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  1. E

    Astro "Criticism" Thread

    Old comment guys. We’ve already moved past it. Already apologized and tried to clarify my intentions. It was a hastily written reply. Should of explained better. Nonetheless. It’s in the past. No ill intent meant. Sorry. Anyone else who wants to reply on the that comment and not read my...
  2. E

    Astro "Criticism" Thread

    And a comment like this is actually valuable versus me saying I was disappointed with the site?? ….. okay. Well, I guess it would hurt if it was true. However, I’m doing quite well in life. So unfortunately you’re wrong. You’re quite a nasty person VoE. Really nasty. I’ve explained enough times...
  3. E

    Astro "Criticism" Thread

    I have reflected on how it might make them feel. And no there is no jealousy. You’ve totally misread what I’ve tried to say. Listen, I have my own private works I work on. And I hold myself to a very high standard. I know damn well how hard it is to produce quality work. It takes ridiculous...
  4. E

    Astro "Criticism" Thread

    Okay what is exactly wrong with you? If you read my post it was not cruelly written. I offered a perspective. You disagree. That’s okay. Not like my suggestions will be taken anyway. So why be rude to me? I’m not rude to you. Why insult me? I wasn’t insulting the creators. I was criticizing...
  5. E

    Astro "Criticism" Thread

    I’m sorry Shadowcat, I didn’t meant to come across ungrateful. I only wanted this to be the best site possible. In my life. No matter what I do, my friends and family break me down. Give me no support. They tell me what I do is awful. Literally. I’m not exaggerating. There always criticizing...
  6. E

    Astro "Criticism" Thread

    First off, I meant no offense as I said multiple times. Just providing my opinion. Which can be ignored. You’re reaction was literally insane though man. You blew up like a 2 year old and that really is a bummer. Like pull yourself together a little bit. I’ve never done anything to harm this...
  7. E

    Astro "Criticism" Thread

    Okay, I'm an astrology buff, and over the last 10+ years have spent a lot of time on many free websites and apps. I was excited to see the jos have their own astro website, but when I visited I was disappointed to see the lack of features and content. No real insight into the self is gained. No...
  8. E

    My dream. Can someone interpret it?

    Usually, IMO dreams do have meanings or at least some type of insight if we analyze them. But you’re right, usually bad dreams aren’t bad omens or anything. Like for instance dreams of death can be very hard to deal with. If you die, or someone you know, but these dreams don’t mean you will die...
  9. E

    Why don't people care

    Could also be hangups with the word Satan and being associated with Satanist. I’ve met people like this who I’ve showed the jos. And they agreed and hated the jews, ect. But wouldn’t dedicate or join, mostly over the word Satan. One friend of mine just wanted to be called a n Enkiist (spelling?)...
  10. E

    I tried to create this music.

    I like the atmospheres. If you really know nothing of what you’re doing, there’s potential. Obviously needs a little honing and development. But otherwise great start. Could have a number of practical applications. Film scores, video games, or for other video content or documentaries, ect. Good job
  11. E

    It's difficult for me to accept things how they really are

    Especially if you’re heavy in the water element, that means you’re very impressionable. This, IMO, is where a lot of this fear comes from. You have an idealist way you want the world to be. This comes from much fantasy and living in your head. Then you become emotionally attached to these...
  12. E

    Ectoplasm, shedding some light on it?

    For some reason I thought I responded to this thread when it was first posted but I guess I didn’t. I’ll relate my personal experiences with ectoplasm. When I was first opening up my astral senses I had this obsidian stone. It was like a crystal ball but made of obsidian. I would go outside...
  13. E

    Becoming a Satanist Has Ruined My Life, PLease Ban My Account

    Hey, I just wanted to say, I’ve been where you are and I want to tell you a small version of my story to explain why you shouldn’t leave Satanism and go to xianty, cause right now you feel almost betrayed by Satanism and you’re life is falling apart. But this isn’t true. I’ll explain. I was at...
  14. E

    Will 6 Billion Solve The World Hunger Problem As Charities Said To Elon Musk?

    True, I remember making a post some years ago after doing some research on Live Aid 1985, which was the largest internationally broadcast TV event at the time. It was the biggest pop stars of the 80s doing a live show for charity to stop hunger in Africa. If I remember, over $150 million in...
  15. E

    Will 6 Billion Solve The World Hunger Problem As Charities Said To Elon Musk?

    I heard of this story. Just to clarify. It wasn’t said 6 billion would end world hunger. But that it would feed a particular set of 42 million people who were in a crisis RIGHT NOW. Hence why Elon won’t even give the money IMO. Because it’s feeding people right now. But then they’ll be hungry...
  16. E

    Happy Samhain Beloved Satanic Family, And A Joke

    Aaaaah, I don’t have them anymore :( But hey I’ll get you some!! Don’t worry. It’s after Halloween, so everything’s on sale and of course the only thing left is the organic stuff anyway, so no worries, I’ll get plenty!
  17. E

    Happy Samhain Beloved Satanic Family, And A Joke

    I remember once when I was like 21, I joined this work exchange program and met some people there who invited me to a party. I said okay. Then they said we’re going to go to church first. (Should of been the first warning sign it wasn’t going to be a good party) So I went and I said I’m gonna...
  18. E

    How many FRTRs will it take to remove all the curses on my soul

    If there’s specific problems you’re dealing with that are more urgent, than you might want to do working specifically for them to remove them quicker. Another option, is while doing the rtr, you can focus specifically on certain things you’re dealing with from enemy curses and the energy will...
  19. E

    How are you going to celebrate Halloween?

    I know how I believe and how I’ve always believed on this subject. So if you read something that proves your point, why not link it? Rather than just saying you’re right, I’m wrong? Because I’ve never advocated people indulge in anything in excess. My stance echos only what’s been said by Hooded...
  20. E

    How are you going to celebrate Halloween?

    That’s the thing. I’ve never advocated people getting drunk or anything. I’ve said exactly what you say here. That occasionally it’s fine. Same with everything. I’ve always said and advocated moderation. He just said in this reply that it’s wrong to assume things in moderation won’t effect you...
  21. E

    Forced to take vaccine. What should I do?

    Hey Shannon! So good to see you. What you say about it being ridiculous to call it a vaccine, did you see the cdc had to officially change the definition of vaccine on their website? Because this shot didn’t meet the previous definition. What did they change? They took the word immunity out of...
  22. E

    How are you going to celebrate Halloween?

    Unfortunately, Stormblood, I hate to say this, but you are incorrect. I have only ever advocated moderation with things. That’s been my philosophy forever. People here advocate or heavily imply black and white lifestyles. This isn’t reality and grey area exists. Which is the point of what I said...
  23. E

    Forced to take vaccine. What should I do?

    Make sure they inject it in the muscle. It should not be injected in the bloodstream, but from what I hear most aren’t testing to make sure before hand. Very few are. This is a theory behind possible bad side effects when people take the vaccine. If you have to take the vaccine, at least make...
  24. E

    How are you going to celebrate Halloween?

