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  1. Hey Zeus Kristos

    Yahweh, his Spacecraft, the ETs, and Angelic Beings

    The Smoking Gun! The Bible is NOT About What You Think it is! Mauro Biglino & Paul Wallis Ep 6 Kavod https://youtu.be/ALmXC9oGFSw That is the video I'm talking about.
  2. Hey Zeus Kristos

    Yahweh, his Spacecraft, the ETs, and Angelic Beings

    I was watching a video on youtube by the 5th Kind regarding Yahweh and his spaceship. "The Smoking Gun" seems like a fitting title for that video. After many different translations of the Bible people assume the ship is instead the "glory of god" so why get burnt from seeing it at the top of a...
  3. Hey Zeus Kristos

    What Do You Want To See From JoS?

    I'd like to see JoS cover ancient historical events on a few long articles. The Jews has been doing serious history revisionism lately with the blood libel against Whites. Maybe cover Antediluvian, Tartaria and other kingdoms. Also what about combat methods in spiritual warfare such as...
  4. Hey Zeus Kristos

    Show off your Familiars

    I often have Morning Doves sitting around the parameter of my home. Also there always seems to be a hawk patrolling the sky if I'm walking into a small town or a suburban area with not too much trees around. Rarely I'd see a Preying Mantis or a Toad in an odd area.
  5. Hey Zeus Kristos

    Spiritual blogs!!!

    As for this intergalactic Starseed stuff they never gave me a sigil or means of contacting. To my knowledge without a reliable means of contact, you can just end up hearing disinformation from other entities. Also if they are not on Earth and their home planets distance is currently too far you...
  6. Hey Zeus Kristos

    The Greys: control programming

    You left out the give someone a nightmare when the sleep that seems like a believable "vision" to sucker people back to xtianity. Burning in a lava pit or being attacked by the events in Revelation. Or man in the sky appearing as a family member and talking to you. Or a relative speaking to you...
  7. Hey Zeus Kristos

    Dugin, Putin and Russia

    Duginism is an a ideology mixed and matched with left and right ideas. The goal appears to lure in everyone who feels alienated by the current political systems. Dugin is a big fan of Jewish Kabbalah (stolen from Hermetic Kabbalah) and this movement is trying to united Christians and Muslims...
  8. Hey Zeus Kristos


    Odysee allows people to post whatever Left Hand Path stuff they want. Good place to crosspost some videos encase YouTube decides to censor.
  9. Hey Zeus Kristos

    Commentary for Gaia (pro-Pleiadians).

    I've heard stories about the Pleiadians not all being on the same side. Which could further confuse the average NPC into mistaking a Pleiadians for a Gentile Pagan God. These Alien eyed Nordic looking Pleiadians keep shilling the idea of the Ascended Masters coming to save us. There are at least...
  10. Hey Zeus Kristos

    Problem Contact SATAN ASTAROTH ! HELP ME!

    Try invoking her female archetype instead? If she has an alternative sigil that summons her as Ishtar/Innana/Venus/Astarte she doesn't emit odor in female form right? Some demons have a few different sigils to work with.
  11. Hey Zeus Kristos

    Islam xtanity and others give people a Spirit

    Whats the deal with people being able to feel emotions from a spirit. Some religions give a person a spirit to make them feel bad for doing certain things. Goosebumps, feeling in heart ect. Is there an explanation for this outside of Islam or buybill? Figured I'd ask here since you know your...
  12. Hey Zeus Kristos

    Enemy Galactic Federations and ETs?

    What is the deal with the other federations that oppose us? I only see new age sources for that kind of information. We all know they like to water it down and make it seem like you need to "trust the plan". Alpha Draconian - Assuming they are associated with Cult of the Black Cube Three-Way...
  13. Hey Zeus Kristos

    God Damn Vaccines

    Hopefully there is a way to reverse the damage or at least improve your health condition. I have a few family members dying from the Vaxx. They were deceived into taking the it. Three-Way Desert Death Cult seems to be fulfilling their grand plan to genocide every goyim with triple digital IQ...
  14. Hey Zeus Kristos

    Different colors of energy?

    What colors of energy can we visualize breathing in for meditation? I know about Blue and Light Blue. Any other colors you guys like working with?
  15. Hey Zeus Kristos

    What can i do for opening astral senses?

    Unlock Crown and Third Eye Chakra(s) if you are looking to make contact with entities. An opened third eye means you can see entities in front of you and you have improved clairsenses.
  16. Hey Zeus Kristos

    Ahriman is pulling (((Tribes))) Strings?

    In Zoroastrianism there is a Demon called Ahriman who is depicted as a Goblin looking being. He wants to separate us from the spiritual realm and turn everyone into materialistic NPCs. He is obsessed with controlling every aspect of life. A Goblin looking deity and goblin looking Jewish people...
  17. Hey Zeus Kristos

    Diets for Blood Types or Body Builds?

