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  1. A

    Moon square

    On a scale of 1 to 10, how bad is your period pain? Do you exercise? Are you on hormonal birth control? Do you track your period? Overexercising and under-eating + psychological stress can cause menstrual cycle irregularities and amenorrhea. Period pain isn’t healthy or normal, it means that...
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    My wife cheated on me

    Cheating is abusive and disgusting. Cheating is emotional, psychological and sexual abuse. - Get an STD test immediately - If you have children, do a paternity test - Talk to a divorce lawyer and save any evidence of the cheating These resources can help you...
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    Women as Navy SEALs?

    Women are more than capable of making it through SEAL training and meeting the same standards as the men. Why do people act like women are incapable of running, swimming and lifting heavy things? Here’s an excerpt from The Female Body Bible by Baz Moffat, Dr. Bella Smith and Dr. Emma Ross...
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    Question #1730: a new person here

    This is where you should start, these are beginner guides: Spiritual Satanism For New People by HPS Maxine Dietrich https://archive.is/fqQ62 https://web.archive.org/web/20211110045902/https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/4Newbies.html Starting Guide for New...
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    Question #227: Why support Homosexuality?

    You have no idea whom you speak to. Stormblood is a veteran Satanist that’s been here for years, he’s a highly respected member and he’s contributed to this community. These are the facts: there are homosexual Pagan Gods and Joyofsatan.org follows Paganism. The Abrahamic religions promote...
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    Disciplining Yourself - Mind To Body

    What form of exercise would you recommend? Running, swimming, weight lifting, calisthenics? What form of exercise do you do? I made a post on how weight lifting is beneficial, especially for women: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=76113&hilit=
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    A question about the mantra Satanama Ramadasa Sasay So Hung

    The mantra is from HPS Maxine Herself so I think it doesn’t need to be altered. Source: JoS Newsletter 2011 Sermons and Important Messages (page 19-20)
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    Question #227: Why support Homosexuality?

    Joyofsatan.org is against the modern LGBT movement which is controlled by Jews. There are gay/bisexual European Pagan Gods and Joyofsatan.org follows Paganism. For example, the Greek God Apollo chose a man named Hyacinthus to be His romantic partner. Proof...
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    Final RTR

    Paintable Final RTR by Soaring Eagle 666
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    Invoking Earth (please help)

    I have 5 air and 1 earth. Lacking earth has been the root of many problems in my life. So I’m going to invoke earth everyday and retain it. My question is this: I want to invoke earth but I don’t understand this part: “visualize yourself in the middle of a large sphere of heavy dense...
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    Tarot Question

    What’s your tarot deck called? Most tarot decks are filled with Hebrew letters and Jewish garbage. In most tarot decks, the Wheel of Fortune card has Hebrew letters. If your deck has Hebrew letters then you should throw it away immediately. The sermon below explains how the Devil tarot card is...
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    🪐 List of Affirmations For Planetary Squares 🪐

    Sun Square Thread! + additional information by Blitzkrieg
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    How to remove curses

    How To Clean Your Aura And Chakras WARNING: Never clean your aura or breathe in energy around animals and children! Why you shouldn’t: https://archive.is/3R9zW Deep Cleaning Purification Meditation by Lydia https://archive.is/8ToMR...
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    Real talk... What does this path teach about how to have sex appeal?

    You could do a Venus Square with these affirmations: When you say these affirmations, you must concentrate and visualize them happening. For example, when you say the first affirmation, you’d visualize your skin becoming flawless and glowing, your hair looking beautiful and healthy, your aura...
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    Caput Algol

    High Priestess Maxine on the Joy of Satan website explains what the meaning is below: Source: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Star_Magick.html
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    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    This post can help you: For Students In School: Magick, Recommended Reading by Lydia
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    How do I calm my mind?

    You should do Satanic Hypnosis using this affirmation: “I have perfect concentration.” You could also use this method: Source: JoS Newsletter 2008-2009 Sermons and Important Messages (page 8) You could close your chakras before doing void meditation, this will help. How to close your...
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    Possible Birth/Crucifixion chart of Jesus Christ?

    The academic scholar DM Murdock proved that Rabbi Jesus is a fictional character who never historically existed in any way, shape or form. https://satanslibrary.org/ExposingChristianity/EXPOSING_CHRISTIANITY_MAIN.html https://www.jesusneverexisted.com The Christ Conspiracy by Acharya S
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    What 'Race'of woman should I marry as a mixed-race person?

    I don’t know which race your soul belongs to. You could do a spell working to find out which race you belong to and ask the Demons by meditating on Their sigils for guidance. This is an example of a working you could do: You can still have healthy children if you mate correctly. In my...
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    What 'Race'of woman should I marry as a mixed-race person?

    “Latina” is not a race. There’s monoracial black people, white people and Asians that identify as Latina. Latin America is a continent that consists of hundreds of different nations, cultures and races which is why the “Latino” label never made sense to me. I’m a mixed race “triracial” too. I’m...
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    Women as Navy SEALs?

    Recent news articles and books have shown that there’s a lot of corruption and abuse in SEAL training. Death in Navy SEAL Training Exposes a Culture of Brutality, Cheating and Drugs by Dave Philips https://archive.ph/hxzwi Navy Orders High-Level Outside Investigation of SEAL Course by Dave...
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    Why Women Need To Do Weight Lifting

    You could refer them to this article: Want To Burn Belly Fat? Lift Weights. by Dr Stacy Sims (PhD)
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    Future for us & our kids - careers and jobs

    Your statements are extremely misogynistic. Women are more than just incubators. The Joy of Satan (JoS) was created by a woman in her 40s (Maxine Dietrich) and JoS follows Pagan Goddesses that are thousands of years old. This forum and organization wouldn’t exist without High Priestess Maxine...
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    Spirituality and Martial Arts (Follow up from Lydia's post on exercise/Pilates)

    99% of Andrapod men aren’t operating at their true strength and potential, they’re much weaker than an actual demihuman. Most of them have never done Iron Shirt Chi Kung or planetary squares either so they have a weak foundation and their bodies are not as durable as they should be. If the...
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    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    This book proves that Hitler and Nazi Germany accepted homosexuality: https://web.archive.org/web/20201101142512/https://electrodes.files.wordpress.com/2008/12/the_pink_swastika_lively__abrams_1995_4th_edition.pdf Is he doing the Final Reverse Torah Ritual (RTR) everyday? It’s mandatory for...
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    Is sodomy natural?