    This very thing I’ve said on the health forums multiple times to people and always gets a backlash. It confuses me. Like I’m advocating self destruction or something. People act like you have to be so strict with everything health related or you’re going to die. In my opinion, as you said, this...
  25. E

    my confidence down by my speech.

    Yeah think about Michael Jackson. His voice was high and he had adoration from many and thriving successful life. The actual sound of the voice can’t be changed, but with vocal exercises you can access lower notes which will make it easier to speak lower. As well strengthening the voice can...
  26. E

    JoS Position On Jews - We are Good, and You Are Evil

    Great sermon. Man I’ve been trying to find this post for some time now where somebody linked a study done out of Israel where Israeli scientists did genetic studies on the jews in their country and found that the Cohen gene was a sociopathic gene. We know mental illness can be genetic. And they...
  27. E

    Maintaining Breast Size During Weight Loss

    When you lose weight, this happens more or less uniformly. Your proportions will stay relatively the same though. If for your size, your breasts are large, they will still be large if you’re losing weight, comparatively. However, if they’re large because you’re overweight, and you get to a...
  28. E

    Amazing experiences with music...

    What about the human voice? The only time I felt what you described was when listening to Mariah Carey. She’s sexy AF. And her voice makes me feel some kind of way.. Especially that song, Touch My Body. Her voice is Devine. I wonder what it’s like listening to a god sing? Probably Mariah is the...
  29. E

    Does it make the body healthy just by doing this?

    If it’s a short period of time, well than is what it is. However, I wouldn’t push too hard on your workouts. If you’re working out consistently, your body does need a decent amount of protein and if you’re not getting it, recovery will be an issue. And all that’s going to happen is you might...
  30. E


    Well technically that’s not how muscular or spiritual growth works. There’s nothing excessive about healthy muscle training. In fact, there’s nothing excessive about anything where we are pushing our selves to grow. Spiritually, physically, or anything. Excess means too much. To grow, you do...
  31. E


    Except you spelled his name wrong. Lol I mean you spelled the word right, he actually spelled the word wrong. Intentionally supposedly? Not sure why? It always confuses me every time I read it, but technically his username is Blitkreig. Not Blitzkrieg. Which in German is two different...
  32. E

    Introspective Meditation: Increasing Conscious Awareness

    I think the most important part of this is the end where you then evaluate how well you went about your day and ask yourself questions. It’s seems like more or less many people already do a version of this, but it’s the positive intentions aspect and self evaluation at the end of the day that...
  33. E

    Is beauty retained through lifetimes?

    All these things have to do with karma. So if you look good in this life, as long as you take care of yourself and maintain your appearance and health, it’ll transfer. That’s how it works. If however, you let go of yourself and treat your appearance poorly you’ll feel those effects as well in...
  34. E

    Florida landlord requires vaccination proof from tenants

    Well that Florida landlord isn’t unique. I’m in the process of moving myself and let me tell you, it’s unbelievably annoying how many people are like, don’t bother applying to rent if you’re not fully vaccinated. As Stormblood said, there getting in the way of a basic necessity. So many good...
  35. E

    Making Mistakes And The Gods, Reaching Our Human Perfection

    For me, I’ve felt strong sense of self worth. Too high, for many years. Also thinking I was so awesome. Now it’s kind of in a backlash. Now I find myself feeling extreme low worth. Like I can’t do anything right. My roommate said to me the other day, “Eric, give yourself a break dude. I used to...
  36. E

    Thoughts on if America is done for within the next decade. Advice on warning those close to me.

    Let’s wait and see how the next election goes and if Biden even manages to finish his current term. We know Trump will run again. He has a lot of support. Not sure how him winning and becoming president again will effect our social climate? Could be horrible. We saw how much they hated him in...
  37. E

    A drawing of myself with seig heil

    Just a question. Did you write Sieg Heil on the drawing or draw it? If so the spelling on this thread is off. It’s S-I-E-G. Not S-E-I-G. Hope it’s correct on the drawing. With German when there’s ei or ie together, it’s pronounced as the long vowel version of the second letter. So Seig would be...
  38. E

    Improve skills in manual work

    IMO farm work is overrated as needing to be strong to do it. I’ve worked on and off farms for my entire adult life. Some of the best farmers I’ve seen were women. And not huge women. Just normal women. Definitely in shape and toned, but think about it, what needs exceptional strength? Maybe...
  39. E

    Top CDC Official: "We'll just get rid of all the whites"

    These left extremists really don’t think out their logic. They whine all day about racism and bigotry, yet they themselves are the biggest bigots. She’s white and wants all whites gone. How about the guy on CNBC who said drone strike all non vaccinated people. Kill them all he says? What is...
  40. E

    I love doing negative thoughts !!!

    Well, from observing, most genuine creativity, especially when it comes to story telling and character creating, is all just a manifestation of our own inner self, life and personality. For instance, if a person writes a book that has 10 characters. Even though, it may appear those characters...
  41. E

    Top CDC Official: "We'll just get rid of all the whites"

    Hmmm… did she also just say it’s the well educated that are part of the problem and it’s unfortunate? So whites and smart people should leave? I guess she had to add the last part otherwise that would mean she has to leave to if it was just whites. Clearly she’s not educated, so she can stay.
  42. E

    Munka meaning

    Well it actually is the destroyer of karma mantra. It’s already been said, not everything Mageson said was a lie. The main things we know he misled were primarily his jew socialist policies, his views on gay adoption, and the transgender subject. His main offenses were banning people for no...
  43. E

    MSNBC guest calls for drone strikes on those opposed to vaccine/mask policies

    Lol he’s author of a book called why I’m an atheist who believes in god. Nuff said why this guys totally whacked and who cares what he has to say. Typical extreme leftist. Let’s just kill anyone who doesn’t agree with us. It’s a farce that anyone would pressure someone to take an experimental...
  44. E

    Biden Set to Announce Vaccine Mandate

    https://youtu.be/Jpm2SxpNBKo Has anyone watched Biden’s speech when he announced this unconstitutional law? Kind of creepy. Here’s an analysis from experts of the situation. Literally he’s breaking the law by mandating the vaccines. It can’t be up to the federal government. Something over 80...
  45. E

    Biden Set to Announce Vaccine Mandate

    https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-set-to-announce-vaccine-mandate-or-weekly-testing-for-companies-with-more-than-100-employees.amp Companies with more than 100 employees must require vaccines or weekly testing. Even with the weekly testing option people will be pressured to get the...
  46. E

    Big Victory: Fauci Exposed As Proponent To The Global Pandemic

    That trial was held earlier in the summer, but I’m glad the story isn’t dying and there’s still ongoing development. Senator Rand Paul is still fighting the good fight and helping us bring Fauci down. The main hurdle I see with all of this is the implications and the fallout that will happen...
  47. E

    It Appears Dr. Fauci Lied Underoath, New Emails Puplished

    Agreed, he tries to use semantics to wiggle his way around telling the truth, but thankfully we have people like senator Paul and others who aren’t putting up with it. It’s hard to say at this moment, what will happen to him. He still has people defending him, but what’s good, is people aren’t...
  48. E

    Wondering how to donate energy to GD?

