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  1. yoanna666

    A couple of questions before my first summoning

    You don't need to say goodbye to them when leaving; simply thank them for their guidance and leave it at that. Also, if you're not advanced, there's a good chance you might think they didn't appear or listen to you, but that's not the case. It's just that we aren't ready yet. Try a 40-day...
  2. yoanna666

    Other #75836 Can I play the upcoming doom game?

    It I'd your choice but not only this game is very blasphemous , Blizzard is really a shi**y company that should've been sued but I guess nobody cares
  3. yoanna666

    Possible Hidden Messages in Super Mario 64?

    Not only are they focused on profiting, but the quality of triple-A games has also deteriorated. Take the new Assassin's Creed games, for example—the storyline is terrible, the optimization is poor, and they're simply milking money off the franchise. It's the same with the new Star Wars Jedi...
  4. yoanna666

    Relationships #75825 It bothers me.

    You can also check your natal chart if maybe you have Venus in retrograde which is usually known for bringing love later in life
  5. yoanna666

    Workings #75828 Money working?

    Money meditation and spells also depend on how advanced you are. If someone opens their solar plexus chakra ( which attracts money) is more likely to have better results. I'd recommend spiritually advancing more
  6. yoanna666

    Sun square 36 hours gap

    Thank you ❤️
  7. yoanna666

    Sun square 36 hours gap

    Is it a good time to start The Sun square this Sunday, or should we wait? Isn't the The Sun in Sagittarius right now. Thank you
  8. yoanna666

    #75817 Ailem dindar sürekli namaz kılmamı istiyorlar [My family is religious and they always want me to pray]

    You can't teach others and talk about SS if this will put you in danger. People are very close minded not everyone is ready to face the truth. https://spirituelsatanizm.org/
  9. yoanna666

    Plans for burning Karma/Advancing SS

    Not an underage here but it is very difficult to donate in crypto in my country. So by doing daily meditations and RTRs you're also making a huge difference. Better than not doing them at all
  10. yoanna666

    Family what satanists can listen to

    Personally, I try not to listen to Artists like Lady Gaga, more because people like her promote weird cannibalistic rituals which are so gross...
  11. yoanna666

    Rituals #75805 High Siddhi

    https://satanisgod.org/Past_Life_Meditation.html Check this as well. Might help
  12. yoanna666

    To Me and All my sisters here 💕

    That's soo sweet 💞
  13. yoanna666

    So called "Satanic Idol" in the ED and Loraine Warrens Occult Museum

    It's crazy how anyone can make up lies nowadays and profit from that smh
  14. yoanna666

    Astrology #75792 birth chart

    This is where you can enter your birthdate etc to see your natal chart , transits.. https://www.jos-astro.com/#/ https://satanisgod.org/Astrology.html https://satanisgod.org/Noted_Planetary_Placements.html https://satanisgod.org/Degrees.html https://satanisgod.org/HOUSES.html...
  15. yoanna666

    Rituals #75787 SOUL

    I don't know where on the website you saw that we we sell our soul (if you've even seen the website) https://satanisgod.org/SATANIC.html Dedication isn't about selling your soul "After we perform the dedication ritual, Satan begins investing in us. We discover talents and creative abilities...
  16. yoanna666

    Other #75774 Hell

    https://satanisgod.org/HELL_PAGE.html Read this it will make some things clear
  17. yoanna666

    Rituals #75777 Dedication ritual

    Dedication should be performed only once. It doesn't matter if you're 18 or not
  18. yoanna666

    The Gods #75769 Can Lilith be someone's Guardian?

    Who are you to disrespect Lady Lilith, seriously?
  19. yoanna666

    Is it really a Good Day for Democracy?

    And I was literally yesterday watching Home alone while wondering that thanks for mentioning
  20. yoanna666

    Workings #75738 Love spell during jupiter rx

    Thank you then I'll be patient and wait for January ❤️
  21. yoanna666

    Lost and in toon

    Im sorry if its a rude question are these apps safer than Telegram?
  22. yoanna666

    Workings #75738 Love spell during jupiter rx

    Is it bad to start it now when Venus is in Capricorn?
  23. yoanna666

    Lost and in toon

    It doesnt matter if you stopped, you can just start again from the day 1
  24. yoanna666

    Lost and in toon

    As I understood. You stopped meditating but now you desire to start again? Are you new and dedicated if yes start with a 40 day meditation program, that will bring you back really fast. Meditations should be done daily for them to "manifest" something you can't rely from something you did a year...
  25. yoanna666

    Thanks to Valefor!

