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  1. Aldrick Strickland

    Demotion Of Clergy - New Rules

    Hello, First of all I have been given permission to speak here, no one freak out. Also I want to say my allegiance is with the Joy of Satan, Maxine and Cobra no matter what. I am not involved with Don and Zola and havent been for years. I've come to speak about High Priest Micama Gmicalazoma...
  2. Aldrick Strickland

    Question about making a girl break up with her bf

    OR you could just mind your own business. Just a thought...
  3. Aldrick Strickland

    Difficult Succubi relationship & how I started in Satanism

    Please tell me you are not in your thirties......
  4. Aldrick Strickland

    Black and White people Duets

    Perhaps the Black Sun Group is a better place to post this? There are many mixed here who like to justify their love to fuck our women. Soon it will all be put to an end though. SS or not. :)
  5. Aldrick Strickland

    Difficult Succubi relationship & how I started in Satanism

    Skims skims skims. Teenager trying to have a relationship with a being 30 thousand years old. But cute girls at school. Humping air. Sex sex sex sex. 16 year old boy relating needing sex with girl. Looks around for exit. Creeps away slowly muttering.
  6. Aldrick Strickland

    how to be more grounded?

    Prethivi is the name of earth in Sanskrit. PPP-RRR-EEE-TH-EEE-VVV-EEE Void, Alternate Nostril and Hatha And Kundalini Yoga are Grounding.
  7. Aldrick Strickland

    The LIE of KETO

    So thank you Corn is very inflammatory and thus cutting it out can heal acid reflux and make you lose weight. Im glad we finally agree. Lets just put this aside. I dont care what people think or eat. If people wanna know they can pick up a book.
  8. Aldrick Strickland

    The LIE of KETO

    The carbs play a role yes. The point is bread is as bad as candy. But also it is highly inflammatory, which causes fat to form around the inflammation. So youre gonna sit here and say corn is not inflammatory? You grain feed an animal till they fall over with fat and horrible acid reflux to...
  9. Aldrick Strickland

    Happy Yule

    Yup another good example.
  10. Aldrick Strickland


    The feeling im getting is youre not a jew. I wouldnt worry about this. Your Mentality speaks of nothing jewish. Try to focus on Satan.
  11. Aldrick Strickland

    Message of support

    We have alot of children here who talk over internet. Dont even acknowledge the Haters, not worth your time. If he does, he still has alot of xianity to get out of his soul. But alot of time to grow. So dont worry.
  12. Aldrick Strickland

    ♡ SS Book List ♡

    Sister you are quite the Hellsend.
  13. Aldrick Strickland

    ♡ SS Book List ♡

    Sister you are quite the Hellsend.
  14. Aldrick Strickland

    The LIE of KETO

    Are you even aware of how much bread spikes your blood sugar? Its worse then eating actual sugar. Which is worse then carbs. You cant not read and study and just go look at the title it must be bullshit. Corn has no nutrition benefit, that is why it passes through you whole. It causes massive...
  15. Aldrick Strickland

    Health, Healing Working

    You do alot. Doing well. Just been working.
  16. Aldrick Strickland

    Insight Into the thinking of the Enemy I realized

    Aldrick Awarded Master a Golden Star.
  17. Aldrick Strickland

    True to yourself

    Im gonna bring back water Boarding and a whole lot worse then that.
  18. Aldrick Strickland

    True to yourself

    The funniest part was Fancy having a gf.
  19. Aldrick Strickland

    Our Family Of Gentiles

    When Satan came to this planet he Created the Goy. Subsequently the Gods left children in the great work of the Gentiles. These Children being the bearer of the HIS Blood were left in charge of a mission. Protection of HIS creations and life on this planet as a whole. Together we strove to...
  20. Aldrick Strickland

    Health, Healing Working

    Hey Lydia. How are you doing sweetie?
  21. Aldrick Strickland

    Message of support

    Hey Planet. Just know if theres anyway I can help. You can email me at [email protected]
  22. Aldrick Strickland

    Happy Yule

    Most of the Solar Messiahs were born on the 25th such as Horus.
  23. Aldrick Strickland

    True to yourself

    Im gonna build a wall. I even think it will look good. Were gonna call it Wall of text.
  24. Aldrick Strickland

    Insight Into the thinking of the Enemy I realized

    Yes and no. Angels are thoughtforms that are balls of light. They brag about how their letters shine with light. Their god thoughtform use to be very bright. Light is power. I doubt they put death energy on themselves. They believe themselves to be the light and us the darkness. Their...
  25. Aldrick Strickland

    The LIE of KETO

    Same no wheat or milk. I get carbs from veggies and fruit, nuts and berries. I usually stay under 150 a day unless I eat alot of beans. I am kinda low carb but I cant do the 10 carbs a day.
  26. Aldrick Strickland

    Jews Are Good People You Said? Let's Examine.

