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About Your Potential and Accomplishment

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
At certain times I might be perceived as stern. I am. Aand this is only because one is either new, lacks experience, or has not advanced sufficiently in the path. Some people also falsely believe that being stern or realistic about certain topics, that this is somehow going to "put them down". The reality is the contrary of this.

Despite of the obvious reality which is a lifelong commitment here to unlock more of your potential (I do the same thing for myself on my own terms), they deny this and choose to whine instead. Part of this has to do also with others being stern or whatever. Their viewpoint here is that nothing of this must exist, besides a sea of delusion.

And in this sea, how many potentially great people have drowned? And how could that be allowed? It cannot be, at least as far as I am concerned.

Others see this and they understand the core meaning of this. But you have to grow first in order to understand this more and more. The meaning here is that if you just dwell on nonsense about some "potential" without doing much about it, you are not really evolving.

The potential is something that everyone here has, I have never had any doubts of this. What have I been doing here all the time besides point to that end? And what else has been done? Propelling to that direction. But for this one has to avoid the false path of deception in order to get things straight and to grow.

So in this path there are two solid paths; you either keep lying to yourself that you have "already accomplished" certain things, glorify your "potential" and to remain deluded. Potential is about what we do, not what we think we could theoretically do; theoretically everyone here is a Goddess and a God, but we have to actually walk to this destination, not just mentally masturbate to it.

This is a first primary stage of delusion that an SS will eventually be prompted to overcome.

The second path, which is the real path, is where one has a honest look at certain topics about themselves and their lives and they start gathering themselves in order to make development for themselves. This can be small or whatever (Nothing is ever small on these topics) and one can start genuinely growing.

Some people send me simple things sometimes; someone stopped smoking, another over-eating. You think these are small things, but these are major accomplishments in life. This is better than 95% of the human population. One must really be proud of themselves even for small accomplishments. They are falsely called "small" by people who don't understand them. These will lead to bigger ones later on.

These "small" ones cannot be bypassed and the really good disciples of the Gods won't seek to deceitfully circumvent them, they will face themselves head on. So how small are they really? You just think they are small. They are actually huge in the longterm of your journey.

The man who overcame something as small or "simple" as above, is far more evolved than the man who simply is sitting there delusional and giving me "potential talk" about how they are Attila the Hun. Between the imaginary Attila and the person who did stop smoking, the person who stopped smoking is miles ahead in the path. One truly did grow and overcome, the other is still in delusional phase.

Some people might have little or do little (that's what they think) but in their own relative terms they are walking the heroic path. Those who deflect this path due to false claims, are actually not there yet, but quite far from the meaning of this path.

When has any of you came to me to tell me about anything; big or small, that you achieved, and I have not became overjoyed by this? I congratulate all the SS who are real and fight their battles.

Over the years I hear a lot of pompous things. But deep down, between the exaggerator and the real warrior of life, I will always stand by the warrior and not by the bearer of false testament. What I learned over all these years is that the person who truly works on themselves and proves their actions is the one to be taken seriously by the Gods and other people.

It's normal to be seen that way, too. False verification in this world is very common, but this doesn't work where true development is concerned. People clapping at you for not going to the gym doesn't mean you went to the gym, that's the truth.

All the potential in the world, is nothing compared to actually doing things.

Do not try to convince me with lies, when you know they are lies. I am your friend in the path to help around and to support in a realistic manner. I am not here to lie to you to create falsehood for you, but to see you grow truly. This truly you will be able to verify on your own also. That's because I actually love every SS out there, and I want to see you grow. Like actually.

To say all day that you will do a Ritual or might meditate in the indefinite future, and to not do it, is not going to grow you. Everyday passes and your potential is harmed there, still remains untapped. This leads nowhere.

I met many imaginary "Great Men" in all these years. Those that would help in some future time, those who needed 1 million first before they would donate 100$, those that were whatever in a past life, and they all have the same opinion of me: That I am someone they do not like. That's because I directly told them they are not great at all, but worthless, and a pariah in the eyes of the Gods.

Greater is the man that donated 1$ because in their life, maybe that was something they could do. Empty talk won't grow nobody in the path, nor others, nor these people who use it. Between he and the one who claims large words, one is more ahead in the path of finding their own potential than the one who is not doing a thing.

Have you ever seen anyone going to their teacher everyday at school and saying constantly "I will do my homework next week, later, in one month, in a year" and graduating? Why do you then expect this from me? Cannot you look at the obvious reality of this? You can.

Also, it doesn't mean that your teacher has lost faith in you because you faltered, on the contrary, they want you to get out of this. But how will you get out of this, if you constantly postpone and you constantly deflect your duties?

What also would my teacher think of me, if I kept doing this, and didn't follow through with anything? What if I was also retarded enough to tell him that I am a PHD when I am a first grade, lazy student that wants to just deceive him on top of it, on my perceived ability?

Do you think the teacher is retarded and that he cannot see it, or that they would follow in your detrimental condition and tell you it's all wonderful? How evil would that be of them? That would only help you for false consolation and not help you grow. So you will still never graduate.

And what kind of teacher would that be, someone who is "stern and evil", or someone that truly loves you? Because if they truly loved you, what would they want out of you?

With the above context, you might understand me a bit better.

The Gods do love everyone for their potential. They introduce you to it, but you have to actually do something about this introduction and move past the state of being idle.

Case is basically that I believe more in your potential, everyone of you, way more than you do in many cases. In some individuals I believe to extents they cannot imagine previously, that's because they show all the necessary traits to become very great personalities.

These people who claim large potential but do nothing do not truly believe in themselves, they are the weakest of the weak. I loved them more than they loved themselves, but this self love they didn't have disallowed them of growth; then they can project the hate on anyone but themselves. This ruins all their potential and they do not advance far.

Overall, it's important to me that you succeed in your existence; that's how we will be able to tell the Gods we did actual growth.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Greetings HP, respectfully, I think you might've misclicked and posted this sermon in the wrong section. This is not the announcements section, this won't go in top page.
Greetings HP, respectfully, I think you might've misclicked and posted this sermon in the wrong section. This is not the announcements section, this won't go in top page.

I saw your message and fixed this, thank you.
I saw your message and fixed this, thank you.
Thank you for this sermon.

Since you were talking about accomplishments, that some consider small but that are not, like 3 days ago I discovered I can faintly see my aura, around my hand.
It's not completely new as I could kinda see something in these years, but now it's much clearer. And it takes much less concentration to do, I just need to barely focus around my hand to start see this sort-of refraction of light all around it.

I don't see this as a "small" accomplishment. This is exactly what I needed to resolve all my doubts in this faith.
I needed to see something. And now, thanks to meditating (probably the biggest help came from re-doing 3rd eye opening), I saw.
Thank you for this sermon.

Since you were talking about accomplishments, that some consider small but that are not, like 3 days ago I discovered I can faintly see my aura, around my hand.
It's not completely new as I could kinda see something in these years, but now it's much clearer. And it takes much less concentration to do, I just need to barely focus around my hand to start see this sort-of refraction of light all around it.

I don't see this as a "small" accomplishment. This is exactly what I needed to resolve all my doubts in this faith.
I needed to see something. And now, thanks to meditating (probably the biggest help came from re-doing 3rd eye opening), I saw.

