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2040 United States Demographics

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
sonnenkraft said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
2040 is called the Race War year by the racists but by the Loving People it's called "The Year Where Whitey will be replaced forever in his own country, oy vey!".
Everyone will have a lot of fun in the Leftist Gulag 2040, who are you to keep the jews away from their fun?

cobra , what is with 2040 or 2045 year ? are you predicting a war or full slavery or something
big is going to happen ?

2040 as I mention it here, is not a spiritual prediction, it's a scientific prediction of the year where the predictions based on currently existing data, White people will officially be a declining minority in the United States, which is the current world superpower, and the USA will no longer be a White Nation by population racial demographic standards.

With less White people who care for their Nation + Destroyed Middle Class + Infinite amounts of low wage serfs the companies can use + Jews in a more powerful position than before + Orwellian Tech Nightmare, the jews will just repeat what they did in the Soviet Union, and enslave everyone.

Demographically this situation is called "Blue Winter" because Democrats ie, where all the Communist and Leftists are at this given time in politics, will enjoy permanent election and we are going to change to a single party system in the United States. From there on, and without sizeable opposition, full blown Communism may actually emerge.

No, I do not believe the enemy will win, but it will not be a flawless and peaceful time for White people. Pressures and persecution will intensify. However, there will be intense pressures exacted on White people in particular. There is a hardcore war ongoing, and things will become harder, but this is nothing new.

Possibly, we as a society may dwindle in a US Civil war, or other forms of warfare, which may not necessarily be as we can understand today, such as intense information war, persecution, and other things. This will be primarily by jews bolstering the so called "Minorities" to take arms and try to usurp the Nation, for their own benefit. "The New Inhabitants" type of thing.

Given how race dynamics are formed in the US now, I cannot see such state of affairs going about peacefully. The jew will instruct revenge on purpose to destroy the United States completely, or devolve it into Communism. One just needs to see Black Lives Matter and understand where these things will be when certain groups have 30 or 40% representation.

Violence on the other hand may become a necessity to life for White people in the future, without any other choice left on the table, as political representation of jews and foreigners isn't going to work.

This is not a question of White people either, it's a general and more broad question of the Jews turning the United States into a desolate Communist land. Everyone will be down with a yoke equally. This is already happening, by the destruction of the Middle Class. Historically, the White Middle Class and Working Classes are the class that do revolutions, and not the lower classes or the top classes. Other classes worldwide didn't do anything in that regard.

20 years may sound like a lot of time, but it is not a lot of time at all. It's already 19 years, this one year has just passed.

Communism doesn't care what race you are, or if you are oppressed, or man or woman. Such categorizations don't exist because nobody gives a shit about the being itself. Everyone walks on with the yoke and dies in the Gulag equally.

luis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Communism doesn't care what race you are, or if you are oppressed, or man or woman. Such categorizations don't exist because nobody gives a shit about the being itself. Everyone walks on with the yolk and dies in the Gulag equally.

In all honesty, I hope and work towards spiritually and as everyone does with Information Warfare that these states of disaster are not met before Whites reasonably wake up. Naturally it's said only when shit hits the fan people will wake up, and that is correct, but the individuals deserving of life will hear the call earlier than this.

We have been doing tremendous progress, so this makes me personally optimistic we won't have to go down all the way to this suffering to understand. Only the strictest in retardation are going to suffer to great extents.

On the other end these chaotic things and negative things happening, may finally alert White people to stop fucking around, or have to die off, which in my eyes, is not a bad thing to be forced to decide by circumstances, either. We have been the good and helpful goys to this planet for a long time, benefiting, discovering, and advancing for everyone else, and killing ourselves, getting defamed, and now our misplaced sympathies creating a death situation.

We have to live our friends, and those who want us to exist like we do them, and everyone else, and not love our enemies and these unhealthy things. A species with these beliefs will not survive. If it does survive it will only be under slavery status.

The above has to end if we are to live and progress in the future.

I believe in the concept that Waking Up should come at any cost. If one slap or two suffice, then fine. But in the case of seriously asleep people, extreme shocks may be required, and these things will happen. Others may never wake up. But this type of people is already dead in a sense. These will assimilate, and get drained down the sludge while they are in an asleep state.

It has been stated before only when our back is on the wall, we will wake up. We are waking up en masse before this, breaking this paradigm to an extent. This is GOOD news. If your back is on the wall, you may die before you wake up, and fighting back up will be impossible or really difficult. But what is for sure, when the back is on the wall, all, even the most enslaved, get a surge to awaken.

One way or another this thing is coming and there is no turning back, so the sooner and the more willing we are to wake up, the less people will suffer.

