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  1. DragonWarrior666


    Thank you all who have worked on this beautiful forum, this a 1000% improvement.
  2. DragonWarrior666

    Happy New Year - 2024!

    Happy new year to all brothers and sisters.
  3. DragonWarrior666

    Joy of Satan CALENDARS for 2024 NOW LIVE!

    Thanks to all who have worked on this great work.
  4. DragonWarrior666

    Humanity Will Understand: But We Know Now

    Thanks for this sermon. HP Cobra666 The light of Satan is shining true all of us, and we never bog down, we know the truth.
  5. DragonWarrior666

    As I Sat On Top Of Ruins: Let Us Prove Ourselves

    Thanks for this sermon. This a very deep insight of what we undergo on this path I feel with you, I'm 9 years on this path and yes I have my up and downs too, and the gods always pick me op to continue on my path. I became ** years old this June, and I keep going strong. Thanks for this sermon...
  6. DragonWarrior666

    Why You Must Never Give Up In Life As A Spiritual Satanist

    Good sermon Hp HDC666 When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. The gods provided the tools. You should listen to them.
  7. DragonWarrior666


    Happy Solstice everyone, may the Gods Bless You.
  8. DragonWarrior666

    2023 - SS CALENDARS [Update: Hungaryan Calendars Ready]

    Thank you all Brother and sisters, you made this excellent Calendar Again and very useful for the coming year.
  9. DragonWarrior666

    The World Is Getting Better, Not Worse - We are Winning & Staying Positive

    Good sermon Hp Hooded Cobra 666 Thank you for explaining that. A positive sermon to get going what we are doing. Sometimes we hid a wall and bounced back a little, but get yourself together and go on. Think positive to newer give up, the gods are here to help you.
  10. DragonWarrior666

    Why I Trust Only In Joy of Satan and Satan Himself, and the Gods, Brothers and Sisters

    Such a beautiful sermon, thank you Hpc666. I, am glad I found father Satan and the gods 8 years ago my life is so much better now Thing are going very strong for me. And yes the gods are always there to help or to listen I recognize the good things they do, and I thank Satan And the gods for...
  11. DragonWarrior666


    This is awesome, I can see my old postings again and see how I have groin. Thank you HPC666.
  12. DragonWarrior666

    The Reptilians, The Dragons & Father Satan

    Good sermon HP Hooded Cobra666 it cleared a lot for me, Reptilian Draco are our enemies .we are all special beings if you know what I mean that's why I chose the name because I feel this way since I did the dedication in 2014. Thank you for your beautiful Sermon.
  13. DragonWarrior666

    What To Do When You Make A Big Mistake As A Satanist?

    Thank you HpHoodededCobra666 for this lecture. Don't understand me wrong, this is very good information for the starters on the LHP I have 8 years on the LHP and I become 60 years old but still I have issue’s but how many times have the gods pick me up and get me going, Hail to the gods of Duat...
  14. DragonWarrior666

    How To Interpret & Understand The Messages Of The Gods

    Very good sermon, HP. HoodedCobra666. What I always have in communications with the gods is. I get an idea or some short words, and it helps me all the time, and when I get an answer I know for certain that it comes from the gods. Hail Satan
  15. DragonWarrior666

    Necromancy: Communicating With The Dead

    Hp HoodedCobra666 Thank you for this explanation and Beautiful Sermon. This is very profound and yes this is how it works.
  16. DragonWarrior666

    Necromancy: Communicating With The Dead

    Yes, you keep your soul conscious, And your essence with you. Don't worry, the gods will help when you die.
  17. DragonWarrior666

    Happy New Unstoppable Year - Advancing Into 2022

    Thank you Hp HoodedCobra666. Happy new year to all my brothers and sisters. And may we advanced further on this pad truth. Hail Father Satan
  18. DragonWarrior666

    [UPDATED: NEW ASTRO FEATURES 11 SEP 2022] - 2022 Joy of Satan Calendar & Joy of Satan Astrology Website NOW LIVE!

