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  1. Tartarus Envoy

    Growing in discipline

    I will be taking a break from this place. Hopefully permanently. I do not understand how some people, even if they have been here longer, and even have been granted whatever rank or title, are so fucking braindead that they don't even understand the basic idea of HOW TO SPEAK AND TALK TO PEOPLE...
  2. Tartarus Envoy

    Growing in discipline

    And thank you for not knowing proper English to the point you took the word business literally. What was meant as business, was the idea of being busy with something and not trade, and neither did I mention any sort of game aspect to this whole thing. And I think pretension usually comes from...
  3. Tartarus Envoy

    Growing in discipline

    I don't think that things should be removed just because people can have false expectations. If we are to worry about such things then we should just remove everything from the website. Responsibility to the responsible. Clergy and advanced individuals should set a baseline of reason when it...
  4. Tartarus Envoy

    Question #4879: Why did I growl like an animal during meditation and rip my poster?

    Normally, you would bow. Even if you are overtaken by Maa Durga's energy, you still would not do things that would be blasphemous to any depiction of her. Personally I would get a new poster of her and apologize to her.
  5. Tartarus Envoy

    Growing in discipline

    Again, it was not just "sensationalism", it was a list of detailed symptoms for two different levels for raising the Kundalini, which I believe gives perspective to anyone who is serious about this business of spiritual attainment... I frankly do not understand your logic. But whatever, it is...
  6. Tartarus Envoy

    Debunking the jewish lies about the sun

    of course, the sun obviously provides us with Vitamin D, which is EXTREMELY important, more people should be out in the sun.... but prolonged, too much exposure? Im not sure thats safe, unless you have some evidence to prove otherwise... About the skin cancer thing, I am not sure, but I...
  7. Tartarus Envoy

    Debunking the jewish lies about the sun

    I dont think necessarily all the side effects attributed with the sun is fake. I personally was once out in the sun, in a sunny beach environment, and when i came back home I had some small brown dots coming out of my hands and stuff, which went away after a few days. Also I wouldnt trust...
  8. Tartarus Envoy

    [MEDIA] Has anybody watched Blood of Zeus? The second season came out. I watched it and...

    Has anybody watched Blood of Zeus? The second season came out. I watched it and honestly, It is actually a lot better compared to the usual slanderous shit I see about the Gods *cough*Castlevania: Nocturne*cough*.....LOL. Personally, I really enjoyed it a lot more. The problem with Castlevania...
  9. Tartarus Envoy

    "NavigatedGnosis" YouTube channel

    Wow its actually really nice!!! Makes me happy we are getting good representation like this, despite whatever bullshit people say about us in different discord servers and reddit threads, like the "demonolatry" subreddit... they enjoyed talking trash a lot. Accusations that arent even grounded...
  10. Tartarus Envoy

    How do I break up... ?

    It would have been better if you knew exactly what you wanted in a partner before you even started dating her. So I will recommend you two workings instead of one, and this is from my own knowledge and what I have read from the JoS, but are you really sure you are not in love with her anymore...
  11. Tartarus Envoy

    Growing in discipline

    I get what you are saying, but frankly, I dont think it would be very natural for humans to always be conscious of every thing they do all the time, personally. I believe the problem is when people are active where they should be more passive, such as in meditations, art, music, etc. basically...
  12. Tartarus Envoy

    Growing in discipline

    I believe discipline is simply an expression of your existence, solidified into a way of life that is consistent, and practically perhaps even a part of your karma. If you are interested in something, but you still have not drowned yourself in the pure passion for that goal, hobby, etc. Then...
  13. Tartarus Envoy

    Growing in discipline

    How though? you were saying almost the same exact things HP Hooded Cobra said on the topic in his past writings, basically confirming him. I don't see how it was a "bad" post...
  14. Tartarus Envoy

