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  1. B

    I got a question about the Aryan Race

    This has been discussed plenty of times. Aryans can have dark hair and eyes. You're mixing this up with being a Nordic. Just search for the term on the forums. There are quite a few threads on this.
  2. B

    I got a question about the Aryan Race

    This has been discussed plenty of times. Aryans can have dark hair and eyes. You're mixing this up with being a Nordic. Just search for the term on the forums. There are quite a few threads on this.
  3. B

    Planets in their detriment/fall, Venus and weight loss

    I have the exact opposite problem. I need to gain weight in a healthy way. I weight like 43 kilograms and I'm around 160 centimetres. It might just be my body type tho because I've always been like this and no matter how much I eat I do not gain weight. But I do believe I need to gain at least...
  4. B

    Is there such thing as "too much meditation"?

    ... Dude what the actual fuck.
  5. B

    social issues

    Well, lucky me. I've already found my soulmate. But seriously. Not trying to chew you. I just wanted you to understand that not every woman is the same. I live in a really big city. I'm in uni. I've talked to a lot of girls. And most of them are getting tired of the "Muh Alpha" mentality...
  6. B

    social issues

    Jack, I'm not trying to mess with you, but... what you are saying is delusional. I don't know where the fuck do you live. But where I live. And I... have an entourage that's 99% women. And women talk about this. And they are honest about their preferences. Girls want for a serious...
  7. B

    social issues

    Lol. All decent women I know run away from fuckboys. You know, fuckboys. You might've seen it where you live. But were I live, women who want a serious and long lasting relationship won't look at how many women you fucked or how many you can attract. If that was the case, I wouldn't be with my...
  8. B

    Should mixed race people not procreate?

    We can heal so many things through meditation. I don't see why one couldn't heal this, once they're advanced enough. Might be a bit tricky tho. Reason why it shouldn't be done if one is new with meditation.
  9. B

    Spiritual Satanists are NOT to curse other Spiritual Satanists!

    I seriously wasn't trying to attack you. Maybe I seen a bit more blunt because of this transition I'm going through - but I haven't meant anything in a negative way. If you're more interested in this, search for other topics. The clergy, especially HoodedCobra, have talked a lot about race...
  10. B

    How enemy plays with us

    Very good advice. You should focus on cleaning your aura at least twice a day. Even more if you come into contact with countless people. It's easy to give into those thoughts if you aren't advanced enough. I suggest you practice void meditation. It helps a lot. And it definitely gets easier...
  11. B

    I feel Betrayed.

    Thank you, it's what I was trying to say. I didn't want to seem so harsh.
  12. B

    Spiritual Satanists are NOT to curse other Spiritual Satanists!

    I don't have anger issues. And I'm not paranoid. I tried to explain to you why your statement "All blonds are extremely calm and peaceful" is wrong. We should avoid stereotypes when it comes to such things and realize that not everyone is perfect, not everyone is a good person - based on...
  13. B

    I feel Betrayed.

    Take it or leave it. I've just told you. You decide what you want to do. I gave you a piece of advice - no reason to get so defensive about it. But if you're a bit curious about it, ask yourself why no respected member has the names of our Gods at their username. You make your own name. It...
  14. B

    I feel Betrayed.

    Search for HailMotherLilith and see why she changed her name. We should make names of our own, not use the names of Gods and Goddesses and hide behind them.
  15. B

    Spiritual Satanists are NOT to curse other Spiritual Satanists!

    No, you literally said that every person with blond hair is extremely calm and peaceful. And that is not true. Don't compare humans with our Gods, be them Nordics or just Aryans. They're just as capable of doing bad things as any other person. There is less violence among the Nordics because...
  16. B

    social issues

    People have different interests. Don't force yourself to be an extrovert if you're introverted and definitely don't give up on who you are to impress other people. Very few women are interested in the "muh Alpha" type of mentality and guys who chase after dozens of girls. Develop on what you...
  17. B

    Spiritual Satanists are NOT to curse other Spiritual Satanists!

    I'm not against Nordics or anything. They are the purest side of out race, yes. They are important, yes. But that doesn't mean shit if you're a horrible human being and if you don't work on your soul. Can we stop glorifying the Nordics as if they're already Gods? They're human beings like...
  18. B

    Spiritual Satanists are NOT to curse other Spiritual Satanists!

    ...Mate. I have seen plenty of blondes behaving much worse than Aryans with dark hair and eyes. I even had a classmate that behaved similarly in high school and tried to bully me for being better than her at everything lol. Nordic people should be like that, yes. But few are nowadays...
  19. B

    I Feel Loved By The Gods

    Well, I can't communicate with our Gods or with Father Satan. Not directly at least. They've helped me a lot. Father Satan sent positive feelings to my partner when he asked Him what He thinks of me. Father Satan has helped me over the time. If I failed in something or if it didn't go as...
  20. B

    Books and Literature

    I find it so upsetting. What they did to him. He was such a genius in literature. I've read somewhere that they found his last poems in his pockets when he died. Such a dedicated person. It's so sad to see the younger generations - generally speaking - unable to treasure and take pride in the...
  21. B

    Books and Literature

    I do plan on reading it soon. But not now. I have to finish those books first. And I already have a 15+ books curriculum for only one course coming up. The damn timetable is so chaotic I can barely organise myself around my courses lol.
  22. B

    The enemy aliens threatened me and they tried to abducte me or did they? and what should i do about it?

    The moderators are approving some of their posts as to "train" the newer members on their behaviour. And for us to understand how petty and disgusting they are. As you can imagine, such posts are approved occasionally for a reason.
  23. B

    I feel Betrayed.

    I'd recommend you to change your name. It's been repeatedly said on the forums that we should not have the Gods' names in our username, or obvious reasons.
  24. B

    Spiritual Satanists are NOT to curse other Spiritual Satanists!

