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  1. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Changelog 11/9/24 Updated the Home page (fixed a link and a title in the small grid) Translated: Κακοποίηση Πνευμάτων (satanismos.gr) Τα Εβραϊκά ΜΜΕ (satanismos.gr)
  2. Hellenic SS

    Satan & Beelzebul - Two As One

    You can donate here, or you can provide other services such as translating, helping the community on a consistent basis, and overall making honourable contributions to the Joy of Satan.
  3. Hellenic SS

    Satan & Beelzebul - Two As One

    I'm excited for the upcoming rituals, I have to say that I love the Shenu Ring for Agares! I am also excited for new content on JoS Donors.
  4. Hellenic SS

    Great to hear, though I would advise you to start capitalising the first letter of the words...

    Great to hear, though I would advise you to start capitalising the first letter of the words "Pagan" and "Gods". It's a matter of respect towards our Faith.
  5. Hellenic SS

    Memes by Hellenic SS

    I will make more in a week or two from now, I'm coming up with ideas.
  6. Hellenic SS

    Don't argue with people in real life about Spiritual Satanism and National Socialism. In most...

    Don't argue with people in real life about Spiritual Satanism and National Socialism. In most cases, it will be costly for your reputation and maybe even for your safety if they target you. Satan wants his disciples to fight but also to be safe.
  7. Hellenic SS

    Samhain - our Ancestors

    You can often feel their presence when you indulge in bad habits and are in a state of spiritual darkness. This is to put you back on track and elevate yourself. I have felt this on many occasions and it has helped me every time.
  8. Hellenic SS

    Ask Satan Upgraded

    @Demonic Tech Can you help?
  9. Hellenic SS

    Ask Satan Upgraded

    I love the new design! Thank you @ApolloAbove [JG] , @Sonne and @Maelstrom !
  10. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Problems with my internet connection persist, I am sending this from my phone right now. It turns out I might have to change my router.
  11. Hellenic SS

    Memes by Hellenic SS

    Thank you, I will make more when I come up with more ideas!
  12. Hellenic SS

    Nikocado Avocado's weight loss should act as motivation for any overweight SS who are willing to...

    Nikocado Avocado's weight loss should act as motivation for any overweight SS who are willing to lose weight.
  13. Hellenic SS

    Astrology #43 Are you sure that was a good idea?

    I think that wearing a robot head should do the job, Saturn won't recognise you this way.
  14. Hellenic SS

    Agares [Argus Panoptes] Power Ritual

    I am glad to see the JoS purify itself even more, it was about time we honoured the Gods and Demons with their actual names and recognised them for who they truly are. I am tired of the stereotype of "Satanic jews".
  15. Hellenic SS

    Spiritual Satanism & Enemy "Religions": Here Answers Will Always Arrive

    Isn't it strange how every time you doubt the Gods you end up running back to them with more loyalty than before? This is something that xians and muslims can not relate to, as they either don't doubt their "religions" in their first place, or they are too afraid to analyse their doubts and...
  16. Hellenic SS

    "israel" - In case anyone missed it, International Court of Justice declares "israel"'s occupation illegal

    It looks like our rituals are doing their job once again!
  17. Hellenic SS

    JoS game?

    It's ok, I'm sure you can still be useful to the JoS in many other ways. Everyone has their place here and can contribute massively if they put work into it.
  18. Hellenic SS

    JoS game?

    I and a few other people have actually gathered to discuss how we're going to make this game, but we haven't began yet. If you are good at art or programming, you can join us too.
  19. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    No updates today because of technical issues. I hope I can deliver something tomorrow on Saturday.
  20. Hellenic SS

    Retrograde planets beginning September 1st

    I'm not sure.
  21. Hellenic SS

    Serenity Or Self-Suffering?

    Most "normal" people are depressed when they have to spend time with themselves. That's why they're always occupied with something and are usually found in large groups. This is a curse that SS do not have to bear, though we tend to forget this. Just take a look at the world around you and...
  22. Hellenic SS

    JoS game?

    Your idea for a movie is awesome! Though it would be much harder to execute than a video game, especially if it's live-action. Appearing in the movie with our real faces would put a huge target on our backs. It would also be much harder to advertise and the budget would have to be quite a big one.
  23. Hellenic SS

    Hail Aphrodite!

    Hail Aphrodite!
  24. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Changelog 5/9/24 Translated: Islamic Persecution of Hindus in Pakistan – Islamic Evil 21st Century Islamic Terrorism – France – Islamic Evil How Muslims Deceive – Part I – Islamic Evil How Muslims Deceive – Part II – Islamic Evil Dubai – Debauchery and Degeneracy – Islamic Evil Updated Δωρεές...
  25. Hellenic SS

    Mr tate is not satisfied about jews taking advantage of gentiles

    I think this is an effect of the RTRs. Tate is a puppet but he's not 100% controlled. The part of him that is not controlled is one of rebellion, and this is where the RTRs come to manifest. But other than that, Tate, Musk, and Trump are not to be trusted, but rather temporary allies.
  26. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Changelog 4/9/24 Translated: Islamic Evil – Showing the Truth about the Evils of Islamic Culture Blood Sacrifice in Islam – Islamic Evil Halal Exposed – Islamic Evil Incest in Islam – Islamic Evil Bestiality in Islam – Islamic Evil Updated: Ιστοσελίδες (satanismos.gr) Αστρολογία του Αζαζέλ...
  27. Hellenic SS

    So the Minecraft Movie went woke...

