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  1. Syd Silver

    Recent Attacks Against HPHC

    Someone emailed me about this and asked me if I'm banned! Well, although I've had a few disagreements on certain subjects with Cobra ... I'm terribly sorry that I must disappoint these poor & stupid enemy recruiters but I'm not banned and I don't think anyone was banned for trying "to expose...
  2. Syd Silver

    JoS Membership

    I never had any other account besides this from day one until now So please, show me at least one of this many accounts of mine And tell me, you pulled this up by yourself or one of your "trusted sources" informed you ? or maybe one of my "fan club" members informed you ? I got this kind of...
  3. Syd Silver

    JoS Membership

    I was referring only to Ol argedco and Fancy Mancy when I was talking about weak people and yes I consider them weak because one is a deluded liar who admitted that he is a liar and other one is a deluded drug user who admitted that he used and stil uses drugs, both of them have several...
  4. Syd Silver

    JoS Membership

    Are we still working with facts or we started working with assumtions ?! The fact that someone is defending a proven infiltrator it's no problem ?! The fact that someone is telling lies and false accusation it's no problem ?! When you label someone as JoS trusted member it is statement ...
  5. Syd Silver

    JoS Membership

    I truly hope you're just naive ... and there's nothing else behind of what you said For your information, those humorous drug users as well as alcoholic humorous ones, fall very easily under the influence of the enemy, and end up working for the enemy even if they do it unconsciously These...
  6. Syd Silver

    JoS Membership

    So you lied only several times just on this topic For the record, I did not mention the word jew in my posts addressed to you, but you felt the need to use this word It's ok I understand your panic and despair, your lies and attacks are pathetic and no one believes you, so besides lies you...
  7. Syd Silver

    JoS Membership

  8. Syd Silver

    JoS Membership

    As I said you are not up to date with all the information about this subject, but it seems that this doesn't prevent you from throwing assumptions again So you didn't noticed any issues ... Those two individuals ... the proven drug user is Fancy Mancy and the proven deluded liar is Ol argedco...
  9. Syd Silver

    JoS Membership

    I do not think you did this just accidentally. Keep trying ...
  10. Syd Silver

    JoS Membership

    I meant the same thing, how should I know anything about their personal lives! Your communications skills are fine, no need to worry about that, you are just too balanced (even when its not the case) Some things are clear for those who have their eyes open and know where to look I'm sure you...
  11. Syd Silver

    JoS Membership

    I don't think you're up to date with all the information on this subject Two of these members are at least questionable One is a drug user and the other one is a lier, I could say more about of these two but I think you got the point Besides that, I agree with your points See my reply to...
  12. Syd Silver

    JoS Membership

    On "off mod" membership This is a step forward for the community Criteria and wording are another discussion The fact that these off mod members are labeled as trusted members can be interpreted ... and the interpretation can be in many ways, like - only off mod members are trusted The fact...
  13. Syd Silver

    JoS Membership

    Let me make you a summary of this topic without the interventions of that troll As it seems that you have missed some aspects I opened this topic and asked why someone can post without approval and others can't Everyone expressed their opinion by their own understanding That was all about...
  14. Syd Silver

    JoS Membership

    Amazing ...
  15. Syd Silver

    JoS Membership

    What you said is obvious but the initial subject on this topic was about something else, until the topic was hijacked by an idiot and his friend Let's hope so.
  16. Syd Silver

    JoS Membership

    On Shael So you say that have been bad accusations about him wich you still don't know if were true ...!! Wait, what ?! If you have memory problems I suggest to look on his posts Shael has a entire history of attacking real SS long-term members Shael also he defended a proven jew infiltrator...
  17. Syd Silver

    JoS Membership

    Good points.
  18. Syd Silver

    JoS Membership

    You are wrong Real Clergy are confirmed by Satan and The Gods Not everyone who had or has HP or HPS in front of their names is actually Clergy It was explained in a sermon how things were at the beginning of the JoS and how some people end up being Clergy, it was written that those were only...
  19. Syd Silver

    Forced to get the Vaccine for Work

    I've explained on this topic why Ol argedco luciftias defends EnkyUk3 ... https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=54632&start=50
  20. Syd Silver

    JoS Membership

    I did not know why you attacked me, but now everything is clear How is Shael, he still hates me because I exposed him?! Is it still with Magesson slandering JoS on those platforms? (rhetorical questions) Yeah, I have found out about your friendship with Shael That also explains why you are...
  21. Syd Silver

    JoS Membership

    Same here.
  22. Syd Silver

    JoS Membership

    Talking about who is trustworthy I only saw Henu posting without approval, No problem with Henu or with his posts, I just wanted to know why someone can and others don't, that was all Now let me brief you what I found out about two of these trusted members Two days ago I got an email from a...
  23. Syd Silver

    JoS Membership

    All clear then ;)
  24. Syd Silver

    JoS Membership

    WTF is this crap ?! I never said I hate Cobra I never said Cobra is corrupted Don't put words in my mouth How can you lie this way ?? !!! And why ?!! What do you gain to say these lies?!! Nobody said anything about you, I didn't even know that you are off mod Throwing lies about someone you...
  25. Syd Silver

    JoS Membership

    Besides what I said in my previous reply to you I want to add one more thing So the fact that an alleged SS willingly and consciously of what he is doing took the jewish vaccine is just a mistake! In other words ... the fact that an alleged SS voluntarily and consciously of what he is doing...
  26. Syd Silver

    JoS Membership

    No one called him a jew He insulted and called others like that More than 10 people including Cobra told him that what he is doing is wrong Read the posts and if you still have something to add on that subject continue there, no need to fuck up another thread...
  27. Syd Silver

    UFO Files are about to be Revealed

    Are you ok ? You seem to be a little bit "high" again.
  28. Syd Silver

    JoS Membership

    Posting without approval means that after you pressed "submit" your post appears instantly on the forum If this happens, it means you are "off mod", and if you are off mod it means that you are a trusted member. (Not like me, for example)
  29. Syd Silver

    JoS Membership

    The best would be to ask a trusted member, just to be sure that you get a trusted answer.
  30. Syd Silver


    During meditations privacy is essential If you are interrupted sometimes during meditation, re-start from the beginning.
  31. Syd Silver

    JoS Membership

    Crystal clear Thank you.
  32. Syd Silver

    Vaccination and its effects.