    Growing in discipline

    What happened to your latest post on the Kundalini? I wasnt finished reading it, revisited the page, and I can't find it. Was it removed? Why?
  15. Tartarus Envoy

    Sudden Memory: Strange experience

    This might sound strange a little, but my first thought about their first experience was that perhaps they were tuning into the astral level where natural spirits are, such as gnomes and fairies. They were in a seemingly peaceful and not too much disturbed part of nature, and the conversations...
  16. Tartarus Envoy

    Betrayal against demon lover (succubus)

    Demons are highly advanced beings. What do I mean by this, in this context? I mean, that they will definitely take all, and I mean ALL things into consideration. Gods can know a human's entire existence, thoughts, and fate before the human even recognize the God is there. For even most SS...
  17. Tartarus Envoy

    Feminists, Incels, MGTOW, GBLTQAI

    Let me rephrase this part. What I meant here was not that men wearing makeup or wanting to beautify themselves in a more feminine or masculine way is bad, not at all. That is their expression. The group I was referring to here are the specific "drag queen" individuals, or people who simply turn...
  18. Tartarus Envoy

    Non-white gods and how to deal with them

    You haven't meditated a day in your life and it shows.
  19. Tartarus Envoy

    About Interacting With The Gods

    lets say for example, there is a very advanced magician in the world who is guided and protected by the gods, but he is still human. This magician is experiencing some hardship coming from another man, who is a regular human who is non spiritual. Obviously, being spiritually superior, he can...
  20. Tartarus Envoy

    About Interacting With The Gods

    yes but what does that even mean? lowering your vibration I mean. What specific actions or decisions would lead to that? Because I personally doubt that If the Gods decided to come down on Earth from Orion, they would lose their powers or their advancement.... Then again this is my own feelings...
  21. Tartarus Envoy

    About Interacting With The Gods

    Amazing post. But this... This part. It really disturbs me for some reason. As if as you are advancing, you're losing something... I thought the Gods could do whatever they wanted to these extents, and the reason they couldn't physically come to earth was because of their war with the...
  22. Tartarus Envoy

    About love / relationships

    At least you're lucky enough to not get stoned or hated if you go out with your partner outside. I absolutely do NOT accept any straight guy's excuses over why they can't find a girl. You can. I have seen the absolute shittiest, most vile scumbag of this earth still get into good relationships...
  23. Tartarus Envoy

    Gods' rituals, healing, Shared Global Consciousness.

    I am still not fully certain, but I think this could be what happened to me the night I involuntarily astral projected briefly the night I asked Father for a Demon partner a long while ago. Still, I am still not sure. Either way, negative or positive, this experience was completely unique and...
  24. Tartarus Envoy

    UK Population to Increase to 70m by 2026 due to immigration

    Fucking terrifying. England was trashed the moment they let muslim monkeys in there. Dystopian as hell...
  25. Tartarus Envoy

    Question #4702: No Structure

    I understand the parts you quoted from the posts, but if what is meant here by "inferior" is the emotional mind, then that's incorrect. Neither parts are inferior or superior to each other, they work together. They simply have different natures that can go any other way, for better or for worse.
  26. Tartarus Envoy

    Question #4825: Sketchy jos freind

    Obviously, you should not associate with him. From what you write, he kinda sounds like someone who is way too much into video games or even drugs perhaps. Please be careful. Real life meetups between SS is not encouraged, since you never might know who exactly the other person is, and what...
  27. Tartarus Envoy

    Ask All Questions Here! New members

    If I remember correctly, I read in a music theory guidebook that sounds with a lower pitch travel further distances, and higher pitched ones don't travel as far and stay closer to the source, is that right? Also, do you guys think it is necessary to spell out the consonants and vowels in a...
  28. Tartarus Envoy

    Gods' rituals, healing, Shared Global Consciousness.

