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  1. NetemPtah

    After a lot of time, I find my recent Venus material square, performed to attract money, getting...

    After a lot of time, I find my recent Venus material square, performed to attract money, getting easier. I asked Satan for a sign. And I had many sources coming my way, with the message that a karma is concluded. Coincidences where small amounts of money are coming -even if not directly to me-...
  2. NetemPtah

    I'm tired

    Your words here move me. This is so true. What has happened to me this period with money workings, it never happened before. I see how my karma here is strong. My pain is completely gone now. I feel blessed because I have the instructions to continue. This is truly making me stronger, my mind...
  3. NetemPtah

    I'm tired

    True. It was a very stressful period, so I didn't double check the calendar that day. I have already read each of the sources you cited multiple, multiple, multiple times. I had a breakdown after months, many failures and unfortunately an objective difficulty. I see people going down for a lot...
  4. NetemPtah

    Other #76395 My purpose

    Ask yourself what you are lacking in, whether material, mental, or spiritual. Often we already know the answer, and the real problem is understanding how to achieve it; the journey often scares us, and in search of immediate gratification we forget about our true goals, which (the truth is)...
  5. NetemPtah

    The Gods #76394 Why I'm i not able to contact demons ?

    Work a lot on your soul. Constant purification. Constant opening of the chakras and empowerment. This is the only truth.
  6. NetemPtah

    Health #76391 How do I feel better about myself..?

    Find a purpose and pursue it. Hating yourself is mainly about self-confidence. If you don't match, as a person, what you consider admirable to be, you won't love yourself or be confident about yourself. What would you base this love, this self-esteem on? This is why many New Agers, professing...
  7. NetemPtah

    I'm tired

    Thanks for answering me. The pain is still here, deep and strong. But I told myself that if a year is not enough, 2 will be. Making money, having a company, I deeply feel like it's in my fate, and I feel that fulfilling this desire is nurturing me, my future spiritual path, my studies, and...
  8. NetemPtah

    I'm tired

    After 3 months of hard work to attract money, spiritual and material (12-14 hours of marketing study) I discover today that the solar magic square I performed had a wrong pronunciation (Surya instead of Surya-yay), which the work spiritual (lakhshmi) I started on January 9th it was started in...
  9. NetemPtah

    A good date today to start a mental reprogramming working?

    Thank you. Honestly, I had a slight "conflict" feeling about what I was writing, only while writing it. I thought that was a sign. Today for the first time, and then you give me this answer. Hail Satan!
  10. NetemPtah

    A good date today to start a mental reprogramming working?

    Hello everyone. I am already working spiritually for money; in fact I have completed the first 100 days, and I will continue for at least a year in 90 day cycles for each working. Along with this, I am doing 12-16 hours of mass repetition of money related information. Recommended by a...
  11. NetemPtah

    Sweating & Energy Work

    Interesting. Thank you.
  12. NetemPtah

    Sweating & Energy Work

    I experience this all the time too. Especially when I visualize my aura filled with powerful solar energy, in a deep trance. Sometimes it becomes unbearable. In my opinion it is a reaction that can arise from working with fire energy - in my case it is sharpened by visualizing and applying solar...
  13. NetemPtah

    I want(ed) to k*ll my father

    So happy to read this! I am so happy for you! You will heal beautifully.
  14. NetemPtah

    I want(ed) to k*ll my father

    Because you shouldn't. In many cases, revenge is spiritually necessary, and is part of the system of spiritual justice by which a soul is purified and healed. Apathy and ignorance of the evil done are not human, and not proceeding with revenge still indicates an emotional dependence. Direct all...
  15. NetemPtah

    I want(ed) to k*ll my father

    This is beautiful. May the Gods bless and heal your soul.
  16. NetemPtah

    I want(ed) to k*ll my father

    Exactly. But you should control your actions. This for your own safety and, in some cases, reputation or even strategy. In life, you should think strategically, especially when dealing with evil or stupid/ignorant people. 1 intelligent person cannot win in a room full of stupid people: his...
  17. NetemPtah

    I want(ed) to k*ll my father

    If a bad person entered your life is your problem. This means you have something to work on. Do not ignore this. Your father is not a good person; you are not obliged to be grateful to him for the minimun (and it would be very harmful to you), and you are not obliged to consider him a person...
  18. NetemPtah

    Other #76202 Can I trace who cursed me

    A non SS, even if naturally gifted, doesn't have the means we have. https://ancient-forums.com/threads/magnetic-trail-of-a-spell.293090/#post-1095354
  19. NetemPtah

    The Way Forward In Spiritual Satanism: Taking Action

    This is very interesting. I imagine these words may also have been guided by reading my response. At least, I can see some references. Whether so or not, I take this opportunity to say that my intention was not to offend. I realize my words may have been polarizing. I didn't mean to offend...
  20. NetemPtah

    Other #76219 Tarot and Void of Course Moon

    I would completely avoid doing readings during the VoC.
  21. NetemPtah

    Workings #76106 freeing the soul question

    It would be better to address problems in their direct form. If confidence, assertiveness and strength are your problem, don't just approach Saturn, but the problem itself, in this way you will act both on the effects that Saturn could have on the problem, but also on other aspects that could...
  22. NetemPtah

    Other #76202 Can I trace who cursed me

    Yes, but it requires already quite developed intuition. That comes with meditation. Despite this, often in the purification process we have intuitions and/or memories. By doing the work that @SeguaceDiSatanas has intelligently proposed, you may gain insight into who might have done it, through...
  23. NetemPtah

    The Way Forward In Spiritual Satanism: Taking Action

    All the objections and arguments you propose are nothing new; we only see the usual arguments. These arise from a lack of practice. A person of intelligence superior to the common degeneration of the masses, is able to recognise that rhetoric expresses its meaning and reality in material and...
  24. NetemPtah

    Other #76186 Is there really not any way to curse during mars retrograde?

