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  1. JeraOpus

    Mercury square/ Moon square (What if the planet goes 'its fall' or 'retrogate' during the square)

    If the planet goes into Detriment, Retrograde, or falls in the later days of the square, will it cause any problems or only starting the square when the planet is in home sign matters and if the planet goes into Fall, retro or detriment after starting in the home sign then it doesn't matter...
  2. JeraOpus

    Mercury square/ Moon square (What if the planet goes 'its fall' or 'retrogate' during the square)

    Regarding moon square: What if someone starts the square when moon is not void but some day while doing a certain number it's done when moon is void and/or goes into Scorpio [its fall] or Capricorn [its detriment] Regarding mercury, It's the 2nd fastest moving planet after the moon. Quora link...
  3. JeraOpus

    Stopping the effects of planets on Soul/Body.

    I remember sadhguru saying till the planets affect you, you are at their mercy. Does it mean someone can break free from the influence of the planets and access any chakra at will/intention disregarding the timing of the planets affecting the chakra. If it's possible then how it's done?
  4. JeraOpus

    How to remove throbbing from Heart chakra

    I get extreme throbbing in my chest from my childhood abuse and a girl who left to another town. My parents get pleasure in controlling me but I don’t want to be controlled. Yesterday i told my abusive mother to not get near me and stay on sofa, she didn’t listen and did it anyways so I kicked...
  5. JeraOpus

    Planets effect at time of birth.

    When a baby is born at a particular time and date then only that date is taken to know about predict about the person.. But the child had been in the womb for 9 months (Sometime birth can happen before 9 months) During that time planets keep shifting their position and keep affecting the baby...
  6. JeraOpus

    Repressed anger and homocidal urge doing Yoga

    So i have been doing poses and spiritual square after wards what i notice is when i do Yoga then energy goes into that area and breath is focused there and it’s difficult to breathe at first but kt gets better after some time and i continue to push when I don’t feel the uncomfortable in...
  7. JeraOpus

    Question #4148: Pyramids of Egypt

    The blocks used to build the pyramids were not from around the area, it was brought from hundreds or thousands of miles away, people back then were very advanced and they could levitate or reduce the weight of the blocks to stack it up and build the pyramids. Also the distance between Pyramids...
  8. JeraOpus


    Planes lose their connetivity flying over it, same happen on bermuda triangle if i am not wrong
  9. JeraOpus

    Experience till now and Routine for development. (Suggestions are welcome)

    I did 3 Asanas yesterday, Couldn’t do for more than 10-20 (There was a shortage of breath and too much strain) The sun asana. Today I did it for over 30 sec and after that Sun square at the Sol’s hour and i felt very powerful doing the square my middle body was taking energy in and so was my...
  10. JeraOpus

    Serenity Or Self-Suffering?

    Could you please tell me how does one program the energies. Is it by vibrating rune for certain reps and then stating some intent. If it’s the case then is it done on the moo ‘s hour on full moon under the moon light?
  11. JeraOpus

    Experience till now and Routine for development. (Suggestions are welcome)

    I was making money on a forum since i was writing and lending money, I took collateral for loans and people mostly gave their forum accounts as collateral (i took only high ranking accounts while giving loan) When someone pay back their dues I return their account as usual, but if they fail to...
  12. JeraOpus

    I am dangerously ill and I can die at any moment

    Vibrate AUM for however long you can try if you can do 21 or more. Then lie down and focus on your navel and slowly breathe (very calm, do not force it) Take breath in filling the lungs with out forcing. - Hold the breath for 3-6 seconds for however long is comfortable. - Release it in 3-6 sec...
  13. JeraOpus

    Obliterating Saturn (during hour of saturn)

    Saturn is in the house n° 8. They often crave a deep soul-to-soul union with a lover, but fate prevents this. Is there any way to obliterate the effects of saturn on My life?
  14. JeraOpus

    Experience till now and Routine for development. (Suggestions are welcome)

    Refarding jos astro- I am getting error “An expected error occured” When i click on - True Node - Lilith - Part/ Lot of fortune What could be the reason
  15. JeraOpus

    Experience till now and Routine for development. (Suggestions are welcome)

    Gazed at them without knowing their location they got scared i would say terrified, most of them i was able to just know what they are thinking when gazed at them now that i think of it it chills me, my father noticed this in me in my childhood and made this assumption . Sun/Neptune Square...
  16. JeraOpus

    Experience till now and Routine for development. (Suggestions are welcome)

    Now i understand why my father said people will kill you. I have a desire to control i am a scorpio and have piercing eyes and when i was chanting Raum in college i got my left brain even more connected to solar plexus (desire for control increased) i was able to know when people looking at me...
  17. JeraOpus

    Experience till now and Routine for development. (Suggestions are welcome)

    I had a fantasy for hardcore porn, I don’t masterbate or watch porn anymore. I get orgasm in sleep and feel sick for days till the sexual energy recovered. Ever since energy from left side of the body came to the right I got the ED and Blood from anus when during stool. My brain hurts, eyes...
  18. JeraOpus

    Experience till now and Routine for development. (Suggestions are welcome)

    Well tell me how can get married after getting erectile disfunction right after kundalini went down. I can’t force someone to stay with me when i won’t be able to satisfy their needs (at least for now and I don’t know if this problem will be fixed) My life is actually fucked and it’s better...
  19. JeraOpus

    12 Houses

    Isn’t it a bad idea to read ones self chart and know about everthing. Specially knowing about death can be cruel.
  20. JeraOpus

    Experience till now and Routine for development. (Suggestions are welcome)