You have earned this for yourself. Just keep going, this path will eliminate doubts as one proceeds with it. On the higher aspects, one will no longer have any, they know directly what they can do or what is going on. Great work!
I agree with the fact that people should become serious when working on this path.

After all, we are here in the House of the Gods, not just some mere LHP cult as outsiders or enemy want to consider us.

Thank you for posting this very useful sermon, HPHC! I am sure my great potential is arriving in the near future. I just have to be patient and hardworking
The Gods do love everyone for their potential. They introduce you to it, but you have to actually do something about this introduction and move past the state of being idle.
Thank you HPHC 666 for this great sermon.
I don't know what my potential is, but since I'm here as an SS, it must be a little something.

I don't know how and when my potential will be revealed. I just know what I have to do now. That is to get rid of my traumas with heal myself and Balancing my feminine and masculine energy. Maybe my potential will be revealed this way, who knows?

Thank you for writing this article, high priest.
Thank you.

I am trying to make progress. When I defeat one "lion" the next one is even stronger. To overcome the current "lion" (bad habits, addictions) I really need to pull myself together.

It is a big mistake to take things lightly. However small an addiction may seem, quitting requires a total commitment to real success.

With each addiction we kick, we start a new life. This is my experience. This new life is what many people fear the most. But it must be done. That is the way of life.

Sorry to get off topic.
May I ask who Attila the King of the Huns was?

I've seen you mention it several times.

Was Attila a spiritually advanced person? Was Satan on our father's side?

As a Hungarian I am interested in this, sorry.
Thank you HPHoodedCobra666

For another great sermon as usual, it’s a good reminder for us if we are lacking and stagnant this should give us a push to move and do much better, you are a great and wonderful High Priest and teacher who actually loves his students and wants us all to achieve our highest potentials, it’s really lovely to hear how much you love us all us SS and want the best for us all, true HP true teacher true head of Family
Thank you ❤️
Thank you.

I am trying to make progress. When I defeat one "lion" the next one is even stronger. To overcome the current "lion" (bad habits, addictions) I really need to pull myself together.

It is a big mistake to take things lightly. However small an addiction may seem, quitting requires a total commitment to real success.

With each addiction we kick, we start a new life. This is my experience. This new life is what many people fear the most. But it must be done. That is the way of life.

Sorry to get off topic.
May I ask who Attila the King of the Huns was?

I've seen you mention it several times.

Was Attila a spiritually advanced person? Was Satan on our father's side?

As a Hungarian I am interested in this, sorry.
As far as I understand, Attila was a pagan king and the greatest enemy that the Xian empire of Constantinople and the Vatican had at that time. Apart from that, he was a great military strategist. I believe that he was on the side of Satan and the Gods.
Dwelling on one's potential is almost a form of escapism IMO.

It's a lot easier to masturbate to the image of how great you 'could be' than to put on the mitt's and get to work.

For most people, it's used as an excuse to avoid the daily toil, rather than a self-motivating force, and it subsequently become's a form of entitlement for many.

If they were to actually face reality, this comfortable delusion they've created for themselves would shatter into a million pieces. Unconsciously, they know this—which is why they avoid it like the plague.

If they were to actually sit down and toil, their self-image would inevitably come into contact with reality, breaking the spell they've cast on themselves as to their so called "potential".

The notion of potential itself become's an excuse to put thing's off for decades, as they bask in the glory of 'what could be' rather than 'what is'.

You are what you are today, the tomorrow of where potential exists is nothing but an abstraction of the mind, at least in the way these people use it. There's a way to make imagination work for you, then there's escapism.
I don't know what my potential is, but since I'm here as an SS, it must be a little something.

I don't know how and when my potential will be revealed. I just know what I have to do now. That is to get rid of my traumas with heal myself and Balancing my feminine and masculine energy. Maybe my potential will be revealed this way, who knows?

Thank you for writing this article, high priest.
Your potential isn't a "little" something. Your potential is to be a God, like everyone else here!
You just need to harness and material this potential into actual power, by working hard!
You'll make it! We'll all make it! We just gotta do it!

I know it feels absurd in the beginning, that this is what you're going for, I know it feels to huge and if you're a humble person like me it doesn't feel real in the beginning because you can't yet see yourself this high, but that's actually it. That is your potential, to be a God.
Dwelling on one's potential is almost a form of escapism IMO.

It's a lot easier to masturbate to the image of how great you 'could be' than to put on the mitt's and get to work.

For most people, it's used as an excuse to avoid the daily toil, rather than a self-motivating force, and it subsequently become's a form of entitlement for many.

If they were to actually face reality, this comfortable delusion they've created for themselves would shatter into a million pieces. Unconsciously, they know this—which is why they avoid it like the plague.

If they were to actually sit down and toil, their self-image would inevitably come into contact with reality, breaking the spell they've cast on themselves as to their so called "potential".

The notion of potential itself become's an excuse to put thing's off for decades, as they bask in the glory of 'what could be' rather than 'what is'.

You are what you are today, the tomorrow of where potential exists is nothing but an abstraction of the mind, at least in the way these people use it. There's a way to make imagination work for you, then there's escapism.
Wow Brother that's really a nice way to put it.
You're great with words.
At certain times I might be perceived as stern. I am. Aand this is only because one is either new, lacks experience, or has not advanced sufficiently in the path. Some people also falsely believe that being stern or realistic about certain topics, that this is somehow going to "put them down". The reality is the contrary of this.

Despite of the obvious reality which is a lifelong commitment here to unlock more of your potential (I do the same thing for myself on my own terms), they deny this and choose to whine instead. Part of this has to do also with others being stern or whatever. Their viewpoint here is that nothing of this must exist, besides a sea of delusion.

And in this sea, how many potentially great people have drowned? And how could that be allowed? It cannot be, at least as far as I am concerned.

Others see this and they understand the core meaning of this. But you have to grow first in order to understand this more and more. The meaning here is that if you just dwell on nonsense about some "potential" without doing much about it, you are not really evolving.

The potential is something that everyone here has, I have never had any doubts of this. What have I been doing here all the time besides point to that end? And what else has been done? Propelling to that direction. But for this one has to avoid the false path of deception in order to get things straight and to grow.

So in this path there are two solid paths; you either keep lying to yourself that you have "already accomplished" certain things, glorify your "potential" and to remain deluded. Potential is about what we do, not what we think we could theoretically do; theoretically everyone here is a Goddess and a God, but we have to actually walk to this destination, not just mentally masturbate to it.

This is a first primary stage of delusion that an SS will eventually be prompted to overcome.

The second path, which is the real path, is where one has a honest look at certain topics about themselves and their lives and they start gathering themselves in order to make development for themselves. This can be small or whatever (Nothing is ever small on these topics) and one can start genuinely growing.

Some people send me simple things sometimes; someone stopped smoking, another over-eating. You think these are small things, but these are major accomplishments in life. This is better than 95% of the human population. One must really be proud of themselves even for small accomplishments. They are falsely called "small" by people who don't understand them. These will lead to bigger ones later on.

