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  1. O

    Interpretazioni dei sogni e richieste sul lavoro sui sogni e la simbologia

    Dipende a volte mangio nei momenti dove mi sento più vuoto. Oggi ho sognato la mia camera completamente allagata con mezzo metro di acqua, un piccolo pesce ci è caduto dentro. Poi l'acqua è scomparsa, il pesce era perduto e c'erano poccoli scarafaggi che si muovevano. In un'altra parte del...
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    Interpretazioni dei sogni e richieste sul lavoro sui sogni e la simbologia

    Ho sognato di recuperare lo scudo di Peleo da un guerriero che l'ha fatto cadere. Abbiamo combattuto, io ed altri, e abbiamo vinto. Stavamo andando in un palco vittoriosi, Io, un rinoceronte grigio, una figura che sembrava Alessandro Magno, a sensazione. E lo spirito di Afrodite Ourea. Era...
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    Interpretazioni dei sogni e richieste sul lavoro sui sogni e la simbologia

    Quale può essere il significato di scappare dalla polizia in un sogno?
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    After a point this vortex of energies will suck you up, leading to confusion abd the like. Focus is important for us.
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    He is the better option, and I'm looking forward for new opportunities for us. But we have to stay focused on the Gods and on our Mission, Trump isn't our hero, so don't get too emotional about him. I saw a lot of emotions that portray him as a hero, a bro, or whatever online, usual celebrity...
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    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Ho controllato in entrambe le biblioteche, non ho trovato nulla.
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    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Transfering the Soul https://satanslibrary.org/English/HP_Hooded_Cobra/Transferring_the_Soul_-_High_Priest_Hooded_Cobra_666.pdf
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    Nuovo sito "Distruggere l'Islam: www.IslamicEvil.com" - Traduzione

    Scusate, quali mancano? Posso tradurne un paio. Avete una lista?
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    Rituale di Protezione per la Casa da NakedPluto [JG]

    Il post in questione è questo sotto, ho pensato di tradurre il Rituale e di portarlo qui, visto che può essere molto utile a tutti. La durata è di circa 10-15 minuti...
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    Posizioni Yoga Hatha

    Puoi anche aggiungere immagini?
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    [Trad] Gestire gli andropedi: riguardo le persone che cercano di fermare la vostra evoluzione

    È incorretta in primis, dovremmo utilizzare "andrapoda" plurale, "andrapod" singolare. Il genere è invariabile, non ho mai visto specificazioni. Italianizzare un termine greco per me è sbagliato, io personalmente cerco di essere il più preciso possibile quando devo utilizzare i termini.
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    [Trad] Il sentiero occulto: "Che chiuse siano le porte per gli andrapoda"

    The Occult Path: "Closed Be The Doors To The Andrapoda" https://ancient-forums.com/threads/the-occult-path-closed-be-the-doors-to-the-andrapoda.293834/#post-1099418 Nonostante il carattere piuttosto aperto e universale dell'Antica Cultura degli Dei, ci sono alcune cose da approfondire su...
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    Interpretazioni dei sogni e richieste sul lavoro sui sogni e la simbologia

    Ti ho scritto, fammi pure le domande di cui hai bisogno, lì.
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    Some Names on Isopsephy

    That's pronunciation, it's written Hitler and pronunced Itler. Both methods might work with non-greek languages.
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    [Trad] Seduzione

    Seduction https://ancient-forums.com/threads/seduction.293729/ Il commento precedente era in risposta a un post sulla cintura ornamentale di una donna che potrebbe essere usata per la danza del ventre. La mia risposta qui sotto non è rivolta specificamente a quell'utente. La seduzione non...
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    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    The Occult Path: "Closed Be The Doors To The Andrapoda" https://ancient-forums.com/threads/the-occult-path-closed-be-the-doors-to-the-andrapoda.293834/#post-1099418
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    Andrew Tate Is Not An Ally of the White Race

    I updated my point of view. If you don't want to stay here just leave.
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    Andrew Tate Is Not An Ally of the White Race

    Stop this hateful attitude towards other races, this isn't the first post that suggest it. Every Gentile race is of Lord Satanas. Yes, we are against racemixing and all kind of criminals, every race has it's own problems, and our enemy infiltrated every country. Stay focused and know your enemy.
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    Andrew Tate Is Not An Ally of the White Race

    The usefull thing about tate, is that his logic and reasoning goes beyond the boundaries of the standard of the matrix. You can do everything, think everything and be the boss of your life. Is about that freedom and being advanced in logic, and Virtues for us SS. This is what we can learn from...
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    Extremist christian pastor Joel Webbon

    Yesterday I red some "torah", it's the most stupid thing ever, someone pretend to be "god" and to have created everything. "allpowerful" then is scared of people who advance spiritually, and procede to curse and curse, while demanding useless sacrifices from his little thugs. Then Satan is...
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    What do you need brother? Can you write it down?
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    #634 Will my ex lover will come back to me or not

    The site is called AskSatan, this isn't the first person that got it in the wrong way. To the OP, can you elaborate further?
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    #651 **** fetish [Trigger Warning: Sexual Perversion]

    A freeing work should be ok, start at Samhain and go for 240-360 days cicle, it sounds like a lot but it will really make the difference. Choose a rune, you can use Ansuz or Uruz, or the mantra Munka, do that for more than +74 repetitions each day. 74, 111, 130 choose one. As for the rest...
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    Dedica personale

    È già tutto scritto nel sito, nelle faq. Puoi anche cercare nei forum con la funzione cerca.
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    Voting trump