    Who by birth had kundalini in at least Ajna chakra has to go slow when kundalini goes down for them when they have chakras open? I have heard sadhguru saying there’s a quick way to raise kundalini by cracking the force and making it rise. It can also be done by force for those who were open. My...
  21. JeraOpus

    Experience till now and Routine for development. (Suggestions are welcome)

    My mother snatched all the money i got from relatives in my childhood. Forced me to eat what she cook and there was a time when raw material expired she cooked food out of it and when i refused to eat, i was beaten and was forced to eat it, got angry over small things. Now telling me to get...
  22. JeraOpus

    Experience till now and Routine for development. (Suggestions are welcome)

    Well you’re in a sense, i did get destructive thoughts in past of doing Raum over 100x reps. I still don’t know if i will be able to send the energy back into the previous channel. I have a desire for partner but erctile disfunction because of serpent going down messed my life, not that it’s...
  23. JeraOpus

    Experience till now and Routine for development. (Suggestions are welcome)

    I am a Scorpio with a powerful moon, by birth i have a very powerful 6th chakra i was extremely good at visualisation and my intuition and control on thought was at perfection (before serpent from 6th chakra descended), Because of visuals i was getting of my father’s death, I made the intent I...
  24. JeraOpus

    Experience till now and Routine for development. (Suggestions are welcome)

    I just made a request to the god with intention “What should I do” Then immediately for a few seconds my solar plexus started pumping. Does it means i have to focus more on solar chakra (powerhouse of the soul) to manage to pull the energies from legs into leg. I remember I used to do RAUM years...
  25. JeraOpus

    Experience till now and Routine for development. (Suggestions are welcome)

    First of I want fo thank a lot of SS here for helping me piecing the pieces of puzzle and the image is becoming clear and clear in my mind, I will share what I try to do throughout the tomorrow onwards and if you have any suggestions the it’s much welcome and very appreciated. 1. I tried Breath...
  26. JeraOpus

    Question #5012: Spiritual vs material square

    So it means Spiritual Square > Material Square. Suppose you do Spiritual square for Mercury and Jupiter to raise the intellect, You learn quickly because the Organs related to that square can process info more quickly and you will be more efficient in whatever you do with those organs so you...
  27. JeraOpus

    Experience of a Himalyan yogi from his master.

    I can’t contact the GD, but i get signs of things falling but not breaking. When i was in rehab a bulb out of no where has fallen but didn’t break, i didnt surprise for some reason. Yesterday while i was listening to music on low volume a book feel behind me. I can’t interpret the signs not...
  28. JeraOpus

    Question #5012: Spiritual vs material square

    Doesn’t doing the Spiritual Square makes the Chakra, Body parts related to the square strong at the soul level and prevents diseases from manifesting?
  29. JeraOpus

    Question #4764: Chakra opening

    I have a similar concern, i believe my upper chakras are open and kundalini will definitely be able to pierce though them. After woking on 6th chakra it’s hard for me to follow the same pattern because of sweet fluid made in 6th chakra makes me not to move from the place. I will start...
  30. JeraOpus

    Question #5012: Spiritual vs material square

    Being strong spiritually after doing square of a particular planet (Spiritual Square) will have its effect on soul and will have its effect every lifetime one get in future but Material Square will have the effect for one lifetime only?
  31. JeraOpus

    Experience of a Himalyan yogi from his master.

    How do i begin. There are things happened to my body that messed it up. I am not trying to prove you wrong but i have my personal experience. I had my kundalini in 6th chakra at least since birth if not in crown. When I experimented i messed it up myself, Something from Left leg i side bones...
  32. JeraOpus

    Experience of a Himalyan yogi from his master.

    I didn't see anyone climbing the Mount kailash or Kailash Pyramid I say except the monk Milarepa (Though there is a possibility of more reaching at the top but I am unsure if they will reveal about it) I've also listened from a guy that when he met a person there (don't know his age) he went...
  33. JeraOpus

    Experience of a Himalyan yogi from his master.

    The Distance between various monuments are: Kailash to North pole – 6666 Km Kailash to Stonehenge – 6666 Km Egyptian pyramids to North pole – 6666 Km Stonehenge to Devil’s tower – 6666 Km Stonehenge to Bermuda triangle – 6666 Km Bermuda triangle to Easter island – 6666 Km Easter island to...
  34. JeraOpus

    Experience of a Himalyan yogi from his master.

    This is the video is watched on youtube (Experience of a himalyan yogi): In between I listen to him saying "Sanyais in himalya when they meet somewhere they say Om" It's actually AUM (AAA in Stomach, UUU in the middle of chest, MMM on the nose or heat "I am unsure about it" [In one of...
  35. JeraOpus

    Planets (Squares Working Question)

    currently i am doing 2 squares (Sun and Venus both spiritual) I get tired of doing it quickly and can’t get the energy to do Runes. I try to vibrate but get tired after a few reps and had to lay down. This is happening partial of my energies have gone into Ida nadi, when it was in Solar nadi I...
  36. JeraOpus

    Question #5643: Why is semen retention bad if Hitler did it?

    Source: https://www.quora.com/Why-do-people-believe-that-the-pornography-industry-is-controlled-by-Jewish-people?top_ans=1477743668977146
  37. JeraOpus

    Question #5643: Why is semen retention bad if Hitler did it?

    So it’s energy circulation from Sacral chakra? I am 100% sure that when energy is generated there then my breath drops, the more it drops the more energy/semen gets collected into Navel (It comes up from sexual organ) And it’s very hot at first but it gets better over time and pain fades away...
  38. JeraOpus

    Question #5643: Why is semen retention bad if Hitler did it?