Individuals who are more woke will suffer less. This is the same thing as a Scientist observing a coming tsunami. The people who want to spend the last moment having sunbathing in the beach and ignore all the warnings, will be those who will die and suffer the crushing wave. Those who open their eyes in time, may be able to evacuate with a car. Those who are even more aware such as weather scientists, will be able to evacuate days earlier, and get no damage.

Similar is the case for Whites who are asleep. This is an undeniable natural law, and those who are sleeping on looming danger, will be the first to get it. Satanists will be safe through all of this, despite of anything, because Meditation done for long, creates a strong mind and power that one can apply to save themselves.

On a positive note, jews have far more many things to fear, and earlier than our "Calculated death". They are going to be done with possibly way earlier. People already have gotten wind of them.
And what about Europe?
Aquarius said:
And what about Europe?
I think Italy, for example, will have much fewer problems when it comes to Race. We are mostly Whites, the only thing is that Italians do not have kids anymore :/
So your saying that the Enemy could easily be done in LESS than 20 years?? :shock: :shock:

Good evening Fellow Satanists

I've been wondering as sometimes the pressure is too much as I live in an area dominated by thugs and mobsters, the criminality energy in general. My questions is how can one Spiritual Satanist survive in such an environment ??

I would appreciate it if the High Priests and Priestesses could give me some tips as I've been trying to think of a way to overcome the pressure of this energy
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
sonnenkraft said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
2040 is called the Race War year by the racists but by the Loving People it's called "The Year Where Whitey will be replaced forever in his own country, oy vey!".
Everyone will have a lot of fun in the Leftist Gulag 2040, who are you to keep the jews away from their fun?

cobra , what is with 2040 or 2045 year ? are you predicting a war or full slavery or something
big is going to happen ?

I too have this understanding that 2045 is also another important year for the enemy. According to what I know and been mentioned in JoS forums. It's right about the time when rabbi rothchild's 2045 Muzzie/Negro infested Europe reaches a population of about 300ish or so million. So basically Kalergi plan stage 1 is probably completed when it comes to infesting Europe with hordes of non-Europeans.
I predict the nation-state model will fall apart (at least in the western world) and people will go back to living in city-states that are walled off from outsiders, whether its in Europe or the USA. And then the cycle will repeat again
Pudro4 said:
Good evening Fellow Satanists

I've been wondering as sometimes the pressure is too much as I live in an area dominated by thugs and mobsters, the criminality energy in general. My questions is how can one Spiritual Satanist survive in such an environment ??

I would appreciate it if the High Priests and Priestesses could give me some tips as I've been trying to think of a way to overcome the pressure of this energy
Get a better job and move elsewhere.
@ the topic of white people that don't care, my county recently held general office elections and of my county of around 10,000 just under 200 people showed up to vote.
Cyn666 said:
@ the topic of white people that don't care, my county recently held general office elections and of my county of around 10,000 just under 200 people showed up to vote.

We feel like we no longer represented by the jews, that is why. Vote or not vote people feel they are not cared for. So a vote is considered pointless.

People vote for specific things and then kikes push forward the kike agenda anyway, benefiting only themselves and a few shabbos.
Isn't 2040 around the time when the gods are supposed to return to the earth? Maxine said that in about 20years or so that the gods will be coming back
I just wanted to throw this out there since nobody has said anything about it yet. More importantly, Hitler is supposed to be coming back with them, so whats going to happen to America then? Will all the races have their own country to live in, or will we come to an understanding that race mixing is bad and unnatural, and be able to live in peace among each other, without the jews of course
Cyn666 said:
@ the topic of white people that don't care, my county recently held general office elections and of my county of around 10,000 just under 200 people showed up to vote.

Thats cuz most of them are working and taking care of their families. Only the welfare recipients get free advertised bus rides to the polls.

Those numbers can also be a good thing. If you can get 201 people in your county to show up on Election Day and vote for your candidate, then you can take back the power and run your own county. Don't forget only 1/3 of the population fought for the patriots during the revolutionary war. 1/3 were loyalists and the other 1/3 were in the middle. (This is a statistic from my studies of history so we can't really guarantee their. accuracy but it intuitively makes sense. Who knows if the revolutionary war was even a real war)
CrossRoadsPedestrian said:
I predict the nation-state model will fall apart (at least in the western world) and people will go back to living in city-states that are walled off from outsiders, whether its in Europe or the USA. And then the cycle will repeat again
It has been said that the jew wants this, with self-reliant cities and zero communication outside; and outside of the cities, between them, there is barren world or overgrown jungles (I am extrapolating a bit), both of which are too dangerous to travel. If you can be divided into smaller groups, then you are easier to control.
danewpath said:
But what if white people will be too physically weakened to fight back in 2040?
What if some aren't, and become "heroes" for those weak ones?
animeman666 said:
What's up with Mexicans they're like the Jews perfect pets right?

