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  1. Q

    2023 - SS CALENDARS [Update: Hungaryan Calendars Ready]

    Yes, I meant Jan 29th. There's also a PDF with money workings by Maxine. You probably can find it on the JoS Library. thanks! - i have found the PDF https://satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Money_Spells.pdf <3
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    2023 - SS CALENDARS [Update: Hungaryan Calendars Ready]

    Although not ideal, you still could have started it on the 1st of January, yeah. Careful to the 20th of January, because although it says it's a good day for money workings, the Sun will be in Aquarius and that's NOT a good time to start the Sun square. You can start other money workings, just...
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    2023 - SS CALENDARS [Update: Hungaryan Calendars Ready]

    Answer 2 - Yes, exactly. When there is something written on a given day, it means it's great time to start a working for given things. You can look for a working on the main page, the forums or try making your own, if you're experienced enough. Thanks! ...is this the main page you referred to...
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    2023 - SS CALENDARS [Update: Hungaryan Calendars Ready]

    If by ritual you mean a group ritual like the ones posted regularly by HPHC, then no, it's not what this means. Although group rituals can be started on such dates, the DFMW are meant more for personal workings done by individual members for improving their lives (such as programming your aura...
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    2023 - SS CALENDARS [Update: Hungaryan Calendars Ready]

    Hi, I have a couple of questions about the JOS Calendar. I am reading from the 2023 London version, ------- 1st January Moon is in Taurus (all day)—— good day for Money, finance, wealth, material items, sensuality, slow but lasting results, earth and plants, AoP Demon - OSE ---- Q1 - What...
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    Happy Upcoming 2023 & A Few Things

    Great Great message! I just opened the new calendar for 2023, very am very keen to understand it fully! Sending a big big thank you to all the Satanic Family & the gods of Orion for all your hard work. Satanama <3
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    About the Beauty Of This World

    Thanks Ol argedco luciftias <3 Satanama
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    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    wow... just reading about all the physicists involved in the production of the atom bomb! https://satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Atomic_Bomb_Jewish_Invention.html i'm definitely not going to be popular at Christmas lunch! haha Satanama <3
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    The Reptilians, The Dragons & Father Satan

    I've been seeing people talk about the kazarians also.
  10. Q

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Ok, i've found this page https://satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Hitler_Man_of_Peace.html :)
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    Andromeda Device(Nazi German technology? )

    Hi, can anyone suggest the best sources to read about Hitler, the Vril society, and WW2? I saw mentions documentary called Hitler, man of peace, but i cant locate it. Thanks for your help Satanama <3
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    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Hi is there any WW2 experts here? i'm watching Corbet's report on the funding of Hitler, and he seems to think Hitler was funded by the Rothschilds which I have read before. https://www.bitchute.com/video/6CAn0brVsSJg/ Can anyone suggest what i should read to understand Hitlers strategy...
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    Do you think Elon Musk will let us post on Twitter now?

    This corbett report introduces the idea behind energy distribution of technocracy.inc https://www.bitchute.com/video/0wlNey9t7hQ/ and it looks like they are still going, here is their website! https://www.technocracyinc.org/category/energy-distribution/ Satanama <3
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    About the Beauty Of This World

    i think this is a really important point also, because we should be very precise with how we direct and use our energy, rather than loosely ranting about jews. Satanama <3
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    About the Beauty Of This World

    Hi, i've been reading everyones thoughts on Karma. I see that HP has endorsed the kybalion, so i am going to read it. Are you still recommending the Lumerian scrolls to read? I think Karma is a really interesting topic. Could the reptilians be seen as parasites (Arobus - snake eating its...
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    What Do You Want To See From JoS?

    A page on the website about Karma would be very useful, and/or a pages on the other universal laws Below is a link to a long discussion about karma on the forum a while back https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=56180&start=50 SAtanam <3
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    How To Do Living Blood Sacrifice In Jesus's Name: With Proof

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1ywQ3y_7yU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tio92eXhp4 Does anyone have any thoughts on why Amazonian shamans visited the pope at the Vatican....? Satanama <3
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    About the Beauty Of This World

    I love this qoute ^^ what are your thoughts on hope and faith? Faith" means not wanting to know what is true. ~Friedrich Nietzsche Satanama <3
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    For Those Who Really Want Diversity: Here's How

    or is the central sun? the black sun? Satanama <3
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    Kali Yuga, Satya Yuga, The "Demon" Kali and Goddess Kaali

    Do you know if Sirius is supposed to be the central sun? Satanam <3
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    On Christian "Anti-Semitism"

    might be a silly question, but why does the Talmud blaspheme jesus ? thanks! Satanama <3
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    Criticism and Feedback: How Can We Improve?