    Modifying human DNA is not necessarily to be an instant process, but it is enough for starts to destroy your immune system, make you weak vulnerable physically and mentally, plus "they" are already discussed at the high level that this anti-Covid vaccine to be done periodically, the vaccine...
  33. Syd Silver

    JoS Membership

    Is there a specific reason why Henu the Great can post without approval ?! While the rest of the members have to wait hours, even 24 hours sometimes, for their posts to be approved !
  34. Syd Silver

    HAPPENING : War begins in Ukraine as Russians invade ,NATO forces moving towards War Zone

    The entire post is a big bullshit First of all, for your information, Russia regularly makes power demonstrations with the army since the end of WW2 And if a war with Russia would be expected to begin, in Europe we would find out long before it started, because the whole Europe is full of...
  35. Syd Silver

    Europe: Vaccination Rollout Not Working - "They" Failed

    As you know the European Parliament wants to implement the "vaccination passport", to do so "they" have established that 70% of Europe's population must be vaccinated by June. Well ... "they" already failed """ Revealed: EU vaccine target ‘impossible’ say ambassadors The EU’s target of having...
  36. Syd Silver

    28/March/2019: Message from Azazel (re-post)

    Your prediction based on the Mayans calendar may be good It is well known that all ancient civilizations were under the guidance of Satan and the Gods For me, what Maxine wrote in the above sermon is clear enough.
  37. Syd Silver

    28/March/2019: Message from Azazel (re-post)

    Through meditation, we develop our awareness, we expand our consciousness, the level of understanding, we open our astral senses and so on On top of all this If we are dedicated and constantly meditate our Gods guide us Generally speaking If one has a bad day or is very tired or has a lot on...
  38. Syd Silver

    Finally our government wants to force us all

    Where does this happen ?! What is the country where people are forced to vaccinate by restricting their rights and freedoms ?!!
  39. Syd Silver

    The Democrat Party represents Black America like plantation owners represented slaves

    """ Candace Owens told host Mark Levin that "over the last four years, it really has been my mission and my purpose to make sure Black Americans and all minorities in this country recognize that" the Black community is being used as "cover" for the imposition of a radical leftist agenda. "I...
  40. Syd Silver

    28/March/2019: Message from Azazel (re-post)

    28/March/2019: Message from Azazel by High Priestess Maxine Dietrich """I'm reiterating that we've totally won. Azazel told me to let everyone know there will be many very frightening and catastrophic events coming, especially regarding climate change and extreme weather. There will be...
  41. Syd Silver

    UFO Files are about to be Revealed

    You missed one. :arrow:
  42. Syd Silver

    The European Proposal for Vaccination Passport - "Digital Green Certificate"

    Today EU Parliament fast-tracks procedure to adopt Digital Green Certificate by June """ To facilitate its adoption by the summer, MEPs decided to accelerate the approval of the Digital Green Certificate, allowing for safe and free movement during the pandemic. With 468 votes in favour, 203...
  43. Syd Silver

    UFO Files are about to be Revealed

    We will witness a major turning point, for the first time the existence of aliens will be officially recognized and this is just the tip of the iceberg The informations will probably be released gradually but still the impact, implications and effects will be huge.
  44. Syd Silver

    The Emptiness of Knowledge

    Yes, I know these things, obviously if we as SS had let ourselves be swept by the currents of the present society or absorbed by the NPC crowd we would not be here, doing what we do. We are here and for any Real SS once he has entered in Satan's House there is no way back I just wish it was a...
  45. Syd Silver

    UFO Files are about to be Revealed

    """ The Pentagon has evidence of UFOs breaking the sound barrier without a sonic boom and other “difficult to explain” phenomena, said John Ratcliffe, the Director of National Intelligence under the Trump administration. "There are a lot more sightings than have been made public," Mr Ratcliffe...
  46. Syd Silver

    The Emptiness of Knowledge

    The thing is that due to the time we live in, we do everything in a rush and we don't have patience anymore, patience to learn, to listen, to communicate, and then what you said happens "wisdom has passed you by without understanding it
  47. Syd Silver

    Walmart the largest U.S. vaccine provider wants Digital Vaccination Credentials aka Forced Vaccination

    """ People who get Covid-19 shots at thousands of Walmart and Sam’s Club stores may soon be able to verify their vaccination status at airports, schools and other locations using a health passport app on their smartphones. The retail giant said on Wednesday that it had signed on to an...
  48. Syd Silver

    SERIOUS PROBLEM- Pleas advise!

