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  1. H

    Managing (and Mastering) a Prominent Neptune

    Thank you, High Priestess, for this wonderful sermon, like many others I can relate to this keenly. I am very idealistic and creative but have struggled a lot with hypersensitivity and substance abuse issues. As an aside, I like some forms of punk music. Final War and Skrewdriver have much more...
  2. H

    Problems I see in Satanist Communities

    Hundreds of thousands of Americans died fighting to help end slavery in the US. Whether or not that was the primary cause of the US Civil War, ending slavery was a key psychological motivator behind the decision to fight. The international slave trade was largely ended by a collaboration of US...
  3. H

    Race question: how to only attract aryan clientele?

    I don't think there's anything wrong with preferring one's own kind, especially if your works involves more intimate things, such as touching people in a medical context. It doesn't seem like there'd be anything wrong with using a working to address this preference.
  4. H

    Savitri Devi and Swami Vivekananda

    I don't believe so
  5. H

    Savitri Devi and Swami Vivekananda

    Maybe it doesn't make a huge difference, but I read that she and her husband had a celibate marriage, it was more of a friendship than a regular marriage.
  6. H

    man confront race mixing couple

    I would cope but the fact is that this creature will get more attention from women in an hour than I've gotten in my entire life. It just sucks. On some level they've already won. Just gotta use the hatred to move forward I guess.
  7. H

    The "Anti-Semitism Bill" - A Crime Against Freedom

    I am not 100% sure, but my understanding of the classical concept of freedom (the philosophical tradition that influenced the founders) is that it involves the ability to act according to reason or one's higher nature without hindrance by others. Freedom has a deeper meaning than a simple vacuum...
  8. H

    Andrew Tate Is Not An Ally of the White Race

    Ironically the fact that this conversation is even entertained suggests the type of problems we currently face. If any other race was being shat on by someone else, that would be enough to make them an enemy. They wouldn't sift through their conversations trying to find a reason for a different...
  9. H

    Can we save our white people? What to do?

    The short answer, yes. Even with the future being to some degree uncertain, our duty remains the same. We must do our duty to our People regardless of what we think may or may not happen. I will admit that I oscillate between extremes on this position. Some days it seems inevitable we will...
  10. H

    My wife cheated on me

    I don't want to speak for anyone else, but my personal reading of the posts was that no one was justifying the situation, just expressing doubt about the veracity of the OP by pointing out an inconsistent attitude towards infidelity. It's like if I made a post about wanting to rob someone else's...
  11. H

    Succubi/Incubi Cowardly Bunk

    Thank you. I agree with some of your points, but to defend my point I do think there are plenty of people who get love with no effort. Scratch the ISIL fighter example and just look at drug dealers and garden variety welfare bums (and most drug dealers are not Scarface getting in constant...
  12. H

    Succubi/Incubi Cowardly Bunk

    Thank you HP. Most of my current hangups around this just have to do with the idea of self-improvement applying to love. I have found the JoS' knowledge to be very helpful in improving my life and consciousness, but to me it seems that having a developed consciousness makes it harder to find a...
  13. H

    Succubi/Incubi Cowardly Bunk

    Thank you, High Priest. Early on in my Satanic path I had some delusional thoughts about this topic as many have had, thankfully I did not get fully enveloped in my delusion as this could have been counterproductive and even dangerous. Even with regular people in our lives who we can see and...
  14. H

    Combat sports, self defense, and the proper cultivation of Mars

    This is a good post, I don't disagree with it, but idk, I always find the concept of fighting to be depressing. I keep thinking of the Rhodesian heavyweight Corrie Sanders. Big White dude, 6'4 250 pounds. The tough guy that tough guys want to be. His punches were a force of nature, another...
  15. H

    Masculine women and feminine men

    True, I wasn't talking about you or anyone specifically, I should have clarified. And I agree that the situation is very dire, I think about it every day. But I still think that the proper strategy is broad enough to accommodate a moderate range of skills and tendencies. If there were 50...
  16. H

    Masculine women and feminine men

    Trying to motivate people to have kids via fear is not a good strategy. People want to have kids when they feel it is likely their kids will be able to enjoy a safe life. Many people's hangups regarding children likely stem from previous intense pain due to losing a child. So forcing/threatening...
  17. H

    Question #3233: Experience with White ladies in house parties

    Thank you, High Priestess (and congratulations on your promotion, I don't post much but I was happy to see that), no, I'm ok, people here do enough as it is. Just recently there have been a couple problems with how I usually self-regulate emotions. I apologize for the brief emotional...
  18. H

    Question #3233: Experience with White ladies in house parties

    I guess posts like this are useful, it is the world reminding me of my place. If I was meant for any type of happiness it would not be this way, with other peoples freely enjoying the fundamental parts of existence I was denied and laughing at my suffering. I can't even imagine talking to a girl...
  19. H

    Are White Folks Human?

    Enjoy living in a community of people who will always look down on you no matter what. I will stick with my high-trust White community, where people still care about each other and make the community a nice place to live; we don't need a nightmare police state to keep us from constantly stealing...
  20. H

    UFO patrol strafing my house.

    Just a reminder, be careful with photos due to embedded data and other op sec concerns.
  21. H

    Conclusions before the great storm - PDF COMPLETE VERSION

    Speculation is ok as long as it's self-aware, but let's not fight too much splitting hairs that won't exist for a long time. We know what to do now.
  22. H

    Ethnic Origins, Race, and Past Lives

    Quite a few ethnic Germans live in Russia, just throwing that out there.
  23. H

    Question #1571: Making money illegally like the enemy does but for the cause to advance JoS

    A problem with illegally sourced money is civil asset forfeiture. If the government investigates someone, they often attempt to trace their funds in order to seize the proceeds of crime. If a bitcoin address receives a significant amount of illegal funds, they could even attempt to charge the...
  24. H

    Understanding Tartarus - The Allegory vs The Literal

    Agreed. One thing I noticed is that movies/TV always depict handsome/healthy people as sadistic bullies who pick on some victim jew for no reason. In reality, while the trend is not absolute, the most intelligent and conscientious people tend to have a good physical makeup.
  25. H

    The Chosen One: The "Messiah" Concept

    It reminds me of Thomas Carlyle's Great Man theory/heroarchy. I have read that Carlyle influenced National Socialist thought, although I do not know how accurate that is.
  26. H

    If you can make a list, which philosophers do you think are on our side?