    How come 'rating' / 'reputation score' isn't a viable option? Satanama <3
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    How To Do Living Blood Sacrifice In Jesus's Name: With Proof

    right, so they are not just sacrificing the animal, they are also ultimately sacrificing their own soul energy by getting entangled with Jehova. These people doing blood sacrifices to better their lives, are really just unconsciously enslaving their souls to Jehova. Slightly off topic, but...
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    About the Beauty Of This World

    So when JOS makes curses, this can be seen as a virtuous act, for we have superconsious guidance? Satanama <3
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    What Do You Want To See From JoS?

    Thanks, ok well if that is the case. Then this page needs some editing, as Enemy nordics is mentioned a few times here https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Aliens.html also mentioned is the gold mining project, which i think i've also read is a story not supported...
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    "Book of Thoth" in which the God inscribed all of the secrets of the universe

    Hi, thanks for you posts Are you still reading the Emerald tablets? Satanama <3
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    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Aquarius - who do you think the portraits of jesus actually represent? Is he a satanic soul? SAtanama <3
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    Kanye West: Shut Down For Being "Anti-Semitic" [UPDATE: Kanye Missing?]

    Ok so you're not in favour of a private currency over a transparent one like BTC? Satanama <3
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    Have To Say The Truth: I Am NOT Sorry

    Can i ask, what do you mean by the middle path? would you say the middle path is... a balance between female and male yin and yang no god and one god is it left and right political ideologies as well? is it worth then trying to get left and right gentiles to see eye to eye? Satanama <3
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    What Do You Want To See From JoS?

    1) Information about the hierarchy of the enemy nordics Satanama
  31. Q

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    It's based on the portrait of Cesare Borgia, the illegitimate son of a Jewish pope. ---- thank you for the above post --- why do you think the globe has the Orion constellation in it? SATANAMA <3
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    [PICTURES] In Case You Missed it or Were Asleep - Welcome to Dystopia/Communism

    here is a good intro to musk' background by James Corbet https://www.corbettreport.com/musk/ SAtanama <3
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    Balenciaga: Celebrating Child Violence and Pedophilia [WARNING: DISGUSTING FOOTAGE]

    Dear HP…. I understand that you are disappointed in some gentiles' behaviour, I get frustrated also. I have been trying hard the last few days to get through to very sleepy family members about the possibility of a complete jewish take over of planet earth. I imagine you have come across...
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    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    is the image of Jesus completely false? or based on a real pagan god? I think i read once that a lucifer once existed in Roman times? Has anyone else read this? Satanama <3
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    Who’s the patron Demon of the indigenous Native American peoples of Mexico?

    this is a good intro https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Aliens.html Here it mentions the enemy Nordics - i imagine these are the "bad" demons? (i read that not all demons are of Satan) Im guessing the enemy Nordics created the thought form Jehova? Satanama <3
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    Who’s the patron Demon of the indigenous Native American peoples of Mexico?

    i hadn't thought about tonal and nagual in terms of yin and yang. Would you say that the tonal is like the Hindu Prakriti (mother nature/manifested world), and the nagual is the purusha - the conscious witness? do you remember the chapter when Don juan and carlos are in the restaurant...
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    Who’s the patron Demon of the indigenous Native American peoples of Mexico?

    i remember Don juan saying that he only used power plants as an initiation , and that sustained used is not advised. He mentioned that they have detrimental effects on the physical body.
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    Satanic Art Page

    Hi Satanic family I wondered what your thoughts are Luke Brown's art? https://www.lukebrownart.com/paintings he has one image called baphomet Satanama <3
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    Beyond The "Political" & Banks, Banking and Jews

    Do you see that there is any potential to use blockchain to 1) help organise society, i.e voting, raising funds, public registras (i.e. registering digital house titles), etc, 2) just a way to store wealth, in face of inflation, or bank account seizures or 3) only to make profit via...
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    Have To Say The Truth: I Am NOT Sorry

    Thank you for the sermon Can i ask, what do you mean by the middle path? Satanama <3
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    Kanye West: Shut Down For Being "Anti-Semitic" [UPDATE: Kanye Missing?]

    yep, we should discuss more about what cryptos we like as a community
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    Crypto/NFT Community Thread

    Hi Commander, I have a recurring idea that I would really like to run past you and the JOS community. I love to draw, and have always felt one day I would be involved in some sort of graphic novel, or something similar. I used to say it would be a handbook for exiting the matrix. So my idea...
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    Sharing our Art