    There’s nothing wrong with anal sex or with being homosexual. Many heterosexual couples practice and enjoy anal sex. This forum follows pre-Christian Paganism and Paganism accepts homosexuality, there are homosexual Pagan Gods that were worshipped in ancient times. There’s also prominent gay...
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    Spirituality and Martial Arts (Follow up from Lydia's post on exercise/Pilates)

    Which martial arts should a woman learn for self-defense against larger and stronger opponents? What do you think of Iron Shirt Chi Kung by Mantak Chia? The US Navy SEALs and other groups like law enforcement use Duane Dieter’s system for hand to hand combat. What do you think of Duane Dieter...
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    Urgent. Looking for love.

    You should read this article: Love by Lydia https://archive.is/qytx0 https://web.archive.org/web/20170722122424/http://josministries.prophpbb.com/topic16500.html You could do a Venus Square with this affirmation: “In a positive and healthy manner for me, the energy of Venus is bringing me...
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    Every meditation program must include: Hatha Yoga, Aura of Protection, Cleaning Meditation, any sort of empowerment, breathing exercises, Kundalini yoga and void meditation. This is the bare minimum and must be done everyday. If you feel like exploring, these are the old JoS Forums...
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    For Those Who Don’t Like, Or Don’t Know How, To Exercise

    Yes, ROAR has similar advice. Stacy Sims wrote a blog article about how most active women don’t eat enough and aren’t getting enough calories: Rundown? Underperforming? Research Shows You’re Likely Undernourished She also recently wrote a separate book for older women and women going through...
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    Why Women Need To Do Weight Lifting

    The article below was written by Stacy Sims (PhD), she is a white Gentile and she’s dedicated her life to helping women work with their unique physiology to train and perform their best. Source...
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    For Those Who Don’t Like, Or Don’t Know How, To Exercise

    What Tai Chi routine did you use to achieve that?? Which Tai Chi routine would you recommend doing?
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    For Those Who Don’t Like, Or Don’t Know How, To Exercise

    If you’re a woman, the book “ROAR: How to Match Your Food and Fitness to Your Unique Female Physiology for Optimum Performance, Great Health, and a Strong, Lean Body for Life by Stacy T. Sims (PhD)” is a must read. Men and women have different nutritional needs and they need to train...
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    Healing Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs)?

    Hi, I’m going into a profession where blast related Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs) are extremely common and inevitable. How do I heal and prevent a traumatic brain injury using Satanic meditations? A blast TBI is worse than a regular TBI and it doesn’t have a known cure. Studies have shown...
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    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    You should learn how to trance, this article explains why: The Benefits of Trance by Lydia https://archive.ph/Q0ckL https://web.archive.org/web/20220621141532/https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=74755&p=367714 You could use this method to get into trances more easily: Source: JoS...
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    I want to join the navy...

    What job do you want to do in the Navy? Have you read https://www.navy.com/? Do you want to go active duty or reserves? This subreddit can help you: https://www.reddit.com/r/newtothenavy/ Sermon On The Military by High Priestess Maxine Dietrich Part 1: https://archive.is/i7bEk...
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    Problems with sleep

    You should apply a grape sized amount of organic Magnesium lotion to your feet then cover them with socks every night before bed. I do this, it knocks me out almost immediately and improves the quality of my sleep. Magnesium adsorbs better through the skin than in capsule form. This is the...
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    Who’s the patron Demon of the indigenous Native American peoples of Mexico?

    I belong to the Native American race, my indigenous ancestry comes from Mexico. I’m assuming every Gentile race has a patron God because High Priest Lucius Oria said in this thread that the patron God of the Asian race is Lord Beelzebub. I’m pretty sure the Demon Balam is the patron God of my...
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    race mixing

    I’m mixed race and it’s my life mission to advocate against race mixing. Race mixing is NOT okay under any circumstances. Race mixing is a crime against nature and a crime against humanity. In my opinion, race mixing should be outlawed. A mixed race person who’s 60% European is not white and...
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    Psychic Vampirism

    How do you build a foundation for bone strength and joint strength? Do you do that by just doing Iron Shirt Chi Kung everyday? I’m 21, is it too late for me to do that? I don’t want to take 3 years to do Iron Shirt until I do strength training, I need to start strength training as soon as...
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    Any Natural method/remedy to get rid of wound and acne scars ?

    Do you have a skincare routine? You could use this scar serum and blemish cream on your face after you wash your face with soap (you’d have to make sure your skin is damp when you apply these, it can’t sink in if your skin is completely dry)...
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    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Joy of Satan is based upon pre-Christian Paganism, ancient Hinduism, the ancient Sumerian religion and the ancient Egyptian religion. So I guess you’d buy books about Mesopotamian Magic and Egyptian Magic but most spiritual books are filled with nonsense, the Joyofsatan.org website has...
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    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    You should read this: Exposing Marijuana (Extreme Yin Poison)
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    Please help me, I'm being destroyed by enemy curses

    Oh ok! So nothing is working? Even calling upon your Guardian Demon and praying to Satan for protection doesn’t work for you? Are there any people in your life that may be cursing you or sending you negative energy? If I were you, I would astral project and go to the Gods immediately. I’ve...
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    Please help me, I'm being destroyed by enemy curses

    Have you done the Final Reverse Torah Ritual (RTR)? The Final RTR removes curses from your soul and it’s mandatory do the Final RTR everyday. If all else fails, you could do the Prayer to Satan For Protection. In JoS, it’s usually recommended to do a Sun Square when you’re going through a...
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    Jack is Leaving Permanently

    I like you, I just think you might be a little too aggressive and brutal sometimes. Stay safe 💙💙💙
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    Deprogramming From Race Mixing / Getting In Touch With Your Roots

    Most of my ancestry comes from Spain and Mexico. My soul belongs to the non-white Native American race that’s indigenous to Mexico. However, I was adopted so I was raised in a different culture. I don’t feel a connection or any magical feeling when I look at people of my own race and Mexican...
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    𝗔𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗧𝗮𝗿𝗼𝘁 𝗰𝗮

    The Tarot is Satanic and originated from ancient Egypt which was a Satanic civilization. However, the Rider Waite-Smith tarot and the Thoth Tarot by Aleister Crowley has Hebrew letters. Any tarot deck that has Hebrew letters is an abomination and shouldn’t be used by Gentiles, especially SS...
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    Completely new to spiritual Satanism

    Every meditation program must include: Hatha Yoga, Aura of Protection, Cleaning Meditation, any sort of empowerment, breathing exercises, Kundalini yoga and void meditation. This is the bare minimum and must be done everyday. If you feel like exploring, these are the old JoS Forums...
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    Need help

    How To Build An Aura Of Protection You should be doing an aura of protection meditation multiple times everyday or at least twice per day. Protecting Yourself by HPS Maxine https://archive.is/fHTms...
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    Does anybody have a good concentration technique?