    You can only bind a person or situation using ISA.
  25. NetemPtah

    Workings #76101 want to power

    There is no such thing as selling one's soul. This is a meaningless concept in the actual order of things. In Spiritual Satanism, we look at the actual order of things, because here there is TRUTH. Your desires of money and power are natural ones, actually very ethical to achieve. Others...
  26. NetemPtah

    Workings #76144 Venus

    SS Calendar 2025 Yes.
  27. NetemPtah

    Concept of the Racial Soul

    Past Life Memories and Race Soul "As explained before in the series, races have karma. To mix such karma can have strange, and unexpected effects." "This is why the Pharaohs, they were called Gods. They have literally went to the level of consciousness of a God, and therefore, their mission...
  28. NetemPtah

    Interpretazioni dei sogni e richieste sul lavoro sui sogni e la simbologia

    Ho sognato di aiutare una razza (il pesce) a partorire, a riva del mare... I piccoli non li ricordo... Nulla di troppo ingegnoso, accarezzavo semplicemente la razza. L'acqua era molto limpida, la sabbia fine senza pietre. Quando faccio dei sogni ho al risveglio la sensazione sull'area della...
  29. NetemPtah

    Health #76064 Finding a reason to live

    Stating the same sentence repeatedly is part of the principle of repetition. Writing them down instead of just stating them helps to imprint them in the unconscious (in fact, writing is effective as a method for memorizing). The knowledge that the JoS gives in this regard is more advanced...
  30. NetemPtah

    Health #76064 Finding a reason to live

    Exactly. This would be ideal.
  31. NetemPtah

    About Venus square (urgent)

    This is great. I had read the article, but I thank you for making me understand its meaning even more deeply.
  32. NetemPtah

    Health #76064 Finding a reason to live

    Get outside as soon as you wake up and go for a walk/run. 5 minutes is fine. Better yet, go to the gym, as it is a populated place and can also help you with problems of a different nature besides vitality. Start to meditate with 5 minutes of cleansing, AoP x5, and 5 rounds of Anuloma Viloma...
  33. NetemPtah

    About Venus square (urgent)

    Thank you so much... I am grateful for all your answers... May Satan bless you.
  34. NetemPtah

    About Venus square (urgent)

    I did the repetitions for today, only that on the fourth, before pronouncing "NAMA" I mentioned the "s" of SVAHA again for a fraction of a second. I instantly picked up the N again, marking it. I felt like I had "saved" the vibration. I wonder if this had an impact on canceling the work. I've...
  35. NetemPtah

    About Venus square (urgent)

    Thank you! This is a big relief for me!
  36. NetemPtah

    About Venus square (urgent)

    Today I tried to start a venus square (material), but I confused NAMA with SVAHA. Immediately after realizing the mistake I stopped the vibration and only 10 minutes later I stated three times that the energy had completely dissipated. I read the HP HoodedCobra article where it says you can let...
  37. NetemPtah

    Rituali degli dei

    Non occorre pianificazione astrologica per eseguire i rituali degli dei, in quanto loro sono oltre la sfera astrologica che influenza gli umani. Di cosenguenza, è possibile farli a piacimento. I rituali degli dei sono a prescindere mezzi per avanzare spiritualmente, creando dei legami con gli...
  38. NetemPtah

    Relationships #76037 Gypsies friends

    This is a very deep concept. Help, friendship and support must not be naive. It is unethical to mix with people, just for the sake of "good". Someone's culture of origin is an important metric, as it represents childhood conditioning, mental programming, unconscious behaviors. You cannot...
  39. NetemPtah

    Thank you for suggesting this date! Your presence here is a blessing.

    Thank you for suggesting this date! Your presence here is a blessing.
  40. NetemPtah

    Healing the Emotional Body (for men too, don’t disregard this)

    2025 SS Calendars Pronunciation: I'd personally recommend this to a beginner as, from my experience, the effects of this working support the purification process.
  41. NetemPtah

    Beautiful! Great, great, great job!

    Beautiful! Great, great, great job!
  42. NetemPtah

    The Gods #75947 Will the gods protect me?

    If you are a true and dedicated SS, Satan will take of you if the situation may end in particularly dangerous outcomes. However, I believe that dealing personally with this kind of matters is particularly cathartic, as you can take the opportunity to also release your personal negative karma...
  43. NetemPtah

    New Year Address & Osiris God Ritual

    Reading this made me cry. Thank you. I feel like every part of this place is completely saving me. Thank you for guiding, supporting and working for this place.
  44. NetemPtah

    Serious situation (urgent)

    He is not involved with these kinds of people; but in reality he is sometimes naive when dealing with people, he always has the best intentions and does not see the malice of others. Very interesting. Thank you for letting me know about your experience. Something very similar happened in my...
  45. NetemPtah

    Poison inside this organisation

    There is no clue in this entire episode to say that there is "poison in this organization", and I find no valid reason to call a "rat" someone who is playing a much more relevant role than you think in the progress of everyone, including possibly yours. All this passes through the foundation of...
  46. NetemPtah

    Serious situation (urgent)

    Now a series of coincidences are happening. I'm sure everything is working out and this episode was just a necessity for this whole thing to be resolved, for everyone involved. This was a lesson for me, as I now realized the true meaning of the concept of "FAITH" in the Gods, in the process, in...
  47. NetemPtah

    Serious situation (urgent)

    Because he would prefer this consequence to the enmity of the very guilty ones. However, this morning a very strange coincidence appeared on the scene, and honestly I believe in this little coincidence lies a solution. I'm sure there were gods here. I feel so blessed, because it's incredible to...
  48. NetemPtah

    Serious situation (urgent)

    This is true. Thank you for correcting me. I sincerely want so much to finally create my peace so rapidly that I can finally enjoy some peace to dedicate to the Gods. Thank you for the advice.
  49. NetemPtah

    Serious situation (urgent)

    I will be sincerely grateful for any answer. I am in a very very complicated situation. My fiance is risking prison. The "revealed act" happened today (24 Dec, Satan's Day). How can I mitigate this problem in the most healthy and positive way? The reason why he is risking, is not because he...
  50. NetemPtah

    Workings #75828 Money working?

    I am truly in accordance with what @Henu the Great said. In this case (transits) I'd lower the efforts in money workings, and raise purification, empowerment (in my case, working on the first three chakra truly helped me on a psychological level), and protection (which I'd prioritise). I'd like...
  51. NetemPtah

    Sun square 36 hours gap

    Thank you so much, HPS Lydia
  52. NetemPtah

    Sun square 36 hours gap

    Hi everyone. I started a material sun square. Yesterday due to the extremely busy day, I performed my reps at 2AM, having a gap from the last reps (performed the day before at noon) of 38 hours. I wonder if it is still valid because, having had little time and energy in purifying myself while a...
  53. NetemPtah

    The Gods #75769 Can Lilith be someone's Guardian?