    As predicted, this poster in question couldn't even last one day before yet again spewing garbage after another "apology". Based on the idiolect it appears likely it has created yet another account. Just stop giving it any attention. Anyone who is truly sorry can go do the necessary work and...
  27. H

    A second apology. Please bear with me.

    At this point we can very easily predict OP's behavior. After this latest spergout they will again apologize, beg forgiveness, act like they are serious, etc. Then another tantrum will commence, and they will taunt the people who have helped them. Pretending to agree with some of our ideas and...
  28. H

    [Question] Seriously don't understand some of the criticisms towards my ideas.

    I spent a lot of time on incel sites years ago, I stopped going because it just made me feel terrible. Overall the level of discourse there is not impressive. They might make a few true points but it's an echo chamber of poor cognition. Not everything can be understood through a purely...
  29. H

    Defining Sexual Energy?

    Thank you Guardians for your insight, it is good food for thought, your posts are always bright spots on the forum.
  30. H

    Defining Sexual Energy?

    Thank you Henu for the link :)
  31. H

    entertainment addictions?

    I agree with this personally. Some entertainment is necessary but I waste way too much time on it. I would like to focus more on serious things although my focus and energy are shot.
  32. H

    Hypocrisy against women

    In my opinion it would be a mistake to leave over something like this. Your private life is your personal business. Yes, the larger Satanic family is important, but there are many ways to contribute. Family is sacred, some people are called to have kids, but other people are meant to help in...
  33. H

    Defining Sexual Energy?

    I think for a lot of people this is an issue because they want to redirect their energy. I desperately wish I could do this, as my sex drive is a large source of angst for me and I would much rather exchange it for a more general energy source that could be used for different purposes. I'm never...
  34. H

    What putin's speeches reveal to us

    One theory I have heard, just to speculate, is that (((Zelensky))) is deliberately using the "far-right" militia groups as cannon fodder, sending them into operations with a high death rate. That way, the government wins some tough battles in the war, and the size of the militias are...
  35. H

    Is Satan really white? Is there any undeniable proof for this claim?

    As a side note, it should be noted that a "White Nationalist" is simply one who believes White people should be allowed to exist. It implies nothing about wanting to rule over other Races or considering one group "better" than another.
  36. H

    REPORT: 97% Of Anti-Jewish Hate Crimes In New York Were Committed By Other Minorities

    Sorry, in the post I just sent I overlooked where you said statistics are good for making judgment calls, given that I am totally on board with this post.
  37. H

    REPORT: 97% Of Anti-Jewish Hate Crimes In New York Were Committed By Other Minorities

    It is true that statistics are complicated, but not useless. It is fairly easy to use them to make predictions as to how much crime a place will have, for example, as this deals with groups rather than individuals. I try to treat all Gentile groups with respect when possible, part of this is...
  38. H

    European men traveling abroad for wives

    I agree with what Karnonnos said, but will add my input: There are plenty of decent White women in the US, and you can do a working to help you meet people here. Yes, miscegenation is a problem, but in the US White women race mix the least out of women. Yes, there are problems with some men...
  39. H

    Red pill, incels and Blackpill, misogyny

    Yeah you're right :oops: sorry I don't mean to take things too personally or blame anyone here for my issues. I agree with your overall points. Just frustrated about my situation.
  40. H

    Red pill, incels and Blackpill, misogyny

    Thank you for your response, I appreciate it. To be honest I feel bad that I'm still complaining about this issue, I know there are many people who struggle with much more serious things. I just have very deep-seated people issues and always have. I struggle to even get the basics of Spiritual...
  41. H

    Red pill, incels and Blackpill, misogyny

    Thank you for taking the time to respond in-depth, I appreciate it. Also I don't know if you saw it but I made one other small post after my main one. I am admittedly skeptical of promises that these things will change greatly (it seems that a lot of parameters of attractiveness are not...
  42. H

    Red pill, incels and Blackpill, misogyny

    Also I think making "enemies" with other Satanists on their opinion of this issue is ludicrous. Anyone can talk tough about their ideal world, but first we need to finish the spiritual war. We need to use energy for advancing the Satanic cause, not making fissures within it.
  43. H

    Red pill, incels and Blackpill, misogyny

    @Abyssos- sorry I can't figure out how to quote on mobile- sure, I can understand why people have an interest in this topic, and I don't resent them that. But I think intellectualizing a problem can cause one to forget about the basic human way of understanding things. Even if I could change...
  44. H

    Red pill, incels and Blackpill, misogyny

    I don't think that many people are really in denial that looks matter, lol. I just don't understand people's instinct to twist the knife. I have accepted my place and don't need my nose rubbed in it. Inb4 just become a 6'2 model bro...
  45. H

    How To Do Living Blood Sacrifice In Jesus's Name: With Proof

    When I was a catholic I was told of a "saint" (not sure if they were real or just invented as a role model for the goyim) who is called the "holy anorexic", because she starved herself for jewsus and died very young. Promotion of self-harm and torture is very mainstream in catholicism, and...
  46. H

    On MGTOW

    As someone who regrettably wasted time during years of browsing mgtow-esque sites, it is poison. They mix small bits of truth with garbage, and a lot of the people involved are genuinely mentally unwell. They say they are going their own way and don't care about women, then spend inordinate...
  47. H

    Balenciaga: Celebrating Child Violence and Pedophilia [WARNING: DISGUSTING FOOTAGE]

    The filthiest beings on Earth hate innocence and goodness, it's no wonder they have a special hatred for the most innocent of all. Many pedophiles, being sadistic by nature, enjoy rubbing their crimes in people's faces, making them feel disgusted and powerless. Then gaslighting people, "what...
  48. H

    Advice for frequently feeling extremely lonely as an SS.

    Thank you High Priest, you are very kind. I shouldn't complain about it, I know many people have much bigger problems. For now, I will try to focus on my work and building something useful.
  49. H

    Advice for frequently feeling extremely lonely as an SS.