    From experience. This energy goes into stomach when you meditate to the crown chakra and maybe out of it ( I couldn't send it out of the crown because it was blocked in my case) You will actually feel the stimulation of sacral chakra and balls (I don't know about female body) The energy will go...
  39. JeraOpus

    Question #5643: Why is semen retention bad if Hitler did it?

    Semen is connected to brain! From experience the energy from Sacral chakra goes into Stomach, fills it and then sends it throughout the body in a pattern and then to crown chakra ( I haven't been able to release it out of crown chakra, most likely because it's blocked) When i got out of the...
  40. JeraOpus

    Question regarding family member (father)

    When i think about hurting someone i feel the pain of causing harm to others and it's really a deep one. Now again I think if he didn't do that then I wouldn't have tried to do things on my own if everything was served to me on a plate. I wouldn't have searched about how to make money if he...
  41. JeraOpus

    Question regarding family member (father)

    I filed a case against him 2 years ago but he had connections in the male department of police station. Female police constable took the report after my intent was known to her through my little energy left in Heart chakra, I shouted at my father in police station when I begged me to come home...
  42. JeraOpus

    Question regarding family member (father)

    Not to mentioned he also said "People like me become ********** because I didn't took abuse in my childhood and had fights with others" But after that thought he implanted in me I became scared of myself and there was a time a guy slapped me and I didn't do anything in school after that he and...
  43. JeraOpus

    Question regarding family member (father)

    While working on 6th chakra, crown, and with Thurisaz i got a very high high. When i did 60x Thurs on 6th chakra I noticed there was heat floating in that empty area and something sweet developed there. After that i noticed that sweetness went down the throat. Then heart and then in the middle...
  44. JeraOpus

    Spell for financial position

    Is it ok if someone does runes in short, for those who cant hold much oxygen in their lungs to to vibrate the rune as it’s given in mp3 of the rune.
  45. JeraOpus

    Planets (Squares Working Question)

    I found for Thurs the number is multiple of 3 i will do 30 reps for the blocked parts. I can’t do fish pose for throat chakra I don’t have full control of my body ever since kundalini went down i tried to but couldn’t. Is there any alternative to it? I do kundalini yoga of rolling the head and...
  46. JeraOpus

    Planets (Squares Working Question)

    Can you also please tell me how many times should i vibrate Thuriaz in the blocked area I don't know it's number and it's not mentioned in the page https://joyofsatan.org/Odin.html#THURISAZ
  47. JeraOpus

    Planets (Squares Working Question)

    Thank you. I was reading about about Thuriaz rune that it clear blockages if I focus my attention on the right nerve of throat and back of head then will it unblock that area. Also, if this Rune is used on chakras rather than sanskrit then also will it unblock them? Since I have already done...
  48. JeraOpus

    Planetary Square Timing, Effect and a few questions related to Planets.

    Jos source of Sun Square: https://www.joyofsatan.org/Sun_Square.html It's mentioned that the spine is affected by the sun. So, having a solid sun makes the spine stronger, and the Kundalini serpent doesn't have a lot of problem ascending since a Weak spine might not be able to handle the energy...
  49. JeraOpus

    Planets (Squares Working Question)

    So if i do Square for weak chakra, clean them using vissudhi and Ra vibrations 9x reps each then will it unblock and empower them. I have a hard time doing runes and understand them because I haven’t put much focus there. The blockage i have is on the right side of throat and right nadi back of...
  50. JeraOpus

    Planets (Squares Working Question)

    It’s mentioned that chakras have to be opened to safely do the working as it will generate energy in the chakras. Is the chakra we are working on has to be opened or every chakra has to be open. There are blockages in my 6th chakra and in throat chakra i have done necronomicon meditations for...
  51. JeraOpus

    Mercury occult meaning

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
  52. JeraOpus

    Energies, Serpent, Blockages [Personal Experience]

    I have a lot to say, share and ask. I will try to make it short. In past a few years back i was meditating a meditation from a youtuber named “******” where he gave a meditation by Visualising a white in the middle of the head. I did that and to my wonder it somehow worked I was getting inside...
  53. JeraOpus

    Block behind 3rd eye (Behind right side of head)

    Thanks, I will do it for some days. Also, I want to mention I was doing RAUM meditation in the past, and after doing at least 50 reps of it, my neck started to bend backward, and there was a focus behind the right side of the head. I don't know exactly why that was happening, but I can only...
  54. JeraOpus

    Block behind 3rd eye (Behind right side of head)

    Hi, I have made a few threads in the past regarding this but haven't been able to fix the problem. When i try to focus on the 3rd eye while lying and breathing red light into it then I energy comes up from the right side of the body and gets stuck behind 3rd eye (Right side) (I am not sure if...
  55. JeraOpus

    Question #2493: Rune bjork and crown chakra

    Is it ok to do vibrations without uttering too loud? I have found for me when I utter too loud a Sanskrit mantra I get tired too quickly except RAUM meditation. I can do it for over 54 reps if I have reached around 20 reps. It has to do with increased energy. And I feel RRRRRR above the navel...
  56. JeraOpus

    Planet Location

    I am using this website "https://www.theplanetstoday.com/astrology.html" to check the position of the planets. Is this accurate? Can you guys also share what source you are using to check the planets for doing squares and Necronomicon meditations? Thanks.
  57. JeraOpus

    Witches Sabbath and Sun square

    Just finished the whole schedule of 1 day cleaning. I started with the Saturn hour and did 27 reps of Surya. After that, I waited for the next Planet hour and did 27 reps of Surya again for the chakra associated with that hour it was Jupiter in that case, And so on.
  58. JeraOpus