    Expose them Brother. For the trash they are.
  27. Aldrick Strickland

    New Curses

    Thank you for all you do here Shael. You are an inspiration to many, especially me.
  28. Aldrick Strickland

    New Curses

    We will never capitulate! More Final RTR! Hail Satan!
  29. Aldrick Strickland

    X-mas Day

    Lol thats cool. But that does not compare to a Satanic Yule. Which is what must replace that entirely.
  30. Aldrick Strickland

    south africa

    So when blacks break in and Blacks Rape and Blacks stab to death white families with screw drivers which IS happening to a genocidal level, regardless of what bullshit missinfo you would like to spread. Were not suppose to blame the blacks responsible? Something about your race and not being...
  31. Aldrick Strickland

    Revenge after many years

    Are you a Satanist? Do you stand for Justice and strength? Do you wish to see this person destroyed? Give in to Hate. It is a very powerful Emotion and a necessary one.
  32. Aldrick Strickland

    Kaun Pronunciation

    Excellent advice Eric.
  33. Aldrick Strickland

    X-mas Day

    I spit in the face 0f everything that is Christian! Christian is jewian. We shall rid the world of kikeianity!! For centuries they have Bound and tortured our Gods, tortured and burned alive our people! Destroyed countless souls. This year let the words of Asmodeus ring in the ears of...
  34. Aldrick Strickland

    Happy Yule

    Technically Yule goes to January 2nd. Just google Yule 2019. Happy Yule!!
  35. Aldrick Strickland

    The Armour Of Anubis - shield against electro-magnetic energies

    Woah careful now. People are up in arms about trannies now. Its not the economy, or the jews or muslims one needs to worry about. But dare I say it. Whispers.....The Trannies Candles blow out in room. One musnt tamper which such dark forces.....
  36. Aldrick Strickland

    is it fine to do the rituals using the Icelandic vibration of the runes?

    I always use Icelandic. Its the same rune the same energy. Just different ways to chant it.
  37. Aldrick Strickland

    X-mas Day

    The name is everything. The nazarene is based off of some 18+ stolen pagan Gods as his entire life and hollidays.. So should we worship him or Dionysus? Him or Horus? You either connect to Yule and our Gods or you connect to the Enemy. As an atheist did you do a Ritual and praise Satan...
  38. Aldrick Strickland

    Happy Yule

    Thank you fancy. I have zero respect or compromise for this christ mass garbage. I spent my first decked out Yule with other Satanists in person, Yule of 2010. It was the most Beautiful thing. Since then every Yule for 9 years now has been celebrated as Yule and nothing else. I dont even...
  39. Aldrick Strickland

    My Solstice ritual...

    Then will lift horns together! And harken ye up your groins! Will sail and pilage and rape all that comes in our way. Till our beards trip our feet. Then magic rainbow bridge will send us packing to the netherworlds. Like Yes I like Pagan roots. But some are quite annoyying. According to...
  40. Aldrick Strickland

    X-mas Day

    Fuck Christmas.
  41. Aldrick Strickland

    About Dating of GODS with humans

    I did not see you. So you must have been. Only possible explanation lol.
  42. Aldrick Strickland

    Alternative method for protection aura.

    Aura of protection and Vinasa.
  43. Aldrick Strickland

    About Dating of GODS with humans

    Aquarius! There you are Brother! Where will you hiding?
  44. Aldrick Strickland

    About Dating of GODS with humans

    Wait youre not Aquarius. Imposter! What have you done with him! Lol.
  45. Aldrick Strickland

    Alternative method for protection aura.

    What the fuck are the ashes? When it comes to building your aura its hard to beat Raum and Surya.
  46. Aldrick Strickland

    Ageing is Reversible - at Least in Human Cells and Live Mice

    In the foods kept secret? Lol. Monosodium Glutamare Sugar Salt High fructose Corn Syrup Soy TBHQ GMO Pesticides Just too name a few. Exercise will do nothing, its all about food that goes in. They eat bacon everyday and chug it down with a 24 oz soda. Hmmm I wonder why he looks like...
  47. Aldrick Strickland

    About Dating of GODS with humans

    Aryan. Caucasian. White boy. Glass of milk. Crackers. White Chocolate. Vanilla. Nordic Hybrid Babies. Roman Legionaire. Got Milk Ghost Boys. AKA KKK. Demon Spawns. Satanic Sphere Number 3. Mcdougal lookin mother fuckers. Sausage and kraut eatin Panzer Tank Drivers. Code Name Cue Ball in the...
  48. Aldrick Strickland

    Twin Souls

    Interesting. Here is what I dont get. I also had a very strong bias against Transgender and thought it was a mental illness. I thought they didnt exist in History. I thought they were some abomiation of today. Now you here are claiming different. Well then like that I drop my opinions...
  49. Aldrick Strickland

    Alternative method for protection aura.