    I don't have any significant social contact with anyone IRL outside of my family, but keeping busy and having stuff to do makes the loneliness hurt less. For me the loneliness isn't the most painful part. It would be one thing if I could have relationships but just chose to forego them to focus...
  50. H

    Average black IQ

    Thanks to those who replied for your perspective. I feel kinda crummy about bumping a topic apparently meant to create strife. Just am really upset about all the attacks on Whites.
  51. H

    Average black IQ

    While supposed "pro-Whites" were arguing that people need to be nicer to the blacks on this thread, a black career criminal murdered a White mother in Memphis, TN and a black spree shooter drove around shooting at various people, ostensibly targeting Whites from what it looks like. I guess...
  52. H

    Is sodomy natural?

    There are already many places in the world where men can "express" themselves by fighting and killing. Somalia, Liberia, areas occupied by the Islamic State, etc. I don't know why it's the tendency of some people to think that they would always be the one who wins the fight in this context. It...
  53. H

    A couple questions about socializing/relationships

    Thank you :) I guess I need to keep meditating and gaining self-knowledge, I definitely wouldn't want a relationship that would make me stray from the Satanic path, either from ethnic mixing or something else. I'm very introverted and normally content with not socializing that much, although I...
  54. H

    Finding a satanic girfreind

    Judging SS women by non-SS women who have some passing interest in the Occult would be like judging National Socialist men by any prison gangbanger who has a Swastika tattoo. Many people claim an attraction to "taboo" things to appear edgy or cool, this needn't reflect on those who have a deeper...
  55. H

    A couple questions about socializing/relationships

    Thank you Henu and NakedPluto, I appreciate your advice and will take that into account :) TheOutlawTorn, some of both but like I said I don't want to provide too much info
  56. H

    A couple questions about socializing/relationships

    Recently I've been thinking more about possibly needing to make a change in my social life and have been mulling a couple things over. I've had very limited social contact for all of my adult life (I am mid 20s now), which for the most part isn't too big of a deal to me but I feel I might...
  57. H


    Thank you for your response, High Priest. I agree, being able to donate has been a great blessing. It's nice to think that there are rabbis out there having nervous breakdowns because Gentiles still have a lot of our freedoms :lol: Hail Satan!
  58. H


    Thank you for this helpful guide, High Priest. A quick question for general safety purposes, this doesn't really apply to me but I wanted to ask in case it might apply to others-if buying from a friend or other individual, is there any concern that they could follow the crypto to the person's...
  59. H

    Does anybody have a good concentration technique?

    Do you mean benzodiazepines? Not medical advice, but personally I am STRONGLY AGAINST benzodiazepines. They are one of the most horribly addictive drugs out there, withdrawal can be fatal without proper medical care. Plus they can wreak havoc on brain chemistry. Prescribing such for anxiety is...
  60. H

    I have a bone to pick with Cobra

    I can sympathize with some of your sentiment, but I would encourage you to think about HP's points before dismissing this place out of emotion. It is true that our Race is being harshly attacked and we should feel outraged about this. I am very racial in my thinking and generally ask "Is it good...
  61. H

    On reading books

    I apologize if I came off excessively curt or glib. Perhaps you are right, I wouldn't object to the most extreme of Xians, those who truly are corrupted on the soul level, being removed. Still, I hope it is not as bad as you say. Maybe I am too soft, but I find the idea of losing large amounts...
  62. H

    On reading books

    So you want to get rid of souls of the majority of the population in many countries, but an authoritarian government goes too far?
  63. H

    Genuine question about what people think of Nazis and Hitler in this community.

    Gotcha, but just to clarify, I was just commenting on my general feelings towards "racial hatred" and how Whites should take their own side, not nuances regarding National Socialism as a system. Sorry for any confusion.
  64. H

    Genuine question about what people think of Nazis and Hitler in this community.

    If people wish to reduce "racial hatred", for once they should try and reduce the hatred non-Whites have for Whites. Whites are already far too non-hateful. While it's not universal, there is an immense amount of hatred for Whites. If Whites knew what our enemies have planned for us, it would...
  65. H

    ****ing Hippies

    Good points, the endless pushing of "peace" and "love", combined with drug use, definitely corrupted a lot of minds. And look at the types of people using the hippie movement to promote anarchy and filth-"people" like (((Jerry Rubin))) (who later went on to work on Wall Street and in marketing...
  66. H

    High heels, makeup, and masculinity

    People are still discussing fashion as if the jeans/jean jacket combo hasn't been around for years.
  67. H

    About Finances And New Donations Page For Joy of Satan

    I know this probably doesn't mean much coming from a stranger on the internet but I am sorry things are so hard right now. You do seem to have an inner strength, though. Perhaps it is not true that it's always darkest before the dawn, maybe that's an overly optimistic and passive view of...
  68. H

    Be careful with your kindness. It opens your soul.

    Threatening suicide if someone doesn't do what they want is a textbook manipulation behavior, though, people who do it often have serious personality disorders and can be dangerous.
  69. H

    Hierarchy in races & Equality

    I'm not an expert on Norway but from my understanding, they currently have a very strong oil-based economy and a lot of wealth from that. If one's country has lots of money and land to spare, it can make it harder to notice ethnic frictions and other underlying tensions. That doesn't mean that...
  70. H

    Some self improvement advice for men

    That's fair. I love "flyover America", it's very dear to me, but there are problems. More motivation for me to keep up the RTRs, as the Xian filth is cleansed a lot of things will improve.
  71. H

    Some self improvement advice for men

    Just my opinion but I don't care for the badmouthing of the South. People can have their opinions but there are worse people to live around then rednecks with pickup trucks and mullets. Whites throughout the world have different strengths and weaknesses. The more "refined" Whites of Minnesota...
  72. H

    Women are the ones who decide who breeds

    That is fair. Thank you for the response. I disagree with some of the finer points but I think we are on the same page for much of it. Like you are saying it's "something" and I'm saying it's "not everything", both can be true. I enjoy your posts even when I do not agree with everything.
  73. H