    Witches Sabbath and Sun square

    I've one more question: How many reps of 'Suryae' should I do in each chakra?
  59. JeraOpus

    Witches Sabbath and Sun square

    Thank you for the quick reply, I'll keep a few hours gap between the sun square and the cleaning process.
  60. JeraOpus

    Witches Sabbath and Sun square

    I'm doing a sun square with the mantra 'Surya' in it. And there's the full moon on August 1. So my question is: If I vibrate Surya for 2 rounds (1 for sun square and 1 for full moon) then will it clash or I'll have to skip it till i finish my sun square?
  61. JeraOpus

    Rune and FCM

    Source: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Full_Meditation.html Make sure you stay consistent, for example, if you are using Rune vibrations, then stay with the Rune vibrations for the entire session, using the Rune vibrations for all seven chakras. Can I use both...
  62. JeraOpus

    Regarding Raised energies

    Hello, I've noticed when i'm overdoing a vibration in YAUM + RAUM it's raising ,my energies and I'm more conscious of my brain and my face changes a bit, I get anger Issues and i can sense people around me think something's wrong with me. My dad and grandfather forced me to a psychologist...
  63. JeraOpus

    Feeling chakras

    Thank you everyone I’ll continue with vibrating. Regarding 3x raum meditation i can’t feel energy coming to sacral chakra from base chakra.
  64. JeraOpus

    Feeling chakras

    I’ve been meditating on feeling my chakras specially base chakra but I’m unable to verify if the chakra is open. I’m also having trouble with cleaning my chakras due to this. Is my effort going in vein or i need to keep on vibrating the mantras (japa)
  65. JeraOpus

    Solar plexus mudra | Increasing capacity to do more reps.

    Yes I was confused by VAUM and THAUM mantra in vibrating from main mp3 files. It’s still feels different, i vibrated th and i can clearly feel the vibration behind the back of head specially right side of the head, my energy is somehow locked and over raising of energy leads to bending of the...
  66. JeraOpus

    Solar plexus mudra | Increasing capacity to do more reps.

    Hi, i have 3 questions. 1. How do i Increasing capacity to do more reps , overall energy boost to do more sadhana. For example i want to do 108 reps of vibrations for all chakras, i want to reach 216 actually but thats another question. So how do i reach that state when I’m getting tired at...
  67. JeraOpus

    Lawofone for Satanists [HP. Cobra]

    Someone i talked with suggested me to read Lawofone, it contains everything about human body, Sexual energy connection between the chakras of 2 souls. A lot more info I've ever found, I think everyone will benefit from this. Here's the link: https://www.lawofone.info/ by Ra Source...
  68. JeraOpus

    Square on Middle Chakra (mainstream heart chakra)

    Adding: RAM, RAUM, VISSUHI,THURS, SAMMAS are working for me without me needing to speak them. Me vibrating these mantrasa above are activating the chakras and linked them in case of SAMMAS. So the same can be done with runes?
  69. JeraOpus

    Square on Middle Chakra (mainstream heart chakra)

    Can I use runes without uttering them? I have a hard time trying to vibrate them correctly because my Sun is not active due to energies being sent into IDA nadi by me in past.
  70. JeraOpus

    Square on Middle Chakra (mainstream heart chakra)

    My heart chakra is very weak and meditating on this chakra specifically brings out a lot of fears from inside me. Performing breathing exercise on this chakra (just with focus and intent) brings out feelings/fears as if I have no control over them, I try to think myself out of the in moment...
  71. JeraOpus

    Necronomicon Meditations For The Year

    Jupiter Square: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Jupiter_Square.html I'm sure it's written SVAHA for Spiritual gains and NAMA for Material gains One can replace with NAMA with SVAHA ٠ [S-V-AH-HAH]٠ when working for spiritual goals
  72. JeraOpus

    Cleaning Chakras and experience

    My previous thread regarding Fear in chakras: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=65347&p=303049#p303049 So far I've been doing V-V-V-E-E-E-SUUUU-DDD-EEE (Mantra into my chakras since the day fellow Satanists suggested that to me) I'm noticing the effects of it and they are...
  73. JeraOpus


    You can activate sexual energy through pranayama - That energy flows through IDA nadi to the right side of your brain and Face through Nadis and is connected to Sushumna nadi. To verify yourself do this- Calm down and focus on the area - ( Middle and Right area of Lower Stomach and above...
  74. JeraOpus

    Necronomicon Meditations For The Year

    I will try to post mine in 24 hours for other members to verify if I'm doing it correctly and others can follow it. My energies are in IDA Nadi so my sun is not active and it's hard for me. There was a yogi who told me that with pranayama I can send my energies back into Pingala Nadi but I...
  75. JeraOpus

    Necronomicon Meditations For The Year

    [1] - Yes the intention in you make in a particular chakra will help you towards the pursuits. [2] - Square will empower your chakra. Square will empower your chakra and empowered chakra will help your pursuits. Take this an example - Jet [Empowered chakra] vs Car [Unempowered chakra] Which...
  76. JeraOpus

    Necronomicon Meditations For The Year

    When I do THAUM to open my third eye then I can feel energy flow on the full face and behind the head as if there's an energy flow in the (Infinite Sign) Energy Comes up from Sacral gland -> Right side of chest -> Right side of Throat -> Right Jaw -> Right side of head -> Crown -> (Then...
  77. JeraOpus

    Necronomicon Meditations For The Year

    Is it ok if I post my audio of vibrating Necronomicon and someone corrects me if I make any mistake? Another thing I read in the Necronomicon book is that no one should be watching you when you're chanting the sounds and imagining the sigil, I don't want to take the risk so I'm going to lock...
  78. JeraOpus

    Necronomicon Meditations For The Year

    Hello fellow Satanist. Can someone please share the audio of Necronomicon Vibrations/Sounds, Since the majority of my energies went into IDA Nadi I get tired very quickly and have trouble vibrating. I don't want to do the wrong vibration even a single time in a Set. I'm doing VISHUDDHI and...
  79. JeraOpus

    Earth & Neptune squares. How to calc Squares.