    This is so sweet to hear <3 I sincerely hope you're better now. Hail Father Satan and Hail Valefor!
  26. yoanna666

    Health #75721 Jewish cosmetics

    Cosmetics as in makeup etc? There is a website which helps with what you can buy as an alternative. It is very helpful. https://boycott.thewitness.news/browse/1
  27. yoanna666

    I want to ask about Violin

    https://satanisgod.org/STUDENTS.html Here you can find which Gods help in certain subjects ❤️
  28. yoanna666

    BREAKING - The Fall of Bashar al-Assad

    Because no one cares as long as they are receiving money it's so sad. Al Qaeda is funded by Israel I refuse to believe otherwise. It will continue like this until 2026 I suppose. I love how you think :) it's a sick joke but we have to stay strong.
  29. yoanna666

    Sexuality #75705 How to get out of this, please help! [Trigger Warning: Sexual Perversion]

    I'd start slowly. First I try to see if I can resist doing it for 7 days. Remember that progress is different for everyone. As I know masturbation itself isn't bad, however, porn is because you have to everything is fake and that's not how real sex works. In porn videos they make it look so...
  30. yoanna666

    BREAKING - The Fall of Bashar al-Assad

    Why are they granted asylum tho. Also another proof that Russia is only looking after their own interests
  31. yoanna666

    Was stressing about Eng. language exam and a day later this showed up on my youtube feed. Might...

    Was stressing about Eng. language exam and a day later this showed up on my youtube feed. Might be a coincidence but I love it so much
  32. yoanna666

    The Situation In Syria

    As much as I love seeing people who are waking up and realizing what Israel is ( a genocidal state) it fills me with anger to see people celebrating deaths of so many innocent people... Thank you for this post High Priest I dont know about the others but it calmed me down.
  33. yoanna666

    Syria conflict restarting big time

    Crazy how the new leader of Syria is literally a jew. They're not even hiding that Israel is behind Al Qaeda
  34. yoanna666

    Syria conflict restarting big time

    I can't believe what I'm reading this morning. I am so shocked those people did NOT deserve this. And how could his own army betray him?
  35. yoanna666

    Has Syria officially fallen??

    I woke up this morning only to find out Israel (Al Qaeda) has removed Bashar from government. Israel has officially occupied Damascus because Syrian army betrayed Bashar... Is anyone else worried about this???
  36. yoanna666

    Paying Attention, Staying Alert

    Same here, I have headphones on so people don't annoy me, somehow they do that anyway
  37. yoanna666

    Jewish Song

    I am dumb I think, is Killing in the name really bad ?? I've been listening to it for like idk 7 years?
  38. yoanna666

    What should I do?

    You should realize that here there is no such thing a soul selling. Soul selling was mainly promoted by jews themselves ( celebrities mentioning it a lot in their music videos)
  39. yoanna666

    Syria conflict restarting big time

    Im just sad because of what will remain from Syria. Compared to what it was before and now. USA and Israel destroyed every beautiful country. Now, I don't like Islam but people there who did nothing wrong and even children are not to blame. And let's not talk about how USA propagated that Bashar...
  40. yoanna666

    Hi, I need help and advice please.

    Use any color you can.
  41. yoanna666

    Memes - Only Cats

    I like the first one my cat loves interrupting my meditations haha
  42. yoanna666

    Cheap art is not appreciated by Gods

    I have a feeling this person Is trolling look at their other posts and u will kinda see what I mean
  43. yoanna666

    Is it just me or…

    I learned it the hard way not to talk with people about jews and my opinion on them. Mostly because they don't care or they prefer being puppets
  44. yoanna666

    Looking for friends

    Hiii I feel the same way, no one really to talk about this <3
  45. yoanna666

    Was Tito a jew

    Hello I wasn't born during Yugoslavia it already collapsed by then. However i was wondering what happened to the conspiracy theory that Tito was originally a spy killed in Russia and then replaced? ( some people said he could play piano and he had brown eyes not blue??) Also yeah I'm trying to...
  46. yoanna666