    You came from a woman's womb, and it was a woman to feed you and make sacrifices for you to grow up, to be able to express the maximum level of possible ignorance and ingratitude. You really should re-evaluate your experiences, because probably, the real problem is you, and not the women around...
  54. NetemPtah

    Another big fight + I left home

    Something very similar happened to me, in cycles. As soon as I stopped meditating due to these kind of events, as soon as I started meditating again the same event would repeat itself. Until the last time, where I bit the bullet, suffered, gritted my teeth, and continued to meditate. What came...
  55. NetemPtah

    Another big fight + I left home

    Well done. Observe your transits and understand the situation. Grow economically. The ideal would be to find a way to make your economic income independent of your time and your level of tiredness.
  56. NetemPtah

    Had a brutal fight with my mom

    I only read the first message in which you describe the situation, avoiding reading the rest. However, compared to what you wrote I would like to add something. From direct experience, repeated, and endless stories that I have heard, I can tell you that the only way to truly help someone...
  57. NetemPtah

    Money working and actual situation

    Thank you very much for your answer. Changes and progress related to money are indeed intense. Once I wrote a question with the AskSatan, you answered it and really helped me hugely with the problem I was facing. Thank you. Your answer here is helpful, as sometimes we need someone to...
  58. NetemPtah

    Workings #75674 Does a spell/meditation still works if this happens?

    My experience (not some months) is that this is more likely to happen when your aura is particularly dirty. Of course, when it comes to mental focus and concentration, a huge role is played by your mental faculties, which are developed through practice and experience and as you can read on the...
  59. NetemPtah

    Money working and actual situation

    Greetings everyone. I would like to expose some facts that I am experiencing. I started to put massive efforts, after a year of purification, in attracting money. I did some spiritual work months ago, using the Lakshmi mantra, I did 38 days with swing problems from the middle of the work, and...
  60. NetemPtah

    Reminders and Solutions Regarding Workings

    This is incredible knowledge. With experience, and with the indirect help of Satan, the consciousness changes. I believe this is a must read several times a year in the first years of practice. This knowledge explains a lot of what happens on a subtle level when working spiritually, and...
  61. NetemPtah

    Plans for burning Karma/Advancing SS

    Meditate. The process of cleaning alone does miracles. It is not true you cannot work on your karma. You can work on your soul. By starting to meditate you will start to see the world differently, and see things as they actually are; this is very important for a soul to advance and a human...
  62. NetemPtah

    The Gods Will Never Give Up On You: Ups & Downs In Life

    Everyone should remember this. Thank you.
  63. NetemPtah

    I am and forever will be safe, under the protection of Satan. Hail Satan!

    I am and forever will be safe, under the protection of Satan. Hail Satan!
  64. NetemPtah

    Question about Abundance Mentality?

    Everyone has different needs. There is nothing wrong with luxury experiences. I personally agree with you on this point. Everyone has different needs and ideas. And it's fine for one to full fill and pursue them. I believe that all the rest comes with the spiritual path of Satanism.
  65. NetemPtah

    The Occult Path: "Closed Be The Doors To The Andrapoda"

    So deep and true. There is an invisible law, for which longing is the cure to any obstacle. And this is beautiful. Time ago you wrote something that I didn't understand in that moment. Now probably I am able to see what you meant. And I am so grateful. Sometimes we need to face the material...
  66. NetemPtah

    #431 Disgust against mother

    I believe this has nothing to do with her role of mother. But with her as a being. I do not know your age, but I'd suggest you to start planning your SAFE exit from this house. I believe accepting this environment, if it arises disgust in you, would be emotionally damaging to you, and even to...
  67. NetemPtah

    #642 wealth workings can't even get me a job

    I have only one thing to suggest in addiction to what was already replied: reprogram your unconscious mind. It is NECESSARY. With money, you must have a clear vision and strong will to control your thoughts and feelings about it, as these factors play a crucial role; this is why you should...
  68. NetemPtah

    Healing the Emotional Body (for men too, don’t disregard this)

    What you wrote here hits so hard... Finally I am feeling understood. So many times when I thought I should forgive I had the thought that no, I do not have to, and I need to return it all. It happened all the more often these days. But your response moved something so strong inside me. I feel...
  69. NetemPtah

    Healing the Emotional Body (for men too, don’t disregard this)

    This working is amazing. The first days I felt amazing thanks to this. But now, after a week, I feel a deep sadness, and so much anger that I cannot explain. I often write "all the bad that was done to me is now returning in all its size to all the people that did this to me. I am finally free...
  70. NetemPtah

    This is making me insane.

    So you should answer yourself the question "Why am I experiencing this?" I think @Blitzkreig [JG] answer is a very valuable one... Furthermore, your tendency to approve only the "ideal", consistent with your profound personality, is truly admirable. But this implies the risk of having to wait...
  71. NetemPtah

    Beautiful! Thank you... Hail Satanas!

    Beautiful! Thank you... Hail Satanas!
  72. NetemPtah

    This is making me insane.

    I think that what you are experiencing is understandable. However it is important to manage it. What I'd do in your situation is performing a working to attract a partner suitable to my needs, adding my sexual energy to it. Furthermore, look at this situation and ask yourself "why am I...
  73. NetemPtah

    Stress of failure

    I understand your situation. Satan blesses and rises all those who have a kind heart. Your exact situation now is a lesson that will make you stronger. Now you will understand the value of priorities, and will start to chose yours. Even if you want the good of your family, and exactly because...
  74. NetemPtah

    #560 What is telepathy

    Of course. I would advice you to go the meditations section on the JOS site, and read all "About the Mind". https://joyofsatan.org/Aware.html Even those who are without Satan just experience this happening, and others are actually studying to understand HOW the mind works and why, because it is...
  75. NetemPtah

    I was given the privilege of a miracle: Satan. Satan in my life is the miracle of my soul...

    I was given the privilege of a miracle: Satan. Satan in my life is the miracle of my soul. Hail Satan!
  76. NetemPtah

    What can I do for bad karma in my birthchart?

