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  1. Edward666

    Aggiornamenti della mia situazione a gli attacchi di panico e la mie esperienze

    Buonasera, sei stato coraggioso ad esternare la tua problematica e i tuoi sentimenti. Ho vissuto una situazione analoga recentemente. Quest'ultima è stata causata da un'elevata quantità di stress proveniente da varie fonti, tra tutte, il lavoro. Attacchi di panico, tachicardia e fitte...
  2. Edward666

    New Year Address & Osiris God Ritual

    I feel love for all the members of JoS, we are great! You are a fantastic leader, great HP! This is just the beginning of the manifested victory. Long live the Gods! Long live JoS! AVE SATANAS!!!
  3. Edward666

    Other #75862 Indian immigration to USA,Canada

    This is also caused by Jewish globalization. I am not from the U.S. but the situation is also repeated in Europe being that it stems from the same sick mind. The "economic warfare to the bottom" that allows a highly competitive regime among workers from the same country. Musk's is an...
  4. Edward666

    [Trad] La piattaforma per i Donatori della Gioia di Satana è ORA ATTIVA!

    Update 8: Aggiornamento 8: La Piattaforma JoS Donors si sta evolvendo. Ora, quando si accede, si vedranno tutti gli strumenti disponibili in prima pagina, come gli annunci, i nuovi Sondaggi, il proprio Livello di Donatore, il totale delle donazioni e l'elenco di tutti i propri vantaggi. Anche...
  5. Edward666

    "Bella ciao" exposed - A Jewish folk song

    Excellent insight. I hate to see people singing it thinking it praises freedom, when freedom is completely the opposite.
  6. Edward666

    Waiting for the Holiest Day of the Year!

    We are at the gates of the most important Day of the Year... The Day in which we celebrate the One who created us, known throughout the Universe, the One who sees everything and hears everything, the absolute Truth, Our Father Satan. I dedicate these words to you and to JoS. Let's stop for a...
  7. Edward666

    Living as a Monk for the Joy of ΣΑΤΑΝΑΣ

    It is necessary to find the right balance. Our Sacred Path is certainly the priority but that does not necessarily imply complete isolation. I realized this only a short time ago. This post falls right in line with my situation. I am an "extremist" person and over these years I have given...
  8. Edward666

    I'm new here

    Wow, the first part of your story far mirrors what was my experience before joining JOS. Welcome!
  9. Edward666

    [Trad] La piattaforma per i Donatori della Gioia di Satana è ORA ATTIVA!

    Update 4: Voting System in place for JoS Donors. Aggiornamento 4: Sistema di votazione per i Donatori della GdS. Da qualche giorno è stato implementato un sistema di votazione nella piattaforma per rispondere alle esigenze delle persone che stanno facendo del loro meglio nel nostro lavoro...
  10. Edward666

    Question #4473: Satan's parents

    Your words are correct but we have to analyze the situation differently since it is a Myth. Anu is the principle of the Ether, and more specifically, the active principle in nature that keeps the universe going, the principle of movement of the cosmos. EA, ENKI and ANU form the "Sacred Trinity"
  11. Edward666

    My drawing for Lord Thoth

    Amazing work, HAIL THOTH!
  12. Edward666

    Demons for Music/Musicians

    Yes, I didn't pay attention and made two mistakes. Hail Amdusias!
  13. Edward666

    Demons for Music/Musicians

    Yes, I didn't pay attention and made two mistakes. Hail Amdusias!
  14. Edward666

    Demons for Music/Musicians

    You can meditate on its Seal before composing or playing a song.
  15. Edward666

    Demons for Music/Musicians

    Hi, Amdusias can inspire music.
  16. Edward666

    [Trad] La piattaforma per i Donatori della Gioia di Satana è ORA ATTIVA!

    UPDATE 2: Aggiornamento 2: Stiamo ancora inserendo tutti, traduttori, attivisti relativi alla sensibilizzazione e, naturalmente, Donatori vecchi e nuovi. Per favore, tutti coloro che hanno fatto donazioni in passato e sono Donatori, si iscrivano alla piattaforma. Molti di voi hanno fatto...
  17. Edward666

    Spiritual Practice Tracker

    Great! It will definitely be useful.
  18. Edward666

    [Trad] La piattaforma per i Donatori della Gioia di Satana è ORA ATTIVA!

    Posso occuparmene io. Procedo ad inserire le nuove traduzioni qui di seguito? In alternativa occorre creare un nuovo post per ciascun aggiornamento.
  19. Edward666

    Happy Halloween / Samhain! (2024)

    Happy Samhain brothers and sisters!!!
  20. Edward666

    [ATTACH] Leonidas at Thermopylae, by Jacques-Louis David In this moment of "action" of the...