    Sexual energy is an option. Direct the orgasmic energy to them. Vibrating words of power and raising energy and then sending it to them. Like solar mantras Suryae, or Raum. Also you can do online activism. But honestly doing more rtrs is probably the best thing.
  49. E

    It Appears Dr. Fauci Lied Underoath, New Emails Puplished

    https://youtu.be/nnMcZvbPxpU Lying to congress under oath is a felony punishable to up to five years in prison. There's another recent video released on US Senators Rand Pauls Youtube Channel where he discusses that it's highly unlikely that the Biden administration will try him for this crime...
  50. E

    Meditation FEELS GOOD?!?!?!?

    I used to feel this same way when it came to exercise. I always hate cardio type training while I’m doing it, but the way I feel in every day life when I’m not exercising, because of the fitness I’ve developed, is so amazing it makes every workout feel so worth it. Having energy, alertness, the...
  51. E

    California, UBI

    Well it’s not me calling it UBI because yeah, that’s exactly what I thought. I don’t know why they’re calling it UBI and saying it’s the first of its kind in the nation. Maybe there’s more to it I’m not understanding, which is why I wanted peoples input if they knew more about this bill? My...
  52. E

    California, UBI

    Curious of peoples thoughts on this program passed last month in California? Two sides, one is against as it’s seen as a socialist program. Free money. Not good. Horrible for the economy. The other side, is well, it’s not going to everyone necessarily. It’s money that’s being put aside that...
  53. E

    Jimmy Fallon's audience cheers the decline of white people

    Not surprised with the current social climate. It’s the same with men and feminism. Men are guilted by the movement and Liberal men in America are always going on how women are the better sex. You hear this so often in liberal areas and everyone cheers. “Go women! You are so much better than...
  54. E

    Preliminary RTR SCHEDULE Before New Releases: August 22 - 30

    Thanks cobra for all your help. Hope you have many blessings yourself! I love having a warfare schedule to focus on. I feel it adds structure to a life. Can’t wait till the next onslaught! Danke!
  55. E

    French People Forbidden From Buying Food Due to Vax Pass

    Yikes.. I think if you’re from Europe, whilst doing rtrs focus on undoing this stuff. Remember the sermon cobra made where he said while doing the rtr you can also focus on a specific goal that is related to direct the energy more specifically? That seems wise for many Europeans to put the focus...
  56. E

    Should We Save Everyone? A lesson learned?

    I would say less of this is America’s fault specifically and more that at the moment we have jew puppet masters flying us into the ground. We’re more or less hostages and don’t need specifically to be hated any more than another jew controlled nation. I think the solution is pretty simple and is...
  57. E

    Afghanistan And Taliban [Megathread] : Prepare For Another 2015 Europe "Crisis"

    I guess one positive from all of this is when Biden made his speech over the issue, poles were taken and we have the lowest approvals from the Democrats ever. His own party is showing disapproval. The independents as well. Liberal democratic media is actually criticizing Biden. Something we...
  58. E

    Is The Birthrates Of Whites The Woman's Fault? A Refutation For The Argument Of 'Christian Values'

    Aaah okay. This mostly makes sense. I mostly agree now. I guess I still kind of think it’s wise for people to actually wait to have kids for development of life skills and maturity though, but I understand this is mostly advice, not actually necessary. In my experience, my parents had me at 15...
  59. E

    Is The Birthrates Of Whites The Woman's Fault? A Refutation For The Argument Of 'Christian Values'

    Interesting sermon. I’m definitely left with some confusion though. I remember you saying, Hitler created a government that incentivized people having families because they needed to recover the population from WW1. At current times, for example, population troubles aren’t huge problems. Is...
  60. E

    About The Astrological Time Of Death

    Take 9/11 for example, not everyone died in these buildings. When the bombs dropped in Japan, not everyone died, ect. Yes, it’s true you can predict really negative events in a country, but not what happens to every individual specifically. This is why death simply can’t be 100% predicted IMO...
  61. E

    Being "Stuck" With Meditation, Patience, Overcoming Obstacles

    This sermon applies to so much in life, beyond just meditation. Amazing advice and insight and it reveals something to always consider as you’re working towards long term goals, which don’t always show fruit immediately, but are worth the time and investment. It reminds me of a past sermon...
  62. E

    RE: Sexuality, Relationship Advice, Authoritarianism and the Individual Versus the Collective.

    Myself and many other men have had debates with Jack over the years on his particular views. There was a point when there was a huge debate which many members chimed in including HP Cobra and Mageson. After Mageson was outed as a traitor, it seemed Jack, then 180d and went back to his same old...
  63. E

    I think I am having a crisis

    Well the sheep mostly do what they’re told and don’t question much. In time, as we remove control of the media from the enemy and remove the enemy influence and put control in the gentiles hands, things will kind of sort themselves out. You have to understand the masses are lost because of the...
  64. E

    About The Astrological Time Of Death

    IMO, there’s no way to truly predict death in the chart. Maybe in retrospect you can see some bad things, but death can happen for many reasons and at many times. For example, think about WW2 when the bombs were dropped, and millions died at once. Was it in millions of peoples charts to die that...
  65. E

    I have a question about interference with my workings

    Yeah, as Blitzkreig, said, a Munka working could be useful for getting rid of negative karma, but in my experience what helps so much with these emotional hangups, is work on the throat chakra. I’ve been through much abuse and life turmoil that had caused me to develop varying levels of...
  66. E

    New Pineal Gland/6th Chakra Meditation by Me and HPS Maxine [Audio Updated]

    Nice! Good to see a collab with Maxine. Big up the HPS! Danke Cobra for the nice boost!
  67. E

    How do I advance while mentally sabotaging myself?

    The thing I’ve learned big time, is if you’re doing your part and call upon the demons, then they indeed do their part. So if a person does the returning curses, and asks for the filthy removed energy to be removed, it absolutely is removed, even if it’s still imprinted in the minds eye for some...
  68. E

    Yoga advice. Tight hamstrings and lower back pain

    You we’re over doing it, then you dialed it back and regressed a little. That’s fine. Now just keep going but don’t push to discomfort. Yogas not meant to be that way. If you stay consistent with this approach eventually everything will loosen.
  69. E

    Lost Job opportunity due to my honest point of view about not being Vaccinated.

    Hey! Thanks for asking, I’m doing very well, thanks to guidance from the gods during my hard times. Still much hard work ahead, but I’ve failed so much in life and now am at a point where all of the lessons from those failures have put me in a different zone. Persistence, focus, honesty with...
  70. E

    Satanism in Rock n Roll/Popular Music

    I have a buddy who just told me that in the metal community there’s a band called Behemoth, that has an album called Satanist or The Satanist and it just got awarded album of the decade. Apparently they’re very openly Satanic. Idk much about them but I thought that was nice to hear that album of...
  71. E

    Does yoga and chakra work also make your physically more stronger/smarter?

