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Astarte in Carthage: Honored by Gentiles, Assaulted by Jews

Blitzkreig [JG]

Head of Community
Sep 24, 2019
[email protected]
The Sacred Band of Astarte
Elite heavy cavalry of Carthage (Phoenician peoples of what is now Tunisia).

Image Source: Lordgood from Deviantart

Notice the 8-pointed star, one of her symbols.

From Wikipedia Source 1: "An important part of the Punic culture seems to have consisted in their devotion to the gods, and their well-known units, called Sacred Bands".

From Wikipedia Source 2, the Sacred Bands consisted of elite citizenry of the richest demographics, bearing superior gear that they purchased themselves. In numerous notable battles, they had fought to the death, even during heavy rain or to buy time for their retreating allies.


Image Source: Stronghold Terrain

More soldiers of Carthage. Notice the "Sign of Tanit" inscribed on the shields.
Sign of Tanit. From Wikipedia Source 3: "...anthropomorph symbol of the Punic goddess Tanit, present on many archaeological remains of the Carthaginian civilization."

Going further, with Wikipedia Source 4: " ...and the chief deity of Ancient Carthage...She was equivalent to the war goddess Astarte".

JoS Clergy:

"The symbols on the left are of Astarte. Both were derived from the Egyptian Ankh.

These symbols are also related to the moon and in casting blessings or cursing in magick, invoking the spiritual power to do so. In order to do this, the person must have strong bioelectricity, also symbolized by the Lunar Horn on the first symbol and the general shape of both symbols based on the Ankh.

Astarte's symbol at right symbolizes the balance and equilibrium, obtained when both the Ida and Pingala nadis are equally active, and the Sushumna is no longer dormant."

Regarding allegations of child sacrifice, we continue from the same Source 4:

"Some archaeologists theorized that infant sacrifices have occurred. Lawrence E. Stager, who directed the excavations of the Carthage Tophet in the 1970s, believes that infant sacrifice was practiced there."

"Tophet is a Hebrew term from the Bible, used to refer to a site near Jerusalem at which Canaanites and Israelites who strayed from Judaism by practicing Canaanite idolatry were said to sacrifice children."

"The Hebrew Bible does not specify that the Israelite victims were buried, only burned, although the "place of burning" was probably adjacent to the place of burial. We have no idea how the Phoenicians themselves referred to the places of burning or burial, or to the practice itself."

My notes: Give me a fucking break! Here Jews pretend to be pagan, then immediately start blood sacrificing in "the name" of Astarte and other Gods, desecrating their name both at that time, but also into the modern era, providing "proof" of how evil pagans are.

Remember what the Clergy showed us:

"Book of Exodus 29:18
And thou shalt burn the whole ram upon the altar: it is a burnt offering unto the LORD: it is a sweet savour, an offering made by fire unto the LORD.

Word "holocaust" is a Jewish word meaning "burning" which is constantly used in bible and means sacrifice to the Jewish god.

Leviticus 1:9
But his inwards and his legs shall he wash in water: and the priest shall burn all on the altar, to be a burnt sacrifice, an offering made by fire, of "a sweet savour unto the LORD".

And he shall cleave it with the wings thereof, but shall not divide it asunder: and the priest shall burn it upon the altar, upon the wood that is upon the fire: it is a burnt sacrifice, an offering made by fire, of a sweet savour unto the LORD.

But their god requires a constant human:

"And you shall offer your burnt-offerings, flesh and blood, on the altar of the LORD your God; But the blood of your other victims must be shed at the altar of the Lord your God, and eat the meat ... "
- Deuteronomy 12:27"

The loyal soldiers of Carthage were fighting and dying for Astarte, whereas the Jews were busy sacrificing kids and animals in the same land left behind by those brave Gentiles!

This is an example of the dogshit we overturn and bring to light through our rituals.

Read more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tophet
Fantastic post and perfectly aligned with my thoughts today.

Just a few hours ago I was reflecting on Mediterranean civilizations such as that of the Greeks, Romans and Carthaginians.
At one moment I reconnected that the Carthaginian people were represented by the sign of Tanit and used armor and shields with this sign.
Symbol that I found today after some time on jos "satanic symbols".
Now I go back to the forum and find this amazing post!

Our gods were loved and honored everywhere, as they should be.
I love studying the clashes between Romans and Carthaginians, stories of action, glory and heroes in battle.

Heil Astarte!
Glory to our gods!
The truth is is obvious when the JOS lays it out like this that it hurts when people still believe in very easily refuted lies.