    A question, can the energy created from the gods' rituals be also used and directed towards specific, personal goals? Or should we ask the god's permission first?
  29. Tartarus Envoy

    Question #4813: Racial Compatibility Between Arabs/Middle East

    To think, before the invasion of Muslim Arabs, Persia was a pure Aryan land.... makes one's blood boil.
  30. Tartarus Envoy

    Question #4813: Racial Compatibility Between Arabs/Middle East

    What do you think about Persians? I remember reading somewhere here saying they are generally considered white, but I doubt that.
  31. Tartarus Envoy

    Question #4810: dreaming with demons

    Can they actually? Most humans have an average level of soul strength at best... I also see a lot of "ancestor contact" within different tarot communities, it is like a trend for a while. While i highly doubt that most of the tarot readers are necessarily contacting an ancestor, especially...
  32. Tartarus Envoy

    Gods' rituals, healing, Shared Global Consciousness.

    I think, when you are addressing a specific god whose name you have uttered beforehand, you should capitalize the G. Otherwise it isnt necessary if you are talking about gods in general. The names of the gods themselves should be capitalized to imply respect, such as Satan, Azazil, etc. But...
  33. Tartarus Envoy

    Filing Formal Complaints To The Joy of Satan

    Hello High Priest. This has already been mentioned in a few other replies, but since it is more relevant here, I will write it again: I personally, would appreciate it if people are at least notified when any of their posts are rejected, ir when their posts are deleted, preferrably with the...
  34. Tartarus Envoy

    Gods' rituals, healing, Shared Global Consciousness.

    I intuited this same exact message for myself the first few times i did the first God Ritual, which was Satan's. I had the question in mind, and was given the answer.
  35. Tartarus Envoy

    Question #4803: I'm fed up

    Talk to the gods. Ignore the people you don't like if you wish, but always talk to the gods and ask them to guide you. Of course, you will need to be hard working and ambitious in regards to bettering any part of your life that may be bad, but the gods will always guide you. Never forget them.
  36. Tartarus Envoy

    Question #4788: tarot

    yes. reversed cards have their own separate meaning and are perfectly valid. In regards to new age corruption, be careful not to use any tarot deck with blasphemous imagery of our gods, except for perhaps the devil card since that us a given in almost tarot deck, and be careful not to buy...
  37. Tartarus Envoy

    No Sleep? Let's Look Into That: Anomalies Associated with Advancement and Increased Bioelectrical Frequency, and How We Deal With That!

    People in here assume different things about gods and how they operate, especially at a physical, more directly 3d level. I personally don't assume things about them, since every belief can be easily broken down and changed if not based on sound evidence and strong evidence, also the gods...
  38. Tartarus Envoy

    Moon - A Poem in Honor of Lady Lilith

    This is nice, really nice. I felt very powerful buzzing after doing Lady Lilith's ritual. Your poem reminds me of that buzz.
  39. Tartarus Envoy

    Dream - A poem in honor of Lord Beelzebul

    holy shit?? This is so good???? what I felt reading this:
  40. Tartarus Envoy

    Gothic Translation Thread

    This is really nice! I used to study Gothic literature as part of my college module, so its nostalgic reading these Gothic characters again. All the power to you.
  41. Tartarus Envoy

    Updates: New JoS Guardian, JoS Donors System, Site Updates, Outreach etc

    I wish you wellness and growth on this journey. Good luck and congratulations.
  42. Tartarus Envoy

    Poem- Seventh Sense [MEDIA] The clock, sitting amicably on the wall The flock, sheltering...