    For Students In School: Magick, Recommended Reading by Lydia https://archive.is/C4VVm https://web.archive.org/web/20210613140535/https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=57159 You should do Satanic Hypnosis using these affirmations: “I have perfect concentration.” “In beneficial...
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    Need Some Advices

    You should read this: Breathing from diaphragm at all times - The ultimate cure to Asthma and chronic cough,chest pain and sinusitis. Do you have asthma? This sounds like a serious medical issue. You should see a licensed physician or a traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Doctor about your...
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    The Collapse Is Real: Economy Goes Down The Drain [+Crypto Update] - Reminder - "Here We Are"...

    Have you practiced Iron Shirt Chi Kung by Mantak Chia? A lot of JoS members recommend learning it if you’re an athlete or joining the military because it’ll develop a steel, indestructible body. Iron Shirt Chi Kung is an ancient Satanic practice that was mandatory in ancient times until the...
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    Hampered sex life.

    What do you mean by “hampered sex life”? What exactly is the issue with your sex life? You could have a hampered sex life due to past life vows or negative karma so you could do workings to remove past life vows and negative karma. These are examples: List of Affirmations For Planetary...
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    Are you able to cut them off and never see them again? I wouldn’t let any Christians around my child even if they were related. Do they know you aren’t Christian? If you feel unsafe, you should get a legal self-defense weapon. You could breathe in white-gold energy into your aura and affirm...
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    BlacksForSatan Down

    I don’t know. The Blacks For Satan Website is saved here: https://archive.ph/C0cvS https://web.archive.org/web/20211120115727/http://www.blacksforsatan.org/index.html
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    trouble focusing

    You should do Satanic Hypnosis using this affirmation: “I have perfect concentration.” You could also use this method: Source: JoS Newsletter 2008-2009 Sermons and Important Messages (page 8) You could close your chakras before doing void meditation, this will help. How to close your...
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    Mestizo women rejecting me, what should I do?

    Also, why would you want to be life partners with someone who’ll die, reincarnate and forget about you over and over again? While you’re immortal? What kind of life is that? Even if a Gentile is open to Satanism, they may never be ready to work towards the Magnum Opus - it can take many...
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    Mestizo women rejecting me, what should I do?

    I agree that just because two people are Spiritual Satanists (SS) doesn’t make them compatible for a romantic relationship. Even HPS Maxine herself is married to a man who isn’t an SS - she stated in this article that her husband isn't an SS, he’s non-religious. The problem I have is about...
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    Mestizo women rejecting me, what should I do?

    I’m a Mestiza woman. The inferior women you’re referring to are what we call Andrapods which are basically a different species. I consider Gentiles who aren’t Joy of Satan members a completely different soul species and I’m usually disgusted by them, it’s best to stay away from Andrapods and...
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    The Best Thing You Can Do For Yourself....

    This article reminds me of what HPS Maxine said once: Source: JoS Newsletter 2010 Sermons and Important Messages (page 74-75) How To Clean Your Aura: https://archive.is/SWs2d...
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    Book Thread

    SS Book List: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=19507
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    One question

    Kundalini Yoga Basic Spinal Energy Series: https://archive.is/KSIvR https://web.archive.org/web/20200217105417/https://www.pinklotus.org/-%20KY%20Kriya%20Basic%20Spinal%20Energy%20Series%20fp.htm Kundalini Serpent Tantric Yoga by Lydia: https://archive.is/adFpG...
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    Reoccurring calcium oxalate phosphate kidney stones

    I’m sorry you went through that. What affirmation did you use with the Moon Square??
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    Chronic and debilitating thirst no matter how water I drink

    Try sipping a mouthful of water every ten minutes instead of drinking everything all at once, doing this will hydrate you much better. I would recommend reading this book: Your Body's Many Cries for Water by Fereydoon Batmanghelidj (3rd Edition) If all else fails, you can try this: The...
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    Magic Square

    This is the correct version of the Mercury Square: https://joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Mercury_Square.html These audio recordings by HPS Maxine Dietrich show how to correctly pronounce the Sanskrit mantras in Satan’s Magical Planetary Squares...
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    My sex drive is too high, how do I lower it? Please help

    It’s ok. I’m biologically female and I believed that I was a man born in a female body. I love being a woman and I never wished to be in a male body, so maybe whatever I have is different than what transgenders have. I’ve always been against medically transitioning since this can interfere with...
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    My sex drive is too high, how do I lower it? Please help

    I’m a 21 year old woman. Ever since I turned 14, my sex drive has been too high. I’ve never had sex since I only want to have sex with someone who’s my life partner and I don’t want to have sex with Andrapods/NPCs. Sex is a big deal to me, I can’t separate sex from emotions so I can’t do...
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    Deep Cleaning

    Bump ❤️❤️❤️
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    What should an ss drafted in a war to fight in the Ukraine vs Russia to do?

    If SS get drafted in the war then they should be working on their aura of protection everyday. How To Build An Aura Of Protection You should be doing an aura of protection meditation multiple times everyday or at least twice per day. Protecting Yourself by HPS Maxine...
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    Dedicated myself to Satan

    Every meditation program must include: Hatha Yoga, Aura of Protection, Cleaning Meditation, any sort of empowerment, breathing exercises, Kundalini yoga and void meditation. This is the bare minimum and must be done everyday. Beginners should heavily focus on cleaning their aura/chakras...
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    Oracle Cards? (Advice Please!)

    https://Etsy.com has tons of oracle decks that can’t be found anywhere else, that’s where I get most of my decks from. These are blank Oracle cards: www.etsy.com/listing/1134602385 You could write the name of every Demon on JoS on each blank card. Or you could write a sentence, picture or...
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    Quick ! Need advice on warfare.