    So the Minecraft Movie went woke...
  28. Hellenic SS

    Blackpill-crushing videos

    Thank you for these!
  29. Hellenic SS

    Joy of Satan Starship 2 (Unreal Engine project)

    This looks like a full-fletched video game! I like how you included AI voices in the beginning for HPHC and HPS Lydia. My only nitpick is that the guy at 0:50 should say "Thank Satan" or "Thank the Gods" instead of "Thank god".
  30. Hellenic SS

    Art: Fighting Degeneracy, Venerating Beauty

    I understand your point given the context, but music has been attacked too. It has healed to an extent, but in my opinion the years 2016-2018 were the most direct attack against music and spirituality as a whole.
  31. Hellenic SS

    Retrograde planets beginning September 1st

    Jupiter retrograde is a period of luck and positive things, while Saturn retrograde is quite the opposite.
  32. Hellenic SS

    Μεταφράσεις Ανακοινώσεων Διακονίας

    Τέχνη: Πολεμώντας τον Εκφυλισμό, Τιμώντας την Ομορφιά Αρχιερέας Lydia Όταν ο Χίτλερ ήρθε στην εξουσία, ένα από τα πρώτα πράγματα που έκανε ήταν να κλείσει το Bauhaus, τη φρικτή σχολή μοντέρνας «τέχνης». Μπορείτε να αναζητήσετε στο διαδίκτυο το είδος της τέχνης που παρήγαγε αυτή η σχολή για να...
  33. Hellenic SS

    Art: Fighting Degeneracy, Venerating Beauty

    I totally agree. As a Greek, a statue of Apollo and an icon of a jewish saint have nothing in common.
  34. Hellenic SS

    Art: Fighting Degeneracy, Venerating Beauty

    With all this information accessible, ignorance is a mere choice. It only takes a bit of curiosity to find valuable information. One of the few examples of Satanic and genuine compassion in the Age of Pisces, is Adolf Hitler. He was a really kind man and you could see the spirituality in his...
  35. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Changelog 2/9/24 Translated: Islam and Female Genital Mutilation – Part I – Islamic Evil Islam and Female Genital Mutilation – Part II – Islamic Evil Islam and Male Genital Mutilation (Castration) – Islamic Evil
  36. Hellenic SS

    Τι είναι η "Κλίποθ"

    Είναι εβραϊκή μαγεία με το κάλυμμα του "Σατανισμού". Δεν έχει καμία πνευματική αξία, καθώς όχι μόνο επικαλείται εβραϊκές ενέργειες (λ.χ. αγγέλους), αλλά περιέχει και "επικλήσεις" Δαιμόνων οι οποίες είναι βλάσφημες προς Αυτούς και που, στην πραγματικότητα, δεσμεύουν ενεργειακά τους Δαίμονες.
  37. Hellenic SS

    New - Joy Of Satan Newsletter

    Keep up the great work @Larissa666 !
  38. Hellenic SS

    the BLACK SUN crop circle!

    This looks cool!
  39. Hellenic SS

    Brazil banned X.

    Brazil banned X.
  40. Hellenic SS

    Brazil Bans X

    Greetings everyone, Brazil recently banned X, and will fine those who use VPNs to access it with up to 8.800 USD. This now makes people in Brazil less likely to discover the JoS.
  41. Hellenic SS

    Μεταφράσεις Ανακοινώσεων Διακονίας

    Βοηθώντας τους Άλλους & Πότε να Προσφέρετε Βοήθεια Αρχιερέας Hooded Cobra 666 Είναι εξαιρετικά σημαντικό όταν θέλουμε να «βοηθήσουμε τους άλλους», να μπορούμε να τους βοηθήσουμε, αλλά κυρίως να μπορούμε να βοηθήσουμε πρώτα τον εαυτό μας. Αρκετοί Πνευματικοί Σατανιστές, ειδικά όσοι είναι νέοι...
  42. Hellenic SS

    When To Give Help & On "Helping Others"

    First-hand experience here; I've tried to help some people in real life, but they were already doomed by their own choices and actions. They initially had everything they needed, but chose to throw it out the window for approval by people of the lowest levels of existence. I was already...
  43. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Changelog 1/9/24 Translated: Necrophilia in Islam – Islamic Evil Islam, the Abrahamic Blood Death Cult: What Islam Really Is [Hp. Hoodedcobra666] – Islamic Evil
  44. Hellenic SS

    About Enemy Symbols

    It could be a stolen and corrupted version of it, but I'm not certain either.
  45. Hellenic SS

    Memes by Hellenic SS

    But that was 8 months ago.
  46. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Changelog 31/8/24 Updated: ΣΑΤΑΝΑΣ (satanismos.gr) Σατανάς: Αναφορά της Αρχιερέα Maxine (satanismos.gr) Βιβλιοθήκη του Σατανά (satanismos.gr) Εκθέτοντας τον Χριστιανισμό (satanismos.gr) Εκθέτοντας την Καμπάλα (satanismos.gr) Ο Μαύρος Ήλιος 666 (satanismos.gr) Τρίτο Ράιχ και Σατανισμός...
  47. Hellenic SS

    Song about SATAN NEW VERSION

    You're welcome!
  48. Hellenic SS

    About Enemy Symbols

    I was being ironic.
  49. Hellenic SS

    About Enemy Symbols

    Would you meditate on a hexagram?
  50. Hellenic SS

    New memes thread: https://www.ancient-forums.com/threads/memes-by-hellenic-ss.292044/

    New memes thread: https://www.ancient-forums.com/threads/memes-by-hellenic-ss.292044/
  51. Hellenic SS