    There's nothing wrong with wanting to meet other SS, of course. We're humans beings. And I am an introverted person who needs the minimum amount of socialising, so I can't imagine how hard it must be for social people. But there are good people and bad people, even among us. And one must...
  25. B


    Yeah, don't do it if you really care for the girl and want something serious. I can tell you it will not be appreciated lol. Unless she's okay with starting a sexual relationship with you early on.
  26. B

    Tell me your experiences with your succubus/incubus

    ...they are moderators for a reason. I highly doubt they are corrupt. If they didn't aapprove some of your messages that doesn't mean they are corrupt. That means you've written something dumb and they've spared you the embarrassment - or they're trying to protect you. You're a new member...
  27. B

    I feel Betrayed.

    To be honest, I didn't feel anything during the dedication. But then again, I almost burned down my desk during my dedication and I was a bit too panicked to focus on anything else. But I've only had positive experiences with Father Satan and my GD since then and my life has improved. So...
  28. B

    Spiritual Satanists are NOT to curse other Spiritual Satanists!

    Oh? Believe me, you won't want to if it's a person you can't stand. Don't forget that not everyone is a proper SS. So instead of wanting to kill to know a SS in real life, you could ask your GD to guide you to someone good for you. Don't "come on guys" people who can't get along with...
  29. B

    The cobra folders on Mega about many things is gone

    I'm also interested in his videos.
  30. B

    Romania and the political, moral, social situation

    Yeah, dubious in that sense. I was actually planning on going home for the weekend but it's really cold and I decided I should stay here. And a roommate told me that I might not even find tickets this late. So yeah.
  31. B

    Romania and the political, moral, social situation

    Oh, you have no idea. I have my next course there. But hey, after getting lost in the university twice trying to search it... at least now I know where it is. The whole layout of the university and buildings is... very dubious. There is a small room I tried to find for 40 minutes. I still...
  32. B

    Spiritual Satanists are NOT to curse other Spiritual Satanists!

    There will always be SS who dislike other SS. It's inevitable. We aren't all good people. We aren't perfect. Coming to Father Satan shows us our potential and the fact that we are superior to those without - but that doesn't mean shit if you don't work on improving yourself. Being SS doesn't...
  33. B

    Music thread

    I don't know if they can be called satanic, but these songs motivate me a lot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fv4n6kj4xA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ubnhgZgsfc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqNjxIZ6AnE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJ5IzGBnWAc...
  34. B

    Books and Literature

    I believe you will enjoy it. Might be considered a romance book - but it's so much more than that. To be honest, I only found the romance aspect to be fleeting. There's a lot of focus on the hardships of war and society. I know I loved the book. Might read it again soon. But right now I want...
  35. B

    Any spells, meditations, or exercises for learning a foreign language?

    If you need additional material I have a roommate who is studying Russian and she'd be happy to share her lectures with me.
  36. B

    Tell me your experiences with your succubus/incubus

    ...do you even realize that we should NOT contact other SS privately because there are so many bloody infiltrators in our ranks!? The moderators aren't corrupt. They're trying to protect your damn ass! If Father Satan and the Gods want you to communicate with someone, you will! But don't blame...
  37. B

    The enemy aliens threatened me and they tried to abducte me or did they? and what should i do about it?

    I really don't think that Magus was being too sensitive. You need to understand that our words have consequences. Especially in this community, where they can be seen by other members - especially the new ones - or people who wish to join us. You have painted a very gruesome picture through...
  38. B

    Books and Literature

    I'm actually reading a book on Hitler right now. Theories on how He hasn't died and the skull that's supposed to be His. I found it at a newspaper stand between my uni and the dorms. It just caught my eye and I knew I had to have it.
  39. B

    Succubus/Incubus knowledge

    There's nothing wrong with getting a Succubi. If it was a bad thing or something wrong - we wouldn't be able to get Them in the first place. You do you when it comes to such things as sexuality, as long as you don'y break the natural laws. Example, race mixing. I recommend you to search for...
  40. B

    Romania and the political, moral, social situation

    I was a bit sarcastic with that statement, about the government encouraging stupidity. But I agree with you. I'm very lucky to have such amazing roommates. Even with some dubious living standards, this place is starting to feel like home with them. As an introvert they don't exhaust me. If...
  41. B

    Energy Vampirism

    Aura of Protection.
  42. B

    Back pain

    Thank you! I'm pretty sure my situation is getting better. I've learned how to trust my GD and myself and I've been feeling better. I'm also using energy to heal it. I'll look into it. I do have sensitive kidneys so I wouldn't be surprised. And I also need to drink more water - but I'm working...
  43. B

    The enemy aliens threatened me and they tried to abducte me or did they? and what should i do about it?

    You haven't even been a SS for a month and you already want the Gods to show Themselves to you? There are SS who have been dedicated and advanced for years and they haven't talked to the Gods directly yet! And you need to know yourself. Of course everyone will tell you that these numbers are...
  44. B

    Super power? I don’t think so...

    Things just don't happen the way we expect it. When we imagine it, we put ourselves in the best place and we make things as favourable for us as possible. But the truth it that in reality things don't go this way and there are very few people out there who will give you a second glance. You...
  45. B

    Romania and the political, moral, social situation

    On a second thought, you know there's something really fucking wrong if prisons have better conditions than uni dorms. Like... It's not as if they're trying to dumb down the population or anything similar to that. The showers are a nightmare. And taking a shower when there's hot water is a...
  46. B

    Romania and the political, moral, social situation

    Yes, we do have a history of magick that the Jews have been trying to get rid off. This is especially true in more isolated places, like villages. A lot of people are aware of curses and it's easy to give someone evil eye - and both my grandma and great grandma have cursed people...
  47. B

    Guardian Daemon finding guide

    You're welcome :D
  48. B

    How long does it take to become immortal?

    I'm sorry, I didn't want to take it out of context. I just wanted to point out that every SS has a different experience in this and the time it takes to reach immortality depends on how much a person works on their soul.
  49. B

    How long does it take to become immortal?