    Trump is the lesser evil here, don't see him as a sort of hero, but as the lesser evil.
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    Review requested of a ritual I designed (preferably from a JG/Clergy memeber)

    About affirmations, don't refer to the problems as "yours/mine".
  27. O

    Interpretazioni dei sogni e richieste sul lavoro sui sogni e la simbologia

    Ho sognato di essere uscito di casa e di essere andato a casa di una ragazza (tu l'hai già conosciuta diciamo, l'aspetto e l'intenzione era lei). Mentre pssavo per strada ho visto 5 piccoli lupi grigi seguirmi, poi sono diventati 6, 7 e poi si sono fusi in un gatto. Scavalco il cancello e mi...
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    Reminder about the Outreach Project

    I also sent a screen of this to JG Nakedpluto in case, try to send another message.
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    Reminder about the Outreach Project

    It's possible that your message got lost, try to send another one again.
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    Healing from porn addiction

    Liberation, Deprogrammation is a must here, even healing, as for the rest, masturbation can be a litteral meditation, it can stimulate Kundalini and connect the opposite chakras (male-female), it depends where you put your focus
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    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Seduction: https://ancient-forums.com/threads/seduction.293729/
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    How to have a demon or Satan as a friend as I move into old age

    Here more about the concept of Friendship, this is also a goal. https://joyofsatan.org/Azazel_virtue_5.html https://joyofsatan.org/Virtue_RespectGods.html
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    [Re-Read]The Templar Serpent Tradition

    https://satanslibrary.org/English/JoS_Forums_Contributions/The_Templar_Serpent_Tradition_-_JoS_Forums_Contributions.pdf Hail Σατανας!!!
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    If 'Harry Potter' was woke

    silente, trans rabbi, sucker. And every new student circumsized, oy vey! A dream c
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    If 'Harry Potter' was woke

    Unaccetable, hermione should be black and fat, ron chinese, pachock indian. harry is ok, cuz he is jewish, but he should be at least more lgbt vibrant, maybe retard and mostly wear a kippah. Voldemort should have Hitler's mustache, otherwise goym won't understand that he is the enemy. Slytherin...
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    Meaning of this Number,please??

    The number was 1881, however I don't know the meaning behind that specific number (1818). My advice is to dive into numbers, shapes, geometry, isopsephy and the like. The Gods can guide you to understand certain things. Here a useful site: http://greekgematria.epizy.com/?i=1 In your case I...
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    #593 Anti angel works

    RTR removes them, than do soul cleaning and aura of protection. "angels" are not real beings, are just programmed energy.
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    Distaccare una persona

    Nello stesso modo delle altre liberazioni. Segui quel emozione e quella realtà di libertà che desideri.
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    [Re-Read]The Return of the King

    https://satanslibrary.org/English/HP_Hooded_Cobra/The_Return_of_the_Kings_-_High_Priest_Hooded_Cobra_666.pdf Hail Σατανας!!!
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    Please, can you explain to me why 666 is the perfection?

    Not related neccessary to this thread, but it seems that mirror numbers like 1881, 5665, 3443, ecc... hide some sort of code, like an incomplete Triangular number. The hidden code in 1881 for example is 18+19+20+21...+81. In this case I found out the every result is divisible by 11. Another...
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    Fossil fuel - The dark blood of the Earth?

    The Earth is big, you should try to meditate on his nucleus, that is more near to the essence. I don't think fossil fuel is the blood of the Earth, or anything like that.
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    Purpose of this World

    In this post I will try to give some interesting imput. The purpose of this world is solely to create a place where human beings can evolve and advance safely, to the higher levels of existence. We can see it as a great tutorial. Especially in the future, with the arrival of new technologies...
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    I think the cow is a reference to the source of soma, the drink that comes from 6th chakra down to the 3rd. The whole "apocalipse" concept is the final damnation of human soul. All thier books are about cursing the Serpent and the spine. It's not a random cow that cause something.
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    [Trad]Ritorno di Saturno - Fatti, non paure

    Saturn Return – Facts, not Fears https://ancient-forums.com/threads/saturn-return-%E2%80%93-facts-not-fears.293368/ [Il ritorno di Saturno è il momento in cui Saturno in transito si congiunge con il vostro Saturno natale, e si verifica intorno ai 28-30 anni di età; in seguito si ripete ogni...
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    About The Upcoming JoS Logo & Aesthetic Websites Update

    The first logo was merely a shadow, nice add.
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    [Trad] Gestire gli andropedi: riguardo le persone che cercano di fermare la vostra evoluzione

    Esiste una traduzione del termine "andrapoda/andrapod"? In caso dovremmo continuare a usare la versione greca, che sarebbe comunque la più precisa.
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    Females in Hilter's Germany

    You should give more context, one may think what I wrote above, or may think about some worthless muslim.
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    Distaccare una persona

    Penso attraverso la guarigione emotiva e psichica, un tipo di energia soft e tranquilla. Io ho sempre coperto tutto con odio, e funziona in una misura, ma ti blocca e non ti fà superare un trauma. E come coprire qualcosa con un velo, rimandare in altre parole, ma questo non è utile qui. Io...
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    Females in Hilter's Germany

    The genders are different, but everyone has it's own dignity, no islam bullshit. Women are like the Spirit of the Home, this extent also to the Nation, Nature, Universe. They take care and raise all the new generations and give life to our planet, in this they are also protective. In this...
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    Animali nei Sogni