    Hi Satanic family, I’ve started to attempt to draw the gods, with horns recently. I was thinking maybe I can share them on this thread as I'm working on them, to see if i'm getting close to drawing any of the gods with authenticity. I.e asking for feedback, and then making revisions. I am...
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    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Thanks so much, that is really helpful so... i just started listening to the audio book i heard that Frabato was put in Nazi concentration camp and tortured, as hitler wanted Frabata to support him. i'm guessing that we are to read this text with a satanic eye and there is miss information in...
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    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Hi friends and family of Orion, one of the books suggested to read is Frabato here is an audio book https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qejOUH3uqIM if anyone finds an available PDF, please post the link Satanama <3
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    Introduction to Astrology, Lesson 1: The Celestial Sphere

    Thanks! i once had a dream of the solar system and the sun wasn't the centre, and the sun was a lot smaller than what current scientist say also, i meditate with the sun a lot, and it just feels a lot closer, like the moon does to us. If you look at how the rays of sun come down and refract...
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    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    prehaps this one https://satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Third_Reich.html <3
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    Introduction to Astrology, Lesson 1: The Celestial Sphere

    Please could you post the link to the teachings of Azazel's Astrology?
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    Introduction to Astrology, Lesson 1: The Celestial Sphere

    Thank you for the great post! have you read about Tychonic-system before? https://www.britannica.com/science/Tychonic-system I read once that this is supposedly how the Egyptians viewed our solar system also for me the sun does feel a lot more local - i.e smaller and closer than what the...
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    Beginner question. (possibly more to come)

    Hell-o i was wondering how is it possible to find out a rising sign on the https://www.jos-astro.com/? site thank you Satanama <3
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    Thoughts on Crypto?

    Great! what are your favourite privacy coins?
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    Thoughts on Crypto?

    Yes if private coins become illegal though, people still might chose to accept them to avoid taxes and carbon credits even for legal goods We keep on empowering the aliens by using their currency and people paying taxes and interest , once people realize this they may decide to use a private...
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    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Thanks Blitzkrei, i hadn't read this page yet Satanama <3
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    The Great Tribulation/Reset EXPOSED as Ancient Hebrew Banking Scam

    He-llo Jack, can i ask if you think that crypto will play a part in our future society? perhaps private coins with anonymous developers for the short term? as an alternative to CBDCs? and as a bridge to a future technological advance society and then a transparent chain/s in the future, to...
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    5G Protection!!!!

    Good advice! seems like the new internet will use new small satellites in Low earth orbit that will use 5G Satanam! <3
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    Did George Washington Finish The Magnum Opus?

    Hell-o Would you be able to suggest to me some documentaries on Tartaria which dont have the red herrings of flat earth, or other disinformation thanks for reading Satanam! <3
  57. Q

    Did George Washington Finish The Magnum Opus?

    Hell-o please could you tell me your favourite tartaian documentaries, i.e. ones that don't include red herrings such as flat earth thanks for reading satanama! <3
  58. Q

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Hell-oo satanic brothers and sisters I wondered if anyone has any new moon or full moon rituals to share? or if there are any on the website (apart from the black mirror ritual)? Satanama <3
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    Thoughts on Crypto?

    He-llo i totally agree with all your comments can i ask if you think that crypto will play a part in our future society? perhaps private coins with anonymous developers for the short term? as an alternative to CBDCS? and as a bridge to a future technological advance society and then a...
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    For those who still don't get it: The Reality of China

    you mention crypto-jews. Do you think that crypto is a distraction?
  61. Q

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    hello santanic brothers and sisters, i was wondering, does anyone change their daily/nightly routines according to the planetary hours? https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Planetary_Hours.html such as practicing yoga, meditation, eating, mental working, sleeping...
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    Thoughts on Crypto?

    https://youtu.be/hTfdxSaOyfc New video from CT LARSON
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    Rituals, Summoning and Powers

    Don Juan only uses plants as an initiation, not for prolonged use. Some shamans use magical passess, like chi gong, to energise the etheric body Although Castenda seemed to have fallen into addictions, some of the teachings of DJ about dreaming are very practical Satanama <3
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    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    This is an excerpt from the JOS pdf ""I have learned much, directly from Satan and his Demons. Everything I posted on this website about contacting and establishing relationships with Demons came directly from the Demons themselves. I did not obtain this information from reading a book...
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    For those who still don't get it: The Reality of China

    what is the Nepturanian loonybin?
  66. Q

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Thanks for your insight but wasn't masonry teachings taken over by jews? the two pillars feature in early masonry teachings don't they? and sirius was important to the original masons Satnama <3
  67. Q