    First off Algiz is a rune of protection, it does what it says. So chanted in your aura would have such effect. Which method of absorbing energy are you referring too? The ashes attack you??????...... Can Satanama strengthen your aura? Sure but not like RAUM or Surya would.
  50. Aldrick Strickland

    Happy Yule

    Did 2 Final RTRs and the prosperity and protection Ritual. Plan on doing more Final RTRs now. Just a lil preparation for Satans Night tomorrow.
  51. Aldrick Strickland

    About Dating of GODS with humans

    As long as your Nordic.
  52. Aldrick Strickland

    When will we destroy the astral grid?

    I mean its not like they forgot. Oh right have to destroy the barrier, slipped my mind. Lol. Patience.
  53. Aldrick Strickland

    Happy Yule

    The energy is so Beautiful and wow is the ritual slamming hard.
  54. Aldrick Strickland

    The project Hate

    Limewire lol.oh thats right march Eternal. Happy Yule!!
  55. Aldrick Strickland

    [Children's Story] The Evening Before Yule

    Lydia this was beyond Beautiful. I absolutely loved it. You should write books of this. I watched this show called sabrina The chilling adventures, 2 seasons of Satanic stuff added with nonsense. The Yule part felt amazing to me. I watched season 2 but just recently watched Season 1. So...
  56. Aldrick Strickland

    The project Hate

    Hey Vaal. They sound pretty good too. :)
  57. Aldrick Strickland

    Happy Yule

    Happy Yule/Saturnalia to everyone!!!! Endulge, feast and enjoy. Bask in Satan's Light. Take back OUR Holiday. Hail Father Satan!
  58. Aldrick Strickland

    The project Hate

    The Band project Hate especially their songs Hate, Dominate, Congregate, weep and Burn are amazing. I use to listen to them all the time, I just remembered how much I like them. They can be found on Spotify, they have been taken off youtube primarily.
  59. Aldrick Strickland

    Trump Impeachment

    If you impeach trump now. Mike Pence becomes president. He can just pardon trump. Then either trump gets reelected or Pence. It just keeps going. They have literally no one on the democrat ticket anyone cares about. This continues 4 years and they are powerless to stop it.
  60. Aldrick Strickland

    Complete SS Calendar for 2020

    Very Good work to all of you.
  61. Aldrick Strickland

    seasons greetings

    Good Afternoon.
  62. Aldrick Strickland

    Trump Impeachment

    Washington, DC - The United States House of Representatives voted largely along party lines to impeach President Donald Trump for obstruction of Congress and abuse of power related to his dealings with Ukraine. Trump is only the third president in US history to be impeached by the full House...
  63. Aldrick Strickland

    Is having sex with a prostitute from another race a bad thing?

    What the fuck did I just read......
  64. Aldrick Strickland

    This forum is the Reddit of Satanism

    Thats more like it. Satanism is for the strong. The weak and subverters, traitors and infiltrators can step aside.
  65. Aldrick Strickland

    Promoting JOS with felt-tip pen messages in puplic/heavy used restrooms cabins

    Ive been feeling really motivated lately to go an hour down the road away from where one lives and hit the whole city up. Malls, bathrooms, bookstores ect.
  66. Aldrick Strickland

    What would happen if i got some jewish genes?

    Jews are told they are jews? Maybe the religious ones, not if youre an 18th jew, no. What is the big deal? If I were a jew I want to be found out immediately. My mind set could never facilitate to that of a jew. I would die in soul for Satan. Where is you peoples back bone? Stand tall for...
  67. Aldrick Strickland

    Joy Of Satan Arts

    Right instead of that jewish Garbage.
  68. Aldrick Strickland

    Joy Of Satan Arts

    Have you guys not seen Astral Art Of The Gods.com?
  69. Aldrick Strickland

    Jews The Alien Soul

    Damn your understanding has hit new levels. I remember 2012 posts and our understanding then too now. Wow.
  70. Aldrick Strickland


    Im not sure theres an Asian Wake up ritual. Duetchland Duetchland Uber Alles!
  71. Aldrick Strickland

    Satanic Family

    Would you like a little cheese with that whine?
  72. Aldrick Strickland

    Where would you be

    You are sweet sister. I am sorry if I hurt your feelings before. I like your posts.
  73. Aldrick Strickland

    Personality evolution

    Invoke Fire.
  74. Aldrick Strickland

    I was in a relationship with other race for 3+years but online

    Seriously youre fine. Chill. We can have connections to other races. Its not the end of the world.
  75. Aldrick Strickland

    Kissing, feeling energy?