    Women are the ones who decide who breeds

    If desirability to women is a proxy for general worth, why do drug dealers, criminals, and wife beaters find so many women who want to be with them? Why do serial killers and mass shooters receive hundreds of marriage offers from women around the globe? Find me a violent felon who has 0 access...
  74. H

    Explaining the extreme nonsense of antinatalism

    One of the main people associated with the antinatalism movement is David Benatar, the son of Solomon Benatar, who appears to be Jewish. I think a lot of the basic presuppositions many antinalists have are obviously in question-the idea that life is judged by net utility (pleasure minus pain...
  75. H

    A question about Aura of Protection

    Thank you High Priest! That makes sense to me.
  76. H

    A question about Aura of Protection

    For a while, after my last RTR for the day, I wait around 10 minutes then clean my aura and do AoP. Recently concerns about conflicting energy popped into my head, though, and I wanted to make sure it was ok to do AoP relatively soon after an RTR, would there be any concerns with conflicting...
  77. H

    White father and 18-month old son slaughtered by career criminal

    Linking this site for the information, it's not SS though so as always use discretion: https://national-justice.com/missouri-black-career-criminal-murders-white-baby-and-his-father "A young father and his infant son were murdered by a black criminal in Kirksville, Missouri last week...
  78. H

    The art of Glamour - detrimental, or useful?

    Isn't the word "cosmetics" derived from the Greek word for cosmos, or world? So proper cosmetics and beautification would be a way of expressing the natural patterns of the cosmos.
  79. H

    Why did the Vikings worship the Norse Gods (Odin/Satan) but raped women in every village they pillaged?

    I believe (((Ilya Ehrenburg) was one of the Jews who explicitly advocated for mass rape as a war tactic, although there were probably others. There was a Russian aristocrat who later went on to work for Hilton Hotels and as a paratrooper in America, Serge Obolensky, I read that (according to...
  80. H

    Retiring From Astrology - Issuing Refunds

    If it's ok with you, please don't feel any need to issue me a refund (I did a natal chart order around 04/13/2020 under the pseudonym Robert Smith, I had emailed about this order before but am not sure if I got the addresses right). I'm not hurting for money and I've benefited a lot from your...
  81. H

    Facebook ‘Hate Speech’ Algorithm Finds 90% of Hate Speech Directed Towards White People

    I think if the average White normie were forced to search "White People" on any social media site and spend 20 minutes scrolling the comments, all of a sudden someone like George Lincoln Rockwell wouldn't seem so extreme, lol. Exaggerating a bit, but you get the point. The things I have seen...
  82. H

    SATAN'S DAY RITUAL - 23rd to 29th Of December - Happy Yule Wishes!

    Thank you for this, High Priest. I just had two questions about it: 1) Should we still do the Final RTR (all 3 parts) during these dates? Allowing enough time between the Final RTR and the Satan's Day ritual, of course 2) I'm still a bit confused on vibrating SAT and SATANAMA as I haven't done...
  83. H


    Thank you all for your responses, I appreciate your input. I will try to get rid of them in the most efficient way with no excess cruelty. I don't want the mouse droppings in the house to make anyone sick. But I also don't like to be flippant with the taking of any animal life even when...
  84. H


    Is it ethical to exterminate mice living in one's house to avoid disease? Some family members had mice in their house and wanted help and I was wondering about it. I would prefer they use live traps but I guess they want to be certain they get them all out.
  85. H

    RTR Program Locking Up On Me

    I think we should do all 3 parts everytime, if possible.
  86. H

    RTR Program Locking Up On Me

    Sorry, but just to be clear, you're doing the Final RTR + Killing Tetragrammaton + Shattering Jewish Soul Protection together, right? Just wanted to be sure. For what it's worth this is what I use and it's worked well for me: https://satanslibrary.org/tspaintableb.html
  87. H

    JoS Position On Jews - We are Good, and You Are Evil

    Thank you for this very edifying sermon High Priest.
  88. H

    MSNBC guest calls for drone strikes on those opposed to vaccine/mask policies

    Frank Schaeffer, a recent guest on MSNBC, deemed those who are opposed to coronavirus vaccines or vaccine mandates “bioterrorists,” and suggested they should be “treated as such.” “Anti-vaccine and anti-mask anti-science conspiracy theory-spreading leading activists are bio terrorists. Period,”...
  89. H

    Fail Life

    Self-hypnosis is one thing, but I would avoid allowing others to hypnotize you or using hypnotic audios made by someone other than yourself: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/TheMind.html
  90. H

    Van Morrison - They Own The Media

    I'm not sure what the exact meaning is and how much Van Morrison is really aware of, but it's funny that this song has lead to such backlash from the Jews despite not mentioning them. Check out the comments: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3Zg023J-ok
  91. H

    [ALCHEMY - DAOISM] Semen Retention / No FAP

    I know a lot of people have warned against NoFap and I don't want to seem like I'm promoting it, but I've been thinking about giving it a try. I just consistently feel like shit almost every time after I emit and I feel best when I have 5-7 days of abstinence going, I usually can't get past this...
  92. H

    RTR Spiritual Warfare Schedule June 19th to July 3rd

    Thank you for putting the schedule together HP! One question: is it still ok to do the shattering defenses, then the Final RTR, then the Killing Tetragrammaton, in that order? Also, can I do them as one thing together and then just close with a big Hail Satan at the end, instead of doing it...
  93. H

    Lunar Eclipse RTR Ritual: Shattering Enemy Defenses

    Is it ok to just do a thorough aura cleaning with the scanning light/sending the negative energy back to the senders or asking a Demon to send it back/affirmation that HPS Maxine posted about if we don't have time for the full two part returning curses, assuming we're also doing our normal aura...
  94. H

    An old Maxine audio file I can't find

    Just be careful not to click on a Google drive link if you're signed into a Google/gmail account as it can be tracked in a log.
  95. H

    About New Attack & Some Information In Regards To The Enemy

    Just to clarify, HP, should we still do the Final RTR +Killing Tetragrammaton, or wait till further guidance?
  96. H

    Help. (Stuck in a loop)

    Is it recommended that people wait until their at an intermediate level to do a Munka working, so as to not remove Karma that might be beneficial?
  97. H