    It can take up to several lifetimes, depending on how much you have advanced your soul in past lives. And how consistent and dedicated you are in this life, of course. HPS Shannon has mentioned in some post that raising the Kundalini can take between 7-10 years on average and reaching MO...
  50. B

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Astrology can definitely guide you here and help you find out what would be the best career path for you. Besides that, focus on what you'd like to do in your life. You have quite a few options there: Political Sciences, Psychology - but I wouldn't recommend getting a degree in this field...
  51. B

    Romania and the political, moral, social situation

    It's really not as hard as it sounds like. Once you truly get something into your head and you say "no" to it, you need to stick to this mindset. No matter what. What helps me a lot is being aware of the consequences something might have. And it applies to everything. From procrastination to...
  52. B

    Guardian Daemon finding guide

  53. B

    Books and Literature

    A few minutes after I made the previous post I found a much bigger list of banned authors in Nazi Germany from the Romanian Wiki: https://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lista_autorilor_interziși_în_timpul_celui_de-al_Treilea_Reich I'll take the time tomorrow to make a dropbox list with these authors...
  54. B


    I don't know what to say about that. My cat disappeared for around two weeks and he came back just fine. Everyone thought he was dead.
  55. B

    Dog keeps coughing

    I come with good news. My dog is doing better! He still has problems but now it sounds as if it's just a sore throat. And he can bark again. He is also much more active, just the way he was before. And he eats well. Thank you for all the help!
  56. B

    Books and Literature

    Updated list: 1. J.R.R Tolkien 2. Mihai Eminescu 3. Charles Dickens 4. Stendhal 5. Margaret Mitchell 6. W.M Tackeray 7. Jules Verne Books I'm currently reading: 1. Mein Kampf 2. The Chris Conspiracy - The Greatest Conspiracy Ever Sold 3. The Lost Book of Enki - Memoirs and...
  57. B

    Why does JoS forum keeps on logging me out when i use tor?

    Because it's....Tor? Isn't that what Tor's supposed to do? Protect your privacy and identity? Tor has its quirks. If it only happens during these circumstances, Tor is causing it. Not the forums.
  58. B

    arrival of the gods.

    We need to change as human beings. The Gods can't do everything for us. They guide us. They help us. But they can't do everything. Not things we need to do. And you must understand that this change will take time. It won't happen overnight. Once we get rid of the Jewish element and races...
  59. B

    Romania and the political, moral, social situation

    I know what you mean. But I've seen the effects alcohol and smoking have on people. Especially in my own family. I have an iron will with my decision and I've decided a long time ago that I will not put my hands on alcohol and cigarettes. And there's no bloody way I'll do something that might...
  60. B

    Vibrating runes

    I could start it during the limited alone time I have in uni. I'll focus on that and on the RTRs for the beginning. Thank you!
  61. B

    Romania and the political, moral, social situation

    Don't worry about me. I don't go to parties or clubbing. I don't drink. I don't smoke. I'm going to uni to study. Not to party. But thank you for your concern! I really don't plan on ruining my life for cheap pleasures or entertainment. And I agree with the soap operas. Even my mother...
  62. B

    Romania and the political, moral, social situation

    It does depend. I gave the gypsy situation as an example for obvious reasons. But this type of behaviour is used with other races as well. I have a distant relative who made a child with a black woman. He was... shamed. A lot. His parents were so disappointed with him. He was made fun of for...
  63. B

    Vibrating runes

    Thank you! I plan on using any opportunities to do my spiritual work properly. But first I need to figure out how my roommates are and when they'll be missing from the dorms during the day. I haven't met them yet - I am pretty damn sure they won't be exactly open minded. That's just how people...
  64. B

    Requesting advice on how to receive success in academics with ADD

    There's nothing wrong with masturbating often. Some people just have a higher sex drive. There's absolutely no shame in something like that and, in most cases, a high sex drive is healthy. Try and think. Why do you feel that way when you masturbate? It's not normal. Orgasms should feel...
  65. B

    A White From Turkey

    Definitely move. Come back to Europe! Us whites have nothing to do in Japan. Unless you go there as a tourist or to learn a certain skill - culinary arts, for example - I'd suggest you to not even consider finding a home there. Europe is in a difficult situation, yes - but we need as much...
  66. B

    Was the enemy attacking me/us with today's earthquake? Or i'm over reacting?

    Earthquakes happen. It's probably just a coincidence. Don't stress over it too much.
  67. B

    Vibrating runes

    Thanks for the advice! I'll probably start experimenting with it today.
  68. B

    Vibrating runes

    Thank you! I'll pay attention to how open minded they are and test them. If not, I'll learn their schedule to see when I'm alone to do my spiritual workings in peace.
  69. B

    Romania and the political, moral, social situation

    Sister lol. That's a horrible mentality. And you can see the enemy curses in that. The gypsies are idiots and they treat women horribly. Everyone knows that. Gods, this is ridiculous. Those aren't even rational arguments. I'm leaving for uni soon - still in Moldova - so I guess I should...
  70. B

    Vibrating runes

    The problem is that winter is coming and you can't do the yoga outside or the workings when it's snowing, raining or being so cold you can't feel your body. It would be different if it was still summer. We have a pretty big campus. And my country isn't open minded. I can't hide in plain...
  71. B

    SS Song

    Thanks for posting the link!
  72. B

    Human spirits of Satan

    Very interesting! Thank you for posting this here. I haven't read it before.
  73. B

    Dog keeps coughing

    He doesn't seem to have a fever. And his situation hasn't gotten worse. I think he's actually getting better. Thank you for your suggestions! I didn't know that most antibiotics for humans are good for dogs as well. I'll definitely do some more research on it.
  74. B

    Thought on careers

    To be honest, I strive to find a career that will fulfill me and offer me financial stability. A thing that's not incredibly difficult nowdays if we take into consideration how easy it can be to make money. There are people who prefer to keep their own passions separated from their careers...
  75. B

    Romania and the political, moral, social situation

    In what region do you live? I'm in Moldova. And yeah, the gypsy situation is ridiculous. I have met some good gypsies - but most of them are... degenerates. I really can't understand why women and girls prefer gypsies over white men. Like... what the actual fuck? And that girl didn't...
  76. B

    Vibrating runes

    I'm starting uni soon and I know I won't be able to get any privacy with 5 people in one dorm room. My biggest worry is related to spirituality. I can easily find an excuse for yoga. And I can do the RTRs in my mind. It's not as powerful, but I can do more RTRs per day to make up for it. My...
  77. B


    It will probably take longer and there are chances it won't be as effective. But you can always try it. I would recommend you to wait for a while longer before you do something like this. If you do have a strong love interest... well, you don't want to fuck it up. Even so, consider trying to...
  78. B

    The things are getting worse..