    Not a good sign. Usually jews physically repulse you.
  76. Aldrick Strickland

    Blue Astral* Flames and Jews

    I went with two friends to a Hotel room. My friends gf was there with 2 guys. One of them I recognized as a jew. He did something to test all 3 of us spiritually at which point I lit him up. He ran into the bathroom and asked the girl to join him. They came out and said they needed to leave...
  77. Aldrick Strickland

    Where would you be

    Together we have forged a new world with a flag we ripped from a piece of cloth ourselves. We have gotten rid of all class and instead created a unity amongst all our people. That feeling of comraderie that you have now in your youth, safe guard and never allow anything in this world to take it...
  78. Aldrick Strickland

    The Practical Reality Of Living With Jews - New Jersey

    Hey Cobra, great post. Ive been having these thoughts lately like imagine if the forums were just gone. Not having people like you I care about doing posts. Im not really good at wording emotions. But I hope all is well with you Brother. I am glad to have had you in my life.
  79. Aldrick Strickland

    Satan In The Bible

    I hate it when they threaten Eternal Hellfie. Its like a selfie but horrible and posted all over social media and cannot be removed. The snow flake generation melts by the fires of this Heinous threat.
  80. Aldrick Strickland

    Subscribe to Ryan Dawson on Youtube

    Thank you. Im not trying to be offensive. But hes either an idiot or a part jew. Hopefully an idiot. We can fix that. Also hes like hes not jewish! Well half jew.. Like fuckin what?
  81. Aldrick Strickland

    Subscribe to Ryan Dawson on Youtube

    Even if hes half jewish who cares? He says some true stuff? Are you an idiot?
  82. Aldrick Strickland

    Subscribe to Ryan Dawson on Youtube

    Yeah those lower face fat rat look in his face and the look in his eyes. His whole soul. Theres no way hes gentile. Now that I dont ignore things its obvious.
  83. Aldrick Strickland

    Zinc and copper balance = spiritualy advanced

    The absolute worst energy ive ever sensed from anyone. He may have been the christ thoughtform itself. His jewish energy is beyond belief.
  84. Aldrick Strickland


    Thanks giving ritual: https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Thanksgiving.html ")
  85. Aldrick Strickland

    Carol of the Bells

    I get what your saying but were not going to wish each other merry christmas. Christ mass We must take back our Holiday of Yule/Saturnalia. I wish people happy Yule. You should have seen this old jehovahs witness woman. Wide eyed shes like SATURNALIA. I said Yule. But she said that...
  86. Aldrick Strickland

    Subscribe to Ryan Dawson on Youtube

    His features and his energy reeks of it.
  87. Aldrick Strickland

    How to destroy my Soul

    Simple pray to jesus.
  88. Aldrick Strickland

    Carol of the Bells

    Yup yup. Some other songs. https://youtu.be/uGxa6Ye-AA4 https://youtu.be/m1o0RDWbEz4 https://youtu.be/E_8Jaf_YSvY
  89. Aldrick Strickland

    Zinc and copper balance = spiritualy advanced

    Stalin was the weakest speaker ive ever heard.
  90. Aldrick Strickland

    Carol of the Bells

    Yuk we dont celebrate cuntmas. We celebrate YULE. https://youtu.be/m1o0RDWbEz4
  91. Aldrick Strickland

    Subscribe to Ryan Dawson on Youtube

    He is a JEW though. https://youtu.be/QTxo2fYLpk4
  92. Aldrick Strickland

    Zinc and copper balance = spiritualy advanced

    Thats zinc dont forget copper -writing retarded posts -being a jew -trying to add literally anything together -asshole -arab -jew -rabbi -jack black -jr year -principal -cocksucker -james mcdougal -sadistic -smiling -joe rogan -steroids -giving mother teresa type -brown nosing...
  93. Aldrick Strickland

    The (almost) Perfect Diet

    Have you heard aboutthe guy who didnt eat ordrink in 70 years?
  94. Aldrick Strickland

    The (almost) Perfect Diet

    Lol. Eating for energy? Thats crazy talk lucifitas. Oh no Winters coming....the sun is leaving. Famine shall spread through the land...
  95. Aldrick Strickland

    On Relations Between Spiritual Satanists

    Hehehe. Same to you Brother. Youre one of my fav.
  96. Aldrick Strickland

    The (almost) Perfect Diet

    Sounds good my only note is that people dont know they have allergies till they cut something out and lack of allergies doesnt transmit to can eat anything. I have no allergies so watch me down this bottle of maple syrup thats full of high fructose corn syrup. Till your a fat slop that has...
  97. Aldrick Strickland

    On Relations Between Spiritual Satanists

    I was making a point. Like look were talking and not fighting. That not everything is rotten people hating each other. Lol wasnt aware we wernt friends but okay.
  98. Aldrick Strickland