    Flexibility is strength. It’s funny. I’m super into the sport strongman and these athletes are like 400lbs and 6 and half feet tall on average and you’d be surprised how unbelievably flexible they are. Massive men who can do crazy yoga posses and the reason is they understand that it plays a...
  72. E

    Lost Job opportunity due to my honest point of view about not being Vaccinated.

    Well you can still get covid if you’re vaccinated, so I’m not worried about that. Something people have to learn is reading a situation and reading people. With that you can make informed decisions. I know how to handle myself, so I don’t worry about such things. It’s very hard for someone to...
  73. E

    Message to Red-Pilled Non-Satanists Lurking Here

    Well if you can literally feel the curses and attacks as you do this, you probably need to up aura of protection and do the returning curses rituals to keep yourself safe. Otherwise that’s awesome what your doing.
  74. E


    Very nice work with all of this information. Thank you!
  75. E

    Lost Job opportunity due to my honest point of view about not being Vaccinated.

    Look, let this be a learning experience. In this life, with the way things are, sometimes you have to tell people what they want to hear. That’s just the way it is. You don’t have to wear your beliefs on your sleeve. This will cost you as you have now seen. For instance there was a really...
  76. E

    Meditations to Overcome this Dark Period of Humanity?

    Well probably, first thing is don’t get too worried. That wasn’t the goal of his post, but yes you do need to be prepared. This goes beyond our current crisis, in general, despite a crisis we all need to be working to get our lives in order and to have stability and health. Of course this crisis...
  77. E

    Critical Race Theory Puke

    Basically the theory is this. White people are evil and the cause of all suffering. The one thing right with this theory is people are realizing there is one race causing all of our problems. They just missed the mark. It’s not whites it’s jews. And even though the jews have mixed with all...
  78. E

    Satanism in Rock n Roll/Popular Music

    Satan and the demons have a way to inspire people. They do this with artists, politicians and other people of influence. The gods do this and it helps to take the fear away from Satan and the gods. It works. Many members have come here because they weren’t afraid of Satan from being fans of...
  79. E

    Some People are Starting to Wake up!!!

    Yeah stuff like that is happening everywhere and all the time now. It’s our rtrs and it’s extremely inspiring. Thanks for sharing.
  80. E

    Clairalience (clear-smelling psychic sense)

    Working with your incubus is probably a great way to further develop that sense because essentially you develop these things, along with anything really, by doing. To develop the sense you must use it and practice. In the beginning it’s harder and as with anything, you’ll get better and the...
  81. E

    Other ways to activate the Pineal Gland?

    You can also breath energy from the moon. Particularly when it’s full, in its home sign of cancer or it’s exhalation in Taurus. Closer to full moon is better. Color silver.
  82. E


    Wait, don’t most phones do this? Mine scans my face. It’s an iPhone. As far as the Chinese go, I recently befriended some Chinese immigrants here in America and asked them many questions. They are very appalled by what’s going on and count themselves as lucky to have safely escaped and moved...
  83. E


    I really like the analogy you used where the final rtr is like the cure while the other rtrs are like a pill treating the symptoms like a pain pill or something. And so even though those other rtrs won’t solve the situation at large they will greatly ameliorate the pain as symptoms arise through...
  84. E

    I have a question about interference with my workings

    Maybe try practicing with the flame meditation. It helps with laser focus. The whole idea of that meditation is the flame is being pulled from your focus, this simulates distracting thoughts, then you pull the flame back to center and you’re back on track. This could help a lot.
  85. E

    Fail Life

    Well you say you’ve accomplished nothing and have failed, but what have you done to accomplish these goals you mentioned? Friends, gf, ect. These aren’t impossible goals or unrealistic. It sounds like maybe you’re not really trying. What do you enjoy? Go out and do those things. Do things you...
  86. E

    Where do dead animals go?

    Wow, I lost my pet yesterday as well. :cry: He had some major wounds after being attacked and we had to humanely put him down. Very horrible. But I know, as others stated he’ll have an easy time reincarnating and he’s no longer in pain. Sorry for your loss, I totally know the pain. I’ve...
  87. E

    Green Pass restrictions in Italy

    I read this online: “The pass will be available to those who have had at least one vaccine dose. The pass will also be available to anyone who presents proof of a negative test taken within 48 hours before accessing any of the activities under restriction, and to those who have recently...
  88. E

    If Forced To Take The Vaccine?

    I’m curious where you’re getting this thought. They’re actually not getting stronger and stronger. They’re getting weaker and weaker. If you watch, news around the world, people on social media platforms, people everywhere are waking up more and more to the conspiracy of this hoax. The jew has...
  89. E

    Could I learn guitar in the astral realm?

    Most of guitar or piano playing or similar instruments is training the neuropathways from the brain to the hands. This must be done physically. Imagining yourself playing won’t be much use other than maybe helping you theorize certain solutions to problems you may have. Otherwise you have to...
  90. E


    Well the cdc even confirms many of these. They emphasize how it’s common with many vaccines and medications and it’s all extremely rare and unlikely. From observing so far, many of these side effects truly are rare, however if the side effects were the only worry, we wouldn’t have so many here...
  91. E

    how will we survive?

    The world is filled with misinformation. People need to keep their faith in these trying times ahead just as we have through all of it so far. Be safe and be responsible and as with all problems in life, you get through them. I always keep my faith in the gods and our spiritual mission and...
  92. E

    Am I an idiot?

    Well, the main problem is you really can never truly know how someone might react. When I was young I was really open with it. Many people didn’t care. Some did a lot. I was living with a lady for a while and she was very open minded and into spirituality and we always had deep conversations...
  93. E

    Using a Satanic Rosary

    Definitely. I don’t have the time right now to look and grab, but if you use the search function, you’ll find tons of stuff.
  94. E

    What Happens If You Take The Vaccine?

    True, and it’s hard to tell what will really happen to Fauci and his cohorts. We did take down Jeffrey Epstein who had a whole army of elites as his friends, including the Clintons as well and tons of money, but of course theres way more on the line if Fauci goes down than someone like Epstein...
  95. E

    What Happens If You Take The Vaccine?

    Agreed. The main point is right now it’s impossible to know the long term effects of the vaccine. I was reading an article the other day where a 13 year old kid died after taking the second dose of the vaccine. From my understanding, he had no preexisting or underlying health conditions. Just...
  96. E

    Two planetary squares at once?

    Are they squares of the same planet? If so, than no unfortunately that will not work.
  97. E

    Question on the optimal time for planetary squares

    With the squares specifically, best to wait for ideal timing. Maxine has stressed a lot the importance of timing. However, with workings, there’s always more than one way to achieve a certain goal. If you have a goal that you want to achieve with the Venus square, chances are there’s other...
  98. E

    Why White-Gold instead of White Energy for Protection. Source?