Thats the same situation with all the gentiles. Gentile groups, leaders and or political parties have been used, tricked and brainwashed by jews since the beginning. No surprise there.

Blacks and Asians are also being used by Jews. Whatever it takes to destroy the world and enslave us all and destroy the white race.
Sun said:
Isn't 2040 around the time when the gods are supposed to return to the earth? Maxine said that in about 20years or so that the gods will be coming back
I just wanted to throw this out there since nobody has said anything about it yet. More importantly, Hitler is supposed to be coming back with them, so whats going to happen to America then? Will all the races have their own country to live in, or will we come to an understanding that race mixing is bad and unnatural, and be able to live in peace among each other, without the jews of course

The things being discussed are being brought up mainly in itself, meaning if the Jews get their way and we stop fighting.

Yes, it is worrying but don't be discouraged.
Satan and the gods have given us the strength and tools to help dismantle the enemy. Azazel said that he is most concerned about the RTRs getting done at this time.

They are coming back in 20 or so years, with Hitler too and the gods will not sit back and see the white race genocided. Yes, things will get rocky but we all will recoup and heal. The white race will work on getting their numbers up and healing their people and the other races will do the same.

That's why we are all here, doing our part. By the time 2040 comes many of us should be risen already, and maybe even completed the magnum opus. Then that's even more power and and energy for us her in earth to wipe out the enemy and help eachother.

I'm not worried, we will get through this.
FancyMancy said:
CrossRoadsPedestrian said:
I predict the nation-state model will fall apart (at least in the western world) and people will go back to living in city-states that are walled off from outsiders, whether its in Europe or the USA. And then the cycle will repeat again
It has been said that the jew wants this, with self-reliant cities and zero communication outside; and outside of the cities, between them, there is barren world or overgrown jungles (I am extrapolating a bit), both of which are too dangerous to travel. If you can be divided into smaller groups, then you are easier to control.

Similar to some dream I had a long time ago where I was going along on a train and there was nothing but vegetation overgrown and abandon run down buildings for a long time and it was like out in the country and small towns not a city it actually was the town I grew up in. I never saw no city though in it.

Something like that probably is what they had planned I know from reading on it although not from sources on here a long time ago that they had planned to divide some of the countries up into certain regions and some of them would be no go zones for anything. They probably plan to move any population that would survive whatever they were planning into smart cities like the one they are trying to build near Israel. That is probably one of them right now they are building it and it probably will be just tourist or rich people there at first then they will start moving people into it when ready and make them their slaves force them to live in tiny apartments survailed all the time. I don't think they will even be around long enough to try and create the physical infrastructure fully to try and pull this off let alone do it. HP Cobra is right they appear to be going down much quicker than what was expected. Their energy thoughtform is way weaker too. I am really happy about all this personally. I will keep with the rtr each day a few times till told that we need to do something else. No one should give up if anything we can make it faster that we win by doing more if we have time and ability only of course no one needs to way overdo stuff then get burnt out and stop for awhile or suffer some sort of symptoms or anything. Just keep up the good work.

We will be fine but the people that don't wake up are going to be in a very bad situation if certain parts of society break down or collapse for a bit or there is some kind of war or something when transitioning to a better system.
good post cobra, its important to work more effectively on RTR race awakening to avoid
mulatto quadroon octroon in one nation its easy to control a race mixed goy cattle.

I have 2 questions Cobra
1-is there Sexual energy in RTR RACE AWAKENING where white male is into white female no matter what., also for black people ?(love to have kids)

2- whites & black are not cats they are not inside cage where scottish fold cat HAVE SEX with turkish angora cat they are not enforced no one control Their genitals , yes rat are doing mass immigration
but at the end its ( called white +black stupidity Right ? jewish people are not hiding inside gentile underwear where they control their genitals, jew only promoting in tv series's and on social media Right ?
HPS Shannon said:
Sun said:
Isn't 2040 around the time when the gods are supposed to return to the earth? Maxine said that in about 20years or so that the gods will be coming back
I just wanted to throw this out there since nobody has said anything about it yet. More importantly, Hitler is supposed to be coming back with them, so whats going to happen to America then? Will all the races have their own country to live in, or will we come to an understanding that race mixing is bad and unnatural, and be able to live in peace among each other, without the jews of course

The things being discussed are being brought up mainly in itself, meaning if the Jews get their way and we stop fighting.