    Grazie, utilissimo e illuminante come sempre. Per quanto riguarda il coraggio, il mio approccio è che non posso davvero morire, posso soffrire temporaneamente, ma in realtà questa morte è solo un ritorno alla grande fonte, la quale fà comunque parte di me. Può sembrare un pò cinico, ma ogni...
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    Interpretazioni dei sogni e richieste sul lavoro sui sogni e la simbologia

    Posso chiederti cosa pensi delle entità dmt, lsd o dei trip? È solo un modo dannoso per esplorare se stessi o il cosidetto mare universale? O sentito di storie di persone che dicono di aver vissuto infinite vite in infinito tempo in pochi secondi, o comunque il concetto di infinito. Per quanto...
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    Globo luminoso nella mia stanza

    Prova a fare il Rituale di Potere di Lord Abrasax e vedi come si evolve la situazione. Serve anche per bandire eventuali entità. Assicurati che non sia il telefono o il televisore, che non si sa mai.
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    Reminder about the Outreach Project

    We are making progress in the outreach project, I want to make this post to say and remind a couple of things. We are a community with +80000 members, and currently there are about 80 of us in the project, and we are making great progress. Now imagine the exponential progress we could make if...
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    Saturn is destroying my life...

    If you love eachother you should try to understand eachother and have patience. The transit is temporal, and can teach you something. When you toghether will overcome this, you will be more strong. About abuses, Lord Satanas want us to stand up for ourselves, be strong and proud. As an SS no...
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    If 'Harry Potter' was woke

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    How will the Jews fully abuse the number 2025?

    Mine were just mere speculations, I only know that we shouldn't worry about numbers. We should look at astrology to know more. Our focus is aimed to get closer to the Gods and improve our lives and our community. About 11, you can find it in the Sigils of both Lord Satanas and Lord Azazel.
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    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Saturn Return – Facts, not Fears https://ancient-forums.com/threads/saturn-return-%E2%80%93-facts-not-fears.293368/
  58. O

    Interpretazioni dei sogni e richieste sul lavoro sui sogni e la simbologia

    Sognare di essere in posti alti e instabili, che significato ha? Prima mi ero arrampicato su un mucchio di materassi (credo) alto 15 metri per scappare da una persona. Inizialmente era ostile dentro casa mia, tirava coltelli, ho cercato di eliminarlo con una pistola, ma poi mi sono rotto e sono...
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    #449 killers and satan?

    They think it's cool, it add a "cool" aura around their psicopathic character. "I'm so evul that I'm from another wOrLd!" "You can't understand me, I'm a mystical being from another dimension, muahahaha!!!" This make them feel special or something. Others instead are just jews who blame Lord...
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    Happy Birthday to Heinrich Himmler (Pictures)

    I enjoyed being the bad guy, in the shadows, in an ignorant world, but now it's time to shine once again in the new Vedic world we are creating.
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    Happy Birthday to Heinrich Himmler (Pictures)

    Happy Birthday High Priest!!! You live forever in our hearths!!! Here you can watch a documentary made by JoS in his honour: https://odysee.com/@Commander.Cobra.666:5/Heinrich-Himmler---%27The-Aryan-Knight%27--His-Life-and-Struggle---WW2---DOCUMENTARY-:2
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    #434 Are Satans sons manifestations/avatars of Satan?

    Still, you can see them as manifestations/avataras of Lord Satanas. They are separate and sentient beings, and they teach you how to devolp yourself in a area, with the final goal of reach the state of Lord Satanas. But they are also one with Lord Satanas.
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    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Free Donor's Article: About Prayer To The Gods https://ancient-forums.com/threads/free-donors-article-about-prayer-to-the-gods.293269/#post-1096290
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    #406 A virgin; a strange man; problems in relationships with girls

    Take in consideration the escorts, basically they are the same of the club hoes. But I'll do a re-check of my desideres and priorities.
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    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Può interessare la traduzione dei Veda? Posso tradurli, un'inno alla volta (Sukta) e pubblicarli nello stesso thread. Lo considero un progetto a lungo termine dato che i 4 Veda sono abbastanza lunghi. Faccio riferimento a questo pdf per il Rg Veda, ho anche gli altri Veda pubblicati dalla...
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    Studying the Vedas - A tale about a dance.

    It seems like instructions about the Cup of Life thing. 3rd chakra united to 6th chakra, the drink of immortality, ecc... Look at first 3 Sukta of Rg Veda.
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    Interpretazioni dei sogni e richieste sul lavoro sui sogni e la simbologia

    Ho sognato di tuffarmi in mare con altri, stavamo scappando da persone malintenzionate. Il mare era pieno ri squali, e dovevamo raggiungere un barca lontana. La strategia era quella di nuotare veloce e sperare di non essere attaccati dagli squali, un pò d'ansia ma è andata bene. Uno è stato...
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    jewish holidays october 2024

    https://www.chabad.org/holidays/default_cdo/jewish/holidays.htm October: 11-12 yom kippur 16-23 sukkot 23-25 simchat torah Keep yourself clean and protected, and don't worry we are removing israel and his people off of the face of the planet. The Gods are supreme, Joy of Satanas time is...
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    Account deletion

    I was thinking, we have like ~60000 users, and many others without an account + lurkers. Probably there is someone worthy of help, serious, respectful that can give results. We should select those who are time worth, and ignore completely those who aren't. HPHC wrote a sermon about when giving...
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    Account deletion

    Lord Satanas' wrath for the clergy? He is out, I agree with post "delete yourself". Lord Satanas' wrath is deserved for creatures such as the jews, not for someone who dedicated his life to work for the Gods. This is basic logic here, it's like a child that want to curse his good parents. If...
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    Studying the Vedas - A tale about a dance.