    The (almost) Perfect Diet

    Celiac disease is simply the breaking down of the tissue. Its a symptom. The Transglutmanize effects the system causing a reaction. The WGA wheat gluten algultenin sticks to joints causing inflammation. Its not just Gluten. Yes the chemicals that are literally bred into its DNA does...
  99. Aldrick Strickland

    On Relations Between Spiritual Satanists

    Thats right ghost in the machine. Were friends here. Right?
  100. Aldrick Strickland

    On Relations Between Spiritual Satanists

    Youre not listening. You just keep repeating the same thing over and over. You and I have talked and never once have we gotten into a disagreement. Everytime I reach out to you, you just sigh. Youre sad in your life. So youre reflecting that on to everything. Its called Depression.
  101. Aldrick Strickland

    On Relations Between Spiritual Satanists

    Perfect. Why people cannot see this is beyond. I would never curse a Satanist. This is why if one claimed to be one I could never bring myself to do anything even if I thought for sure they were jew. Just summon Beelzebub if ever there is a real problem. This whole hating thing over some...
  102. Aldrick Strickland

    Persevering, What It Means to Be a True Satanist

    You are such a Hellsend.
  103. Aldrick Strickland

    Sweden’s sexualized LGBT church altar

    I do not get this. My idea of bisexuality is warriors. I can not stand any trace of femininity like that. Stand tall as a man. I cannot stand the fag shit. Then the race mixing bullshit they add with it. Hell forbid one person go with their race.
  104. Aldrick Strickland

    The (almost) Perfect Diet

    Bread is not even the same plant as back then and then they GMOed it into this dwarf wheat. Pesticides dont help however sorry this isnt the main issue. People are very much Gluten sensitive.
  105. Aldrick Strickland

    Foolproof method for counting squares

    Clicker counter app works so much better.
  106. Aldrick Strickland


    Imagine if you will energy circulating through your soul. This energy pools into vortexs into certain parts of the body. The cone shape has to do with what direction this flows. On camera they appear more as just a swirl. So many here are aware that these pools very much exists. The brain...
  107. Aldrick Strickland

    My opinion on homosexuals (and sexuality in general).

    Obvious troll. Also hes ok with stool? Hes trying to tie homo sexuality and shit together. So if you accept one you accept them all. He is quite obviously trying to create confusion with every post he writes. The problem for him is he isnt any good at it. Like the Final RTR has stripped their...
  108. Aldrick Strickland

    Jupiter square

    Last chance to start one for a year.
  109. Aldrick Strickland

    An effective meditation program for people who are serious about advancment

    VERY sketch. He mentions being a psychic vampire more then one time. We are not psychic vampires. But oh guess who is. We dont need to be taught by some nobody no nothing.
  110. Aldrick Strickland

    the most jewish celebraties i have ever heard of.

    Sorry mate kunis is openly jewish.
  111. Aldrick Strickland

    A Little Encouragement For Addicts

    Thank you for writing this Brother. There are many that may get inspired and work to overcome this.
  112. Aldrick Strickland

    This is a lonely road

    Your family is here Azorm. There will always be those who walk over others feelings. We all struggle with feelings of lonliness. With having to struggle in this life. We do not have the pagan Community we desire! Having to constantly hide, wether it be our Religion, Politics or Sexuality...
  113. Aldrick Strickland

    Society and relationships

    Next moon in Libra you can start a working. Gebo 16x with affirmation 9x. My aura is attracting my perfect love and sexual partner in everyway. Also remember the short cut meditation. Breathe in red, say Affirmation in head the Exhale a hiss while brightening the Aura. Then again...
  114. Aldrick Strickland

    This is a lonely road

    I like his spinny little black sun.
  115. Aldrick Strickland

    It's Not Rocket Science!

    So what exactly is your problem? You are mad that we bash jews? You feel we should be bashing Gentiles instead? So the entire communist party in Russia the USSR was run by jews. They genocided 100 million of our people. But we cant bash them... We should bash a Roman emperor that allowed...
  116. Aldrick Strickland

    This is a lonely road

    Im sorry youre having problems dear. Hope you feel better. Love your art work.
  117. Aldrick Strickland

    Only if this happend... The world will be changed for good

    In their quran it states that if that mecca is ever destroyed, its all a lie. But that allah protects it. So literally one bomb and islam would be gone.
  118. Aldrick Strickland

    Opening chakras

    There are different types of void. Focusing on the breath, breathe in and breathe out. There is mantra void. Just chant a mantra. Or only focus on a meditation. Affirmation void. You can say everything is good repeatedely. This wears your mind out and it just goes silent. ISA can help. I...
  119. Aldrick Strickland

    Final RTR success, getting stronger and stronger

    Excellent work. We have desolated them.
  120. Aldrick Strickland

    Scared of doing dedication ritual question...

