alchemist ( :cry: ) have Xian themes mixed with Occultism.

At this point, I wonder if I should suspect of David Production, considering their name?
This post. It's good to see that people think alike, the similarities are literally so obvious here... and yet there are people, who favor characters like Eren and Levi. And don't forget this Eren and Mikasa's weird incestuous, mixed relationship.. I know they are not real brother and sister by blood, but it's still weird.
I just wonder, why this anime is so loved and popular?
Dahaarkan said:

The parallels between the jewish wet dream and AoT are truly undeniable.

It is a disgusting piece of work, as blatantly jewish as it can be and about as unsatanic and unsavory as the bible and torah itself.

Thanks for this overview and deconstruction of this jewish narrative of possibly the most overhyped manga/anime ever made.

I stick by my point that the only anime truly worth watching from a Satanic perspective if you have some time on your hands is Gurren Lagann.

There is other good or artistic media out there as well from this scene, but this is the only anime I have watched where I can say it has strong elements worth looking into from a satanic view, even if it is likely all coincidental.

AoT is really just a record of the jewish wet dream and truly a pile of garbage on all levels...

There is a lot of things of this nature out there. Such as Gantz and similar works... The world of manga has a lot disturbing minds and influences in it when you look under the hood.

Many of the recently popular works also are completely unpalatable from a Satanic view, due to blatant disrespect and misrepresentation of Demons or Hell as evil or monstrous beings/things, a stigma which pervades almost all media out there to this day and devalues all of it to be worthless in my eyes (I cannot squint my eyes and ignore those themes to enjoy a small entertainment factor present in a fictional story of middling quality).

Hail Satan!
I'm not a big Anime fan. I'll watch but in most cases just for entertainment. With that said, the second I saw the commercial on Adult Swim of Attack on Titan. I cringed I saw the Titan's running around especially one and in my head, I just said, "This is fucking gay. The guy running around looks like he has a broomstick shoved up his ass. Running like some kind of fagot"

I'll watch Anime but frankly most of it gets annoying. I do regret not watching Mob Psycho 101, cause Egon's recommendation saying the main character deep in some occult of some kind. Kicking other peoples up and down the street.

But for the most part I've liken very few Animes if anything it seems older stuff has a more air to truth. Sorta like video games in the past very good golden classics emerged. I'm not denying a new one can't have old school stuff. But I wouldn't be surprised if the Japanesium people cuck around and only let "xtian friendly" stuff around or "shit on our own culture" stuff.

For example Naruto it's okay annoying as fuck with Dragonball-series technology like 30 episodes before moving on to the main point. The Mr.Bitter approach when he used to cast Starcraft 2. Rotterdamn goes, "Mr. Bitter your going off-topic!"; Mr.Bitter replies, "No-no, I'm circling around the topic eventually I'll circle back." That was sometime around 2015 nearing 2016 or so.

But Naruto isn't innocent and while it tries to warn people of communism Mahdara's juicy commie mindset is hilarious especially the part in the beginning of the final episodes, whereby he states something very communistic. Basically Ultra-Nationalists vs Ultra-hidden communist enclave. But does project typical, "Gods be ebil, debil 'n' sheit"; on the Tsokoyomi styled after Amaterasu in a transexualized form of Apollo playing the role of his sister Astarte only as a negative being. If the twins Amaterasu and Tsokoyomi mix match and change around it's a high-level occult being used in a low-level i.e. literal term rather than a metaphysical allegory of yin technologies.

Anyways Anime and Anime-cartoons from the past had a certain charm. Perhaps the Anime being dumped on society is just subtle, termite attack judeo-bolshevism like race-mixing subliminals or cucking towards the church.

But honestly I barely if ever bother much with Anime used to watch Toonami been since sometime in Summer of last year I have since not bothered to watch TV for that specific run-time.

Funny as much as I hate he dystopian, cyberpunk of Blade Runner: Black Lotus. My tv produced horrible black levels/black crush was unwatchable. So I didn't bother to watch it.