    You can see Agni as the fire element in the universe, the third chakra. There are a lot of possible interpretations, but he is the fire of Lord Baalzebul/Indra and probably a separate God. Vayu here is an example. In the Vedas he is basically one aspect of Lord Indra, also Agni is the same. But...
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    Studying the Vedas - A tale about a dance.

    Here an example: Rg Veda 1:1:6 It talks about how Agni does good to the givers and the generous. Here the reference is related to those who work for the Gods, those who work and act in the Virtues, and those who bring positive offerings (sacrifices in other translations, basically meditations...
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    Studying the Vedas - A tale about a dance.

    Analyzing verse by verse, and each hymn for its entirety can be very interesting (one hymn at a time). In addition to giving an idea of what is written in the Vedas, it can inspire more people to recite them and obtain their blessings. It does not eliminate the spirit of seeking but entices...
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    Account deletion

    Why so aggressive? What he did? I'm just curious.
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    Connecting to the Gods

    It's not intrusive, don't look at this in that way, it will only block you. You should remove any doubts and fears, and simply go and connect. You can also try to memorize a sigil and visualize it while you doing what I wrote above. Find the best for yourself.
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    Studying the Vedas - A tale about a dance.

    I believe that approching the text, for example Rg Veda, verse by verse in order is really interesting, and gives an accurate view of the text. Can you do that? I found that knowing the meaning of a verse and vibrate it inside yourself can give powerful and positice effects. The Rg Veda alone...
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    Connecting to the Gods

    To connect to a God I found out a tecnique that at least works for me. I visualize the God's body while he is meditating, then I can also focus on his chakras and connect. Here you can see what a chakra govern, and connect to it. An example is the 3rd chakra for the self. How the body looks...
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    The Gods #362 Which one of our gods is vishnu?

    These Gods are all aspects of Lord Satanas. Shiva, Vishnu and Brahman.
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    How will the Jews fully abuse the number 2025?

    man... you posted a video from an account with the israeli flag... you know... you can't do that, you are like... banned from the universe forever, or something like that.
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    envíos de trabajos

    This is the english forum, please re-send your meassage in english. Did you know that we are against the so called "satanic temple"? Refered to your profile picture.
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    How consciousness became aware of itself ?

    I think by getting closer to the truth, remove the kelifos and purify completely the soul.
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    [Trad]Il vero amore di sé: Droghe e dipendenze - Riparare sé stessi

    Voglio aggiungere una nota personale. Se c'è qualcuno che soffre di queste dipendenze o di problemi simili, non si faccia troppi problemi a scriverne qui. È onorevole ed un buon segno mostrare la buona volontà di fare un cambiamento benefico per se stessi, e di certo non verrete giudicati...
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    [Trad]Il vero amore di sé: Droghe e dipendenze - Riparare sé stessi

    Actual Self Love: Drugs & Addictions - Fixing One's Self https://ancient-forums.com/threads/actual-self-love-drugs-addictions-fixing-ones-self.292981/#post-1094667 Quando si fanno cose negative a se stessi, non si sta veramente "amando se stessi". Negli ultimi giorni ho fatto molte ricerche...
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    The Greek Sacred Vowels

    This is what bother me, the sistem can be incomplete with all of this. Maybe the koine is ok, as it were used in the xian bible, that essencially is a big collection of codes. In the future we will fix it. But for us, it's still ok, as we can talk about more things in greek, because it's a...
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    How I Quit Drugs

    One has to leave his thug friends to quit drugs, at least in my case. They aren't real "friends" anyway. This can bring loneliness, maybe knowing new people throw hobbies can be the way. Anyway, be proud of everyday you passed without drugs. Now you know more about yourself, and you will have...
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    How will the Jews fully abuse the number 2025?

    So... 1080+(T9×(7+7+7)) 1080 is refered to the Octagon and Σατανας Αεναος. Satanas rooted in the world and his affairs. Our souls also. Or... (45×37)+(45×8) 37 is related to 13 chakras and 24 pathways of our souls. 45×8=360 so the whole. 45 stands for radication, as it's a Saturn number...
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    How will the Jews fully abuse the number 2025?

    45 triangular number 9. 45×45=2025 or (45×24)+(45×21)=2025 2025 is also a triangular number.
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    The Greek Sacred Vowels

    It's not the tetragrammaton, as it's not based on 4. The original sound of Eta is H, note that capital Eta is an H.
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    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Nella traduzione dovrei tenere il simbolo "&", o devo sostituirlo con la congiunzione "e"? C'è una parte del testo "(bitch)", in questo contesto la traduzione è "puttanella" o "troietta", va bene usare termini volgari o mi sto preoccupando tanto per nulla? Resto fedele al testo originale in...
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    The Greek Sacred Vowels

    About the pronunciation: Αα like fAther Εε like Egg Ηη like Heh in FRTR, H or He, or E of Egg, modern greek I of sin. Ιι like sin Οο like Over Υυ like pUt or alternative V/W Ωω like Over Maybe the chant is: AEHIOVO EHIOVO HIOVO IOVO OVO VO O Focus and visualize the planets while you chant the...
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    Music for Greek Gods

    https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgDTUoRbykKJPWxLKRv-MIYnDz4cNgmxt&si=6v5LvXd2vI6vFRjg Here.
  92. O

    Music for Greek Gods

    Take a look at this playlist:
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    An Idea - Presence of Brahman