    There’s already been a JoS sermon on this. How to Empower the RTR's & General Information
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    These are audio recordings by HPS Maxine Dietrich on how to pronounce the runes: https://mega.nz/file/KB8y2bzJ#4cTLSB26DB09-HfBhhXXZNjsDsb7y2Ac6WWYJqn5LXI https://mega.nz/#!9Ag1VRLb!1pjN3bkQJVT8RxwaX2rZUmVzTUmHndNUFVMXFwUQwws Here’s an archived post of this RTR schedule in case the JoS forums...
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    Links to Old Forums?

    Here’s a link to the old JoS Forums: http://web.archive.org/web/20170810040659/http://josministries.prophpbb.com/ Old JoS Forums Backup https://www.dropbox.com/s/1oc9mmcgsr9tvjt/JoS-Groups-Forums-Backup.zip?dl=0
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    Indestructible Bones/Tendons/Muscles?!DEATHWISH!

    You could do a material Mars Square with this affirmation: “In a healthy and positive manner for me, the energy of Mars is increasing my physical durability forever.” This is for overall durability, it sounds like that’s what you’re looking for. You should also be practicing Bone Marrow Nei...
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    🪐 List of Affirmations For Planetary Squares 🪐

    Some Questions About Planetary Squares Answered by HP HC: https://archive.is/HOo67 https://web.archive.org/web/20220127080026/https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=66793hhh ❤️❤️❤️
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    About body advancement

    How do I strengthen and develop my tendons? Does Hatha Yoga help with this? Also, what do you think of running and swimming as a form of daily exercise? I love running and swimming, my end goal is to run 60 miles per week, run 4 miles in 27 minutes and swim 2 miles in 70 minutes. Mantak Chia...
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    New Website - "Exposing Joy of Satan" EXPOSED

    You could also add the quotes below to your website: Source: https://archive.is/VkAiy Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20160309225016/http://www.angelfire.com/wizard/pixie666/JoS_Newsletter_2010_Sermons_and__Important_Messages.pdf (page 165)
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    Best workings for attracting people for relationships?

    So you want a temporary romantic relationship? This article might help you: Love by Lydia You could do a Venus Square with this affirmation: “In a positive and healthy manner for me, the energy of Venus is bringing me a happy and loving relationship with the perfect partner for me.”...
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    God Names That You Have Made Use Of?

    I would be careful with vibrating Demon names, HPS Maxine warned about vibrating the Demon names in this sermon years ago: https://archive.is/6pvSh https://web.archive.org/web/20170724030524/http://josministries.prophpbb.com/topic8895.html
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    Venus Square for Skin

    What affirmation did you use in the Venus Square for beauty? Is the affirmation below okay?
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    How to never sleep?

    You need to sleep. Every species on this planet sleeps. Below is an excerpt from the book Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker, PhD (page 102): You could do a Sun square with this affirmation: Source *These audio recordings by HPS Maxine Dietrich show how to correctly pronounce the Sanskrit...
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    Some Questions About Planetary Squares Answered

    What affirmations would you recommend for the Planetary Squares? I recall you saying that you’ve done Saturn squares before, what affirmations would you recommend for a Saturn square? Should I use a Mars square or a Sun square to enhance my mental strength / mental toughness?
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    Pronunciation Audios for Kabalistic Square Mantras

    These audio recordings by HPS Maxine Dietrich show how to correctly pronounce the Sanskrit mantras in Satan’s Magical Planetary Squares: https://mega.nz/folder/aIxxRKoC#KgOVQuGlBBA4LbQKbcTnZA https://www.dropbox.com/s/ok6slcijxy91n1g/Planetary_Squares.zip?dl=1
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    🪐 List of Affirmations For Planetary Squares 🪐

    I’m not sure. Could you be more specific please? What’s your end goal, what exactly do you want to achieve?
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    I just killed my dog out of too much discipline

    I’m hoping this is a troll post. If you’re serious, then you need to go to the Gods about this, this is above our pay grade. Besides the Gods and the JoS community, my cat is the being I love most in this world, if I accidentally killed her I’d be so devastated that I’d attempt suicide.
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    Psychic Vampirism

    Why does psychic vampirism keep getting promoted on this forum? I don’t see the point of this. Doing the RTRs is a more productive use of time than psychic vampirism. If you have enemies or someone pisses you off and wrongs you, you can do the Final RTR on them. The RTRs are what will save...
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    Military Study Reveals How Having Long Hair Can Increase Your Intuition

    Interesting. Many high ranking Gods are described as having long hair by HPS Maxine on the JoS website. In military training such as SEAL training, all the recruits hair is shaved off. I’ve been wondering what kind of spell workings could speed up hair growth and make one have beautiful hair...
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    what do you guys think about david goggins?

    David Goggins is married to a white woman and he’s a Christian. I’ve read his book many times, I like the mental toughness part of it but he’s still a race traitor. If the enemy never existed, I think he would’ve made a good Satanist. Jocko Willink is a Christian or at least has strong...
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    Is the Rider-Waite tarot deck jewish?

    The Rider Waite-Smith tarot deck has Hebrew letters. Any tarot deck that has Hebrew letters is an abomination and shouldn’t be used by Gentiles, especially SS. This is an old sermon by HPS Maxine on how the “Devil” tarot card is a Jewish corruption: https://archive.is/LdM6X These are tarot...
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    Worried about Tarot Cards

    The Rider Waite-Smith tarot deck is filled with Hebrew letters. Any tarot deck that has Hebrew letters is an abomination and shouldn’t be used by SS in my opinion. This is an old sermon by HPS Maxine on the tarot: https://archive.is/LdM6X These are tarot decks that don’t have the Devil card...
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    Super strength

    How long have you been meditating? Beginner SS should focus on cleaning their chakras and destroying negative karma, it can take 1-3 years to fully clean out the chakras. Dirt and dross inside the chakras can hinder workings. You could use this affirmation in a Mars Square: Or you could do...
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    Initiation: Then And Now, Opening The Mind

    How do you build a stable and healthy foundation for the mind?
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    what happens to those after death who are dedicated satanist but didn't raise kundilini or missed reaching the godhead

    What’s the exact affirmation you used for advancing your Satanic career?
  96. A

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    Race mixing is not okay. I’m mixed race and it’s my life mission to advocate against race mixing. Even if you’re light skinned, it’d still be a problem because race isn’t skin color, race is in the soul. Here are some JoS sermons on race mixing: Race-Mixing by HP HoodedCobra Christianity...
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    New Moon of November 04 and spiritual work

    Here’s a list of magic workings that might have what you’re looking for: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=54768
  98. A

    Am I a magnet to jews or something? PLEASE help.