    We can't just all leave and move to Japan. They fought to make their country that way. And let's not forget that Japan still has a lot of problems that need to be solved as soon as possible. There's a reason why they have a Suicide Forest. There's a reason why the suicide rates are so high in...
  79. B

    Romania and the political, moral, social situation

    Things are different in my village. I didn't think that it was really that bad since I've only left this place a few times. But yeah, people are... very racially aware here. You are highly judged if you have a relationship with a gypsy or with another race. My grandmother was like this. And...
  80. B

    Dog keeps coughing

    Right now I'm focusing on healing my dog. If things are getting worse I'll definitely do that. Or I might start with it now, in case things aren't getting better. Fortunately, I can stay home for a few more days instead of being at the uni since we officially start on the 1st of October.
  81. B

    Help with consistency

    You'll get headaches and feel burned out if you do too much. Of course, it will be okay for a week. Maybe two. A month. Two. But it will catch up to you and, as you've mentioned, you will feel worse than you did when you started. This isn't the effect of the meditations. It's because you're...
  82. B

    I am a failure

    The clergy has said that we can skip the yoga for a few days if we're very sick. And you've been doing this constantly for a month. It takes a while for the effects to materialize. You can't just expect to have a strong aura of protection and an amazing aura in general after a few weeks of...
  83. B

    Dog keeps coughing

    I know. But there's no way I would convince my family to take him to a near city for it. We live in a village and it takes quite some money and effort to get to a city vet. I'll check out the medicine and see where I can find it here. Thank you!
  84. B

    Dog keeps coughing

    We do have a pretty diverse diet for our dogs.The dry food is something we give them occasionally or other food. He is around five or six years old. We think it might be a nut fragment because he did eat some . But I find it weird how he, a much bigger dog than our girl - who keeps eating...
  85. B

    The autistic Children of sperm donor H898

    And that's exactly what I plan on doing. I don't have any horrible health problems that would affect my children - but I do have some back problems that I want to deal with first. I want to be at my best when I have children so I can give them the life they deserve.
  86. B

    Dog keeps coughing

    My dog has been coughing violently for the past two days. Almost like he's choking - but he isn't. Mom thinks he might've eaten some nuts, the ones with really a really hard shell. We have a tree in our yard. Our other dog likes eating them but nothing happened to her. He can breathe and he...
  87. B

    (Off topic) Dark theme

    Thank you! I had no idea there are extensions for this. My life has become much easier now. I'll always prefer darker backgrounds over light ones.
  88. B

    Cant sleep

    To be honest, I also meditate right before I go to sleep. Same with AoP and Aoc. At times even the yoga. In my case, most of the time it makes me feel more relaxed. I sleep much better after I do this. But then again, I'm usually too tired when I go to sleep to remain awake. The only reason...
  89. B

    Christians and those exposed to christianity

    Fortunately, I never had a fanatic family when it comes to xtianity. No one goes to church and no one really prays in my house. But when they do mention "God" or something similar to it, I get very irritated and mad at the whole situation - it feels as if they're stepping on my nerves. It...
  90. B

    I am rotting:(

    It can take time to see results. And it is known that as your problems come to the surface to be dealt with, they will get worse. Don't stop doing your workings and have faith in them. You're not rotting. Your soul is not decomposing. Well, it will - if you keep telling yourself that.
  91. B

    Tell me your experiences with your succubus/incubus

    I had a dream where I was humiliated by my classmaster in front of the class. I didn't mind it. One week later - exactly one week later- it happened. It wasn't my fault, but he blamed his own mistakes on me. Truly the most humiliating experience I had in high school. Especially knowing that on...
  92. B

    The things are getting worse..

    Hey Lorars, don't give up on our home. Or on our country. Things are really bad, yes. But don't forget our ancestry. How great our ancestors were. How many amazing people fought for our country and our freedom. We should be proud of our culture, of our history. There's nothing wrong with...
  93. B

    Astro orders going to spam

    I had a similar problem with a very important email from my uni. It's bloody ridiculous how this stuff can happen. I'll probably start using the same thing from now on.
  94. B

    Is this dreaming or astral projecting?

    I went through a very similar situation. I can't answer all of your questions, but I do believe you accidentally astral projected. It was so strange that I knew immediately. Probably the second experience I had with lucid dreaming as well. I felt as if I was... floating. Underwater. I...
  95. B

    Books and Literature

    I definitely have to add Publius Ovidius Naso to the list. I've only read Epistulae ex Ponto from him, but I plan on adding The Metamorphoses to the list. And I should definitely take the Russian writers out. For some reason, it never crossed my mind to check out the list of banned authors...
  96. B

    Books and Literature

    I actually didn't know that! Thank you. I started reading the book yesterday and I'm only a few pages in. I guess I'll have to move to another book.
  97. B

    Tell me your experiences with your succubus/incubus

    But dreams can be much more than that. I have had plenty of experiences when my subconscious was trying to tell me something. And it usually comes in very weird and illogical ways, but I have learned to interpret my dreams a bit thanks to an advanced SS who is very good at this matter. Even so...
  98. B

    A short documentary about school lunch system in Japan...