I have no idea how people get involved with Anime. I mean hell I've seen people hunt down old high-end CRTs or a Elite Kuro Pioneer Plasma TV dedicated to it. I've seen people recompile Anime episodes or get higher framerate versions synchronizing to 60FPS and 120Hz or higher divisible framerate. I've seen people get so involved in Anime that remastering the Anime to watch it on a proper player is yet another obsession unto itself. Re-digitally modifying the Anime and spending time, money, and effort on various Anime specific programs.

Honestly the technology behind Anime is an entire Earth. It comes to show you Humanity is so assbackwards we have people wanting to see Anime perfectly using either a high-end LCD, high-end old school CRT, high-end Plasma, or the new school OLED or microLED displays.

Frankly for the sake of my sanity and the way I used to spend 3-4-8-12 hours researching stuff in-depth that was the old me. Even paying me and getting me a better computer and teaching me. I'd go insane after a while doing so much research on getting anime, improving the anime, remastering the anime. That watching it becomes a post-work leisure activity.

Anime for some people and manga is a form of thralldom. I'm not against it as some people like it. But it's like, "Why doesn't what you want to watch exist already formatted already. We should already have high-frame-rate anime it should already be synchronized to higher refresh rates etc. And as technology advanced more and more is going to be added especially as get closer to the beginnings of 1000FPS/1000Hz technologies and beyond for retina speed displays. I don't know how people delve into that World. You gotta be some kind of very intense researching personality to dive into such World.
Never sat well with me with the tiny bits I've seen which is mostly made up of you brought up. As I never saw/read it either I wanted to just leave it to that I haven't seen everything so maybe there might be some good stuff but if you're saying these type of things are prevelant and the people who are the main characters are like this then yeah it's kind of obvious these are not Whites nor any other Gentile.

Honestly I was very confused about the deal with AoT to the point I did not have the incentive to see it besides numerous people saying they liked it and I'm not the type to just watch something because it entertained someone I know.

The breakdown is much appreciated and I don't feel like I'm missing anything now by not watching ha ha.
i figured that was the case especially after they showed the eldians wearing armbands and being put in ghettos and after noticing the eldians can all become titans under certain conditions
hailourtruegod said:
Honestly I was very confused about the deal with AoT to the point I did not have the incentive to see it besides numerous people saying they liked it and I'm not the type to just watch something because it entertained someone I know.

I remember that in 2013-2014 people were praising it for being the "Japanese Game of Thrones", because they find it "cool" that the creator kills characters. Pheraps it is the same edgyness.

Makes sense. Seems like another edgy character given redeemable qualities but in no way come close to outweighing the negativity they cause around them but is pushed onto the audience as a good guy. Cringe indeed
Just remembered there was the whole thing of "we're the good Eldians, and those are the 'bad' Eldians". Same thing jews do.

And also shit like this, I mean can they make it more obvious? :
Gear88 said:
I do regret not watching Mob Psycho 101, cause Egon's recommendation saying the main character deep in some occult of some kind.
I don't remember ever recommending that series :shock: I've only got into it recently, simplistic beginnings and childish at first, but nice character development and overall a positive message. I have no further interest in it, to each their own.

VoiceofEnki said:
I stick by my point that the only anime truly worth watching from a Satanic perspective if you have some time on your hands is Gurren Lagann. There is other good or artistic media out there as well from this scene...
Gear88 said:
I'm not a big Anime fan. I'll watch but in most cases just for entertainment.
BERSERK then :p

Also both the author of Berserk and the team that made Gurren Lagann (studios Gainax, then Trigger) were inspired by the same person, Go Nagai. He did a bunch of questionable shit, but "Demon Lord Dante" was interesting - regarding the distorted perspectives about the "Satanic panic" and who the real "evil" is. This later inspired the infamous studio Trigger anime, Darling in the Franxx.

About "diving into things", I don't like to look at a story because of technicalities as that is distracting, Attack on Titan was shit regardless of "technically good studio" so I quit it.