    Leonidas at Thermopylae, by Jacques-Louis David In this moment of "action" of the JoS legion I am pleased to share a fantastic painting that reminds us of the true essence of courage and heroic action.
  21. Edward666

    About Threats Done To My Life: And Ritual Schedule

    Head held high and winning, let's give glory to all those who have tried to free us in recent years. Hail Satanas! Hail Zeus!
  22. Edward666

    I would add that fear can be defined as a symbol of progress because as we progress we break...

    I would add that fear can be defined as a symbol of progress because as we progress we break current patterns, engaging in new experiences of various types that we have never yet faced. This process causes fear, while at the same time symbolizing advancement.
  23. Edward666

    Autumn Equinox 2024

    Happy Mabon to all my brothers and sisters in Satan. Blessings to you all, may the Gods always guide us. Hail Thoth! Hail Baalzebul! Hail FurFur! Hail Astarte!
  24. Edward666

    [Trad] Arte: combattere la degenerazione, venerare la bellezza

    Arte: combattere la degenerazione, venerare la bellezza Thread 'Art: Fighting Degeneracy, Venerating Beauty' https://ancient-forums.com/threads/art-fighting-degeneracy-venerating-beauty.292128/ 3/9/2024 Quando Hitler salì al potere, una delle prime cose che fece fu chiudere la Bauhaus...
  25. Edward666

    Strange dreams

    At the beginning of my path I made a mistake, never doing AoP (aura of protection) meditations. The attacks were frequent as I also started doing daily rtr from the beginning. Similar dreams were recurring. Recalibrate your routine and prioritize your AoP, without neglecting the rest. Do it...
  26. Edward666

    Joy of Satan Starship 2 (Unreal Engine project)

    You are really strong in this stuff! Keep up the good work
  27. Edward666

    About Enemy Symbols

    You can continue to comment and write here. You did not have a bad behavior and I consider the reaction towards you exaggerated. However, always remember to investigate a topic as best you can before writing on the forum. It may happen that you do not know the origins of certain historical...
  28. Edward666

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Fighting Degeneracy, Venerating Beauty Thread 'Art: Fighting Degeneracy, Venerating Beauty' https://ancient-forums.com/threads/art-fighting-degeneracy-venerating-beauty.292128/
  29. Edward666

    Hi im new hear and I need tips about national socialism and our God satan

    Also read this, It may be for you. Thread 'Disclaimer: About "National Socialism"' https://ancient-forums.com/threads/disclaimer-about-national-socialism.70522/
  30. Edward666

    Quitting Weed

    Hi, years ago I was a marijuana user. A few months after devoting myself to Father Satan I completely quit. The benefits were absolute, the brain came back to work clearly and functionally also meditation once I quit smoking improved significantly. When I smoked I often could not meditate...
  31. Edward666

    Future SS

    Give them the right knowledge for each stage of their lives. Guide them by not living life for them; this is a mistake that parents often make. Show them the right habits, their brains will adjust in a way to healthy and balanced habits.
  32. Edward666

    Nuovo sito "Distruggere l'Islam: www.IslamicEvil.com" - Traduzione

    Se il resto dei traduttori è d'accordo posso occuparmene io.
  33. Edward666

    Question #5780: Busy times

    We all have 24h within a day. It is necessary to make sacrifices and "live" intelligently. Carry out a reduced meditation plan, put in the main meditations that need to be done every day and look for a way to have more time in the future.
  34. Edward666

    Runic Work for career advancement

    Very interesting. Definitely to be adapted to my situation but I can take a cue. I like Fehu very much, I think I will combine it with Sowilo.
  35. Edward666

    Runic Work for career advancement

    Greetings, I am structuring a Runic Work to advance position in my job career. I have thought of using runes such as Fehu, Sowilo or Jera. Are they good for this kind of work?
  36. Edward666

    Question #5757: What to do about?

    https://joyofsatan.org/Azazel_virtue_5.html We need to meditate on the meaning of friendship.
  37. Edward666

    Tired after Power Rituals

    I understand the situation. It happened occasionally to me as well. Personally, I have experienced these situations when I have done Rituals at the end of hard and challenging days. Before starting the Ritual psicologically I knew that I could not give my best and by vibrating a good number of...
  38. Edward666

    Question #5728: The trance

    It depends, it's subjective. How you are most comfortable. The more you advance, the faster you will go into trance
  39. Edward666

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Help From The Gods: Changing Course Thread 'Help From The Gods: Changing Course' https://ancient-forums.com/threads/help-from-the-gods-changing-course.291667/
  40. Edward666

    Question #5696: how to increase charisma?