    Try to convince her, try any strategy Show her - how many people died after vaccination - how many people had serious side effects such as parilisia, anaphylactic shock and so on - long-term side effects are unknown - that clinical tests for anti-Covid vaccines ends in 2023 - 2024 If nothing...
  49. Syd Silver

    Forced to get the Vaccine for Work

    Anyone who takes this vaccine voluntarily - works for the enemy's agenda - encourages the enemy to force vaccination - encourages the enemy to force the vaccination passport which will lead to our enslavement - works against us, even if he does it unconsciously He does not belong here, he...
  50. Syd Silver

    The Goddess Astarte & Happy Ostara

    Heil Princess Astarte Happy Ostara to everyone Great sermon.
  51. Syd Silver

    Forced to get the Vaccine for Work

    You don't even realize, how stupid you are! (although others have tried to tell you) I didn't mentioned the word jew in my replies to you but you instead ... oh vey oh vey It is the same pattern, your category is more predictable than the weather Come on, you can do better, just tell us...
  52. Syd Silver

    The European Proposal for Vaccination Passport - "Digital Green Certificate"

    "They" will keep up this bullshit, it is their agenda. Exactly, and has already begun . 20% of people vaccinated is jewish Fake News, official statistics says less than 5% are vaccinated in Europe How will "they" vaccinate 70% of the EU population until the summer?! When "they" want to...
  53. Syd Silver

    The European Proposal for Vaccination Passport - "Digital Green Certificate"

    The climax for the New Reality & Revolution is approaching The proposed Vaccination Passport aka Digital Green Certificate will be discussed next week at a summit of EU leaders. https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20210317-eu-proposes-plan-for-covid-19-travel-certificates
  54. Syd Silver

    Is Anyone Keeping You?

    Leaving aside the infiltrators and traitors who come here to destroy us, this sermon remembers me what a wise sister said in another topic
  55. Syd Silver

    Forced to get the Vaccine for Work

    I didn't said that you are an infiltrated or snitch, all I said is that you have tendencies of infiltrator or you are very brainwashed You fell in the net You just have exposed yourself dummy ... You started exposing yourself in that thread "Countries" and now you confirm with every post you...
  56. Syd Silver

    Forced to get the Vaccine for Work

    Besides what you said, I add that he shows tendencies of an infiltrator, or maybe he's just brainwashed beyond repair He advertises the vaccination, advertises jewish policies, also he asks JoS members to tell him publicly where they live When he was told that what he was doing was wrong he...
  57. Syd Silver

    The European Proposal for Vaccination Passport - "Digital Green Certificate"

    """On Wednesday afternoon, the European Commission presented its proposal for the “Digital Green Certificate” – so-called vaccination passports – to make free travel in the EU possible again this summer. To avoid discrimination, the certificate will provide proof that a person has been...
  58. Syd Silver

    Welcome To the New Reality - The Revolution Has Began

    Yes, I know, the good news is that people start to wake up, and the jews are one step closer to be completely exposed.
  59. Syd Silver

    EU council ruled against mandatory vaccines for now

    I wrote about it here - Vaccine Passport aka Forced Vaccination https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=53084&p=233422#p233422
  60. Syd Silver

    China Wants to Run a Global ‘Vaccine Passport’ System

    This request made by China is not accidental The World Bank aka the jews supports this request officially since last year https://www.sgtreport.com/2020/12/imf-world-bank-wants-to-track-your-web-browsing-history-to-determine-your-social-credit-score/ The IMF / World Bank is considering a...
  61. Syd Silver

    Welcome To the New Reality - The Revolution Has Began

    Meanwhile over the weekend Germany https://www.dwnewsvdyyiamwnp.onion/en/germany-protests-against-coronavirus-restrictions-leave-12-dresden-officers-injured/a-56866499 Netherlands https://www.euronews.com/2021/03/14/dutch-police-break-up-anti-government-protest-ahead-of-election Denmark...
  62. Syd Silver

    12 Countries & Growing Suspending AstraZeneca Vaccine

    Also Germany, Italy and France suspend AstraZeneca vaccine. https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20210315-france-germany-and-italy-join-other-nations-in-suspending-astrazeneca-vaccine
  63. Syd Silver

    China Wants to Run a Global ‘Vaccine Passport’ System

    https://www.breitbart.com/asia/2021/03/10/china-urges-who-let-it-run-global-vaccine-passport-system/ This is the purpose of Coronavirus Operation.
  64. Syd Silver

    People Know Covid is a Scam

    Like the title says, people have realized that Covid is a Scam http://www.renegadetribune.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/redditsave.com_its_a_scam-dv35c71hbxl61.mp4?id=0
  65. Syd Silver

    Welcome To the New Reality - The Revolution Has Began

    We are here and we are ready Heil Satan Heil Final Victory
  66. Syd Silver

    Welcome To the New Reality - The Revolution Has Began

    We are here and we are ready Heil Satan Heil Final Victory
  67. Syd Silver

    Physical Action For Future Freedom & Fedposting Again

    Definitely physical action will come The Beginning will be when the jews will force vaccination Then will definitely start the protests and riots I remember Maxine said that people will react and fight back only when they're with their backs to the wall That moment is very close.
  68. Syd Silver


    When someone addresses you in a civilized and polite manner, the basic rules of common sense say that you should address them in the same way You failed on this big time That says a lot about your person You talk about things you don't understand and when someone explains to you that you're...
  69. Syd Silver


    No, I am not, but I do not have to be Irish to know that what you mentioned is true, these things are visible and very known facts.
  70. Syd Silver

    Aryan Pride

    Read this (if you haven't) Upholding The White Race - Abolishing White Guilt https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=27711
  71. Syd Silver


    Good points.
  72. Syd Silver

    Rabbi says: Amalek's Sons and Daughters must be destroyed

    For new members Amalik or Amalek is a name of Satan (even in torah) Amalek's offsprings are literally Satanic souls.
  73. Syd Silver