Yes, it is worrying but don't be discouraged.
Satan and the gods have given us the strength and tools to help dismantle the enemy. Azazel said that he is most concerned about the RTRs getting done at this time.

They are coming back in 20 or so years, with Hitler too and the gods will not sit back and see the white race genocided. Yes, things will get rocky but we all will recoup and heal. The white race will work on getting their numbers up and healing their people and the other races will do the same.

That's why we are all here, doing our part. By the time 2040 comes many of us should be risen already, and maybe even completed the magnum opus. Then that's even more power and and energy for us her in earth to wipe out the enemy and help eachother.

I'm not worried, we will get through this.

I'm only worried that i have done ´enough` to be worthy enough to be in Father Satan's 4th Reich. I mean, YES, like EVERYONE in the world are ´worthy` enough to be in Father Satan's Eternal Golden Aged 4th Reich, but it still worries me somehow...

I think it's mostly of ALL the laziness in meditation in the past, (and sadly... STILL :x )but i just HOPE that my RTR's have done even SOMETHING(I have done 6180 F-RTR's rn :D ) in regards of power :roll: :roll:

But at least i've done Online warfare(a little bit)and posted some motivational posts, which don't REALLY sound like much, but... I hope i have done enough by the time of 2040, or whatEVER is the time where our efforts are weighed. :roll:

Hail Satan!!
Its not like the jews care about any of us blacks either, all gentile nations need to unite together and form an alliance against these parasites. Black people need to wake the hell up, and stop supporting and converting to these animals way of life. It's quite ashame how we support the enemy and become their lap dog.
Sun said:
Isn't 2040 around the time when the gods are supposed to return to the earth? Maxine said that in about 20years or so that the gods will be coming back
I just wanted to throw this out there since nobody has said anything about it yet. More importantly, Hitler is supposed to be coming back with them, so whats going to happen to America then? Will all the races have their own country to live in, or will we come to an understanding that race mixing is bad and unnatural, and be able to live in peace among each other, without the jews of course
The most important thing is to defeat the enemy.
As for the races, we must keep them separate. I refer to the original nations and peoples, white=> Europe, black=> Africa and Asian=> Asia. America is unfortunately a mixture of all the Gentile races. When different races live in the same territory, there are two possibilities. Either they have to mix, or they have to separate. If they separate, they will not be able to live together, if they want to live together they have to mix...if they mix they will lose all the breeds involved and they will get a hybrid white black mongoloid breed. America should host only one race, or the whites, or the blacks, or the Chinese. And so, be an expansion of a race. This is the natural direction for each breed.
Al_Jariel66 said:
Its not like the jews care about any of us blacks either, all gentile nations need to unite together and form an alliance against these parasites. Black people need to wake the hell up, and stop supporting and converting to these animals way of life. It's quite ashame how we support the enemy and become their lap dog.

You'll see how much Jews care for you when Soros goes to Africa and gives advice on how to speculate the markets of Africa to steal everything from people there.

The jews care about black people and cared since the moment they transfered black people in boats, they consider the black people the "Hamitic Race Of Slaves", claiming this is from the bible.

It's the same for other people whom they want to enslave/genocide pretending it's some spiritual reason behind this all.
The US doesn't need to break down nor it needs to do anything but get it's legal system in place and mixing will drop dramatically, to manageable amounts. Even now people mostly avoid mixing as it's tribalism in the middle, and people always think in tribal terms.

Those who mix aren't the mainstream everywhere, the jews hoped this would be the case, but it didn't really happen. The same is the idea behind the Kalergi plan, that people will somehow accept being forced to racemix into a new clump.

The "Melting pot" and the prayers to mix everyone into the same clump in the United States has failed and is failing. This has always failed and now is failing in Europe also, people don't want to open their legs and have babies with random invaders because Merkel said so. All the brainwashing in the world can't fit that hole, and with all this brainwashing, even then, things aren't proceeding according to plan.

While not ideal, a freezing of the water until further action good for everyone involved can be taken.