    And there's one of the reasons why Europe is in such a bad condition when it comes to educating the young generations - both academically and life wise. Before I became SS, I did find myself wishing to live in such a place. Even know it's a bit frustrating to think about it. While places...
  99. B

    Movies, games, series

    I can only recommend the miniseries Chernobyl and The Terror for people who enjoy the horror genre. Chernobyl is so beautifully made and highlights the tragedy and sacrifice of gentile people to protect the rest of Europe. It also shows just how evil the Soviet Union was and will fuel your...
  100. B


    I know it might seem hard now, but you'll get better at it with time. It's not your mind that's terrible. You just need to practice. Personally, I think that doing void meditation with my eyes closed is more beneficial - for me - than focusing on a candle. I can do it with a candle, but it's...
  101. B

    About my friend..

    You need to break up the friendship. I know it might seem very difficult now - but Jews are toxic and harmful to us. Even it they seem "nice". Truth can be hard. They are a parasitic race. They will only slow you down in your progress and affect you in a very negative manner. You need to...
  102. B

    Books and Literature

    Oh, I know I forgot to mention him. But I was in a bit of a hurry when I wrote the topic. And I tend to forget what writers I've read exactly when I need remember them. You should definitely try out Little Dorrit and A Tale of Two Cities after you finish Oliver Twist. Charles Dickens is indeed...
  103. B

    Books and Literature

    The thing is, I got When Nietzsche Wept from a woman who was throwing her books away. She gave me sound 60 books, most of them relatively new. Unfortunately, I don't have the actual book. Hopefully I'll be able to find it in a big city.
  104. B

    Books and Literature

    There is the thread about movies, TV series and games. From which I took the inspiration to start this thread. I don't think it's that difficult to find good literature, especially among the classics. I avoid any enemy bullshit that praises xtianity and any book that involves jewish characters...
  105. B

    How do I deal with this problem?

    I think you might actually want to do a working for that. Maybe it will work better than the binding ritual. Something to influence your family to stop hoarding things and declutter. My family isn't that bad - but my grandma used to buy all these things and put them everywhere. I know how it is...
  106. B

    Russian Nuclear Reactor Explosion

    Glad to see that other SS enjoy the miniseries! It's not a pleasant thing to watch - but it is surprisingly accurate and it shows exactly how horrible, vicious and toxic are the Jews and the Soviet system. I wouldn't be surprised if they are trying to do something similar. After all, Chernobyl...
  107. B

    How do I deal with this problem?

    For you live in a former communist country? Because that's what usually happens in my country as well. Families -especially older members - have no sense of privacy and feel the need to boss you around even when you're old enough to decide things for yourself. I know how you feel. Leave as...
  108. B

    How to know if you're a Jew?

    Just because you have some physical traits that are usually associated with Jews doesn't mean you are a Jew. There have been strong SS figures in history accused of that by the "media" because they, apparently, have such traits - the work of the fucking jews, as you can imagine. Having a long...
  109. B

    On White breeding

    Nordic looking people should, of course, generally stick to other Nordics. But there are exceptions. I have dark hair and eyes. My partner has blonde hair and grey eyes. We plan on having a family. And I don't want to hear anything about how we shouldn't mingle together. We are...
  110. B

    Paranormal movies

    I'd recommend you read the books when it comes to GoT. The first seasons of GoT are good - mainly because they followed the books and they had the author working on them. But the last ones... especially season 8? Haven't you heard of the petition to remake it? Definitely try out Star Wars. I...
  111. B

    Romania and the political, moral, social situation

    I'm so happy to see some fellow Romanians around here! The situation in our country is really fucked up. And the racial mixing is bloody horrible in urban zones - but in rural places... well. Things are a bit better. Actually, they are much... much better. I've lived for my whole life up to...
  112. B

    how do i know my gurdian demon?

    Have patience. It will take a while for your GD to reveal Themselves. Seriously, my partner - who has been a SS for around five years - has only discovered his GD recently. After he helped me discover my GD. And I've been dedicated for... almost two years. So it really does depend. I know...
  113. B


    You should definitely focus on something that breaks you out of the slave limbo. Try your best to be your own boss - and pursue a career that will allow you to work from home and do something you enjoy. Focus on that. My literature teacher told me to pursue something that makes me happy. Our...
  114. B

    Back pain

    Yes, I know it's been discussed. I've looked through it. Reason why I didn't just go around doing random yoga. My GD guided me to this routine. I guess it is a bit like muscular pain. I actually did some more research on it and... lower back pain can appear when you try to improve your...
  115. B

    Back pain

    As I've said in a previous post, I have scoliosis. I've actually talked to my GD and, since I'm young, I should be able to heal it through yoga. He guided me to a special Scoliosis yoga routine and it's been working quite well. I know it will take quite a long time to bring my spine to normal...
  116. B


    No, I know it's just a vein. It's quite small. I've started directing the energy of my orgasms to the zone so I can heal it. I was just really worried that I might need to use modern medicine on it. I've heard of women who had really bad experiences with medical treatments for varicose veins...
  117. B


    I'm not really sure if that's the case, but I have a bit of a darker portion from a vein on the inside of my calf. It's quite small and I've only found it a few days ago. It does hurt a bit - or it seems to hurt now that I'm aware of it. A bit of itching as well. I'm really scared that it...
  118. B

    Back problems

    Thank you for the help, doctor! I've actually been confirmed that I do have scoliosis. It doesn't seem too bad - and I've been told that it could be solved through therapy, even if quite a lot of people say that such a problem can only be cured through surgery. One of my sides is curved...
  119. B

    Back problems

    A doctor who is specialized in naturalistic treatment came to visit us yesterday and he told me some interesting things. I'd like some help on a few aspects of it. First of all, he told me that one of my hips is higher than the other. And that I might have the risk of scoliosis, but it can be...
  120. B

    is having a significant other for everyone?