    Song about SATAN NEW VERSION

    Love it, but the intro is way too long.
  52. Hellenic SS

    Memes by Hellenic SS

    Thank you AFODO, I will post more soon.
  53. Hellenic SS

    About Enemy Symbols

    When you see a Swastika, you think of Nazi Germany. When you see a hexagram, you think of Israel. The latter may have been Satanic 3.000 years ago, but it has been infested with jewish energies that I, at least, would not want to invoke or evoke. It may be an exaggeration for now, but that's...
  54. Hellenic SS

    An Artwork dedicated to the Clergy

    Just search "Kabbalah" on Google.
  55. Hellenic SS

    Memes by Hellenic SS

    Greetings everyone, in this thread I will be posting memes that you can use for Outreach. I made these using Imgflip.
  56. Hellenic SS

    About Enemy Symbols

    Over the past few months, I have seen some people try to justify the use of enemy symbols. While some of them are indeed stolen and used to be Satanic 3.000 years ago, trying to implementing them into Spiritual Satanism is of no use. I have seen people ignore spiritual advancement and opt for...
  57. Hellenic SS

    An Artwork dedicated to the Clergy

    This is the map of the jewish soul...
  58. Hellenic SS

    Love - a poem for Lady Astaroth

    Hail Goddess Astarte!
  59. Hellenic SS

    An Artwork dedicated to the Clergy

    I can not see the image when I open the link.
  60. Hellenic SS

    Anubis - drawing by DarkAries

    Looks great, but isn't Anubis White?
  61. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Changelog 30/8/24 Translated Περισσότερες Πληροφορίες Updated Τελετή Αφιέρωσης στον Σατανά
  62. Hellenic SS


    Μπορεί να βοηθήσει η μυρωδιά στο να χαλαρώσεις, αλλά πρέπει να είσαι προσεκτικός/ή με το θυμίαμα που θα επιλέξεις. Θυμιάματα
  63. Hellenic SS


    Καλησπέρα, θα σου πρότεινα να κάνεις κάποια από τα παρακάτω: Καθαρισμός Αύρας - Καθαρίζει την ψυχή σε επιφανειακό επίπεδο, στο οποίο όμως προσκολλούνται πολλές αρνητικές ενέργειες και επιρροές από την καθημερινότητα και την επαφή με άλλους ανθρώπους. Θα πρέπει να γίνεται καθημερινά, αλλά και 5...
  64. Hellenic SS

    JoS Websites Editorial Check Thread

    In the ex-muslim version of the Dedication Ritual: I renounce the false Judeo-Christian false god “Allah” should be I renounce the false god "Allah"
  65. Hellenic SS

    I can't thank father Satan enough

    The Gods are always there for their disciples.
  66. Hellenic SS

    People for JoS Visual Project Needed!

    Any artists who would like to participate? @Quercus @DarkAries @Scorpio @Aarti @TruthSeekerXX @libra_sun_rising
  67. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Changelog 29/8/24 Updated: Τελετουργίες του Σατανά (satanismos.gr) ΣΑΤΑΝΑΣ (satanismos.gr) Σατανική Ηθική (satanismos.gr) Τελετή Αφιέρωσης στον Σατανά (satanismos.gr)
  68. Hellenic SS

    The colors of father Satan

    Looks really cool!
  69. Hellenic SS


    Κάποια στιγμή μέσα στο έτος θα γίνει αναδιοργάνωση της ενότητας των Δαιμόνων στην ιστοσελίδα της Χαράς του Σατανά. Εκεί πιθανόν να συμπεριλαμβάνονται κι άλλοι Δαίμονες, αλλά δεν μπορώ να γνωρίζω ακόμη.
  70. Hellenic SS

    Azazel medal - paracord by DarkAries

    I'm excited to see your future crafts!
  71. Hellenic SS


    Καλησπέρα, οι Δαίμονες είναι περισσότεροι από 72. Ο αριθμός αυτός προήλθε από την εβραϊκή "Δαιμονολογία", η οποία είχε ως στόχο να απεικονίσει βλάσφημα τους Δαίμονες και να τους καταραστεί. Η Χαρά του Σατανά έχει αντιστρέψει αυτές τις βλασφημίες και συνεχίζει να το κάνει. Ο αριθμός 72...
  72. Hellenic SS

    For the men

    Doing great, tough times ahead but I'm ready for them.
  73. Hellenic SS

    Links for Whites

  74. Hellenic SS

    Song about Satan

    This sounds really cool! The lyrics are meaningful too. You have a lot of potential!
  75. Hellenic SS

    Pandemonium - oil painting by DarkAries

    Really impressive, this must have taken a lot of patience!
  76. Hellenic SS


    I really love the electric blue you used for the armband on his left arm!
  77. Hellenic SS

    Lady Maat

    Just saw this, it's incredible!
  78. Hellenic SS

    Satan's Palace (Unreal Engine project)

    Satan Summoning His Legions has to be my favourite.
  79. Hellenic SS

    Satanic guide to Weight Training

    This is a great guide for beginners. Physical exercise should not be neglected.
  80. Hellenic SS

    Using Venus for spiritual pursuits?

    The Venus square, especially the spiritual version, helps with balancing female energies in the soul, among other things. The upper (female) chakras are related to spirituality, and women are generally more spiritual than men. So, in a sense, the Venus square does help with spirituality, and...
  81. Hellenic SS

    About Hope and Peace

    This deserves more recognition, it's great to see my neighbours help fellow SS.
  82. Hellenic SS

    The Italian State: A proof Christianity DID NOT unite Gentiles in the Middle Ages

    Similarly, the Greek people have suffered tremendously under xianity. The lie of xianity first started spreading in Hellenic soil, while the early xian emperors (4th-6th centuries) killed millions of Greeks and destroyed hundreds of temples and libraries. The "Hagia Sophia" that Greeks like to...
  83. Hellenic SS

    I found out that my best friend is Jewish.