    If i'm not wrong then USA tried to bomb the Moon but the missle used to destroy that planet/star was defused somehow before it hit the moon. Moon is related to AJNA chakra that sees and is intuition, People who're able to connect abstract will not be able to do so, in short if the moon is...
  80. JeraOpus

    Receiving Help From The Gods: An Introduction

    If I were a God then I would not into this reality and risk being erased, The enemy has weapons that attack Vimanas aka UFOs so Gods coming into this reality just for showing people that UFO exist and losing their life is pointless. I have a friend who told my parents in front of me: "Your son...
  81. JeraOpus

    Removing Fear from Chakras

    I've noticed when it's the hour of the Sun then I'm more conscious of the memory of my stomach (Solar Chakra?) I sense fear thinking about past actions that might lead me to trouble in the future and it's hard to get over them. I'm paranoid by default of others' intentions since school. Is...
  82. JeraOpus

    Muslim - Christian (Connection)

    Today I had a talk with a friend from my school. And he explained to me that his Younger brother was put under by some Mulsim black magician. Which caused him to behave weirdly, Then somehow they took his younger brother to a Christian Church Priest. And the Priest threw some so-called "Holy...
  83. JeraOpus

    Opening Chakras

    Thank you :)
  84. JeraOpus

    Opening Chakras

    [1] - I initially didn't start my meditation from JOS official website but started it months weeks before on Youtube video where a guy mentions "Spinning White Ball at the location of your 3rd eye", In starting It didn't work but after 10 minutes of continuous spinning I was able to sense...
  85. JeraOpus

    Opening Chakras

    Do you mean vibrating RAUM in dirty chakras? Right now I'm vibrating MUNKA vibrations into my whole body targeting certain parts of the body and its Stimulating Kundalini. I've read that whole post but the only thing that's in my mind is before my Kundalini was in Solar Plexus. Its energy flow...
  86. JeraOpus

    Opening Chakras

    You're right, some of my chakras are dirty and Sacral chakra is one of them. I tried to visualize WhiteGold light above my head and on chakras to clean them but I cannot visualize anymore but i get extreme pain in my left eye when I try to. I don't know how to describe it, but I've become...
  87. JeraOpus

    Opening Chakras

    Does vibrations: THAUM (3rd eye) MAUM (Crown) YAUM (6th, AJNA) HAUM (Throat) VAUM (Sacral) AUM (Heart chakra aka Connecting lower and upper chakras) LAUM (Base) Does vibrating these Opens the chakra fully?, Each and Every Petal of these Chakras for the energy to flow? I mean even if it takes...
  88. JeraOpus

    Golden God & Hand signs in Anime music video

    If you watch it from here https://youtu.be/jRPUb2qHhbc?t=588 Then you'll see they're summoning a god through Hand Signs and meditation. Those hand signs are Familiar.
  89. JeraOpus

    Why The Enemy Isn't Gone Yet?

    This is proof that Gods are trying to reach humans but not allowed to. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gn5APiemb1I There's a satellite Weapon project since 1970 that attacked every UFO that appeared Above Iraq. And the USA developed it and we all know in whose control the US is and those who...
  90. JeraOpus

    Why The Enemy Isn't Gone Yet?

    That made it clear again and my thought was similar. Before Egyptians were able to create stuff out of Thin air using Vibrations, I think they should've been able to create most of the elements and were not limited by the chemistry, Biology we study today, and using that they were able to defy...
  91. JeraOpus

    Reaching The Godhead: "The Union With The Divine"

    This is another significance of Golden colour ( A mysterious temple in India) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmUcZtPQFTY
  92. JeraOpus

    Someone Like Hitler

    Even after doing RTRs, There has to be someone awakened who has the power to command an army or turn the existing armies against Jews. I was read about Myers Briggs Type Indicator. And to me, it seems Hitler was INFJ with Introverted Intuition. Intuition is the 6th Chakra and most of his...
  93. JeraOpus

    Someone Like Hitler

    First of all, I thank you so much @HP Hooded Cobra for making this Documentary "EXIT THE JEWTRIX - THE BANNED & FORBIDDEN DOCUMENTARY" I believe most of us already know it's quite messed up and Global control of the Jews making it hard for someone like Hitler to be Born and have the power. I...
  94. JeraOpus

    Dr. Steven Greer, UFOs, Enemy Planning.

    In a meditation training he spoke about it, He directly said "He had a dream of his future wife and then he met her"
  95. JeraOpus

    Dr. Steven Greer, UFOs, Enemy Planning.

    It's not mentioned that ETs or Aliens guided him but he stated "He had the vision of her future wife" Tbh I don't know for sure if Greer is really on the enemy side or misguided but 1 thing is true that a Military doesn't want aliens(our gods) to come to this planet and are preparing for war...
  96. JeraOpus

    Dr. Steven Greer, UFOs, Enemy Planning.

    Actually you're correct!! In one of his videos, he mentioned that "A person he knows is trapped in Iraq Prison" and the reason for that is "He wanted to share time travel information. It is not that I'm doubtful here but He mentions "In Iraq Prison" And because people who don't want such...
  97. JeraOpus

    Dr. Steven Greer, UFOs, Enemy Planning.