    If you have skills to use runes I recommend a work that has brought success in my life. Kenaz + Sowilo Affirmation : "The energy of the runes kenaz and Sowilo increases my charisma in a completely positive and healthy way for me." Very simple work, but it pays off. Kenaz is specific to...
  41. Edward666

    Politica italiana

    Da ciò che ho potuto vedere e leggere è solo un "pupazzo" a cui è stato dato del potere per alimentare l'odio tra le persone. Il 90% delle sue affermazioni mi sembrano deliranti, prive di ragione o logica. Probabilmente non sa nemmeno lui cosa dice. Questo è solo un mio parere.
  42. Edward666

    Nuovo gestore della Biblioteca di Satana e del sito; nuovi traduttori dei post di Guerra Spirituale e Rituali degli Dèi

    Le mie più sentite congratulazioni sorella! @SaqqaraNox Dall'inizio della mia esistenza in questo forum ho sempre riconosciuto e persino preso spunto dal tuo ottimo lavoro. Per quanto riguarda la "squadra dei revisori", qualora dovesse presentarsi la possibilità, sarebbe per me un vero...
  43. Edward666

    Like to meet Hungarian people

    Welcome back to the Path of Truth , this is your, our home. Stay strong!
  44. Edward666

    New here

    I appreciate your wanting to recognize a true from the false to protect our family. It is not necessary to put this pressure, it is good that he is dedicated and wants to participate in the activities. Whether he is a true Satanist will be seen with time. We will not be the ones to judge him...
  45. Edward666

    My Intermediate Spiritual Program and Routine

    It is very similar to my current program. I find it very balanced.
  46. Edward666

    lakshmi mantra for money

    Yes, that is correct. Energy can manifest in various ways, from personal experience I tell you that it is difficult for wealth to come from gambling. From the situation you describe the new job may be the answer. Not everything manifests in zero time, wealth will gradually increase. You had...
  47. Edward666

    Question #5660: How to correctly ask a question and get an answer to it from the gods

    Find a calm moment, focus on the Sigil of the God you want to ask the question to and respectfully proceed to ask. I find it very functional to do the Ritual of the God in question first. The answer may arrive in the following days, pay attention.
  48. Edward666

    Please, can you explain to me why 666 is the perfection?

    Yes, It was also a spiritual attack.
  49. Edward666

    Crisis of pessimism

    Why do you find nihilism so positive? The "acceptance" phase is definitely good, from that must then come an "action" phase where these shortcomings or flaws are resolved. I was reminded of a very interesting old sermon, take a look here. Thread 'On Nihilism And Decadence'...
  50. Edward666

    Israeli protesters rally for 'the right to rape' prisoners

    I am no longer surprised by Jewish madness, they personify the word "degeneration" in all aspects. It's good that the whole world is aware of their crimes.
  51. Edward666

    Tattoo with nazi simbol

    Not National Socialist, I mean general SS symbol I read it wrong
  52. Edward666

    Tattoo with nazi simbol

    I have never seen Jews with National Socialist symbols tattooed. The person you mentioned is probably a fanatic who does not think and acts on impulse. Getting a tattoo of an SS symbol today is not wise. Whether he goes to court and what will happen is his problem, don't give too much...
  53. Edward666

    Chemicals in Cosmetic Products

    Thread 'Harmful components in soaps, body cleansers, shampoos, deodorants, etc' https://ancient-forums.com/threads/harmful-components-in-soaps-body-cleansers-shampoos-deodorants-etc.30216/ Check it out here.
  54. Edward666

    Is it bad that a Christian is here?..

    He can first of all understand and then embrace the truth and finally be free. The forum is an endless source of knowledge.
  55. Edward666

    [Trad] La piattaforma per i Donatori della Gioia di Satana è ORA ATTIVA!