    I'd say it depends a lot on how society nowadays breeds attention seekers. I've seen it a lot among both young women and men - and it's such a toxic thing. I get what you mean - and this sense of competition between women, this mean attitude they have towards other females. It's bad that some...
  121. B

    Love and sex magick

    Thanks for the answers! I wanted to see the opinion other SS have on this. It was very helpful.
  122. B

    Love and sex magick

    But... I never said that I want to do a working on this. I already have a partner. I just wanted to find out the moral side of this whole thing and how it works between SS - and how potent such a working can be with a SS person. If the aura of protections works against this as well or if you...
  123. B


    You are very welcome!
  124. B

    Social life

    I feel like I can't feet in our society nowadays because most people are superficial and ignorant. Especially young adults and teenagers. And they will judge you for being different or for wanting to do something more than sex, drugs and make up. Yes, it's a normal feeling for a SS - or for...
  125. B


    You should be advanced enough to be able to change this the spiritual way. I've heard that some sports can help you a lot with growing taller - for example, basket ball. And there are quite a few types of exercises to be used for posture and encouraging growth, but I don't know how good for...
  126. B

    Alcohol free beers and non-alcoholic malt beverages ????

    I don't know a lot about this but I might be wrong. My uncle thinks that non-alcoholic beer is actually worse than the normal one. He says that you can never know what they actually add inside it, and he might be true. If anything, I'd just avoid any type of alcohol that's not safe. There are...
  127. B

    Time management or just laziness

    I feel the same way. I do think it can help quite a lot with self-discipline. But this varies from one person to another. There was a time when I hated doing my bed, but now I'd just feel bad and irked by it if I had a messy bed. It might seem like a small or insignificant topic of discussion...
  128. B

    Can non jews have hook noses?

    I know a lot of gentiles who have noses that are a bit on the bigger side. The sermon on how to identify a jew says clearly that these traits can be found in gentiles as well - and that one should thread carefully when they assume a person is jewish. Just like there are quite a few jews who look...
  129. B

    Proper diet

    HP HoodedCobra said that the proper diet should have a bit of everything. Meat is, of course, not to be eaten in abundance - but it is needed. Animal products are needed. There should be a balance - for example, last time when I went to the hospital for a check up I was scolded by the doctor...
  130. B

    Music that is actually satanic

    Absolutely not. We're all individuals and we have our own taste when it comes to such things as music. There's no problem in listening to the classical music - if anything, I congratulate you in being able to see the beauty that comes with this. Paganini is a very good compositor. I also...
  131. B

    Re Topic: Dracula's Origin's in the Satanic Order of the Dragon

    As Romanian I take great pride in Vlad Tepes and the fact that we had him. The jews couldn't alter the love our people have for him - he was a great leader and, with how the country is now, we'd greatly benefit from another leader like him.
  132. B

    Enemy Attack?

    It is an enemy attack. They do the same thing for me and my partner - but they attack him more with some stuff that's a bit delicate for him. I'm quite immune when it comes to the same tactics they use on him, but I have my own insecurities and they tend to attack that. I am sure you'll get...
  133. B

    Time management or just laziness

    Same, I feel like my whole room is messy if I don't make my bed.
  134. B

    The dog of my neighbor cries

    Oh, poor dog. Maybe you could talk to the neighbour and tell him about it, if you haven't done so yet? It seems like a horrible thing to happen to a dog. From what I've read, a lot of pets feel lonely when their owners leave for work - and it's not something surprising, not when a person is...
  135. B

    Love and sex magick

    I've had these questions in my mind for a while and I'd like the clergy's opinion on them since I haven't seen any similar discussion on this aspect of said magick. I know that you can use it to break relationships as well - and I do understand that this doesn't seem like a big deal with xians...
  136. B

    Was accused of being misogynist? LOL

    I told you to stay away from that group and to not trust anyone who is not one of us. Even among our ranks there are some bad SS and trolls and jews who try to mess everything up - it's not exactly something that can be avoided. Just give up on that discord chatroom. Seriously. They don't know...
  137. B

    Time management or just laziness

    I ended up in this situation because my partner - also a SS, who will see this - refuses to make his bed. His solid argument when it comes to this matter - time management. My take on this - laziness. Yes, he considers making his bed useless. xD I'd love to hear the opinion other men have...
  138. B

    Are italians mixed with other races?

    They had a pretty difficult style back then. But it is rewarding. I also lack the time to go into some deep reading since in a few months I'll have the Baccalaureate and there's some huge pressure from that as well. I'm in a Philology high school but I plan on going for a programming career once...
  139. B

    Enemy Attack?

    Keep fighting. If the enemy is attacking you, it probably means they consider you a threat. And you should be proud of that and of your progress.b Don't let them get to you. And if they are attacking your partner as well, it points towards the fact that they might not want you two together. If...
  140. B

    Are italians mixed with other races?

    Thank you for that. I see a lot of SS stressing over the fact that they might not be fully white, just because they have dark hair and eyes. And now the Jews are trying to mess up with the nordic part of Europe as well. It's a but confusing even with people who have the aryan looks, since...
  141. B

    Are italians mixed with other races?

    Are you bloody kidding me? HP HoodedCobra comes and says that almost all whites have some history of mixing and you do this shit? I was just saying that he shouldn't stress over it that much and focus on the more important stuff!
  142. B

    MAGA hat student sues Washington Post for $250m over coverage of confrontation with Native American man

    Somehow I wouldn't find that surprising. They're jews, after all.
  143. B

    Are italians mixed with other races?

    I think I've read somewhere around that people who have dark eyes and dark hair are a bit mixed with other races. I mean, if you're white - you are white. There are very few people nowadays who aren't even a little bit mixed with other races. Don't stress upon it too much. It seems obvious why...
  144. B


    It is true. Feeling unworthy and beating yourself over your flaws or mistakes can bring in a lot of negativity and bad energy. Insecurity comes from a lot of reasons or hang ups. It can start in your childhood as well, because of bad experiences or your own family. I'd rather say that some...
  145. B

    Interracial relationship.