    Goddesses; Lies; Feminism

    Thank you for this post, it is very insightful and does a lot to resolve some confusion on the forums regarding these issues.
  98. H

    Senator Ron Johnson: Biden Trying to "Remake Demographics of America"

    https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/04/16/ron-johnson-joe-biden-trying-to-remake-demographics-of-america-with-mass-immigration-policies/ Not as explicit as Tucker, Johnson is a politician after all. But it's still a good sign that people are starting to call out the obvious.
  99. H

    Commie terrorists casually discussed killing all White babies

    Thanks for watching, people need to know how evil these pieces of garbage are. We must keep doing spiritual warfare and waking people up!
  100. H

    Commie terrorists casually discussed killing all White babies

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZVbrvfAn_Q An old clip but still relevant. Apparently in Marxist circles they were very casual about sitting around and discussing murdering White children. Of course the Jews tried to ruin brilliant White scientists like James Watson and William Shockley, but...
  101. H

    Tucker Carlson is basically calling out kalergi plan

    He had to throw in a few points about it being "political not racial", but this is a massive win, people can see what's really going on behind those words. When he brought up Israel, I almost couldn't believe it. Also nice calling out (((Michelle Goldberg))).
  102. H

    The Reptilians?

    I don't want to necessarily endorse these books, as I read a couple of them years ago and can't vouch for them 100%, but is anyone here familiar with the "Tripods" series from John Christopher? They were science fiction books that depicted humans being enslaved by aliens. When people were at a...
  103. H

    Spiritual Warfare Schedule March 20th / April 11th

    It's also a good idea to save copies of the schedule itself, in case the forums have access issues.
  104. H

    Spiritual Warfare Schedule March 20th / April 11th

    Disregard my part of the posts regarding the 1 and 0 hour points, I saw that it was changed in the schedule
  105. H

    Spiritual Warfare Schedule March 20th / April 11th

    Thank you very much for this schedule, HP, and all the work you do. One question: when doing the other RTRs at the 0 hour mark, is it best to do them all at once, or have a small break in between, or do one, then wait for the next 0 hour mark, and so on?
  106. H

    Keep it White

    Not to make a big deal out of this but people should be careful about any phone numbers or emails posted on the Web, as it's easy to impersonate figures online.
  107. H

    RTR Spiritual Warfare Schedule 19th Feb to 1st of March - And An Address

    Thank you for this HP! I am eager to participate. For the 72 ritual, are we still doing that add-on that HPS Maxine posted about? Is that mandatory or optional?
  108. H

    Brighteon.social Platform

    In my experience, I've been there a few months and haven't been taken down, I mostly just link to articles on JoS sites, especially ones containing information on Jews. I've had a fair amount of positive feedback. I can't vouch for the site's data security, but I think many users there have...
  109. H

    War For Our Civilization - Ritual Schedule - 15th January To 30th January [IMPORTANT]

    Has it been answered regarding what gets extra effort on the napalm days, also what's the guidance on syncing up the other rituals? I've been doing the Final RTR + Killing Tetragrammaton when the war room clock says 0 and the other rituals when it says 1 but it would free up time if some extra...
  110. H

    Cringy imagination and other weird issues

    Is it safe to take supplemental melatonin? I thought it could make it harder to produce it naturally.
  111. H

    War For Our Civilization - Ritual Schedule - 15th January To 30th January [IMPORTANT]

    Thank you for this HP! Your posts recently have been extremely helpful in encouraging me to keep fighting and avoid demoralization. I assume that, after we do the scheduled rituals for the day, we can always do more of the Final RTR + Killing Tetragrammaton? Some days during schedules I feel I...
  112. H


    So is the PayPal link on the main site no good, or does it work for the time being? I know you are extremely busy, HP, but please do let us know if a new way to donate becomes available, I am always glad when I can donate.
  113. H

    My desperate plea to anyone reading this.

    Isn't it best to just stick with the schedule and give that 100% attention and focus? The clergy are wise and know what they're doing, also there's strength in numbers, it makes sense to do the same schedule together. I assume if we finish the rituals for the day we're free to do more Final RTRs...
  114. H

    Just my news

    Be careful if you're putting pictures of your face on the Internet, I wouldn't recommend it.
  115. H

    United States VS China - 2020 to 2028

    Shouldn't people from China (assuming they are ethnically Chinese) just stick with the Final RTR + Tetragrammaton ritual, and the wealth ritual, since Asians aren't in the same racial positions as Whites and Blacks?
  116. H

    Paintable Tetragrammaton Final RTR

    Thank you so much for this! Just had two small questions-it's fine to do the paintable RTR, then wait till finishing the add on to close the entire page? Also, HP or anyone else, would it be ok to do the Interactive RTR from the War Room, and then just use this page to immediately do the add on?
  117. H

    ENDING THE VEIL - First Ritual Schedule - 11 to 22 December 2020

    Sorry, one other question-is the schedule to do one of these after each Final RTRs? So each day we do as many Final RTRs as we're able to, and each time to the add-on?
  118. H

    ENDING THE VEIL - First Ritual Schedule - 11 to 22 December 2020

    Thank you very much for this, HP. So for each line, we say the relevant vibration the relevant number of times, then blot out the relevant letter? We don't do all the vibrations for a line, then blot out all the letters? Just wanted to make sure I'm doing it right.
  119. H

    Avoiding burnout and becoming a better warrior

    Thank you all for the good advice :) I had been feeling a bit down but I keep on with my warfare and I know it's the right thing to do. I will look into more void meditation to better control my thoughts and also pay attention to my lower chakras. I am proud to fight beside you all, and will...
  120. H

    Avoiding burnout and becoming a better warrior

    For a while I haven't been making many threads, I realized what I had to do to fix some problems and have been doing a decent job at that. After a slump of not doing a lot I've been significantly ramping up what I do and have also tackled some previous bad habits, I have completely quit smoking...
  121. H


    Be careful about clicking on Google drive links, I believe they can make a record of it if someone is logged into their Google account when they open it. If you have to use a Google account it's probably a good idea to be logged out of it while browsing.
  122. H