These "small" ones cannot be bypassed and the really good disciples of the Gods won't seek to deceitfully circumvent them, they will face themselves head on. So how small are they really? You just think they are small. They are actually huge in the longterm of your journey.

The man who overcame something as small or "simple" as above, is far more evolved than the man who simply is sitting there delusional and giving me "potential talk" about how they are Attila the Hun. Between the imaginary Attila and the person who did stop smoking, the person who stopped smoking is miles ahead in the path. One truly did grow and overcome, the other is still in delusional phase.

Some people might have little or do little (that's what they think) but in their own relative terms they are walking the heroic path. Those who deflect this path due to false claims, are actually not there yet, but quite far from the meaning of this path.

When has any of you came to me to tell me about anything; big or small, that you achieved, and I have not became overjoyed by this? I congratulate all the SS who are real and fight their battles.

Over the years I hear a lot of pompous things. But deep down, between the exaggerator and the real warrior of life, I will always stand by the warrior and not by the bearer of false testament. What I learned over all these years is that the person who truly works on themselves and proves their actions is the one to be taken seriously by the Gods and other people.

It's normal to be seen that way, too. False verification in this world is very common, but this doesn't work where true development is concerned. People clapping at you for not going to the gym doesn't mean you went to the gym, that's the truth.

All the potential in the world, is nothing compared to actually doing things.

Do not try to convince me with lies, when you know they are lies. I am your friend in the path to help around and to support in a realistic manner. I am not here to lie to you to create falsehood for you, but to see you grow truly. This truly you will be able to verify on your own also. That's because I actually love every SS out there, and I want to see you grow. Like actually.

To say all day that you will do a Ritual or might meditate in the indefinite future, and to not do it, is not going to grow you. Everyday passes and your potential is harmed there, still remains untapped. This leads nowhere.

I met many imaginary "Great Men" in all these years. Those that would help in some future time, those who needed 1 million first before they would donate 100$, those that were whatever in a past life, and they all have the same opinion of me: That I am someone they do not like. That's because I directly told them they are not great at all, but worthless, and a pariah in the eyes of the Gods.

Greater is the man that donated 1$ because in their life, maybe that was something they could do. Empty talk won't grow nobody in the path, nor others, nor these people who use it. Between he and the one who claims large words, one is more ahead in the path of finding their own potential than the one who is not doing a thing.

Have you ever seen anyone going to their teacher everyday at school and saying constantly "I will do my homework next week, later, in one month, in a year" and graduating? Why do you then expect this from me? Cannot you look at the obvious reality of this? You can.

Also, it doesn't mean that your teacher has lost faith in you because you faltered, on the contrary, they want you to get out of this. But how will you get out of this, if you constantly postpone and you constantly deflect your duties?

What also would my teacher think of me, if I kept doing this, and didn't follow through with anything? What if I was also retarded enough to tell him that I am a PHD when I am a first grade, lazy student that wants to just deceive him on top of it, on my perceived ability?

Do you think the teacher is retarded and that he cannot see it, or that they would follow in your detrimental condition and tell you it's all wonderful? How evil would that be of them? That would only help you for false consolation and not help you grow. So you will still never graduate.

And what kind of teacher would that be, someone who is "stern and evil", or someone that truly loves you? Because if they truly loved you, what would they want out of you?

With the above context, you might understand me a bit better.

The Gods do love everyone for their potential. They introduce you to it, but you have to actually do something about this introduction and move past the state of being idle.

Case is basically that I believe more in your potential, everyone of you, way more than you do in many cases. In some individuals I believe to extents they cannot imagine previously, that's because they show all the necessary traits to become very great personalities.

These people who claim large potential but do nothing do not truly believe in themselves, they are the weakest of the weak. I loved them more than they loved themselves, but this self love they didn't have disallowed them of growth; then they can project the hate on anyone but themselves. This ruins all their potential and they do not advance far.

Overall, it's important to me that you succeed in your existence; that's how we will be able to tell the Gods we did actual growth.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Great post (y)
A big goal often consists of small goals and achieving small goals contributes to achieving a big goal.

It is important to go step by step and not deviate from the course, then success will be achieved.
Thank High Priest Cobra.

As we all know this path isn't easy and knowing truly that someone is in your corner wanting you to succeed really does help especially when you have long times of extreme doubt.
you made a great sermon and I shall bookmark it for when the doubt gets bad to remind me someone here on this planet is still in my corner. thank you, Sir.

Hail Father Satan
Your potential isn't a "little" something. Your potential is to be a God, like everyone else here!
You just need to harness and material this potential into actual power, by working hard!
You'll make it! We'll all make it! We just gotta do it!

I know it feels absurd in the beginning, that this is what you're going for, I know it feels to huge and if you're a humble person like me it doesn't feel real in the beginning because you can't yet see yourself this high, but that's actually it. That is your potential, to be a God.
You misunderstood me. What I meant by potential was my abilities and what level they could reach.
You misunderstood me. What I meant by potential was my abilities and what level they could reach.
It's what I've told you.
Your abilities and "what level they could reach": the level of a God.
Maybe you are still unconsciously struggling with understanding how high this Path will take you.
As far as I understand, Attila was a pagan king and the greatest enemy that the Xian empire of Constantinople and the Vatican had at that time. Apart from that, he was a great military strategist. I believe that he was on the side of Satan and the Gods.
Thank you.

In broad terms, yes.

I asked because I was hoping to learn something special about Attila.
There has been talk on this forum about Hitler, Napoleon, Alexander the Great, but I can't find anything about Attila.
At certain times I might be perceived as stern. I am. Aand this is only because one is either new, lacks experience, or has not advanced sufficiently in the path. Some people also falsely believe that being stern or realistic about certain topics, that this is somehow going to "put them down". The reality is the contrary of this.

Despite of the obvious reality which is a lifelong commitment here to unlock more of your potential (I do the same thing for myself on my own terms), they deny this and choose to whine instead. Part of this has to do also with others being stern or whatever. Their viewpoint here is that nothing of this must exist, besides a sea of delusion.

And in this sea, how many potentially great people have drowned? And how could that be allowed? It cannot be, at least as far as I am concerned.

Others see this and they understand the core meaning of this. But you have to grow first in order to understand this more and more. The meaning here is that if you just dwell on nonsense about some "potential" without doing much about it, you are not really evolving.

The potential is something that everyone here has, I have never had any doubts of this. What have I been doing here all the time besides point to that end? And what else has been done? Propelling to that direction. But for this one has to avoid the false path of deception in order to get things straight and to grow.

So in this path there are two solid paths; you either keep lying to yourself that you have "already accomplished" certain things, glorify your "potential" and to remain deluded. Potential is about what we do, not what we think we could theoretically do; theoretically everyone here is a Goddess and a God, but we have to actually walk to this destination, not just mentally masturbate to it.

This is a first primary stage of delusion that an SS will eventually be prompted to overcome.

The second path, which is the real path, is where one has a honest look at certain topics about themselves and their lives and they start gathering themselves in order to make development for themselves. This can be small or whatever (Nothing is ever small on these topics) and one can start genuinely growing.

Some people send me simple things sometimes; someone stopped smoking, another over-eating. You think these are small things, but these are major accomplishments in life. This is better than 95% of the human population. One must really be proud of themselves even for small accomplishments. They are falsely called "small" by people who don't understand them. These will lead to bigger ones later on.