    Right theyre not. So what are some spiritual satanist bands you know?
  121. Aldrick Strickland

    Scared of doing dedication ritual question...

    Right and its also perfection seeking. How many bands are perfect SS? So unless you want to only listen to that SS Rap someone made. We dont have alot of options. When we can make pure perfect bands, then we will have good music.
  122. Aldrick Strickland

    Opening chakras

    When you open a chakra, each chakra rules over a portion of your brain. It opens that portion of your brain. So you go from using 5 percent of your brain to using 7 percent. More brain, equals more bioelectricity, this is why Meditation increases your bioelectricity. Thoughts are electrical...
  123. Aldrick Strickland

    Scared of doing dedication ritual question...

    Yes im aware the band is shit. But alot of their songs are good. If the song is good im not concerned about other songs they made or if they raped someone. I dont fan girl over a band. Its a SONG.
  124. Aldrick Strickland

    Scared of doing dedication ritual question...

    Also, have you not heard our theme song to jump on the winz train? https://youtu.be/SKnRdQiH3-k
  125. Aldrick Strickland

    help! i think i have met "satanists" who might have contact with the enemy.

    Why...am I starting to feel there is a group of transgender jews. Trying to play part of us and push certain things. We really attract the whole circus. A bunch of male reptiles in dresses probably dance around the full moon, praying for our demise. Oh hey I got an idea! Stop talking to...
  126. Aldrick Strickland

    Why I don’t feel heat when doing the final RTR like before?

    There was a ton of power at first. But thanks to the warriors of Hell we have destroyed their vortex. Their power is Broken! No more will they have control over our lives and souls! Their time is over!! There is nothing they can do about it. They cannot rebuild their power. They cannot destroy...
  127. Aldrick Strickland

    Should i do the kundalini yoga everyday?

    All spiritual practices are done daily. You must build consistency in doing the same thing everyday. Meditation is our devotion to our God. Everyday shall we remember the Dedication we gave. I refuse the False God! I proclaim Satan Lucifer as the one and only true God!! Each and every day...
  128. Aldrick Strickland

    Scared of doing dedication ritual question...

    Having been with Satan for many years, I can tell you personally the Dedication is the best thing ive ever done. Your life will change and never be the same. There will be tests and you will be tried to your core. But like the Phoenix you shall rise from the ashes anew. With more strength...
  129. Aldrick Strickland

    Muh (((gun controlz))) - A Florida Mum defended her family and home

    America is the land of Satan! Created by Satanists. We stand as the Beacon of Liberty and freedom! We shall never fall. Deviant we will stand till the end. For that of our people and our posterity! May we prosper and stand tall, no matter how Bleak things become. Never lose heart! For the...
  130. Aldrick Strickland

    The final RTR November 11th

    Hail the Aryan Race! Hail Adolf Hitler!! Hail Father Satan and His certain victory!!
  131. Aldrick Strickland

    Women, Men, The Enemy, Having Children and European Birthrate

    The body is a reflection of the soul. Down to how good looking. How the body runs. The organs. Your finger prints. (Palmistry). Thats all a reflection of whats inside.
  132. Aldrick Strickland

    Muh (((gun controlz))) - A Florida Mum defended her family and home

    If thats all I could get, then I would get it. In America if you shoot someone you pretty much have to kill them so they dont sue you. So most people use hollow points that will put a hole in a person.
  133. Aldrick Strickland

    Muh (((gun controlz))) - A Florida Mum defended her family and home

    Ohhh my bro. Support. I was given my first rifle at age 3. I shot gunz all my life. Fully auto Machine gunz, AK's all that. My family took part in a 300 people stand off against the FBI over them wanting to take over a factory building. Have put a gun to a police officers head when he...
  134. Aldrick Strickland

    The LIE of KETO

    Actually all I did was study. I tried adding a ton of salt. You also have to take collagen or you will get deep wrinkles. But now I eat carbs like a normal person and have no problems. Its amazing.
  135. Aldrick Strickland

    Women, Men, The Enemy, Having Children and European Birthrate

    We want the best blood anyway. The bottom feeders of society are more likely to have children then the intelligent and hard working. But once we fix this, turn the system around.
  136. Aldrick Strickland

    Muh (((gun controlz))) - A Florida Mum defended her family and home

    What do you people not understand about protecting rights? You do not allow ANY gun control in whatever form. As they just take more and more. If they try shit like that, you take it to the supreme court and you get it knocked out. This is why we keep losing rights, your pansy ass generation...
  137. Aldrick Strickland

    Who created the monkeys?

    Both through Mantras and Affirmations we work through the Aether.
  138. Aldrick Strickland

    They say PRIDE comes before fall

    Pride is a weapon. A weapon to be used against our enemies! -Adolf Hitler
  139. Aldrick Strickland

    How to become more social and open?