    Reverse Torah Ritual Schedule - November 16 / December 5

    Do the best you can, if a slip up happens be confident that what you're doing is still efficient and don't worry about it. RTRs should always be done with meaning and attention, but if imperfections occur don't worry about it. Also thank you to the two people who replied to my questions, I...
  123. H

    After November 10 - We Continue FRTR Until New Release

    You definitely don't need an altar to do an RTR, focus is more important than props. I'm not sure what the consensus is on doing ones around a dog, but I know that HPS Maxine has said that we shouldn't clean our auras (or inhale energy) around pets and humans.
  124. H


    I believe HPS Maxine has stated that it is true that most people use only a small percentage of their brains, despite Jewish scientists disputing this, you should be able to find this in one of her posts/
  125. H

    Reverse Torah Ritual Schedule - November 16 / December 5

    Thank you for this schedule, HP. I had a couple small questions if it's ok: 1: I know the timer is ideal, but if we can't sync it up due to our schedules, is it ok to just do them when we can? Also, does the timer apply to the other RTRs, or are we only syncing the Final RTR? 2. Due to schedule...
  126. H

    Which ritual I need for money?

    If you have a "smart" phone you can also use that to do the RTR, you can also print it off, use the pdf version then delete the file each time instead of using the webpage and closing it, etc., there are lots of things that can work if getting a new computer takes time.
  127. H

    FAQ about the Final RTR + Tetragrammaton + Shattering [Updated 25 August 2021]

    Sorry for another question, even when I've been doing a ritual a while I still overthink things, I know that's not ideal...but when doing the affirmation, I've been saying the affirmation three times (line 1 then 2, line 1 then 2, and line 1 then 2) then closing with a big "Hail Satan!". But is...
  128. H

    FAQ about the Final RTR + Tetragrammaton + Shattering [Updated 25 August 2021]

    How long do people wait about the ritual to clean their auras? I've been waiting about 10 minutes to do it but wasn't sure if this was optimal. If I do it right after, can I also add an aura of protection afterward without interfering with the ritual energy, if I make sure I send the negative...
  129. H

    Israeli guy gives military training to boers in South Africa

    Israel had supposedly cozy relationships with the pre-Communist South African government in order to get uranium for their nuclear weapons program, but also pushed Communism there to help them loot South Africa, Jews are constantly trying to get their fingers in other people's business and can...
  130. H

    Spiritual Warfare Schedule - October 8 / October 13

    This youtube channel may be helpful: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClDkn1cOs7_LkA30wZNmZ_w/videos
  131. H

    How To Deprogram From Islam (Guide)

    Amazing guide! Thanks so much for this information, I'm not an ex-Muslim but it is a great resource in general. A quick question, for using the affirmation for hypnosis, should "in a very positive and happy way for me" or a similar phrase be added?
  132. H

    Where to look to improve myself and solve my problems [natal chart]

    Be careful who you give your natal chart information to, I would not trust any astrologer other than Lydia or HP HoodedCobra666, or another one that's verified on the forums.
  133. H

    clarification on race in the soul?

    Some people have argued that the principle of microchimerism may apply to racial mixing, where taking in the DNA of another can cause gradual changes in one's own body due to the presence of foreign genetics. (While I think Jake Carlson brought this up, it was a while ago and it may have some...
  134. H

    Sept 14th - Oct 3rd Rituals Reference to Substitute for Website

    If we do a downloaded Final RTR file to blot out the letters, we should just close the page (or delete the file we used and delete the copy in the Recycling Bin, depending on if we saved the file) instead of closing the webpage, correct?
  135. H


    I would recommend avoiding mental health practitioners, it can be very dangerous to tell them information on your life. In addition to what others have said, keep in mind that you were fortunate enough to find the JoS in this lifetime. Don't waste this life by throwing it away. As hard as life...
  136. H

    Can celebrities be a good source of energy?

    Not saying I endorse this view myself, but in some industries there may be important Gentile business leaders who, while not perfect, prevent a Jew from taking the spot. Better to have an imperfect Gentile controlling your steel industry or whatever than some Jew. Something to consider.
  137. H

    Spiritual Warfare Schedule - September 14 / October 3 [Updated With Pics]

    To clarify, what is the guidance on the number of rituals? If we want to do more, can we do extra RTRs after doing the one other ritual, or should we try to maintain a 1:1 ration? Do we need to do a constant number of rituals per day, or can we just make sure we do at least 1 each of the...
  138. H

    Black men was shoot 7 times in the back...

    I can't vouch that it's real, but some of the Zionist media was whining that Blake's father is aware about the Jews, and the garbage of Xianity. Interesting if true.
  139. H

    Misfortune during Sun Squares?

    Thanks for the information, I apologize if I confused anyone, I have limited knowledge and sometimes forget what the rest of a topic says, just didn't want anyone to get hurt by misapplying information, I don't mean to spread disinformation.
  140. H

    Misfortune during Sun Squares?

    HPS Maxine has warned against doing 108 vibrations: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=18092&p=69365&hilit=108#p69365
  141. H

    Warning about Daily Stormer and other supposedly "alternative" media

    Like I said, it is good to be aware of what's going on, but it is also good to be aware of where you are getting your information from and where your mind is going. A lot of these alt-right sites have some suspicious connections, and it's not uncommon for Jews to say a lot of things that are...
  142. H

    Warning about Daily Stormer and other supposedly "alternative" media

    If you read alternative media (or any media), I would advise you to use discretion. Some sites, especially Daily Stormer, seem to be pushing this "race war" narrative, perhaps this is predictive programming. While it is always best to be informed and aware, it's also important to be careful...
  143. H

    What runes should I use for business? need advice.