Now if in Ancient Greek theatre you were trying to figure what tone of gray was on some actor's mask you would lose immersion about the actual message. I like to look forward to the message, if a story like Guts' story has a good thing to teach and even helped some people deal with depression, then I look forward to it, being a real Man in a messed up world and not become a commie crybaby like Eren: https://youtu.be/cPglxsqsL_c?t=20

The mandatory Berserk preaching. I've dived into it here.
Egon said:

Oh excuse me I could have sworn in the anime, music thread someone posted. Maybe you posted prominently and it confused me. I should probably stop going XYZ person said this rather, more formal and appropriate a person said something about this. I'm not trying to form a thesis and site a source, I'm recalling it off the top of my head.

Dude hahah what a cheesy fucking event, I'm surprised the lady didn't burst into laughter. I cracked up hard even had a breathing high from it. I'm assuming Berserk has some hentai properties in it cause the creator of it has a dark humor to him. I'm guessing Berserk = Pluto in Scorpio technology of the era.

Uhm...I saw some of the video thumbnails on the side. And it has a JoJo's Bizarre adventure look combined with an old school style something of the 80s or 90s. I noticed the Akira thumbnail beside it yeah 80s-esque style. Manga '89, Animation '97 till present.

I'm assuming Berserk and the artist/s were impressed with older era anime or at least it made a bigger impression on them.

I notice the scene in the video has a older but advanced tone to it. I can tell it's an OVA movie due to the tree detail but it's kinda like a mixed property a little older with newer. It's overall artistic to it's own look.

I'd love to delve into Anime, appropriate Anime. But if I was more fanatical in this department. I'd get good television, good chair, sound equipment etc.etc. I'm kinda stuck in the past of when I would watch once-a-week. If I'm gonna watch TV I want to do it fanatically with good stuff. Audio, television, chair etc.etc. But again my issue is I'd probably spend hours looking. I need to balance it within my life.

I know there is some anime channels rare cause in Asia it's more common. But I have noticed dailies like different series or movies. In one of the channels deep into it in the 500s, they had Ghibli movies and everyone states, Princess Mononoko is a absolute classic film a must watch. It sorta reminds me of the Anime, who's name escapes me, that posses the reverse blade sword. As a series and potential films they recommend it as a classic.

Mind answering a phenomena, Mr. Egon?

What does it mean when you prefer watching shows, once a week?

Week-over-week, as a kid they had the daily cartoons and then Saturday with the newer stuff.

I know there is streaming. My family member was wanting me to explain it to them. And I explained it to her with various details. She's like NO, I get it you can watch shows anytime, pause it and do whatever like a movie. I prefer once a week in the weekend sitting down and watching 2-5 episodes and be content for next week. Not watch for hours on end.

She did say she wants to watch Better Call Saul but doesn't like the weekly and seasonal break. It confuses her and made her forget things. She reminded me of her time watching X-Files and the same thing happened to her in the 90s. Too much time between each season and episode. Once-a-week for her is not a thing she likes.

She liked the idea and thinks it's great just she understands too many people take it in as a machine. Sometimes I wonder if we are AI computers trying to download as much data as possible. There is such a thing as too much entertainment. I don't know how I used to do my research and play 10 hours+ a day video games or study something for hours on end.

Plus it's an expensive hobby or even a fanatical hobby like I said before many people remaster Anime into higher stuff with a nice computer and a nice monitor, calibration, refresh rates, and framerates etc.etc.

Perhaps if I was a better person. I'd have that in my life but currently TV is the last thing I'd like to watch. I did grow up on televisions in the 90s/00s leading right up till I just stopped all this stuff, quit gaming, watching tv, or watching tv while on the computer etc.
Gear88 said:

Dude hahah what a cheesy fucking event, I'm surprised the lady didn't burst into laughter. I cracked up hard even had a breathing high from it. I'm assuming Berserk has some hentai properties in it cause the creator of it has a dark humor to him. I'm guessing Berserk = Pluto in Scorpio technology of the era.

Uhm...I saw some of the video thumbnails on the side. And it has a JoJo's Bizarre adventure look combined with an old school style something of the 80s or 90s. I noticed the Akira thumbnail beside it yeah 80s-esque style. Manga '89, Animation '97 till present.