    Same can be said for Greeks and Turks, Roman noses are quite common. There's always a variety of factors one has to take into consideration to truly identify a jew, unless it's in their last name of course.
  84. Hellenic SS

    I found out that my best friend is Jewish.

    While I agree with most of your points, having a Gentile mother doesn't make you a Gentile if your father is a jew. It's about the blood.
  85. Hellenic SS


    Με μεγάλη χαρά ανακοινώνω ότι η Αστρολογία του Αζαζέλ είναι πλέον διαθέσιμη και στα Ελληνικά!
  86. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    JoS Astro Progress Report 5 en.js aspects_info.json astro_degrees_desc.json body_aspects_info.json elements_info.json fixed_stars_info.json genders.json houses_info.json houses_modalities.json lunar_points_info.json planetary_configurations_info.json planets_in_houses.json...
  87. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Changelog 28/8/24 Translated the rest of JoS Astro (Finished!) Updated: Βιβλιοθήκη του Σατανά (satanismos.gr) Τελετουργίες του Σατανά (satanismos.gr)
  88. Hellenic SS

    Πώς να Αρχίσω με την Μαγεία

    Όλες αυτές οι απεικονίσεις του Σατανά και του Σατανισμού είναι χλευαστικές και δεν αντιπροσωπεύουν τον Σατανά. Κάποιες είναι απλώς αντίδραση στον χριστιανισμό, ενώ άλλες είναι δημιουργημένες για να παραπλανήσουν τον κόσμο.
  89. Hellenic SS

    Πώς να Αρχίσω με την Μαγεία

    Καλησπέρα, χαιρόμαστε για το ενδιαφέρον σου για τον Σατανισμό, τον πνευματισμό και την μαγεία. Ο Πνευματικός Σατανισμός διαφέρει από τις άλλες μορφές του Σατανισμού, με την ειδοποιό διαφορά ότι αναγνωρίζει τον Σατανά και τους Αρχαίους Θεούς ως πραγματικές οντότητες που υπήρξαν στην Γη και όχι ως...
  90. Hellenic SS

    Nuovo gestore della Biblioteca di Satana e del sito; nuovi traduttori dei post di Guerra Spirituale e Rituali degli Dèi

    Sono felice di vedere i miei fratelli e sorelle Italiani diventare fari di luce per il JoS. Ave Satanas!
  91. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Changelog 27/8/24 Translated part of JoS Astro (Should be complete by September) Updated: Τελετουργίες του Σατανά (satanismos.gr) (Big update, more coming soon) Βιβλιοθήκη του Σατανά (satanismos.gr) Ιστοσελίδες (satanismos.gr) Σημαντική Ενημέρωση (satanismos.gr) Στρατός της Κολάσεως 666...
  92. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    New changelog tomorrow...
  93. Hellenic SS

    Μεταφράσεις Ανακοινώσεων Διακονίας

    Πώς να προοδεύσετε ταχύτερα: Παράδειγμα Καθαρισμού της Ψυχής Αρχιερέας Hooded Cobra 666 Υπάρχουν τρεις κατηγορίες SS: Αυτοί που δεν κάνουν τίποτα (Πρέπει να αποφεύγονται), αυτοί που κάνουν πάρα πολλά και μπορούν να καούν (Πρέπει να αποφεύγονται) και αυτοί που κάνουν ό,τι είναι καλό σύμφωνα με...
  94. Hellenic SS

    Μεταφράσεις Ανακοινώσεων Διακονίας

    Πότε Πραγματικά γίνεσαι Πνευματικός Σατανιστής; Αρχιερέας Hooded Cobra 666 Πολλοί άνθρωποι φαίνεται να πιστεύουν λανθασμένα ότι όταν Αφιερώνεσαι, τότε είσαι ένας «Αφιερωμένος Πνευματικός Σατανιστής». Ο Πνευματικός Σατανισμός είναι ένα μεταμορφωτικό μονοπάτι. Όταν αφοσιώνεστε, είστε σχεδόν το...
  95. Hellenic SS

    Μεταφράσεις Ανακοινώσεων Διακονίας

    Βοήθεια από τους Θεούς: Αλλάζοντας Πορεία Αρχιερέας Hooded Cobra 666 Τώρα θέλω να γράψω ένα σύντομο μήνυμα εδώ. Υπάρχουν μερικοί άνθρωποι που κάνουν ορισμένες συμφωνίες με τους Θεούς. Οι Θεοί σχεδόν σε κάθε περίπτωση, αν η συμφωνία συμφωνηθεί από αυτούς, θα την ακολουθήσουν πλήρως. Αλλά...
  96. Hellenic SS

    How To Advance Faster: Example of Cleaning The Soul

    I have the opposite side of this problem. I did too much work in my personal life and for the JoS that I stayed behind in meditations. I'm now focusing on my soul, though this doesn't mean I'll cut everything else.
  97. Hellenic SS

    When Do You Truly Become A Spiritual Satanist?

    I had an opportunity some years ago and I'm glad I took it. I may have doubted its value many times, but in the end I'm always grateful for it. I would not be who I am today if I had given up, or if my environment hadn't pushed me to do better. I can only thank the Gods for the rays of light...
  98. Hellenic SS

    Help From The Gods: Changing Course

    Thank you for this sermon, this came as confirmation for the immense work I've done this last year, with a lot of it being for the JoS, while the rest being the application of its teachings in my personal life. Most of the time, I had to take a risk and transcend my limitations, while the Gods...
  99. Hellenic SS

    JoS Activism - "Moodboard"

    The description "written in 1871" is misleading.
  100. Hellenic SS

    Probably German, considering the last name "Dietrich" is German.