These "small" ones cannot be bypassed and the really good disciples of the Gods won't seek to deceitfully circumvent them, they will face themselves head on. So how small are they really? You just think they are small. They are actually huge in the longterm of your journey.

The man who overcame something as small or "simple" as above, is far more evolved than the man who simply is sitting there delusional and giving me "potential talk" about how they are Attila the Hun. Between the imaginary Attila and the person who did stop smoking, the person who stopped smoking is miles ahead in the path. One truly did grow and overcome, the other is still in delusional phase.

Some people might have little or do little (that's what they think) but in their own relative terms they are walking the heroic path. Those who deflect this path due to false claims, are actually not there yet, but quite far from the meaning of this path.

When has any of you came to me to tell me about anything; big or small, that you achieved, and I have not became overjoyed by this? I congratulate all the SS who are real and fight their battles.

Over the years I hear a lot of pompous things. But deep down, between the exaggerator and the real warrior of life, I will always stand by the warrior and not by the bearer of false testament. What I learned over all these years is that the person who truly works on themselves and proves their actions is the one to be taken seriously by the Gods and other people.

It's normal to be seen that way, too. False verification in this world is very common, but this doesn't work where true development is concerned. People clapping at you for not going to the gym doesn't mean you went to the gym, that's the truth.

All the potential in the world, is nothing compared to actually doing things.

Do not try to convince me with lies, when you know they are lies. I am your friend in the path to help around and to support in a realistic manner. I am not here to lie to you to create falsehood for you, but to see you grow truly. This truly you will be able to verify on your own also. That's because I actually love every SS out there, and I want to see you grow. Like actually.

To say all day that you will do a Ritual or might meditate in the indefinite future, and to not do it, is not going to grow you. Everyday passes and your potential is harmed there, still remains untapped. This leads nowhere.

I met many imaginary "Great Men" in all these years. Those that would help in some future time, those who needed 1 million first before they would donate 100$, those that were whatever in a past life, and they all have the same opinion of me: That I am someone they do not like. That's because I directly told them they are not great at all, but worthless, and a pariah in the eyes of the Gods.

Greater is the man that donated 1$ because in their life, maybe that was something they could do. Empty talk won't grow nobody in the path, nor others, nor these people who use it. Between he and the one who claims large words, one is more ahead in the path of finding their own potential than the one who is not doing a thing.

Have you ever seen anyone going to their teacher everyday at school and saying constantly "I will do my homework next week, later, in one month, in a year" and graduating? Why do you then expect this from me? Cannot you look at the obvious reality of this? You can.

Also, it doesn't mean that your teacher has lost faith in you because you faltered, on the contrary, they want you to get out of this. But how will you get out of this, if you constantly postpone and you constantly deflect your duties?

What also would my teacher think of me, if I kept doing this, and didn't follow through with anything? What if I was also retarded enough to tell him that I am a PHD when I am a first grade, lazy student that wants to just deceive him on top of it, on my perceived ability?

Do you think the teacher is retarded and that he cannot see it, or that they would follow in your detrimental condition and tell you it's all wonderful? How evil would that be of them? That would only help you for false consolation and not help you grow. So you will still never graduate.

And what kind of teacher would that be, someone who is "stern and evil", or someone that truly loves you? Because if they truly loved you, what would they want out of you?

With the above context, you might understand me a bit better.

The Gods do love everyone for their potential. They introduce you to it, but you have to actually do something about this introduction and move past the state of being idle.

Case is basically that I believe more in your potential, everyone of you, way more than you do in many cases. In some individuals I believe to extents they cannot imagine previously, that's because they show all the necessary traits to become very great personalities.

These people who claim large potential but do nothing do not truly believe in themselves, they are the weakest of the weak. I loved them more than they loved themselves, but this self love they didn't have disallowed them of growth; then they can project the hate on anyone but themselves. This ruins all their potential and they do not advance far.

Overall, it's important to me that you succeed in your existence; that's how we will be able to tell the Gods we did actual growth.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Cried reading this. Thank you.
At certain times I might be perceived as stern. I am. Aand this is only because one is either new, lacks experience, or has not advanced sufficiently in the path. Some people also falsely believe that being stern or realistic about certain topics, that this is somehow going to "put them down". The reality is the contrary of this.

Despite of the obvious reality which is a lifelong commitment here to unlock more of your potential (I do the same thing for myself on my own terms), they deny this and choose to whine instead. Part of this has to do also with others being stern or whatever. Their viewpoint here is that nothing of this must exist, besides a sea of delusion.

And in this sea, how many potentially great people have drowned? And how could that be allowed? It cannot be, at least as far as I am concerned.

Others see this and they understand the core meaning of this. But you have to grow first in order to understand this more and more. The meaning here is that if you just dwell on nonsense about some "potential" without doing much about it, you are not really evolving.

The potential is something that everyone here has, I have never had any doubts of this. What have I been doing here all the time besides point to that end? And what else has been done? Propelling to that direction. But for this one has to avoid the false path of deception in order to get things straight and to grow.

So in this path there are two solid paths; you either keep lying to yourself that you have "already accomplished" certain things, glorify your "potential" and to remain deluded. Potential is about what we do, not what we think we could theoretically do; theoretically everyone here is a Goddess and a God, but we have to actually walk to this destination, not just mentally masturbate to it.

This is a first primary stage of delusion that an SS will eventually be prompted to overcome.

The second path, which is the real path, is where one has a honest look at certain topics about themselves and their lives and they start gathering themselves in order to make development for themselves. This can be small or whatever (Nothing is ever small on these topics) and one can start genuinely growing.

Some people send me simple things sometimes; someone stopped smoking, another over-eating. You think these are small things, but these are major accomplishments in life. This is better than 95% of the human population. One must really be proud of themselves even for small accomplishments. They are falsely called "small" by people who don't understand them. These will lead to bigger ones later on.

These "small" ones cannot be bypassed and the really good disciples of the Gods won't seek to deceitfully circumvent them, they will face themselves head on. So how small are they really? You just think they are small. They are actually huge in the longterm of your journey.

The man who overcame something as small or "simple" as above, is far more evolved than the man who simply is sitting there delusional and giving me "potential talk" about how they are Attila the Hun. Between the imaginary Attila and the person who did stop smoking, the person who stopped smoking is miles ahead in the path. One truly did grow and overcome, the other is still in delusional phase.

Some people might have little or do little (that's what they think) but in their own relative terms they are walking the heroic path. Those who deflect this path due to false claims, are actually not there yet, but quite far from the meaning of this path.

When has any of you came to me to tell me about anything; big or small, that you achieved, and I have not became overjoyed by this? I congratulate all the SS who are real and fight their battles.

Over the years I hear a lot of pompous things. But deep down, between the exaggerator and the real warrior of life, I will always stand by the warrior and not by the bearer of false testament. What I learned over all these years is that the person who truly works on themselves and proves their actions is the one to be taken seriously by the Gods and other people.

It's normal to be seen that way, too. False verification in this world is very common, but this doesn't work where true development is concerned. People clapping at you for not going to the gym doesn't mean you went to the gym, that's the truth.