    The Idea is that of a video, that shows the Brahman chanting the 4 Vedas. Every head chant a different Veda at the same time. It may be interesting to see how it sounds. This will have a lot of views also. Who is interested in making this?
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    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Actual Self Love: Drugs & Addictions - Fixing One's Self https://ancient-forums.com/threads/actual-self-love-drugs-addictions-fixing-ones-self.292981/#post-1094667
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    The Greek Sacred Vowels

    Ideally it should exist only one dialect in greek and it should be forbiden to make any type of change to the language. But for now I think that you can mix them or you can only use at the time and not mix them. Try both if you have doubts. I hope one day to see the white world using only the...
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    Some Thoughts

    The are people who are egocentric in a evil way. They parasite people who tried to help them, like psichic vampires, they don't work on themselves and they do evil against themselves. This is also related to that sermon about "when give help to others" written by HPHC666. These people are...
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    The Greek Sacred Vowels

    Αα=Moon=1=532 Εε=Mercury=5=865 Ηη=Venus=8=309 Ιι=Sun=10=1111 Οο=Mars=70=360 Υυ=Jupiter=400=1260 Ωω=Saturn=800=849 Here a personal note: Take the Octahedron, put IAEO or IOEA at the 4 corners, put Ω down and Y up (1st - 7th chakra), then put H at center as Venus connects everything as the 4th...
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    How will the Jews fully abuse the number 2025?

    I don't know, maybe it's the destiny that many people have to die. The Gods are in charge, but the enemy mafia is big and he has armies. It won't disapear out of nowhere, and they won't stop doing crimes. What do you think?
  99. O

    How will the Jews fully abuse the number 2025?

    Dark times? It's simply the veil that is falling, they allways did their bad actions, but now everyone can see them at some extent. Personally I think that the prophecies of "messiah", "end of the days", ecc... are a thing of the past and not something that will happen. From day 1 they tried to...
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    How will the Jews fully abuse the number 2025?

    They don't controll the events, they have power in a way, but everytime they apply it they make a step closer to their fall. The Gods are in charge here. If they don't do anything they will fall. Now they are accelerating things because they know that their days are numbered. At other levels...
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    Exposing Christianity and Judaism: Symbols of Christianity Part 1

    What do you think about these?
  102. O

    Exposing Christianity and Judaism: Symbols of Christianity Part 1

    Ο Σατανας = 823 A+Ω+22 (rest of the alphabet)
  103. O

    Some Thoughts

    What if I told you that there is actually only one God? This God is Lord Satanas and he is the Truth, the way to eternity and completeness. All the other Gods would be Avatars of Satanas who impersonate and manage various aspects of Satanas. Obviously they are real, sentient beings, guiding...
  104. O

    About the serie the Big Bang theory and the little Sheldon

    Here he got a point about friends, and every sitcom, every program on nickelodeon is just like this. And these were only a few examples. My comment was about the show, and the comment about girls wasn't about all of them.
  105. O

    Exposing Christianity and Judaism: Name of Jesus Christ

    ιοσις = 490 πετερ = 490 Iosis and Peter
  106. O

    [Trad] Al riguardo delle nostre SS che sono in età pensionabile

    About Our SS Who Are In Retirement Age https://ancient-forums.com/threads/about-our-ss-who-are-in-retirement-age.292563/#post-1092224 Ora, una delle cose migliori del Satanismo Spirituale è che non è mai troppo tardi per avanzare. Si possono avere 80 anni e trarre ancora enormi benefici da...
  107. O

    Exposing Christianity and Judaism: Name of Jesus Christ

    What about 888, the value of "ΙΗΣΟΥΣ" in greek?
  108. O

    About the serie the Big Bang theory and the little Sheldon

    And every male is a beta, it's not a good thing to watch.
  109. O

    Is The Elephant a Symbol of Lady Astarte?

    It might be, elephants are guided by a mother, she can sense the rain and allways know how to find water. But the elephant is also related to Lord Indra/Baalzebul.
  110. O

    Amazing Story of Growth and Love - Incubus and Me

    A bond with a God extends beyond a short human life of 90 years, and probably it wouldn't be the first relationship of your life. Here I'm talking about great souls of a top tier level, like Alexander the Great, or the top souls of Spiritual Satanists in every century/millenia, not someone...
  111. O

    Amazing Story of Growth and Love - Incubus and Me

    I didn't make it up, just look the old post about "Demon Lovers" of the past. I don't know about the OP, but sadly for me it was true. We should really put the +40 years disclaimer, it can decieve young people or people that are passing hard moments. There are many cases, I helped one SS in...
  112. O

    About Lord Belial

    About the name... Belial is similar to the latin word Bellum/Belium. https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/bellum Or even Beli-el, or it can be an anagram, Bell-ia (ya, in sanskrit is related to Vayu/Zephiros), Bell can be related to Baal or to the bell (music instrument/ vibration of a word). The...
  113. O

    Does Romans descend from Trojans?

    The Iliad is rich of references, one has also to look at the family tree of a character, the symbolism, and everything. There is a reference to the black race, a group of people (from Ethiopia, I don't remember, they were black) that fought against the greek. They were comamnded by a man as...
  114. O

    Does Romans descend from Trojans?

    It can be even more ancient than we thought, Ancient Greece can go back to probably 40000 years, the Illiad may be 10000 years old. But for now these are speculations.
  115. O

    Does Romans descend from Trojans?

    These are probably allegorical to spiritual matters from which the Glory of Rome did come from.
  116. O

    Does Romans descend from Trojans?