    Poem- Seventh Sense The clock, sitting amicably on the wall The flock, sheltering their own from rainfall The frog, calling to the skies, calling to all The drop, descending from heaven without stall The breeze, passing like waves in motion The fire, kindled with hope, love and passion The...
  43. Tartarus Envoy

    Friendship - A Poem in Honor of Lord Azazel

    Nice one! I can feel your emotions in the last lines especially.
  44. Tartarus Envoy

    Updates: New JoS Guardian, JoS Donors System, Site Updates, Outreach etc

    I'm not certain whether this problem was a technical issue in my case, but in the previous forum interface, whenever a topic or reply was disapproved, the person would get notified that it had been rejected, and as to why. This didn't happen for me and some other people. The same id for when...
  45. Tartarus Envoy

    Group & Teamwork First: How The Gods Work With Us

    Sometimes, its best to help at a distance.
  46. Tartarus Envoy

    About manifesting a car from my parents

    It is counted as supporting Hamas when they replied in such a passionate way to the mere name being mentioned, taking great offense, and comparing what we do to what they do, and count ours as inferior because "we are just sitting around in private, celebrating while those brave warriors are...
  47. Tartarus Envoy

    About manifesting a car from my parents

    You sound very dumb. Sorry I had to say it. You are just going with the current mainstream flow. First of all, where did I ever advocate for pissrael and show support? Secondly, are you really sure that just because someone is fighting against jews, that they are good people themselves? I...
  48. Tartarus Envoy


    They do actually, but generally since in pisslamic lore, Satan is considered to be "of fire", then he is called the Lord of the Jinn, and all his subordinates are also Jinn. Overall, this word in muslim countries is used interchangeably both for Demons, and for fire elementals and spirits and...
  49. Tartarus Envoy

    About manifesting a car from my parents

    Bro can you hear yourself? It's the cartel we are talking about, not some group of random businessmen who occasionally smoke pot for fun. Here we are talking about a vast network of dangerous individuals who are literally mentally insane, and would kill anyone and do anything for money and...
  50. Tartarus Envoy

    6 Million is a lie. So how many Jews died in the holoco$t?

    My real mistake was actually giving a damn about your posts. Imagine being so full of yourself that you talk like this to people who are trying to be helpful to you and telling them they can't read and should go learn to read better🤣 do whatever you want, man. If you can't understand how your...
  51. Tartarus Envoy

    Spiritual protective qualities of cats?

    Where in my post did I ever say I'm gonna depend on cats for protection? Also what do you mean by advanced cats? I'm not sure cats souls can be advanced like humans advanced their soul through meditation.
  52. Tartarus Envoy

    Spiritual protective qualities of cats?

    Do cats actually provide any level of spiritual protection? They have been revered in ancient cultures, especially Egypt, and the idea that cats give spiritual protection is rather famous.
  53. Tartarus Envoy

    [MEDIA] Came across this today... FUCK YEAH!!!!:ROFLMAO:

    Came across this today... FUCK YEAH!!!!:ROFLMAO:
  54. Tartarus Envoy

    6 Million is a lie. So how many Jews died in the holoco$t?

    No mistakes on my part, except caring about people with no manners, which seems to be a theme here.
  55. Tartarus Envoy

    6 Million is a lie. So how many Jews died in the holoco$t?

    What I meant flew way over your head. Nevermind.
  56. Tartarus Envoy

    6 Million is a lie. So how many Jews died in the holoco$t?

    "The amount of more lies on the list are at the level of not being able to list here without breaking the server and fingers and my mind." Exactly what you said. Mind your attitude next time, when someone is trying to be nice to you. 🙂
  57. Tartarus Envoy

    Here is my YouTube music playlist. I gather different kinds of songs and playlists that I enjoy...

    Here is my YouTube music playlist. I gather different kinds of songs and playlists that I enjoy. You can use the audio therein for your meditations, rituals, when you're working out or just making art. ( side note: I LOVE Amanti and highly recommend listening to their music) Theres also another...
  58. Tartarus Envoy

    6 Million is a lie. So how many Jews died in the holoco$t?

    Oh then I guess I didnt read it properly. Still, whatever the case, we should always talk positively about our bodies. I myself also sometimes use very brief glamor magic to both feel good and enhance my looks for the day in front of the mirror. I use whichever color suits me that day for the...
  59. Tartarus Envoy