    Probably German, considering the last name "Dietrich" is German.
  101. Hellenic SS

    African and Caribbean Unity in Satan?

    Yes, but even the Greeks are starting to wake up to the lie of xianity. The Greeks have been among the most loyal goyim ever since the 5th Century, but now we are finally returning to the Gods.
  102. Hellenic SS

    You're not annoying, we're all glad to have you here. We appreciate your help.

    You're not annoying, we're all glad to have you here. We appreciate your help.
  103. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    JoS Astro Progress Report 4 Bold: Being worked on Red: Done en.js aspects_info.json astro_degrees_desc.json body_aspects_info.json elements_info.json fixed_stars_info.json genders.json houses_info.json houses_modalities.json lunar_points_info.json planetary_configurations_info.json...
  104. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Changelog 20/8/24 Translated part of JoS Astro Updated https://satanismos.gr/Satanic_Sermons.html
  105. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Changelog 19/8/24 Translated part of JoS Astro Updated Ιστοσελίδες (satanismos.gr) Translated Ανάδρομος Ερμής (satanismos.gr)
  106. Hellenic SS

    Μεταφράσεις Ανακοινώσεων Διακονίας

    Καθοδήγηση & Γνώση της Διδασκαλίας Αρχιερέας Hooded Cobra 666 Ορισμένοι SS έχουν τη δυνατότητα να διδάξουν και αυτό είναι πολύ καλό. Αλλά η διδασκαλία σημαίνει πρώτα ότι κάποιος έχει τουλάχιστον μια καλή κατανόηση ενός θέματος. Θέλουμε να φτιάξουμε αυτές τις προσωπικότητες και να βεβαιωθούμε...
  107. Hellenic SS

    Mentorship & Knowing To Teach

    Speaking of false mentors, I have seen people who are still influenced by the kinds of "Andrew Tate" on a subconscious level, and they are the most toxic cowards one can find in modern society. We thought masculinity and chivalry died with leftism, but it was "toxic masculinity" that delivered...
  108. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    JoS Astro Progress Report 3 Bold: Being worked on Red: Done en.js aspects_info.json astro_degrees_desc.json body_aspects_info.json elements_info.json fixed_stars_info.json genders.json houses_info.json houses_modalities.json lunar_points_info.json planetary_configurations_info.json...
  109. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Also fixed the Home page
  110. Hellenic SS

    "Free Will" & False Resistance Of Humans Against the Gods

    Plus many slave owners in America, especially the richer ones, were jews.
  111. Hellenic SS

    Μεταφράσεις Ανακοινώσεων Διακονίας

    "Ελεύθερη Βούληση" και Λανθασμένη Αντίσταση των Ανθρώπων στους Θεούς Αρχιερέας Hooded Cobra 666 Πολλοί άνθρωποι εκεί έξω νομίζουν ότι έχουν «Ελεύθερη βούληση». Η πραγματικότητα είναι ότι γεννιέστε σε μια κατάσταση που μοιάζει με σκλαβιά, με άγνοια και μαζικές πιέσεις που σας βυθίζουν από όλες...
  112. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Changelog 18/8/24 Translated part of JoS Astro Small fix in Σατανικοί Διαλογισμοί (satanismos.gr)
  113. Hellenic SS

    "Free Will" & False Resistance Of Humans Against the Gods

    I always found it funny how xians brag about "free will". They have so much free will that they defend their bible at every cost, never taking a moment to think why they're defending it. Not that they've read it in the first place, unless you count bible quotes they've seen in Instagram girls'...
  114. Hellenic SS


  115. Hellenic SS


    Το ότι η Βίβλος περιέχει κλεμμένα αποσπάσματα, αλληγορίες, χαρακτήρες κτλ, είναι ο βαθύτερος λόγος που ο κόσμος δυσκολεύεται σε ψυχικό επίπεδο να αποτινάξει πλήρως τον χριστιανισμό.
  116. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Changelog 17/8/24 Translated part of JoS Astro Fixed the Home page Fixed the order of meditations in Σατανικοί Διαλογισμοί (satanismos.gr) Translated with DeepL: Σελήνη: Ζώδια, Οίκοι και Όψεις (satanismos.gr) Ερμής: Ζώδια, Οίκοι και Όψεις (satanismos.gr) Αφροδίτη: Ζώδια, Οίκοι και Όψεις...
  117. Hellenic SS

    HPS Maxine is White.

    HPS Maxine is White.
  118. Hellenic SS

    Great to hear! Though keep in mind that not all days will be like this. Don't feel disappointed...

    Great to hear! Though keep in mind that not all days will be like this. Don't feel disappointed when you can't get everything done sometimes.
  119. Hellenic SS

    Satan's Palace (Unreal Engine project)

    This is awesome, I love the vibrant JoS logo! Also the fact that you can kill enemy aliens makes this seem like a full-fletched game.
  120. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Changelog 16/8/24 Translated with DeepL: Προεξέχων Ποσειδώνας (satanismos.gr) Ανάδρομοι Πλανήτες (satanismos.gr) Συναστρία και Σχέσεις (satanismos.gr) Διελεύσεις Πλούτωνα (satanismos.gr)
  121. Hellenic SS

    Israel is collapsing, economy collapsed

    This year has been catastrophic for the jews. Let's keep it this way. https://josrituals.org/ritual/rtr/curse-israel-genesis-122-3.html https://josrituals.org/ritual/rtr/terminating-jewish-financial-control-2.html
  122. Hellenic SS

    Israel is collapsing, economy collapsed

    It's easier to stop a revolt if all the revolutionaries are in the same area. But if they spread out and hide, it will take a while to find all of them, and that's wishful thinking.
  123. Hellenic SS

    I made a very nice ROCK song.