    Recently I've been watching some Dr. Steven Greer, Who is also a meditator but also tries to contact ETs, And there is a video where UFO visits their site but soon after Americal Jet come there to target the UFO and UFO disappears Here's This video: https://youtu.be/5C_-HLD21hA?t=1421 This...
  98. JeraOpus

    Big Victory: Fauci Exposed As Proponent To The Global Pandemic

    Jews also don't want the Mass population to know their true intention that's the reason they wear that false mask of helpless Jew! Actually, their planning is so deep that they corrupted the Schooling books mostly history about people like Hitler, Where the subconscious message is "Don't be...
  99. JeraOpus

    Hitler sent his people in India in 1939

    Energy initially came up from the Left side and Went down through the side of the body... Now when i do RAUM while laying then i go inside body and can feel the Energy coming up from the Right side of my body.. This is what's happening - Something coming up from the right side of the Leg ->...
  100. JeraOpus

    Hitler sent his people in India in 1939

    According to this guy in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvmoH5cvXBM Video Contains a Destroyed Blueprint of UFO. Britishers destroyed this Vimana (UFO) blueprint from this place in India and knowing that Hitler wants this knowledge. Another proof that Britishers or Jews knew the...
  101. JeraOpus

    Sadguru on Aliens and Demons

    Video Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hikmVx6Ce_w Here in this video, he mentioned "If something doesn't look like you then you'll think they're demons" Also, In Tamil Nadu (India) Artifacts from Temples are being stolen and being replaced by fake ones and the Government is messing...
  102. JeraOpus

    Russian officials want to ban yoga in the country

    This is a controlled move by Russians -If I'm not wrong there's a Russian Catholic Church, right? -Russia & America, 2 superpowers but against each other (Publically? or In actuality) -I'm sure this is a long-term move, I also don't know if a father teaching Yoga to their kids will go to prison...
  103. JeraOpus

    On Doubt About Magickal Workings

    1. I've read about it that real heart is in the middle of head on JOS. 2. On Necronomicon middle Chakra(heart) is mentioned to be ruled by Venus, not Mercury. Mercury rules Throat Chakra on the necronomicon meditations. On book of necronomicon it's mentioned in sequence 6th Chakra -> Throat...
  104. JeraOpus

    On Doubt About Magickal Workings

    I was going to create a new topic then saw this thread so i posting my question here.. RAUM raises energies temporarily i've seen energy being raise from IDA nadi to the head then blocking there and after i sleep i get ejaculation(while sleeping) and energy gets reset and I've to do more RAUMs...
  105. JeraOpus

    Knot in Right side back of head.

    There's a huge block on the right backside of my head, Doing RAUM in past takes the serpent up but it can't go up further and my neck begins to bent backward if I force more RAUM into it. What happens then is the serpent starts moving in a pattern if I watch it inside me my face gets wet I get...
  106. JeraOpus

    Moon's in Cancer

    Thank you for the explanation.
  107. JeraOpus

    Moon's in Cancer

    Today Moon entered Cancer it's the best time todo Necronomicon for those who haven't opened up their 3rd eye fully. In Necronomicon, there's sigil meditation "Meditation on Sigil" But how would someone meditate on Sigil? -Is it by Imagining Sigil or by just looking at the sigil for long. Thanks.
  108. JeraOpus

    Blocks in head.

    Moon will be in Taurus and Waxing Full Moon on 3rd October, I think it's perfect opportunity for Necronomicon.
  109. JeraOpus

    Blocks in head.

    Haloween is on Saturday, 31 October isn't that fall of Moon in Scorpion, I'm not sure if i get it correct.
  110. JeraOpus

    Blocks in head.

    Thank you for this I will do this. I'm having difficulties in doing Hatha yoga as if i do not have control on the body like i used to. I'm also thinking about doing Necronomicon meditations to fully open 3rd eye on this full moon's night. When i get ejaculation at night before doing RAUM...
  111. JeraOpus

    Blocks in head.

    Hello Satanists i've made 2 posts regarding it in past but my messages were very long so I'll try to explain it shortly so you won't have to read the whole paragram i wrote in my previous 2 Topics those were regarding (Reset Serpent(s)). Symptoms!: 1. I sent my energy of left side (pingala)...
  112. JeraOpus

    Magnum Opus Levels Explained

    If one has sensed consciousness flowing within a certain pattern during a samadhi than does that mean that soul is fully unlocked. My take with fully unlocking the soul means running the serpent within the body and forcing it to make its way slowly by stimulating pineal gland and solar plexus...
  113. JeraOpus

    Vibration on Petals of Chakra?

    Found this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9r7OPqCsMs8 Is it good to vibrate on petals after vibrating on the main vibration?
  114. JeraOpus

    Reset Serpent(s)

    Evening Satanists!! This is not fixed yet but I can find what the issue here is. -There's blockage at back right side of head in 6th Chakra or backward 3rd eye which is causing the neck to bend backwards. More Symptoms -- - My right side of leg is buffed, I seem to have unblocked right side...
  115. JeraOpus

    HP(s) Please answer. Serpentine issue.

    Also by looking at the aura of those who have a bad aura, the 3rd eye was focused outwards and I didn't want to meet or see people when i was that receptive. I cased the serpent to go into ida because of the something I saw regarding one of my family members who abused and manipulated me will...
  116. JeraOpus

    HP(s) Please answer. Serpentine issue.

    Well yes mind went unstable with lusty imagination when i was spinning Solar plexus and 6th Chakra to the extreme which gave me predatory godlike sensation it also felt like i'm in a black space in the middle of it and i could Imagine Jars of red flaming energy and breathe them the more Energy i...
  117. JeraOpus

    HP(s) Please answer. Serpentine issue.