All the potential in the world, is nothing compared to actually doing things.

Do not try to convince me with lies, when you know they are lies. I am your friend in the path to help around and to support in a realistic manner. I am not here to lie to you to create falsehood for you, but to see you grow truly. This truly you will be able to verify on your own also. That's because I actually love every SS out there, and I want to see you grow. Like actually.

To say all day that you will do a Ritual or might meditate in the indefinite future, and to not do it, is not going to grow you. Everyday passes and your potential is harmed there, still remains untapped. This leads nowhere.

I met many imaginary "Great Men" in all these years. Those that would help in some future time, those who needed 1 million first before they would donate 100$, those that were whatever in a past life, and they all have the same opinion of me: That I am someone they do not like. That's because I directly told them they are not great at all, but worthless, and a pariah in the eyes of the Gods.

Greater is the man that donated 1$ because in their life, maybe that was something they could do. Empty talk won't grow nobody in the path, nor others, nor these people who use it. Between he and the one who claims large words, one is more ahead in the path of finding their own potential than the one who is not doing a thing.

Have you ever seen anyone going to their teacher everyday at school and saying constantly "I will do my homework next week, later, in one month, in a year" and graduating? Why do you then expect this from me? Cannot you look at the obvious reality of this? You can.

Also, it doesn't mean that your teacher has lost faith in you because you faltered, on the contrary, they want you to get out of this. But how will you get out of this, if you constantly postpone and you constantly deflect your duties?

What also would my teacher think of me, if I kept doing this, and didn't follow through with anything? What if I was also retarded enough to tell him that I am a PHD when I am a first grade, lazy student that wants to just deceive him on top of it, on my perceived ability?

Do you think the teacher is retarded and that he cannot see it, or that they would follow in your detrimental condition and tell you it's all wonderful? How evil would that be of them? That would only help you for false consolation and not help you grow. So you will still never graduate.

And what kind of teacher would that be, someone who is "stern and evil", or someone that truly loves you? Because if they truly loved you, what would they want out of you?

With the above context, you might understand me a bit better.

The Gods do love everyone for their potential. They introduce you to it, but you have to actually do something about this introduction and move past the state of being idle.

Case is basically that I believe more in your potential, everyone of you, way more than you do in many cases. In some individuals I believe to extents they cannot imagine previously, that's because they show all the necessary traits to become very great personalities.

These people who claim large potential but do nothing do not truly believe in themselves, they are the weakest of the weak. I loved them more than they loved themselves, but this self love they didn't have disallowed them of growth; then they can project the hate on anyone but themselves. This ruins all their potential and they do not advance far.

Overall, it's important to me that you succeed in your existence; that's how we will be able to tell the Gods we did actual growth.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Just wanted to Thank you for what you do i have a Blasphemous pic wood like to upload For others to us with on line war. Hail Satan
As far as I understand, Attila was a pagan king and the greatest enemy that the Xian empire of Constantinople and the Vatican had at that time. Apart from that, he was a great military strategist. I believe that he was on the side of Satan and the Gods.
Constantinople of the East Roman Empire was pure evil under Xian. Pure destruction of Hellenism and usurpation of the remnants of Ancient Greek culture. Hoping Rome goes back pagan and Istanbul becomes Byzantium one day.
I hate being full of potential. I'm 42 this 26th, & all this potential energy not going anywhere swirls up into anxiety. There's something about me & confidence, trust, faith in myself, & picking up after a setback.
I hate being full of potential. I'm 42 this 26th, & all this potential energy not going anywhere swirls up into anxiety. There's something about me & confidence, trust, faith in myself, & picking up after a setback.
I have practiced skills that bottleneck in similar places, the same aspects of development, & I don't know how to resolve my issues. I'm sorta spinning my wheels grinding practice & not doing much in the world.

As far as trust, I was abused & I learned to not trust the world or myself. I needed professional help by 16 but, instead I learned regressive therapy online myself & fixed the major issue at age 32. That was when I begun to realize the consequences of living a life with dissociation for a few decades, which relates to trusting myself. Parts of me seem trapped in the past like an rpg skill tree with no points in it, & I'm not in the social situations I was in when I was young which would lead to healthier development.

As far as setbacks, I burnt like a dying star for 5 years for my tech career. After almost 650 apps I purposely quit for a year while planning to come back, & I have in bursts but not consistently.

Practice increases my potential, but I don't captivate the world with it. When I practice, it feels like I'm increasing my power, like I can take on anything. As soon as I start even deciding to maybe ask the world for approval & acceptance at this point, it feels like there's no point in existing. They're polar opposites of experience, but this is why I wanted to remain hidden all my youth. Anxious-avoidant attachment schema's do really thorough work, like feeling bad from praise.
I have practiced skills that bottleneck in similar places, the same aspects of development, & I don't know how to resolve my issues. I'm sorta spinning my wheels grinding practice & not doing much in the world.

As far as trust, I was abused & I learned to not trust the world or myself. I needed professional help by 16 but, instead I learned regressive therapy online myself & fixed the major issue at age 32. That was when I begun to realize the consequences of living a life with dissociation for a few decades, which relates to trusting myself. Parts of me seem trapped in the past like an rpg skill tree with no points in it, & I'm not in the social situations I was in when I was young which would lead to healthier development.

As far as setbacks, I burnt like a dying star for 5 years for my tech career. After almost 650 apps I purposely quit for a year while planning to come back, & I have in bursts but not consistently.

Practice increases my potential, but I don't captivate the world with it. When I practice, it feels like I'm increasing my power, like I can take on anything. As soon as I start even deciding to maybe ask the world for approval & acceptance at this point, it feels like there's no point in existing. They're polar opposites of experience, but this is why I wanted to remain hidden all my youth. Anxious-avoidant attachment schema's do really thorough work, like feeling bad from praise.
Brother, it is never too late for us to fix issues in our lives. The problems will never go away if we don't attempt to fix them, they will just incorporate into our karma and get carried over into our next lives. Don't spiral into depression and resignation, it is a detrimental to your effort to change things. You need to meditate and you will eventually come to a solution. As for the abuse that you have suffered, you can do an emotional healing working, just like HPS Lydia just posted. It will help you gain confidence and trust in yourself and eventually you will be able to find new, good people in your life.

I wish you all the best. You can do it.
At certain times I might be perceived as stern. I am. Aand this is only because one is either new, lacks experience, or has not advanced sufficiently in the path. Some people also falsely believe that being stern or realistic about certain topics, that this is somehow going to "put them down". The reality is the contrary of this.

Despite of the obvious reality which is a lifelong commitment here to unlock more of your potential (I do the same thing for myself on my own terms), they deny this and choose to whine instead. Part of this has to do also with others being stern or whatever. Their viewpoint here is that nothing of this must exist, besides a sea of delusion.

And in this sea, how many potentially great people have drowned? And how could that be allowed? It cannot be, at least as far as I am concerned.

Others see this and they understand the core meaning of this. But you have to grow first in order to understand this more and more. The meaning here is that if you just dwell on nonsense about some "potential" without doing much about it, you are not really evolving.

The potential is something that everyone here has, I have never had any doubts of this. What have I been doing here all the time besides point to that end? And what else has been done? Propelling to that direction. But for this one has to avoid the false path of deception in order to get things straight and to grow.