    For this problem, you should use Satanic Hypnosis to reprogram your subconscious mind. Here are affirmations you could use in Satanic Hypnosis: If you don’t want to use Satanic Hypnosis, here’s another method you could do: Source: JoS Newsletter 2008-2009 Sermons and Important Messages...
  99. A

    Am I a magnet to jews or something? PLEASE help.

    If I were you, I would do a Satanic ritual and ask the Gods for guidance. List of magic workings: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=54768 You need to do the workings below immediately: How to Detach Unwanted People/Entities from Your Aura: https://archive.is/fnAmE...
  100. A

    A Working To Reduce Sleep Requirements

    This is the working I’m gonna do, is this okay or should I change it?
  101. A

    A Working To Reduce Sleep Requirements

    Thank you for this, I’ve been trying to research and come up with a working that does this for months now. What moon sign and moon phase should you start this working in? This affirmation that was created by the JoS member Blitzkreig has the same goal as your working: List of Affirmations For...
  102. A

    How do I advance while mentally sabotaging myself?

    Visualizing the Hebrew letters being destroyed during the RTRs is optional, you don’t have to do it. I personally don’t do the visualization part because it’s too energy draining for me and takes me like 2 hours to do it. You should use Satanic Hypnosis to reprogram your subconscious mind...
  103. A

    Getting health problems one after the other since I've started meditating

    What’s happening to you sounds like a case of negative karma. When you empower dirty chakras, you’re empowering the dirt in them which can accelerate negative karma. This is why new people should focus on cleaning their chakras/aura and destroying their negative karma. According to HPS Maxine...
  104. A

    F-RTR Video: Complete Follow Along

    Thank you so much for this! I’ve had difficulty learning the Shattering Jewish Soul Protection RTR, this is exactly what I need.
  105. A

    Reverse Torah Ritual Schedule - July 26th to August 6th

    You could use this affirmation in Satanic Hypnosis to improve your concentration: “I have perfect concentration.” You could also use this method: Source: JoS Newsletter 2008-2009 Sermons and Important Messages (Page 8)
  106. A

    💙 List of Magic Workings 💙

    List of affirmations for Planetary Squares: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=59048
  107. A

    🪐 List of Affirmations For Planetary Squares 🪐

    This an affirmation that was created by the user Blitzkreig: Here’s another link that shows the audio recordings of HPS Maxine vibrating the Sanskrit mantras in the Planetary Squares (in case the first two links don’t work)...
  108. A

    Regarding karma and relationships

    You could do this:
  109. A

    Vibrating/pronouncing planetary square mantras

    You should vibrate the mantras like how HPS Maxine vibrated them. These audio recordings by HPS Maxine Dietrich show how to correctly pronounce the Sanskrit mantras in Satan’s Magical Planetary Squares: https://mega.nz/folder/aIxxRKoC#KgOVQuGlBBA4LbQKbcTnZA...
  110. A

    Nikola Tesla

    This is an old JoS sermon on Nikola Tesla and his connections to the Nazis: https://archive.is/wCg4x http://web.archive.org/web/20170820000150/http://josministries.prophpbb.com/topic19780.html
  111. A

    Deep Cleaning

    Thank you for this! Today is the perfect day to start a purification circle so I wanted to try this method. What should someone do if it feels like they subconsciously don’t want to clean the dirt out? I want to use Satanic Hypnosis to fix this problem but I’m not sure what affirmation to use.
  112. A

    Vibrating Gods names, what happens energetically?

    You should be careful about vibrating Demon names. Obviously, Satan and Satanama are safe to vibrate, I only mean some names. HPS Maxine warned about vibrating certain Demon names in this sermon: https://archive.is/6pvSh...
  113. A

    Family Values in Normal Life And Spiritual Satanism

    Does this sermon apply to adoptive families? As in, can you inherit the karma of your adoptive family? I was adopted at birth by psychotic racial Jews that follow xianity and it’s a very large family with like 20+ siblings/cousins/nephews. It feels like I’ve inherited the karma of four...
  114. A

    About Dark Times Ahead - And The Light At The Other Side

    There will be times where I have no access to the internet, devices or paper. Could I do the RTRs from memory and just have the intention that the Hebrew letters are being destroyed? Or does one need to blot them out on paper/internet?
  115. A

    Books exposing christianity and islam

    This is the SS book list: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=19507&hilit=List+book
  116. A

    stopped growing at age 13 because of vaccinations

    Honestly, if I were you I would just do a magic working to heal myself. Daily hatha yoga is a must, it’ll heal you and nourish you from the inside out. You could do this working:
  117. A

    Extreme Power Aura

    How should someone invoke the elements for the purpose of becoming immune to extreme temperatures? According to the JoS website, invoking elements over a period of time can make someone resistant to extreme temperatures. My goal is to become resistant/immune to the extreme cold and extreme...
  118. A

    Physical Meditation: How To "Feel" Meditation, For Those Who Don't

    You should start here: Joy of Satan (JoS) Pages for Newbies: https://archive.is/2SgC1 https://web.archive.org/web/20210609145229/https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=56313 Spiritual Satanism For New People: https://archive.is/RvHPV...
  119. A

    RTR Spiritual Warfare Schedule June 19th to July 3rd

    For the runic rituals in the RTR schedule- These are audio recordings by HPS Maxine Dietrich on how to correctly pronounce the runes: https://mega.nz/file/KB8y2bzJ#4cTLSB26DB09-HfBhhXXZNjsDsb7y2Ac6WWYJqn5LXI https://www.dropbox.com/s/hbw62qry8yi37vo/Runic%20Kabalah%20Audio%20CD.zip?dl=0...
  120. A

    Getting Inner Guidance or Guidance From Gods

    Thanks for the tips! Here’s a list of affirmations one could use in Satanic Hypnosis:
  121. A