    When you choose to define a particular goal or the life you want to create for yourself, you will have the obstacles to it manifesting themselves. When I started working to earn a lot of money, I had very similar dreams during the night. I also became aware that the particular feeling manifested...
  77. NetemPtah


  78. NetemPtah

    #459 Money rituals

    The first clue of results is particular drive in thinking of ways to gain money. You will come in contact to people and content that can help you. Old emotions come to surface, also in the form of "traumas". It is not easy at all. Nor fast. Just keep repeating money workings. In all cases one...
  79. NetemPtah

    #391 This is an interesting website, but this one part makes me skeptical

    I'd also like to recall* WHY it works*
  80. NetemPtah

    A question regarding Trance meditation

    Sermon by JG Power of Justice
  81. NetemPtah

    A question regarding Trance meditation

    I guess your goal right now is to experience your astral senses. Prepare yourself to be very persistent. The ability to enter a trance indicates a powerful mind, and the same repeated attempts to enter a trance are experiences that enrich you considerably on a spiritual level, making you...
  82. NetemPtah

    Omnia tempus habent. Faith is the form of BURNING DESIRE. If you are not a disciplined person...

    Omnia tempus habent. Faith is the form of BURNING DESIRE. If you are not a disciplined person, learn to DESIRE. Desire always finds its ways.
  83. NetemPtah

    #311 can birth certificate be wrong

    Try to gather further information about your birth time from your parents and other family members. Astrology is an important tool for an SS as one advances. I think asking directly the Gods would be effective. The Gods always assure us the tools to advance further in power and understanding...
  84. NetemPtah

    Astrology #308 Transiting pluto fears

    The only and best way to prepare yourself for a particular transit and life in general is power meditation. When you are cleaning your soul, you are re-aligning your life in every single aspect of it. Sometimes we think that there is a best and immediate solution for a particular matter...
  85. NetemPtah

    Before this journey, every small fall or deviation was a condemnation for me. Now I read pain...

    Before this journey, every small fall or deviation was a condemnation for me. Now I read pain differently. I know that the value I want to bring requires me to be a different person. In error sincerity is sacred. HAIL SATAN!
  86. NetemPtah

    feeling deadlocked

    This could be due to a deep purification process taking place in your soul. What can help in this period is to intensify purification, and protect yourself. Even purification alone, when performed with mantras or for prolonged sessions, can significantly amplify your bioelectricity. Which leads...
  87. NetemPtah

    Question #5045: Justice

    Purify yourself, protect yourself, Returning curses 1 and 2.
  88. NetemPtah

    How to remove/reduce indecisiveness?

    The problem, from what I understand, is not "indecision", but your personal charisma in certain context. Maybe it was others who accused you of being an indecisive person, a judgment you will have heard so often that it is an attribute you give yourself. What I would do is work on social...
  89. NetemPtah

    Chakra frequencies and tuning forks.

    Mantras are used for the same reason, they work on the same principle (vibration), and are the most effective and versatile way as they can be used in any circumstance and condition. What you are talking about requires considerable mastery and calculation, as well as spiritual knowledge, and in...
  90. NetemPtah

    How to remove/reduce indecisiveness?

    This is a trait of your character and being, in which I see nothing wrong. You may have developed a more analytical way of reasoning and thinking, which is actually a quality that pays off over time. It is an excellent quality, which allows you to observe every area and quickly gather...
  91. NetemPtah

    [Trad] 💙 Lista di lavori magici 💙

    Incredibile. Grazie per aver messo insieme ciascuno dei lavori spirituali, e averli tradotti.
  92. NetemPtah

    Question #5009: After freeing the soul?

    Remember that each spiritual situation is different. Often we do not find the answers to our experience in that of others. On your first point, in fact, it depends on your karmic situation, when we work on particular aspects spiritually, dynamics are unleashed which sometimes, based on our...
  93. NetemPtah

    Question #5010: Financial misfortune? Wtf is this?

    Pluto in 2nd house is not bad. This planetary aspect leads to developing intensity in the direction of achieving money, rather. Clearly you should see if it forms aspects with other planets, and the sign in which Pluto is located, plus any particular degrees and fixed stars. But this position...
  94. NetemPtah

    Life is a disaster, trying to fix it one step at a time.

    Everything you do is truly admirable. Material progress takes time. You are a resilient person and will continue to be. Focus on your well-being, particularly on a spiritual level, and if necessary turn away additional sources of thought and situations in which you have to give your energy...
  95. NetemPtah

    Money Spell

    I sent the previous reply by mistake. In any case, there I gave you the link to the audio of the mantra, which must be vibrated. It's not audible in the audio, but you should vibrate the K from the back of your throat, the audio of which you should find among the MP3s of the runes. Apparently...
  96. NetemPtah

    Money Spell

    Of Lakshmiyei mantra Audio
  97. NetemPtah

    Sun and acne/discolorations

    Sun exposure, in the case of skin with acne, can lead to the appearance of spots. What actually causes acne to worsen is not the sun, but any sea water (if the water is impure and not clear), and above all sunscreen. What you should do is look for a high protection sunscreen, suitable for oily...
  98. NetemPtah

    lakshmi mantra for money

    Interesting. Good luck for your next working!
  99. NetemPtah

    Where do you know Gods have physical body?

    As much as power is "measurable", awareness and knowledge are so measurable; the measurability criterion of these parameters is the resulting freedom. Knowing the truth doesn't happen by luck, it comes from the power of spiritual awareness and spiritual knowing, which is a measurable and...
  100. NetemPtah

    lakshmi mantra for money

    Thanks for sharing your experience. I would like to ask you how you vibrate "LAKSHMIYEI", do you use the Egyptian K vibrated in the back of the throat?
  101. NetemPtah

    Question #4929: For a moment I felt as if I was in another country.

    In a way or another, yes. You may have known these languages (even if in their archaic forms) in past lives. This doesn't mean you were incarnated in a different race than your "current one". Your race and gender are Spiritual qualities of your Soul.
  102. NetemPtah

    Question #4961: Why do i feel my soul like this?