    Thank you all very much for the hard work and to everyone involved. the astrological website works very good. Hail Father Satan Hail Bastet and the gods of Duat.
  19. DragonWarrior666

    A Message And All My Writings Collected & Available For Download

    Thank you its always nice to read your reply,s from back then. Wise strict and strait to the point. Thank you HPC Hail father Satan Hail Bastet and the gods of Duat.
  20. DragonWarrior666

    Recent Attacks Against HPHC

    It did shock me i did not expect that answer from the gods. Hail Father Satan and the Gods of duat
  21. DragonWarrior666

    Into Satan's Great Upcoming Aeon

    High Priest Hooded Cobra 666 Thank you. What a beautiful Sermon saying what we are and yes we have won. Thank you for leading us in to victory we have groin in to a big and strong familial warriors with spiritual knowledge. And we are protected otherwise we would not be here.The picture Of the...
  22. DragonWarrior666

    Additional Information On Beelzebul - [Advanced Knowledge] - Updated + On JoS Page Now

    This Great and powerful information.thanks HP HoodedCobra666 for this upgrade. Finale we know how to pronounce Beelzebul the right way. Hail Father Satan and the Gods of Duat.
  23. DragonWarrior666

    Being "Stuck" With Meditation, Patience, Overcoming Obstacles

    Thank you very much High Priest Hooded Cobra 666 This was my question to Father Satan and i have to check our forum for a answer. And there was my answer.Thank you.I,m at a standstill now but i doing my meditations daily and i know this Standstill will pas from what i have noticed is we...
  24. DragonWarrior666

    The Knowledge Of The Gods: "Forbidden Knowledge"

    HP. Hoodedcobra666 Beautiful sermon and informative our forces getting stronger i notice this when i do the meditations and the feeling of joy. we have won this war but is not over yet.i know more to tel but i stop here to many eye,s that see . Hail Father Satan and the Gods of Duat.
  25. DragonWarrior666

    For Students In School: Magick, Recommended Reading

    Good information Lydia with good links.Thank you for that. Hail Satan and the Gods Of Duat.
  26. DragonWarrior666

    Happy And Mighty Beltane To All Of Our SS

    To al my brothers and sisters a happy Beltane. The gods are always near on Beltane i was honored with a visit from Lilith And let my room smell with roses i was very thankful for that. Hail Father Satan And the Gods Of Duat
  27. DragonWarrior666

    Satan: The Great Dragon & Kundalini Serpent

    Good sermon HPC666. I know this for sure when the dragon calls and you reply .your life will never the same again. Hail Father Satan and the gods of Duat.
  28. DragonWarrior666

    About JoSMarket

    High Priest Hooded Cobra 666 My dear brother I don,t want a refund keep the money i send you.you have done enough. for i understand this completely I could feel the roughness of keeping this up.you have saved our websites so thank you very much. and keep going because we are one under Satan and...
  29. DragonWarrior666

    The Goddess Astarte & Happy Ostara

    Thank you Hp Hooded Cobra 666 for this beautiful sermon. i know Astarte as very helping Goddess. she help me out when i was 6 years old for over coming my brothers dead she spoke to me kind and loving words i newer forget this beautiful Goddess. Happy Ostara to all my Brothers And Sisters...
  30. DragonWarrior666

    Is Anyone Keeping You?

    No i,m here at my free will and i,m here for 7 years this is the only true LHP. The gods have always helped me out with certain things and i don,t even ask them.We all are real Satanist in spirit and blood. Thanks Hp for this good sermon. Hail Father Satan And the Gods Of Duat.
  31. DragonWarrior666

    On The Vaccination Subject: Give An Inch, They Take A Mile

    I find this on the internet and i thought i should share this with my brother and sisters.its about the nurenberg trials to the cabal for the covid19 abuse. https://www.bitchute.com/video/LaZWXhrIDwY5/ .See for yourself. Hail Father Satan and the gods of Duat.
  32. DragonWarrior666

    21 Predictions About How Your Life Will Be Under the New World Order [Or Won't Be Given You Do The RTR]

    So in others words they weening to get the power back .that means we are wining big keep up the RTR,s Hail Satan
  33. DragonWarrior666

    Our Websites Are Back Up!

    Everything working fine . Hail Satan
  34. DragonWarrior666

    Complete SS Calendar for 2021 [Updated 9 Jan]

    Thank you very much for this most appreciated. Hail Father Satan and the gods of Duat.
  35. DragonWarrior666

    Yule Season, Saturn/Jupiter Conjunction, And Happy Holiday Wishes!

    Happy yule season for all my brothers and sisters and HoodedCobra666 who lead us to victory. The 21 of December is a special day after that the energies are turning to us all positively. Hail Father Satan and the gods of Duat.
  36. DragonWarrior666

    Building A Fast Track Relationship With Satan

    Thank you HpCobra666. Now i know for sure the little things came from the gods and yes i still remember them all of them and the blue flashing's when i doing the Final RTR are signs the gods are with me. Hail Father Satan and the Gods of Duat
  37. DragonWarrior666

    Beyond hurt

    My intuition tells me the same its a bullock story i,m 6 years Satanist and i have newer experience this before the gods where always friendly and helpful.
  38. DragonWarrior666

    Covid19 is a trojan horse.