    Guilt and Shame - Stop Punishing Yourself

    Thanks for this post. I was a bad person in some of my past lives and I carried a lot of guilt for a long time. I’m still trying to move on from it. If anyone here has self hatred or self guilt, you should use this affirmation in Satanic Hypnosis: “I am free from punishing myself. I forgive...
  122. A

    Bulletproof Body working

    You could learn Iron Shirt Chi Kung by Mantak Chia. Long time practitioners of Iron Shirt Chi Kung are known to bend steel and deflect knives with their bare hands. But this can take time to develop and it sounds like you should just build an aura of protection + get a legal self-defense...
  123. A

    i hate my biological sex

    I’m “twin soul” and I’m against medical transition, you’ll gain nothing from mutilating your body and injecting hormones into yourself, medical transition has serious health risks and can cause medical issues. Mutilating your body could also interfere with completing the Magnum Opus. If this...
  124. A

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    You could program your aura to repel him and keep him away: Source: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/AURA.html It sounds like you should also do these workings: How to Detach Unwanted People/Entities from Your Aura: https://archive.is/fnAmE...
  125. A

    FINAL RTR 21 July 2018

    Paintable Tetragrammaton Final RTR: https://archive.is/cwRnT https://web.archive.org/web/20210102042324/https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=48105 Paintable Shattering Jewish Soul Protection RTR: https://archive.is/NbaKg...
  126. A

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    In Nazi Germany Homosexuality Was Never An Issue - Heinrich Himmler This book proves that Hitler and Nazi Germany accepted homosexuality: https://web.archive.org/web/20201101142512/https://electrodes.files.wordpress.com/2008/12/the_pink_swastika_lively__abrams_1995_4th_edition.pdf
  127. A

    🪐 List of Affirmations For Planetary Squares 🪐

    Thanks for this! It's really helpful. Here's some additional affirmations:
  128. A

    Cuckoldry is not healthy.

    Where is this anti-cuckoldry sentiment coming from lately? Consensual cuckoldry is simply an open relationship and open relationships are allowed in Spiritual Satanism: Source: Spiritual Satanism For New People
  129. A

    How to cure complex trauma + dissociation

    It sounds like you should do this working:
  130. A

    Validity of Norse mythology?

    This is an old JoS sermon that explains ancient Norse mythology and the Eddas: https://archive.is/lyalq http://web.archive.org/web/20161218225340/http://josministries.prophpbb.com/topic17568.html
  131. A

    Race mixing

    Personally, I wouldn’t touch a race mixer with a ten foot pole. The only exception would be if they’re an SS who has renounced race mixing, cut off all links from their sex chakra and has cleaned their aura/chakras everyday for 2+ years. In my opinion, SS should only be lovers with other SS of...
  132. A


    Mixed race people belong to the non-white race that they’re mixed with. This is a JoS sermon on mixed race people: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=18382&p=72659&hilit You could do this working:
  133. A


    You could empower your 6th chakra since the 6th chakra rules your eyes and physical vision. If I were you, I would breathe in energy from the sun into my 6th chakra for an hour straight and vibrate a word of power such as SATANAMA into my 6th chakra. Chakra Empowerment For Physical Healing by...
  134. A

    Is there a Satanic (Spiritual) way to increase intelligence?

    According to Joyofsatan.org, people who don’t open their chakras can only access 5-10% of their brain power/mind power. So opening your chakras and just meditating in general can increase your intelligence. How to open the chakras: https://archive.is/lCEkP On Chakra Work...
  135. A

    Your Personal Liberty And Hating "Me"

    I love and adore all of my siblings in Satan, I couldn’t really imagine hating another SS. But big symbols make big targets I guess..
  136. A

    Working To Increase Physical Strength, Endurance and Stamina

    I need to revise this working, I've decided to change the affirmation to this: "In a positive and healthy manner for me, the energies of [URUZ, ANSUZ or LOGR] are completely enhancing my physical strength, physical endurance and physical stamina forever." I think this affirmation is better...
  137. A

    🪐 List of Affirmations For Planetary Squares 🪐

    Here’s a list of affirmations you could use in planetary squares! Feel free to add on. *These audio recordings by HPS Maxine Dietrich show how to correctly pronounce the Sanskrit mantras in Satan’s Magical Planetary Squares: https://mega.nz/folder/aIxxRKoC#KgOVQuGlBBA4LbQKbcTnZA...
  138. A

    Seriously need to detach

    How to Detach Unwanted People/Entities from Your Aura: https://archive.is/fnAmE https://web.archive.org/web/20200317042006/https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Detaching.html List of Magic Workings: https://archive.is/oC1n3...
  139. A

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    You should read this: Functions of the Mind: Basic Functions and Obstacles in Meditation by High Priest HoodedCobra (HP HC) Excuses About Meditation - And It’s Necessity by HP HC No Excuses!: The Power of Self-Discipline by Brian Tracy Atomic Habits by James Clear There could be many...
  140. A

    Women as Navy SEALs?

    Yes, ordinary women couldn’t be fit enough to pass those selections. But we’re talking about an SS woman. She could use magic workings, planetary squares and planetary magic to become a monster freak of nature athlete. I posted a working on this forum that increases physical strength and you...
  141. A

    Exposing Marijuana (Extreme Yin Poison)

    This is an excerpt from Cosmic Nutrition: The Taoist Approach To Health and Longevity by Mantak Chia and William U. Wei page 285-287:
  142. A

    💙 List of Magic Workings 💙

    I don’t think a working is necessary, daily power meditation will improve your intuition and foresight in general. I wouldn’t do gambling, people have become addicted to gambling and have had their lives ruined from it. You can do money workings if you want wealth.
  143. A

    Yoga & Cleaning; Procreation

    Thank you for this post, I want to have children someday and it feels like I was guided to read this.
  144. A

    Anger that doesnt stop

    I would recommend this: Base: Yoga, Repressed Anger by Lydia This is a great workout to use as an outlet for anger: The Complete Guide To Navy SEAL Fitness by Stew Smith HPS Maxine has used and recommended this workout program: The Navy SEAL Workout: The Compete Total-Body Fitness...
  145. A


    Really? The links work for me, there might be something wrong with your device or browser.
  146. A


    This is a list of some magic workings: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=54768
  147. A

    For All Female SS Athletes

    The book does a great job outlining the differences between men’s and women’s physiology. I’ve never heard of DNA specific meal plans.
  148. A

    Share Your Artwork

    Portrait of Lilith Source
  149. A

    Magic Working For Sleep (I need help !!)