Master said:
Sun said:
Isn't 2040 around the time when the gods are supposed to return to the earth? Maxine said that in about 20years or so that the gods will be coming back
I just wanted to throw this out there since nobody has said anything about it yet. More importantly, Hitler is supposed to be coming back with them, so whats going to happen to America then? Will all the races have their own country to live in, or will we come to an understanding that race mixing is bad and unnatural, and be able to live in peace among each other, without the jews of course
The most important thing is to defeat the enemy.
As for the races, we must keep them separate. I refer to the original nations and peoples, white=> Europe, black=> Africa and Asian=> Asia. America is unfortunately a mixture of all the Gentile races. When different races live in the same territory, there are two possibilities. Either they have to mix, or they have to separate. If they separate, they will not be able to live together, if they want to live together they have to mix...if they mix they will lose all the breeds involved and they will get a hybrid white black mongoloid breed. America should host only one race, or the whites, or the blacks, or the Chinese. And so, be an expansion of a race. This is the natural direction for each breed.
animeman666 said:
What's up with Mexicans they're like the Jews perfect pets right?

The Mexican issue is simple, the US is the world's richest country neighboring with a nation which doesn't do well financially. People just pack up and leave since it cannot defend it's borders properly. Since people are accepted like this and kept in despite of anything, people keep doing it. That's just how these things work.

This doesn't make Mexicans more wrong than it makes the US and the people stupid for not demanding the Federal Government protects their rights and bars things up tight to stop this ceaseless migration. Some people are so brainwashed by projections of the news and press that they don't even understand where this will lead in the end, which is collapse and malforming of the whole Nation.

Jews enjoy this and they make this go full throttle because they know that this unending migration strain makes countries collapse, and they want the US to collapse. They tell people emotional garbage shit and then use the people they bring in to vote them into power, promising them lies that they will never deliver.

These are necessary steps in the eyes of closet Communists in order to take down the United States and impose Communism. If the people who are inside the Nation don't give them to jews, they just bring in new ones, and push further by promising them the heavens in order to rally the nation into Communism.

Then everyone goes into the gulag if this succeeds.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
and they want the US to collapse.

...but will that happen?

As someone from a large latino area and having a lot of other countries flags and decorations. It seems like more and more this will happen.

Do you foresee it happening?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Al_Jariel66 said:
Its not like the jews care about any of us blacks either, all gentile nations need to unite together and form an alliance against these parasites. Black people need to wake the hell up, and stop supporting and converting to these animals way of life. It's quite ashame how we support the enemy and become their lap dog.

You'll see how much Jews care for you when Soros goes to Africa and gives advice on how to speculate the markets of Africa to steal everything from people there.

The jews care about black people and cared since the moment they transfered black people in boats, they consider the black people the "Hamitic Race Of Slaves", claiming this is from the bible.

It's the same for other people whom they want to enslave/genocide pretending it's some spiritual reason behind this all.

That's the truth. And my people don't even see it. I'm so glad I found Lucifer I don't know what to do.
Artanis said:
HPS Shannon said:
Sun said:
Isn't 2040 around the time when the gods are supposed to return to the earth? Maxine said that in about 20years or so that the gods will be coming back
I just wanted to throw this out there since nobody has said anything about it yet. More importantly, Hitler is supposed to be coming back with them, so whats going to happen to America then? Will all the races have their own country to live in, or will we come to an understanding that race mixing is bad and unnatural, and be able to live in peace among each other, without the jews of course

The things being discussed are being brought up mainly in itself, meaning if the Jews get their way and we stop fighting.

Yes, it is worrying but don't be discouraged.
Satan and the gods have given us the strength and tools to help dismantle the enemy. Azazel said that he is most concerned about the RTRs getting done at this time.

They are coming back in 20 or so years, with Hitler too and the gods will not sit back and see the white race genocided. Yes, things will get rocky but we all will recoup and heal. The white race will work on getting their numbers up and healing their people and the other races will do the same.

That's why we are all here, doing our part. By the time 2040 comes many of us should be risen already, and maybe even completed the magnum opus. Then that's even more power and and energy for us her in earth to wipe out the enemy and help eachother.

I'm not worried, we will get through this.

I'm only worried that i have done ´enough` to be worthy enough to be in Father Satan's 4th Reich. I mean, YES, like EVERYONE in the world are ´worthy` enough to be in Father Satan's Eternal Golden Aged 4th Reich, but it still worries me somehow...

I think it's mostly of ALL the laziness in meditation in the past, (and sadly... STILL :x )but i just HOPE that my RTR's have done even SOMETHING(I have done 6180 F-RTR's rn :D ) in regards of power :roll: :roll:

But at least i've done Online warfare(a little bit)and posted some motivational posts, which don't REALLY sound like much, but... I hope i have done enough by the time of 2040, or whatEVER is the time where our efforts are weighed. :roll:

Hail Satan!!
im curious on this aswell if any HPs or anybody knows...

I think Satan knows if you gave it your all. I dont know. Im in the same boat as you friend.
Artanis said:
I'm only worried that i have done ´enough` to be worthy enough to be in Father Satan's 4th Reich. I mean, YES, like EVERYONE in the world are ´worthy` enough to be in Father Satan's Eternal Golden Aged 4th Reich, but it still worries me somehow...