    The Joy of Satan Donor Platform is NOW LIVE! Thread 'The Joy of Satan Donor Platform Is NOW LIVE!' https://ancient-forums.com/threads/the-joy-of-satan-donor-platform-is-now-live.291094/ 8/8/2024 Un saluto a tutta la nostra Famiglia Satanica negli Dei, Con molta felicità vi annuncio che la...
  56. Edward666

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    The Joy of Satan Donor Platform Is NOW LIVE! Thread 'The Joy of Satan Donor Platform Is NOW LIVE!' https://ancient-forums.com/threads/the-joy-of-satan-donor-platform-is-now-live.291094/
  57. Edward666

    [Trad] Guerra Israele - Palestina & Iran: perchè sono crudele con le statistiche

    Israel - Palestine & Iran War: Why I am Evil With Statistics Thread 'Israel - Palestine & Iran War: Why I am Evil With Statistics' https://ancient-forums.com/threads/israel-palestine-iran-war-why-i-am-evil-with-statistics.291025/ 6/8/2024 Israele nel complesso, se si credesse anche solo ai...
  58. Edward666

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Israel - Palestine & Iran War: Why I am Evil With Statistics Thread 'Israel - Palestine & Iran War: Why I am Evil With Statistics' https://ancient-forums.com/threads/israel-palestine-iran-war-why-i-am-evil-with-statistics.291025/
  59. Edward666

    Blessed By Satan

    This is the right way to start the wisest of paths. Big blessings to you ⭐
  60. Edward666

    I can’t live in a 3rd world country anymore. (Extremely shit economic situation)

    Only challenges and obstacles are put in front of our path that we can face. If you are here, it means you can get out of this situation. You have all the tools to do it, I know it is difficult, at times it will seem impossible, but at the end you will make it. Stay safe e go ahead!
  61. Edward666

    Joy of Satan Ride 2 (Unreal Engine project)

    They inspire calm and depth in me, very beautiful.
  62. Edward666

    [Trad-IEvil] Halal smascherato

    Halal esposto https://islamicevil.com/halal-exposed/ Prima di iniziare, dobbiamo ovviamente definire il termine “Halal”. La traduzione letterale è “lecito”, cioè accettabile per la legge islamica. La maggior parte delle persone in Occidente conosce questo termine solo per aver visto...
  63. Edward666

    New Translation Method: Three-Layered Translation System

    Well done Sonne! Really good.
  64. Edward666

    [Trad] Consigli rapidi per combattere il caldo

    Quick Tips to Beat the Heat Thread 'Quick Tips to Beat the Heat' https://ancient-forums.com/threads/quick-tips-to-beat-the-heat.290497/ HPS Lydia 20 Luglio 2024 Per chi non ha l'aria condizionata o vuole ridurre le bollette dell'elettricità. -Dopo esservi fatti la doccia, mettete l'acqua...
  65. Edward666

    Nuovo sito "Distruggere l'Islam: www.IslamicEvil.com" - Traduzione

    Halal Exposed https://islamicevil.com/halal-exposed/
  66. Edward666

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Quick Tips to Beath the Heat Thread 'Quick Tips to Beat the Heat' https://ancient-forums.com/threads/quick-tips-to-beat-the-heat.290497/
  67. Edward666

    [Trad] Falso senso di diritto nel Satanismo Spirituale

    False Sense Of Entitlement In Spiritual Satanism Thread 'False Sense Of Entitlement In Spiritual Satanism' https://ancient-forums.com/threads/false-sense-of-entitlement-in-spiritual-satanism.290322/ SS Hooded Cobra 666 13 Luglio 2024 __________________________________________ Falso senso di...
  68. Edward666

    Full time job

    We all have 24 hours in a day. A wise and intelligent SS knows well how to manage his time despite his commitments. Follow a shorter meditation plan suited to your situation. I have SS brothers and sisters who meditate at 6am before going to work to keep to their schedule.
  69. Edward666

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    False Sense Of Entitlement In Spiritual Satanism Thread 'False Sense Of Entitlement In Spiritual Satanism' https://ancient-forums.com/threads/false-sense-of-entitlement-in-spiritual-satanism.290322/
  70. Edward666

    Seeing our Fürher smile makes my heart so happy.

    Seeing our Fürher smile makes my heart so happy.
  71. Edward666

    Question #5236: Is this a critical time for the Gods?

    Thread 'Pluto Entering Aquarius: First Signs Of Satan's Era...' https://ancient-forums.com/threads/pluto-entering-aquarius-first-signs-of-satans-era.93576/
  72. Edward666

    Race, Nationality, Wars & Peace

    Meloni is better than having a full-blooded Jewess in charge. However, I do not share her policies or her ideas. - Citizen's income was used illicitly by more than half of the users. The employment rate has dropped dramatically due to these scams. No one wanted to work anymore receiving...
  73. Edward666

    Race, Nationality, Wars & Peace

    I agree with everything. In Italy we have come from years of destruction caused by the "Left". All the economic policies undertaken by them have been failures for businesses and citizens. Meloni is not the best solution but not the worst either, as an alternative now there is Schlein...
  74. Edward666