    I don’t want to sleep deprive myself, I just want to be able to sleep 1-5 hours every night and have that be enough. Blitzkrieg explained how workings can make your body rest faster or not need as much sleep, that is the goal I want to accomplish but I don’t know what affirmation to use for it.
  150. A

    how to get more intelligent

    You should read this: Limitless: Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster and Unlock Your Exceptional Life by Jim Kwik These audio recordings by HPS Maxine Dietrich show how to correctly pronounce the mantras in Satan’s Magical Planetary Squares...
  151. A


    Yes. This is the JoS dedication ritual: https://web.archive.org/web/20210418171011/https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/SATANIC.html
  152. A

    Mercury and Jupiter

    You can find out from the official JoS Planetary Calendar for 2021: https://web.archive.org/web/20210201224628/https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=49621
  153. A


    These are audio recordings by HPS Maxine Dietrich on how to pronounce the runes: https://mega.nz/file/KB8y2bzJ#4cTLSB26DB09-HfBhhXXZNjsDsb7y2Ac6WWYJqn5LXI https://www.dropbox.com/s/hbw62qry8yi37vo/Runic%20Kabalah%20Audio%20CD.zip?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/kqy7v3thk5nmx81/Runes.rar?dl=0
  154. A


    These audio recordings by HPS Maxine Dietrich show how to properly pronounce all of the mantras in Satan’s Magical Planetary Squares: https://mega.nz/folder/aIxxRKoC#KgOVQuGlBBA4LbQKbcTnZA https://www.dropbox.com/s/ok6slcijxy91n1g/Planetary_Squares.zip?dl=1
  155. A

    Advanced Knowledge: Witches Sabbath & The Lunar Month Purification Circle [Updated]

    Is there a big difference between purification and aura cleaning? So are the meditations below all aura cleaning and not purification?
  156. A

    Vovim Baghie's E-Mail?

    Vovim is not a High Priest, he left JoS years ago. This is a JoS sermon that talks about ex-JoS high priests and how the priesthood works: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?t=2365&f=24
  157. A

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    It could be many reasons such as negative karma or an element you’re lacking. You could do a working to remove your negative karma. List of Magic Workings Day dreaming and being stuck in a dream world can mean you lack the earth element. How To Invoke Earth You could also use these...
  158. A

    Magic Working For Sleep (I need help !!)

    What spells, workings and affirmations should someone use if they want to sleep only one hour every night and have that be enough? This is where I first got the idea from: Source
  159. A

    What happen to joyofsatan.org?

    When Joyofsatan.org is down, you can use these links instead: http://mirror.spiritualsatanism.org/ https://web.archive.org/web/20210509091111/https://www.joyofsatan.org/ List of JoS Backups
  160. A

    Will mestizos be sterilized in the future?

    “Mestizo” usually refers to someone who is Southern European and indigenous Native American as in Native Mexican. I’m Mestiza. Since white genes are destroyed in race mixing, Mestizos belong to the Native American race and should reproduce with Natives. There’s no need for sterilization. This...
  161. A

    Newbie- I cannot accept Hitler or ‘racial purity’

    This book proves that Hitler and Nazi Germany accepted homosexuality: https://web.archive.org/web/20201101142512/https://electrodes.files.wordpress.com/2008/12/the_pink_swastika_lively__abrams_1995_4th_edition.pdf I’m mixed race and it’s my life mission to advocate against race mixing because I...
  162. A

    Psychic enemy attacks.

    Have you called upon your Guardian Demon (GD)? Do you meditate? You should be building an aura of protection (AoP) everyday. These sermons have useful tips on what to do when the enemy attacks: Dealing With The Alien Attacks of the Enemy by HP HoodedCobra (HC) A Most Common Mistake by HP...
  163. A

    Do we need to be Nazis?

    This JoS sermon explains how “Nazi” is a positive term and originates from the Sumerian Goddess Nanshe (pronounced as “Nazi”): https://archive.is/Vjna8 https://web.archive.org/web/20170722121506/http://josministries.prophpbb.com:80/topic15387.html
  164. A

    For Students In School: Magick, Recommended Reading

    Limitless: Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster and Unlock Your Exceptional Life by Jim Kwik The Productivity Guide: Time Management Strategies That Work by James Clear The Habits Guide: How to Build Good Habits and Break Bad Ones by James Clear The Beginner’s Guide to Continuous...
  165. A

    Do we need to be Nazis?

    Nazism isn’t about killing and torturing people over their religion. Nazism is simply the eternal laws of nature in political form. This book explains how Nazism is NOT racist, fascist, right wing, capitalist or a dictatorship: Understanding National Socialism, english translation by High...
  166. A

    Yoga: Solar Chakra

    Thanks! Yes, it’s from Mantak Chia’s books. This is the book where I found my profile picture from (on page 14): Wisdom Chi Kung: Practices for Enlivening the Brain With Chi Energy by Mantak Chia
  167. A

    Masturbation Question

    Oh ok. What is “trance sleep”? You mean going into a deep trance without falling asleep?
  168. A

    Yoga: Solar Chakra

    Thank you for this Lydia, this is a huge help. HAIL SATAN!
  169. A

    Masturbation Question

    I didn’t know this was possible, thank you so much! You mean sun squares and mars squares? What affirmations should one use if they want to sleep only 1-2 hours every night and have that be enough?
  170. A

    How To Cure Deafness?

    You could empower your 6th chakra since the 6th chakra rules your eyes and physical vision. If I were you, I would breathe in energy from the sun into my 6th chakra for an hour straight and vibrate a word of power such as SATANAMA into my 6th chakra. Chakra Empowerment For Physical Healing by...
  171. A

    How do I completely memorize the final RTR?