I think it's mostly of ALL the laziness in meditation in the past, (and sadly... STILL :x )but i just HOPE that my RTR's have done even SOMETHING(I have done 6180 F-RTR's rn :D ) in regards of power :roll: :roll:

But at least i've done Online warfare(a little bit)and posted some motivational posts, which don't REALLY sound like much, but... I hope i have done enough by the time of 2040, or whatEVER is the time where our efforts are weighed. :roll:

Hail Satan!!
Taurus said:
im curious on this aswell if any HPs or anybody knows...

I think Satan knows if you gave it your all. I dont know. Im in the same boat as you friend.
Guys don't worry so much. The fact that you are here and doing the RTRs daily is already an amazing achievement. It's safe to say that for anyone here, if they stay on this path and keep advancing and doing the RTR, they will be making the Gods proud.

And also, I'm 100% certain that a percentage of people here, even supposedly "dedicated" SS, dont do the RTR daily. These peope are who bring disappointment and shame onto our family. As strong SS who do warfare daily, you are not the same as those people. :)
Aquarius said:
Pudro4 said:
Good evening Fellow Satanists

I've been wondering as sometimes the pressure is too much as I live in an area dominated by thugs and mobsters, the criminality energy in general. My questions is how can one Spiritual Satanist survive in such an environment ??

I would appreciate it if the High Priests and Priestesses could give me some tips as I've been trying to think of a way to overcome the pressure of this energy
Get a better job and move elsewhere.
Simple as that, thanks Aquarius!
Pudro4 said:
Aquarius said:
Pudro4 said:
Good evening Fellow Satanists

I've been wondering as sometimes the pressure is too much as I live in an area dominated by thugs and mobsters, the criminality energy in general. My questions is how can one Spiritual Satanist survive in such an environment ??

I would appreciate it if the High Priests and Priestesses could give me some tips as I've been trying to think of a way to overcome the pressure of this energy
Get a better job and move elsewhere.
Simple as that, thanks Aquarius!
I don't know if you are sarcastic but seriously you are an SS use magick and find a better job. It's not easy obviously but with magick and a bit of patience, you can do it. An Aura of protection and Cleaning is a must.
MAXI5005 said:
And what about Europe?

its going to happen much sooner to you than in the USA if you keep letting the mudslimes breed like rabbits and don't have any European kids. We don't have a muslim problem here except in Michigan Minnesota and some parts of NY/NJ. We simply have a 3rd world immigration problem in general
CrossRoadsPedestrian said:
MAXI5005 said:
And what about Europe?

its going to happen much sooner to you than in the USA if you keep letting the mudslimes breed like rabbits and don't have any European kids. We don't have a muslim problem here except in Michigan Minnesota and some parts of NY/NJ. We simply have a 3rd world immigration problem in general
There was an actual isis training camp in NY, about 10 miles away from an area of towns that's around 75% Hasidic. This was a few years ago they found it and shut it down.
14Alex88 said:
HPS Shannon said:
Sun said:
Isn't 2040 around the time when the gods are supposed to return to the earth? Maxine said that in about 20years or so that the gods will be coming back
I just wanted to throw this out there since nobody has said anything about it yet. More importantly, Hitler is supposed to be coming back with them, so whats going to happen to America then? Will all the races have their own country to live in, or will we come to an understanding that race mixing is bad and unnatural, and be able to live in peace among each other, without the jews of course

The things being discussed are being brought up mainly in itself, meaning if the Jews get their way and we stop fighting.

Yes, it is worrying but don't be discouraged.
Satan and the gods have given us the strength and tools to help dismantle the enemy. Azazel said that he is most concerned about the RTRs getting done at this time.

They are coming back in 20 or so years, with Hitler too and the gods will not sit back and see the white race genocided. Yes, things will get rocky but we all will recoup and heal. The white race will work on getting their numbers up and healing their people and the other races will do the same.

That's why we are all here, doing our part. By the time 2040 comes many of us should be risen already, and maybe even completed the magnum opus. Then that's even more power and and energy for us her in earth to wipe out the enemy and help eachother.

I'm not worried, we will get through this.

Why would we want other races to heal? They have sent their worst to our nations and we have reaped the ill effects. Pretending any of these other races matter is pathological altruism at best.

The other races are under the influences of the enemy. It's no different than white xtians who also pray to try and ascertain our total destruction, even if they are white themselves. I was raised to be xian but found the truth at a very young age and now fight the enemy relentlessly. Are you saying we shouldn't ensure that the other races wake up like this either and become a valuable ally in fighting the enemy? Are we really going to just lose all this potential fighting power and strength over frustration?