    Question #5072: popularity

    Successful and famous people have a strong solar chakra. Develop it and develop yourself.
  75. Edward666

    Race, Nationality, Wars & Peace

    I appreciate the response. Absolutely right!
  76. Edward666

    Race, Nationality, Wars & Peace

    Very interesting Great HP. Allow me to ask you a question: can't we develop a profound and biological but at the same time nationalist thought? I mean a thought that balances the temporal/limited way of thinking and the eternal way of thinking.
  77. Edward666

    "Sabbia del Sahara"

    Anche qui il clima è spesso umido e afoso eppure non ho mai visto fenomeni di questo tipo dalla mia nascita. Ho vissuto varie tempeste di sabbia e situazioni analoghe, in quei casi l'aria è pesante ma non come nei giorni scorsi. Sono quasi nella totalità sicuro che si tratti di manomissioni...
  78. Edward666

    [ Trad ] Riguardo la percezione umana del tempo

    About Human Perception Of Time - Power of Justice [JG] 18 Giugno 2024 Thread 'About Human Perception Of Time' https://ancient-forums.com/threads/about-human-perception-of-time.289580/ La vita umana non è breve; la gente la fa solo sembrare tale. Realisticamente, una persona impiega fino...
  79. Edward666

    Congratulations. I wish you great success in your future goals too!

    Congratulations. I wish you great success in your future goals too!
  80. Edward666

    Happy Summer Solstice!

    Happy Summer Solstice to all the SS. We are becoming increasingly stronger and more structured. Long live JOS!
  81. Edward666

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    About Human Perception Of Time Thread 'About Human Perception Of Time' https://ancient-forums.com/threads/about-human-perception-of-time.289580/
  82. Edward666

    A way out of nihilism..

    Whatever happens it is always important to continue setting goals and progress. We are here to evolve and reach higher states of existence, meanwhile we work for Satan and the Gods as best we can.
  83. Edward666

    Thoughts to destroy enemies

    I agree with the message above. At the beginning I've had a similar experience, and I can suggest that it is best to leave them behind, unless they actively hinder your path and progress.
  84. Edward666

    Can you marry Jews?

    I can understand that it's a curiosity but I feel disgusted at the thought that a Gentile could marry a bad creature like a Jew...
  85. Edward666

    Verse present in the German song "Teufelslied" Teufelslied = Devil's Song

    Verse present in the German song "Teufelslied" Teufelslied = Devil's Song
  86. Edward666

    [TRAD] La Storia Della Gioia di Satana è Stata Ripristinata : L'Archivio Dei Gruppi è Ora ATTIVO!

    Joy of Satan History Restored: Groups Archive Now LIVE! Thread 'Joy of Satan History Restored: Groups Archive Now LIVE!' https://ancient-forums.com/threads/joy-of-satan-history-restored-groups-archive-now-live.289082/ - Sommo Sacerdote HoodedCobra 666- 3/6/2024 Un saluto a tutti i membri...
  87. Edward666

    Images During Cleansing and AOP

    Greetings, During intense periods where I come in contact with many people and often problematic situations can arise I clean my aura at least 2 times a day and I get exactly what you wrote. It is as if I get rid of that negative energy by visualizing the source of its origin. (They are often...
  88. Edward666

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    Joy of Satan History restored: Groups Archive Now LIVE! Joy of Satan History Restored: Groups Archive Now LIVE!' https://ancient-forums.com/threads/joy-of-satan-history-restored-groups-archive-now-live.289082/
  89. Edward666

    Passion Is The Key: What Are You Waiting For?

    From these words emerges a fundamental concept that I understood over time. The concept of "ACTION" is the action itself that leads us to progressive improvement. Staticity and laziness are harmful elements. The brave bless action, the weak despise it...
  90. Edward666

    Saturn Return when?

    Thanks for the clear answer and for sharing your experience, it will definitely help me.
  91. Edward666

    Saturn Return when?

    How to see if the first return of Saturn in your birth chart has passed or when it will arrive?
  92. Edward666

    Updates: New JoS Guardian, JoS Donors System, Site Updates, Outreach etc

    Congratulations JG Karnonnos. Thanks to those who kept their hands firmly on the rudder even in the darkest years. Your courage is admirable. Now we have to earn the glory!!! Nothing to add, Hail Satan!
  93. Edward666

    [ Trad ] Matriminio e Battesimo nel Satanismo Spirituale : Parlando di Amore

    Ciao, ti ringrazio per le correzioni. Ho ricontrollato un paio di volte prima di pubblicare, nonostante ciò ho avuto delle sviste. Chiaramente essendo il primo lavoro, ammetto che non è stata una passeggiata; tuttavia sono onorato di poter continuare a tradurre. Le prossime saranno impeccabili 👍🏻
  94. Edward666

    Runic work with Kenaz and Sowilo, when to start?