    I'm sorry that you had to go through that. What's important is that you've realized the truth and everything is fine now. Things can get difficult nowadays, with how much the enemy pushes the idea of interracial relationships and multiculturalism. But I live in country where this rarely...
  146. B

    Himmler,Polygamy, Eugenics and the Incel doom

    Another thing to add is that polygamy should feel natural for us. Not... as our sexuality. Polygamy doesn't feel natural for me because I am monogamous. But it feels natural for this community we have. It feels natural to have it among us, to know that some of our members are polygamous and...
  147. B

    Himmler,Polygamy, Eugenics and the Incel doom

    Don't take it the wrong way. I have nothing against polygamy, a matter that I believe applies to all members here. But you can't try to introduce people to this by making them get a negative outlook on monogamy. I've seen it discussed quite a few times before on the forums. And the clergy has...
  148. B

    Female jews comon behavior?

    It means they aren't friends. And don't be so shocked when it comes to this, they have managed to spread this among gentile women as well - especially the white ones. I've seen it so, so many times around me. White women pretending to be friends and then back stabbing each other or stealing...
  149. B

    Music, a gift from Satan, a weapon and shield in one

    Mainstream music is usually shit. You can find good music on the side, people who are barely known because they don't talk about side chicks and drugs and money - but I fully agree on you when it comes to just how toxic the music industry is nowadays. I look at artists that have passed...
  150. B

    Enemy Attack?

    Enemy attack. The way you speak about her shows that she's probably not a jew. If you have a strong and healthy relationship they might be trying to destroy that, just to make you suffer. Don't take any harsh decisions when it comes to this.
  151. B

    Heavy depression, bad blockage on my Sacral Chakra

    You need to get rid of the blockage. And get rid of your negative mentality. Yeah, it sucks to have an abusive family. I know how it feels. But you shouldn't let it bring you down. A lot of SS went through really fucked up stuff in their past, unfortunately. And unsurprisingly, if we take into...
  152. B

    Himmler,Polygamy, Eugenics and the Incel doom

    I truly don't want the clergy to think that I'm trying to start a fight on this topic, but it's a very serious matter. Jack should stop putting polygamy on a pedestal and pretend that it's the most important thing in the world - while shoving monogamy into the ground, saying it's a xian thing...
  153. B

    Himmler,Polygamy, Eugenics and the Incel doom

    No, don't you even dare make monogamy seem like an unnatural thing for humans. If it was a xian thing, our Gods wouldn't practice it. And we have quite a few Gods who are fully monogamous. That's the problem with your post and your beliefs. You try to spread out the idea of polygamy by...
  154. B

    Fetishes are normal?

    I don't know how healthy that is. It's different from let's say, a normal domination/submission thing. There are some men who express their femininity by being dominated a bit by their partner and submitting to them. But this is a bit on the edge of pedophilia. It definitely has Jewish...
  155. B


    I think the best thing when it comes to this would be a binding ritual. Or maybe just a working with the right affirmation to influence her in that way. You could try something like "My biological mother is giving me money in a positive and healthy manner for me." You should never forget the...
  156. B

    re: "Evil" by Forum Contributors

    Yes, my mother told me that they've found hundreds of skeletons belonging to children close to Vatican - through some subterranean passage? Since then she's been hating the Pope - quite a few people dislike priests around here. To think that they'd be able to do such things to babies... And...
  157. B

    Man reveals horrific abuse at the hands of his girlfriend

    Hello, fellow Romanian! Nice to see Romanian SS around here.
  158. B

    Man reveals horrific abuse at the hands of his girlfriend

    Some people find their partner naturally. People shouldn't despair when it comes to finding the right one for them. I've been lucky enough to be guided by the Gods and Father Satan towards my partner. Things happened in such a way that it couldn've have been exactly a coincidence - and we have...
  159. B

    Guardians of the Aryan Race

    You are very welcome! Don't forget that you are not alone and things will change. They're already changing in better. The way you feel is important and I know that this situation can get overwhelming at times, especially as SS. Unfortunately, there are a lot of subhumans among the gentiles...
  160. B

    I need your helps

    Just as HP HoodedCobra had said, we all have our own imperfections. Hating yourself is something that'll affect you a lot if you can't learn how to deal with it. I have a classmate with a unibrow and she deals with it. You can't even tell. So it's not that bad. And with the hair on your nose...
  161. B

    Interracial relationship.

    Not having children with them doesn't give you an excuse to mingle with other races. It's been clearly stated that it still affects you spiritually and the clergy has repeatedly posted the horrible effects it can have on us. There's a bloody reason why the Jews and the enemy push this stuff so...
  162. B

    Music, a gift from Satan, a weapon and shield in one

    Depends. I listen to blues and indie and some of the modern music just like I listen to classical music or instrumental. As long as the music makes me feel something, I'm happy. And it's not always the case of it being negative. Some people get over a broken heart faster when they can relate...
  163. B

    Himmler,Polygamy, Eugenics and the Incel doom

    I agree with what VoiceOfEnki has said, but that doesn't mean I think you are a troll. The reason why I got so defensive about the whole thing is because some people might be new to this and see your post as the first one on this topic. Not a lot of people are happy with polygamy. And saying...
  164. B

    Himmler,Polygamy, Eugenics and the Incel doom

    It depends on the preference and well. You can't go around forcing SS men or women to deal with polygamy when they are fully monogamous, no matter how superior their genes might be. I'd sure flip my shit if anyone would try to make my partner take a second wife when we are both monogamous and...
  165. B

    Valentines Day Message

    Oh, that's awesome! I plan on reading them once I'm done with his work from the exile.
  166. B

    USSR Was Founded By Jewish Occultist

    Oh, thank you for that! There's a lot of misinformation around when it comes to him.
  167. B

    National Socialist Views on Slavs?