So in this path there are two solid paths; you either keep lying to yourself that you have "already accomplished" certain things, glorify your "potential" and to remain deluded. Potential is about what we do, not what we think we could theoretically do; theoretically everyone here is a Goddess and a God, but we have to actually walk to this destination, not just mentally masturbate to it.

This is a first primary stage of delusion that an SS will eventually be prompted to overcome.

The second path, which is the real path, is where one has a honest look at certain topics about themselves and their lives and they start gathering themselves in order to make development for themselves. This can be small or whatever (Nothing is ever small on these topics) and one can start genuinely growing.

Some people send me simple things sometimes; someone stopped smoking, another over-eating. You think these are small things, but these are major accomplishments in life. This is better than 95% of the human population. One must really be proud of themselves even for small accomplishments. They are falsely called "small" by people who don't understand them. These will lead to bigger ones later on.

These "small" ones cannot be bypassed and the really good disciples of the Gods won't seek to deceitfully circumvent them, they will face themselves head on. So how small are they really? You just think they are small. They are actually huge in the longterm of your journey.

The man who overcame something as small or "simple" as above, is far more evolved than the man who simply is sitting there delusional and giving me "potential talk" about how they are Attila the Hun. Between the imaginary Attila and the person who did stop smoking, the person who stopped smoking is miles ahead in the path. One truly did grow and overcome, the other is still in delusional phase.

Some people might have little or do little (that's what they think) but in their own relative terms they are walking the heroic path. Those who deflect this path due to false claims, are actually not there yet, but quite far from the meaning of this path.

When has any of you came to me to tell me about anything; big or small, that you achieved, and I have not became overjoyed by this? I congratulate all the SS who are real and fight their battles.

Over the years I hear a lot of pompous things. But deep down, between the exaggerator and the real warrior of life, I will always stand by the warrior and not by the bearer of false testament. What I learned over all these years is that the person who truly works on themselves and proves their actions is the one to be taken seriously by the Gods and other people.

It's normal to be seen that way, too. False verification in this world is very common, but this doesn't work where true development is concerned. People clapping at you for not going to the gym doesn't mean you went to the gym, that's the truth.

All the potential in the world, is nothing compared to actually doing things.

Do not try to convince me with lies, when you know they are lies. I am your friend in the path to help around and to support in a realistic manner. I am not here to lie to you to create falsehood for you, but to see you grow truly. This truly you will be able to verify on your own also. That's because I actually love every SS out there, and I want to see you grow. Like actually.

To say all day that you will do a Ritual or might meditate in the indefinite future, and to not do it, is not going to grow you. Everyday passes and your potential is harmed there, still remains untapped. This leads nowhere.

I met many imaginary "Great Men" in all these years. Those that would help in some future time, those who needed 1 million first before they would donate 100$, those that were whatever in a past life, and they all have the same opinion of me: That I am someone they do not like. That's because I directly told them they are not great at all, but worthless, and a pariah in the eyes of the Gods.

Greater is the man that donated 1$ because in their life, maybe that was something they could do. Empty talk won't grow nobody in the path, nor others, nor these people who use it. Between he and the one who claims large words, one is more ahead in the path of finding their own potential than the one who is not doing a thing.

Have you ever seen anyone going to their teacher everyday at school and saying constantly "I will do my homework next week, later, in one month, in a year" and graduating? Why do you then expect this from me? Cannot you look at the obvious reality of this? You can.

Also, it doesn't mean that your teacher has lost faith in you because you faltered, on the contrary, they want you to get out of this. But how will you get out of this, if you constantly postpone and you constantly deflect your duties?

What also would my teacher think of me, if I kept doing this, and didn't follow through with anything? What if I was also retarded enough to tell him that I am a PHD when I am a first grade, lazy student that wants to just deceive him on top of it, on my perceived ability?

Do you think the teacher is retarded and that he cannot see it, or that they would follow in your detrimental condition and tell you it's all wonderful? How evil would that be of them? That would only help you for false consolation and not help you grow. So you will still never graduate.

And what kind of teacher would that be, someone who is "stern and evil", or someone that truly loves you? Because if they truly loved you, what would they want out of you?

With the above context, you might understand me a bit better.

The Gods do love everyone for their potential. They introduce you to it, but you have to actually do something about this introduction and move past the state of being idle.

Case is basically that I believe more in your potential, everyone of you, way more than you do in many cases. In some individuals I believe to extents they cannot imagine previously, that's because they show all the necessary traits to become very great personalities.

These people who claim large potential but do nothing do not truly believe in themselves, they are the weakest of the weak. I loved them more than they loved themselves, but this self love they didn't have disallowed them of growth; then they can project the hate on anyone but themselves. This ruins all their potential and they do not advance far.

Overall, it's important to me that you succeed in your existence; that's how we will be able to tell the Gods we did actual growth.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you for the post, personally I always feel like I can hear you say these. I listen and try to Absorb like a sponge; I am healing right now, learning that self love so I can evolve further. I have a plan and a dream; a warrior never quits.
Hail Satan, glory to our hero’s and ancestors.
Brother, it is never too late for us to fix issues in our lives. The problems will never go away if we don't attempt to fix them, they will just incorporate into our karma and get carried over into our next lives. Don't spiral into depression and resignation, it is a detrimental to your effort to change things. You need to meditate and you will eventually come to a solution. As for the abuse that you have suffered, you can do an emotional healing working, just like HPS Lydia just posted. It will help you gain confidence and trust in yourself and eventually you will be able to find new, good people in your life.

I wish you all the best. You can do it.
Oh I'm definitely past depression & resignation, that was before I therapy'd myself. It'll never be that bad again. I just always feel behind since I feel like opportunities in parts of my life were stolen by circumstance. It's definitely not a powerful way to frame the past.

I know I definitely have not consistently meditated though. I've had 2 long bursts. I actually stopped this time because I was conscientious about neighbors hearing humming noises. I felt it working to some extent when I did chakra opening for the 6th & 3rd eye from my eyes watering, but not so much the 40 day thing. I did periodically felt a sensation while doing the protection aura, of pushing a pressure out from my center that settled in an oval shape around me. So it felt like it was working, & I was looking forward to opening the solar plexus last I left off.

Hey thanks.
Oh I'm definitely past depression & resignation, that was before I therapy'd myself. It'll never be that bad again. I just always feel behind since I feel like opportunities in parts of my life were stolen by circumstance. It's definitely not a powerful way to frame the past.

I know I definitely have not consistently meditated though. I've had 2 long bursts. I actually stopped this time because I was conscientious about neighbors hearing humming noises. I felt it working to some extent when I did chakra opening for the 6th & 3rd eye from my eyes watering, but not so much the 40 day thing. I did periodically felt a sensation while doing the protection aura, of pushing a pressure out from my center that settled in an oval shape around me. So it felt like it was working, & I was looking forward to opening the solar plexus last I left off.

Hey thanks.
It was said by someone on the forums that no time is really lost, even when you begin late or feel like you missed an earlier opportunity. Either way it's a part of growth. So don't beat yourself over something you feel is a "stolen opportunity". It's important to pick up where you left off and be consistent.