    Some people push for more carnivorous diets for ABO Blood Types. I've encountered alot of smaller body built people embrace the idea of Veganism or Vegetarianism or some sort of low meat diet. Eating 50% or more meat per meal works good for me. It helps keep me full longer so I don't go...
  18. Hey Zeus Kristos

    Forward Observation Group Fake Satanist Mecenaries

    Spotted wearing a modified Black Beard flag with goat horned head, click bait framing Satanists for this nonsense. To the average xtanity NPC they will take the news hook line and sinker thinking Father Satan was involved. Seriously how is Black Beard even associated with Satanism...
  19. Hey Zeus Kristos

    Musical frequencies for meditation?

    I've seen results from using certain frequencies to help open chakras as well. I'll usually listen to these music videos along with doing mantras and mudras. Also certain frequencies can serve different healing purposes. 432 Hz is associated with Enki (according to some videos on youtube).
  20. Hey Zeus Kristos

    Is abbadon a disciple of Apollo?

    They are all the same entity, Azazel. https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/AzazelHC.html
  21. Hey Zeus Kristos

    Does Father Enki approve of Furry Trap Trans Movement?

    There has been very much revisionist history with the Roman Empire, WWI, WWII, American Civil Rights Movement and so forth. Sometimes you gotta research for a long time to sort thru the BS. It took me a while to figure out how much we've been lied to by the (((Elites))) and how much they've...
  22. Hey Zeus Kristos

    What brought you to Joy of Satan?

    Some lady on Telegram called Inanna kept posting the links to this forum and the Joy of Satan websites. At first I thought it was some sort of clickbait cringe stuff. So I lurked the forums for a while and read up on the whole spiritual war thing. This place is way more based and redpilled than...
  23. Hey Zeus Kristos

    Does Father Enki approve of Furry Trap Trans Movement?

    I've always seen this transperson movement as rather odd due be being a very masculine dude. In the Roman Empire men were often somewhat effeminate but not male feminists. Like how Satan is slender Nordic man but still has a manliness to him. Think Sigma Male, softer voice but more lower pitch...
  24. Hey Zeus Kristos

    Who is Saturn/Saturnus/Chronos?

    He seems to be behind alot of the big world events. Hammer and Sickle, Grain, The Harvest, The time, Beginning and End ect. Seems to have an overlap with Yaldabaoth / Yahweh / Moloch with mythological stuff.
  25. Hey Zeus Kristos

    Looking for help and the best approach…

    I have some sort of eczema skin flaking thing. Just apply Curel Moisture Lotion or Coconut Cream or Aloe Vera cream to the area. Also Aloe Vera and or Coconut Shampoo helps with this. There are prescription stuff you can get but avoid steroid based cream as some people get allergic reactions...
  26. Hey Zeus Kristos

    I need help with losing and maintaining weight. I'm overweight. And psychiatric medication.

    Curious to know how to address this as well. Got alot of chubby people in my extended family. The issue is likely more so spiritual battle and toxicity of the foods/drinks you intake. Also some medications are well know to make people fat quickly. I'm not a medical professional so I can't give...
  27. Hey Zeus Kristos

    The Obesity Epidemic In The West

    There is a serious Obesity Epidemic in USA. I'm not talking about chubby southerns living in the country side, I mean everyone is turning into a sumo or a manlet. Exercise is pushed as the magically cure to having a beer belly, but in reality spending an hour a day at the gym isn't going to...
  28. Hey Zeus Kristos

    Fake Evil, Fake Satanists, Fake Satanism, Fake Nazism

    I've talk to a long time old school Satanist about this whole bloodthirsty Ashkenazi Ritual Murder stuff spun as some sort of NeoSatanism. He told me its just infiltrators trying to make Satanism look fringe to discredit it. Many of people I have talk to online on random political groups have...
  29. Hey Zeus Kristos

    This site is a trap!

    Nice try with the goalpost move, you're not fooling anyone here who is redpilled. Its the Bankers Its the Free Masons Its China Muh North Korea dictator is bad Its the NeoCons and NeoLibs Its the UN/EU/NATO Its the IMF Take a wild guess who pulls all their strings.
  30. Hey Zeus Kristos

    Suggestion for JoS to move to Telegram

    There are alot more people on Telegram moving away from Abrahamic filth. There seems to be a big Pagan revival in the Fascist/NatSoc groups. I think the app could be a honeypot thought since every major political group is infested with glowies and nonces on the Admin teams. They overlook ex sex...
  31. Hey Zeus Kristos

    Sanatana Dharma

    New to this forum and looking to find out more about early Satanism beliefs such as the Sanatana Dharma. If you guys could point me in the right direction to find right books/pdfs that would be great. Also I'd like to learn the different between old school Satanism verse the New Age. I find...
  32. Hey Zeus Kristos

    Big Pharma, and American Gluttony

    I figured I'd ask about the whole Pharma medication making people fat conspiracy theory here since you guys follow the same conspiracy theory stuff I'm into. Pharma medications coming in plastic like pills and gel like pills, wounder what toxic chemicals are in the coatings. Also many...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