    Rabbi says: Amalek's Sons and Daughters must be destroyed

  74. Syd Silver

    Vaccine Passport aka Forced Vaccination

    The jews will not be able to turn anything around if the people will wake up, and in Germany public pressure is quite high (compared to other countries) the government is forced to take steps back...
  75. Syd Silver

    Vaccine Passport aka Forced Vaccination

    This is a fact, even during Lockdown, Abdul managed to enter Europe, and now when all Europeans for traveling need a Covid test beside the identity card, Abdul with all his relatives and all his neighbors travel through Europe without any problem and ... without any identity cards or covid...
  76. Syd Silver

    Vaccine Passport aka Forced Vaccination

    About the situation in Europe I don't know how it is in other countries but in Europe vaccination has been regulated by a very clear set of rules Of course, the central media aka juden press says nothing about it The full document - https://pace.coe.int/en/files/29004/html As you can see, EU...
  77. Syd Silver

    Vaccine Passport aka Forced Vaccination

    https://www.nytimes3xbfgragh.onion/2021/03/02/world/europe/covid-vaccine-passports.html The E.U. will propose a vaccine passport system for Europe. https://www.nytimes3xbfgragh.onion/2021/03/01/world/eu-vaccine-passport.html About the situation in Europe I don't know how it is in other...
  78. Syd Silver

    The Truth About Black Intelligence Revealed”

    Keep the ban button ready, he will come back probably with his "friends" (alts acc.)
  79. Syd Silver

    The Truth About Black Intelligence Revealed”

    Yes, it is true that some members believe / believed that you defend this "cowboy" and others like him, I wondered why you would associate with these people because you have nothing in common with this type of individuals I'm glad to hear that you don't agree with these things and that you...
  80. Syd Silver

    The Truth About Black Intelligence Revealed”

    Look Shannon, I never said that Blacks shouldn't come here, or leave JoS !!! My comment was strictly for "users Cowboy and Yellowdragon" Cowboy spreads false information and slanders the Aryans for a long time and Yellowdragon is an infiltrator with many accounts So don't take what I said as...
  81. Syd Silver

    The Jews are Behind All Anti-Covid Vaccines

    Now "they" are wearing kipa soon "they" will wear something like that ... https://youtu.be/ZDkejTcSlY4
  82. Syd Silver

    Pay attention to the Israel vaccination

    Well, didn't you hear ?! The jews want to lead the whole world ... (to disaster / slavery) Forcing vaccination is part of their agenda https://www.israeltoday.co.il/read/as-america-declines-will-israel-become-the-new-superpower/
  83. Syd Silver

    Why did Hitler want to resettle the Slavic population to Siberia

    This is false information And you haven't read anything like that on this forum Stop lying Only an NPC or an infiltrator could say that Hitler wanted to resettle the Slavic population and non Nordic looking people in Siberia.
  84. Syd Silver

    Like... srsly

    Yeah seriously This is their plan https://youtu.be/ZDkejTcSlY4
  85. Syd Silver

    The Truth About Black Intelligence Revealed”

    Listen ... little dummy All JoS Sites including JoS Forums & subforums were created and maintained by Aryans So if you don't like it, you and that attempt of cowjew can go and ... take a number and get back in line with the rest of the hyenas And for your general culture, The Aryans are...
  86. Syd Silver

    The Truth About Black Intelligence Revealed”

    What is this crap ?!! You have the impression that someone will believe this stupidity ...!! All you do is spread false information and attack the Aryans It's clear why you're here on JoS You should be banned and all your posts deleted
  87. Syd Silver

    The Jews are Behind All Anti-Covid Vaccines

    As expected ... https://twitter.com/i/status/1363019947375554560
  88. Syd Silver


    https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-interesting-details-on-roswell-as-son-grills-him-about-aliens https://www.nbcnews.com/news/weird-news/former-israeli-space-security-chief-says-extraterrestrials-exist-trump-knows-n1250333...
  89. Syd Silver

    Websites Which Show the Times of the Void of Course Moon

    Complete SS Calendar for 2021 https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=49621
  90. Syd Silver

    A so-called SS cursing someone from among our midst

    Thanks for the insight Indeed, some people are irrecoverable Not everyone can be SS
  91. Syd Silver

    A so-called SS cursing someone from among our midst

    Wait what ?! We have another jew on JoS, again ... Who is this part jew indian? And who are the two SS trying to curse the jew indian?
  92. Syd Silver

    Vaccination, Aliens, Lockdown, Human Genome Alteration

    At this time only NPC's are vaccinated ... voluntarily Starting when?! we are not there yet and I hope we will never be there https://www.politico.com/newsletters/future-pulse/2021/02/03/how-vaccine-passports-could-go-wrong-793136
  93. Syd Silver

    How to develop your relationship with your Guardian Demon

    Start with the beginning, learn gradually https://joyofsatan.org/
  94. Syd Silver

    About Spiritual Warfare, Future Of The World, New Ritual Schedule

    Set your priorities, a target / a goal Once you have set your priorities everything else becomes secondary matters Make a plan how you will get there, then follow your plan and do your best to achieve that goal and don't let anyone or anything distract you Regardless what you want, keep in...
  95. Syd Silver

    I want to join

    First step is Dedication https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/SATANIC.html
  96. Syd Silver

    Need advice on how to deal with church

    The last time I had to go to a church was 2 years ago (I had to go to a wedding) They can't do us any harm, the churches are full of negative energy and infected with thought forms, that's all In the worst case one can get a bad mental state and thought forms will attach to his/her Aura, but...
  97. Syd Silver

    Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi – HaShem (God) will bury America

    "They" have no "Promised Land" anywhere on this planet.
  98. Syd Silver

    Are you addicted? Subtle Addictions

    Ignore trolls and infiltrators and even if some are rotten apples, most JoS members are true SS and they will help a brother / sister when needed.
  99. Syd Silver

    Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi – HaShem (God) will bury America

    So we have two statements from two rabbis telling us the same thing For the average NPC These statements mean nothing For those who are aware Those who are aware know that a high-ranking rabbi does not make statements just like that In the Jews sphere high-ranking rabbis have great...
  100. Syd Silver

    Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi – HaShem (God) will bury America

    In the jewish sphere this subject is on the agenda https://www.israeltoday.co.il/read/as-america-declines-will-israel-become-the-new-superpower/
  101. Syd Silver

    Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi – HaShem (God) will bury America

    This rabbi admits that the jews control everything https://www.bitchute.com/video/6i2gk73lvHKt/
  102. Syd Silver

    University professor says heterosexuality is 'tragic'

    That university professor is a jew or a jew puppet Jane Ward is an American scholar, feminist, and author, Professor of Gender and Sexuality Studies at the University of California, Riverside.[1] She currently holds the position of Vice Chair for the Department of Gender and Sexuality Studies...
  103. Syd Silver

    BLM Receives Nobel Peace Prize Nomination for Terrorizing White People

    This BLM nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize is a statement made by jews The jews openly express their desire to destroy the Aryan Race and "they" are willing to reward those who will fulfill that desire Basically "they" say ... Yes you can terrorize White people, you can rape White women...
  104. Syd Silver

    When to question everything and doubt everyone

    Interesting point of view, but this only if you look from one side It is very true that we must remain focused on what we have to do - war against the enemy is the priority. But at the same time we need to move forward spiritually, we need to evolve and we need to help other people do the same...
  105. Syd Silver

    BLM Receives Nobel Peace Prize Nomination for Terrorizing White People

    No its Not a joke ...!! The violent terrorist entity known as Black Lives Matter has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. https://www.foxnews.com/world/black-lives-matter-nobel-peace-prize...
  106. Syd Silver

    Reincarnation (I wonder ...)

    Why would you want to destroy yourself? !! Spiritual Satanism is the exact opposite of what you want ... If you really want to destroy yourself, to destroy your soul, contact a rabbi
  107. Syd Silver

    About HPS Maxine And The JoS

    Exactly, and why did he become spiritually numb? One becomes spiritually numb because he does not clean his Aura, because he does not meditate, because he does not keep his energies high and so on And if one does not do these things then he is obviously not spiritually open and he can't...
  108. Syd Silver

    About HPS Maxine And The JoS

    I think you assume too much If I remember correctly on the old version of the forum HPS Maxine said: "Assumption is the mother of all fuckups" So I don't assume anything, I work with facts, you can't contradict the facts with assumptions.
  109. Syd Silver

    About HPS Maxine And The JoS

    You are so funny:) my toaster has more psychic ability then shael PS. Reminder Shael has a history of attacking Aryan long-term members, also this "member" defended a proven jew infiltrator
  110. Syd Silver

    About HPS Maxine And The JoS

    Look who's talking !! I don't know if you're an infiltrator or just a dumb pathetic dummy with no racial indentity How dare you to say that 99% of the JoS members are sheep ... !!! And why! because you don't have the ability to see and understand what others have seen and understood Even if...
  111. Syd Silver

    The Children of Ra: Artistic, Historical and Genetic Evidence for Ancient White Egypt

    First of all, don't put words in my mouth, I didn't say that the Egyptians imported slaves, it was a quote from the book and I didn't wrote the book ... Secondly, I'm asking you again what is your point in this? You say ... jews invented slavery but you assume that jews didn't had slaves at that...
  112. Syd Silver

    The Children of Ra: Artistic, Historical and Genetic Evidence for Ancient White Egypt

    White Mediterranean population didn't exist then as we know it today but that doesn't mean that they didn't exist at all in those times There is tons of evidence besides DNA(paintings, sculptures, manuscripts, books, writings engraved in stone and so on) to prove the existence of the Aryan...
  113. Syd Silver

    CoronaHoax the Truth about PCR tests

  114. Syd Silver

    The enemy's big plan - Borg Era one step closer

    "They" have already "found" the excuse ... it's for people's health, look for the article about Neuralink (on JoS) If that scares you then what about Elon Musk's neuralink All these are connected - IoB, IoT, Vaccination, Microchipping, 5G, Starlink satellite network, restricting people's rights...
  115. Syd Silver

    The enemy's big plan - Borg Era one step closer

    Hey SWG, thanks bro'
  116. Syd Silver

    The enemy's big plan - Borg Era one step closer

    When the first loockdown took place I wrote that this Coronavirus Operation is a jewish Hoax and aims to enslave people, but ... some members said that this is stupid and that the coronavirus is not a jewish operation and is not a hoax ... I wrote that there will be a mass vaccination /...
  117. Syd Silver

    The enemy's big plan - Borg Era one step closer

    You mean like these 1.3 mil. people who rushed to be vaccinated The vaccination only started a few days ago https://metro.co.uk/2021/01/05/1300000-people-have-now-been-vaccinated-against-covid-13852879/ The people dont understand what is going on, the big mass of people are now like a great...
  118. Syd Silver

    Forum Testing Up

    The new forum looks good, it's faster, I had no problem logging in or opening a new topic Not sure yet but maybe a little more color contrast, if you go over the posts quickly you don't realize which are the initial posts and which are the quotes, or maybe it's just a temporarily confusion...
  119. Syd Silver