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    i wondered if there is any info on the site that explains the layout of the Kaballah tree of life, i.e. why the spheres are laid out the way that they are? Satanama <3
  68. Q

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I find that starting the day with aura cleaning, empowerment, and mediations really helps, as i think the enemy tries, and sometimes succeeds at implanting negative programs in our auras as we sleep. To shift this negative energy and get straight into positive action, I actually wake myself up...
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    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    yes, in the flat earth model, the star constellations are supposed to be set in the dome firmament is semen retention really dangerous? i thought i a lot Indian and Daoist tantric practices teach this? i.e to raise the sexual energy upwards, and to orgasm, but retain the semen
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    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    for me the sun does feel a lot more local - i.e smaller and closer i am practicing with the sun most mornings and evenings, and having observed the sun a lot, and how the rays travel to earth, if feels closer and smaller, as if it is not that much larger, or further, away from earth than the...
  71. Q

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Welcome, what has convinced you that Earth is flat, and a dome? Satnam
  72. Q

    Who’s the patron Demon of the indigenous Native American peoples of Mexico?

    I've read some of castenda's books. Don Juan works a lot with mescaline. Do you think there is any place in satanism with working with power plants? What is your interpretation of what DJ calls the tonal? Satnam
  73. Q

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    sorry, meant maniupra (3rd chakra) :-/
  74. Q

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Hi, i've been spinning the male chakras (1-3) clockwise - drawing up from mooldhara and the female chakras (5-7) anticlockwise - drawing down from sahasara but also drawing in energy from the sides also for me energy, is coming in predominantly from the bottom and the top of the aura...
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    The Greys: control programming

    sirius maybe has a defense system? We have ones next to us literally the next star over maybe we can take care of it some day if we are strong enough but at the very least we are going to have to build some defenses against them. You know what a lot of this stuff I had to look up. Many of...
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    Israel: Murdering Children For Organs And Engaging In Medical Experiments On Palestinians

    i've dreamt a lot before, and just now, of some sort of paralysing nerve gas being used by men in hazard suits, they appear usually from a van, and everyone else starts running, they start to spray the gas from canisters on their backs.... is anyone else having these dreams?
  77. Q

    The Greys: control programming

    Hi, this is a great post! thank you The greys have a physical robotic body somewhere - though are present in the astral planes close to earth, and so feed off us astrally? can I ask what do you mean by the computer control network? " Certain things can trigger them and often that will trigger...
  78. Q

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Hi everyone, i'm finding it hard to relate to the element Water corresponding to the Sahasrara chakra, to me it feels beyond Ether. If you do feel like that water is the element of Sahasrara, please could you share your thoughts on why. Happy Sun - day <3 satnam
  79. Q

    All about the Immune System and how to Improve it

    thank you very much for your post Definitely, the JOS teachings of the chakras and how they relate to the planets on the JOS site have resonated with me a lot ---- I have been looking for a chakra/planet explanation that made sense for a long time. You mentioned that for some illnesses, it is...
  80. Q

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    i've been meditating on the planets associated with the chakras on the JOS site and they really resonate with me! i've been looking for a correlation/explanation that resonates for years! i wonder does JOS have an explanation of the kaballah tree of life, and why the planets are laied out, the...
  81. Q

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    I just read that all vortexes spin from west to east, so that would be a clockwise spin to the chakras, which feels correct to me then the outer aura would be spinning anti clockwise.
  82. Q

    JoS Websites Editorial Check Thread

    brilliant, and thank you <3
  83. Q

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    is there anywhere on the site, that mentions the direction of the spin of the charkas? do the female charkas spin in an opposite direction to the males? or do they all go the same way? i once read that the two triangles of the merkaba spin in an opposite direction of a female... thank you kindly
  84. Q

    Anonymity 101

    great post... are u still in the community?
  85. Q

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    thank you, i wondered if anywhere on the site, the teaching talk of the directions that energy flows.... i..e up through the bottom to the top chakras, or vice versa, i..e down through the crown and out through the root... here is some good explantation of how a torus field works and the...
  86. Q

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    if it is pointing down, does this mean it is drawing in energy from above?
  87. Q

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Greetings Joy of Satan, I have been practicing yoga on and off for many years, and have been a big fan of shiva for many years also i've started the 40 day meditation, and have just got to the chakra meditations with the visualisation -- its says to visualize the solar charka as facing...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