    I was trying to understand that in the context of the Illiad. So Romans are the Sons of Ilias, similar at how Gentiles are called sons of Esav. This is an example at interpretational level. Rome is still alive to these days, in other shapes and forms, maybe the Iliad can have some codes that...
  117. O

    Does Romans descend from Trojans?

    Phisically or Spiritualy.
  118. O

    Does Romans descend from Trojans?

    Yes I know that.
  119. O


    https://ancient-forums.com/threads/satanic-personalities-section-a-community-project-jg-karnonnos-update.292724/#post-1093031 There is project about that, and there is a Ritual to connect to all the Ancestors of JoS (Those that fought for Lord Satanas during history and many others)...
  120. O


    The Gods.
  121. O

    Does Romans descend from Trojans?

    Does Romans descend from Trojans?
  122. O

    Amazing Story of Growth and Love - Incubus and Me

    I experienced these delusions in the past, for ~1 year and half. I was convinced to be in a relationship, but one simply talk to oneself and decieve oneself. Later this comunication seems to become better, but this was just the schizofrenia that was advancing. These delusions go deeper, until...
  123. O

    #203 How old is the African race?

    Arabs, indians, latinos, and those dark skinned asians. Where did they come from?
  124. O

    What was the meaning of Satanic Keys?

    These are outdated and no longer useful for our mission, these are still on JoS for history purposes. You should focus on Gods' Rituals. If you like the idea of praying and learning in a new language, you should try Ancient Greek.
  125. O

    The feeling of love is destroying me...

    I spoke out of anger and suffering, I hope to see what I really want in the future, it's confusing for now. Sorry and thanks for the replies.
  126. O

    #203 How old is the African race?

    As far as I know, they were the first race created by the Gods here. While whites discend from the Gods. I don't know about other races.
  127. O

    Interpretazioni dei sogni e richieste sul lavoro sui sogni e la simbologia

    Ho sognato una pioggia di foche/piccoli trichechi, accompagnata da un senso di paura e disperazione. Ho avuto l'intuizione nel sogno che riguardasse un qualcosa legato al femminile.
  128. O

    The feeling of love is destroying me...

    I just hate how they mess with people's minds. I fall in love with a girl and I can see her inner beauty, but then she behave in other stupid ways, and I'm not talking about rejection here. Then you feel bad, because you put all yourself at play, and they shows terrible results. Then I love...
  129. O

    The feeling of love is destroying me...

    For the guy that put an oven on me, life can bring positive and negative things, this depend on karma, natal chart and current planets positions. If one isn't ready and has issues to work on, this "falling in love" thing is a total bullshit. These random girls have nothing, they just have a...
  130. O

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    Personalmente, ho scritto le prime 9 su carta, 2 al giorno. Leggo recito la preghiera, ragiono, e cerco di assorbire il concetto e accogliere l'energia che la preghiera porta. Nel ragionamento bisogna collegare le Virtù e cercare di comprendere il disegno più grande. Sono tutte connesse e puoi...
  131. O

    About Lord Belial

    In my mind I get the image of a warrior king with a metallic sword, in regards to Lord Belial. I feel like I can connect more easily with him.
  132. O

    2040 Apocalypse Timeline Possibly Explained

    If JoS reaches bilions of people, we will be a major force in the game.
  133. O

    Can Lord Focalor's ritual be helpful for money?

    Yes, if you read the Al-jilwah, Lord Satanas give wealth and power at those who deserved according to his will. Or those who are a better choice for the current events. These decretes are bringed by Lord Lucifius.
  134. O

    An Artwork dedicated to the Clergy

    If we consider the Octahedron as a racial shape, it makes sense that Venus is at the center. In the last of the 36 Virtues, you complete yourself by entering a Golden Pentagram with a green aura. The green aura is of Venus, the Pentagram is related to Venus's energies. Here a video about...
  135. O

    An Artwork dedicated to the Clergy

    One thing about vowels I thought about. Image and Octahedron, the platonic solid of Air. IOEA/IAEO ecc... are the directions. On the top there is Y (Jupiter 7th chakra). On the bottom there is Ω (Saturn 1st chakra, the root). At the very center of the Octahedron there is H (Venus), that...
  136. O

    An Artwork dedicated to the Clergy

    The correct letter near the 4th chakra is H (Venus) not E (Mercury). Venus govern the 4th chakra, but I thought to use E because it's a symbol of connection between male and female H and O (Mars). Mercury also co-govern the 4th chakra. But if both the God Mercury and Ares had a relationship...
  137. O


    It's a pleasure, sir.
  138. O


    Or maybe an octahedron, drawable as an hexagon in 2d. 4 elements, and the upper center, light. At the lower one, darkness. Just theories about the union of 6 Gods.
  139. O

    About Lord Belial

    Is Belial the real name or a corrupted one? I don't want to make blasphemy.
  140. O

    Satanic Wedding

    You are delusional, you still need to grow up. I will not tell you about a Ritual of the utmost value and importance if you aren't ready. Have you ever read? www.joyofsatan.org www.satanisgod.org A lot of misconceptions can be resolved by studying those sites.
  141. O

    #215 Question about the pentagram

    I think the logic with shapes like stars for example is: If is pointed down the energies are directed inside. If is pointed up the energies are directed outside. As stated in JoS, this abuse of the pentagram are depreving the planet from the energies, causing problems. It's stated in the...
  142. O

    About Lord Belial

    What do you know about him? Online I found only garbage, and a mention that he "probably" was worshiped at Sidon. The sources talk about him like if he was a "second Satanas", also at the Serpent level. Probably he is a bringer of value in these matters. But here I just said the opposite of...
  143. O

    Suggest me books on numerology.