As for the part of neighbors hearing you vibrating mantras, I had a similar problem. When was at my parents' house I did vibrations when they went away or if they stayed at home I went to the basement or outside to a secluded place and meditated there. And when I lived with roommates, I just vibrated more quietly or just didn't care if they heard me. Or you can perhaps try covering your mouth with something like a mask or a scarf to muffle the sound.

Even if they hear you they will not care because they are ignorant or they will simply lack the bravery to bring this topic up. If they do you can make up some lie. Say you're a Buddhist or that you practice Mongolian throat singing or whatever you think that person would be satisfied with hearing.
I wonder if it's effective at all to simply vibrate to music? Like, instead of typical humming, make the R for raum or that bee bv vibration that's for the crown chakra. If that were the case I could just open my crown chakra to music while I do work 🙃
Yes, you can meditate on music. It's even recommended in the beginner meditations: https://www.joyofsatan.org/Sound.html

You can also meditate on colors, tastes, shapes, feelings... all sensory perceptions.

Everything you think is worth meditating upon.

This path is very individualistic and intuitive so you can try out many things.
At certain times I might be perceived as stern. I am. Aand this is only because one is either new, lacks experience, or has not advanced sufficiently in the path. Some people also falsely believe that being stern or realistic about certain topics, that this is somehow going to "put them down". The reality is the contrary of this.

Despite of the obvious reality which is a lifelong commitment here to unlock more of your potential (I do the same thing for myself on my own terms), they deny this and choose to whine instead. Part of this has to do also with others being stern or whatever. Their viewpoint here is that nothing of this must exist, besides a sea of delusion.

And in this sea, how many potentially great people have drowned? And how could that be allowed? It cannot be, at least as far as I am concerned.

Others see this and they understand the core meaning of this. But you have to grow first in order to understand this more and more. The meaning here is that if you just dwell on nonsense about some "potential" without doing much about it, you are not really evolving.

The potential is something that everyone here has, I have never had any doubts of this. What have I been doing here all the time besides point to that end? And what else has been done? Propelling to that direction. But for this one has to avoid the false path of deception in order to get things straight and to grow.

So in this path there are two solid paths; you either keep lying to yourself that you have "already accomplished" certain things, glorify your "potential" and to remain deluded. Potential is about what we do, not what we think we could theoretically do; theoretically everyone here is a Goddess and a God, but we have to actually walk to this destination, not just mentally masturbate to it.

This is a first primary stage of delusion that an SS will eventually be prompted to overcome.

The second path, which is the real path, is where one has a honest look at certain topics about themselves and their lives and they start gathering themselves in order to make development for themselves. This can be small or whatever (Nothing is ever small on these topics) and one can start genuinely growing.

Some people send me simple things sometimes; someone stopped smoking, another over-eating. You think these are small things, but these are major accomplishments in life. This is better than 95% of the human population. One must really be proud of themselves even for small accomplishments. They are falsely called "small" by people who don't understand them. These will lead to bigger ones later on.

These "small" ones cannot be bypassed and the really good disciples of the Gods won't seek to deceitfully circumvent them, they will face themselves head on. So how small are they really? You just think they are small. They are actually huge in the longterm of your journey.

The man who overcame something as small or "simple" as above, is far more evolved than the man who simply is sitting there delusional and giving me "potential talk" about how they are Attila the Hun. Between the imaginary Attila and the person who did stop smoking, the person who stopped smoking is miles ahead in the path. One truly did grow and overcome, the other is still in delusional phase.

Some people might have little or do little (that's what they think) but in their own relative terms they are walking the heroic path. Those who deflect this path due to false claims, are actually not there yet, but quite far from the meaning of this path.

When has any of you came to me to tell me about anything; big or small, that you achieved, and I have not became overjoyed by this? I congratulate all the SS who are real and fight their battles.

Over the years I hear a lot of pompous things. But deep down, between the exaggerator and the real warrior of life, I will always stand by the warrior and not by the bearer of false testament. What I learned over all these years is that the person who truly works on themselves and proves their actions is the one to be taken seriously by the Gods and other people.

It's normal to be seen that way, too. False verification in this world is very common, but this doesn't work where true development is concerned. People clapping at you for not going to the gym doesn't mean you went to the gym, that's the truth.

All the potential in the world, is nothing compared to actually doing things.

Do not try to convince me with lies, when you know they are lies. I am your friend in the path to help around and to support in a realistic manner. I am not here to lie to you to create falsehood for you, but to see you grow truly. This truly you will be able to verify on your own also. That's because I actually love every SS out there, and I want to see you grow. Like actually.

To say all day that you will do a Ritual or might meditate in the indefinite future, and to not do it, is not going to grow you. Everyday passes and your potential is harmed there, still remains untapped. This leads nowhere.

I met many imaginary "Great Men" in all these years. Those that would help in some future time, those who needed 1 million first before they would donate 100$, those that were whatever in a past life, and they all have the same opinion of me: That I am someone they do not like. That's because I directly told them they are not great at all, but worthless, and a pariah in the eyes of the Gods.

Greater is the man that donated 1$ because in their life, maybe that was something they could do. Empty talk won't grow nobody in the path, nor others, nor these people who use it. Between he and the one who claims large words, one is more ahead in the path of finding their own potential than the one who is not doing a thing.

Have you ever seen anyone going to their teacher everyday at school and saying constantly "I will do my homework next week, later, in one month, in a year" and graduating? Why do you then expect this from me? Cannot you look at the obvious reality of this? You can.

Also, it doesn't mean that your teacher has lost faith in you because you faltered, on the contrary, they want you to get out of this. But how will you get out of this, if you constantly postpone and you constantly deflect your duties?

What also would my teacher think of me, if I kept doing this, and didn't follow through with anything? What if I was also retarded enough to tell him that I am a PHD when I am a first grade, lazy student that wants to just deceive him on top of it, on my perceived ability?

Do you think the teacher is retarded and that he cannot see it, or that they would follow in your detrimental condition and tell you it's all wonderful? How evil would that be of them? That would only help you for false consolation and not help you grow. So you will still never graduate.

And what kind of teacher would that be, someone who is "stern and evil", or someone that truly loves you? Because if they truly loved you, what would they want out of you?

With the above context, you might understand me a bit better.

The Gods do love everyone for their potential. They introduce you to it, but you have to actually do something about this introduction and move past the state of being idle.

Case is basically that I believe more in your potential, everyone of you, way more than you do in many cases. In some individuals I believe to extents they cannot imagine previously, that's because they show all the necessary traits to become very great personalities.

These people who claim large potential but do nothing do not truly believe in themselves, they are the weakest of the weak. I loved them more than they loved themselves, but this self love they didn't have disallowed them of growth; then they can project the hate on anyone but themselves. This ruins all their potential and they do not advance far.