    Greetings, I have a plan ready to go. I'll work on my charisma and power to influence others. I will use the Kenaz and Sowilo runes. I appreciate some advice from you, looking at the May/June Satanic calendar, what could be the best day to start?
  95. Edward666

    Artificial Intelligence: Thinking Positive & Without Fear

    Excellent insight. Clearly the "problem" is not artificial intelligence, which in itself represents advancement. The problem is external, who manages this artificial intelligence? You know the answer to that. If it were harnessed by people with extreme consciousness, like us, it would only...
  96. Edward666

    Question #4720: Holocaust

    This is very simple, those who testify are Jews. The Jews are impostors and with the coming of National Socialism they risked losing their control over the world and humanity, the truth having almost completely come out. Clearly after the War they made up huge lies about the events creating an...
  97. Edward666

    Riguardo alla crescita e cambiamento (riferito all'ultimo thread)

    Ciao Fratello, non abbiamo mai avuto modo di confrontarci, tuttavia posso dirti che delle volte staccare un attimo ci fa tornare consci di ciò che stiamo facendo e di come lo stiamo facendo...oltretutto abbiamo maggiore consapevolezza della direzione che stiamo prendendo. In questo percorso lo...
  98. Edward666

    [ Trad ] Matriminio e Battesimo nel Satanismo Spirituale : Parlando di Amore

    Matrimonio e Battesimo nel Satanismo Spirituale: Sull' Amore https://ancient-forums.com/index.php?threads/marriage-baptism-in-spiritual-satanism-about-love.96529/ --------------------------------------------------------------------- Oltre alla sezione Etica, che è la migliore in assoluto...
  99. Edward666

    Traduzioni Sermoni ed Articoli del Forum

    " Marriage & Baptism in Spiritual Satanism: About Love " https://ancient-forums.com/index.php?threads/marriage-baptism-in-spiritual-satanism-about-love.96529/
  100. Edward666

    Question #4671: help me find a job

    The advice mentioned above is excellent, I find the runic works useful. I add that you can also make the Venus square for the material. Useful for attracting money/jobs. Look in our calendar for the best day to start.
  101. Edward666

    Astarte's Ethics: Now Live

    May all the people know the love and power of Astarte... Eternal Queen. Hail ASTARTE!!!
  102. Edward666

    Doubt & Disbelief: Spiritual Satanism

    Knowledge and wisdom cannot be bought. They are achieved with consistency and patience. Always very clear Supreme HPHC, your words are like rain of wisdom.
  103. Edward666

    Brother JG NP is very busy in these days, please be patient.

    Brother JG NP is very busy in these days, please be patient.
  104. Edward666

    Translators Still Active - Please Reply Here

    I think there are already some for Italy. If there is a need, I am available!
  105. Edward666

    Kállos in ancient Greek means beauty. This is achieved when the value of the body and the...

    Kállos in ancient Greek means beauty. This is achieved when the value of the body and the virtues of the soul are in harmony. Hail Astarte!
  106. Edward666

    Happy New Satanic Year: 2024

    SIEG HEIL! May victory be to us! Glory to us guys, we are the change... HAIL SATAN 🦚
  107. Edward666

    Hail Baalzebul, The Basileus!

    Hail Baalzebul, The Basileus!
  108. Edward666

    Conception of WAR

    Some people say war is always bad and others say it is always good. I'll write a few words, in this time is necessary to talk about it. Our conception of war is not moralistic, but presents us with its ability to resolve vital decisions and situations. We can define it as "formal...
  109. Edward666

    Power, beauty, loyalty, courage, nobility and youth, I love this photo. I want to remind all SS...

    Power, beauty, loyalty, courage, nobility and youth, I love this photo. I want to remind all SS here why we are here. Defend our freedom! Defend our race! Defend our land! I wish everyone a glorious day. Hail Satana! ✋🏻
  110. Edward666

    Request for performance of artwork

    Hi, The Enochian keys are things of the past, it is not the true language of the Gods. I advise you to focus on the meditations listed above to get started, the 40 day program of the Supreme HPHC is perfect. Avoid RTRs if you're new to it, advance first. If you still intend to familiarize...
  111. Edward666

    Is this normal??