I get the anger, believe me I really do. But Satan created the three races and all three have been corrupted in their own way. Why should we whites only heal ourselves when the other two need healing as well? We're sure as hell not going to babysit them, fuck all if I even dare to consider that after everything we've done for them as is and being murdered in return. But there's people like HPs Shannon for the black people of JoS to wake them up and fix them to the proper path, and this correction is what we need, not extermination.

There will be those of the other races who will wake up, realize what the enemy has influenced them to do and will make reparations for the faults and wrongs they've done by helping to destroy our enemy. As for those who are in too deep and can't be saved... I guess what we'll do with them will be up to Satan's decision, but until then we need to help wake up those who are not lost. We need allies now, not more enemies. I still feel terrible during my times as a xian, and the other races when awakened will probably have to suffer that kind of guilt all the same, we don't need to punish them, we just need to do what we have to do according to the circumstances.

And as those circumstances stand, all the races are against us of the Joy of Satan, white jos members, black jos members, asian jos members, they are all equally a threat to us here and just because we hope to save those-who-are-without to see the truth, this doesn't mean we should be blind to the dangers they all pose. Blacks for example are killing whites in africa, whatever the situations that come we must fight to survive and defend ourselves and each other, even if this might end up being killing in self defense in the future.

All in all, we're going to need some serious draconian law when we finally gain control over the matters of our planet if we're to have any hope to forcefully correct everything the enemy has done. Let your hatred empower you but don't let it blind you.
14Alex88 said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
14Alex88 said:
Why would we want other races to heal? They have sent their worst to our nations and we have reaped the ill effects. Pretending any of these other races matter is pathological altruism at best.

The other races are under the influences of the enemy. It's no different than white xtians who also pray to try and ascertain our total destruction, even if they are white themselves. I was raised to be xian but found the truth at a very young age and now fight the enemy relentlessly. Are you saying we shouldn't ensure that the other races wake up like this either and become a valuable ally in fighting the enemy? Are we really going to just lose all this potential fighting power and strength over frustration?

I get the anger, believe me I really do. But Satan created the three races and all three have been corrupted in their own way. Why should we whites only heal ourselves when the other two need healing as well? We're sure as hell not going to babysit them, fuck all if I even dare to consider that after everything we've done for them as is and being murdered in return. But there's people like HPs Shannon for the black people of JoS to wake them up and fix them to the proper path, and this correction is what we need, not extermination.

There will be those of the other races who will wake up, realize what the enemy has influenced them to do and will make reparations for the faults and wrongs they've done by helping to destroy our enemy. As for those who are in too deep and can't be saved... I guess what we'll do with them will be up to Satan's decision, but until then we need to help wake up those who are not lost. We need allies now, not more enemies. I still feel terrible during my times as a xian, and the other races when awakened will probably have to suffer that kind of guilt all the same, we don't need to punish them, we just need to do what we have to do according to the circumstances.

And as those circumstances stand, all the races are against us of the Joy of Satan, white jos members, black jos members, asian jos members, they are all equally a threat to us here and just because we hope to save those-who-are-without to see the truth, this doesn't mean we should be blind to the dangers they all pose. Blacks for example are killing whites in africa, whatever the situations that come we must fight to survive and defend ourselves and each other, even if this might end up being killing in self defense in the future.

All in all, we're going to need some serious draconian law when we finally gain control over the matters of our planet if we're to have any hope to forcefully correct everything the enemy has done. Let your hatred empower you but don't let it blind you.

Personally, I couldn’t care less of other races as a whole. I have had friends of other races but their issues are their own. Where is it stated that we were all created by Satan? I’ve seen conflicting information and from JoS it seemed that it was saying, which I agreed with, is Satan is the true Aryan god, and it seemed from its emphatic statements, that Satan was primarily an Aryan god.

I’m glad that you’re not interested in babysitting nonwhites, that’s at least better than Christians. But, what is this about there being only 3 races? Whites, Asians, and blacks? What about the Indios (Aztecs, mexicans, etc.)? What about semites (Arabs, Jews)?

This is just my opinion from lots of experience, but you’ll never convince the majority of blacks to not hate whitey. To be fair, there’s plenty of whites who are race traitors, but the point I’m getting at is quite simple, and one you might already agree with: time is short and you won’t wake up enough people. Most people are not going to survive the coming food shortages, weather warfare (been happening since the 50s - President Johnson even bragged about it), and global civilizational collapse.