    A great way to learn the attributes of the different colors is to actually use them in your meditations and safely experiment. Remembering to always use affirmations with ‘positive’ or ‘healthy’ in them while doing so. You should notice the benefits of white-gold over just white for...
  99. E

    Using a Satanic Rosary

    Yeah 111 has been confirmed as a good number. As well as the round 100. 108 was outdated info. It’s not going to ruin anything, but there was too much focus on that number at a certain point. With new info we know there’s better options.
  100. E

    Goddess Leraje - testimonial & sigils

    Very nice work!
  101. E

    About Mentally Ill People And Basket Cases PART 2

    I don’t know why I’m barely getting to this thread. Many SS have had struggles with mental illness to some degree or another. Some extremely severe, some mild. I’ve certainly had my struggles. It’s one of those things where the enemy can come in and make things more confusing. For those who...
  102. E

    Using a Satanic Rosary

    Well the rosary is based off of 108. My understanding is this number is no longer the advised number, so either way the bead count should be adjusted.
  103. E

    Big victory: Poll Reveals 58% of Americans Believe ‘The Media Are Truly the Enemy of the People’

    We even have for the first time in US history the preliminary disclosure of documents of UFO and alien phenomena, with more to come. The USA is a major world power. For us to openly address and release this info is a mark of a change happening. Our communication rtr is doing its job. It’s...
  104. E

    Big victory: Poll Reveals 58% of Americans Believe ‘The Media Are Truly the Enemy of the People’

    Most of the right wing News figures bring up the idea of fake news themselves. I’m thinking of Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson. As well as many right wing YouTube news channels, which a lot of people get their news from now a days. The internet is the enemies downfall as has been stated many...
  105. E

    Kabbalistic Squares

    IMO, you’re better off not mucking with any meditations not from the jos or given to you by a demon of Satan. Otherwise of course we don’t know it’s safety. Especially if you’re getting it from corrupt sources, which can have not just watered down meditations, but actually harmful things that...
  106. E

    Feeling uncomfortable with things going well spiritually/self sabotage or old programming?

    I think what you’re going through is common, especially if you’ve struggled with drugs or addictions or are particularly emotional. As we progress spiritually and fight in this war we’ll attract attacks from the enemy and these can manifest a number of ways. Like you said, coincidentally someone...
  107. E

    Satanic souls and satanic blood

    Satanism attracts people of all levels and backgrounds. Elite and newbie. Healthy and unhealthy, but we’re all given the tools to progress and that’s what matters.
  108. E

    Is the FRTR affect it?

    Yeah, to one extant or another we all go through this when we join this path, which is why these groups are so valuable, as we have others we can relate and communicate and share with. If it is becoming a serious problem, you can always do a working to attract the right friends and people into...
  109. E

    Being Trapped by the Enemy Aliens

    If you’re saying you’re dealing with past life issues, we all do, then you need to focus on cleaning and destroying those specific issues. Whatever it is that’s holding you back. Download our SS calendar and find an appropriate date to begin a working during a waning moon, and use the mantra...
  110. E

    Preliminary Aerial Phenomena Report (UFO)

    From my understanding there’s more info to be released. This is just the preliminary disclosure. However, they acknowledge the craft and sightings are real and they say it’s not US aircraft. They also imply they believe it’s not aircraft from other countries either. If they did believe they were...
  111. E

    Astrology Doubt

    With timing things, unfortunately it’s more complex. Many factors must be looked at when it comes to trigger points that influence something to happen. But if something is seen in the solar revolution if it’s positive or negative, be prepared. For negative things, use magical squares and aura...
  112. E

    Do our Gods have their own plants

    If Thoth said they don’t, they probably don’t. I think some of the info of the gods was taken from books or other sources. So not all of the info from the gods was taken directly from them. That’s why Maxine and Cobra have said they need updating. Thus the contradiction.
  113. E

    Questions regarding Weight Training and Hatha Yoga

    Maybe it would be a good idea to try light stretching before your workout and then after, perhaps in the evening, before bed, you’d do some hatha yoga, as this will help with recovery because you’re getting an increase of blood and energy flow throughout the body before bed when you need it to...
  114. E

    I failed as a Satanist

    I’ve definitely been in your shoes. Meditations do work, but you have to be thoughtful with how, which ones you do and how much. In your case you have unfortunate things happening so that means a major focus needs to be cleansing and protection. For cleansing VISUDDHI works wonders. SURYAE...
  115. E

    MerKaBa should I continue?

    I agree with Blackdragon666, you have to pace yourself with anything in life. Anything I’ve ever done where I rushed and tried to get ahead of myself, yeah I may of made a lot of progress, but then I had to spend so much time cleaning up the mess I made by rushing. Slow and steady wins the race...
  116. E

    i get always pushed back into pain

    The biggest lesson I’ve learned when dealing with this myself is it all boils down to who you hang around. Not all people suck. Surround yourself around those that do and you’ll experience this. Change who you hang around.
  117. E

    I would need an alternate asana

    There are easier inversion asanas you can begin with like downward facing dog and doing a headstand by kicking yourself against a wall. The shoulderstand with padding is usually easy for most. With yoga it’s wise to build up to things. If you can’t do something now, there’s always easier...
  118. E

    Anger that doesnt stop

    I used to have a lot of anger problems myself. I think that type of energy which usually comes from the fire element can never strictly go away, but can definitely be controlled and vented in positive constructive ways. Anger itself isn’t bad. No emotion is. As no emotion is inherently good...
  119. E

    Deep Cleaning

    Interesting. I certainly have been cleaning for years and doing the rtrs near daily since they’ve come out as well. These past few months I’ve been dealing with so many hang ups and mental/emotional things and have made a lot of progress. Maybe that’s why the sessions are quick. Because of all...
  120. E

    Deep Cleaning

    I’ve been doing this for some days now and was curious about a certain part. When I have the ball of light in front of me I pray to Father Satan to send a demon to help me. The ball of light moves by itself from chakra to chakra at this point so I just sit and relax as it goes from chakra to...
  121. E

    Co-Vid Exposed: Tony Fauci, Worst of humans

    I did much research and can’t find anything on him being jew despite him looking like it, but when you directly aid in the deaths of thousands of people for your own personal gain and you’re writing books to profit from such a tragedy and directly accepting $1 million from the jews, IMO what...
  122. E

    Co-Vid Exposed: Tony Fauci, Worst of humans

    I don’t know how much of you have been fallowing the scandals of Tony Fauci that have come to surface recently, but it’s quite disturbing. From the start of this pandemic we’ve been breaking apart the shit narrative the jew media has been telling us all along, we’ve always known it’s a lie. Now...
  123. E

    Newbie- I cannot accept Hitler or ‘racial purity’

    Yeah and as others said, you are not race mixed. By race mixing, Hitler and our community here are referring to whites, black and Asians mixing. Sub races have less importance. History is written by the victor. The fact that you’ve been led to Satanism and connect with it shows you already see...
  124. E

    The struggle of same-sex activism in a LGBT world.