    You would certainly benefit from performing the Returning curses 1&2 daily. By strengthening your aura of protection, you will mitigate the effects of whatever harsh transits you are facing at the moment. In addiction to the basic meditation, begin a daily working with Algiz. It is impossible...
  103. NetemPtah

    Question #4963: When your natal planets conjunct another persons Moon nodes exactly

    The Moon nodes refer to fated events. Probably you have a spiritual bond with this person from past lives. Is your natal Mars your ruler? Is this person's ruler conjunct to any of your planets? Observe other aspects between your planets, it may give you clues about the kind of bond you may...
  104. NetemPtah

    How to improve voice/vocal cords?

    Use venusian Runes (workings of 40 days cycles) or perform Venus squares, affirming your desired result. Runes Specificity with Workings and Affirmations - Blitzkreig [JG] Always look to the astrological conditions when you begin a working. I also advise you to work on your diction, which will...
  105. NetemPtah

    Question #4951: Matrimony

    The birth chart can indicate the moment in which you will get involved in a significant romantic story. I'm not sure you can see the exact timing of your wedding in advance unless it's a crucial event that involves multiple areas of your life, not just the emotional one. If you intend to detect...
  106. NetemPtah

    Question #4929: For a moment I felt as if I was in another country.

    It may also be that in addition to having lived in China in the past, your soul has a destiny connected with ancient Chinese culture, or China as a country. You have to ask yourself if you have had other inspirations connected to China and its culture, in this case it is likely that you have a...
  107. NetemPtah

    Question #4918: do Children and Teenagers own themselves or are they "slaves of parents and other authority figures"

    Children are, before being sons and daughters, human beings with peculiarities and characteristic qualities. It is unfortunately true that minors are not always protected by the law, but believing in legislative justice would be an error of naivety. We certainly wouldn't still be fighting if...
  108. NetemPtah

    How to find time to meditate

    After a certain amount of time dedicated to meditation covering the initial level has been started, one cannot go back in any way. One can reduce periodically, but it will all be in a perpetual uphill climb.
  109. NetemPtah

    Please, can you help me evaluate this new advancement program of mine? Please...

    Power is built on the intensity of your meditation, not on advanced meditations performed in a short time. Purification of the aura and chakras and protection. I would continue with Ur the way you are going, if that's something you feel you need. Meditation on the void, and Hatha yoga session...
  110. NetemPtah

    This is a feeling I have often felt. Satan would respond by reassuring me one way or another...

    This is a feeling I have often felt. Satan would respond by reassuring me one way or another, especially in deadlocks where I might have made the wrong decision. His response is also a quick change of mood or thought, when unpredictable considering your character and way of doing things. But the...
  111. NetemPtah


    The heart of the cause of a possible psychic attack is not the number you saw. Purify yourself, ask Satan for support - even those who are not yet dedicated but beginning to walk the satanic path, can and should do so - and in the meantime build a strong aura of protection, performing the basic...
  112. NetemPtah

    Question #4893: Punishment is Abuse?

    Thanks for tagging me and reminding me of the topic addressed by HP Hoodedcobra666. I totally agree, but even the very act of learning through the hard ways (even through our human relationships) is a manifestation of what we have sown, and what we are reaping. This refers to the ethics I was...
  113. NetemPtah

    Question #4889: True Penance

    Penance is worthless. Your spiritual progress, the purification of your karma, the vindication of your conscience will be the true redemption.
  114. NetemPtah

    Question #4884: Ritual to speed up paperwork

    At any moment, the most effective thinking is long-term thinking. Delays and inconsistencies in working life, when chronic, are frustrating and can cause problems if the work is not paid for the lifestyle and/or additional necessary expenses, such as various debts, college for children, or...
  115. NetemPtah

    Question #4893: Punishment is Abuse?

    In my opinion punishment should not happen between human beings. Since I was a child I have always believed that a correct parent has other means to educate, such as reward, which is a much more valid reason for behaving in an ethical manner. All that a parent should transmit is ethics, and...
  116. NetemPtah

    Question #4891: I am afraid that I may not turn out to be a full Satanist in the eyes of Gods

    Of course. The fact that you meditate makes you a Spiritual Satanist, a human being above the ordinary. At the beginning it may happen that you don't have the strength to continue with further meditations. It is a totally normal thing, and the desire to perform more targeted meditations comes...
  117. NetemPtah

    Question #4878: Feeling disgusted and dirty after watching porn

    Purify your sacral chakra with SURYA or RAUM, affirming that it is totally purified. You can also perform a freeing the soul work, to free yourself from all kinds of negative energies and bindings related to your sexuality.
  118. NetemPtah

    Question #4877: Can my Root Chakra be blocked?

    Purify it with RAUM ×7, affirming that your first chakra is totally purified in all ways. Visualize your chakra shining like a powerful sun, and feel the mantra in it while vibrating it. Repeat, if you feel the need. How long have you had these types of symptoms? At what point does it get...
  119. NetemPtah

    Question #4874: What is this sharp pain/pressure I feel between the back of my neck and head during meditation? Is it Kundalini? What should I do abou

    Try to ask yourself in meditation what color this pressure refers to, this could help you understand its energetic nature. It could be a sign that the 5th chakra is stimulated, or that it is blocked. If it is a pain, it is certainly an indication of an incorrect functioning of the chakra or a...
  120. NetemPtah

    Question #4875: Square's question

    A certain amount of energy was raised and programmed, which definitely had an impact on the situation for which it was directed. But the energy, as it is not supported by the energy preserved in the reproduction of the specific pattern of the magic square, will unfortunately have minimal impact...
  121. NetemPtah

    Thanks to Satan I understood nature, evading common judgment which ultimately is not shared by...

    Thanks to Satan I understood nature, evading common judgment which ultimately is not shared by anyone, since it is false. Satan built me by restoring my strength through knowledge. This is not just the experience of an emotional being, but the experience of a soul starting to breathe, discern...
  122. NetemPtah

    Question #4871: love hurts so much

    Freeing the Soul When we feel a particular affinity it is because it really exists, and has its roots in an energetic bond, which puts us in a situation of a natural empathy towards him/her, that makes you naturally bond with this person. This bond can be towards a person, or be established due...
  123. NetemPtah

    Question: What is karma really?