    Loved it, especially the intro!
  124. Hellenic SS

    Γειά σας

    Καλημέρα, χαιρόμαστε για το ενδιαφέρον σου για τον Σατανισμό! Προς το παρόν θα σου πρότεινα να αφήσεις στην άκρη τα όποια στερεότυπα και αντιλήψεις για τον Σατανά, τους Δαίμονες και τον Σατανισμό. Η πραγματικότητα είναι ότι ο Σατανάς και οι Δαίμονες είναι οι Αρχαίοι Θεοί μας και δεν έχουν σχέση...
  125. Hellenic SS

    Hackers leak 2.7 billion data records with Social Security numbers

    Every SS should take cyber-security seriously. Some basic suggestions: 1) Buy a phone case with a slide for the back camera. 2) Cover your front camera with a piece of paper and keep it in place with tape. You can put part of the tape under the case so that it holds it in place. 3) Avoid cloud...
  126. Hellenic SS

    Been Using VRchat as a Base

    As others have stated, this is not a good idea for promoting the JoS. You can contact @NakedPluto [JG] and ask him how you can help with Outreach, as this is much more effective and less time-consuming. I also suggest you report that JoS group to a JG or HP Cobra himself, as it is more than...
  127. Hellenic SS

    African and Caribbean Unity in Satan?

    This is an interesting point you are raising; this would require an extensive Outreach campaign aimed towards Blacks (not sure whether there is one already), as well as a strong and diplomatic Black Satanic leader. There are, however, 3 main problems such a figure would face: 1) Geographical &...
  128. Hellenic SS

    About the other races.

    Unfortunately, war is war. Innocent people have to be dislocated or even face death for either side to win. Our side can not afford to lose, as this would mean our total annihilation. It's not Blacks or Middle-Easterners themselves that are the problem, but rather their vile ignorance, usually...
  129. Hellenic SS

    Ode to Satan - Poem #1

    Nice, compact, and short, I like this style of writing!
  130. Hellenic SS

    Gnosticism is another jewish program. https://kabbalahexposed.com/HitlerFreemasonry.html

    Gnosticism is another jewish program. https://kabbalahexposed.com/HitlerFreemasonry.html
  131. Hellenic SS

    Can you marry Jews?

    There was once a guy who said he needed help with masturbating 21 times a day... he was obviously trolling and everyone caught on that. He left the Forums soon after. On a more serious note, these people are only a small minority and have no negative influence on us, since our JG's do their...
  132. Hellenic SS

    Is there any power in shapes?

    I've seen it in some depictions of the Baphomet, though that is from non-JoS sources. I suppose it has some connection to the Sun and Azazel (since it's the number 7), but I can not guarantee this.
  133. Hellenic SS

    JoS game?

    Thank you for your advice. Perhaps we should work with simpler tools as to save time and effort. This would be too much I believe, and we would have to draw funding either from our own pockets or from the JoS, and honestly neither sound good for a project that may not even succeed. My idea is to...
  134. Hellenic SS

    Is there any power in shapes?

    I firmly believe that shapes have an effect, whether that be conscious or subconscious. The example of the cube relates to Saturn and the material reality of this world. Many people are deluded to this, and believe that the jews actually worship Saturn/Satan. In reality, they're just exploiting...
  135. Hellenic SS

    I believe this is also a connection to the 5th chakra, as it is the chakra of communication...

    I believe this is also a connection to the 5th chakra, as it is the chakra of communication (Thoth), and Thoth is depicted with a bird head.
  136. Hellenic SS

    I've noticed that when I have a vibrant and positive aura, I inspire others to improve...

    I've noticed that when I have a vibrant and positive aura, I inspire others to improve themselves and enjoy life. This is something everyone can do, but Spiritual Satanists have an advantage and put work into it. We really stand out.
  137. Hellenic SS

    While there surely are wonders that we have yet to uncover, the images look fake. Don't believe...

    While there surely are wonders that we have yet to uncover, the images look fake. Don't believe everything you see.
  138. Hellenic SS

    The second picture looks edited to me.

    The second picture looks edited to me.
  139. Hellenic SS


  140. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Changelog 13/8/24 Updated: The favicon for Τελετουργίες του Σατανά (satanismos.gr) (it now matches the English site) Μοίρες και Απλανείς Αστέρες (satanismos.gr) (specifically the image with the elements) Manually translated the rest of the home page of Εκθέτοντας την Καμπάλα (satanismos.gr)...
  141. Hellenic SS

    JoS game?

    Awesome, I will provide you with ideas for the visual novel when I find the time for that.
  142. Hellenic SS

    Μεταφράσεις Ανακοινώσεων Διακονίας

    Εμμονές: Απεξάρτηση, Εξάχνωση, Διαχείριση Αρχιερέας Lydia Σκορπιός, το ζώδιο του αποκρυφισμού... αλλά και των εμμονών. Πολλά μέλη έχουν αυτό το ζώδιο, ή άλλες όψεις στο γενέθλιο χάρτη σας, που προκαλούν εμμονές. Ένας άλλος παράγοντας είναι τα ξόρκια, η μαγεία που προκαλείται από τον εχθρό...
  143. Hellenic SS

    Μεταφράσεις Ανακοινώσεων Διακονίας

    Σχετικά με τον Απύθμενο Λάκκο της Ηλιθιότητας· ΜΗΝ μπείτε μέσα Αρχιερέας Hooded Cobra 666 Το ανθρώπινο είδος, παρόλο που δημιουργεί πολλές αυταπάτες για τον εαυτό του [ανοίξτε τα μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης για αυτό], εξακολουθεί να μην είναι από τη φύση του πολύ έξυπνο. Προσπαθώ να είμαι...
  144. Hellenic SS

    JoS game?