    Just a heads up, HPS Maxine has said not to use 108 vibrations: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=18092&p=69365&hilit=108#p69365
  144. H

    My Life =>Bullying+Depression+Otism+Lonely

    Just a heads up, the JoS site has warned against allowing others to hypnotize you, I personally would avoid hypnosis audios made by others as there can be hidden things in them:
  145. H

    Calming an overactive mind

    Both HPS Maxine and Lydia have stated that you can improve focus just by focusing very closely on what you're doing throughout the day, I have found this to be very helpful. While you're going about your day, doing chores, etc., try to focus completely on what you're doing and ignore errant...
  146. H

    RTR Fuel: Migrant avoids deportation from Sweden after raping child over 100 times

    https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2020/08/13/migrant-who-raped-child-100-times-avoids-deportation-sweden/ This is what the Jews want in every White country. Keep really going hard on the Final RTR, let's get our spiritual revenge!
  147. H

    Mandatory vaccines and school

    Just be careful not to take too much if taking supplemental iodine.
  148. H

    RTR speed

    Thanks, I was just making sure that you meant multiples of 9.
  149. H

    Freeing the soul from abrahamic religion

    Regarding the post in your signature, are you sure it's a good idea to add an affirmation to the Final RTR? The clergy have instructed that it should just be done as it appears on official JoS sites.
  150. H

    RTR speed

    Just to clarify, "4-5 of those is close to 8-9", you mean multiples if 9, right? So in that method 36-45 would be close to 72-81?
  151. H

    Spiritual Warfare Schedule - July 21st / August 5th

    Here are a few tips I posted in another thread on privacy and RTRs: I've mentioned this before, but I wanted to share this tip for doing RTRs in case it could be helpful. If you live with people, it's important to make sure you are safe while getting the RTRs done. You can do both. Some people...
  152. H

    Spiritual Warfare Schedule - July 21st / August 5th

    If we can do it while still having enough energy for the other rituals, is it ok to shoot for 3 Final RTRs a day plus the other rituals? Also, is it necessary to clean the aura after the Final RTR before the other rituals, or is ok to do the Final RTR, then wait a bit and do the other rituals...
  153. H

    Spiritual Warfare Schedule - July 21st / August 5th

    Sorry for the questions, ignore if these are of no importance- Can we use the variation of our choice for the Runes? I just ask because the way Wunjo is sounded out it seems a bit different from the recorded variations. Does the order of the rituals matter? For example, do we have to do both...
  154. H

    Spiritual Warfare Schedule - July 21st / August 5th

    Also, sorry forgot to ask these two-do we need to bath and dress formally, etc. before these rituals, or not because they're group rituals? Also, although syncing time is ideal, is it OK if we do it when we can as long as we get the day right?
  155. H

    Spiritual Warfare Schedule - July 21st / August 5th

    If one of the days we only have time to do the Final RTRs, will it mess up our end of the other rituals? I assume the Final RTR should be prioritized if someone is severely limited in time.
  156. H

    Two questions about Aura Cleaning

    Thank you for the feedback!
  157. H

    Two questions about Aura Cleaning

    I had two questions regarding the aura cleaning routine in which we use a white-gold light to scan our Aura and remove filth" 1) When visualizing sending it back to the sender, does the sender refer to the enemy, as they're respionsible for these curses, or just anyone who happens to direct...
  158. H

    Adjustment Day: Nonwhites Now MAJORITY in 16-And-Under Demographic according to Census

    Be calm, don't affirm things like this. I'm not denying that things seem very bad now. But people are fighting with spiritual weapons. We will survive, our Race is strong and a lot more people are waking up now. Don't ignore reality but don't constantly think of the worse outcomes happening...
  159. H


    I get what you mean about learning from a book written by a Jew, but I would try to avoid it if possible, HP Mageson has mentioned that the 48 laws of power is basically the Talmud. It's preferable in my opinion to study Jewish psychopathy from the many writings the clergy has given us, rather...
  160. H

    Ted Kaczynski

    I believe HP Mageson has stated that he thinks Kaczynski was Jewish, so be careful if you read his writings.
  161. H

    Bump on dog's eye

    My dog, who is fairly old but in mostly good health, has had a small bump on his eye for a while. Recently, it has been irritating the eye and causing a lot of discharge. We've tried treating the discharge, but the vet said that as long as the bump is there it will be a problem, and that a...
  162. H

    Will Satan remove me from his protection if I ask him to?

    I don't know your specific situation and I won't claim to. But if you were able to open your clairaudience points, don't you think that you are already tremendously advanced compared to well over 99% of humans on Earth? In your development, either spiritual or just in a general sense, have you...
  163. H

    Question about Franz Bardon's Initiation into Hermetics

    Hasn't it been advised that some of the exercises in that book are corrupted and dangerous? I would be very cautious, especially considering that the meditations on the JoS are powerful enough for tremendous advancement.
  164. H

    Help me guys - Jew problem

    I would strongly suggest never sending photos to people online if you are involved in Satanism, it can be dangerous.
  165. H

    My great-grandmother name end with "stein". Am I jew?

    I'm not sure if this is relevant for your situation, but I wanted to share as it's helped me do RTRs even with parents in my house: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=40780
  166. H

    A practical tip for privacy for RTRs

    I've mentioned this before, but I wanted to share this tip for doing RTRs in case it could be helpful. If you live with people, it's important to make sure you are safe while getting the RTRs done. You can do both. Some people have mentioned using music so that others don't hear, but for people...
  167. H

    RTR FUEL: 7 year old White girl stabbed to death by Somali Muslim

    Another reminder of what Jews have brought into our nations. RTR Fuel: https://nationalvanguard.org/2020/04/her-name-is-emily-jones-7-year-old-girl-stabbed-to-death-by-somali-invader/
  168. H

    Void Meditation - What Exactly It Is and How It Works, Explained

    Thank you, that answer makes a lot of sense.
  169. H

    Void Meditation - What Exactly It Is and How It Works, Explained

    I'm not sure I understand, it doesn't seem that void needs to be mastered perfectly before doing any other type of meditation, right? I've had some success feeling energy even though my concentration is far from perfect. Although I agree that void meditation is still very important.
  170. H

    Antidepressant/Antipsychotic induced sexual dysfunction

    Just a heads up so others are aware, it's best in my opinion to not listen to hypnotic audios as the people who make the audios can hide things in them that could be harmful.
  171. H

    I feel hopeless

    I believe it has been said that we should never let ourselves by hypnotized by others, I assume this would apply for audios made by other people as we don't really know what's in them.
  172. H

    How to verify if the RTRs are the real reverse?