    How should one fully memorize the final RTR? Has anyone here memorized it? If anyone has, what learning methods or strategies did you use? There will be times where I won’t have access to the internet, paper or any devices so I need to memorize it. I’ve memorized the pronunciations but I...
  172. A

    Personal fault

    You should read this: Functions Of The Mind: Basic Functions and Obstacles In Meditation by HP HoodedCobra The JoS website doesn’t state anywhere that the Gods will reject you or leave you if you haven’t meditated for awhile. The past doesn’t matter anymore and what’s done is done, what matters...
  173. A

    Steps to becoming a millionaire

    How to become a millionaire: 1. Power Meditation Program You must have a strong aura and soul to attain wealth so your first step would be building a powerful aura by doing daily power meditation, daily Hatha Yoga and the final Reverse Torah Ritual (RTR). Tai Chi, Qi Gong/Chi Kung and...
  174. A

    Masturbation Question

    Chi Self-Massage and Chi Nei Tsang can also detoxify and strengthen the kidneys. Chi Self-Massage: The Taoist Way of Rejuvenation by Mantak Chia https://www.dropbox.com/s/6ovpieobmmit5yt/mantak-chia-chi-self-massage-the-taoist-way-of-2006.epub?dl=0 Chi Nei Tsang: Chi Massage For The Vital...
  175. A

    For All Female SS Athletes

    I’m biologically female.
  176. A

    Zero Racial Conscious- When your race has no name

    What races are you mixed with? Do you not know your heritage? I’m 60% Southern European and 30% Native American (as in Native Mexican) but I’m not a new race, I just belong to the indigenous Native American race that’s native to Mexico. That’s usually how it goes for mixed people. This is a...
  177. A

    For All Female SS Athletes

    The book ROAR by Stacy Sims is a game changer and has helped me immensely, I’d recommend this for any women who exercise. Having a fit and strong body is necessary for raising the serpent. Here’s a free PDF and synopsis of the book: ROAR: How to Match Your Food and Fitness to Your Unique...
  178. A

    Test/WIP Animated Meditation gifs

    Thank you for your GIFs and animations, they’re really helpful. Do you think you could make an animation of this: Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20210429080151/http://www.gentilenation.com/uploads/3/1/0/2/31022531/satanic_power_meditation_volume_ii.pdf (page 1)
  179. A

    How do u clean your aura wthout Trance state or void meditation

    You should do this: Source: JoS Newsletter 2008-2009 Sermons and Important Messages (Page 8)
  180. A

    Recommendation working for a perfect partner

    I don’t think a working is necessary, you could simply use Satanic Hypnosis to attract the perfect partner for you. You should also read this: Love by Lydia Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20201111162632/https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/AURA.html
  181. A

    Was MJ an Ancient Egyptian?

    Ancient Egypt was originally a white civilization: https://web.archive.org/web/20210512035017/http://www.blacksforsatan.org/ancient_egyptians.html Race is in the soul, you’re the same race in all your past lives. Michael Jackson, Destroyed and Killed by the Jew by HP HoodedCobra...
  182. A

    Pagan Nationalist Augustus Invictus is Now Running for President

    This is the sermon I found it from: Source: JoS Newsletter 2011 Sermons and Important Messages (page 19-20)
  183. A

    The impact of drugs on body and psyche

    Thanks for this! HPS Maxine explained these mantras more in-depth here: Source: JoS Newsletter 2011 Sermons and Important Messages (page 19-20)
  184. A

    Stuck in a loop

    You should read this: Functions of the Mind: Basic Functions and Obstacles in Meditation by High Priest HoodedCobra (HP HC) Satan and Self Love, Identity by HP HC Excuses About Meditation - And It’s Necessity by HP HC No Excuses!: The Power of Self-Discipline by Brian Tracy Atomic Habits...
  185. A

    What should I do? I feel so lost.

    You’re doing college and trade school at the same time? Trade jobs will be in high demand after the collapse happens. But if I were you, I would do a Satanic ritual and ask the Gods what They want me to do. https://www.survivalsullivan.com/35-post-shtf-career-choices/
  186. A

    Spiritual Satanism FAQ

    Great FAQ! I’d just like to point out: This JoS sermon explains how “Nazi” is a positive term and originates from the Sumerian Goddess Nanshe (pronounced as “Nazi”): https://archive.is/Vjna8 https://web.archive.org/web/20170722121506/http://josministries.prophpbb.com:80/topic15387.html
  187. A


    You could use this affirmation in Satanic Hypnosis: “I am able to enter deep trances easily.” Or you could use this method: Source: JoS Newsletter 2008-2009 Sermons and Important Messages (Page 8)
  188. A

    Guidance Needed for Breaking Free of Parental Control and Domestic Abuse

    Are you a legal adult? If you are, you should move out immediately and cut your parents off from your aura forever so you won’t meet them again when you reincarnate. When your father or anyone else starts abusing you, you should do this meditation...
  189. A

    Help with Opioid Addiction

    You can use Satanic Hypnosis to overcome addictions. The color yellow is used in overcoming addictions so you would use yellow and these affirmations in Satanic Hypnosis: “I am totally and completely free from any and all addictive substance.” “I am free from all withdrawal symptoms.” You...
  190. A

    Women as Navy SEALs?

    The standards in SEAL training are the same for both men and women.
  191. A

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    You should read this: Functions of the Mind: Basic Functions and Obstacles in Meditation No Excuses!: The Power of Self-Discipline by Brian Tracy Atomic Habits by James Clear I had this same problem, it’s more common than you’d think. There can be many causes such as lacking the earth...
  192. A

    Page For Newbies Needed

    Never clean your aura or breathe in energy around animals and children! Why you shouldn’t: https://archive.is/3R9zW https://web.archive.org/web/20210419194927/https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=22134&p=94180&hilit= 💙 List of Magic Workings 💙 https://archive.is/MnDqV...
  193. A

    List of Money Workings

    It means a specific planet rules that hour. Planetary hours change and vary everyday. Sunday is the day of the Sun. This is an example of planetary hours: https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Planetary_Hours.html To obtain planetary hours, download this free...
  194. A

    Chakra Empowerment For Physical Healing

    Would this work for healing the brain by working on the crown chakra? In childhood, I experienced abuse that caused brain damage and I developed a learning disability from it. The crown chakra rules the brain so I’ve been trying to figure out how to heal my brain by empowering the crown chakra.
  195. A

    Looking for some advice ?

    Remember that you should never clean your aura or breathe in energy around animals and children. Why you shouldn’t: https://archive.is/3R9zW https://web.archive.org/web/20210419194927/https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=22134&p=94180&hilit= These are things I wish I knew when...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