    I'm glad to have inspired you, though I suggest you emphasise on translations for now and leave the visual novel for later. This will also give you time to gather ideas and decide which ones to work on instead of changing things as you work. I can help with the dialogue, story/plot, as well as...
  145. Hellenic SS

    Is there actually a Dutch forum?

    If there are other Dutch members, you can contact a High Priest and ask them to make a Dutch subforum. Ideally, there should be more than a handful of Dutch people for a subforum to be made.
  146. Hellenic SS

    Above crown Chakra

    I remember reading that the jews only have the lower 3 chakras and the Crown chakra. This could be outdated information though, so don't take it for granted.
  147. Hellenic SS

    Obsessions: Detach, Sublimate, Manage

    I'm glad to finally be able to say I've conquered my negative obsessions. There is still a lot of work and cleaning to be done, but the hardest part is now in the past. These next few years will be a period of cleaning and purification of my mind and soul. Thank you for this sermon HPS Lydia!
  148. Hellenic SS

    JoS game?

    That's also great, but the artwork, backgrounds, and sprites would take up most of the time, especially if we include animated media. You're right. That's true, we have more important things to do. I've seen it used in some games and yes, I do consider it a good engine, though I'm not an expert.
  149. Hellenic SS

    JoS game?

    Greetings everyone, I have been considering the idea of a video game that would promote spirituality. This, along with the existing advertisement from Outreach, could lead many young people to the JoS. Personally, I have neither the skills required for game development, nor the time to learn...
  150. Hellenic SS

    Polish Translation Thread

    Contact @The Alchemist7 [JG] and ask him how you can help.
  151. Hellenic SS

    About the Bottomless Pit Of Stupidity: Do NOT Get In

    Stupidity has always been used by the enemy against us; whether that be emotional manipulation, false religions, poisonous ideologies, or even the media and "brainrot". Isn't it strange how people who waste their youth, end up becoming "faithful christians" in their 50's, or even a few months...
  152. Hellenic SS

    Above crown Chakra

    Great, keep it up and you will feel the difference in your every-day life.
  153. Hellenic SS

    Above crown Chakra

    Sounds good to me!
  154. Hellenic SS

    I find that this attitude of mine can be uncaring towards Father Satan

    Past-life regression is a process best left for advanced stages. I consider myself not ready for it, though I have an idea of what I may have been in the past. I'd say it's best to start noting behavioral and spiritual patterns in your life, as these are great signs of your spiritual essence and...
  155. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Changelog 11/8/24 Updated: The Home page Δωρεές (satanismos.gr) Created Διαβάστε Περισσότερα (satanismos.gr) Fixed favicons
  156. Hellenic SS

    Μεταφράσεις Ανακοινώσεων Διακονίας

    Πλατφόρμα Δωρητών της Χαράς του Σατανά· ΤΩΡΑ ΖΩΝΤΑΝΑ! Αρχιερέας Hooded Cobra 666 ΑΠΑΙΤΉΣΕΙΣ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΕΓΓΡΑΦΉ: 1. Δωρεές οποιουδήποτε ποσού [με απόδειξη] - Εάν δεν υπάρχει καταχωρημένο e-mail στη λίστα δωρητών [εάν κάποιος δεν έχει κάνει δωρεά] δεν μπορεί να γίνει δεκτός. 2. Υπηρεσία που...
  157. Hellenic SS

    Μεταφράσεις Ανακοινώσεων Διακονίας

    Πόλεμος Ισραήλ - Παλαιστίνης και Πόλεμος με το Ιράν: Γιατί είμαι "κακός" με τα Στατιστικά Αρχιερέας Hooded Cobra 666 Το Ισραήλ συνολικά, αν πιστέψει κανείς ακόμη και τους επίσημους αριθμούς, έχει σκοτώσει αδιακρίτως 40 χιλιάδες ανθρώπους. Απλά βομβαρδίζουν τους πάντες, "αεροπορικές...
  158. Hellenic SS

    Μεταφράσεις Ανακοινώσεων Διακονίας

    Ενημέρωση για τα Σχέδια του Εχθρού· Σχετικά με το τι έρχεται Αρχιερέας Hooded Cobra 666 Σε αυτή την ενημέρωση έχω καλά και κακά νέα. Θα ξεκινήσω από τα κακά νέα. Πριν τα μοιραστώ, θέλω να υπενθυμίσω σε όλους ότι οι μυημένοι άνθρωποι του Σατανά και των Θεών θα προστατεύονται ό,τι κι αν συμβεί...
  159. Hellenic SS

    Clock - A poem for Lord Malphas

    A very thought-provoking poem, but this is my favourite part.
  160. Hellenic SS

    Above crown Chakra

    Greetings, I suppose you're asking whether you can send energy to Satan through your Crown chakra using his sigil; yes, you can.
  161. Hellenic SS

    Question about national socialism

    His love of animals and nature was also unmatched, today's freemason politicians allow their land to be burnt for windmills.
  162. Hellenic SS

    The Joy of Satan Donor Platform Is NOW LIVE! [Update 2]

    I would like to point out that there is a typo in the "Joy of Satan Donor's Platform Beta Version is Now LIVE!" paragraph. It's in the first sentence of the first paragraph: "In this brand new Joy of Satan platforms [...]"
  163. Hellenic SS

    They also call 666 an "angelic number".