Overall, it's important to me that you succeed in your existence; that's how we will be able to tell the Gods we did actual growth.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra
The potential of different people
Are different I feel I have learned
A lot through path and feel like
There's more to learn I do
My studying time to take notes
And ground myself in the knowledge
And do exercises I need to do
But ive
The potential of different people
Are different I feel I have learned
A lot through path and feel like
There's more to learn I do
My studying time to take notes
And ground myself in the knowledge
And do exercises I need to do
But I've learned hat learning can
Take whole life time
Hail Satan
If you are perceived as stern, I don't think this is a bad thing. I appreciate you being stern because sometimes I need a fire lit under my ass to wake up and realize I need to do better. Thank you for mentioning quitting substances as something that matters. This is something I've struggled with and I had to quit yet again because I messed up yet again. Sometimes I get complacent and feel like it doesn't really matter because others seem to stay off of things so effortlessly like it's no big deal. It begins to feel like it doesn't matter because it's only being average. But you are right, it's not really average to be completely clean anymore. Its not average to do most things Spiritual Satanists do. Your post inspired me. I feel like crap right now and needed a reason to stick with it and not go back to using weed or alcohol. I'm weening myself off of nicotine yet again. It's upsetting to start over but it's worth quitting for Father Satan and the Gods. It's embarrassing to admit this but I feel that I need to be honest. I need to get back on track with my meditations and spiritual warfare. Anyway, if you were accepting of these things and didn't care then it would be easier to give up. For me and others as well. You are changing lives for the better. Sugar-coated words are like junk food, they taste nice but are devoid of nutrients. Because you have high standards, it inspires us to strive for the best. Thank you for all you do. Sorry for the lengthy post but this sermon really touched me.
Hail Satan
At certain times I might be perceived as stern. I am. Aand this is only because one is either new, lacks experience, or has not advanced sufficiently in the path. Some people also falsely believe that being stern or realistic about certain topics, that this is somehow going to "put them down". The reality is the contrary of this.

Despite of the obvious reality which is a lifelong commitment here to unlock more of your potential (I do the same thing for myself on my own terms), they deny this and choose to whine instead. Part of this has to do also with others being stern or whatever. Their viewpoint here is that nothing of this must exist, besides a sea of delusion.

And in this sea, how many potentially great people have drowned? And how could that be allowed? It cannot be, at least as far as I am concerned.

Others see this and they understand the core meaning of this. But you have to grow first in order to understand this more and more. The meaning here is that if you just dwell on nonsense about some "potential" without doing much about it, you are not really evolving.

The potential is something that everyone here has, I have never had any doubts of this. What have I been doing here all the time besides point to that end? And what else has been done? Propelling to that direction. But for this one has to avoid the false path of deception in order to get things straight and to grow.

So in this path there are two solid paths; you either keep lying to yourself that you have "already accomplished" certain things, glorify your "potential" and to remain deluded. Potential is about what we do, not what we think we could theoretically do; theoretically everyone here is a Goddess and a God, but we have to actually walk to this destination, not just mentally masturbate to it.

This is a first primary stage of delusion that an SS will eventually be prompted to overcome.

The second path, which is the real path, is where one has a honest look at certain topics about themselves and their lives and they start gathering themselves in order to make development for themselves. This can be small or whatever (Nothing is ever small on these topics) and one can start genuinely growing.

Some people send me simple things sometimes; someone stopped smoking, another over-eating. You think these are small things, but these are major accomplishments in life. This is better than 95% of the human population. One must really be proud of themselves even for small accomplishments. They are falsely called "small" by people who don't understand them. These will lead to bigger ones later on.

These "small" ones cannot be bypassed and the really good disciples of the Gods won't seek to deceitfully circumvent them, they will face themselves head on. So how small are they really? You just think they are small. They are actually huge in the longterm of your journey.

The man who overcame something as small or "simple" as above, is far more evolved than the man who simply is sitting there delusional and giving me "potential talk" about how they are Attila the Hun. Between the imaginary Attila and the person who did stop smoking, the person who stopped smoking is miles ahead in the path. One truly did grow and overcome, the other is still in delusional phase.

Some people might have little or do little (that's what they think) but in their own relative terms they are walking the heroic path. Those who deflect this path due to false claims, are actually not there yet, but quite far from the meaning of this path.

When has any of you came to me to tell me about anything; big or small, that you achieved, and I have not became overjoyed by this? I congratulate all the SS who are real and fight their battles.

Over the years I hear a lot of pompous things. But deep down, between the exaggerator and the real warrior of life, I will always stand by the warrior and not by the bearer of false testament. What I learned over all these years is that the person who truly works on themselves and proves their actions is the one to be taken seriously by the Gods and other people.

It's normal to be seen that way, too. False verification in this world is very common, but this doesn't work where true development is concerned. People clapping at you for not going to the gym doesn't mean you went to the gym, that's the truth.

All the potential in the world, is nothing compared to actually doing things.

Do not try to convince me with lies, when you know they are lies. I am your friend in the path to help around and to support in a realistic manner. I am not here to lie to you to create falsehood for you, but to see you grow truly. This truly you will be able to verify on your own also. That's because I actually love every SS out there, and I want to see you grow. Like actually.

To say all day that you will do a Ritual or might meditate in the indefinite future, and to not do it, is not going to grow you. Everyday passes and your potential is harmed there, still remains untapped. This leads nowhere.

I met many imaginary "Great Men" in all these years. Those that would help in some future time, those who needed 1 million first before they would donate 100$, those that were whatever in a past life, and they all have the same opinion of me: That I am someone they do not like. That's because I directly told them they are not great at all, but worthless, and a pariah in the eyes of the Gods.

Greater is the man that donated 1$ because in their life, maybe that was something they could do. Empty talk won't grow nobody in the path, nor others, nor these people who use it. Between he and the one who claims large words, one is more ahead in the path of finding their own potential than the one who is not doing a thing.

Have you ever seen anyone going to their teacher everyday at school and saying constantly "I will do my homework next week, later, in one month, in a year" and graduating? Why do you then expect this from me? Cannot you look at the obvious reality of this? You can.

Also, it doesn't mean that your teacher has lost faith in you because you faltered, on the contrary, they want you to get out of this. But how will you get out of this, if you constantly postpone and you constantly deflect your duties?

What also would my teacher think of me, if I kept doing this, and didn't follow through with anything? What if I was also retarded enough to tell him that I am a PHD when I am a first grade, lazy student that wants to just deceive him on top of it, on my perceived ability?

Do you think the teacher is retarded and that he cannot see it, or that they would follow in your detrimental condition and tell you it's all wonderful? How evil would that be of them? That would only help you for false consolation and not help you grow. So you will still never graduate.

And what kind of teacher would that be, someone who is "stern and evil", or someone that truly loves you? Because if they truly loved you, what would they want out of you?

With the above context, you might understand me a bit better.

The Gods do love everyone for their potential. They introduce you to it, but you have to actually do something about this introduction and move past the state of being idle.

Case is basically that I believe more in your potential, everyone of you, way more than you do in many cases. In some individuals I believe to extents they cannot imagine previously, that's because they show all the necessary traits to become very great personalities.

These people who claim large potential but do nothing do not truly believe in themselves, they are the weakest of the weak. I loved them more than they loved themselves, but this self love they didn't have disallowed them of growth; then they can project the hate on anyone but themselves. This ruins all their potential and they do not advance far.

Overall, it's important to me that you succeed in your existence; that's how we will be able to tell the Gods we did actual growth.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Dear hp hoodes cobra I want to ask a question specially how can I do that?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