    Don't let fear get you down. In these moments you have to work intelligently. Do the rituals and then detach yourself from the enemy without getting too close. Advice: at the end of each attack ritual against the enemy you must clean your soul and immediately afterwards AoP. In these days...
  112. Edward666

    Happy birthday, Adolf Hitler!

    "The foundation of our life is based on two pillars; on our people, understood as a substance of flesh and blood, will and intelligence and on our earth. People and Earth, these are the two roots from which we want to draw our strength." Adolf Hitler LONG LIVE EVROPA LIBERA!
  113. Edward666

    I take this opportunity to remember and honor the person who courageously fought for peace and...

    I take this opportunity to remember and honor the person who courageously fought for peace and goodness. On April 20th, one of the greatest men history has ever known, a hero and leader, was born. Today brothers and sisters we are still fighting, let's not stop, let's give glory to all the...
  114. Edward666


    It's not nice to fail but sometimes it's necessary to advance. Reorganize your energies and get back to winning!
  115. Edward666

    Question #4441: What do the Gods have to do with Aldebaraan?

    We know that the gods come from Orion. Aldebaraan in the constellation of Taurus belongs to the Gods. Sirius is theirs too. Our solar system was also another "home" of the gods, later attacked by the enemy. The gods are known throughout the universe, their possessions are numerous.
  116. Edward666

    RTR Ritual Schedule April 14th to April 30th [SCHEDULE FINISHED]

    I have never backed down in battle and I won't now. We are Satan's army. Courage and faithfulness identify us. Let's fight brothers and sisters, let's fight intelligently so that this planet can be liberated. Words are not enough, facts are needed. Ave Satana! Glory to us and our gods!
  117. Edward666

    Question #3578: What predictions do you have for Argentina?

    I open my phone and come across this photo, this conversation immediately came to mind. If you had doubts about Argentina's political administration, here is confirmation of Jewish control. Behind Elon is a Jewish worm with his typical hat.
  118. Edward666

    Hello, could someone guide me on what to do?

    We have all the means at our disposal to make progress and excel in all fields. The Gods are ready to help us but if it is something you can achieve on your own, put in the work and achieve it. Runes are very useful as suggested above!
  119. Edward666

    Question #4411: about Fuhrer

    Of course it's normal. It's a good thing. Everyone here has deep respect for them. Hitler is a hero, he literally saved us from an imminent fall of Europe and set the stage for final liberation. Since I was little I have been inspired by his person and his ideas every day. Cultivate your...
  120. Edward666

    My testimony

    Honor to you brother, as a true warrior and Satanist you fought without giving up and now you can start enjoying the deserved victory. May the gods always be with us.
  121. Edward666

    Got DNA test results 70% Jewish wtf HELP!!!

    Fantastic news, I'm very happy for you. I'm glad you want to share these satisfactions with us but try not to use these types of alarming titles just to joke. These are not topics to joke about, moments of light-heartedness and fun can exist but with the right communication. This is just a...
  122. Edward666


    It could be, I would also mention the earthquake two days ago in Taiwan, which was much more disastrous. Taiwan has always been a seismic zone but the eclipse increases the possibility of natural calamity. More AOP and follow the situation.
  123. Edward666

    Question #4377: Serious before 30

    Hi ⭐ For example in Greece some spiritual/philosophical groups did not accept students before the age of 30. I personally believe that this takes second place today, we are in a period in which we need great efforts from all members to free ourselves from the chains of the enemy. In a calm...
  124. Edward666

    Ukraine and Organ Harvesting

    A few days ago the dispatch of 1500 French soldiers to Ukraine was confirmed. According to the pact with the European countries, if Russia were to attack this contingent, a chain reaction would break out where everyone would take up arms again. Macron said that this will not happen and even if...
  125. Edward666

    thoughts on the following people

    I'm going deeper into the question and it gets more and more interesting. However, I believe that today we can analyze the situation at a marginal level only with what is available on the web. As we know, the majority of sources we find on the web are very unreliable and manipulated...
  126. Edward666

    thoughts on the following people

    The story is controversial. Based on what I have learned, Julius Caesar collaborated with the Jews for a period, they both had advantages especially on an economic and power level. At the end of this period he was murdered by the Jews themselves. I know that the murder was a blood sacrifice...
  127. Edward666

    Joy of Satan Ship (3D project)