    I would be careful about researching the actual Hebrew filth, our HPs had to take great care to be able to do the things they have done. It can be dangerous for a Gentile to study. We know that the RTRs are what the HPs say they are because of their effects, because of the real progress we have...
  173. H

    Xians now praying to "Saint Corona"

    I'm not sure if this "saint" has historically been considered the patron saint of pandemics, that may be misinformation or regular Xian rewriting of history. But anyway, some Xians are now literally praying to this so-called saint, who in their stories is supposedly linked to Northern Italy...
  174. H

    9 year old boy bullied to death for being white

    Nothing would surprise me given the level of hatred the enemy has for Whites. It's almost surreal when you realize the type of hatred the Jews have for Whites and the sadism they seek to inflict on Whites, either directly or through their brainwashed disposable proxies. If any Whites here are...
  175. H

    Thoughts on the American Nazi Party, National Socialist movement and related groups?

    I agree with what has been said about a lot of these groups being infested. I definitely would not recommend joining one-we have access to so much power through Satanism, there's no need to take unnecessary risks by joining a group that probably won't get anything meaningful done. That said, I...
  176. H

    Satanic Self help about love/relationships/getting laid(For men.)

    Thank you all for your replies, I agree I should stop obsessing over this stuff. While sociobiology does have some truth to it, a lot of evolutionary psychology is probably enemy propaganda.
  177. H

    Satanic Self help about love/relationships/getting laid(For men.)

    Is there really something wrong with you if you lose sexual interest in women? I agree with the general trend of "redpilled" thinking in understanding how humans work, it seems logical that women would want the best mates and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. But it seems that...
  178. H

    FAQ about the Final RTR + Tetragrammaton + Shattering [Updated 25 August 2021]

    Is it a good idea to have the faint text in grey next to the main vibrations? Just wondering.
  179. H

    Government supposedly finds an extremely vulnerable exploit on Windows

    Thoughts on this press release? https://media.defense.gov/2020/Jan/14/2002234275/-1/-1/0/CSA-WINDOWS-10-CRYPT-LIB-20190114.PDF
  180. H

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Also, if music is distracting, a dehumidifier (make sure that it will keep running and not turn off by itself) or a noise machine can be a good source of noise that will at least allow you to speak quietly. I recommend, if you have the house to yourself at one point, playing an audio in your...
  181. H

    OH MY!!!

    After the media finally talked a little about some of the brutal farm murders in South Africa (which often involve the rape of children and the torture of the elderly with power tools) the Jewish journalist Daniel Friedman mocked these attacks since they were targeting Whites, and Whites...
  182. H

    Here is the link to The little white book.

    ConsistentMeditator, White Nationalist writings should always be considered in proper context. I won't speak for Klassen, but I personally find nitpicking Klassen's work on moralist grounds to be disingenuous. I am a hardcore White Nationalist and most liberals would consider me to be pure...
  183. H

    stormfront forum

    On a similar topic, what are people's thoughts on Alex Linder and his forum? I don't know how Linder came into the movement or where his money came from, and some have said he looks Jewish. I wouldn't give his site my personal information and still think it's good to be cautious, but he does...
  184. H


    Great, thank you HP! I figured the billing address was just a formality since I used a preloaded card with enough funds but just wanted to make sure. I did get the email confirming my donation. I have been wanting to donate for a while but couldn't due to family being entangled with my financial...
  185. H


    Earlier today I donated to the JoS using a prepaid credit card. I had to give a billing address for PayPal and wanted to ask, JoS won't mail anything to my home address, correct? I wouldn't think that they would but just wanted to make sure.
  186. H

    My opinion on homosexuals (and sexuality in general).

    The State could effectively ban gay marriage by working towards a nation for Whites while working with other nations to repatriate other Races back to their homeland. In the meantime, laws against race-mixing could be enforced like other laws. If evidence suggests people are race-mixing, further...
  187. H

    Cobra Story Time - "Friendly Charity"

    A lot of people here have recommend against energy ripping and vampirism as revenge tactics, as the energy of others is often dirty. It might be a good idea to consider other (spiritual and legal) methods if revenge is needed.
  188. H

    Sexual Energy, Celibacy, No Fap November

    Thank you for this informative post HP. This is something that I have struggled with a lot-without going off on too much of a tangent, I fear I have really fucked up my brain with excessive Internet use. Around the time I was 18 I started using too much caffeine and speed-browsing the Internet...
  189. H

    The Best of Web

    What do people think of https://www.counter-currents.com/ ? I can't say for sure if Greg Johnson is a genuine White Nationalist or controlled opposition, but the website does have a lot of interesting stuff. Johnson has spoken before about what Xianity did to Pagan cultures (although he still...
  190. H

    Repressed Rage/ Repressed emotions

    Yes, it's a good thing to avoid physical fights in general if possible. While this is not an excuse to be physically weak or unprepared, if someone wants to get in a physical fight, there's a possibility that 1) they don't care about death/jail, 2) they have a weapon, and/or 3), they have a...
  191. H

    Infographic debunking Daily Stormer-type anti-women rants

    This is an interesting infographic with data from various sources to counter Jewish propaganda that White women are uniquely lacking in racial loyalty: https://i.imgur.com/cOPHsxI.png Thoughts?
  192. H

    US Army warns soldiers to be ready for potential 'incel' violence at ’Joker’ film screening

    How many women are killed by promiscuous, low impulse-control men, or killed by boyfriends or partners, compared to the number of women killed by autistics who can't leave the basement without having a panic attack? Not saying some incels aren't bad people, but this obsession with the fictitious...
  193. H

    Quitting porn?

    Disclaimer: I have not completely quit porn, but I have significantly reduced my usage. My advice might or might not work for you, think of it what you will. I found that being busy and sticking to a schedule help me. I limit my time on the computer, and make sure I know what I'm on the...
  194. H

    I need help with a girl I just meet

    Make sure your safety is a priority, whatever you do. Even Xians who seem outwardly "reasonable" can have insane reactions to sites like the JoS. I would strongly suggest you don't let her find out you're a Satanist. As long as you're safe, you're able to continue fighting the enemy, which is...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