    I tend to agree with some of the other members here that this idea of keeping it discreet seems to not make sense because it implies there’s something wrong with being bisexual, gay or lesbian. Which we know there isn’t and it’s totally natural. So for what purpose does it need to be kept...
  125. E

    RTR EFFECTS: SHARE THIS- Video surfaces of Fauci Project Manager admitting they created Covid 19 in WUHAN LAB

    This video interview of Rand Paul from Fox News elaborates on the bizarre hearing held where Fauci was questioned and obviously repeatedly lied. Evidence showing his name as a sponsor for the gain of function research done at wuhan lab as well as documentation showing an emergency pull of...
  126. E

    RTR EFFECTS: SHARE THIS- Video surfaces of Fauci Project Manager admitting they created Covid 19 in WUHAN LAB

    When Rand Paul says to Dr. Fauci that ‘gain of function research’ (meaning research to juice up animal viruses to infect humans, a definition agreed by Rand Paul and Fauci) was done at wuhan labs and funded by his crew, his only response was to deny. Yet over 200 scientists agreed they took...
  127. E

    Entity Not Letting Me To Meditate

    Thanks for taking the time to show me those posts by GITM. I can’t tell you how much I relate to everything he said. That alone has helped beyond words.
  128. E

    Entity Not Letting Me To Meditate

    Definitely getting better. This whole thing went on for so long and I was so emotionally/psychologically damaged by it that there’s much healing to do. But progress is certainly happening and I’m so relieved I told my story here and received thoughtful input from all of you. It has cleared a lot...
  129. E

    Entity Not Letting Me To Meditate

    Excellent write up mate. Has to be mostly spot on. As I mentioned, since sharing my story on this thread, I’ve noticed much improvement. The thing that had me believing it’s a real externally sourced entity all this time is just based on the genesis of this whole experience. The fact it all...
  130. E

    Entity Not Letting Me To Meditate

    Yeah, I mean, that was the exact point I was making. You know what’s even stranger, but in a good way, is every since I begun this conversation on this thread, I’ve been noticing improvements in this situation like nothing before. It’s getting very much better. Still slow and steady, but...
  131. E

    Entity Not Letting Me To Meditate

    When a person does the final rtr and does the meditations on the jos on a consistent basis there’s a 100% chance they will have results. These are real power meditations revealed by the gods. They absolutely DO work. There are genuine entities of the enemy who will attack and harass us. We’ve...
  132. E

    Entity Not Letting Me To Meditate

    I need to emphasize this to clear something up. Are you telling me that after years and years of consistent meditation and empowerment, ect that all that work as yielded me zero results and all of my spiritual experiences and interactions are delusions and insanity in my head? Cause that’s what...
  133. E

    Entity Not Letting Me To Meditate

    Okay, I can accept there’s elements of mental illness here. But it’s not the whole thing. Remember, when I told you about the succubus situation? Where I had a relationship with an entity I thought was a demon who was going to help me with all of this and it turned out to be an enemy who...
  134. E

    Entity Not Letting Me To Meditate

    As if this whole thing isn’t strange enough, it really blows my mind to come on here and see you call me a liar and further discredit me when I already seem crazy enough telling people publicly these real experiences. I don’t understand why you say that? I can screenshot and post the emails...
  135. E

    Entity Not Letting Me To Meditate

    Huh? I said exactly what you told me. I have emails saved. Everything I said you said, you did say. I don’t understand the point of calling me a liar. I’m coming here for help after you told me you have no advice for me. And I never gave it attention for about the first year. It wasn’t till...
  136. E

    Entity Not Letting Me To Meditate

    Thank you for taking the time to answer. So I would say overall it’s gotten worse since it started. With my own advancement, yes, I am able to advance to an extent. What’s hard is going into trance. It’s almost impossible. When I go to the state. The entity starts throwing me around and...
  137. E

    Asking about protein shakes

    Well thank you for checking up on me, that’s very kind. Stormblood, I have tremendous respect for you. Maybe we agree to disagree on this? Yeah I don’t have a medical degree, but my crowd is the fitness crowd. I’ve learned a lot from my peers and have reviewed a lot of material on these...
  138. E

    Entity Not Letting Me To Meditate

    Thank you very much for your thoughtful and thorough reply. It is very appreciated. However, not exactly with lemons, but I’ve done variations of this a few times. It did seem to have an effect like everything else I tried, but it only took a few moments for it to ‘regenerate’. I don’t know if...
  139. E

    Entity Not Letting Me To Meditate

    I’ve been paranoid for awhile that this entity attached has blocked my ability to communicate with the gods and that’s why they haven’t helped. But probably that’s not true and I’m just paranoid idk. Because otherwise why will they not help? This is the main reason I decided to finally bring it...
  140. E

    Entity Not Letting Me To Meditate

    I know the general theory is okay it’s in my head and just ignore it right? I’m crazy Guys, you gotta understand that really is not the case here. There are times I literally have no control over it. It’s not like I’m dwelling on it and giving it energy. I can literally be on my phone or doing...
  141. E

    Entity Not Letting Me To Meditate

    Well when I’m laying in bed trying to go to sleep and I get repeatedly thrown from my bed that’s not my imagination. Honestly it’s been so intense lately I don’t have any energy right now to talk about it. I’ll try. That’s why I haven’t made the thread. I don’t even know where to start when it...
  142. E

    Asking about protein shakes

    Healthy, meaning no diseases or serious illnesses or damage of the particular organs. Functioning correctly, etc. So yes, healthy exists. Many people can say they don’t have diseases and illnesses in their organs or body. Thus they are healthy. Storm blood, you’re a smart dude. I’m really...
  143. E

    Entity Not Letting Me To Meditate

    Well even if that’s true, and I’m feeding this entity and keeping it alive as you say, doesn’t explain why I can’t get the gods to help me with it after years of trying. Last night was horrible with these attacks and I just sat there pleading to Satan to help me. For hours. Nothing happened...
  144. E

    Entity Not Letting Me To Meditate

    Yeah I’m gonna make a thread on it.
  145. E

    Xians Friends

    Well... tbh, I really can’t even get rid of enemy energies and attachments from myself atm, let alone on anyone else. So it’s not high on my priorities. But she’s hardcore extremist at this point. Vegan, feminist, communist, etc. all of it. And it’s zealous passion she has for it. Her and her...
  146. E

    Entity Not Letting Me To Meditate

    Hey ol argedco, I have a question, what you say is very true, however when I read this post by the OP I about near spilt the tea. Because what he said is exactly what I go through on a daily basis and I’ve never talked about it on the forums. But it’s totally different than what you described...
  147. E

    Xians Friends

    My best friend was on the verge of joining our ranks some years ago. We were hanging out everyday and talking about it. She seemed so excited to get into it. She just needed time. I went away and left for some months and when I came back she had 180d. Not only was she not into Satanism anymore...
  148. E