If I’m a minority of a minority of my opinion, that’s fine, but we lose 200-300 species every day in this world. I would replace most of those with other races of “human” in a heartbeat.

I’ve known nonwhites who are good and whites who are bad, but in general, I agree with the founding fathers who created America to be a nation for white People of good character. It was clearly stated in the First Congress’ passing of the Naturalization act of 1790. Those are the types of people I care about and everyone else can get bent. Nobody is looking out for us. I’m not interested in looking out for a bunch of subhumans who never invented anything and hate my race out of spite and jealously. We never even get a thank you, so screw em all.

Good news for people like me is that with the combination of vaccines, weather warfare, Chinese colonialism, mass wildlife extinction, food shortages, and biologically engineered viruses, there’s no reason to believe that African populations will be reduced by 99% in the next five years.

It’s going to be crazy times but “humanity” deserves it.

Yes, we get people like like you that have migrated from the daily stormer, and other white nationalist like groups that show an anger and upset at what is happening with the white race and that is totally understandable. And since you are new, you will get an explaination.

However, we do not tolerate racial slurs and meaningless hate towards all of Satan's gentile races, and I am speaking specifically of those especially here in our forums. Just like I dont use racial slurs against whites out of frustration. Its sleazy and not classy at all. So you can go back to the Daily Stormer and vent your ass off in the way that you like. This is not the place.

And oh please, no one here is telling you to love or care for the other races. Thats our own racial job. We are all free to hate or dislike whoever we want (even I have a big dislike for the blacks who terrorize everyone else) but here all the dedicated gentile races of SATAN should be treated with respect, including myself, as we are all working and fighting to bring down the enemy, whom are the Jews. This is our creators desire for us.

I am here to help my people and all gentiles, including the white race because I care and understand that we are all part of the same cosmic family of Satan and the Daemon gods, and Satan has showed me this over time. This comes when we evolve and advance in our spiritual journey.

And yes sweetheart, Satan did create all the other races and he specifically pointed out that Jews are not his people. He is the White Aryan god and the white race is his genetic kin, but he decided to create other races to become gods, just like them. This is an honor.

So these so called "subhumans" that you refer us as were created by Satan and our wonderful gods. You can take it up with him if you have such a problem.

All the gentile races culture in the ancient world was of the same and came from Satan, hence the Serpent symbolism and knowledge given to us to reach godhead. Satan put his kundalini energy in all the races. Thats why we are all here on this forum and brought together to destroy our cosmic enemy.

The Jews are the ones who started all of this madness like convincing blacks and whites to hate eachother and working around the clock to brainwash the non white races to hate the white race. This isn't just some natural occurence. The jews openly state their desire and plan to destroy the white race, this has been going on for centuries.

Blacks do not know the difference between whites and Jews which is why they get away with their crimes. Many brainwashed Blacks hate white people because of Jewish crimes. Not out of jealousy as you say.

Actually, I can tell from the tone of your posts, mannerisms and word choice that you are very fed up but at the same time lacking in knowledge of the other gentile races and their ancient culture and how much terror and destruction the Jews and enemy as caused (and not like you are supposed to really know) but that's why I am here to put this out there.

I am not going to tolerate you shitting on my race and other non whites when you don't even know the bigger picture.

The black race has been held back and there are so many issues and problems we face that has held us back as a people. Africa has been under Jewish and enemy control for centuries and African cities have been destroyed and ramsacked. One of the gods brought this to my attention as I use to think like you concerning my race, but not anymore. It is a serious issue. Just like your race has been seriously held behind and degenerated and according their own standard.

You only see it from one side. When you advance more, you will begin to see. It really is as simple as that.

This whole war we are in, its not about saving everyone. Unfortunately many people will die but the world will heal after this as the gods will aid us. Everyone will not survive, this is already known.

And it is devastating what is happening to our environment, but unless we act now, it will become much worst. We have to keep fighting and we will win in the end, despite your pessimism. The races WILL heal and become divine and healthy again despite what anyone says, because that's what the gods want for us and they are passionate about out evolution, if that wasn't the case they wouldn't even be trying to help us advance now. Not just the white race.

You can stay pessimistic if you want, but in the end if you are here to be with Satan, then you have to fight.

Peace to you...brethren. There are bigger issues going on and all this blaming other races means nothing as the Jew has plans for all of us in their slave state, black or white. We will all be annihilated under the same hook nose Tyrants.
And 14Alex88, you can think or feel whatever you want but just make sure you begin doing those RTRs and advancing your soul. The more new people who we have doing RTRs, the faster we can destroy the enemy and save our Earth. This is definitely most important.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