    Even what results from our behaviors and thoughts results from an energetic matrix to which they refer, which can have links with karmic issues. Of course I would not consider the act in itself of thought, stubbornness and behavior, the energetic intervention at the origin, although it may be a...
  124. NetemPtah

    Question: What is karma really?

    It is good to add fundamental information such as yours. Thank you.
  125. NetemPtah

    Question: What is karma really?

    "Negative karma" is just a term we use as reference to the various spiritual impurities that hinder in some way the good and positive manifestation of our nature and the advancement in the material and spiritual matters. Negative karma accumulates in the absence of purification and protection...
  126. NetemPtah

    Question #4814: Is this an attack?

    You shouldn't feel guilty about your sexual desire, even if it's so unique. There is nothing in your behaviour that the Gods must forgive; the Gods are not moralists. Divine ethics has the sole purpose of individual and common spiritual progress. I don't see any episode of enemy attack in your...
  127. NetemPtah

    Question #4811: I think it's impossible

    Thinking about him during sexual orgasm, and in general, having the desire to see him. It is enough to focus on its appearance. The encounter will be inevitable if your concentration continues frequently enough over time. The same applies to long distances, but especially in the situation...
  128. NetemPtah

    Reminders and Solutions Regarding Workings

    This is a type of knowledge that I really needed to digest in a more logical sense. It is what I have always applied mentally to every spiritual work, but I was unconscious of the logic behind it. This was an enlightening read that comes at an ideal time. Thank you.
  129. NetemPtah

    Question #4809: Why is negativity more powerful than positivity?

    As @Akay responded, the act of creation and establishment is closely linked to intensity. When we choose to exit a situation, more dynamics come into play, the transformation process is complex, and requires a high degree of intensity, destruction and creation. That you have to endure is...
  130. NetemPtah

    Question #3917: Inhaling energies.

    Lots of void meditation, you need to strenghten your mind. Try void meditation before breathing in energy. Alternatively, visualize yourself bathed in solar energy, feel the energy, intensify it, say a proper affirmation*, feel the aura of protection and repeat at least ×9. Persevere purifying...
  131. NetemPtah

    Question #4802: What can I do to get rid of shyness

    The only solution to it, is spiritual. Clean and empower your chakra. "Not caring" is neither sufficient nor effective, as shyness has its reasons, which must be addressed. As you advance you will perform spiritual works aimed at achieving the social presence you desire, planetary squares and...
  132. NetemPtah

    Why is there no more love between humans?

    The love is there, as is his desire. The desire for love is inherent in human nature, it is a law of its existence. Unfortunately, the channels of love, the conceptions of its expression, the needs that derive from it are now all corrupt concepts. Which adds to individual karma, as souls are no...
  133. NetemPtah

    Question #4787: Pregnancy

    Certainly purification, but above all protection. A lot of protection, much more than expected. Be very consistent with your purification, and don't let a day go by without doing it. During this period it is best not to focus on power meditations, or too intense yoga. Any practice, stop it...
  134. NetemPtah

    Question #4789: I don't know what to do

    Sometimes this happens while waiting for a turning point in your existence, moments of stalemate cannot last forever. And often these moments come precisely to allow your reflection on your existence and repressed feelings. That's a sign. Meditate constantly, as this period allows you the time...
  135. NetemPtah

    Question #4784: Problems with Anger

    As others replied, anger is a very harmful emotion for your health, and holding it is not an adequate way to manage it as one should act on its sources (which can also be spiritual), if the sources of this anger are not managed the issue can get out of hand and become problematic. It can cause...
  136. NetemPtah

    Question #4712: Ideas/more money spells

    The concept of "working" is very complex to deal with, but the act of "working" is a different thing from money. If you must choose, choose always based on the possibility of spiritual development, you are a Spiritual Satanist. From what I read it seems you need to perform spiritual work of...
  137. NetemPtah

    Question #4765: The height of my soul.

    The astral body has the same shape, and therefore height, as your physical body, so it may be a simbolic phenomenon, or be linked to the memory of a habit. Satan will guide you understand the meaning of it, by asking you will build the necessary bridge so that you can receive the message.
  138. NetemPtah

    Question #4764: Chakra opening

    You can also work only on the lower chakras, if you prefer. I advise you to absolutely find the time to meditate deeply. Spiritual progress is made of determination to set goals and achieve them, even if small. Determination is everything, even if progress is made in small steps. I would...
  139. NetemPtah

    Question #4743: How do we know the Gods aren't lying to us?

    Experience. Intuition. Intuition is the principle of knowledge.To be confirmed as refined knowledge, intuition needs experience, this may take some time. Begin by purifying your soul, for you to experience.
  140. NetemPtah

    Question #4733: Is Satan against tabbo sex

    Every experience has its reason, utility is a concept that derives from an ideal in the name of which useful or less useful acts are named. Sometimes experience must also just be a flow of the meanings of our existence, and this is useful for life, as life is full of it. This can be indulgence...
  141. NetemPtah

    Question #4736: Masturbation vs sex which feels good

    For both genders sex is a much better experience than masturbation, if the partner with whom one has sex is skilled in making the other feel good, in his/her unique way of enjoying sexuality. Sex is a general art, but the psychology behind it can be very personal. In general, as far as the...
  142. NetemPtah

    Question #4730: Existence

    As you are able of desiring something, you want to live. Meditate and purify your soul.
  143. NetemPtah

    On doubting your workings/spells

    This was interesting for people who need it. Thank you for sharing your experience.
  144. NetemPtah

    Question #4732: How a Jew looks like

    You sense the jew, in different ways based on your level of spiritual advancement.
  145. NetemPtah

    Question #4733: Is Satan against tabbo sex

    Satan wants you to be free. My advice is, always have something to offer to the people who give themselves to you, whether it is a mutual sublimation of acts. If your aim is use, you are erring and making a mistake through ignorance. If it's pleasure, then you have to behave accordingly. You...
  146. NetemPtah

    Question #4674: "The Energy" or "I am":

    By affirming “I am” you are evoking the energy in your very being, and it has direct impact on you; there is no distinction between letting the energy act by itself, or working "with one's own energies (the ones you refer to as "reserves") the energy you are able to evoke, the quality of it...
  147. NetemPtah

    I find your note extremely interesting. Thank you for sharing it.