    The enemy's big plan - Borg Era one step closer

    Privacy and security experts have been warning about Internet of Things (IoT) technology for many years and continue to do so (see 1, 2, 3, 4). Internet of Bodies (IoB) technology falls under the IoT umbrella and it is currently unregulated. For those who aren’t familiar with what IoT entails...
  120. Syd Silver

    Account Deletion

    This is your subtle attempt to stab me in the back ?! :lol: :lol: :lol: You are so pathetic ... I know you hate Aryans ... take a number and get in line with the rest of the hyenas
  121. Syd Silver

    Account Deletion

    Thanks for your support, don't worry I rather die then give up Satan and the Gods
  122. Syd Silver

    Account Deletion

    We are in this war together, even if one gets banned that will not change anything, Aryan Bloodline can't be changed Thanks for the support my Aryan brother, I sincerely appreciate it
  123. Syd Silver

    Account Deletion

    No it's Not
  124. Syd Silver

    Account Deletion

    I know you ask for feedback when someone leaves, I'm sure it doesn't matter to you but it may matter to others (of course if you approve this post) In the past 2 days you have disapproved 4 of my posts (you've been doing this to me for over 2 years) in all these posts everything i said was true...
  125. Syd Silver

    BLM Terrorizes White People Having Dinner

    Well that's exactly what blacks are doing right now and they don't even realize it, BLM actions will not be overlooked and will not be forgotten, everyone will end up hating blacks, you have the impression that someone will make a difference, you think someone will say that BLM are bad blacks...
  126. Syd Silver

    What is Europe by Adolf Hitler

  127. Syd Silver

    BLM Terrorizes White People Having Dinner

    Posts are missing ... again
  128. Syd Silver

    In Regards To Traitors/Infiltrators and Other Types Of People

    I'm sure everyone understands and respects your decision
  129. Syd Silver

    In Regards To Traitors/Infiltrators and Other Types Of People

    I know that's not how it works, just showing my support, because I think the same, Lydia deserves it.
  130. Syd Silver

    BLM Terrorizes White People Having Dinner

    Exactly my point Yes ... the democrats support BLM And if Trump loses the election ? Then what ? https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-pittsburgh-diner-video-democrats-allowing-thuggery
  131. Syd Silver

    Black man shoots 5 year old White boy in the head. No mainstream media coverage

    Very Good Point ^^ Coraxo is unable to make a point without insulting people, he was on other topics calling everyone idiots and morons because he was unable to find some simple arguments for his own point of view, he is rude and lacking in basic manners, behavior, comon sense ..., better to...
  132. Syd Silver

    Black man shoots 5 year old White boy in the head. No mainstream media coverage

    Because you copied everything ... Whats this ?!
  133. Syd Silver

    Who is the demoted HP?

    Yes, that's correct.
  134. Syd Silver

    BLM Terrorizes White People Having Dinner

    These stupid idiots aka Black Lives Matter have done more damage to the Black Race then nobody else in entire history Black Race was not in a good position before this, but now with all this killings, looting, harassment, riots and so on ... The Anti-Black feeling is higher then ever even in...
  135. Syd Silver

    In Regards To Traitors/Infiltrators and Other Types Of People

    If there will be elections I will vote for Lydia as well
  136. Syd Silver

    Jewish Professor Pretended to be Black, Now She is Pretending to be White

    Jessica Krug, a George Washington University associate professor whose work focuses on Africa and the African diaspora, admitted in a blog post that she had lied about her blackness and was actually Jewish. "To an escalating degree over my adult life, I have eschewed my lived experience as a...
  137. Syd Silver

    In Regards To Traitors/Infiltrators and Other Types Of People

    Yes, he was an infiltrator, and his mission was probably to keep people away from JoS that means acting against Satan & Gods But it seems that some don't understand this, as example ... Gengar, this "member" wants the infiltrator back ... I don't know if this Gengar is another alt account or...
  138. Syd Silver

    BLM Terrorizes White People Having Dinner

  139. Syd Silver

    Germany Another Protest Against Coronavirus Restrictions

    Well last time when Germany rise up ...we were one step away to end the jews We need to be united, not only Germany needs to "work" on this, we all do, so Atta Europe, Atta all White Nations, Atta Arayans If all Aryans would be awake and aware of the jews and whats going on ... this war would...
  140. Syd Silver

    Who Are The Looters

    Now that you mention it I've noticed that in all looting videos and pictures on the web there is no diversity I'm very surprised ...
  141. Syd Silver

    Black Lives Matter member Calls For Mass Murder of White People

    It would be great to be so easy
  142. Syd Silver

    In Regards To Traitors/Infiltrators and Other Types Of People

    Well yes, I would like him to come back to, so that I can beat him ... because he attacked me and called me a troll for no reason and because he banned me on the old forum for no reason I wanted to "punch" him on a topic about 2 months ago, when he called me a troll for no reason, but I felt bad...
  143. Syd Silver

    Who Are The Looters

    "They" can't hide the truth forever
  144. Syd Silver

    Where is HP Mageson?