    They also call 666 an "angelic number".
  164. Hellenic SS

    I want to fuck the creator

    Reminds me of that guy who once said he needs help with masturbating 21 times a day...
  165. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Also updated the name of https://satanismos.gr/JLinks.html and all references to it across all our sites
  166. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Changelog 10/8/24 Updated the home pages of all our sites (reverted certain changes)
  167. Hellenic SS

    Question about national socialism

    It is ok as long as you feel comfortable with saying it. It helps create a connection with our Fuhrer, much like Demon sigils. Just make sure not to use it in public or in any way that will affect your reputation, as Spiritual Satanists must gain respectable and influential positions in...
  168. Hellenic SS

    Thank you, I wish the same to you and all our SS brothers and sisters.

    Thank you, I wish the same to you and all our SS brothers and sisters.
  169. Hellenic SS

    A.i music ( of my prayer to alastor)

    I believe that it would sound much better if someone read this aloud, the AI voice really waters it down. I like the instrumental though.
  170. Hellenic SS

    From now on, I will not be as active as I used to be. I will still log in and check my mail...

    From now on, I will not be as active as I used to be. I will still log in and check my mail every day, and I will be replying to all DM's and e-mails. I will also be replying to posts in specific subforums when I find the time. I will continue with translations and moderating the Greek subforum.
  171. Hellenic SS

    The Swastika in the image attached in the article says a lot.

    The Swastika in the image attached in the article says a lot.
  172. Hellenic SS

    "Fake Satanism" is as much of an obstacle to spiritual advancement as xianity is. Both produce...

    "Fake Satanism" is as much of an obstacle to spiritual advancement as xianity is. Both produce delusional and suicidal slaves. The depictions of Satan, the Demons, and the occult in the media are honestly sickening once you have advanced after a certain point. This reminds me of HPS Maxine's...
  173. Hellenic SS

    Israel - Palestine & Iran War: Why I am Evil With Statistics

    Blood is what they want, and blood is what they'll get, but it will not be ours. Let them die from their own stupidity, while we advance the cause from behind the scenes. Outreach is going well from what I know, and I am excited to see the people around me find the JoS.
  174. Hellenic SS

    The Joy of Satan Donor Platform Is NOW LIVE! [Update 2]

    Thank you for this new platform! It's modern and secure, just like Islamic Evil. We are indeed entering a new age.
  175. Hellenic SS

    Enemy Planning Update: About Things That Are To Come

    You don't actually want WW3, trust me.
  176. Hellenic SS

    Enemy Planning Update: About Things That Are To Come

    It's frustrating to see how cucked people are, they whine about israel doing whatever it wants but they defend jewsus and the holohoax at every cost. And then we all pay for their stupidity.
  177. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Changelog 1/8/24 Various fixes (Changelogs will pause for a week)
  178. Hellenic SS

    It's annoying finding out there's a jew in every band, especially when it's a song you actually...

    It's annoying finding out there's a jew in every band, especially when it's a song you actually like.
  179. Hellenic SS

    Are Jews spiteful?

    Living with no purpose or goals is quite depressing. You don't wanna be like them.
  180. Hellenic SS


    Take this with a grain of salt, but the "ΠΤΑΧ" is probably related to "Ptah".
  181. Hellenic SS

    Μεταφράσεις Ανακοινώσεων Διακονίας

    Ευτυχισμένη Λούνασα! Αρχιερέας Lydia Χρόνια πολλά σε όλους τους Πνευματικούς Σατανιστές! Αυτή η γιορτή δεν είναι παραδοσιακά ευθυγραμμισμένη με τον Ήλιο, είναι μια πολιτιστική γιορτή με ημερολογιακή ημερομηνία, που γιορτάζεται την 1η Αυγούστου. Από το ημερολόγιό μας: «Η Λούνασα, που πήρε...
  182. Hellenic SS

    Happy Lughnasadh!

    Thank you HPS Lydia! I was actually waiting for Lughnasadh, as it is Azazel's day and Azazel is my GD. I also feel closer to this holiday because of my bloodline's agricultural history.
  183. Hellenic SS


    Alastor's ritual helped me get through a hard period I was facing lately, it was a burst of energy and confidence that I really needed. Thank you for the rituals, I'm excited to do Mulciber's.
  184. Hellenic SS

    Greek Translation Thread

    Changelog 31/7/24 Fixed various structural errors in Kabbalah Exposed Updated Σατανικοί Διαλογισμοί (satanismos.gr) Translated the rest of Βοήθεια από τους Θεούς μας (satanismos.gr)
  185. Hellenic SS

    Beautiful drawing! I wish communism never corrupted the sickle.

    Beautiful drawing! I wish communism never corrupted the sickle.
  186. Hellenic SS

    Hamas leader.

    I think Iran has genuine intentions, but they are held back by islam.
  187. Hellenic SS

    Joy of Satan Ride 2 (Unreal Engine project)

    I have an idea; you can make a videogame with spiritual themes. For example, you can unlock a new level when you unlock a new chakra, with the first level being the Base chakra and the last being the Crown chakra. Perhaps you can add enemies such as reptilians, greys, and even angels as you...
  188. Hellenic SS

    Misery defined in one screenshot.

    Misery defined in one screenshot.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