    Was Tito a jew

    Can someone give me more sources to read on what happened in ex Yugoslavia and is it true that Tito was jewish? Would appreciate it cuz so far I wasn't able to find any and I don't wanna rely on Google. Thankss
  47. yoanna666

    my friend is a jew

    If you're not gonna give a good advice try not to give one at all
  48. yoanna666

    #75568 I envy women

    Okay yes but what KIND of men will try to have you? Do you think every man who dms me or compliments me is the right man for me? It's not like it's hard to find girlfriend. Be nice, romantic, caring, work on yourself and your career. Try to advance more as SS it will cost you nothing but you...
  49. yoanna666

    What is it that changed our beauty standards?

    I agree with you. Many people don't want war but is politicians that start it. Look at Ukraine and USA for example. No one is profiting from this but jews themselves. We can pray for better.
  50. yoanna666

    Relationship problem..

    Hii everyone I have been in a relationship with this guy for 2.5 years now. The thing is I don't feel anything about him anymore. Is this normal? ( It's like this since the beginning of the year I tried to fix my feelings for him).University, studying and also reading JoS website takes...
  51. yoanna666

    What is it that changed our beauty standards?

    Thank you for replying ^^ however isn't now everyone wearing what they find popular and not something which will define their personality? A lot of people buy something just because it looks expensive whether or not it looks good on them. I hope we will soon start valuing old architecture...
  52. yoanna666

    Myopia and poor vision

    Does this also work for strabismus I should try 😅
  53. yoanna666

    What is it that changed our beauty standards?

    Why was feminism created in the first place were women really se*ualized after Gods left the Earth?
  54. yoanna666

    What is it that changed our beauty standards?

    I think ( as a perspective of a young woman) that feminism has totally screwed the way men and women should act. I thought for long I won't find anyone to fit what I like because I'm so grossed out when I see what my generation wears. I myself dress something like 70s.. It feels so wrong to see...
  55. yoanna666

    What is it that changed our beauty standards?

    Hello everyone this will be my 1st post after a very long time. I was wondering.. Would anyone else like me want the old standards for men and women to return? What is it that has changed a lot what attracts us and what is considered beautiful in today's film industry. Not only the film...
  56. yoanna666

    Is President Joe Biden of the USA trying to start WWIII?

    Isn't Trump also a Jewish puppet?
  57. yoanna666

    Is President Joe Biden of the USA trying to start WWIII?

    Does anyone have any idea on how would this war escalate? Im curious everyone says ''nothing ever happens'' ??
  58. yoanna666

    Video Games and Their Devs

    What about my favorite game AC Odyssey 😅
  59. yoanna666

    We’re making great progress

    your taxi driver is mega based ^^
  60. yoanna666

    How to make a pact with a demon?

    Did you do the dedication ritual in the end? How is it going
  61. yoanna666

    I feel like a disgrace

    I understand how you feel, kinda going through similar situation rn. If you need somebody to talk to I am here and I'm sure other members are willing to help as well. The first thing you should know is that you're not alone even if you feel like that, there are many people who go through same...
  62. yoanna666

    Summoning demon

    It's normal to feel this way when I summoned Astaroth I felt shaking and I was barely speaking but something was telling me to continue and tell my problems to her. As time passes you will know if your connection is established I mean you will sense more positive things, you can even ask a Demon...
  63. yoanna666

    Is watching porn always bad ?

    Porn in most cases isn't how in real life sex actually looks like or feels like. (It's not for educational purposes but for enjoyment) As long as you are aware that there is no way for you to find a gf in the future that will fulfill your"pornstar actress criteria" then it's okay because most of...
  64. yoanna666

    Hi everyone how are you?

    A stressful week for more I was rlly happy at the beginning when I did Astarte's rituals but now school is totally killing me : ' ( All I think about are negative thoughts and when I don't meditate I feel guilty for it
  65. yoanna666

    Why aren't some people still realizing the truth?

    Thanks for your reply. But I do have one more question. If one day we will be able to get back the truth about SS how will it look like? I mean how will many people react?
  66. yoanna666

    Test/WIP Animated Meditation gifs

    May u show me please.
  67. yoanna666

    Why aren't some people still realizing the truth?