    He is Banned (In case you missed the updates)
  145. Syd Silver

    In Regards To Traitors/Infiltrators and Other Types Of People

    The same thing happened to me Even on this forum Danko/Mageson called me a troll for no reason, and now ... his banned
  146. Syd Silver

    Who Are The Looters

    Chicago police release surveillance video of suspects seen looting store https://youtu.be/KKYpS_Ro13U Chicago police on Tuesday released surveillance video asking for the public's help in identifying a group of people who broke in and ransacked a store on the city's West Side back in May And...
  147. Syd Silver

    Black Lives Matter member Calls For Mass Murder of White People

  148. Syd Silver

    Jewish Propaganda ... Preparing the Goyms For Vaccination

    https://www.cnbc.com/2020/09/01/nearly-3-in-4-adults-plan-to-get-a-coronavirus-vaccine-survey-shows.html Of course all this "survey" is Fake like all jewish surveys, same like coronavirus fake deaths and fake tests Entire jewish existence is based on lies and corruption with one purpose only...
  149. Syd Silver

    Germany Another Protest Against Coronavirus Restrictions

    A closer look video https://invidio.us/watch?v=-u3H3PvebBU
  150. Syd Silver

    Germany Another Protest Against Coronavirus Restrictions

    Robert F. Kennedy Jr - Historic Speech in Berlin - 29.8.2020! https://invidio.us/watch?v=mu90-9MKG His speech is related to this topic ..."The Borg Is Approaching: Neuralink Presentation" https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=43300
  151. Syd Silver

    Riots in a swedish town after a copy of quran has been burned by an extremist in public

    Excellent and beautiful post Sundara I divided it into paragraphs to make it easier to read (I hope you don't mind) Nothing you said is bragging, its just the truth, plaine and simple.
  152. Syd Silver

    Group of “teens” murder 17 year old girl, Jewish media silent.

    Shrinking, what shrinking ?!! Right now world population is almost 8 billion Aryans are about 5 percent ... We are almost extinct
  153. Syd Silver

    Germany Another Protest Against Coronavirus Restrictions

    Massive crowds of protesters rallied in central Berlin on Saturday, Aug. 29 to protest against coronavirus restrictions. There were only 18,000 protesters present according to Deutsche Welle and 38,000 according to Reuters, although one protester who was at the protest called Andrea, who...
  154. Syd Silver

    Group of “teens” murder 17 year old girl, Jewish media silent.

    Aryans killed, It happens daily ... The jewish media as usual nothing, just silence The people ... nobody protests, nobody burns the cities, nobody says anything ... It's a common thing ... a white girl killed ... white kids killed, white people ... who cares Aryan Race Satan's Bloodline...
  155. Syd Silver

    Germany is Fed up with Coronavirus Restrictions

    After the protests on August 1st Germany decided to ban all kind of protests against Coronavirus Restrictions ... Berlin bans protest against coronavirus The city of Berlin will put thousands of police on the streets at the weekend to enforce a ban on demonstrations opposing measures imposed to...
  156. Syd Silver

    Top 10 Jews in Anime and Manga - Accurate Edition

    I think it is portuguese, but still this part of the forum is supposed to be in english There are portuguese and spanish subforums, maybe they didn't found those Let's help them Português forum https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=4860 Spanish forum...
  157. Syd Silver


    I don't, but thanks for reminder
  158. Syd Silver


    The basic principle for them is that a Jew is considered a real Jew only if both of his parents are proven Jews But in the Jewish sphere there are several hierarchical circles In the inner circle are the "top" jewish long-lived families like ... Rothschild, Goldman, Rockefeller ... these are...
  159. Syd Silver


    Most of the time I use the "onion" browser regardless of the device, I think it was an IP issue,I changed and now it works Thanks
  160. Syd Silver

    Coronavirus Information Megathread [Ease of Access] - Updated April 2nd 2020

    My thoughts on this subject Coronavirus is Officially a jewish Hoax ... https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=41813&p=171685#p171685 Coronavirus Fake Tests https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=42694 Operation "Coronavirus" Continues as Planned, The Second Wave is Ready to...
  161. Syd Silver

    How to Share Pictures on the Forum

    We need to make a petition and send it to Cobra The petition will be called : "We Want the Edit Button" I will do it tomorrow, now I don't have time, but it will have to be signed by all Legit members >:)
  162. Syd Silver


    Real Jews are under 1% of world population but they have sub-races like pakinstany brown skin jews, arab brown skin jews, gypsies are also a jew sub-rase, plus jews-white look alike, jews-blacks look alike, jews-asian look alike, so the number indeed can be bigger but for real jews not even...
  163. Syd Silver


    The link posted by Ol argedco doesn't work for me (loading and loading extremely sloooooow) I hope yours documentaries are not in that link above, if so, can you put a direct link when you have the time.
  164. Syd Silver

    Hierarchy In Life And In Satanism

    Great Sermon (message received)
  165. Syd Silver


    I saw your video, it is "Rabbi says Jews are Aliens sent to Conqor the world" Their grid is falling apart, that's why they make mistakes, they expose themselves, that means we have to hit them harder than ever. Thanks as well for sharing.
  166. Syd Silver


    Of course ... is for the goyms They don't have human DNA and they did admit this ... https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=42945
  167. Syd Silver


    Excellent, the faster we expose them, the faster we defeat them.
  168. Syd Silver

    Coronavirus Financial Crisis ... Not For Jews

    A glimpse into the past After the rise of the 3rd Reich (in the beginning) all the wealth of the Jews was confiscated ... money, houses, jewelry, goods, business and so on A glimpse into the future What do you think will happen when the 4th Reich rises? :twisted:
  169. Syd Silver

    Coronavirus Financial Crisis ... Not For Jews

    The top 10 billionaires jews would look like homeless people compared to big jews Rothschild, Goldman and Rockefeller, but these 3 jews families are always in the shadows and always behind the curtain
  170. Syd Silver