    Asking about protein shakes

    Okay, but the problem is you’re assuming that just going over the recommended protein amounts is enough to over work your kidneys, but it isn’t. That would require extreme amounts of protein. More than what a person could eat safely without force feeding. And even then they would have to force...
  149. E

    Asking about protein shakes

    Okay, this post may be a little long, but I’m trying to explain and then I do have questions for you too. With protein absorption, maybe I didn’t word it right. Yes, I know protein is hard to absorb. I was saying, it’s one of the most verified things we know, that a lot of protein isn’t...
  150. E

    This is Something I Wanted to Say

    I’ve been away from the forums for a short while but came back on and skimmed through some sermons and posts. Doing this gave me many thoughts and feelings. I read a lot of things from HP Cobra and other members which inspired me very much. I’ve been going through the hardest times in my life...
  151. E


    Very true. There’s a reason the top body builders and top athletes in any field eat meat. There are the vegans who are athletes and bodybuilders, but none of them perform on an elite level or compare to those with meat in their diet. There’s a reason. All protein isn’t equal. The amino acid...
  152. E

    been seeing 42 everywhere

    Well, it could be from the gods. You have to look at the context. When I would see them, bad things would happen. And then I would pray to the gods and say please to keep things less confusing don’t show me these numbers right now. And then I’d see them everywhere so course I knew it wasn’t the...
  153. E

    I need an advice about "restarting"

    Just do something simple you can maintain and then build. If you can’t handle what you’re doing now, than yes, you need to do something different, but you should start with the basics. If you’re chakras are open, do daily chakra work. Start there, if they’re not open, open them. Commit to daily...
  154. E

    Ufo, good and bad aliens.

    Watch Bob Lazar. I’ve seen all his interview and documentaries he’s done over 30 years. He’s always consistent. Story never changes. Everything adds up. He was in charge of reverse engineering spacecraft for the government. I believe his story.
  155. E

    been seeing 42 everywhere

    This honestly happens to me a ton. I was seeing 666 and 1134 almost daily. 1134 is hell upside down. Anyway, anytime I’d see this I knew it was the enemy cause bad shit would happen. It was like they were turning these sacred numbers against me. It’s died down recently, but sometimes when I’m...
  156. E

    I need some help deal with irrational fear from nowhere

    These could be enemy attacks. Surround yourself in UV light. This is the ether. It will eliminate the negative thoughts if they’re intrusive. Also do detachments if this is the case. Detach whatever links are attaching to you to cause these invasions. Up your protections and cleanse regularly.
  157. E

    About Advanced Members And Our Community

    One thing that really shows the legitimacy of this path and people on this path is watching people progress. I’ve been here over a decade and it’s so wonderful to see over time people evolve and grow from spiritual practice. Even Cobra. I remember the yahoo days before priesthood and when I...
  158. E

    Crown chakra

    Feeling the chakra can take time. You have to build sensitivity. The foundation meditation is good for that. It helps build an awareness to energy. https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Foundation_Meditation.html As far as what sensations you’ll feel? Usually...
  159. E

    About Debates , Controversy That has happened

    Well, we’re all humans and have our own opinions and philosophies on certain things and so disagreements are inevitable and that’s fine. As well, we’re all at different levels on this path, trying to come together to grown and lift each other up. Because of this, we aren’t a perfect community...
  160. E

    Specific work in each chakra. Doubt.

    No, in this sense, it’s not really like a muscle where if you decrease work it has a negative effect. As long as you’re consistent with empowerment, even if you dial back at a certain point, you’ll still be growing in power overall. The only time you’ll see major drops in power is if you...
  161. E

    About rtr tetragrammaton affairmation.

    Yes, and all related ilk. This ritual covers all bases. Everything is taken care of with these affirmations. We’re eliminating it all.
  162. E

    Why so hostile to new people?

    I guess you didn’t notice our pinned thread with thousands of comments dedicated to guiding and supporting new members. Trolls create fake accounts daily. Most don’t get through, but some slip by. Most here are wise enough to pick up on it. They may seem like ‘new’ members, but they’re trolls...
  163. E

    Anger Management

    Self awareness with these problems goes a long way. You know when you start to feel a certain way, how it makes you act, so next time you feel that way recognize it and be aware. Then make a wiser choice. Say “okay, I know when I feel like this I do dumb shit, so let me take a deep breathe and...
  164. E

    How to make a woman feel extreme lust?

    It’s not unethical. First you have to understand magic and how a love spell works. As you said, you can’t force anyone to love you. A love spell isn’t designed to do that. Compatibility is still important. What a love spell does is no different than normal courtship. It’s just creating a...
  165. E

    Forced to get the Vaccine for Work

    Just wanted to update. My employer informed me today that we have found out the vaccine will not be mandatory and not taking it will not effect my job. However of course I’m being strongly encouraged to get it, but who cares about that. He did say he didn’t know how long this would be the case...
  166. E

    Why do I feel Emotional pain?

    If the gods weren’t in pain over the situation of our world, they wouldn’t be helping us. They do feel all emotions. It’s been said, Satan has very powerful emotions. All emotions are natural. Including pain, hate, anger. These things are often seen as negative, but really, it’s the way you...
  167. E

    Forced to get the Vaccine for Work

    I should note, yes the obvious answer is DO NOT TAKE IT. This in most instances wouldn’t be a hard decision to make, if it wasn’t for how unbelievably hard it’s been finding work in my small town. We had a situation where a huge chunk of our population was laid off and then instantly any kind of...
  168. E

    Forced to get the Vaccine for Work

    I work in the medical industry, we’re one of the first to have access to the vaccine here in America. My boss said to me yesterday he believes it’s going to be a requirement for me to get it to continue my job once the vaccine is available to us in roughly one month. It’s not official but he...
  169. E

    Is Stephen King jewish?

    I’m a particularly big fan of King. I highly doubt he’s jewish. King isn’t a jewish last name nor is his mother’s maiden name Pillsbury. In his biography he claims to be raised in a New England Methodist household. He also claims to be xian currently to an extent and believes in god. I’ve...
  170. E

    The Snake poem

    Confusion... Why is the typical jewish archetype of the snake being used here?
  171. E

    Breathing Exercises that help with Cardio?

    Well, just in general, opening up the lungs with diaphragmatic breathing before running is good. You can do a number of stretches like raising the arms high in the air and breathing deeply then with the hands still raised bend the body to the right and continue to breath deeply then to the left...
  172. E

    Get Family Problems when chanting AUM Mantra

    Meditation in general, when first starting can dredge up dross from the soul and bring it to the surface to be dealt with causing problems. AUM is known for balance, so it makes sense this can happen. This is a necessary part of meditation as an imbalance is being sorted out. However, after...
  173. E

    Do legs have chakras?

    There are minor chakras in the knees, yes. Focus on them to open the up and feel them.
  174. E

    Is Maxine coming back?

