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  1. G


    Boas! Tenho algumas duvidas quanto a astrologia sou ainda um iniciante em "SS". Estou meio confuso quando aparece LFC supostamente em inglês "void of course moon" não devo fazer nada como entrar numa entrevista de trabalho ou ter grandes planos para essa hora. As vezes só aparece LFC 7:00 mas...
  2. G

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Don't wanna spam this here with questions but i was in a debate with a braindead rationalist that would just say that karma would imply kids to suffer because of past life karma, how could i explain this better. This is more of satanic apologetics field
  3. G

    why is veganism wrong?

    True... even tho we can see that humans were not made for a single diet plants lack over fifteen micro nutrients or so, id say most of the meat we eat today is toxic anyways thats why it is safe to eat it cooked even tho you can live a life of raw meat if you KNOW where the meat is coming from...
  4. G

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I was wondering if animals do accumulate karma and how to help them better as we humans do to ourselves.
  5. G

    Pranic Healing

    Será que o Pranic Healing funciona? Recentemente, deparei-me com vídeos contendo meditações guiadas sobre o assunto. Existe um método que envolve colocar a língua no teto da boca para facilitar a energia. Sempre que faço isso, sinto o chakra da coroa. Então pensei para mim algo deve de estar a...
  6. G

    Me and my cat good relationship

    I was sleeping with my cat and hes dream just connected to mine i literally started dreaming about chasing rats it was a mixture of that with some human rationality (not a joke) can anyone explain this? We have a good connection, he feels very comfortable with me and all, people and especially...
  7. G

    Sem esperanças para o meu país e futuro / Capitalismo Favorece os Judeus

    Sim exatamente! Esqueci desse ponto para a minha sorte eu nunca fui perguntado se tinha vacina ou não mas fiquei com algum receio que eventualmente a escola pudesse me obrigar futuramente. Quanto a nossa historia como povo celta é verdade ninguém praticamente e verdadeiramente conhece a nossa...
  8. G

    Filtered Water Devices

    Hey everyone! I recently got a water filter and i wanted to know if you guys think this is legit or just money making the reason my family got it at home was due to saving money from having to always buy bottled water wish is indeed superior to tap water but sadly is getting expensive do to the...
  9. G

    Embracing your Gentile beauty - Fighting against false beauty standards

    Remembering to not fall for some black pillers that will tell man to race mix and to go to South East Asia because you aren't the 'role model' currently depicted by the Jews in charge so "its over for you". This is what the west is coming to, to be honest really sad and another part of the plans...
  10. G

    Sem esperanças para o meu país e futuro / Capitalismo Favorece os Judeus

    Começando sobre mim sempre fui uma pessoa muito céptica des que me lembro de ser eu, nunca gostei de ser como os outros porque todos seguiam e seguem uma estranha mesma narrativa e nunca se questionavam sobre o que lhes era e é dito (não confundam com crer ser diferente). Quando comecei a ficar...
  11. G

    Announcing New Joy of Satan Guardians / Positions

    It's quite incredible the work you've done despite i being a fairly recent member of this forum thanks to everyone who have helped with the search for the truth and all this useful information. I hope in the future i will also help more precisely on the Portuguese side call as needed!
  12. G

    "Aryan Exam test"

    Thats what i think so, but i saw many worried people in social media mostly right wingers checking out if they where Aryan wish by this image is basically only nordics who get the full points lmao
  13. G

    "Aryan Exam test"

    Is this actually how you know or is just some more jewish bullshit lol
  14. G

    Eu consigo sentir o meu terceiro olho no meio da testa

    Eu não sei se tem algum significado o facto de eu especificamente conseguir sentir uma grande pressão (no bom sentido) no meio da minha testa, exatamente onde é explicado que fica o chakra do terceiro olho. Eu consigo sentir essa pressão quando foco nele e é basicamente o único ponto dos chakras...
  15. G

    Como satanistas podem educar seus filhos?

    Eu diria que hoje o ensino está mais inclinado para o ateu se fores por exemplo da Europa cada vez menos se quer saber de religiões no geral é mais uma espécie de cientismo em Portugal é dada a liberdade para ter religião moral e maior parte das pessoas escolhe não ter sequer essa disciplina...
  16. G

    Judeus na política portuguesa

    Muito bom o tópico sobre o "CHEGA!" Mas também acho que as alternativas como o "Ergue-te" (antigo partido nacional renovador) vão parar ao mesmo, alias se repararem o próprio nome mudou e até se parece mais como o "CHEGA!". Na comunidade Portuguesa são poucos os que sequer conseguem dar a voz...
  17. G

    Steven Bancarz

    Thanks for the answer! I do believe the same but also its good that we know what our enemies are up too.
  18. G

    Steven Bancarz

    Have you guys ever heard of this guy? Hes pulling alot of satanists and spiritualists out of their paths and saying that they are caught into a "secret knowledge" i myself was once pulled out of spiritual practices and one of the guys that always pops up trying to debunk spirituality is him. I...
  19. G

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    On top of that I have been practicing some of the meditations and would like to know if in order to get the full effects of them i have to first dedicate my soul to satan.
  20. G

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I'm really new here and i always had this thought in my head if we should preach satanism, in my case it would be quite problematic because I still have a lot of contact with family members, but i always had this intuition to spread a message and save people. Could it be that my actions alone...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