    Over the past few days I've been in contact with many people who wanted to become Spiritual Satanists. I, for example try to tell them which articles to read and they do read them but they still decide not to trust anything they read. Of course I wouldn't trust anything at first too cuz I don't...
  68. yoanna666

    Test/WIP Animated Meditation gifs

    Can u do one for chakra spinning this is very great and thank you so much
  69. yoanna666

    Lack of motivation

    Thank you for your advice I will check it out :) Also thanks to everybody who gave me the advices
  70. yoanna666

    Lack of motivation

    When I established a better connection with Satan and when I started to talk to him more and more I was really happy suddenly my social anxiety disappeared and my depression as well. All I did was go to the JoS page and try to learn more. Now I completely lack motivation to study for the school...
  71. yoanna666

    My experience

    I wanna apologize for typing invocation and not summoning I was very asleep when I wrote this 😓
  72. yoanna666

    WARNING about "Satanic Music"

    The only Satanic song I listened was by Peter Gundry "Goetia" I was wondering what the lyrics In that song actually mean. Other Satanic songs were often not my type. Also I really recommend this one the melody is just Soo beautiful ❤️
  73. yoanna666

    My experience

    Today I performed my invocation and never felt happier in my life like this. I'm really happy to feel Astaroth's presence in my body it was so beautiful I hope more people find the truth in the future and feel what I felt this night. Before I performed my first invocation I talked to Father...
  74. yoanna666

    Happy Ostara!

    She truly is beautiful and powerful. When I'm sad I think about her and it makes me feel so better. Happy Ostara and Hail Lady Astarte 💚
  75. yoanna666

    Weird dream

    I didn't perfom the invocation in real world but I performed it in my dream somehow that's why the dream confused me Thank you for your reply. And yes I founded out about her ritual and will do it soon :D I rlly think about her a lot
  76. yoanna666

    How can someone choose Jewsus when knowing the full truth

    I'm experiencing the same thing right now. The problem is this person is my crush and I really wanna be with him but it's impossible when he is saying that what I am doing is false even tho I showed him proofs. He says he won't believe in any religion...
  77. yoanna666

    Weird dream

    This post will be a bit longer but I will really appreciate if you read it because it's rlly concerning me and I don't know exactly what my dream meant. So two days ago I was drawing Astaroth's sigil it was around night time and I was saying her name in my mind and wrote the prayer for her. This...
  78. yoanna666

    please help

    Thank you it means a lot to me.
  79. yoanna666

    How can I respect Demons and our God Satan?

    Hello, I'm not the oldest member here but maybe I can help you. What did you do that you think you disrespected Demons or Satan? You don't need to tell me the exact reason ofc it's your preference. But maybe I can share you the experience of my own. I did dedication to Lord Satan 2 years ago...
  80. yoanna666

    please help

    May I message you again or someone else if I will have problems with making the formula?
  81. yoanna666

    please help

    I don't think u understood me well but I can't see well at my left eye at all, it's all blurry rn only my right eye is working as it should. As I said I'm minor and my parents dont really care about it. And also they're occupied with other things so I don't even wanna bother them...
  82. yoanna666

    please help

    So to get straight to the point since I was young I was diagnosed with strabismus. The most time of my childhood I spended by going to the doctors which were saying that it has no cure. There is a special treatment to try and stop this and it is to take exercises for your eyes but my...
  83. yoanna666

    My greetings.

    No but I'm from Serbia I would rlly like to meet people from Balkan who are interested into SS
  84. yoanna666

    Will there be a day we all meet

    I wanna meet somebody with who I can talk about these topics it gets Soo lonely fr :(
  85. yoanna666

    Imagining an eye on your forehead

    When I tried doing this I had no idea if I did It right so I stopped :(
  86. yoanna666

    Need help with love spell

    I was just too young and scared 😨 thank you for your help :)
  87. yoanna666

    Need help with love spell

    The point is I dedicated my soul to the Satan 2 years ago because I always somehow didn't believe in Christian lies and beliefs by my parents so that's how I decided to read more and learn about it. Unfortunately I was still a child so that was the only thing I was mentally able to handle. So...
  88. yoanna666

    Need help with love spell

    Hello I am new on this website and new Into witchcraft In general. I've been wanting to do one spell. It's a love spell and Im really consistent to do it but I need more information about it.Is there anybody willing to help me a bit? I would really appreciate that My goal in this spell is to...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