  171. Syd Silver

    How to Share Pictures on the Forum

    Noo ... the one with the Non Racist Dinner it would have been better (this one is so wrong)
  172. Syd Silver

    Coronavirus Fake Tests

    Yeah, so much evidence ... I know an acquaintance who has an acquaintance who fell off a plane and died, and the cause of death was Coronavirus, because that's what the doctors wrote on the death certificate.
  173. Syd Silver

    Coronavirus Financial Crisis ... Not For Jews

    Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg have added tens of billions of dollars to their net worth since the start of the Coronavirus Pandemic Apple boss Tim Cook has joined the billionaire’s club after the coronavirus pandemic helped the technology giant’s share price hit record highs. His...
  174. Syd Silver

    Russia becomes first country to approve a COVID-19 Vaccine

    Germany says Russian COVID-19 vaccine has not been sufficiently tested - German Health Minister Jens Spahn on Wednesday said Russia’s COVID-19 vaccine had not been sufficiently tested, adding the aim was to have a safe product rather than just being first to start vaccinating people. President...
  175. Syd Silver

    Alien Signals

  176. Syd Silver

    Russia becomes first country to approve a COVID-19 Vaccine

    President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday that Russia had become the first country in the world to grant regulatory approval to a COVID-19 vaccine after less than two months of human testing, a move hailed by Moscow as evidence of its scientific prowess. The vaccine still has to complete final...
  177. Syd Silver

    Alien Signals

    Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are often mysterious in nature, but not an uncommon observation in deep space. However, researchers have discovered the first FRB to emanate from the Milky Way galaxy, according to a newly published study. The research details magnetar SGR 1935+2154, which was...
  178. Syd Silver


    I think Myla can help with this, she speaks like 10 languages
  179. Syd Silver

    U.N. chief says coronavirus causing "Generational Catastrophe" in education

    I think their grid is falling apart and if that guy is really a jew then ... its a big hole in enemy's grid "They" are more disconnected lately and make mistakes, expose themselves and so on
  180. Syd Silver

    Coronavirus Fake Tests

    I think it's more than that That's what the jews do all the time, they discredit anyone who doesn't play their game, but "they" can't hide the truth anymore their grid is falling apart
  181. Syd Silver

    Coronavirus Fake Tests

    Okay Moon Girl:)
  182. Syd Silver

    U.N. chief says coronavirus causing "Generational Catastrophe" in education

    Are you saying that a Jew is acting against his tribe ?! it seems "a bit"unusual (I didn't look for his origins)
  183. Syd Silver

    Coronavirus Fake Tests

    This topic has become a mess ... BTW ... Ghost we all got it, you hate Shannon, now take a break, go find a mental institution and and ask for help, you really need it
  184. Syd Silver

    Coronavirus Fake Tests

    And the friggin measles?! come on that is the most contageous diasease to humans. What? How many people do you know with measles? I Believe that would be the common cold. LoL ... guys, Moon Girl was ironic
  185. Syd Silver

    Germany is Fed up with Coronavirus Restrictions

    Exactly Judenpresse always the same ... but they can't hide the truth forever Tino Chrupalla, a co-chair of AfD, said the demonstrators were being falsely accused. “I cannot recognise any wrongdoing,” he told the German broadcaster ARD. “I followed the demonstration, which was peaceful. The...
  186. Syd Silver

    Coronavirus Fake Tests

    Oh wow, you to!! I thought I was the only one! Now that we are 2 we should make a cult ;) (if others have personal cults (and illusions / delusions) >:)
  187. Syd Silver

    U.N. chief says coronavirus causing "Generational Catastrophe" in education

    United Nations — U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said Tuesday the coronavirus pandemic has led to the largest disruption of education in history, with schools closed in more than 160 countries in mid-July, affecting over 1 billion students. In addition, the U.N. chief said at least 40...
  188. Syd Silver

    Coronavirus Fake Tests

    I subscribe and I add that at this moment I don't think they care about money anymore, the purpose of the vaccine is surely something else, I don't know if they will dare now to force microchipping but injecting a real deadly virus ... or maybe a substance that will destroy our mental health...
  189. Syd Silver

    Germany is Fed up with Coronavirus Restrictions

    According to officials, up to 20,000 people took part in demonstrations against the government’s coronavirus restrictions at different locations across Berlin on Saturday, amalgamating for a joint rally later in the day. Organisers said up to 1.3 million people took part, a figure that police...
  190. Syd Silver

    Germany is Fed up with Coronavirus Restrictions

    Img button at the top (next to URL button) [img]-[img] copy and paste image address between All central-media is Judenpresse I know but the update came too late and was not confirmed by the police/authorities, not even today ...
  191. Syd Silver

    Germany is Fed up with Coronavirus Restrictions

    Those counter-protesters who shouted "Nazis out" are members of Jewish NGOs, the same brainless dummies were 4 years ago waving "Welcome Rapefugees" banners ... But in a way they are right ... I mean if you demand respect for people's rights and freedoms you must be a Nazi becouse only a Nazi...
  192. Syd Silver

    Germany is Fed up with Coronavirus Restrictions

    Berlin (AP) -- Thousands protested Germany's coronavirus restrictions Saturday in a Berlin demonstration marking what organizers called “the end of the pandemic” — a declaration that comes just as authorities are voicing increasing concerns about an uptick in new infections. With few masks in...
  193. Syd Silver

    Coronavirus Fake Tests

    Yes I know Shannon ... that "someone" when has no arguments ... insults and denigrates everyone, what can I say, very mature and very smart I got my share of insults as well, but I really don't care anymore Exactly my point! the enemy uses this attempt of "virus" to achieve their goals...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
