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  1. V

    [Question] Seriously don't understand some of the criticisms towards my ideas.

    That's a complete strawman. Nobody denies that looks matter. What blackpillers say is that looks are everything and are genetically determined, and cannot even changed, so if you are bad looking you're doomed. In reality, looks matter, but they are less than half of the entire thing, they can be...
  2. V

    [Question] Seriously don't understand some of the criticisms towards my ideas.

    I will add as a final reply @RepSel that you think that if someone doesn't believe women are evil then it means he should be a simp that chases after them, when it's not true. Both are extremes and they are closer to eachother like the horseshoe theory: incels are closet simps and simps will...
  3. V

    Question #888: Should I redo the initiation?

    No. Read the page on the Dedication Ritual on JoS, it is said there that the dedication should not be done more than once, it is done only once in your life and it's permanent. It can't get broken or damaged even if you leave Satan or try to do stupid things like a "reverse" dedication, so less...
  4. V

    [Question] Seriously don't understand some of the criticisms towards my ideas.

    This. I don't even understand why a "black piller" would come to a forum of a spiritual path that is based on overcoming our limits, controlling our destiny, evolving ourselves spiritually and becoming gods and try to convince us to accept the "black pill". The "black pill" stands for...
  5. V

    What is Cosmic Consciousness by Paramahansa Yogananda

    Actually, no. Most religions focus either on dissolving the self into something higher (whether they call it "god", universal oneness or something else) or blindly worshiping and conforming to something higher, without understanding that the "higher" being is higher only because they are sending...
  6. V

    [Question] Seriously don't understand some of the criticisms towards my ideas.

    You assume here that what you say in your "hypermanifesto" is true, when it's mostly bullshit. I can easily debunk it: You call them "three absolutes" when in reality to women personality is more important than physical characteristics. Many short men have become more confident and don't have...
  7. V

    [Question] Seriously don't understand some of the criticisms towards my ideas.

    Even if they do represent darkness, this doesn't mean that darkness is evil. The association of darkness with evil comes from the enemy abrahamic hoaxes. These enemy "white light" religions brought much misery to humanity by cutting off people from "darkness", i.e. their insticts, subconscious...
  8. V

    Question #881: Why do the Gods not give negative prophesy?

    You are referring to a totally different matter which isn't really "negative prophesy". Negative prophesy is presenting a negative event as inevitable and fated in order to demoralize you, predicting doom and gloom or the end of the world but not telling you that this is totally fixable. That's...
  9. V

    Eternally grateful for Joy of Satan

    Honestly, I don't know how you guys find these forums without finding the JoS website first, and even after you read the posts in the forums you don't click in the link to the JoS in the front page of the forums. It's all a mystery to me. What do you do, search for "Satanic forums" in some...
  10. V

    Question #870: Brutal terms

    Probably nobody knows. If you are asking us this question because you think you're "evil", you're mistaken because we're not. We are not interested in "nefarious things", and Satan and the Gods are positive beings.
  11. V

    Question #875: Satansexual?

    There's no such thing as a "devil". A monster with a goat-like horns and bat-like wings doesn't exist, and this is just an enemy blasphemous depiction of Satan. Satan is a beautiful, he looks like a human but much more beautiful. It's ok to be attracted to Satan or any of the Gods, but you...
  12. V

    Question #873: Does it offend Satan?

    It doesn't offend anyone as long as you are aware that Satan and the Gods do not look like this at all and this depiction of them is half enemy slander and half allegorical and you do not mistake this depiction for their real form. If you take that for your own personal liking and you don't...
  13. V

    Question #871: how can someone do a spell with no target in mind

    It's impossible not to have a focal point. If you are doing a money spell, your focus is on yourself having a lot of money, obviously, so you visualize exactly that. A love spell is by definition a targeted one where you have a specific person in mind. There's also another working where you...
  14. V

    Question #872: Voljewsia county

    You mean the "Goyim Defense League"? Don't bother contacting them, they are xians. They are the ones operating the youtube-like video site goyimtv.com (which has banned people who posted anti-xian videos) and their founder is "Handsome Truth" who also has a Gab account.
  15. V

    Question #866: How should I prepare for the 21st of April which will be the Incarnation of the Antichrist?

    1st of all: it's April 20th, not 21st. The Incarnation of the Antichrist is just a fancy way to say "Hitler's birthday". Yes, Hitler was the Antichrist.
  16. V

    Question #863: Question on modern heresy 333

    Probably some obscure thing nobody knows or cares about it. I just searched "333 current" on multiple search engines and all it shows is a music video and a Reddit thread where somebody asks about it, and people answer with jewish occultism BS and Crowley (who was not a Satanist) crap. There's...
  17. V

    [Question] Seriously don't understand some of the criticisms towards my ideas.