I'm assuming Berserk and the artist/s were impressed with older era anime or at least it made a bigger impression on them.

I notice the scene in the video has a older but advanced tone to it. I can tell it's an OVA movie due to the tree detail but it's kinda like a mixed property a little older with newer. It's overall artistic to it's own look.

I'd love to delve into Anime, appropriate Anime. But if I was more fanatical in this department. I'd get good television, good chair, sound equipment etc.etc. I'm kinda stuck in the past of when I would watch once-a-week. If I'm gonna watch TV I want to do it fanatically with good stuff. Audio, television, chair etc.etc. But again my issue is I'd probably spend hours looking. I need to balance it within my life.
You don't have to watch the anime adaptations of Berserk, as they are all mediocre. You need instead to read the mangas. If you cannot afford for physichal editions, I would suggest to read the translated scans online (if overprotective copyright laws didn't purged it), expecially considering that some Western editions are an insult to the author (like it happened for years in my own country.

Gear88 said:
I know there is some anime channels rare cause in Asia it's more common. But I have noticed dailies like different series or movies. In one of the channels deep into it in the 500s, they had Ghibli movies and everyone states, Princess Mononoko is a absolute classic film a must watch. It sorta reminds me of the Anime, who's name escapes me, that posses the reverse blade sword. As a series and potential films they recommend it as a classic.

Hayao Miyazaki is a Marxist-Feminist, even though he is less open about it nowadays. His most Marxist movie was Porco Rosso, which promotes Anti-Fascism. Since Antifa and other enemy influenced people lumps us in Fascism, the movie is also against National Socialism.

He is also heavily influenced by the Marxist-Feminist Ursula Le Guin, the woman behind Earthsea, which Miyazaki made an adaptation that failed. The Earthsea series is nothing more than a propaganda Fantasy garbage overrated. even if less than most of Tolkien and Lovecraft blasphemous shit. The book series in fact promotes anti-racism, white guilt, race mixing, multiculturalism, distortion of the Taoist philosophy via Pacifism and, pheraps, even anti-paganism via the fact that dragons are evil in this books.

I also remember reading somewhere that the woman behind Howls Moving Castle was a Feminist as well.

And what about his own version of Lupin? Maurice Le Blanc, the author, was a Socialist, friend with the Jews.

There is therefore no doubt that Miyazaki is attempting to subvert Japan, and he may be no different than early enemy mangaka such as Osamu Tezuka or Shotaro Ishinomori.
Nimrod33 said:
Gear88 said:
I'm assuming Berserk and the artist/s were impressed with older era anime or at least it made a bigger impression on them...
You don't have to watch the anime adaptations of Berserk, as they are all mediocre. You need instead to read the mangas.
To not go much off topic than already, yes Berserk started in 1989, that's why you have the "oldie" feeling to it. The 1997 anime can be a replacement for people who can't handle the graphic depictions of sexual violence, but it does not go into the Occult details I talked about in the separate topic. The "Memorial Edition" anime (of that clip) goes into more details about the main character's backstory and other unsavory details more quickly, but it is also very beautiful in the 2D moments, the music etc. Still, I have to say it is very upsetting and not funny like that clip (it was the voice actors loosening up).

On the second question yes when it comes to stories, I do prefer taking only a day or two per week, this way you won't take much of your personal time, but also it even benefits the appreciation of the medium itself, as it gives more time to digest and dive into the message, rather than the Western gluttony way of consuming as much and quickly as possible, like this netjewflix nonsense, where someone will sit for 12 or more hours binging a fucking tv show to forget it the next day as they have no self-control over getting quick gratification.
I remember when I was an AOT fan until the last chapters + ending utterly destroyed any love left for the story.

I've always been very aware of the judaism parallels with the eldian race, anyway, I guess I just deluded myself with other parallels that could be made with the Norse. Like, the name Ymir itself.
The Paths resemble the Tree of Life too.
I also remember someone pointing out (probably Jack) how in titan transformation there would be this lightning coming from the sky above, and how that could be a representation of energy going into che crown chakra.