Great find! Thanks Blitz!
Thank you for clarifying the issue of sacrifices in Carthage.

Among “advanced” conspiracy theorists and historians, accusations of Satan and Satanists of sacrifices are often heard, as if following from the “historical continuity” of Carthage. These accusations are so loud that they obscure the real state of affairs. It comes to the point that the accusations of the Carthaginians (who were pagans and worshiped our Gods) of the destruction of children and the cult of “Moloch” are equated to Satanism as such.

The enemy’s lies on this issue are very sophisticated and are based on general cultural ideas and codes about something in the mass consciousness of people.

The feud between Carthage and Rome (Punic Wars) was a series of conflicts built mainly on trade dominance over the Mediterranean when the two rising powers were unable to get along. As part of the propaganda and information warfare of the time, many Roman authors wrote terrible things about Carthage (including sacrifices) as part of the creation and rationale for warfare for future generations.
Awesome post!!! Alot of jewish sources try to push that Canaanites were jews to justify the initial invasion of their homeland. They are far from jewish and were among the many ancient populations nearly completely genocided as per the hebrew gods command to its horde of orcs from mordor. The Phoenicians descend from Canaanites and did have close relations with berbers and were both employed in Hannibal's army. It is as Wotanworrior said that these "brother wars" (through out virtually all gentile populations for that matter) have been instigated by jews.
Awesome post!!! Alot of jewish sources try to push that Canaanites were jews to justify the initial invasion of their homeland. They are far from jewish and were among the many ancient populations nearly completely genocided as per the hebrew gods command to its horde of orcs from mordor. The Phoenicians descend from Canaanites and did have close relations with berbers and were both employed in Hannibal's army. It is as Wotanworrior said that these "brother wars" (through out virtually all gentile populations for that matter) have been instigated by jews.
Cato the Elder who was one of the major instigators of Rome's war against Carthage with his infamous phrase "Carthage must be destroyed" was a Jew.
And it is no coincidence that the Jewish family of the Cato's are the ones who planned and instigated the assassination of Julius Caesar and are also behind Rome civil war.
In fact, the symbol reproduced by Blitzkreig and in JoS is a symbol of the Carthaginian Tanit. I myself have carried out extensive studies on the Carthaginian Queen of Heaven Tanit, from which I will give a small excerpt of more than 60 pages in the following article. According to all the research available to me, the Carthaginians did not practise child sacrifice. But the Jews did, who then blamed the pagans, including the Carthaginians, for it.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Hail Satan!

Hail Lucifer!

Hail Wotan!
The following can be said briefly about the Carthaginian goddess Tanit: Among other things, she represents a glorification, and thus an apotheosis, of the Phoenician goddess Astarte. She is both a virgin and the mother of Baal, the Bel, who in another context can be equated with the Jehoshuah invented by the Jews, the fictitious "Christ" of the Christian Bible, but also with the actually existing Tammuz, Adonis or Osiris-Horus. Accordingly, Tanit would in certain respects be the Christian Mary, as she was brought up as a legend by Christianity. Furthermore, like Astarte or Asherah, she is a naked goddess and mother goddess. Many Tanit statuettes have been found which show the naked goddess squeezing or offering her breasts with her hands. These depictions, as well as symbols on ex-votos, on which "Tnt or the pair of gods tnt-Baal were praised and consecrated "2 are intended to suggest that Tanit, like Astarte, Ceres, Juno, Dea Caelestis etc., was a fertility god "1. was a fertility deity "1 who "joined her male partner Baal-Chammân (i.e. Hammon). "1 In spring, she returns to earth as a restorative mother goddess to unite with the sky god Baal.

As a result of the annual holy wedding, the hieros gamos, the fresh green sprouts in spring. It awakens the fertility god Baal to new life every year. Tanit is said to have been celebrated with orgiastic rites to celebrate the miracle of the newly awakened nature. As a sign of her fertility, fish were sacrificed to her, like Atargatis and other moon and fertility goddesses.