    I find your note extremely interesting. Thank you for sharing it.
  148. NetemPtah

    It is a lyrical Italian, with the use of some archaic forms. It is not exactly the current language.

    It is a lyrical Italian, with the use of some archaic forms. It is not exactly the current language.
  149. NetemPtah

    Question #4615: aura cleansing making sleepy

    No one said that it would be Jahveh who leads to Satan.
  150. NetemPtah

    Persevering in the purification process of the soul.

    Persevering in the purification process of the soul.
  151. NetemPtah

    What meditations/rituals should a new SS do?

    In particular void meditation, the most complex of all. Mastery over one's mind is mastery over the variables of existence.
  152. NetemPtah

    De ‘l verbo unico è significato, d’a venir l’atti; poetico è de l’atti spirtali. The only...

    De ‘l verbo unico è significato, d’a venir l’atti; poetico è de l’atti spirtali. The only meaning of the verb is the acts to come; poetic is the spiritual acts.
  153. NetemPtah

    Question #4615: aura cleansing making sleepy

    I converted at the peak of my belief in Jesus. If she is destined to convert at this moment, she will convert soon. Furthermore, I have often noticed conversion to Satanism happening at critical moments in a person. Memory does not arise from nothing, but is a process of transformation that...
  154. NetemPtah

    Thoughts On Magick And Getting What You Want

    This is something an SS needs to be aware of. Thank you.
  155. NetemPtah

    Question #4611: base chakra visualisation

    Visualize it, as you do with other chakras, until you feel it. This may take weeks. Vibrate in the chakra mantras, as RAUM and SURYA, to purify it. We are all individual, try and find what makes sense to you, and you feel is working better.
  156. NetemPtah

    Question #4614: Why is that the evil people like the Israelites claim their "god" is Lucifer??

    To slander Satan's name. They cause problems on purpose, just to give you the solution of communism and Jahveh, making you afraid about the name of Truth.
  157. NetemPtah

    Question #4615: aura cleansing making sleepy

    At the beginning of the path you always encounter this and other types of obstacles to meditation. It may simply be due to a change in his bio-electricity, it may be due to an acute sensitivity to energy.i It is a normal situation, it would be good for her to continue practicing meditation...
  158. NetemPtah

    Question #4610: upcoming venus square

    Effortless beauty, real beauty, has nothing to do with bone structure, it is an aura that accompanies the presence, actions and nature. Bone structure doesn't change, the perception of someone's beauty does. The two energies will not interact with each other unless you program them in the same...
  159. NetemPtah

    Question #4605: does mars square can be used for physical health? like healing damaged organs/metabolism/gut health

    Your affirmation is coherent with the qualities of Mars energy, so you are directing the energy correctly. To heal damaged organs use the energy of Sun. Use solar vibrations and visualize the light, feeling it in your soul, feeling it as a little sun, on the organ.
  160. NetemPtah

    Nightmares: enough is enough!

    Keep purifying yourself. You can perform a specific spiritual work programming the energy towards the aim of controling your situation. Ask Satan to help you, in your meditations.
  161. NetemPtah

    Tema natale

    Questo sta alle concezioni che tu stesso hai maturato nel corso della tua vita, al proposito di cosa minare e in che modo, e anche alla tua comprensione del tema natale che stai osservando. Il tema natale può indicare delle aree della vita di questa persona già minate, e quindi su cui si...
  162. NetemPtah

    Nightmares: enough is enough!

    I have known this type of situation. it is the result of the purification process of the soul, in my opinion it is an excellent indication that you are adequately carrying out your spiritual work. By performing spiritual works aimed at purifying the soul from curses, constraints and obstacles...
  163. NetemPtah

    Strano sogno ed effetti ripresa

    Il tuo sogno dovrebbe essere motivo di rassicurazione per te. Stai meditando in maniera efficace. Il tuo inconscio reagisce. Come già intuiresti, è del tutto normale, e dovresti continuare a meditare anche se in futuro la tua sensibilità dovesse attenuarsi. La tua sensibilità all'energia è...
  164. NetemPtah

    Controlling Over-Analyzing Mind; Strengthening Creative Mind

    This is very interesting. Ignorant acceptance of various responsibilities and cares leads to the establishing and maintenance of a fragile temperament. This exercise is really interesting, applied in dealing with memories in a more calm mental and consequently emotional state. The state of...
  165. NetemPtah


    About using Mantras How to clean your Aura + Mp3 Raum/Surya To start meditating: 40 DAY MEDITATION PROGRAM FOR BEGINNERS [PDF]
  166. NetemPtah


    Your condition of suffering compared to your natural gender is revered to the characteristics of the gender with which you identify. There are qualities of the Venusian, feminine energetic nature, and it is completely natural, normal and healthy that a man can orient himself towards these...
  167. NetemPtah


    A mistake cannot make you attract everyone's hatred, if you demonstrate that you have real interest in other people's feelings and are willing to admit a misunderstanding and your responsibility. This is how life goes, in the relationships and exchanges between humans and in the with the Gods...
  168. NetemPtah


    È affascinante scoprire quanto l'amore sia una delle aree fondamentali per molti esseri umani. Eppure una fra le aree più complicate da comprendere da entrambe le parti, di quello che viene chiamato amore. Ti auguro di trovare la partner ideale per te.
  169. NetemPtah

    Has anyone done this to Salvage a Jupiter square?

    I read it here on the forum somewhere that you can continue to perform a set number of repetitions daily, for a set number of days. It is not exactly the equivalent of a Jupiter square, as the square is based on a certain geometric pattern and builds the energy of Jupiter as a consequence of...
  170. NetemPtah

    Caution Regarding Divinatory Readings

    I know someone, a "Satanist", who, in addition to studying from fake sources, the only meditation he performed was to enter the astral plane and deal with fictitious entities. He had a great job and business opportunity in Dubai, with all expenses paid. After months, he told me that he had left...
  171. NetemPtah

    Question #1687: Spiritual Healing others as a job?