Some Norse parallels are definitely there, but as you have pointed out, there are just too many disgusting jewish parallels, and most of them can be noticed only by someone like us with deep knowledge of the enemy.

The story however was written in the way that eldians (even before the whole titans thing) were the barbarian tribe that opposed the marleyan empire (portrayed similar to the Roman Empire), but this time they abused Ymir and her powers. Ymir came from a village the original eldians conquered, she in fact became a slave. She got the titan powers by randomly merging with a weird bug-like creature which name I can't remember right now. Hallucigenia or smth. When she died, the king had her daughters eat her, as you know. Also, all eldians in the series look aryan, but it has never been said that if an eldian were to procreate with a black person, the child wouldn't have the titan curse.

So, to sum it up: Isayama basically took the northern barbarians that had this Norse-like mythology and gave them this whole bunch of jewish traits by introducting the hallucigenia in their DNA through Ymir who merged with it on the brink of death.

I see 3 layers here:
- Casual watcher POV, eldians are jews because arm bands and hate
- Alt-right watcher POV (my former coping POV despite already being SS), no, marleyans are jews exacting revenge on the eldians who are actually nordic people as shown by their aryan beauty standars and mythology and parallels and german names and yeagerists are the national socialists hero and yadda yadda yadda
- Spiritual Satanist POV, nha man the casual watcher dude was on point, also: titans are literally golems, titans' powers are inherited through cannibalism, being a subject of ymir is spread like the cohen gene as you just need 1 ancestor with it and that isn't how a normal race works and their empire literally had them to rape around to spread it similar to IRL, eren is revelaed to be a psycopath (this hurted me, fuck Isayama)
VoiceofEnki said:
Dahaarkan said:

The parallels between the jewish wet dream and AoT are truly undeniable.

It is a disgusting piece of work, as blatantly jewish as it can be and about as unsatanic and unsavory as the bible and torah itself.

Thanks for this overview and deconstruction of this jewish narrative of possibly the most overhyped manga/anime ever made.

I stick by my point that the only anime truly worth watching from a Satanic perspective if you have some time on your hands is Gurren Lagann.

There is other good or artistic media out there as well from this scene, but this is the only anime I have watched where I can say it has strong elements worth looking into from a satanic view, even if it is likely all coincidental.

AoT is really just a record of the jewish wet dream and truly a pile of garbage on all levels...

There is a lot of things of this nature out there. Such as Gantz and similar works... The world of manga has a lot disturbing minds and influences in it when you look under the hood.

Many of the recently popular works also are completely unpalatable from a Satanic view, due to blatant disrespect and misrepresentation of Demons or Hell as evil or monstrous beings/things, a stigma which pervades almost all media out there to this day and devalues all of it to be worthless in my eyes (I cannot squint my eyes and ignore those themes to enjoy a small entertainment factor present in a fictional story of middling quality).

Hail Satan!

I always thought the Art on DeviantArt was amazing or complete Garbage. Now I realize, just because someone has skill as an Artist, doesn't make them some highly intelligent or life loving individual.

As for the AoT concept, I only watched the first season and enjoyed the parallels to my own life. In extreme combat against some unholy monsters, having only two options, become a nightmare against my enemy, or become trapped in a cage.

You are forced to like the characters because they are "defenders of the only remaining humanity". Without Levi and Mikasa, AoT would honestly be a terribly boring Anime.

Code Geass is infinitely more artistic and beautiful in comparison.

I haven't wasted my time with Anime in a very long time, or even fiction books or TV series and movies. I want to build Temples and Pyramids and Kingdoms and Nations, I want to learn the truth of My Ancestors, our real Culture, what it means to be a Masculine Male in alignment with our Gods. I want to build Biomes and Environments that will enlighten humanity to our Divine purpose, in alignment with Astarte. I want to find a Beautiful women who I will love and create my own Legacy and build a Satanic Family. There is honestly no time for fiction. But tbh, I still enjoy my Fast paced Combat Video Games, it is one of the few "wastes of time" that I will allow.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