    It doesn't make any sense, 1111 is negative because 11+11=22... Who cares about what the enemy is doing with the number 22, in any case it's stolen from the Phoenician Kabbalah that has 22 letters. What the enemy thinks about a number has no importance here. 1111 is just the value of Ιωτα, the...
  144. O

    Satanic Wedding

    Are you sure to be ready for this kind of choices? You can give yourself more time to advace before making that choice, you know, to become wiser.
  145. O


    88 is a number of Lady Astarte, it's also related to the Ritual of the Awakening of the White Race (Odhal, Sol, Oss ×88). It were used as "Heil Hitler!!!", HH 88, and it were banned for this reason in some soccer stadiums.
  146. O

    Satanic Wedding

    Change the profile picture, no circles around a Sigil.
  147. O


    You can read www.satanisgod.org
  148. O


    I think it's related to the two pillars of the soul, the 9 11 was also about this, as an attack. The ultimate (9) indivisible (911 prime) attack at the symbol of the wealth of the Gentile world (11). After that, jews were also get payed. It's also the number of the chakras, 7+4 (those above the...
  149. O

    3 Stories about Wisdom

  150. O


    These cause cancer, weaken your aura and cause respirational problems. You should avoid cigars/smoking.
  151. O

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    Non tutte sono accessibili. https://josita.org/Satanic-Ethics.html https://ancient-forums.com/threads/trad-aggiornamenti-gioia-di-satana-sezione-etica-e-virt%C3%B9-le-virt%C3%B9-di-satana-aggiornato.87906/#post-458114 Per i Rituali di Potere, servono ad aumentare l'influenza di un Dio...
  152. O


    I thought about this: Satanas + Baalzebul + Astarte (Female aspect (?)) Satanas + Baalzebul + Azazel (Male aspect (?)) ...or also this: Marbas + Orobas 6 letters outside and 6 on the inside.
  153. O


    At least write this correctly if you dedicate a whole thread for that. Guru? Are you supposed to be one by post copies of quotes from JoS?
  154. O

    “Jews are not welcome here”

    No you don't, you just red something online and then you play with fantasy. You think you have an account about this kind of knowledge, and you come up with stupid and total useless theories that are wrong anyway. Are this even important? jews aren't a big deal, and studing them, or trying to...
  155. O

    Interpretazioni dei sogni e richieste sul lavoro sui sogni e la simbologia

    Ho sognato tanti cavalli alati in miniatura, che sono stati generati da qualcuno. Il più bello e il più raffinato a sentimento, dopo aver saltato in mezzo alle erbe alte di un campo, è stato preso per il collo, è diventato pelle ed ossa prosciugandosi, ed ha assunto l'aspetto di un pollo dal...
  156. O

    “Jews are not welcome here”

    You clearly don't know jews.
  157. O

    I have no reason to live

    Think about it, the essence of yourself, you, your soul, is linked to Lord Satanas, the Lord of the Universe, and humans are supposed to follow his path and become just like him. You are not a random entity, or whatever, the very essence of you is divine. I'm not feeding your ego or whatever...
  158. O

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    About Our SS Who Are In Retirement Age https://ancient-forums.com/threads/about-our-ss-who-are-in-retirement-age.292563/#post-1092224
  159. O

    Balancing yourself - a Gender Polarity Model (important guide for every SS)

    Please repost this without color texts, I can't see them.
  160. O

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    Il Rituale di Potere, puoi farlo anche 2 volte al giorno se vuoi, non ci sono limiti, ma fai attenzione a non esaurirti. Una cosa importante è la costanza, quindi devi conoscere i tuoi limiti e te stesso. Il Rituale Formale/Standard puoi farlo per fare una richesta/ringraziamento o per chiedere...
  161. O

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    È già stato tradotto, aspetterò un nuovo sermone.
  162. O

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Pensavo di tradurre il post e lasciare i Rituali a membri più avanzati. Essendo prioritario farei la traduzione in mantinente.
  163. O

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    3 New Rituals: Heroic Ancestors Ritual, Zepar [Zephyros] & Ose [Eos] Rituals https://ancient-forums.com/threads/3-new-rituals-heroic-ancestors-ritual-zepar-zephyros-ose-eos-rituals.292429/#post-1091506
  164. O

    [Trad] Serenità o auto-sofferenza?

    Serenity Or Self-Suffering? https://ancient-forums.com/threads/serenity-or-self-suffering.292206/#post-1090136 Una cosa che preoccupa molto gli esseri umani è quando le cose non vanno "a modo loro". Questa percezione del proprio modo di essere, nella quasi totalità dei casi, è attribuita ai...
  165. O

    3 New Rituals: Heroic Ancestors Ritual, Zepar [Zephyros] & Ose [Eos] Rituals

    Ancient Greek Joy of Satanas dialect, with Digamma restored. Sound cool.
  166. O

    3 New Rituals: Heroic Ancestors Ritual, Zepar [Zephyros] & Ose [Eos] Rituals

    Should we learn Ancient Greek, how did you learn that?
  167. O

    12 Houses

    What about this? https://islamicevil.com/metaphysics-of-islamic-prayer/ And why houses are smaller or bigger than 30°?
  168. O

    Satanic ethics

    Challenge: How many Lord Satan's Sigils can you spot?
  169. O

    Satanic ethics

    Your profile image is pointed up, you should point it down. Like this:
  170. O

    Controlling events

    Read the Al jilwah, Satan is already rulling Earth. Our Rituals are for opening up humanity to our Gods, and to advace with that. But this can be really complex and it has more understandings.
  171. O

    The Gods #77 How to find happiness

    Happyness like everthing else is part of a duality. Think about it, you may find answers. However it's not the point in existence, the Truth is the point, just to be clear.
  172. O

    Why is Zeus above Poseidon?