    This is absolutely ethical. What I would encourage you to think about is how long this thing might last. Making one's knowledge and spiritual qualities a job is not at all easy to maintain, from an energetical and spiritual point of view. I would recommend you to perform meditation for the...
  172. NetemPtah

    Question #4480: Help with Womens freedom

    It is not all in your head. There are reasons behind your feelings, and those reasons need to be addressed. These reasons are experiences and memories accumulated during this and previous lives. Meditate, purify yourself, free your soul from whatever may be hindering your self expression as a...
  173. NetemPtah

    Faith In The Gods - No Matter What

    These words move my soul. My awakening took place years ago, just after I was a little girl, I'm sure it was a planned event for exactly that moment. Every moment of strength has brought me here, to know the path to freedom, and to feel it. And to feel the Gods. I know what it feels like to be...
  174. NetemPtah

    Question #4451: Saturn transit 6th house examples

    I am not an expert in astrology, the following comes from my experience studying about astrology. I personally don't see Saturn as an educational energy. But it forces you into discipline and structure, into “maturity.” Even through situations of shortage. It could cause problems in the...
  175. NetemPtah

    Question #4449: Saturn in Pisces transit (Malefic) Diluted like Mars?

    Mars being in the sign of Pisces will not result as a "diluted" energy, but as a particular energy, surely different from others placements of the planet. It certainly won't be an energy as disruptive as that of Mars in Aries, but the nature of the planet is still channeled within the...
  176. NetemPtah

    Question #4450: Is Maxine doing the Magnum Opus

  177. NetemPtah

    Question #4379: Excess Intelligence

    Individuals like you tend to suffer silently in the world. You observe your mundane being, and you don't recognize yourself in the mass. Through meditation you will achieve your redemption. Be brave.
  178. NetemPtah

    Question #4416: Do you have proof that I'm the best in the world?

    What exclusivity? You're the best, yes, when capable of materializing this reality. This is an eventual result of personal power. You have to meditate and improve your soul's powers in order to achieve power over these eventualities. You have to study about spirituality to understand its...
  179. NetemPtah

    Question #4391: I need an answer today, before nightfall

    Healing a physical ailment is a very advanced action, it requires power and at least a basic experience of energy. Furthermore, physical disorder, especially if chronic, is an indicator of a spiritual blockage connected to one of your chakras. Specificity with Workings and Affirmations -...
  180. NetemPtah

    Question #4393: Using jupiter to fix my saturn?

    How To Obliterate Your Saturn - by HPS Lydia If you cannot access the link, search for the Thread.
  181. NetemPtah

    Question #4401: Void moon question

    The crystal is still a crystal, and preserves its qualities. Make sure it's exactly the type of crystal you intended to buy. Things bought during a void of course Moon may not meet your expectations, or be defective in some way, or you may have overpaid for them. The energy of the void of...
  182. NetemPtah

    Question #4402: the gods

    They always do. Their means are not the human ones. At first these are to heal you, from your own wounds. Nothing on Earth compares to their presence, and care.
  183. NetemPtah

    Question #4396: Forbidden words?

    Is there a reason why you should continue to use these mundane, vulgar, expressions?
  184. NetemPtah

    Material is the extension of spiritual.

    Material is the extension of spiritual.
  185. NetemPtah

    Write Down Your Problems

    Truly intellectually gifted people deserve to understand the spiritual reasons for their economic situation, and improve themselves in this area of life. Money must not be the origin of irrational feelings, nor a myth, for a Spiritual Satanist, who should instead dedicate time and energy to...
  186. NetemPtah

    Question #4355: Seeking advice

    Failure is part of the journey. We need to take strength and learn from failures. Study, bring awareness of the energetic principles of what you are trying to improve or achieve, learn the principles of programming energy according to its criteria, and apply the vehicle of energy (vibrations...
  187. NetemPtah

    Question #4358: Lillith ex-wife of Adam??

    As for this particular “information” about Lilith, it is a nod to the biblical narrative. Clearly the biblical narrative is a lie aimed at slandering the original being of humanity and its roots. The enemy condemns the aspect of the original ethics regarding the figure of Lilith, slandering...
  188. NetemPtah

    Question #4359: Can I do the azazel ritual twice a day?

    Yes. Deepen your cleaning the soul work.
  189. NetemPtah

    Question #4293: Astarte Ritual and Feeling Away (a little long, pardon me)

    "About Freeing the soul workings - Hp. Hoodedcobra666": "Munka Working To Remove Negative Karma" Be Patient... If you cannot access the link, search the title.
  190. NetemPtah

    Question #4293: Astarte Ritual and Feeling Away (a little long, pardon me)

    I had very intense experiences with Astarte. It's because of Her that I am a Satanist. The Gods will never ever abandon you. When you feel embarrassed and guilty of your mistakes, the Gods are the first to ask you to get off your knees. Meditate, clean and open your soul. Perform Yoga...
  191. NetemPtah

    A Beginner's Guide (Split Post)

    This is truly very meticulous and relevant work. Thank you.
  192. NetemPtah

    Boring Workings, Feeling Obliged

    I have found the practice of void meditation to be fundamental in freeing one's mind; exactly as you state, boredom results from a lack of focus. Boredom, in my experience, is a signal that the mind is not properly trained; when one performs a working, feels the energy and direct it through...
  193. NetemPtah

    About workings

    Exactly as Ramses replied, everyone of us has different ambitions and values, and we desire according to our nature; but alongside the material pursuit, you should also think about the spiritual one. There's surely something you feel the need to realise for yourself. Look at your natal chart...
  194. NetemPtah

    Question #3661: Can I do both at the same time?: Freeing Venus in the 11th House & Venus Square for Beautification?

    From what I can read, you need to focus on cleansing and freeing the soul. I'd advise you to not perform planetary squares yet, as it seems you don't know enough about how the energy works. Returning Curses Part 1 and 2 Words of Power - Freeing the Soul These meditations are very effective...
  195. NetemPtah

    Mi serve aiuto per un manifesto

    Incollo un testo preparato personalmente. Ulteriori suggerimenti su eventuali modifiche, sono graditi e necessari per preparare una versione quanto più efficace possibile. Sarò lieta di rivedere questa prima versione, valutando nuove idee e diversi punti di vista. "La punizione contro il...
  196. NetemPtah

    i love him, but i don’t love him sexually. help?

    I find it difficult for a woman to truly love a man who doesn't satisfy her sexually; women are extremely erotic beings, much more than this society corrupted by Christian morality suggests. Love is established in an environment of natural and mutual pleasure. If he doesn't know how to turn...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