1 Karl Preisendanz, Tanit; in: Wilhelm Kroll and Karl Mittelhaus (eds.), Paulys Real-Encyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft, Zweite Reihe, Achter Halbband, Symposion-Tauris bzw. Zweite Reihe (R-Z), Vierter Band, Stoa bis Tauris, J. B. Metzlersche Buchhandlung, Stuttgart 1932, column 2183 (left)

2 Karl Preisendanz, Tanit; in: Wilhelm Kroll and Karl Mittelhaus (eds.), Paulys Real-Encyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft, Zweite Reihe, Achter Halbband, Symposion-Tauris bzw. Zweite Reihe (R-Z), Vierter Band, Stoa bis Tauris, J. B. Metzlersche Buchhandlung, Stuttgart 1932, column 2186 (right)

The Carthaginian Tanit is also falsely said to have been sacrificed by fire with her first-born male children. This statement will be examined in more detail later, after which it will be shown to be untenable. Her name possibly goes back to an ancient snake goddess, who was called Artimpasa or Argimpasa by the Scythians, and is also associated with the Egyptian Tanetu - a form of Hathor as the goddess of light. She is depicted on votive steles as Dea Caelestis lunare. The Romans equated her with Ops and Nutrix, the nurturer and mother of Saturnus. This is because: "As a fertility goddess, Tnt was not only worshipped as Caelestis in later times, where she was invoked under the name of Ops together with Saturnus ... or under that of Dea Nutrix".1 The Greeks equated Tanit with the goddess of hunting and fertility Artemis-Diana. She therefore also has a clear connection to Hera-Juno: "Hera-Juno is often named as the main deity of Carthage; Augustine ... explains: Iuno sine dubitatione ab illis - that is, in German: Juno was without doubt called by them - (the Carthaginians) Astarte vorcatur - that is, in German: Astarte -. Whoever, with Gsell, equates Astarte with the goddess Tnt, will then also recognize Tnt in Hera-Iuno". 1

1 Karl Preisendanz, Tanit; in: Wilhelm Kroll and Karl Mittelhaus (eds.), Paulys Real-Encyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft, Zweite Reihe, Achter Halbband, Symposion-Tauris bzw. Zweite Reihe (R-Z), Vierter Band, Stoa bis Tauris, J. B. Metzlersche Buchhandlung, Stuttgart 1932, column 2184 (right)

In his article "Caelestis", the classical archaeologist, religious historian, philologist and epigraphist Franz-Valéry-Marie Cumont provides us with information about the Phoenician and Punic fertility and moon goddess Tanit, also known as Tannit, Thanit, Tinnit, Tanith, Tent or Tanis in Greek: "Already in ancient times, the Phoenician Astarte ..., the regina caelorum (i.e.: Queen of Heaven) ..., was equated by the Greeks with her heavenly Aphrodite" ..., who was usually simply called ἡ Οὐρανία (read: he Ourania; thus: the heavenly one) ... In the same way, the main goddess of Carthage, who was worshipped by the inhabitants as Tanit, was called Caelestis (thus: the heavenly one) in Latin.

1 Franz Cumont, Caelestis; in: Georg Wissowa (ed.), Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft, Neue Bearbeitung, Dritter Band, Barbarus - Claudius, J. B. Metzlerscher Verlag, Stuttgart 1899, column 1247

Thus "Salvianus in the 5th century ... complains about the stubbornness with which even Christians clung to the service of the goddess (in Rome) ... She was rightly regarded as the African goddess κατ՚ ἐξοχήν (read: kat exochen; thus: par excellence)". 1

1 Franz Cumont, Caelestis; in: Georg Wissowa (ed.), Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft, Neue Bearbeitung, Dritter Band, Barbarus - Claudius, J. B. Metzlerscher Verlag, Stuttgart 1899, column 1248

In his article "Tanit", the classical philologist, papyrologist, palaeographer and librarian Karl Leberecht Reinhard Preisendanz adds: "Gesell ... considers it certain that Tnt (thus: Tanit) was nothing but an African form of Astartes: as such, she had taken on new features - such as the quality of a lunar deity, which Tnt had perhaps become, Caelestis undoubtedly".1 She was therefore, what is later mentioned again: the Caelestis Afrorum, the African Caelestis.

1 Karl Preisendanz, Tanit; in: Wilhelm Kroll and Karl Mittelhaus (eds.), Paulys Real-Encyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft, Zweite Reihe, Achter Halbband, Symposion-Tauris bzw. Zweite Reihe (R-Z), Vierter Band, Stoa bis Tauris, J. B. Metzlersche Buchhandlung, Stuttgart 1932, column 2180 (right)

The human form of Tanit is rather rare and is illustrated in the following Figures A-C.