    Well Kronos ate all his sons and daughter, and only Zeus escaped this fate. Then he poisoned Kronos and he puked them all. So Zeus was the leader and he guided the Gods to the victory, and he created the order of Cosmos in the Caos. He was also the one that has set free the cyclops and...
  173. O

    Satan & Beelzebul - Two As One

    Lord Satan is Saturn (1st chakra), Lord Baalzebul is Jupiter (7th chaka). It makes sense that they are a duality. I wonder if it exist a relation with Kronos and Zeus, like father and son. Or maybe also with thier weapons.
  174. O

    12 Houses

    Are these still while zodiac is moving during the day? So everyday every planet goes by all 12 houses, am I right?
  175. O

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    Quale risultato vuoi ottenere? Esistono diverse memorie, e diverse cose che puoi fare con esse. Ti consiglio di lavorare con Lord Thoth per il quadrato, puoi fare il suo Rituale 1 volta ogni 2 giorni.
  176. O


    He can sell himself to only girl costumers, it will work.
  177. O

    12 Houses

  178. O

    12 Houses

    How to draw them? Are these related to astrological hours?
  179. O


    Non ci sono tutti, e alcuni come quello di Lilith e Focalor non sono accessibili. Forse è la pagina sbagliata, o è work in progress.
  180. O

    A bit skeptical

    Why it shouldn't work?
  181. O

    How did you find your Guardian Demon?

    I don't think it's even that important, you should work with the Gods you find more interesting. When it's time you will know him, just don't stress to much on this. You can pray him, even if you don't know his name, he will listen and assist you. The bond with the Guardian Demon IS important...
  182. O

    How i can connect with other gods/pray ?

    You can find it on JoS, celebrations section. The way you should approch the Gods is explained in the Lord Satan's Virtues, ethics section. But it's kind of crypted, so you have to study them. www.joyofsatan.org
  183. O


    Then of course the shop, you can buy little shits made of plastic to attach them to the fridge or to your keys and the like (don't know if having animals outside to sell litteral shit will work, maybe too extreme. Or maybe in India). So the shop will be focused on this. Or you can by a copy...
  184. O


    Seriously I had an idea. Hitler vs jew The Art gallery contest. A gallery full of painting of Hitler, with poor descriptions, with normal and enjoyable decorations. Then a room, completely empty with a smelly shit in the middle. Before entering you take the paper with story written on it. It...
  185. O

    Marriage in church?

    No one is forcing you, and it will be a dishonour since you have other possibilities. Marry her at night during a Ritual, no one knows, no legal bullshit, at the end why they should even know about it? It's none of their business. Before doing the Ritual to get married, ask HPHC about it, and...
  186. O


    It's also superior, cuz you can see it, smell it, hear the flies, even taste it *yummy artist noises* it's 3d and malneable. Not like those bitch ass paintings of yours. How boring! Hitler made these, how evil from you, goy! oy vey!
  187. O

    life choices and study

    You have to look it in the context of also the other Virtues, as these are all connected. Why are you studying? Is there a deeper meaning, or you just feel that you need this to be good? What do you want to do in the future? Family, ecc... You should look at your chart and see what can be the...
  188. O

    [Trad] Quando dare aiuto & al riguardo di "aiutare gli altri"

    When To Give Help & On "Helping Others" https://ancient-forums.com/threads/when-to-give-help-on-helping-others.292095/ È estremamente importante, quando vogliamo "aiutare gli altri", sia essere in grado di aiutarli, ma soprattutto di essere in grado di aiutare prima noi stessi. Non pochi...
  189. O

    why so many attacking when using words..

    What mantra is that? Please write in the proper way.
  190. O

    Esoteric Marxism/Communism Thread

    You can read kabbalah exposed. www.satanisgod.org
  191. O

    Ask Satan Upgraded

    Also Satanisgod.org got an update from what I saw.
  192. O

    Fate tutte le domande qui! Nuovi membri

    Usa Ansuz per le abilità oratorie, e il quadrato per la memoria. Al riguardo di questo non so se dovrei fare anche un lavoro di attrazione con Gebo e poi fare il quadrato per il denaro (Venere). Forse dovrei fare una cosa alla voltà.
  193. O

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Serenity Or Self-Suffering? https://ancient-forums.com/threads/serenity-or-self-suffering.292206/#post-1090136
  194. O


    you silly! you have to look at who is the artist. if it is a jew, a holohoax survivor, a poor mixraced kid, or something like that, you have to pay 10 milions. it may be a litteral shit on a piece of paper, but think about how that jew was felling while he took a shit, while thinking about...
  195. O


    Thanks for your profile picture, I was searching for that painting. Poetry can be usefull, but don't focus only on that, you don't know everything. With more knowledge you can write better poetry, but you have to study for that. Here I was talking more about writing to learn, but still poetry...
  196. O

    why xian or catholic scared using sigil/symbol ?

    They just stole names and use it for their jewish character (the jews who invented this story). Also Basileos is a stolen title that belong to Zeus, and related to Baal.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