    Dear brothers and sisters this is important. we found a video on jew-tube about the corona19 virus .when you are infected. you only experiences the outer symptoms and when you cured you think its is over. but the virus stay inside as a Trojan horse and can course brain damage and other...
  39. DragonWarrior666

    Magnum Opus Levels Explained

    Thank you HP. Hoodedcobra666 for this information it gives a light on this pad where we al walking on Great Sermon. Hail Father Satan and the gods of Duat
  40. DragonWarrior666

    To Glory

    Good uplifting sermon Hp HoodedCobra666 i needed this thank you. and when you described the feelings you had . i have them to .but how many times the gods helps us up en we get a loving feeling in return .they give me tears in my eye,s so much love and help they give.Thank the Gods. Hail...
  41. DragonWarrior666

    Why Doing RTR's is a Life and Death Matter: Astrology For Year 2020-2021

    Good sermon HP Hoodedcobra666. We must act now this our chance to take them down. I do every day The RTR,s even when i,m sick (i,m healing from cov19) don,t worry i,m fine thank,s to the gods and my meditations.So do the RTR,s they are important. Hail Father Satan and the Gods of Duat.
  42. DragonWarrior666


    High Priestess Maxine Dietrich Signed the petition. Pour animals they don,t deserve this treatment. Hail Satan
  43. DragonWarrior666

    [Children's Story] The Evening Before Yule

    Thank you Lydia. It give,s me a warm Yule feeling that we are newer alone and Satan And the gods are always with us.Especially the yule Season. Happy Yule season to all brothers and sisters. Hail Father Satan And the Gods Of Duat.
  44. DragonWarrior666

    Complete SS Calendar for 2020

    Thank you very much @Lydia, @Cleo and @HP Hooded Cobra 666 and ThomaSsS for this Calendar its very useful when your doing the workings. Hail Father Satan And the Gods of Duat
  45. DragonWarrior666

    SS Bitchute Channel

    Thank you very much good work. i will dowload them all. Hail Father Satan and all the gods off Duat
  46. DragonWarrior666

    Coppa law wil end freedom of internet

    Dear Brother and sisters I want to bring this under your attention watch this video on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LY7YgDllpC8. and know what you can espect of 2020. This can also effect our website,s. More RTR,s we must stop this. Hail Father Satan And all the Gods.
  47. DragonWarrior666

    Our Satanists

    Good Sermon HpCobra666. We are individuals but we march as one army under the flag of Satan Connected in blood. Hail Brothers And sisters Keep up the Final RTR. Hail Father Satan and the Gods of duat.
  48. DragonWarrior666

    Spiritual Satanism: On Suicide

    A very deep and profound sermon Thank you Hp. Hail Satan
  49. DragonWarrior666

    Heil Hitler: The Man Who Shook The World

    Very good sermon Heil Hitler
  50. DragonWarrior666

    The Danger For Those Without

    Hp Mageson666 Thank,s for protecting me i understand that it would give away to much with my reply. A little stupid of me. the enemy eye,s see this also. Hail Satan
  51. DragonWarrior666

    The Good News and a Message from Azazel

    Very good news .Thank you HP. Keep up the RTR,s Brothers and Sisters en let us go to total victory. Hail Father Satan and all the gods of Duat.
  52. DragonWarrior666

    On Subversion Of Satanism

    Good Sermon Hp Hooded cobra 666. I see it al around that they trying to equal Satanism and muslims and cristians to the same level. It will not happen to me because i see the truth. Thank,s for the sermon. Hail Father Satan And the Gods of Duat
  53. DragonWarrior666

    Full SS Calendar for 2019

    Very nice calendar and good work but i try to print it out but it is not possible only read it.
  54. DragonWarrior666

    Slothz Tales, Hymie Hustle

    This is a very good yule story. Thank you.
  55. DragonWarrior666

    Satan's Day Ritual - [Must READ, Must PARTICIPATE!]

    Thank,s Hpc666. And a good yule season. Hail Father Satan.
  56. DragonWarrior666

    Hindu Gods

    Good post Hp What i see is that 3.6.9 numbers always,s show up in the universe. as secret numbers.? Hail Father Satan and the gods of duat
  57. DragonWarrior666

    Welcome to Our New Forums

    Its up Again Hail Satan good job.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