    Honestly, I don't even know where all these crazy incels come from. What do they think, that this is a men's only or incel only club? Don't they know that about half of JoS members are women and High Priestess Maxine who founded JoS is a woman, so that making posts like these are disrespectful...
  18. V

    [Question] Seriously don't understand some of the criticisms towards my ideas.

    Your original question is also based on a strawman: You have to truly understand what the JoS site means when it says that we're not evil: You see, there are many lies and slander about Satanism and Satanists: that we sacrifice animals or children or harm people for no reason or enjoy...
  19. V

    [Question] Seriously don't understand some of the criticisms towards my ideas.

    Because 1st of all, the machiavellian character type is part of the Dark Triad (machiavellian, psychopathic and narcissistic), and studies show that men are more machiavellian and psychopathic than women, although women are be more narcissistic. You have zero evidence that women are more...
  20. V

    [Question] Seriously don't understand some of the criticisms towards my ideas.

    Vaishnavists are the most Christian sect of Hinduism. Some of them even honor Jesus who believe he was an avatar of Vishnu. It's no surprise that your ideas about women are exactly the same as the enemy Abrahamic religions. In Satanism, women and men are equal. Not equal in the false feminist...
  21. V

    [Question] Seriously don't understand some of the criticisms towards my ideas.

    "Evil" (although we don't believe in absolute evil) in one sense can be imbalance. Imbalance can cause many undesirable and bad things. What you are suggesting here is to pit one sex against the other, which causes imbalance and therefore "evil". Men and women complement each other and one can't...
  22. V

    Question #829: Vodoo animal sacrifices.

    This exact same question has been asked and answered before, here: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=82300&p=418766 In Satanism there are rituals and magickal workings where you can anoint a sigil or talisman or anything else with blood to give it power, but in all of them you use...
  23. V

    Happy Women's Day - To Our Women

    Hey Cobra, maybe I'm missing it, but where was your post celebrating International Men's Day on November 19th? Or maybe you didn't even know there's an International Men's Day too? That's what gynocentric/feminist brainwashing does, almost everyone know there's a Women's day but almost nobody...
  24. V

    Oath to Satan

    No, that's just a cringey attempt to replace the dedication ritual with something more palatable to you. https://joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/SATANIC.html
  25. V

    Question #819: Solomon

    I doubt Solomon is Sol om and on and means sun for 1 simple reason: Solomon is the name from the Greek translation of the OT, not the original Hebrew one. The Hebrew version is ShLMH which is pronounced Shelomah or something similar. Most modern bibles kept the Greek version of the name and...
  26. V

    Question #819: Solomon

    The Keys of Solomon are two grimoires written in the 15th century and 17th century by anonymous authors but attributed pseudepigraphically to Solomon. There are numerous other Medieval/Renaissance grimoires attributed to Solomon, again pseudepigraphically and written by anonymous authors. Even...
  27. V

    Question #814: what do we do in that case

    Yes, you can. Please take a moment to consider this: You want to change your body because you think you feel bad because you look bad when the reason you feel bad has nothing to do with your body. Feelings don't have to do with external things, but your perception of them. You are trying to...
  28. V

    I declare I am truly Lucifer

    Sorry to ruin your fantasy friend, but the jewish "god in heaven" doesn't exist. It's just a thoughtform. Satan/Lucifer is a separate extraterrestrial being that exists separately of you, and isn't a part of you. This is what happens when you read Michael W. Ford, Asenath Mason, or other...
  29. V

    Question #807: hi !

    Satan is a positive and beautiful being and doesn't bring negative energy. You may have some false ideas because you heard enemy lies about him. The enemy christian/jewish god is a group of very negative enemy aliens and christians are being vampirized by them and used as energy cattle. You...
  30. V

    Question #794: Why the Hitler worship?

    No one worships Hitler. People honor him because he was a hero and a Satanist. You're focusing too much on the war which Hitler didn't start (Britain first declared war on Germany in 1939) and which he tried to avoid many times by sending ambassadors to the British for peace, but he was...
  31. V

    Custom Commitment to Satan?

    If you need to contact Satan to be convinced that he's real, you should do that and get rid any doubts you have before dedicating yourself. The dedication is your final step where you are sure you want to commit to Satan and you have no further doubts about Satan or this path. The dedication...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