    Yes, extreme heat and cold sensation!! Heat is much more compared to cold. Also, Energy in Pingala comes down at a very rapid speed compared to IDA energy coming up. I've also sensed Energy or Serpent coming up through IDA and going to Crown then entering Clairaudience centered of IDA and top...
  118. JeraOpus

    HP(s) Please answer. Serpentine issue.

    When i focus very deep within the third eye then there's Right Petal of third eye "" Is it also pituitary gland ""? When i spin Right petal energy starts to come up through right side of the body and makes my right side of the face oily and makes it white! When i focus on Middle part of nose...
  119. JeraOpus


    I've been there, My bioelectricity was off the chart but it somehow kept me high due to the high production of pineal Elixer and constantly spinning Solar plexus. But it's necessary to control thoughts more than trying to manipulate energy according to me. I think high bioelectricity is linked...
  120. JeraOpus

    HP(s) Please answer. Serpentine issue.

    I've made a post regarding my experience of Pingala's serpent went into IDA. My Pituitary gland is active and it's somehow connected to the Right side of Sacral chakra. My Solar plexus is totally inactive and I'm dominant on the Right brain, Have lost intuitive nature I also believe my 6th...
  121. JeraOpus

    1$ Note

    It's also written on the Note " In God we trust ONE" and on the right side, it shows. The left side is a pyramid with its golden top separated from the pyramid. [ Over the pyramid it's written Annuit coeptis ] Annuit coeptis = [Taken from the Latin words annuo, "to nod" or "to approve", and...
  122. JeraOpus

    Reset Serpent(s)

    Update! I'm conscious of the Pituitary gland and Sacral base and Right side of the Crown. But it seems the energy is traveling at surface level and i cannot access middle chakras, Even if i try to activate Sushmana, Which i can but it leads to to becoming conscious of IDA's channel and right...
  123. JeraOpus

    Reset Serpent(s)

    What i noticed after doing that pryanama is that heat on the right side of head at crown. And there's this bliff sensation on right side of sensation as the energy is coming up and the Right side of Crown is getting more heated. Now the left Left side of Forehead above the eye. There's the...
  124. JeraOpus

    Reset Serpent(s)

    I tried to apply mula bandha but it's like as if my Stomach has turned into a soft bubble. This is because Solar plexus in not able to Send energy downwards. I remember when I had this predatory sensing inside me and Solar plexus was super active in past. My Maha Bandha was super active and I...
  125. JeraOpus

    Reset Serpent(s)

    I have new info- I went into deep meditative state yesterday ( By focusing falling and becoming small within the body while laying) When I try to focus backward of Right Side of Head ( Ida's back Side ) Then I sense something's trying to go up and when I allowed it to go up it was burning and...
  126. JeraOpus

    Getting rid of drugs?

    Yes, I get a very hard predatory sensation as if they can't survive my wrath once i focus on my Solar plexus but i've lost access to it now. I made a topic explaining what i did. I didn't allow the serpent to complete the circuit or i sent the serpent in IDA rather than letting it complete its...
  127. JeraOpus

    Reset Serpent(s)

    I've a thing more to add, The energies are trying to move as it's Said in Magnum Opus which is strange. Serpent or Ball is trapped right side because the Link of Left eye with 3rd eye is gone, I did that intentionally because of visions i was getting. Now when i go inside my body by imagining...
  128. JeraOpus

    Reset Serpent(s)

    I can sense the serpent is trying to go to the crown through Right channel upwards and roaming in Crown for some time also hitting this Clairaudience chakra at the back of the head but it goes back to the base and repeats itself, I just cannot understand the meaning of this repeated cycle. I...
  129. JeraOpus

    Reset Serpent(s)

    One more thing,, My perception is changing extremely fast based on where the serpent is and day by day i sense i'm sensing outside the body rather than inside, I've also sensed heat on my Sacral chakra and right side of the chest. When i was inside body i was able to manipulate where the serpent...
  130. JeraOpus

    Reset Serpent(s)

    Well, I've already become a vegan without them telling. I don't know why but suddenly after serpent awakening i was able to talk with Dogs as if they respond to me in a different way just by looking at me. I stopped eating Chicken, Never ate a Goat's meat ever once offered in past but somehow my...
  131. JeraOpus

    "Free" But "Mind Controlled" Conspiracy Theorists

    The host of LondonReal is working on a Public digital media platform that will have its own rights.
  132. JeraOpus

    Getting rid of drugs?

    It says 3rd eye has to be open which my friend is very scared of i told him about SATANAMA wage guru mantra and he repeated it and shocked as if the floor beneath his foot has vanished, I also told him SATAN taught Shiva. He said only Shiva's 3rd eye was opened. Then i told him i can help you...
  133. JeraOpus

    RTR Tools By Fellow SS

    My Stomach is out, Left serpent trapped in Right leg, Left Jaw is closed, I've lost power and i can sense energy running through the body mostly on the chest and my Chest has grown boobs and i can sense Cool energy flowing through both side only Right Chest is stuck while going up. When i try to...
  134. JeraOpus

    Getting rid of drugs?