    Perhaps practice. Go talk to people.
  140. Aldrick Strickland

    Can we make a jew do what they do to gentiles?

    NOT ONE SHALL BE LEFT. As Hooded Cobra said we leave one to lick the shit out of our toilets, we will turn around and have them enslaving us against.
  141. Aldrick Strickland

    Who created the monkeys?

    That is the basis of all magick.
  142. Aldrick Strickland

    Opening chakras

    No. The thoughts will only increase. Void and blast your aura clean.
  143. Aldrick Strickland

    Half Jew

    Hi Rabbi swartzlikr here. I can be Satanist 2? Sure lets just let them all in. Bad enough they hide as our own. But when they admit to what they are. The sad violin starts.
  144. Aldrick Strickland

    Various questions on spiritual beings and stuff like so

    Hey Myla. Hope youve been well.
  145. Aldrick Strickland

    Who created the monkeys?

    Millions of years of evolution. Nature has a mind. This mind is of the highest intelligence. A flower can decide to create nectar and become colorful just so bees would pick up its nectar and go scatter its seeds. Nectar has no purpose other then for bees. It was created in everyway to attract...
  146. Aldrick Strickland

    I figured my apartment has no sound insulation...

    Ya gotta let that go. I chant right in front of people. They are like what the Hell? I am like chanting? Hear of Meditation. Then they are like oh cool man and leave me alone. Because only we think omg they will know im satanist. Who puts chanting and Satanist together? People know I do yoga...
  147. Aldrick Strickland

    Is there any upside in having Saturn as my ruling planet?

    That is very Beatiful. We do not need every last female to spawn a child. Quick put one in her. Some are just homo. Its a lil diff asking a guy to use his seed versus giving birth. You be you.
  148. Aldrick Strickland

    Dedication ritual and VOC moon

    Welcome to the Family of Satan.
  149. Aldrick Strickland

    Total Slaves

  150. Aldrick Strickland

    Total Slaves

  151. Aldrick Strickland


    https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoSNewsletter/conversations/messages/397 24/January/2013 High Priestess Maxine DietrichJan 24, 2013 Satan asked me to post this. I strongly suggest that you all do your own research on the internet, as I won't be posting any links. There is hoards of...
  152. Aldrick Strickland

    Gender and Roles

    No no no. I cook cuz I love food. Girl picking up skillz is not the reason to partake in yummy food. Just made stir fry with organic ingredients and non soy sauce. Havent had asian food in so long since we cant eat at asian restauraunts. Yum ^^ Delicious!
  153. Aldrick Strickland

    Why is it so hard to start the 6 month warfare program?

    The mind can take a long time to discipline. Especially when its yourself as the task master. Just do what you can do. It will come more and more.
  154. Aldrick Strickland

    Quastions about earth element

    I just feel heavier and a grounded feeling. So ya got me on all that.
  155. Aldrick Strickland

    My energy

    Sorry vampirizing lol
  156. Aldrick Strickland

    The Daily Newspaper Circulation Levels Lowest since 1945

    Everyone is tired of dishonest press.
  157. Aldrick Strickland

    My energy

    Someone is vaporizing you. You need to cut the links off.
  158. Aldrick Strickland

    UK: NHS Denying Healthcare to People Deemed "Racist or Sexist"

    Fuel the fire. Fuel it. Keep giving us that which will raise the fourth Reich.
  159. Aldrick Strickland

    Mantra and neuroplastisity

    Nish is sanskrit for bliss. Ohh more RTR time.
  160. Aldrick Strickland

    I fell in love with a girl then lost her

    Fancy Honey. Everything is cool. Youre doing great. :)
  161. Aldrick Strickland

    Muh (((gun controlz))) - A Florida Mum defended her family and home

    I actually very much Believe in Gun Control. I use Both Hands.
  162. Aldrick Strickland

    I fell in love with a girl then lost her

    I just had a realization. This is how it feels to have kids. I just dont want him to get hurt. Like when parents try to slap common sense into someone and you cant. They rebel harder. Screw u dad! The prefontal cortex of the Brain doesnt fully mature till age 25. So when youre older and look...
  163. Aldrick Strickland

    I fell in love with a girl then lost her

    I never meant any insults against you. I apologize Satanic Honor. You seem like a sweet guy. If you are attempting something illegal, its like the fool running for the cliff. People are trying to get you realize. You want people to approve your behavior. Perhaps why you wrote it? No ones gonna...
  164. Aldrick Strickland

    Using runes for respiratory?