    Question #4660: I need some advice

    Im sorry that you have to suffer like this, I am very familiar with the concept of domestic abuse., so you are not alone. Have you done the dedication ritual? You should get much more in contact with your guardian demon - every Satanist who has done the dedication has one. I suggest you ask for...
  60. Tartarus Envoy

    Question #4652: I think I have been attacked

    Do not neglect your sleep. Your body needs to rest in the hours of the night, and sleeping in the hours of the day instead of night isn't a good replacement at all, our bodies are adapted to the energies of the night to be able to relax and unwind, daytime is for work. take care of your health...
  61. Tartarus Envoy

    6 Million is a lie. So how many Jews died in the holoco$t?

    This might seem intrusive or strange, but please don't talk negatively of your body that way, even if its a joke or metaphor. Your subconscious doesn't know the difference. I have noticed you lately saying how you want to smash your brains in and break your fingers... don't talk about your body...
  62. Tartarus Envoy

    Important Notice: Members Allowed to Apply

    thanks for enabling my conversation box @HPS Lydia and other moderators
  63. Tartarus Envoy

    Important Notice: Members Allowed to Apply

    Hello. I would like to take part in this, but my mail is disabled.
  64. Tartarus Envoy

    Important Notice: Members Allowed to Apply

    I also cant send direct messages either.
  65. Tartarus Envoy

    Feminists, Incels, MGTOW, GBLTQAI

    The Pride month achieves very little outside the borders of USA , at least. It used to mean something in the past, but now it has been filled with furries, transgenders (read more on the forums' search option on why this is wrong), and all sort of other crazies. Homosexuals and Bisexuals arent...
  66. Tartarus Envoy

    Egyptian Astrology?

    The dates are strange though, for example for each sign there are multiple dates and i read somewhere that this had to do with an astrological reason that was taken into account in ancient Egypt, which sets it apart from other astrologies. however, I assume that maybe because it is so ancient...
  67. Tartarus Envoy

    Egyptian Astrology?

    omg VEDIC!!! VEDIC ASTROLOGY!!! FUCK! what is wrong with my damn autocorrect:ROFLMAO:
  68. Tartarus Envoy

    Question #4565: persian white race compatibility

    At the same time, you have to consider that most iranians nowadays, like most middle easterners and other civilizations that used to be white, have suffered major wars and a LOT of race mixing. Which is why you see so many different types of faces in countries like this. For Persians...
  69. Tartarus Envoy

    Egyptian Astrology?

    I wouldn't call this blasphemy, since there really is no blasphemous depiction happening. It's just the kind of astrology that Egyptians probably used, but different from others like however we have western astrology, vehicles astrology etc. We must at least restore these things before giving...
  70. Tartarus Envoy

    IMPORTANT: Changes to New Accounts and Private Messages

    Emails, too. They shouldn't be asked for imo. Refer to the above quote as to why
  71. Tartarus Envoy

    Egyptian Astrology?

    What do we think about this? Is it legit? Does anyone have sources to share for the study of Egyptian Astrology?:Click here, this is the website I found. ( lately i have had my fascinatiom grow immensely for the god Anubis. I always liked him as a child, and among the Egyptian gods, he stood...
  72. Tartarus Envoy

    My Soul Calibur Demon tributes

    Omg!!! These are so amazing!!!! Especially Lord Camio he looks EXACTLY the way I imagine him!!! Thank you💖
  73. Tartarus Envoy

    My Soul Calibur Demon tributes

    Can you do Lord Camio and Lord Anubis please?
  74. Tartarus Envoy

    IMPORTANT: Changes to New Accounts and Private Messages

    It is good that the mail option exists, since governments can actually harass ppl by going undercover and finding out someone's IP address through their email header. This has happened before in here. I'm personally grateful for this option.
  75. Tartarus Envoy