    It depends on what you'd define as slavs as well. Many people try to argue when it comes to Romania that we have more slavic blood than Roman and Dacian roots. Especially the ones whi want to deny the continuity and Latin origin of our kind in Transylvania. The thing is, slavs only passed...
  168. B

    Love spell w/o sex magick???

    Also, make sure that they don't have another partner already. Don't be that shitty person who steals another person's partner.
  169. B

    Raw Meat, Filthy infiltrators, My reaction

    ...I'm not quite sure what you mean. People eat sea food and sushi quite often. Asians do that - and they seem to be doing quite well. I don't think you should judge a dish just because it uses something raw. It depends on the culture as well and there are a few cases were raw meat isn't that...
  170. B

    Help with severe depression and anxiety

    Very good advice. Some people need to learn how to be selfish at times. I can understand what you mean, especially during this period - there comes a time when you need to choose for yourself and to not allow others dictate your life. We need to be selfish in certain circumstances so we can be...
  171. B

    A curiosity about our gods

    Mythology is quite nice to be studied, if you can understand the allegories. It's one of the things that brought be to Satanism and allowed me to keep an open mind. I've felt a connection and love for the Gods since I've first started reading about Them. Charon, known in the Greek Mythology...
  172. B

    To avoid all bad influence

    I understand how it is. You need to be strong and keep positive. It is hard, of course. I'm in a similar situation, but because of my family. I can't wait to get away from here - they have such a bad influence that at times I feel as if I'm going to suffocate. Make sure you have a strong...
  173. B

    could a demon help with being trans?

    It's absolutely no bother, you are always free to ask your questions and worries - and there's always a member to help you. Don't mind those who might imply that your question is stupid or something among those lines. I'm not quite sure if a God or Goddess could change your sex. First, you'd...
  174. B

    USSR Was Founded By Jewish Occultist

    What about Rasputin? In the end, he had a huge role in the assassination of the royal family. It also shows just how toxic the British "royal" family is. Two monarchies of Europe were destroyed through them. First, the one in Spain. Then, the one in Russia. He was trusted because he seemed to...
  175. B

    Valentines Day Message

    That might actually be the truth. And there is a reason behind that. The educational system is pushing a lot of dubious things around right now and they've did it as well in the past. Just like the idea of the Latin origins or our kind - it is known here, historically, that our Latin blood...
  176. B

    Jewish friend

    Yes, but the clergy did say that we need to thread very carefully with this as there are gentile people who can have some of these traits.
  177. B

    Guardians of the Aryan Race

    Oh, I know how you feel. But being white doesn't mean that some people aren't subhuman or just too damn ignorant. That's the truth, unfortunately. There are a lot of cruel people out there, people you think you can trust and care for- who end up backstabbing you out of jealousy or envy...
  178. B

    Protection against energy vampirism

    Energy vampirism is indeed real. My partner ended up dealing with it from a former girlfriend. Not a fun experience, from what he told me. Unfortunately, most people don't even realize when they do this. But you definitely need to learn how to protect yourself against such people. A strong...
  179. B


    Don't kill yourself, no matter how bad it can get. Just like other members have said, you'll have much lower chances to get a healthy and racially clean body. And let's not even talk about the fact that your soul might not be strong enough to reincarnate in the worst possible scenario. Don't...
  180. B

    What are ya'll opinions on hard work?

    There are situations when only hard work will bring you far. Let's take spiritual advancement as an example. Would you rather slothz it up or actually put some effort into it so you can become better? There should always be a balance. Of course, hard work is needed. But you should also know...
  181. B

    How to get rid of the enemy influence

    Thinking about a real person in this situation isn't that dangerous if said person is actually his partner.
  182. B


    It's very easy to set expectations if you tend to be a perfectionist. And you have a really good point there. But there's also nothing bad in having a goal or ambition as well or pushing out of your comfortable zone. The most important thing is on getting better and improving yourself, yes. One...
  183. B

    A curiosity about our gods

    You can easily see how different the society of our Gods is. I have a lot of questions and curiosity when it comes to it - and some questions can be quite irrelevant or random, but it's never a bad thing to feel interested in such matters. Once you're advanced enough, you'll be able to find...
  184. B

    On Relating To Others

    Wonderful sermon! Humans are, indeed, social creatures. And most humans feel the need to connect in some manner to other human beings. It is quite easy to forget that at times, especially if a person is introverted. And with how society is nowadays, that can lead into being asocial or even...
  185. B

    Valentines Day Message

    Oh I am so sorry, I mixed up your sermon on Vlad Tepes with one of HoodedCobra's. I'm really sorry for that.
  186. B

    Christians trying to bring bible back into schools.

    This is bloody ridiculous. Seems quite similar to the situation we have here - students are forced to take a class called "religious studies" from 1st grade till 12th grade.
  187. B

    are gipsies related to jews in blood?

    Never trust gypsies. Romania is full of them, unfortunately. Especially when I live - they have their own neighbourhood. They are pretty much as bad as the muslims and the bloody Jews. They are lazy. They make a bunch of children and rely on the state. They lie and feel no remorse for...
  188. B

    Valentines Day Message

    The thing is, it wasn't even a title offered to him. A lot of people make this confusion thanks to the whole story with Dracula. And Bram Stoker settles the action in Transylvania, which creates a huge dilemma... since Vlad Tepes was not the ruler of Transylvania, but of Wallachia. And...
  189. B

    Valentines Day Message

    Dracula comes from Dracul. Which was, back then, associated with the dragon and with the devil. He was part of the Order of the Dragon, yes. But Vlad the Impaler's name of Dracula comes mainly from his father, who was known as Dracul. It wasn't a bad thing, not exactly. But it's not a surprise...
  190. B

    Valentines Day Message

    What about Dragobete? It's a Romanian celebration of love that can be compared to St. Valentine's Day. But it's something national and takes place on 24th of February. There are a lot of Romanians who get offended by Valentine's Day being celebrated in our country because of it. Dragobete is an...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