    The room with the paintings of the gods is simply fantastic! 🦚
  128. Edward666

    Fair Treatment Of Knowledge

    Great HP, I always enjoy reading your posts. Your efforts will pay off. I think that this path is the most beautiful and difficult path to face. It is a combination of strength, knowledge and spirituality. Along this path, people who struggle and who seriously elevate themselves will stand...
  129. Edward666

    Astarte in Carthage: Honored by Gentiles, Assaulted by Jews

    Fantastic post and perfectly aligned with my thoughts today. Just a few hours ago I was reflecting on Mediterranean civilizations such as that of the Greeks, Romans and Carthaginians. At one moment I reconnected that the Carthaginian people were represented by the sign of Tanit and used armor...
  130. Edward666

    Earning fiat and paying taxes versus building communities with crypto

    I agree with you! Today tax matters are one of the most difficult matters to deal with. What makes me angry is knowing (at least in my country) that the biggest tax evaders have no repercussions, while small companies or small entrepreneurs are persecuted and if necessary evicted. Personally...
  131. Edward666

    Astarte: Eternal Queen and Mother / Spring Equinox

    I'm speechless. Reading these words I felt wonderful sensations. When I think of Astarte I perceive a very pure energy full of love. I can only lower my head as a sign of respect in front of such beauty and power. Hail Astarte! Glory to our gods!
  132. Edward666

    Question #4225: My question about demon rituals and energy

    Hi, this may depend on various factors. It can also depend on the level of energy perception. During the ritual, relax, make vibrations correctly and enjoy the moment. (personally I find it an honor to have the opportunity to do these rituals to get closer to the Gods) Finally, take a few...
  133. Edward666

    Joy of Satan Palace (3D project)

    Really nice initiative, I don't understand much about graphics but I imagine it's not easy to build all this. I await other works with interest 💪🏻
  134. Edward666

    Avanzamento o Illusione?

    Da sempre in prima linea, avanzare e lottare. Anche io ho riscontrato una situazione analoga alla tua, strafare non è molto utile, occorre procedere con calma ed equilibrio. Fare RTR oltre che indebolire il nemico ci libera anche dalle sue catene. La battaglia è qui ora, la parola d'ordine è...
  135. Edward666

    Does Satan want me?

    Hi brother, I had the same experience from last few months. They are subconscious thoughts cause by old enemy programming. You must be strong on the path and move forward with faith and willpower. Today I don't have this problem, by meditating and cleaning your soul and aura daily you should...
  136. Edward666

    Problems in anyway? Call Me At :(+1)666-COBRA'S-FAULT

    It makes me sad to read certain sentences. For us all you are a leader, you are a point of reference. For a few months now when I think about the forum, I imagine that all this is alive thanks to your efforts and those of the other guys. I want to write these two words because just as you are...
  137. Edward666

    Question #4149: Where should I start?

    Hi, I can give you some advice but surely there are guys more experienced than me here who can help you. First thing, study the Jos site carefully, it's essential. On the site there are the basics to get started. Clearly take one step at a time without overdoing it. Once you have dedicated...
  138. Edward666

    Spiritual Satanism | Meditation Path Roadmap / Skill Tree

    Thanks brother for this. I find it really excellent and useful for tracking the various progress. I will definitely use him as a role model
  139. Edward666

    Ethics And Ignorance

    Very important topic, I agree with everything written. I often think about the concepts of ethics and how it can vary from situation to situation. I found the speeches of Marcus Aurelius very interesting, stating that man must live according to nature in order to live as best as possible...
  140. Edward666

    Using no Shampoo

    In sahmpoos I don't know exactly if they contain elements directly harmful to the pineal gland but I know that they have toxic elements. The most harmful ingredients to avoid in hair cosmetics are Formaldehyde and Polyacrylamide, whose toxic and carcinogenic effect is recognized. I personally...
  141. Edward666

    Le razze in Italia: Italiani, ebrei, maiali e immigrati

    Leggo solo ora queste fantastiche parole. Parole che alimentano la mia fiamma interiore. Siamo uno dei paesi più belli del mondo. I nostri antenati sono stati i promotori di progressi in numerosi campi. Le gesta eroiche dell'impero Romano sono conosciute ancora oggi in tutto il mondo, uomini che...
  142. Edward666

    Staying Focused On The Gods

    Thanks for this sermon. These words increase in me the pride of fighting for the truth, for life and for the gods. Glory to Satan!
  143. Edward666

    A quick guide to being healthy and wealth - Q3659

    Fantastic post, full of very interesting ideas and considerations, especially the recommended books are excellent. In recent years I have learned that there must be continuous progress in all fields: economic, physical and spiritual. Having the right balance is fundamental, wealth and well-being...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