    A friend of mine whom i told how drugs fuck up the body. He's doing drugs i believe Heroin, He wants to quit and asked me how to do it "He didn't say he does it, He said his friend does it and wants to know how to make him quit.", He's a dominant sensing type of person so it's hard for him to...
  135. JeraOpus

    RTR Tools By Fellow SS

    Will it work to remove blockages? Also, HPs can you please guide me on this Topic "https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=41164" It's Serpent is stuck on the Right side and went down the right side of Thigh from the Left side. I did that by Sending Serpent into the Pituitary gland...
  136. JeraOpus

    Reset Serpent(s)

    Today i tried to spin 3rd eye. And it activated Pituitary Gland there was energy coming upwards and From Right side And going into Left side, And then going Bottom Through Left channel. And it made my Legs burning Hot, Very hot Till Foot and there's Tension on my Right Side of Face and Left Foot...
  137. JeraOpus

    Growing Close To Satan - The Most High

    I believe Jews are Here for a reason, Since the gods are powerful and help us erase them anytime but they're not doing it directly and so is the Jews are not doing direct damage so they're limited. Also, I've seen a poster or Image somewhere A goat's head person aka Satan was either with Ram or...
  138. JeraOpus

    Reset Serpent(s)

    I tried to do it but it seems as if my Sushmana and IDA are connected. And everything i breathe with Middle of my nose there are burning sensations on Right side of my Face and back Side of Head. Also on several other places in Body. There's more Glow to my Right Eye compared to Left one. Also...
  139. JeraOpus

    Himalyan Yogi sharing his Experience with his Guru

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asq4AI-xa24 He's telling about his guru who told him that there are many different layers to this world and the place is Spirit Realm.
  140. JeraOpus

    Reset Serpent(s)

    Got it, thanks.
  141. JeraOpus

    Reset Serpent(s)

    This is no joke i had 4 months of Insomnia and sleep was like 3-4 hours in 2-3 days.
  142. JeraOpus

    Reset Serpent(s)

    I found where the block is, It's on the Left cheek Channel flow. This channel is connected to Throat's Pingala side. Also, I remember i did that close that path intentionally through imagination by removing all the energy of that path. I did that because I developed a Psychic ability to Read and...
  143. JeraOpus

    Reset Serpent(s)

    The problem is lying in the Throat Chakra and Backward right side 3rd eye which is IDA's flow. I try to Vibrate HAUM on throat chakra but it feels nearly impossible to Make that Cat's hissing sound now also the flow of energy is upwards. One more thing, Since i've sent that serpent into IDA the...
  144. JeraOpus

    Audio files for Runes

    Can an HP please share an audio file on how to Vibrate 24 runes correctly so that i will not make any mistake vibrating them.
  145. JeraOpus

    Reset Serpent(s)

    Do you think to do RAUM 108 times and then Vibrating Uruz and Berkano... Will i have to Vibrate those 2 runes on any specific chakras or Vibrating it in Air will do the work? And Thank you.
  146. JeraOpus

    Reset Serpent(s)

    My Pingala serpent was raised and I was inexperienced at the time. I tried to raise IDA's serpent so I sent Pingala's Serpent into IDA through the 3rd eye. And now the serpent is trapped Forward Right side of IDA's Channel. Every time i try to raise IDA's true Serpent i can sense it coming up...
  147. JeraOpus

    Function of Chakras Above Crown

    Hello, I believe i sent Pingala Serpent into IDA and everything about it is in my previous post i so i won't be bothering explaining it in details. I Tried to Focus sending my Energy upwards through IDA and i became very very light and there was a pull upward and i lost sense of my body i could...
  148. JeraOpus

    I need Help

    Doing THAUM worked. And energy flows into 3rd eye linked somehow. The energy was moving either from Crown into Pingala and then the energy went into the 3rd eye and the Pingala side of the nose is connected to the 3rd eye as well. Plus there's so much heat in the 3rd eye and the face has become...
  149. JeraOpus

    I need Help

    I want to describe briefly what happened. As i said my Solar plexus and Pingala was somehow connected and the The Pingala side of brain expanded to the point it couldn't anymore and to Increase energy into my Ida i had to Suck energy Upwards from the the bottom of right side of the body and my...
  150. JeraOpus

    Animals free to roam during Covid-19 lockdown.

    Actually i'm psychic with animals able to understand their pain. There's one bitch in my local her 2 child dogs were killed. She lying outside my apartment and i looked into her eyes when my 3rd eye was open and she was staring at me and knows i understand her. That's the beauty of 3rd eye. Your...
  151. JeraOpus

    I need Help

    I did that because I think it's the serpent and it got stuck into Pingala and the focus of my Pingala was so insane that my eye contact on the people was so insane as if my Telepathy is 100% completed which I didn't want to be open in public. Also, i could analyze people just by looking their...
  152. JeraOpus

    I need Help

    I opened my 3rd eye 2-3 months ago My Pingala side was over Connected to the 3rd eye and it was causing me to imagine a lot, I mean a lot and my Solar Plexus was giving predatory sense but i was advancing very fast. Then i began to Pull energy upwards from Sacral chakra and it was giving me...
  153. JeraOpus

    (((They))) cannot take it anymore

    Plus he started blaming Trump.
  154. JeraOpus

    UFO Sightings, 2020, "Prophecies", Quarantine and Co-Vid

    Hello, this is an offtopic question but plz message me or post here. I transferred by all energies from Pingala to IDA last month because I had intuition it should be done to Increase energies on the IDA side. So i sent energies to 3rd eye than to IDA, At first, it made the world a bliss since...
  155. JeraOpus

    UFO Sightings, 2020, "Prophecies", Quarantine and Co-Vid

    Hello, I've made 2 posts none of them got accepted yet. can you please check HP. Can you check, Thanks
  156. JeraOpus

    Power Experience

    Hello, I had most of my consciousness in my RightBrain and intuitively I focused on my Right Eye (Left from my Side) I experienced Intense Intuition, Focus, Stress and after that, I started feeling sensations on my third eye and my head started getting hot since I had consciousness into my Right...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