    Well, all he really said was be patient, news will come when it’s time. Nothing cryptic or hostile or suspicious in any way. Definitely don’t go down any paranoia rabbit hole, by over thinking a simple response, mate.
  175. E

    Career Guidance needed!

    Well growth happens from slowly pushing yourself and then you adapt. What was hard before is no longer hard and ideally you try and keep pushing in different ways so you’re always advancing. The job is a step in the right direction. You’re struggling with discipline and responsibility. This...
  176. E

    Vaccination, Aliens, Lockdown, Human Genome Alteration

    I’ll put it this way. You have to have some kind of job to make a living and support yourself no matter what. That is time you have to invest no matter what. Having spiritual obligations or not, in this world you have to work. If you’re saying to yourself, I won’t worry about it I’ll just put...
  177. E

    Vaccination, Aliens, Lockdown, Human Genome Alteration

    You’re worrying over nothing here mate. For people who think we’re a forum only organization, in the long run, this isn’t really an issue. It doesn’t take long for people to read these forums and figure out we’re doing rtrs and we’re meditating and empowering ourselves. We have a pinned thread...
  178. E

    Vaccination, Aliens, Lockdown, Human Genome Alteration

    On a positive note, it’s been said this ‘pandemic’ has dramatically increased the number of members we have and views to our sites as people have been on the web more than ever. Not only this, but for those who have a large social circle, think about the way people think and question things...
  179. E

    Base: Yoga, Repressed Anger

    Great list! Especially because with the hips, this is an area a lot of people struggle with tightness and these asanas will make a huge difference. Here we’re working with the Psoas muscle. In research, this muscle is sometimes referred to as the soul of the body and when worked, it almost...
  180. E

    chakra spinning

    Over the years this has been asked a lot. Spin them anyway that is comfortable. If this were an issue they would let us know.
  181. E

    Advanced Void Meditation Question

    Perfectly said. That fear in itself can be our own undoing and it’s very important to tune that out. With the multitasking, there’s an idea tied to this of minimum effort, maximum satisfaction. With this I’ve learned a life lesson. Minimum effort gives minimum results. If you care about...
  182. E

    Masturbation, Menstruations and Exercise

    It’s impossible to target fat loss. Doing ab work won’t aid in belly fat loss. The body in men and women, stores fat in certain areas differently and when losing weight you’ll lose fat usually in the belly and love handles last. In the face it tends to go first, but more or less it’s uniform...
  183. E

    Loss of taste and smell due to covid-19.

    Not sure. I just found that with some light research on the subject. Otherwise I don’t know much about it, but I would recommend you hit other forums or websites where people have dealt with and are dealing with this. A lot have recovered. Of course you’re even luckier because you can apply...
  184. E

    Loss of taste and smell due to covid-19.

    I did some light research. It appears the olfactory nerves are capable of regenerating. I read this on a website. “To reawaken the olfactory nerves, most specialists recommend smell training, a daily routine of sniffing essential oils such as lemon, eucalyptus, cloves, rose, and others. If you...
  185. E

    Why am I so wretched?

    Yes, you’re correct. I was referring to the term Gypsy which, from research is just used to describe the criminal nomadic Romani people, but it seems these people are more or less of jewish stock. Maybe not 100% and that’s why the term isn’t specific for jews. But you’re right, it’s high enough...
  186. E

    Why am I so wretched?

    Gypsies are not jews. They are Romani people. They were called the derogatory term Gypsy probably because most nomadic peoples were poor and this often led to criminal behavior, and so when people would see these poor nomads, they were weary and cautious. From Wikipedia: The Romani...
  187. E

    Regarding Jews in music

    Agreed. Music, when done right, is literally a person channeling their soul into their art. You’re hearing their soul and mind. Also music has power. It puts people in a right brained mood, where they’re more suggestible. I like Metallica, but never cared for Megadeth, so wasn’t bothered when...
  188. E

    The Biggest Lie That Was Said About Satan

    Something I’ve been wondering about is the Enemy ETs who might want to switch sides at some point and join us, how this will work? It makes sense to me the situation with the greys. They are Borg creatures with no mind of their own. It makes sense how they can be spiritually powerful and still...
  189. E

    ‘Exposed! New Proof on The Election’

    https://youtu.be/QNN9I0xxZRE Some highlights from the video: -The man who owns the company Dominion Voting, who makes the machines used in many states for the voting, is linked to George Soros. He’s chairman of the board. -Others linked to the voting machine company: Nanci Palosi’s former...
  190. E


    I was listening to the news today, liberal news radio and a women comes on who claims to be one of the volunteer vote counters for the state of Jew York. She’s trying to comfort the American people and she says no fraud took place, it was very professional. Then the media host, who was a jew...
  191. E

    Smelly farts + thigh pimples

    You said you do a cleanse with colloidal silver. Maybe you should do just a general colon cleanse. You can find products for this in the health section of most stores. Foul smells tend to come from long digestion. The longer something is sitting in the body, it can rot and this is where this...
  192. E

    Upcoming 2020 Election Results And What These Mean For US

    Another thing to think about, it’s a bit strange that none of the states that were called on then night of the election were so close between Biden and Trump that they were within 1%, but for some reason, all the states we've been waiting for the last days are right down the line. Hmmmmm....
  193. E

    Michigan Blocks Vote Observations, Fraud

    https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/11/04/watch-detroit-absentee-ballot-counting-chaos-as-workers-block-windows-bar-observers/amp/?__twitter_impression=true According to Michigan state law, the counting of the votes must be viewable by both democrat and republican parties. This was however...
  194. E

    Upcoming 2020 Election Results And What These Mean For US

    What’s worrying to me is the obvious suspicious events happening since last night. The biggest county in Georgia, a swing state and important one for Trump, has the pipes burst in the counting facility and counts halt. Then they claim it’ll take days to count the votes. To me, this is a red flag...
  195. E

    Upcoming 2020 Election Results And What These Mean For US

    We have to be careful of extremism in any direction. The left hasn’t always been this nuts. It’s their extremism that’s doing that. Extremists on the right are crazy too and they’re only making pro whites people look crazy as well. The extremists are the ones taking things to mind blowing and...
  196. E

    Upcoming 2020 Election Results And What These Mean For US

    Yeah, very true because we certainly know the illegals are highly conditioned to think he’s a racist. I live in Colorado which has many illegals. Sometimes I don’t think I even live in America, they’re so plentiful. And in work and places you hear their talks, but that’s the power of the media...
  197. E

    What happens if you search on Google "White American family"....

    Wtf.. dude what an excellent find. The images are a little bit different actually in America when I typed that it, but still it was ALL black families. This is BLATANT evidence of the attack on the white family and white people. I’m definitely going to show people this. Great find.
  198. E

    Upcoming 2020 Election Results And What These Mean For US

    They always say all these negative untrue things about trump. They’ve been saying it from day one. The proof is in the pudding though and when they did their phony impeachment what happened? If trump was doing all this terrible stuff, where was the evidence? Why did it fail? Because it was a...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