Tanit 1.jpg
Tanit 2.jpg
Tanit 3.jpg
Tanit 4.jpg


A: Statuettes of the winged goddess Tanit, the "face of Baal", from the grotto of the sanctuary of sanctuary of Cuyram on the island of Ibiza; on the left with palm branch and on the right with caduceus and sun and moon above1

B: Human representation of Tanit with a large Egyptian wig2

C: Tanit resembling an amphora with an implied head or a mummy3

1 Image from: Antonio García y Bellido, Les religions orientales dans l`Espagne romaine; in: M. J. Vermaseren (ed.), Études préliminaires aux religions orientales dans l`Empire romain, tome cinquième, E. J. Brill, Leiden 1967, plate XIX (19), figures 1 and 2

2 Image from: Louis Poinssot et Raymond Lantier, Un sanctuaire de Tanit à Carthage; in: René Dussaud et Paul Alphandéry (Eds.), Revue de l'histoire des religions (RHR), tome quatre-vingt-septième (vol. 87), Éditions Ernest Leroux, Paris 1923, p. 44, plate III, figure 13

3 Image from: Louis Poinssot et Raymond Lantier, Un sanctuaire de Tanit à Carthage; in: René Dussaud et Paul Alphandéry (Eds.), Revue de l'histoire des religions (RHR), tome quatre-vingt-septième (vol. 87), Éditions Ernest Leroux, Paris 1923, p. 44, plate III, figure 8

Tanit's sacred tree is the palm tree, the tree of life in the desert regions, which is why we see Tanit with the palm branch in picture A (left) above. Other symbols of Tanit include the pomegranate, the fig, the ear of corn, the dove, the hare and the dolphin. All symbols point in one way or another to its fertility character. Sometimes Tanit is also depicted with a "caduceus", a staff around which undulating lines or snakes wind, as in picture A (right) above. This ancient symbol of healing can be found, albeit with a different interpretation, in the Old Testament as the tree of knowledge with a serpent coiled around it. The serpent also emphasizes its chthonic character.

Furthermore, "Tanit", according to Cumont, "is usually called Caelestis (i.e.: Celestial) or dea Caelestis (i.e.: celestial goddess) ... Like Saturnus-Baՙal, the Caelestis-Tanit in Africa is a deity of fertility and she is thus equated with Venus ... As in Syria ... sacred prostitutions were originally associated with her service ... As a fertilizing goddess, the Caelestis was also approximated to the earth deities, in Italy to Bona Dea ..., in Africa itself to Cybele". 1

1 Franz Cumont, Caelestis; in: Georg Wissowa (ed.), Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft, Neue Bearbeitung, Dritter Band, Barbarus - Claudius, J. B. Metzlerscher Verlag, Stuttgart 1899, column 1249

The historian, archaeologist and epigraphist Ioan Piso adds that "the fact that we are dealing with a syncretic deity in Roman times is suggested by the fact that she is not only (in most cases) called Virgo or Diana Caelestis, but also Venus or Iuno Caelestis".1

1 Ioan Piso, Zum Kultus der dea Caelestis; in: Werner Eck, Helmut Engelmann et al. (eds.), Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, vol. 99, Rudolf Habelt GmbH Bonn 1993, p. 224

Tanit 5.jpg
Tanit 6.jpg
Tanit 7.jpg


A: Tanit dressed in Greek-style polos in a "blessing" pose; terracotta; Site: Punic cemetery of Puig des Molins, Ibiza, Spain; 4th-5th century BCE; Archaeological Museum, Barcelona (photograph)

B: Blessing Tanit with polos (tower crown); drawing after S. Beaulieu1

C: Head of the goddess Tanit with ears of corn in her hair; coin of Carthage; 218-202 BCE;

British Museum, Electrum; drawing after S. Beaulieu2

1 Image from: MatriFocus Cross-Quarterly for Goddess Women, a seasonal web journal (zine), Lammas 2009, Vol. 8-4, p. 1

2 Image from: MatriFocus Cross-Quarterly for Goddess Women, a seasonal web journal (zine), Lammas 2009, Vol. 8-4, p. 3

The Carthaginian goddess Tanit, the "Celestial", depicted here in anthropomorphic form (fig. A - C above), is described by some authors as a Punic version of the queen of heaven and goddess of love Astarte (fig. A below), Ugaritic ʿAthtartu, Phoenician: ʿštrt, ancient Greek Αστάρτη (Astártē), Hebrew עַשְׁתֹּ֔רֶת (Aschtoräth), Aramaic: ʿAthtar written resp. of the Cypriot Aphrodite (fig. B below) or of Aphrodite Paphia (fig. C below), and thus seen as a version of the West Semitic, ancient Egyptian Anat (fig. D below) or as a Punic version of the Egyptian Neith (fig. E below).

These images cannot be reproduced here as more than 8 images are not permitted.
Thank you so much for this, JG Blitzkreig. I didn't see this when you posted it. This is yet more strong proof about that god of evil AKA jehova.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