    Oh also do the mudra for the heart chakra. https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Opening_Heart_Chakra.html Put ring, pinky and thumb together with extended pointer and middle finger. Then you can also put them across your chest. Helps open the lungs.
  165. Aldrick Strickland

    I fell in love with a girl then lost her

    I wish I was 18 and knew everything again.
  166. Aldrick Strickland


    Yes thats strange to consider.
  167. Aldrick Strickland

    Some Things I Felt Inspired To Write.

    Beautiful post. Hitlers words it is not enough to say I Believe, but I Fight! This is truly inspiring thank you. I cannot imagine people who could not do an RTR now and again. I mean they were addicting. Sure once done enough there are boring patches. Like over a year of just the final. But...
  168. Aldrick Strickland

    I fell in love with a girl then lost her

    I am not understand how old is this girl and how old you are. I am happy for your sister. So your sis was under legal age, ran by him and thet fell in love? Remarkable.
  169. Aldrick Strickland

    Gender and Roles

    No no lol. Thats what im saying. A man can have a variety of spectrum within him. Men are afraid to show a Fem side, like that makes them just that. Even Hitler had a very fem soft side that can be seen in videos. Most of his home videos he was quiet and sometimes shy. But he had a powerful...
  170. Aldrick Strickland


    Thats insane Cobra. Amazing that you keep up with all that.
  171. Aldrick Strickland

    Gender and Roles

    Hooded Cobra said it perfectly. Gender and polarity are quite different. Mine fluctuate, from very very Masculine to affectionate. Ive never talked girly in voice or whatever. But I like to really care for someone and become very affectionate. I love to cook. Then it can shift dramatically...
  172. Aldrick Strickland

    Need some advice about a new working

    Dont focus on problem problem problem. Youre saying there is a problem. Just affirm what you want.
  173. Aldrick Strickland


    This world is so strange. Truth is stranger then fiction.
  174. Aldrick Strickland

    Jewish soul and their afterlife

    The reptillians reincarnate them into jewish bodies. Or they exist on the astral. Soon their souls will be dissolved.
  175. Aldrick Strickland

    Being a Berserker

    Youre talking about very powerful people getting mad. The symptoms you describe of being angry is shared by most people. Just having rage wont get you anywhere. Look to your mars. Mars begins to mature between ages 28-32. At which point it becomes of alot more use. I use to have a nasty...
  176. Aldrick Strickland

    Halloween Gift for people who are unable to change no matter how much they try

    Puts my arm around your neck. Jack sweetie. Are you ever gonna learn those space bars? Hahaha. I could never fall asleep to someone talking in my ear. Not a bad idea to rework your subconscious. I like it, would be easier to read....if there was. Spacebars (whispers) Just teasing.
  177. Aldrick Strickland

    Using runes for respiratory?

    Vin is the rune of healing. V eh n
  178. Aldrick Strickland

    I fell in love with a girl then lost her

    Also theres called getting to the point. If something is longer then 2 paragraphs I just skip over, because I know its someone who doesnt know what theyre talking about. Unless it draws me in and speaks logic right away. These long abstract blah blah blahblahblah. Wordy namby talk. We should...
  179. Aldrick Strickland

    I fell in love with a girl then lost her

    You are aware it is illegal? Yet your just going to do it anyway? Oh because people have done things in the past. Yeah thats like saying some people get speeding tickets, so I mean I guess Its Illegal. Till one day you get pulled over and go wow it happened to me. You do not understand...
  180. Aldrick Strickland

    National Socialism Is NOT Socialist

    Beautifully said as always. I know how busy you usually are. Thanks for your time. Happy Samhain.
  181. Aldrick Strickland

    Don't really have much patience with humanity or waiting for the world to advance

    I thought that was the way once. But thats actually a type of mental illness. To be looking out your blinds. I can't have friends, cuz theyre all out to get me! Just chill.
  182. Aldrick Strickland

    Don't really have much patience with humanity or waiting for the world to advance

    Hold on just a minute. Takes out power scouter. Puts to head and presses button. Bleep bleep bleep. What! This cant be! OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The last thing you said was revealing, I will just remain alone. So really what the problem is, is that you are tired of being alone? So you need...
  183. Aldrick Strickland

    How to restore dropped and lost energy?

    Do more Meditation and raise energy.
  184. Aldrick Strickland

    No nut November testosterone hoax

    Shakes my head. Are they openly discussing this? Seems a lil inappropriate.
  185. Aldrick Strickland

    Oy Vey

    Restricting Islam, how dare they.
  186. Aldrick Strickland

    Am i dedicated by blood?

    You are Dedicated. Later when you are of age and moved out, you can do the physical ritual. I dedicated in my Astral Temple and that was where all the power was. I then did the physical ritual and there was a feeling of it being verified but I was already Dedicated.
  187. Aldrick Strickland

    A Little Bit Of Motivation Bretheren

    I like this song Artanis. https://youtu.be/YMCrmWZ7WOQ

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