    About the spiritual path

    Most women I have seen on social media, and in real life who are very much " out and proud" about their Satanism ( atheistic mostly, of course ), tend to be either very mentally disturbed, or just blasphemous jews. Same goes for men.
  76. Tartarus Envoy

    IMPORTANT: Changes to New Accounts and Private Messages

    This could be a good way of knowing more about the person behind the account since they actually have to make known their stance on subjects, and from there people can determine if they are even trustworthy or not... Unless, well, they totally lie and pretend they are with us while they are...
  77. Tartarus Envoy

    Question #4530: hp hc deep voice

    good idea. I second this.(y)(y)(y)
  78. Tartarus Envoy

    Question #4530: hp hc deep voice

    Dont worry, if you truly have this intention its okay. We just have to be careful because you never know who might turn out to have some ulterior motives, and that has happened A LOT in the past..
  79. Tartarus Envoy

    Controlling Over-Analyzing Mind; Strengthening Creative Mind

    funnily enough im actually doing both of these things. I kinda suck at chess though:rolleyes:
  80. Tartarus Envoy

    Feminists, Incels, MGTOW, GBLTQAI

    LOL i swear when i was reading your first sentences i knew that you were the same "lol kid u got bullied haha" guy that keeps popping up in my mail and look! here is my mention :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Damn, are you sure you're straight, lil bud? because you're rolling around another mans...
  81. Tartarus Envoy

    Question #4530: hp hc deep voice

    Not to defame the requester above (they may as well be SS at least a newbie one) I can imagine there could surely be literal jews from israel or some other agency on here, harassing people or trying to derail them. I myself sometimes receive messages from a jew on here in my conversation box (...
  82. Tartarus Envoy

    Specificity with Workings and Affirmations

    @Blitzkreig [JG]
  83. Tartarus Envoy

    Controlling Over-Analyzing Mind; Strengthening Creative Mind

    Thank you for the methods. I personally have the opposite state: I'm too imaginative and sensitive, I feel like I need to do something like this but for the left half of my brain.
  84. Tartarus Envoy

    Plato: Why Does He Reject Myths?

    One thing that I wonder, is that was the surface level of the myths really necessary to be things such as rape, incest, cannibalism etc.? Because I think that maybe there could have been better ways of encoding spiritual lessons, without enticing the morbid fascination of the lower individuals...
  85. Tartarus Envoy

    Question #4530: hp hc deep voice

    His voice reminds me of Dracula a little bit. He definitely has a Plutonian aspect to his voice.
  86. Tartarus Envoy

    Question #4479: In need of resources

    Are you sure? His eyes look really lifeless and weird. Also thanks for the suggestions
  87. Tartarus Envoy

    Feminists, Incels, MGTOW, GBLTQAI

    Not always. Don't be so harsh on your judgement. I've had female friends who had dyed hair and they were fine. I understand where you're coming from though.
  88. Tartarus Envoy

    Question #4510: A friend of mine is Furry, Otherkin and Wikka

    You could try to warn him of wicca, and explain to him how similar it is to christianity, but I dont think you could do much about him being a furry...
  89. Tartarus Envoy

    Specificity with Workings and Affirmations

    my second question is about the "all about immune system and how to improve it".... would you mind making a similar post like that with the details therein, but for teeth and oral health specifically?
  90. Tartarus Envoy

    Specificity with Workings and Affirmations

    Brother, thank you for your amazing posts. I have two questions: How exactly does the Munka workings tie into this? Is it true that for any problem, you first have to dissolve and break down the dense pattern of negative energy using Munka, and then move on to healing something to using magick...
  91. Tartarus Envoy


  92. Tartarus Envoy

    Feminists, Incels, MGTOW, GBLTQAI

    One thing I specifically am critical of in the LGBT community, is their useless Pride Month. Twerking with thongs in front of children somewhere in California, will not stop the muslim monkeys from throwing homosexuals in the middle east off of rooftops and stoning the "sodomites".

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
